#{ isola event ;;
isolaradiale · 3 months
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"The subject of humanity has been a hotly debated one for a long time, in fact. For example: Ofiuco is not "human" but she had developed "humanity". One doesn't simply need to be a human to exhibit it. So under what circumstances might that "humanity" be tested? Perhaps... an event that must be survived at all costs? And can this humanity be retained if one's container is changed?"
It finally seemed like the cold winter's grasp was finally beginning to loosen its hold over the city. How was it that an island that had to be so relatively close to the equator even experienced winter in the way that it did? A question that plenty had asked themselves who lived in the city and yet the only answer was just to not worry about an answer.
At the stroke of midnight on that Friday night things began to seem odd. Had a new chill set in? Things became very cold very quickly, with frost gathering on windows and a terrible blizzard raging. But to make matters worse? Power across the entire city flickered and immediately shut off and communications were powered down. It became concerning because how would they brave the cold if it continued? Maybe things would look better in the morning?
It might have. If the morning ever came.
6am came and went. Then 8am. And 10am. And while the blizzard had finally calmed and opened up the sky, the Northern Lights that had emerged merely continued to dance across the starry sky. The city was frozen over and blanketed in an excess of snow. Everyone's lives were clearly at risk.
Everyone's phones should have been drained of their power and yet a voice called out from the phone's speaker. The screen would flicker to life it taken out, and options were displayed. Creatures. Animals. Were these supposed to be the "Guardians"? What did they do? Could they help? Who had sent them? With little other option, many began to make their choices and were rewarded with a warmth that allowed them to go on.
But with time? More than mere warmth would be provided to them. Accepting the help of a Guardian came with an undisclosed cost.
How much of your humanity are you willing to shed to survive?
Haunted by an eternal night, the entire island has fallen to a deep, dangerous cold overnight while simultaneously being buried in a heavy snow. The city's power and communications systems have also gone down with no signs of being restored anytime soon, making things rather dicey since temperatures are dropping as low as -37F (-35C). Adding to all of this? Abilities don't seem to be working. Needless to say this is a matter of survival.
But the city and the surrounding branches have become a proper arctic biome. While powerless buildings still tower high above, wildlife typical of a frozen climate that couldn't have even existed before thrives. And the night sky is filled with stars and the Northern Lights when not covered with snowy clouds.
And so it's a good thing that a mysterious benefactor has prepared a way for the citizens to survive. Taking temporary control of the otherwise inactive cellphones, they offer the people a choice. Choose a Guardian. And beneath that text? A list of animals that thrive in cold climates.
Upon selecting one of these animals you'll receive a number of benefits:
the extreme cold feels significantly less taxing, making surviving easier
you'll be able to sense others who have chosen a guardian nearby, making it easier to find and collaborate with others
you'll be able to sense sources of food, although in some cases it will need to be hunted
This all sounds convenient. Maybe a little too convenient for there not to be a trade off and, typical of the antics of the Stars, there is. As the minutes, hours, and days tick on it becomes difficult to ignore the signs. Perhaps your ears become similar to those of the Guardian you have selected, or maybe you grow similar fur at first. But with time these traits spread and worsen. And some instincts begin to develop that could hardly be considered "human". Seemingly you have borrowed the power of your guardian...
...But at the risk of becoming the very same critter you've selected. Because what can survive better in the extreme cold than a creature who evolved to thrive within it?
Which animals can be chosen for our characters? You can select any animal so long as they survive in cold climates normally! Things like arctic foxes, snowy owls, seals, whales, penguins... You aren't limited to mammals alone so long as you abide by that rule when picking them! However they must be real animals that actually exist, not things like dragons or yetis.
How quickly do the side effects occur? It's up to you! You could have them onset immediately, or have them develop gradually over the event's course. There's no timeline beyond what you personally would like to do with them!
Can we choose more than one animal? Can we switch them mid-event? You cannot select more than one animal at a time. However you can swap your Guardian one time during the event if you aren't feeling it, or if you want to try something else.
What if my animal is already not a human and aren't affected by the cold enough to select a Guardian? The cold is so deep that it should be enough to bring about substantial risk for most citizens even if they aren't made uncomfortable by the cold itself. Machine lifeforms would function less efficiently, and even the more adept to the cold might struggle with all of the snow. If you need a reason to make your character select one, you can always speak with some friends or contact the masterlist for an idea in a worst case!
Do I need to select a Guardian for event participation? You don't! You could have your character not pick one at all. That said, you could also have them pick one and not show any side effects, as...
What is the minimum and maximum amount of side effects we can inflict on our characters? As mentioned previously side effects aren't required and you could leave your character unaltered! On the opposite end, you could completely shift your character into their Guardian animal if you'd like. Anything in between is fine too, so go as little or as hard as you would like!
"Instincts" are also mentioned. What would those entail? Essentially these would be things that would make them act more like the animal they are becoming. Like burying food in the snow to keep it safe, or hunting using certain methods if their animal is a born hunter. Again, these are optional and you could shift your character into an animal's form while retaining their human sense.
So powers aren't working during this event? Nope! But any weapons your character has retained are still available!
Would characters who are non-biological in nature gradually become biological? That's up to you! If that's an angle you'd like to explore with your character becoming flesh and blood then feel free!
Will the event have a part 2? No! However we will be posting "weather events" over the event's course that will change the conditions in the city in extreme ways temporarily, be it a blizzard or an even deeper chill. It isn't necessary to acknowledge these if you don't want to though!
When does the event end? The event ends at 11:59:59PM on Friday, March 29th.
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weavehearted · 6 months
"Ah, ah-- Keep your eyes closed just a moment longer. No peeking!"
Gale leads Astarion by the hand, only letting go when they reached their apartment door. he fumbles with the key, nearly dropping it from a mixture of excitement and nervousness. with little bits of their realm leaking through to their new surroundings, an idea had come to him rather quickly. one could argue the return of their abilities would be better spent aiding in an escape plan or perhaps defeating any pesky monsters that sometimes slipped through the portals, but to Gale, that all could wait.
give us a day, he thinks, to share in each others company in total comfort.
he pushes open the door and it is not the same apartment they were used to. a simple illusion, mere childs play for him, created a near exact replica of Gale's room back home. the sight almost makes him want to weep. the bookshelves and stacks of tomes, a fire crackling in the hearth, all of his statues and paintings and other such knickknacks exactly where he had left them. artificial sunlight peeks through the door to the terrace with all the warmth of the real thing, but with no risk of harming Astarion.
"Okay. You can open them."
Gale gestures to the room with a flourish, enthusiasm clear in his voice.
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"Ta-daaa. A little piece of my home back in Waterdeep. I...I wanted to share it with you, while I am able to."
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sunliteve · 1 month
It'll be fun and new, but it may also be troublesome! — that thought repeated in Hiyori's head until he both requested support and signed up for the hedge maze. Physically gifted and probably willing to join if offered payment, Constantine was this first one he called for this competition. Céline, Constantine's sister and Hiyori's interesting coworker, was also invited. He wanted to see how well her dancer skill translated to agility and grace in this kind of scenario.
Since the challenge began, Hiyori had been moving at a brisk but attentive pace. He'd only caught sight of little inconsistencies so far (slightly different flooring; a glint of a wire), which saved himself trouble but left the cat's — and his teammates' — current position a mystery.
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"Constantine! Céline! Can you hear me~?" he called out toward the distant ceiling with his hand curled around his mouth to amplify it. "Have you spotted the cat recently~?"
@uwps001 ➥ @uwps002
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kleinstar · 3 months
🫀 🫀 🫀
When Eiden comes to he's face down to red cradle of innards, meat in in between his teeth. He reaches for support, feeling his hand sink into something soft with a squelch. The attempt to wipe his face only serves to spread the blood to is face even more.
Like that, a little out of it, he stares at the one that ended up sort of waking him up from it.
" Err... I found this and... "
Shoved my face onto it? Started munching? What am I supposed to tell here?
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" ....didn't mean to? Sorry? Is it uhhhhh yours ? "
He'll deal with the whole weirdness of this later.
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thegreatfraud · 3 months
Looters are found hanging upside down in the street lamps as a rumor giant bird of pray is hunting them. Slash marks....not enough to kill but wound. But whoever doing this know a thing or two as Huey escorted the last of his staff to one of their safe houses to survive the winter. He examine his hands in the flickering lights.
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"Stage 2 huh?"
Huey fingers nails have becoming more and more owl like as he find his hand if unfocus automatically go into a claw like stance. The cold isn't as bad with the guardian protection as his back now have a layer of feather that allow him to fly to a limited degree.
But none of the electronics are working. No phones, No...
A foot step. Faint and careful not to make to much noise. But Huey owl sense give him the heads up.
By instinct Huey throw his wooden sword hard enough it break though concrete as he turn around to see Lyney. The wooden sword missing Lyney head by at least ten inches.
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"Hoot to see you just doing fine. Ain't ya a little cold still wearing the shorts?"
Huey motion him to come closer. Unlike the valentine event this feel more....like wrestling with one animal instincts.
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sixthear · 3 months
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artistic rendition of liu'er's winter coat.
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ultimatelifefcrm · 3 months
So, this seemed to be the caveat to this strange dimension. Being thrown into some dangerous scenarios like someone's guinea pig...Well, actually, he wasn't going to think about that, now wasn't the time to get existential when he stuck out in the total whiteout.
While another certain hedgehog blended in, too well, actually. Before Shadow could really get lost in his thoughts and devise a plan, he faceplanted right into the fresh snow.
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"You're napping?" They were kidding, right? Whatever the case, the annoyance was palpable from the black hedgehog as he helped himself back up.
While he didn't say anything else, the stare that Shadow was giving him oh so clearly said, 'explain yourself.'
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eusarca · 4 months
"This is a more exhilarating way of spending my morning than I usually follow!" Kyrie admitted cheerfully as they jogged alongside their new acquaintance, Indigo. They weren't really dressed for the exercise, but they never planned for their powerful encounter amidst the smell of incense to sweep them along into it.
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"Thanks for letting me come along with you! Do you usually do this alone?"
★ @cladinivcry
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bigshot · 3 months
Endless Aurora Info
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Surprise surprise... Spamton's chosen the adelie penguin for his guardian! Physically, he's at an even point of changing and begun to look a lot more organic:
His joints have vanished beneath a thick coating of feathers that cover his entire body and repel water, even his hair has been replaced by a feathery equivalent, and he's obviously much softer to the touch.
Spamton's still got that trademark puppet grin, only now it's beneath a nose that's a fair bit sharper than before.
He can swim!! Look at him go wowow he's gonna catch a fish!
Ruffle his feathers enough and maybe he'll make some funny sounds
Yes, he has a tail
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miraclescrest · 6 months
"Miyako!! You found the digital world too?" Daisuke called from above, his D-3 in hand. It seemed like it was resonating with digivice capabilities of her phone and led him right to her.
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"Hey, wait, have you been to the digital world since you were a kid?"
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"Why don't you two join us up here? There's lot's to see! It'll be easier than shouting...Or should we go down?"
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thiefguild · 1 month
@ofmartritz -> @corvisque -> @panwati
he'd signed up for this, they all had, but...
...standing alone at his entrance to the maze, already having lost sight of the damn cat they were supposed to be catching? it was daunting. he really needed to stop finding himself in labyrinths.
Titus shakes his head, hair flying wildly, and clears his thoughts. this was child's play! his sense of direction was excellent, he could practically sniff out traps, and he was athletic enough to catch up with a crafty feline. he hoped. armed with nothing but a little stamp, he was ready to get a move on, but instinct kept him from just running forward. he'd been nearly caught in his fair share of traps before and wasn't keen on adding to the list.
cupping his hands around his mouth, Titus tilts his head to the sky and yells.
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"Hey--! Ari, Zev, Mercie--! Ya hear me? Be careful out there!"
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isolaradiale · 1 month
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Fireworks erupted overtop the city's centre where the giant hole usually could be found. Except now it was filled with a huge stadium! When had that happened!? As was often tradition in Spirale, plenty early risers would have their beauty sleep disturbed by the blaring of an announcement over the electronic devices in their possession.
"That's right, Jonathan! This is an exciting year for the Spirale Games! Well it's the first year, but that's what makes it so exciting!" Anything with a screen would have displayed video of Ofiuco's android body sitting at a sportscasting desk. But there was no one else present so who was she talking to? "We have a number of exciting events for teams to sign up for and we can't wait to see you out there!"
Of course the implication was that if they didn't see them out there then those who didn't participate wouldn't be reaping any of the rewards!
Welcome to our April / May event, the Spiral Games! As you can imagine we've taken inspiration from major sporting events, but this is closer to a celebration of many different skills and only some of the events are based on athleticism! You can find a full list of the events here so that this post isn't too cluttered!
So how is everything going to work?
Characters can participate in some events alone, but we encourage everyone to form teams of up to four characters! All of the team members don't need to participate in every thread if you don't want to but the option is there if you'd like! Teams will have no bearing on rewards (but it will make them easier) so there also isn't a limit of how many teams a character can be in to prevent a scenario where some characters are let out just because some people made teams early on.
If you would like to, you can give your team a name and even design a logo!
On the event list page you can see a list of events and the rewards you can earn from participating! Rewards can only be claimed by the team members who participate, so if you choose to do a one person drabble then only you get those rewards!
You can participate in as many events as you want, but the amount of Stars one character can earn from the event is capped at 500 Stars. This does not include the regular amount you get for event participation.
There will also be an unlock reward for this event, however there is a stipulation to this. In order to claim the unlock you must write at least 300 words with at least one character on your account that your muse has yet to interact with. So long as the thread is event related it will count, which is where teams could certainly help!
As always please feel free to send any questions you may have to the masterlist!
The event ends at 11:59:59PM EST on May 17th!
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flamesire · 7 months
Unfamiliar scenery clouded his vision, people running about the streets as they tried to figure out what was happening. The few who understood seemed to be helping others find their way into the madness, though Joshua still found himself very much confused. Thankfully, he'd managed to apprise the situation from someone who seemed to be in a hurry, but it still left him with more questions than answers. As he made his way through the streets, which became increasingly more empty the further he went along, the sight of a familiar face surprised him, but she looked lost in thought all on her own.
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"Mercedes…!" He rushes to her side, a hand placed on her shoulder once he's close enough. "Are you well? You seem distracted. It's not safe for you here, let me escort you to safety." Though there probably wasn't much of that anywhere, it was better for them to stay together, at the very least.
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windwarden · 10 months
"Give me a fucking break…" One minute she'd been leisuring on a park bench just outside of Archimedes, contemplating what her next course of action would be, and then she'd been transported to the lobby of some weird spacial structure. As she watched the broadcast of current happenings in the city, all she could feel was annoyance. This was one hell of an inconvenience, but nothing she couldn't handle. Figuring it'd be best to move away from the larger crowds of people and into the more secluded hallways, Benedikta does just that.
As soon as she's away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds though, it becomes eerily quiet as she walks through the halls of the station. Aside from the very distant sounds of chatter, she can still hear echoing off of the walls, she finally stops to stare out of one of the glass windows that offer her a view of the planet below. All things considered, it's a pretty scenic view, one that she'd probably be able to enjoy if the situation at present didn't seem so dire. She reaches for her smoking pipe, but before she can bring it to her lips she's interrupted by the sound of a scuffle not too far down the hall from where she is.
Curious, she hurriedly speeds in the direction of the noise and is greeted with the sight of something that should be heroic. Clive Rosfield, holding at bay three menacing alien-like creatures that yipped, barked, and jumped in an attempt to harm the people who cowered behind him for protection. Ever the one to play the hero, just like his traitor of a mentor.
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As he deals with those nuisances, Benedikta waits until he's distracted for but a moment before calling out to him, "Clive Rosfield!" And when he turns to look at her, she conjures what small bit of wind she can into the palm of her hand and sends it forth in an attempt to knock his sword from his hands.
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kleinstar · 1 year
" At first I thought it would be nice to have like tropical juice, pina colada or ice cream stands... "
He's talking to his pet rooster, petting it as he walks.
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" But honestly it's kind of fun like this too! Like y'know, it's own experience! Tropical camping!! What do you say Chips? Should we make a smoothie? I need someone to watch you though! "
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thegreatfraud · 4 months
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If Huey was lucid and not under the effect of the mood altering Choco he would....have a literal heart attack over how much he spending right now
Of course BECAUSE he under the effect of the choco he don't take shit like self interest into consideration.
"Is that Big Venti i see? AYYY! HERE FOR THE DRINKS?"
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