#❛  —  ship. arthur morgan  /  morhgan
maidmess · 6 years
* MAINS / EXCLUSIVES  this is a comprehensive list of the current muses I am mains and/or exclusive with. This is for MY comfort on my blog and not to be taken as a personal offense. I find that it’s easier to write when I have established some sort of order rather than continue on the path I am.
IF you would like to discuss the option of becoming a main or an exclusive, please give this a like and i’ll come to you about the option. It is unlikely (but not banned) that I’ll take exclusives of the main characters within RDR and AT MOST I will take 2 mains of a canon muse... this all depends on our chemistry. (keep in mind that I am ship exclusive and will only ship with one of a muse, there is unlikely to be exceptions)
Hosea Matthews  ;  @swindal Dutch Van Der Linde  ;  @theyfear , @derlinde Jesse McCree  ;  @vaqueron Arthur Morgan  ;  @morhgan , @weaklungs Abigail Marston ; @mothermarston Mary-Beth Gaskill ; @writesromance
ship exclusives
Shane Walsh ; @miserybled Jaime Lannister ; @crownedclaw Jesse McCree ; @vaqueron
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