#|| ' i cast vicious mockery . nat 20 . let's go ! ' || { talaitha // about }
spareastory · 3 months
So a little something about two of my newest babies [ at least to tumblr, one of them I've been writing for years and just adapted ]...
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This is Talaitha. She is a High Half-Elf. She is also a bard. She has a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue. Independent. Authority-defying. Probably just shy of calling for Rebellion and Anarchy when the Steel Watch takes over and the patriars don't seem to be doing SHIT--as usual. Is a killer lute player, as well as the lyre. Will not take anything from anybody [ but cares a lot more than she would let on ]. Has been on her own for several years.
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This is Rebekkah. She is a Half-Drow. She is a life cleric of Ilmater. Honestly one of the kindest people you will ever meet. Has the biggest heart. Would help a perfect stranger without even having to be asked. Also happens to have been born entirely deaf.
As different as these two young ladies are in both appearance and personality, they have exactly one thing in common:
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Their father, @banefulbenevolence.
And yet, somehow, both have a sort of resemblance to him.
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For the first, Tala's lips are almost exact. A little more round and a fuller upper lip, but the overall shape is quite similar. She definitely shapes her eyebrows to get them to Look Like That. Similar-ish overall face structure. I suspect she tends to narrow her eyes like her father, too. And I think her skin tone is a bit closer. Prominent chin, but a much stronger jaw. Cheekbones are a bit more sharply angled.
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Bekkah has thinner lips, but roughly the same shape even so. Thicker eyebrows like dad. And I feel like the eyes are pretty close when he isn't Scowling or trying to Look Tuff™. Again, similar face structure, though in a different way. [ Were I able to mod, her nose would probably also be not far off from how his looks, too, due to similar physical trauma at a young age. ] Not a super strong jaw, same as Enver, and still a prominent chin.
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