#[ NOOOO DW ;O; life comes first!! ]
arodrwho · 7 years
dw liveblog below
tardis engines
o shoot, regen energy? longer hair? what is going on????? how much time has passed, who has been the hurt (....lmao no pun intended exCEPT FOR RETROACTIVELY PUN V MUCH INTENDED) and why and what went down in all this time and ?? they seem upset but i predict not for themself? i get the feeling there’s something they still wanna get back and fix, lives they gotta save (or life?) and they don’t have time for all this dying nonsense
a cool looking spaceship. it is a spaceship right? yes --oh. that’s a uh? black hole perhaps? maybe?
1 tardis ! 1 missy !
“thing one and, the other one” lmao
“someone’s watching” gee i wonder who
“he calls us friends” “ew doctor, think of the age gap. time lords are friends dear, everything else is cradle-snatching” uh, alright? xD
backing away from a black hole. nice
who are u???? are u in charge of the ship
“you’re probably handsome, aren’t you. well congratulations on your relative symmetry” ........an ace, perhaps?
“exposition and...comic relief” lmao -- “we’re not functions.” “darling, those were genders” an joke, or An NB time lords??
“that’s roughly human flirting” .....an ace, yes. or perhaps an aro
“i’m streamlinin, i’m savin us actual minutes” oh my gosh xD
“that’s his actual name” hAH
“nobody knows the doctors real name” “i do, cause i grew up with him” pfft
“is this the emotion humans call spanking?” oh my GOD missy
“i’m the only one, it’s--it’s me!” bill, no. buddy, friend, no
“my name is doctor who” “it’s not, is it?” “i like it” awww
dr wh--no, bill. b illllllllll fUCK bill fuck fuck bill, i’ve never wanted to be right less in my life
one flashback. helo bill, still alive bill
“she’s different” “different how” “i don’t know” g osh. (QPP) “she’s the only person i’ve ever met who’s even remotely like me” “so more than anything you want her to be good?” “are you having an emotion” I CERTAINLY AM
“she was my first friend. always so brilliant” oh gosh -- “she was my man-crush” somehow i don’t think time lords would rly have phrases like that, so this must be sth twelve adapted from humans
“she was a man back then, fairly sure i was too. it was a long time ago, though”  !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
“we’re a billion years beyond your whole petty obsession with gender stereotypes” heck ye ahh
“we were going to see them all. but he was too busy burning them” g osH. too many pretty words
“she scares me. like, she really scares me” [hugs the bill]
“just promise you won’t get me killed” NOPE. nope nope nope nope nope nope RUDE
“you’re human, and humans are so mortal. i mean you pop like balloons” how dare you?
unacceptable. UNacceptable. bill is fine
mondasian cybermen. she’s being converted, because of course she is. fuck all of this
“honey, listen to him” ahhhhhhhhh
a bill? hi bill
“full conversion wasn’t necessary, though it will be in time” htat’s a YAY and an OH NO in rapid succession
“awake is it?” creepy? don’t call her “it”???
“wait for me” oh gosh
why the countdown
nooo don’t follow the cybervoice, only bad things seem immediately likely to come of this
bill looks so small in this ep? so young. i’m Feeling
oh no, the volume was only? oh noooo
oh god. what are they all saying, do i even. want to know what they’re all saying. christ
also can we trust beard guy?
“it’s all right, i don’t think they feel pain” “ i think they do” “yes, they do” “then why’d you say they don’t?” “it was a clever lie. you saw right through me” lmao, i still dunno if i trust beard guy, but i like them
oooooo, knick knacks
“you want the good tea, or the bad tea?” “what’s the difference?” “i call one good, and one bad” lmao
“what horror?” “mainly the tea” oh my god i love comic relief beard guy
“for some people it all goes a bit....” “what?” “vending machine” ah ah, amazing
AH I WAS RIGHT ! a time difference between top and bottom of ship, bc black hole probably. coolioooo
“that’s his sarcasm face, he’s making a joke” oh gosh. a nerdle
“she works for me now, we agreed” i like u dude. i do not like nurse lady
so she leaves, she dies? yik es
“wait for me” nooo -- “how much longer, doctor? how many more years?” oh no. oh no
“they are the cure” oh no. oh no, i do not like
listen i’m having a lot of concern?
“everyone looks so sick” “everyone is dying” h ec k
“i’ve got hidden talents, as well as hidden arms” DR NYARLATHOTEP
“you are dear to me. you are my dearest person. you are like a mother to me” “definitely not a mother” “...or an aunt” pffffft, much better than a hetero thing
no he means literally--yeah. “no, your chest unit, digs right in” i was right
oh boy. are they gonna be the alright
man i love beard guy. pls don’t betray us
“i’m afraid miss potts, it’s your turn” GODDAMMIT. G ODD AM M I T. i JUST asked u not to betray us. GO FUCK URSELF
NO. NO NO NOPE AND NO. how dare the lot of you honestly,
“anyway” “yes thank you” yEAH, don’t let him try to mansplain u shit, good job, i love u
“i’m really trying not to kill anyone today, it would be tremendously helpful if your major arteries were out of reach” pffffft
“it took me a while to work out who you were” oh? her reputation precedes her?
they’re too late. probly hella too late. poor bill. buddy, friend, pal
“it’s not from earth at all, is it” no, it’s from mondas
“you don’t remember being here before, do you” oh gos h
is he a master in disguise or
“exodus” u know, that reminds me a Lot of the whole utopia thing, in retrospect, which makes sense, given simm
hi bill. that’s you, right? godfuckdammit
“the ship is from mondas” no shit dude
“i am bill potts” gosh heck darn what a surprise
“i waited” oh no. oh no
“i’d call it a genesis” genesis of the fuckign-- god fuck danG he said the thing
NO she’s not allowed to be crying she is n OT i mean. i am glad she still has emotions but FUCK
fuck fuck fuckity f uCK i am Not fond, of this, at all,
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