#{also i'm not sure if naeva would know gangrel is rosa's child so i left it vague}
fellmother-archive · 4 years
@regaldisaster​ || Starter Call
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     For years now, the night has served as a breather for the sage-- a time when she could truly take solace in the fact that most others are asleep, unable to search for her; unwilling to approach those brave enough to be awake. Even now, after the death of her husband and the few surviving Grimleal having pledged their devotion to their former leader’s wife, the queen regnant still finds herself spending the late of the night on her own, reflecting. So, when the silence enveloping the area is broken by the sounds of footsteps, no matter how much the sand muffles them, brown eyes are quick to snap open, purely out of instinct. A quick search meets the woman not solely with darkness, but instead a familiar form-- one that is not entirely welcome, but also not one she would threaten on sight. 
          “Greetings, Gangrel. What a surprise it is to see the likes of you out at this hour,”
     Her voice is hushed, yet still carries a forced, melodious tone to it. How odd it is to speak with one who was nothing more than a pawn to her husband-- someone whom he deemed both equally useful and useless; valuable, but disposable at the same time. Her head turns to face away from the other’s form, hands collecting in front of her stomach.
          “Tell me, who or what were you planing to terrorise? Not a soul ventures out this late without a reason.”
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