#[[Mun's got some unusual hobbies.]]
angel-dust-addict · 2 years
Oh, you asked for three things. Prepare for the most random assortment of things. XD
I have been taking advantage of downtime at the haunt to teach/reteach myself ballads. Particularly murder ballads, disaster ballads, and dirges. I feel like people don't have the sort of appreciation for these things that they deserve. Balladry in general is like that, really, but my specialization is a bit more macabre than most. But I love these stories. Especially the ones we know to be true. Some of them, though, are so old that if they are about a real crime, it's been lost to time. The oldest one I know can be traced back to the 1400s, making it roughly six hundred years old. And not only is that fascinating, but the way they change over time is just incredible. Balladry is like a multicentenial, transcontinental game of telephone and I just think that's amazing. My floor manager at the haunt thinks I'm nuts now that he's gotten to listen to me sing about death for several straight weekends, but he agrees that I'm still probably the most normal person on my floor, so....
Cats are the weirdest, most contrary creatures. One of mine screams to go outside and then will get out there and complain if her paws get wet. (She's leash trained, she's not just out running around on her own.) I'm sorry it rained and you sat at the door and screamed anyway. And if you're eating some something, they want it and will attempt to steal it off your plate. But if you offer it to them, they have no desire to eat it. They're also perfect little hunters. Except that one of mine has no clue what to do with anything she finds. The other one will proudly bring me ants he's caught when spring hits and they come out of hiding. (I live in an older wooden structure, they're virtually inevitable until you can spray for them.) He'll just trot himself right on over and spit out a mangled wad of legs, carapace, and cat slobber at my feet. But on the medieval note of the last point, I do also love the old illustrations of cats stealing penises on behalf of the witches they served as familiars. If you've never seen those, look them up, they're hilarious.
And for something actually RP related, I do love seeing when people write little drabbles and things, or explain headcanons about their muses in fun and/or interesting ways. It's just a fun thing to see on the dash. And it really tells you how much they enjoy their characters, too. Which is always awesome to see. I find all the threads really interesting, of course, but sometimes it's fascinating to just see how the muns portray their own muses in a vacuum. Because while watching muses interact can be telling, so to can the random little bits of information in headcanons and the way in which those are presented.
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twst-rose-prisms · 4 years
I got tagged by the wonderful @nonsensical-twistedriddles so here we go! \owo/
Get to know the Mun!
1) What do you prefer to be called name wise?
- Angie or An-chan is alright! You can also called me Snowy too since it's my first nickname! (as a child) ^^
2) When is your birthday?
- January 11th!
3) Where do you live?
- Hanoi, Vietnam!
4) Three things you're doing right now?
- Playing games (mostly TW), drawing, writing! (Though I'm still a noob)
5) Four fandoms that have your interest peak right now?
I'll list more than 4 because I'm in tooo many fandoms 😂
- Twisted Wonderland (duhhh)
- BanG Dream! ( Both GBP and AAside though I'm interested in the boy side more )
- Ensemble Stars!
- Cookie Run
- Jibaku shounen Hanako-kun
- Who made me a princess
- The abandoned empress
- Bakarina
6) How has this pandemic treating you?
- I mean, since I'm quite lazy and prefer to stay at home, I actually felt alright with it. Though of course, it's boring and I'm kinda miss my friends but at least I have more times to practice drawing and polishing my OCs! (Because of this Alice got a proper backstory too!)
7) A song you can't stop listening right now?
Alright, I'll list more than one because I listened to way too many songs xD
- Any BanG Dream! songs ( both GBP and AAside )
- Piece of my world - Night Raven ( aka TW opening song )
- Any J-pop songs in general
- Real Friends - Camila Cabello
- The one that got away - Katy Perry
8) Recommend a movie
- Any Ghibli studio's movie
- Any Disney's movie
- Any movies by Makoto Shinkai
9) How old are you?
- Physically: like Lilia
- Mentally: like Malleus
10) School, university, occupation or others?
- The old boring highschool~
11) Do you prefer heat or cold?
- Definitely cold ❄️ I hate the feeling of sticky skin and sweaty clothes, ugh, it's just pure disgusting (but of course, I can't stop it... ) I also love the feeling of staying in the warm blanket and eating hot food on a cold day, it's really good~~
12) Name one fact about you that others might find unusual
- I daydreaming. A lot. And also often talk to myself and singing whenever I'm alone, like when doing a vlog or something -w- I also sometimes speak Japanese in different tone, like voice acting for some characters on anime xD
13) Are you shy?
- 100%. Though if you become my friend, I can be very talkative and won't talk non-stop if you have the same hobby/like the same thing as mine ^^ Although I like to make friends on internet, but in real life then hooo boy... That's an entirely different story.
14) Do you have preferred pronouns?
- She/Her! Though I won't mind they/them but I'm kinda proud of being a girl sooooo
15) Biggest pet peeves?
I tend to get angry quite easily... I also a bigmouth too, but only when I got angry... But don't worry, I won't get mad easily on the internet!
16) Favorite "-dere" type?
- Definitely dandere, they just a ball of cuteness that you want to protect, you know? (That's why Alice is a dandere uwu) I also like tsundere and yandere too, but only if they're boys ( tsun and yan girls are way too overrated for me )
17) Rate your life from 1-10. 1 being crappy, 10 being amazing
-I would say 8. My family not always happy and not wealthy either, but knowing that I'm still lucky than some people out there, I'm somewhat satisfied with it now ^^
18) What is your main blog?
- @twst-rose-prisms ! ( Since Mr.Tumblr hates my other blog and won't let it appeared in search results anymore, I decided to make my other blog become the main one! So if anyone wants to tag me in please tag this blog so I can get notified! Thank you! ^^ )
19) List your side blog and what they're use for?
- @twststrash: mainly for rebloging and fangirling xD
20) One thing you think people should know about you before they become your friends?
- I'm very talkative and will talk non-stop if you like the same thing as me! But of course, if you have to go offline for works then I don't mind stopping! Other than that, my ask box/DM is always open for a chat! ( Both blogs of course ) ^^
Tagging: @lovecore-md (I'm curious owo) and of course, anyone else that wants to do it! :>
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elegie-de-sang · 5 years
Never-ending survey - Lucian
Tagged by: @under-the-blood-moonlight 🌹
Tagging: @hangedemperor @handofcards @blackmagesol @kiara-nocturne @lydha-lran @rifted-vitale @heartxofxsword @tsukikotanshi @thevoilinauttheory & @ssytxiv
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FULL NAME: Lucian de Sang
NICKNAME: Lucy (Hates it though)
AGE:  48
BIRTHDAY: 23rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
LANGUAGE/S: Common, ishgardian
HOME TOWN / AREA:  Ishgard, Coerthas
CURRENT HOME:  Pillars, Ishgard.
PROFESSION: Head of the House de Sang
HAIR: Short, dark red hair with scarlet highlights.
EYES: Blood-red.
FACE: Diamond-shaped face, with high cheekbones.
LIPS: Thin, and seeminly naturally dark in color.
COMPLEXION: Pale, almost grayish.
BLEMISHES: Dark circles under his eyes.
SCARS: A diagonal scar running over his right eye. Another smaller scar on his left cheek, right under his ear. Clawmarks on both of his shoulders, four on each.
HEIGHT:  6′7
WEIGHT: Appears underweight and sickly.
BUILD: Slender body with long limbs.
FEATURES: Long fingers turn black towards the tips, ending into clawlike fingernails. Eyes seem to glow faintly in the dark.  Unusually sharp canines.
ALLERGIES:  Can you be allergic to people?
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Usually combed & gelled back.
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Arrogant.
USUAL CLOTHING:  Favours red in all his clothing. Usually a mantle or cape, baggy, white shirt with frills, baggy pants, high-heeled boots & golden jewelry (ring on almost every finger). Carries around a decorated cane, and hardly ever leaves the house without it.
FEAR/S: Losing control, poverty, failure, powerlessness.
ASPIRATION/S:  Rising his house back to its former glory.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Confident, hard-working, charming (if he wants to).
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Arrogant, Supremacist, Narrow-minded, Withdrawn.
TEMPERAMENT:  Melancholic
ANIMALS:  Snake.
VICE HABIT/S:  Tends to be a gambler, and heavy drinker.
FAITH: Lost.
AFTERLIFE?: Hopefully.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: An elezen supremacist.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Well educated, as a heir to his house.
FATHER :  Quillenard de Sang (deceased)
MOTHER :  Lucienne de Sang (deceased)
SIBLINGS :   Lysander de Sang (brother, deceased), Lucy de Sang (sister, status unknown)
EXTENDED FAMILY: None worth a mention.
NAME MEANING/S: Light / Blood
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: Scandals shadowing the previous heads of the house.
BOOK:  Poetry.
DEITY: Halone
HOLIDAY:  Its all the same.
MONTH: Months of midwinter.
SEASON:  Winter
PLACE: Armchair at the fireplace.
WEATHER: A cold winter-night with northern lights dancing across the sky.
SOUND / S: Organ & violin music.
SCENT / S:  Hibiscus, old wood, red wine.
TASTE / S:  Red wine.
FEEL / S:  Fresh, warm blood on a soft skin.
ANIMAL / S:  Does not care about animals overall. Chocobos are handy for traveling.
COLORS: Red, black, gold.
TALENTS: Magic, fencing, riding.
BAD AT:  Gardening, controlling his temper.
TURN ONS: Confidence, good manners, the hunt, pale skin, longing eye-contact.
TURN OFFS: Untidyness, rudeness, stupidity, pretty much being anything but of Ishgardian nobility.
HOBBIES: Fencing, alchemy.
TROPES: Anti-hero, Monster.
QUOTES : “Such an intriguing lady you are... Intriguing indeed.”
                 “Maggots.. The cancer of our beautiful city...”
                 “A wolf eating tainted meat, gets sick.”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  The name of the movie would be “Élégie de Sang”. It would most likely be a melancholic horror movie about the scandals his parents got trapped into, about their passing, Lucian’s childhood and how he became the heir for the house.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  I would imagine something like dark ambient-music!
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : This is most likely from the weird side of table, when talking about ideas for character, but... My lifemate’s character got a dog. We were joking about her naming the dog after some snobby Ishgardian lord she dislikes. And so Lucian, or as the dog is called “Lucy”, was born!
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :  I love Ishgard, dark aesthetics & old vampire-movies... And those three just mix perfectly.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  He is an asshole and racist.. I would hate him, if he was a real person. Damn, time to time I hate him, even though he is my own character!
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   In the end.. Not much. I think the aesthetics and love for good wine.
Q7 :   How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   “Maggot... Now writhe out of my sight...”
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :   Like-minded individuals and characters with similar backround and goals. Throwing him into same room with some people he dislikes from the bottom of his heart might also be interesting!
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?        
A9 : Music and aesthetics mostly. And in Lucian’s case especially, interactions with other people and their characters.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 : Not that long, suprisingly. Maybe an hour...ish?
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eorzean-capitalist · 5 years
Never-Ending Survey : Isrun Whitewood
Tagged by: @kodie-ffxiv.
Tagging: @entropytea, @sporebat, @nineprotons, @cosmicdwarf, @stuckonstones, @voidsentprinces, @yokasaris, @qarukhel, @thegildenheart, @ahlis-xiv.  And anyone else who wants to!
Rules: Repost, do not reblog, tag 10 blogs!  
FULL NAME: Isrun Whitewood
AGE:  33
BIRTHDAY:  32nd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Viera, Rava.
LANGUAGE/S: Woodspeak, common, Garlean.
HOME TOWN / AREA: Village of Meret-njer in Dalmasca
HAIR: Dark grey like a rainy day with black highlights that touch the tips of her ears, too.
EYES: Grey
FACE: Heart shaped
LIPS: Painted black.
COMPLEXION: Dark grey skin.
BLEMISHES: Pale freckles dot her cheeks.
SCARS:  Many scars, most of them light, except a very long, puckered scar down her torso.
TATTOOS:  A small clan tattoo on the bridge of her nose.
HEIGHT: 6′2 fulms
WEIGHT: 190 ponzes
BUILD: Toned arms and legs.  Buff bunny.
FEATURES: Nothing unusual for any Rava Viera.
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Long, straight, tied off in the back with stubborn wisps of hair that curl close to her face.
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Neutral, flat look usually. 
USUAL CLOTHING: Leather armor mostly, some plate for protection.  Leather boots, gunblade.
FEAR/S: The loss of her freedom, and of the people she cares the most for.
ASPIRATION/S: To find peace in the world outside the village she was born in.  To learn to live again, knowing she can never go home.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective, fair minded, tactical, adaptive, patient.
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Overprotective, complacent,, closed off, bottles emotions.
TEMPERAMENT:  She is outwardly quiet, inwardly a storm of emotion she refuses to let loose.  To anyone observing her without knowledge of her background would find her a skillful and calm tactician.
SOUL TYPE/S:  The Guardian
VICE HABIT/S: None right now.
FAITH: Her faith is in the Wood and the elementals.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: She’s not really political at all.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Reads and writes in common and Garlean.�� 
FATHER : Unknown
MOTHER : Bryndiss Meret-njer.
SIBLINGS : Valentyne Meret-njer
EXTENDED FAMILY: Many aunts and cousins.
NAME MEANING/S   Isrun is Icelandic for Ice Magic/Secret.
BOOK: No true favorite, anything Giah puts into her hands she reads.
DEITY: Althyk the Keeper
HOLIDAY: All Saint’s Wake
MONTH:  January (First Astral Moon)
SEASON: Winter.
PLACE:  The Wood
WEATHER:  Cloudy or rainy.
SOUND / S: Wind through the trees.  The steady downpour of rain.
SCENT / S: Cool rain on warm earth, wildflowers
TASTE / S: Salty, tangy
FEEL / S: Always on guard.
ANIMAL / S: Crow, deer.
COLORS: Grey, dark blue, purple.
TALENTS: Woodworking, hunting, foraging, tracking.
BAD AT: Letting out her feelings.  
TURN ONS: Kindness.  She also has a thing for gold hair.
TURN OFFS: Treating other people poorly.  Narcissism. 
HOBBIES: Carpentry, gardening.
TROPES: The Stoic
QUOTES : “Anyone who says ‘I’d rather die than serve the Empire’ has never had to make that choice.”
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?       A1 :  Lots of shots of falling rain.  
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?           A2 : Funny you should ask. Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?         A3 : I fantasia’d her to become a viera, and I needed some sort of background fo her.  Thankfully, FFXIV Write challenge 2019 really helped me solidify her personality and past. Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?         A4 : I love buns. Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 : She’s got PTSD that she refuses to acknowledge let alone deal with. Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?           A6 :   We both have a black and white sense of right and wrong. Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?         A7 : I’m sure if she knew I existed she’d ask me to please stop tormenting her.  Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?       A8 :  Anyone who is more innocent, or needs protecting. Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?     A9 :  Music mostly. Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?   A10 : Several hours, I was typing between cutscenes in a few runs of Castrum.
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rkjei · 5 years
birthday    september 5, 1995 height    162 cm weight    42 kg place of residence    gangnam, seoul; south korea eye color    dark brown hair    black, long piercings    typical lobe skillset   dancing + charm
style    often wears extremely high end brands, namely chanel.  not above ordering one of a kind clothes if she can’t find exactly what she’s looking for at any point in time.  her style is really expensive, even a simple shirt and jeans combo could run a high price tag.  people will think that she’s extravagant, however this is just the kind of thing she’s used to  -  she truly believes that you get what you pay for.
NOTE *    all of this information is known both through public appearances and was released through her mga entry form.
has an older brother who became her legal guardian after the death of her parents.  he’s around 13 years her senior, so he often spoiled her  (   as seen above.   )  she and eric shared stocks in their parent’s company, but after jei came of age she gave him her stocks and made him the highest shareholder.  all of this is known information given that jei’s a seoul socialite  -  if someone follows along with things like this, that is.
will often donate to various charities.  she’s not a fan of volunteering or anything, but enjoys giving money and supporting various causes.
has two dogs and a cat.  wrinkles is her pet pug and he’s often nicknamed prince.  though it’s unknown, she bought a dog for hyun named jin who is featured prominently on her instagram so that hyun can see him grow up.  finally, her cat is named meimei.  hyun dropped her off and although jei didn’t want her at first, eventually she grew on her.  meimei makes the least number of appearances on her instagram because she doesn’t like the camera.
this information is currently unknown to the public as she was signed as a private trainee.  after her presence at the TRIPLE THREAT COMPETITION, jei was invited by tiger jk himself to a meeting in his office.  there, she was personally offered a contract based on her experiences and growth as a performer.
market o competition
though it isn’t well known what song she provided backup vocals to and the tape hasn’t been released to the public, it was said that she was involved with the competition via her mga entry form.
semifinalist on mga season 4, contestant #4011
the first contestant shown of the season, also had her martial arts skill featured on air.  well received as a leader and choreographer by netizens, though her no nonsense attitude was often under fire for not being “ funny”.  
sskt commercials
tried out for the kt commercials on a whim without realizing they were for kt.  ended up landing a role as an extra even though in her mind, it was an entire waste of time.  jei doesn’t think it’s very noticeable that she was even in the commercial, but fans may be able to recognize her in the background.
triple threat competition
basically being the petty bitch that she is, she performed myname’s tell me which is the song that got her kicked off the mgas.  this time though, it landed her a contract.  surprise?
HYUN OF CONVEX  -  ( current ) ex boyfriend.  probably the only man she’s ever truly been in love with even if she can’t quite admit it to him.  broke up with him recently for a number of reasons, namely that she felt neglected but also partially because she felt as if she was holding him back and he didn’t want her anymore.  none of this is known to the public, but it is apparent that they’re friends because he often likes pictures of jei on her instagram as well as pictures of one of her dogs, jin.  jin is the dog that jei got for hyun as a congratulations gift for debuting with convex. UPDATE  06092019  -  the day after hyun’s comeback preparations were over for very nice, he went to see her and they decided to give their relationship another try.
YIEN OF CONVEX  -  best friends  (  known  ), former friends with benefits  (  unknown  ).  yien is probably the only person jei trusts fully.  it often seems like she teases him which is unusual behaviour for her considering she doesn’t often interact with others in this way.  it is a way of showing her comfort with him.  she appreciates yien for a lot of things he did for her even if neither of them talk about what they are anymore.
MGA CONTESTANTS  -  it should be assumed that jei still speaks with some of the mga contestants she was in a group with.  the following are more known connections:
HA SUNGWOON  -  he had a (  small  ) crush on her during the mgas.  they no longer speak but the public doesn’t know this.
HWANG HYUNJIN  -  her mga son, probably the person she’s closest to after the mgas.
KIM CHUNGHA  -  grew closer during their group work for instruction and still remain close friends.
instagram  /  @ kimjeii ;   public, updated often features pictures of herself and her hobbies or food that she’s eating, along with pictures of her pets  (  mostly jin  ).  with her appearance in both the mgas + the trc competition, her follower count has shot up drastically in comparison to what it once was.  she now has around 20k followers.  
youtube   /  @ jeikimdance ;   public, updated sporadically there’s not a lot of updates on jei’s channel  -  it was opened after her stint on the mgas to showcase some of her dance routines and choreographies.  right now there are about three videos up, one of which is a video with team vista of the mgas doing the in my feelings challenge.  the others are a god is a woman dance choreography and a cover of valkyrie by oneus.
please note that this is information that shouldn’t be dug up unless the mun is asked!
attended university  -  studied business administration and fashion as majors;  graduated in february 2018.
recently broke up with her year -long boyfriend, hyun  (  yes, the one in convex  ).  they’ll be getting back together soon, but it won’t be found out by the public anytime in the near future.   note: have been back together since 05192019.
lives in a penthouse suite in gangnam.
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strekkingur · 5 years
character questionaire. repost, not reblog. 
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     Eiríkur Aðalsteinn Sævarsson PRONUNCIATION.       (oh boy this’ll be fun, click to listen!) /‘eiːrikʏr/ /ˈaːðal.steitn/ /’saiːvars.sɔn/ NICKNAME.       Eiki (by family), Ice (by everyone else), he actually dislikes nicknames but some people just won’t stop using them despite being asked to stop several times by him... he’s given up trying to correct them at this point GENDER.        cis male HEIGHT.    178 cm / 5′10″ AGE.       18 by appearance, 1,140+ in reality ZODIAC.         Gemini SPOKEN LANGUAGES.       fluent in Icelandic, Danish (refuses to speak it), English, and knows intermediate German and French, can also read Old Norse but tends to revert to modern Icelandic if he attempts speaking it
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.         pure white EYE COLOR.         pale lavender SKIN TONE.         matches with a snow bank BODY TYPE.         tall & thin, quite lanky with legs for days ACCENT.         slight Icelandic accent (the cutest accent in the world), though he tries to mimic an American accent VOICE.         clear and melodic tenor voice but his tone is often sullen and loaded with attitude (which means he speaks lower than his voice actually is), with just a little bit of hoarseness, voice claims! Icelandic & English (note that the voice claims are his singing voice, though the Icelandic one is closer to his speaking voice) DOMINANT HAND.         right POSTURE.         stands very tall and straight, tension in the shoulders, defensive SCARS.         covered in burn scars from his own volcanoes TATTOOS.        none (see below for his phobias) BIRTHMARKS.         two moles vertically placed on the left side of his neck MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).        his unusual colouring and his resting bitch face
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.      believes he was born in the Westfjords, around Ísafjörður, probably HOMETOWN.           Reykjavík (before he left Iceland for over 600 years, living with Norway and Denmark) BIRTH WEIGHT.         unknown BIRTH HEIGHT.         unknown MANNER OF BIRTH.         he remembers waking up by a fjord covered in ice FIRST WORDS.         Hverr eruð þit? (Old Norse, and plural “you”, btw) SIBLINGS.         Norway (by blood) Greenland & Faroe Islands (by family ties) PARENTS.         no biological parents PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.         raised by human chieftains before Norway came to the picture in the 1200s
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 ! OCCUPATION.          the personification of the Republic of Iceland / student? farmer? who knows CURRENT RESIDENCE.        house by the sea some kilometres north from the town of Vogar in the Reykjanes peninsula (essentially he lives in a place that is considered the middle of nowhere)     CLOSE FRIENDS.          America, Canada, the Baltics (esp Lithuania), Liechtenstein, Poland RELATIONSHIP STATUS.          single FINANCIAL STATUS.         middle class DRIVER’S LICENSE.    yes CRIMINAL RECORD.          non-existent (the worse he’s done is something like petty theft from street vendors as a child which at most got a scolding from Norway - oh yeah and street fights when he was a bit older) VICES.         short-tempered and irritable, covers up a lot of his emotions with anger, sharp-tongued, independent to a fault, scared of rejection/abandonment but actively drives people away from himself... do I need to continue?
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         (demi-)biromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant |  SWITCH. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  DOMINANT  |  switch.  (being submissive just stands against everything he is, I’d say it’s not so much being dominant than that he hates other people controlling him in any way) LIBIDO.         average, I guess, this might change if/when he starts dating TURN ON’S.        tba TURN OFF’S.         tba LOVE LANGUAGE.       he’s not much for verbal “I love you”s but you’ll definitely know from his actions, he’s sweet, considerate and very protective of the people he cares about (if someone insults his friend, he will physically fight that person, good luck trying to stop him) and takes mental notes of their likes and dislikes, slowly lowering his guard once you gain his trust... in romantic relationships he can become quite a cuddle bug to the one (1) person RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.        he will admit his crushes to himself and admire people from afar but won’t make his feelings known unless he knows they will be reciprocated... which he doesn’t think they will be bc who in their right mind would like a person like him (he is unfortunately blind to his good sides)
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      he has two, Síðasta kveðjan by Árstíðir (you can tell I listen to this band a lot) and Kolniður by Jónsi (as a fun fact, the quote “tónlist mun lækna ógróin sár” - music will heal open wounds - comes from the Árstíðir song and my ic tag - inside me a storm reigns - is a line from the Jónsi song) HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.          listening to/playing music, reading, knitting, horse-riding, hiking and taking walks MENTAL ILLNESSES.     PTSD of abandonment, some specific phobias (needles) PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.         moderate allergic asthma LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.         left PHOBIAS.     needles, doctors, hospitals (just an all-around medical phobia though needles will actually drive him to anxiety/panic attacks), abandonment & rejection, snakes, also dislikes being hugged/touched especially by surprise (I jokingly call this hug phobia bc he’ll always grow tense or even flinch away if you don’t give him a forewarning) SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.         abysmal (he acts tough but deep down he’s insecure af and thinks he’s a bad person, that there must something seriously wrong with him/his personality - he realises his temper is a major problem but he’s not exactly in control of that - and that’s why no-one can genuinely like or love him, and everyone will eventually leave him when they realise this, how else could his own brother have left him behind like that?) VULNERABILITIES.         the fact that he’s a teenager already throws more than half of his emotional and impulse control out the window, other than that, he’s very sensitive about his abandonment trauma from Treaty of Kiel
TAGGED BY. I stole it from myself TAGGING.  anyone who wants to!!
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abouttiimeadjacent · 7 years
HELLO! I'm Rory. Pronouns are she/her/hers. I'm 28 and I live in the US in New Hampshire. I've been roleplaying on tumblr since December of 2010. My first roleplay blog was rorytheroman. I've made a lot of blogs since then and this hobby is something I really enjoy. 
That being said, I do have a full-time job as a toddler teacher. In addition to that, I’m in school working towards my Master’s degree in Psychology.  It's not unusual for me to end up exhausted and not feel like drafts (for, you know, weeks... months... on end). All I ask is your patience.
I have... a lot of rules but they’re really just, you know, basic things and come from almost a decade of tumblr rp.  Please don’t be intimidated I’m wicked chill.
This blog is private-- I only roleplay with mutuals. (This means we follow each other.)
I generally follow / follow back people whose characters I either really enjoy or am familiar with. Assuming the other person is following me for one of the same reasons, it adds up to a better time for both of us. And that's why we're here, right? To have fun?
If you haven’t been active for a few months, I may unfollow you. This is nothing against you, I just stress when the number of blogs I’m following gets too high. If you return and wish to continue rping then let me know! I’m more than willing to follow you again!
I will sometimes roleplay with multiples of the same character. Even if they're not tagged as such, these are alternate timelines from the others. Each relationship developed is unique.
If in our interactions, Marty is in the future, living there, doing future things, it might be my main future verse that involves Kim Possible. In that verse she’s Marty’s girlfriend and she’s not from a television show so don’t tell him that because that’s weird. (I can’t believe I have to put this in my rules but it’s happened multiple times and people got weirdly pushy about it so here we are.) Marty doesn’t go up to your character and say he saw you on Netflix. Just-- don’t make it weird.
I don't ship just for the sake of shipping. There needs to be chemistry and time needs to be put in (from both muns) for it to work. The only character I will automatically (kinda) ship with is Jennifer Parker as she is the canon girlfriend of Marty. That being said, the same rules for any other roleplayers would apply to Jennifer. If I don't feel our writing styles or views on the ship are compatible, I won't write with you.
Speaking of shipping-- if you ship Doc and Marty I will block you. No exceptions.
Your character should not automatically know Marty is a time traveler. They shouldn't just happen to be around to hear a conversation in which time travel is mentioned unless it makes sense for them to have been there. Certain characters can be an exception to this, but these exceptions are made on a character-by-character basis.
(However, I am happy to do occasionally do threads where your character thinks Marty isn't who he says he is due to having seen the BttF films.) (Because I do recognize that BttF is a thing that canonically exists in other things like Doctor Who and Stranger Things and stuff.)
I am super fine with turning ask memes into threads!
If I drop a thread (which is rare) never fear! I'm 100% sure I still want to roleplay with you! Sometimes dropping threads makes room for new things!
Dropped threads don’t mean dropped relationships between characters!  I like keeping things fresh, ya know? And I get bored easily like it’s 1000% not you, it’s me.
If you come to me wanting to do a thread or plot, please have something in mind. Like-- anything. Tell me a verse of mine you'd be interested in doing something with. We can make it work. Just give me something.
I reserve the right to drop threads / any interactions at any time. It’s nothing personal. You probably did nothing wrong. I just get anxious about things easily and sometimes I deal with that by blocking people. Sorry in advance.
I don’t have a modern verse. If the idea of time travel doesn’t fit in with your character I won’t be offended, just let me know. Or don’t. Whatever. It’s fine.
All the icons on this blog were made and/or edited by me (and the majority were made completely by me). Please don't use my icons. I've spent a lot of time making them. But here are some Marty McFly icons not made by me (and 2 random gif icons from Bright Lights, Big City???)-- [ x ]  [ x ]
I usually don’t follow / follow back personal blogs. I don’t mind if you follow me but ask that you respect my rules. Speaking of...
Don’t reblog my threads / ooc posts unless you are directly involved with them. Don’t do it. Just don’t. (Unless we’re mutuals and the post is like... a photoset or something. And headcanons are off-limits unless you ask.)
Along the same lines as the above rule, if we aren’t mutuals I would appreciate you not liking a lot of my posts at once. Especially out of character ones. It makes me uncomfortable.
If it seems to me that you haven't read my rules, I will likely ignore and/or block you.
They are here for my comfort and I don't feel like they are unreasonable or are hard to follow.
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