#[ and we decided to have Ahisami ( NK ) be rewritten as an OC and placed within our canon series so he's out in the middle of season 3 ]
solarisgod · 5 months
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Really hating the forming pattern of how the people who Micah love most would die thanking them, yet, it’s a perfect pattern that plays a significant theme to Antineon Hieraeon and Micah’s character.
Micah has always been the individual who represents love and reminds of hope themselves. When they were a child until they were in around fifteen to sixteen years old, they never believed in the idea that they were meant to belong to Earth— to exist, while there would never be anything for them to live for in the end. Goals and dreams weren’t something that they cared about for themselves, not after learning that their amnesia and intellectual disability prevents them from achieving the certain skills and knowledges they need in order to enter astronomy field, becoming an astronaut and be with the stars and planets and celestial more, or at least they couldn’t be an aviator either, being with the sky and clouds. They had always feel so helpless and worthless with themself and their capabilities.
Although over time, Micah tried to think about what they want most that so many people across the world couldn’t have. Love. Micah wanted to be that someone who people could trust and feel belonged to while finding nothing but joy and comfort in their presence, someone who could bring infinite lights in their lives. Micah ended up wanting to live a life where they can mean only love and light to most, if not all. They know violence and death and horror will never end, yet, they also know neither will love and hope and kindness; and they will bring them as much as possible to the world, even if it would forever hurt them. Micah is so painfully aware the people they love will die, but they want them to die without a regret.
Therefore, for people— especially those more beloved and significant to Micah— to take their last several seconds to thank Micah for anything before they make their final breath in life, it tells Micah so deeply that what they had done and said was more than good enough to that person, and they had achieved that personal goal of helping them meet genuine peace in their death— having to die with no regrets at all. It reminds Micah that their existence is worth something phenomenal to the universe, either they acknowledge it or not. Micah is still trying so much to believe that they mean to exist and they are more than good enough, but as much as the moments like these would be agonizing for them to bear…
Micah would sooner find serenity knowing their loved ones died feeling only loved, and that will always mean everything to them.
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