#☆‧₊˚ i'm geting tired even for a phoneix`` threads {sirius} ✩
younggodsx · 7 months
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( @bewitchcd — ) the battle had been a strange thing for sirius — strange in that they hadn't been able to fight in it. if there was one person that the death eaters should never see in a place like this, it was sirius. sirius, one of them. sirius, a spy in their ranks. they could only come out of the shadows when the last death eater had fled. sirius had to leave soon, had to go home and figure out why this had happened. There was one last person they needed to speak to before they left. "The world is a cruel place." They sigh, as they take a seat beside Andromeda. "None of this seems fair."
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younggodsx · 7 months
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( @loneliiest — ) Sirius seeks a moment of calm. They need it. Silence, solitude, something to lean on. They slip from the meeting when it dies down, slip away so that they can breathe without the feeling of panic choking them. When they see Remus, they almost flinch out of shame. They feel weak. But Sirius always feels...safe, around Remus Lupin. "I'm going to, um —" They look up at the man, one of their oldest friends. "I'm going to figure out how to fix all of this. How to help Peter out of this mess. You know that, right? That I'm going to fix it?"
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younggodsx · 7 months
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( @franklcngbcttoms — )
Sirius is good at acting. They have to be good at it. Their life depends on it, now. They must act as if they are the perfect pureblood prince. They must act as if they saw the error of their blood-traitor ways a long time ago. They have been acting, in one way or another, for their entire life. Sirius lives their life behind a facade, and so few people can see through to the other side of it.
Sirius, too, is bad at regulating their emotions. Hotheaded, spitfire, emotional wreck. Mad, people say — madness ran in the Black Family, they all had a touch of it here and there. Sirius has a broken heart and panic is swelling in their chest with every day that passes. Their frieds are captured. Peter is captured, and Sirius does not know how to help him. Yet still they smile at Frank. "Well, look what the cat dragged in." They greet, settling down before the Order meeting starts. "Professor chic suits you, Longbottom."
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younggodsx · 7 months
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( @alicexxnott — )
the order meeting was winding down. people had broken off to talk in smaller and smaller groups — sirius found themself haunting the edges of the room. there was a strange sensation like they didn't belong here. they had that feeling all the time, now, like there was no place in the world where they belonged. there was a mark of evil on their arm, and they were too useless as a spy to even tell the order where the prisoners were being held. they've had to bite their tongue a hundred times tonight, enough that they can practically taste the sharp sting of blood.
they're almost startled when they find themself hovering near alice nott. their histories have been entwined for a long time now. they look at her, and feel their heart clench. alice doesn't like them very much. "you look like you have something to say." they prompt, with a self destructive urge to know what she thinks of everything going on.
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younggodsx · 7 months
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☆‧₊˚ i'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror `` face {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero `` musing {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ i've been the archer / i've been the prey `` asks {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ i'm geting tired even for a phoneix`` threads {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ i think of jumping off of very tall somethings just to see you come running `` tasks {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ she had a marvellous time ruining everything `` starter calls {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream `` threads / alice {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ we're young and we're reckless `` threads / frank {sirius} ✩
☆‧₊˚ bitter are the wars between brothers`` threads / regulus {sirius} ✩
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