#ℒ | Will you think that you're all alone when no one's there to hold your hand? ( Queue. )
fangsforhire · 3 months
resignedworkaholics bared their pretty throat : “What happened to his hands? Why are they missing?”
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‘Oh uh.’
So much for being alone, so much for being bloody discreet. To say he had been caught red-handed, no pun intended, was hitting the nail on the head. The body of the low life sprawled across the asphalt in the alley decomposing quickly thanks to his tools of the trade, not enough to avoid a spectator. Tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth, rising with slow purpose. ( When he’d teamed up with the likes of Bond, he hadn’t envisaged he’d have a shadow. Yet there was more that met the eye when it came to Q and he’d done his best to gain an ally in him. ) His intelligence was impressive to say the least, and their similarities internally had definitely eased him into seeing him as a friend rather than a foe. Which is why the fact he had chosen now of all times to emerge was irksome. Reputation mattered with the likes of MI6. He didn’t wish to be known as the rogue who couldn’t keep his temper.
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‘We required his fingerprints, and he wasn’t going to cooperate. Bloody bastard bit me, so I defended myself. After that, well, I’m not opposed to gore, which is handy for you, really no?’
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fangsforhirearchive · 7 years
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❝ You’re lucky you even :
            -  know my n a m e . ❞
                                        Indie, Selective Vampire Assassin.                                                 Considers himself to be unique & untraceable !                                         Beautiful promo thanks to @gxfttomankind
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fangsforhire · 2 months
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little-miss-buffy bared their pretty throat : "Why do you always have to touch everything?"
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‘Sorry did you say something?’ The soft mutter came from the corner of the room where he was examining what seemed to be a paper weight, balancing it in his palm like a child with a hyperactive disorder. Though that wasn’t far from the truth, restlessness was his default and to combat boredom and the noise within he did all he could. Even apparently being a nuisance while in an unfamiliar residence. ( They’d broken in to find information on a nest of vampires which was causing them both quite the conundrum. When he’d began to research the reason for the mass disappearances, he hadn’t imagined having to team up with the likes of Buffy who should be by rights an enemy. ) There he was, the unique vampire, assisting a slayer of the very creature he was a part of. It was ironic alright, but stranger things had happened. Clearing his throat, he placed it back on the mantelpiece, stretching. ‘Starting to think this place is a bust. I don’t see any evidence of bloodsuckers here. Do you?’
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fangsforhire · 5 months
Anonymous asked: Who is the most annoying human you ever met?
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‘Do you want a list?’
Crikey did they expect him to actually choose? Many mortals infuriated him no end, providing endless headaches and frequent whiplash. The human race believed themselves to be superior, walking the planet as though they owned it, and when they didn’t understand something? They would pull it apart to see what made it tick. ( Worse, they deemed everyone but themselves monsters, but were always the ones to go off the deep end. Just how many wars had he started? ) He’d fought in the trenches, knee deep in horse shit, and seen the destruction with his own eyes. Humans were a disaster waiting to happen, and despite it all, they still managed to to worm their way in. To set his world on fire and challenge him as though he wasn’t capable of ripping them apart. 
‘Fuck, uh. You really gonna put me on the spot huh? That’s really damn hard to decide, okay? There’s Moriarty, who thinks he shoots rainbows out of his arse. There’s that prick Severin who just winds me up the wrong way, Stiles fucking whatever his face who can’t decide whether he wants to block me or bed me, Ruby Moran who is just the biggest brat to brat, like half of females who think they can flutter their eyes and I’ll fall head over heels - oh sorry is that sexist? Anyway… there’s My-cough who thinks he’s above it all, every human who’s ever tried to psychoanalyze me, like purlease, darling. Give up. There’s that Jawn guy who just can’t see to keep up… yeah I can’t pick. Sorry. Just assume if they’re human, they’ve annoyed me at some point.’
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fangsforhire · 3 months
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sesyeuxocean bared their pretty throat : “better get out of my way” . From Sin @pleinsdemuses
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‘I’m sorry I must have misheard you, can you repeat that?’ Talk about fucking cheek. The audacity of some people never failed to astound him. Did they simply not understand that he could swat them away like flies? Ugh. It was too easy, too tedious. The majority of species who had the absolute nerve to challenge him were left alive because putting them down wouldn’t be satisfying and yet they were some that just pushed him to breaking point. ( Any mention of HYDRA these days was enough to set his teeth on edge and fuel the fire within. ) The entire organisation needed ripping from it’s foundations and yet to eradicate an idea took careful prep. Cut off one head wasn’t enough for him. He planned on decapitating them all. 
It had started with stalking the big-shots, making them just a little too uneasy. Once they’d upped their security, he’d moved on to freezing their assets, and feeding their enemies intel. ( He was more than happy to play the long game, only increasing the speed when he grew bored or something took precedence. ) Before he knew it, he’d gathered himself quite the collection. The agents had very little hope of ever seeing the light of day, but he wasn’t without mercy. Well not entirely. He’d given them a chance to repent, to atone their sins.
Some of them had chosen to crack their cyanide, others had mocked him, and several had cracked under the pressure, proving that for all their ideologies, they  were nothing but frightened little men. ( The belief that no one left HYDRA, except for a body bag had been proven, it wasn’t merely a rumour and yet to him, it barely made a difference. ) He couldn’t afford to take pity on the weak, on those who had been so susceptible to exploitation, that hadn’t questioned what was right or wrong. The funny thing is, given several decades and shifts of circumstance, he would have once thought HYDRA had the right idea. Yet even someone as sadistic as he was able to see they had gone too far. ( Power had turned them hungry, arrogant. They believed they were bloody invincible, the whole lot of them. ) Take now for instance. Despite her hatred to her so called-father, she still had bluster to challenge him? Stupid, no? Was she not aware of what he was capable of? Did she like them completely underestimate him, or was she just asking for a smack?
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‘First of all, Princess. It’s a free country. I’ll go where I please, and second of all? I’m not even in your way. I wasn’t aware you’d even be here. You know why? Cause you aint a special snowflake like your Daddy made you believe, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Jeez, next you’ll be expecting me to play butler and open doors for you – not an invitation by the way.’
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fangsforhire · 3 months
Anonymous bared their pretty throat : Jim is a sheep. Beep Beep!
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‘A sheep, nah he’s more like a wolf in sheep's clothing, really.  Did you fall for his little act? Then again in his words, that is rather the point.’
Mimicking the irish drawl was second nature, grin tugging at immortal lips, bemused at the idea of Jim being as ordinary as the rest of them. Following others was not in his vocabulary, he did all he could when he was being Moriarty to stand out from the crowd. ( There weren't many who could whisper his name without resorting to a flinch or two, and yet his bond with him ran deeper than mere myth and legend. He’d seen glimpses of the man underneath the flesh, the human whom he’d regretfully become rather attached to. ) Jim was a damn enigma, unpredictable, thrilling. It still irked him how one man could change his entire attitude and make him abandon former vows. He’d sworn never to work anything but free-lance, and yet there he was, pandering to his whims. Fucker. 
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‘I wouldn’t let him hear you call him that, he’ll turn you into shoes… somehow.’
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fangsforhire · 3 months
Anonymous bared their pretty throat : "Why have you got a gun?"
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‘I thought I’d water some flowers.’ Sarcastic response slipped from him before he could stop it, fingers curled around favoured pistol. Outside looking in, it appeared average, nondescript. Yet the truth was far more devastating. ( Specially adapted with a silencer that could rival a weapon workshop, its bullets were tainted with grace. It had the same capability as an archangel blade and to him it was better suited for his person. ) It had taken months to create from scratch,  numerous nights of humming and ahhing, long after sunset. Now it was his go-to, having earned the right to take pride of place in his remarkable arsenal. Few very things were immune to such sheer power, which made it beautifully lethal. ‘It isn’t a standard gun, okay? Didn’t you know appearances can be deceiving?’ A wave of the firearm was given with a soft tssk; safety catch still thankfully secured, preventing Angel from being blown into oblivion. ( Nah, despite being reckless Lucien knew how to take precautions. This 'soul-ful' vampire was not his enemy and he had no beef with him. ) Alas, he couldn’t say the same for the thing they both seemed to be looking for. A species he had yet to suss out. It was rare that he had company while stalking the shadows, but the bastard had clearly attracted more than his attention.
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‘You’ll be thanking me if I have to use it.’ 
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fangsforhire · 3 months
Anonymous bare their pretty throat : ❛ have you ever had a recurring dream? ❜ - Bucky
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‘Bold of you to assume I sleep there, Buck.’
Hands pushed through hair, eyebrow arching at the somewhat dishevelled figure in the doorway of his bedroom, having left it open a crack just in case the super-soldier became restless and required some kind of grounding. ( He’d learned through Valentin that conditioning often came into play during slumber and so was it a surprise he couldn’t settle? ) HYDRA may be gone, but their trauma was still raw, and adjusting to normality was not so simple. They were accustomed to obeying orders in Russian, even requiring permission to rest. To say it had fucked up his already erratic sleep schedule was an understatement. It was now more hit and miss than ever, whether he managed to take a doze. He’d spent the night sketching wolves for his alter; keeping half an eye on the monitor which displayed Valentin curled up, sedated.
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‘Why are you asking anyway? Is it happening to you?’
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fangsforhire · 4 months
malka-lisitsa bared their pretty throat :
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"I'm gonna be real with you, we havent known each other long enough for me to pretend like I know what to get you. So top shelf liquor, but in addition to that. I saw the little rabbit doll your kid had in that picture, and I had someone make a replica of it. It's not the same. I know, but it's something... to keep with you and think of her."
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‘Darling, you didn’t have to get me anything, yanno?’
When he’d gone to the lengths he’d gone to to retrieve her something unique and suitable as a gift, he hadn’t expected it to be returned. Despite being a complete and utter arsehole, he didn’t give to receive. On the contrary; it was rare he ever got presents. ( It had only been recently since he had permitted a celebration of his creation date, and that was more for Lucifer’s sake than his own. ) His father seemed determined to attempt to make up for lost time and it was rather sweet, even if he wouldn’t admit it. Neither of them had much experience in the whole bonding department, they were making it up as they went along, and yet… the fact she had purchased such expensive alcohol had him touched. However, that was nothing in comparison to the latter… ‘Wh-?’ Words failed him and for a moment the entire world stopped, Lily’s laughter echoing distantly, giving him an eerie sense of dejavu. How many times had she insisted on that bunny joining them? She’d taken it everywhere, clutching it in a delicate palm with the protectiveness he’d passed down. ( His beautiful baby had kept hold of it until the final second the lights had left her eyes and… ) fuck – pulling himself back to reality, he wasn’t surprised to find himself blinking back blood, the distinctive tears making tracks down his cheeks, coming thick and fast, and hell no, once he’d started he couldn’t stop; repressed emotion pouring from him. Teeth grit, a sharp hiss released, his fangs sinking into his fist, to stifle the sound. Few things could render him… into such an emotional mess but his daughter? His sweet… angel. Gone too soon.
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‘Ah, fuck – I - I’m sorry about that… I can’t… Katherine, I’m aware I look like a pathetic son of a bitch right now, but there are no words… to… explain what this means to me. I don’t think anyone will ever truly grasp the grief of losing a child.’
Lips quivered as he fought for composure, reaching to seize the replicated rabbit, clinging to it with trembling fingers. Sucking in a breath, he rubbed frantically at his crimson stained features with a sleeve, storing the keepsake in his jacket pocket, allowing it to peek out, looking upon the world a way his daughter couldn’t. ( He would never forget this moment and he knew better than to draw attention to it, having just fallen apart without warning in front of her. ) Though he did have to question how she could accuse herself of having no heart. He couldn’t recall anyone ever hitting this close to home before… he’d cried a handful of times in his life, and yet somehow she had tipped him completely over the edge. ‘Thank you. Now bloody hell, this liquor is calling my name. Shall we?’
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fangsforhire · 4 months
little-miss-buffy asked: "Look, Lucien, I've been out all night. I'm all bruised and lumpy. I'm exhausted. I'm covered head to toe in Thraxis blood, which actually kind of burns. So, whatever you want is gonna have to wait until I take a shower."
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‘The fuck is a Thraxis?’
Was that even English? His dumbfounded expression was proof that shockingly he didn’t know everything, finding it odd to hear a term he couldn’t identify immediately. ( Luckily for her, it even distracted him enough to question how in god's green Earth she knew his name ) ; more focused on racking his brains and trying to remember if he had ever heard of or come across a Thraxis but nope, he doubted she was talking about some kind of boot. Questioning expression remained, opening and closing his mouth several times, waving her off to take her shower, now aware of the stench radiating from her. That- he assumed was the remnants of the Thraxis. Disgusting thing, by the looks of it. Great, all he needed, some new species to keep tabs on.
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‘Alright. Don’t mind me, Princess. I’ll just wait here then.’
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fangsforhire · 4 months
langdhon asked: Just stands there, head canting to one side, and stares.
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‘Take a picture, it will last longer.’
Cheshire cat grin was given with the tease, head shaking as he too became fixated on checking him out, arms folded across his chest. While being the enigma he was, he had come to expect fascination and admiration, from those who could sense his unique nature, there was something different about the way the individual was surveying him. ( Not to mention he could sense the power than ran through the others veins, almost as raw and tangible to him as his own. ) It was refreshing to come face to face with a true force to be reckoned with. Many all bark and no bite. They may talk big but when push came to shove their knees would buckle and down they would tumble. Alas not him - he doubted many had a hope in hell of overpowering him or getting him to do anything he didn’t want to. It was admirable, his demeanor full of mystery, which was a match to Lucien’s own. 
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‘I know, I’m pretty, aren’t I? Now - what can I do for you?’
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fangsforhire · 5 months
fortitudina asked: thanks for noticing, you're very observant ( from Iris )
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‘So I’ve been told.’
Her sarcasm was met with a casual retort, shrugging sheepishly as he slid behind the counter to join her. When he’d entered her restaurant, to check in and see if she was alone, he hadn’t expected to want to assist and yet the sheer amount of people waiting to be served had prompted him to take charge. ( Soon he’d had everyone seated, barking at them to be patient and allowed her to return to the grills to work her magic for them. ) He doubted he would get any genuine thanks, but he immediately felt a sense of relief at halting the chaos, tapping his finger as he watched over the room, ensuring everyone was tended to, pretty pleased with himself. 
‘You ever consider getting staff? Your pies are getting more popular.’
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fangsforhire · 10 months
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fangsforhire · 5 months
vulpuslunae asked: “   i knew you’d be here .   ”
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‘And pray tell, how could you have possibly worked that out?’
He wasn’t known for following any particular pattern, too paranoid to do so. Hell, even he hadn’t made up his mind to enter the woods, until his feet had taken him across the ground, breaking branches underneath smart shoes. ( There was something tranquil about nature, a fondness he had passed onto Valentin, and for some reason being surrounded by the possibility of wolves, made him feel closer to him. ) His location had been abrupt, sat in a clearing, running his fingers amongst the undergrowth. He’d been able to forget there, that his alter was frozen in ice. Asleep in their own made cryogensis tank, per his request. Like Bucky, he’d believed going under would be beneficial, and no amount of protesting from either of them had done jack-shit. Yeah, life really wasn’t fair.
‘Did he ever bring you here? The forest, I mean? It’s beautiful isn’t it? Makes me think of him and his optimism.’
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fangsforhire · 2 months
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Anonymous bared their pretty throat : Where do you get the pants to fit your third leg?
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‘My third leg as you so eloquently put it spends its time caged or glamoured, so normal trousers will suffice.’ Sacrifices had to be made. He’d learned the hard way that locking it up was often for its own good. His package was something that was often both a hindrance and an asset. ( Spontaneous boners demanded to be felt, and in the field it had become far too inconvenient for his cock to twitch and stand to attention, all but prompting a stroking. ) Nah, the alternative was better. It stopped people from being able to take advantage and grope him too, their surprise at meeting metal always making him smug. He was hardly average and it was hard to conceal a stiff dick.
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‘Depends on the occasion though. At home, I don’t even wear clothes anyway.’ 
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fangsforhire · 2 months
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Anonymous bared their pretty throat : So... This Sin woman?
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‘Don’t.’ Dear me. Could he not have a day without someone trying to purposely aggravate him and push buttons that should never be pressed? There was something that infuriated him no end with Sinthea fucking Schmidt. ( Many would believe it was jealousy, after all she was extremely close to the Commander, but his spite was hardly due to envy. ) Ironically she’d gotten under his skin, someone’s company who had grown on him. Nights spent drinking with her weren’t half bad and her dark humour complemented his own. Still her presence irked him, she just rubbed him up the wrong way. ‘I can think of a thousand other topics I’d be more interested in discussing. Like the weather - it’s pretty shit lately, huh?’
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