#[[ Morty is a little spooked x'D ]]
countlessrealities · 5 months
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@galaxyinfinitum sent: Chandra is looming in the distance just watching the pair. They are curious! The Celestial finds them both veeery interesting. (for Rick & Morty)
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Morty is the first to notice the figure that has been following them. They have kept their distance so far, but their stare is so intense that it has been sending shivers running down the teen's spine, until he has given into the urge and turned around.
Or, maybe, Rick has known all along too and has just decided not to mention it. It wouldn't be the first time. The scientist has the bad habit of ignoring everything that's not his current focus, no matter how dangerous or important it might be.
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"Uh, R-Rick?" The teen calls out, with a hint of worry in his voice. "Did you see...T-There's a...There's someone staring at us. An-And I think they've been doing it for...a while."
He hesitates for a moment, unsure about whether or not voicing his concerns to his grandfather is worth the trouble. They will probably be dismissed, as per usual. However, since the creature doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving them alone, in the end he gives in.
"I-It's...it makes me nervous. S-Should we...I don't know, do something about it?"
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"An-And what the fuck do you want is to do? S-Start a fight? K-Kill them? Throw them into the Blender Dimension?" Rick oh-so-predictably replies, rolling his eyes. He's obviously unimpressed. "J-Just let them do whatever, Morty. F-For all you know, t-they can't really see us an-and are just chilling. O-Or maybe they think you're stupid and it amused them. O-Or maybe they think I'm hot an-and to enjoy the view."
A shrug follows as he returns his eyes on the scanner he's handling, showing that the subject is already closed for him.
Morty, on his part, can't stop himself from shooting their stalker one last cautious look, before he scoots closer to Rick as they keep walking. He'll do what he's been told, as much as he can, but he also wants to be sure not to keep the genius within his arm's reach. Just in case.
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