muitomuitopravc · 6 days
         conexões & plots procurados.
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         ❝ i would do it, i would kiss a hundred frogs if i could marry a prince and be a princess! ❞
cachorrinhas (cadelinha número um é a famosa giselle / insuportável, inadestrável, essa é minha bff) — muse a, muse b, muse c e muse d são as melhores amigas da lottie! as cinco sempre estão se vendo quando se encontram e compartilham as novidades. podem não estar em contato todos os dias, mas a amizade é verdadeira! agora, reunidas no reino dos perdidos, estão felizes que pelo menos estão próximas uma das outras.
bossa nossa (você se leva a sério demais / eu acho graça) — muse e realmente conseguiu a proeza de ter o ódio de charlotte em um dia bom! ela não é de se estressar fácil, mas muse, aparentemente, tem o dom. desde então, eles não podem se trombar que pode esperar que vem chumbo quente.
[perdidos apenas] — dove foi praticamente adotada por ela para que ela consiga mais informações sobre o outro mundo, visto que as coisas de lá não são coisas que ela desconhece totalmente, afinal, seu conto se passa em nova orleans na década de 20. ela quer saber mais sobre as modernidades! em troca, fala tudo o que sabe sobre o seu mundo e a ajuda na adaptação.
[perdidos apenas] — muse g será um príncipe/uma princesa no futuro conto, e não poderia estar mais perdido. é claro que não poderia existir alguém melhor para ajudá-lo a se adaptar aos costumes, vestimentas, modos e círculo social de alguém da realeza do que charlotte! ok, um membro da realeza de verdade poderia fazer um pouco melhor... mas ela está treinada para isso a vida toda! com certeza leva jeito.
[perdidos apenas] — muse h tem charlotte labouff como personagem favorita da disney (ou uma delas), e lottie não sabe muito bem o que fazer com essa informação! ela o vê como um fã e acha meio estranho que os perdidos saibam tanto sobre todos do seu mundo. ela tem medo de muse!
cinderela é dona do blooming affairs, floricultura que também é sede de um clube super seleto. charlotte não foi convidada e nem vai ser (até porque não é a cindy que faz a lista, mas ela não sabe disso). como não se sentir magoada e ressentida de ser excluída?
lady tremaine sempre foi uma antiga paixão de eli labouff, quase se tornando madrasta de charlotte em um momento. no entanto, apesar das idas e vindas, esse relacionamento nunca se concretizou. agora, com tremaine viúva e charlotte completamente alheia à história entre ela e cinderela, a jovem está inadvertidamente tentando juntar a vilã ao pai de uma vez por todas!
e claro que outras conexões são bem vindas! inimizades, amizades, amizades improváveis, relações de negócios...
charlotte é heterossexual, mas já experimentou ficar com mulheres!
muito muito (meu coração é gelo e por isso você quer / se eu minto ou falo a verdade você nunca vai saber) — muse a não é exatamente o tipo de charlotte e ela deixa isso bem claro, mas muse tem sangue de brasileiro e não desiste nunca de ter uma chance com a sulista!
* vício (e eu começo a me preocupar / porque eu sei amar você / muito mais do que eu sei cantar) — muse b foi o relacionamento que fechou o coração de charlotte. não precisa ter sido o epítome de tóxico, pode ter sido um amor que ela achou que era para todo o sempre e acabou não sendo, e desde então ela pressionou o botão de pausa! ou pode ter sido horrível do início ao fim. nós combinamos!
garoto errado (então me diz o que eu faço / pra tentar te esquecer) — muse c é o crush da vez! mas ela ainda está sensível do término, então provavelmente não vai fazer nada... como diz na letra da música, ela não sabe se está pirando ou se ele está a provocando, se os sinais são mesmo reais. isso é utp, é claro!
planos impossíveis (uma semana sem te ver / eu já sabia que isso ia acontecer) — muse d foi o primeiro namoradinho de charlotte e, como toda primeira experiência, foi bem intensa e carinhosa. tiveram um término agradável e permaneceram como bons amigos.
judas (i'm just a holy fool, oh baby, it's so cruel / but i'm still in love with judas, baby) — muse e é um vilão que fez parte da reputation era da lottie quando ela namorou um dos malvados. ela se sentiu querendo um perigo, uma adrenalina, um friozinho no estômago e fez isso! foi um escândalo no clube das princesas.
hunter adora flertar, charlotte adora flertar.
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jovialyouthmusic · 5 years
Charlotte’s Choice
A Royal Romance AU fanfic
16 Applewood Manor
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The Court moves to Applewood where Charlotte receives some help from Maxwell and relives a happy memory thanks to Drake.
@ao719 @agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis @sleepwalkingelite @boneandfur @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicescommunity @darley1101 @drakewalkerrosenberg @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @goirishsunshine @gardeningourmet @katurrade @livingthroughchoices @likethetailofacomet @mrs-nazario @mind-reader1 @ooo-barff-ooo @silviasutton1989 @speedyoperarascalparty @zaffrenotes @missevabean @mrsdrakewalkerblog @cora-nova @missameliep @tanelle83 @endlessly-searching-for-you @jlouise88 @drakenazario @annekebbphotography @tabithacarlisle @furiousherringoperatortoad @notoriouscs @classylady1234 @wickedgypsymoon @carabeth @choices-fangirl @indiana-jr @indiacater
Please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. For those of you that are busy writing, or don’t have time - you know where to find my Masterlist xx
16 Applewood Manor
After the Regatta, the Court was scheduled to visit Applewood, where Charlotte had spent many happy summers as a child along with Drake and Savannah and Olivia, with various other noble children visiting. Maxwell had joined in her carefree summers along with occasional visits from Tariq, but after the debacle with the trifle at her birthday party Neville had not been allowed to visit – and she was glad of that.
Constantine had kept to his promise and sent her papers to sign at night as they decamped to Rashad’s Manor in Domvalier. First of the suitors to visit her to assist was that same odious Neville. He had made it plain that he favoured spending on various noble ventures and baulked at supporting funding on Cordonia’s orphanage and women’s refuge. She had expected nothing less and was relieved to have a good reason to reject his help and report to Constantine on his unbalanced support of Cordonia’s citizens. She had little time to spend for private socialising, having to attend a charity event and award prizes and trophies for the boat and yacht races of the previous day. There was also a formal dinner just before she had to see to the papers with Neville, so that night she fell into bed and slept soundly. The following day was spent packing and travelling to Applewood. Still Constantine insisted that she work though official documents and this time Maxwell Beaumont was sent in to assist.
She was feeling tired when Maxwell bounced into the study in the King’s suite at Applewood. He leant over her at the desk and gave her a peck on the cheek.
‘Hey Prinny, I bought supplies’ he announced, producing a bottle of champagne from behind his back ‘Bastien was supposed to frisk me, but he let this through. Sorry I don’t have any glasses’ Charlotte smiled at him and downed the glass of water on the desk.
‘I’ll use this, and you can drink from the bottle’ she said ‘It’s a good job we don’t have any weapons in here, your usual method of opening the bottle might make a mess of the papers.’
‘Good point’ he said, ‘Just how do you open a bottle without a sabre or an axe?’
‘Hand it over’ she said, putting the glass down. She twisted off the metal cage and took hold of the cork, twisting the bottle so the cork came out with a soft pop. Although they were close to Constantine’s bedchamber, they were not immediately next door like on the yacht, so had a little more privacy – but the sound of a champagne cork would have alerted him to their indulgence. She poured herself a generous glass and handed the bottle to Maxwell.
‘So have you heard any any gossip, Maxxy?’ she asked, ‘anything useful about members of the Council?’
‘Well, Lord Percy has had a spat with his latest conquest – did you know he was having an affair with Lady Caroline?’ Charlotte’s eyes widened
‘But she’s ten years younger than him!’ she retorted, and Max pursed his lips
‘I know, he always goes for younger women. His wife is more interested in breeding Siamese cats and doesn’t suspect a thing’
‘That might give me leverage if I need his vote in Council later on’ she said thoughtfully and sighed as she looked at the papers. She picked out a file and opened it.
‘Here’s the arrangements for the Coronation ball. Apparently, the florist has had to pull out due to a family bereavement’ Max took it from her
‘Oh, we have someone who’s very good, does the arrangements for the Beaumont Bash – she’s not busy this year’
‘Isn’t she working for you?’ asked Charlotte, reaching for the bottle. Maxwell looked sheepish
‘We’ve – had to go for someone cheaper this year. Confidentially, finances are a bit tight for us’
‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that’ said Charlotte ‘I’m sure we could give you a little stipend in return for your recommendation, or ask her to do your event for a discount’ Maxwell’s face lit up
‘Oh, could you? That would be great. Bertrand’s been so stressed about it all’
‘No problem Maxxy, if you know a caterer for the tea party too that would be good, it seems a lot of small businesses are feeling the pinch this year, there’s been a lot of cancellations’
‘You know how we like to throw a good party, I’ve got lots of contacts’ he replied. Charlotte rifled through the papers.
‘There’s a few other things you could look over then’ she mused ‘can I pass these files on to you?’
‘Sure thing Prinny’ Maxwell grinned and poured more champagne for her. They remained silent for a little, reading and passing papers back and forth.
‘You know you should be calling me Queenie’ she said ruefully ‘I’ve barely had time to myself the last few days. It’s so nice of you to bring along that bottle, I didn’t dare touch a drop earlier in case I made a mistake with the delegates from Portavierra.’
Maxwell patted his jacket
‘Oh, I forgot – Drake gave me these – he said they’re your favourite’ and he pulled out a box of chocolate truffles ‘sorry, they’re a bit warm’ Charlotte smiled and took them from him.
‘That’s very thoughtful of him’ and she started to open it. Maxwell put out his hand
‘No - he said to open it when you’re alone’ She put it down on the desk, frowning.
‘That’s a little bold of him, he promised to take a back seat’ the young duke looked sad
‘I just think he wanted you to know he’s rooting for you’ he said quietly ‘we all are, we know how hard things are for you, me and him, and Olivia – and Brad’ Tears came to Charlotte’s eyes and she wiped at them with the back of her hand.
‘That – that’s very sweet of you Maxxy. I really appreciate it. I’d give anything to have an evening just to hang out with you all like old times.’
‘Do you remember that time Olivia told Savannah if she kissed a frog it would turn into a Prince?’ he grinned. Charlotte laughed.
‘Drake stopped her just in time, and he was so cross with Olivia he tried to hack off her ponytail with his penknife’
‘Drake’s Dad arrived just in time to stop it getting worse – he had to pull the two of them apart’ Maxwell chortled. Charlotte got up from her chair to throw her arms around him in a hug.
‘Thank you Maxxy, you were just what I needed to cheer me up. I wish I could have you with me every night while I go over these dratted documents’ Maxwell held her tight, patting her back and rocking side to side. After a while they broke the embrace and she sat back down again.
‘So who’s your companion tomorrow night?’ He asked, and she made a face
‘Tariq, I think. I can’t think how he’ll be any use at all unless it’s to organise a fashion show or fancy wine tasting. Father may let me off the day of the Apple fair, it will be going on very late with the Lord of Misrule this year.  I bet he didn’t think you’d be useful, but I’ll put in a good word for you, tell him you’ve been great’
‘Thanks Lottie. Can I do anything else? The bottle’s empty now’ Charlotte reached out and patted his hand.
‘You’ve been a huge help Maxxy, I still have to sign a stack of stuff, so you can go if you want’ The young Duke took her hands in his and gave them a squeeze.
‘Any time Lottie, just send me a message and I’ll be with you in a trice. You know me, speedy by name…’ He backed out of the office blowing her a kiss.
‘Thanks – hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow at the Apple fair?’
‘You will. Sleep tight Lottie’
Later, Charlotte stumbled into her bedroom and fell onto the bed, eyelids heavy. She realised she had tucked the box of chocolates from Drake into a pocket and the box was digging into her hip. Wearily she sat up and opened the box, inhaling the aroma of the chocolate. A slip of paper fell out onto the bed, and she picked it up. It bore only three words.
Remember the smores.
She smiled fondly and went to the window. She could see embers at the fire pit, fancying that she saw a shadow pass in front of it and was transported back into her teen years.
‘Do you like smores, Charlie?’ Drake had led her out to the fire pit a year after his father and her mother had died. She still missed her, but the pain was fading. They sat alone in the dusk as the light faded.
‘What are they?’ she asked
‘oh, they’re delicious – marshmallow, and crackers and chocolate. Dad – Dad used to make them when we went camping’ His voice had faltered when he mentioned his father. ‘you’d like them – would you like to try some?’
‘I’ve never been camping. Isn’t it cold sleeping outside?’ Drake smiled, the firelight reflecting in his eyes.
‘Not if you have a good sleeping bag. It’s cosy’ he said. He gave her a stick and showed her how to toast the marshmallow. He put a few squares of chocolate onto a cracker and put it under the marshmallow, added more chocolate on the top with another cracker and slipped the stick out.
Oh – it’s sticky’ she exclaimed, as the chocolate and melting sticky marshmallow oozed out onto her fingers. She watched Drake open his mouth wide and bite it in half, and she tried to follow suit, but it was too big. She bit into it and the sticky sweet mess oozed out onto her fingers and lips. It was crunchy and chocolatey and soft and sweet. ‘Oh this tastes like heaven!’ she exclaimed, her mouth not empty yet. She rolled her eyes as the soft gooey centre coated her tongue and melted, and the tastes and textures assaulted her senses. She sucked her fingers as clean as she could in between messy mouthfuls, and Drake gave her another marshmallow to toast.
‘Careful, not too close or it’ll burn’ he said, and took her hand to move the stick away. She felt a little jolt of electricity and jumped. He looked at her oddly, and sheepishly took his hand back ‘you want it even, so keep turning it’ After a second one she declared she couldn’t eat any more.
‘I wish father would let me go camping’ she said, ‘He’d probably say it’s too dangerous’ Drake shrugged
‘You don’t have to go far. Perhaps he’d let you camp in the grounds, if Bastien supervised it’
‘Oh that would be amazing’ she said ‘I wish – what’s the matter?’ Drake was looking at her intently
‘Oh – er, you have some chocolate just above your lip’ he observed. Her hand flew up to her face.
‘Oh – where?’ she cried ‘Here?’
‘No, just to the left – ah – let me…’ he moved closer and reached out his hand to brush his thumb over her top lip ‘Here’ he said. They were close, so close, she could smell the smores on his breath, and he didn’t move away again, gazing at her, his eyes flicking over her face. She realised she was holding her breath, and wondering what his lips tasted like, wondered if he might lick the chocolate from her lip.
‘Is – is it gone? She whispered
‘not quite’ he said, moving imperceptibly closer as if in a trance.
‘Walker! Princess? Where are you?’ She jumped back guiltily, and Drake stepped away swiftly at the sound of Bastien’s voice from the footpath by the palace. Drake collected himself, giving her an apologetic glance.
‘Here, Bas’ he shouted, ‘by the fire pit’ He wiped his hands on his trousers, and Charlotte licked her top lip and then wiped it with her handkerchief, her fingers still sticky. Bastein appeared, his dark eyes catching the firelight, and he gave Charlotte a searching look.
‘Are you alright, Princess?’ he asked ‘It’s very dark, you should go inside’ as she answered him her voice wavered a little
‘I’m – I’m fine thankyou Bastien. Drake was showing me how to make smores’ Bastien smiled.
‘That’s very generous of him. I’m rather partial to them myself’
‘I’ve still got some things left – can I make you one Bas?’ Drake said eagerly, the awkwardness of the moment disappearing.
‘No, its late Walker, you need to come in now’ He started to lead the two teenagers back to the palace. Drake hopped behind him like a faithful dog
‘Do you think the King would let Charlotte camp in the grounds if you were around to watch, Bas? She’s never been camping’ he asked.
‘I don’t know’ said Bastien ‘I’ll ask – or perhaps the Princess should say something’
‘If he knew you’d be there he might say yes’ Drake insisted
‘Perhaps. Now go and see Savannah, she wants to talk to you before she goes to bed’
Charlotte smiled at the memory, wondering if Bastien had seen it all and stepped in before they got in too deep at that tender age.  She drew the curtains, taking one last look at the embers of the fire outside, but it was too dark to see if anyone was out there.  She popped a chocolate into her mouth and stripped naked before crawling into bed. It was good to fall asleep with positive thoughts occupying her mind. Outside, Drake had seen her draw the curtains, and made his way back into the manor.
Brad woke in Olivia’s bed, her arm thrown over his chest, her breath warm on his neck.  He carefully untangled himself and got out of bed. He rubbed his neck, wincing at a bruise just below his collarbone. He caught sight of himself in the mirror and smirked at the bite mark on his shoulder. Olivia was as feisty in bed as she was out of it.
He sighed. He was going to have to tell Charlotte what was going on, it wasn’t fair otherwise, no matter how liberal Cordonia was. He just didn’t have it in him to be romancing (or bedding) two women at once, exciting though the thought might be. It wasn’t as if there was any real spark between them. He had had enough relationships to know when it was just physical and when there was an emotional attachment, or the possibility of one.
He feared Charlotte had been so starved of love and affection after the death of her mother that she didn’t know the difference herself.  Drake had obviously tried to fill that void, and to a greater extent for his sister too, and it had escalated to a more intimate relationship with Charlotte. The thought of a teenage boy trying to take over the role of mother both to his little sister and to a girl his own age filled him with pity. In turn, Bastien had filled in the role of father to the Walkers, providing a steady foundation for Drake. He didn’t think Constantine was half the paternal role model as the King’s Guardsman and he knew little of the role of the deceased Regina. Perhaps she had redressed the balance a little - Charlotte had never talked of her and he resolved to ask Olivia later.
For now, everyone would be preparing for the Apple fair. That normally called for the appointment of the Apple Queen, which would go ahead, but this year there would also be a Lord of Misrule picked from the suitors. It dated back to a pagan fertility ritual which was rarely invoked, but Constantine had declared it appropriate this year. Traditionally the Lord of Misrule turned everything upside down and reversed the roles of rulers and peasants. Most of the candidates were noble this year, but whatever rules they invoked would be in force until midnight. Because security was an issue each suitor had written their chosen rules and submitted them to Bastien for approval and he had not divulged the contents to anyone, not even the King.
For Charlotte, the day was a busy one, with preparations for the Apple fair which kept her busy, as at her father’s insistence she was closely involved in its organisation and had no spare time as there were also appointments with delegates and diplomats from Monaco there to discuss a trade agreement. The evening brought further duties with more paperwork and with Tariq to ‘help’ her. As she had guessed he was worse than useless – his mind would not settle on anything beyond clothes and fine wines, and he sat watching her pore over documents, drinking champagne and talking endlessly about his wine cellar. Charlotte was so tired afterwards that she failed to notice the firepit outside was again lit, and a shadowy figure stood there until she closed her curtains.
After breakfast the Court assembled out on the lawn where various marquees had been erected, and tents selling various delicacies and goods. The Lord of Misrule had already been chosen by secret ballot at the Regatta, the votes had been counted and kept in strict confidence save for the ballot counters and Bastien, and a few others who helped with planning. The King was to announce the winner, and the elected Lord would choose the Apple Queen from a group of local schoolchildren. Charlotte would still have a minor role as the Lady of Misrule.
Everyone assembled to hear the results, nobles and ordinary citizens mingling in a huge crowd. The suitors stood ready on the dais for the announcement, along with Constantine and Charlotte, Bastien and a number of aides. Anton stood next to Milo, then came Maxwell, Neville, Tariq, Rashad, Drake and finally Brad. The King appeared with an envelope and stepped up to the microphone. He cleared his throat.
‘Citizens of Cordonia, we are gathered today to celebrate Apple day, to bless the coming season and to hope for a good crop and the prosperity of all. This year, as you know, from the suitors for my daughter’s hand in marriage will be chosen as Lord of Misrule, who will rule in my stead for the remainder of the day, effective until midnight.’ He paused to look along the line of contenders ‘Each candidate has already submitted his rules for approval of the Royal Guard, to ensure maximum safety for all concerned. Minor alterations of these rules will be permitted, subject to approval of the Royal Guard. The winner will also choose this year’s Apple Queen from Cordonia Preparatory School, and my daughter, Queen in Waiting Charlotte will accompany the Lord of Misrule in his duties.’ The King looked down on the envelope he held and started to open it. Drake turned to Rashad and shook hands with him, mouthing ‘good luck’ and turned to do the same for Brad, causing a ripple of handshakes and back patting among the others.
‘Good luck to the contestants and may we all benefit from this day and learn from the experience, highborn and lowborn’ He took the piece of paper out and read it to himself, his lips moving before looking up and making his announcement…
Who is the Lord of Misrule? The people (some of the readers) have spoken! Stay tuned...
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jovialyouthmusic · 5 years
Charlotte’s Choice
A Royal Romance AU fanfic
16 Applewood Manor
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The Court moves to Applewood where Charlotte receives some help from Maxwell and relives a happy memory thanks to Drake.
@ao719 @agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis @sleepwalkingelite @boneandfur @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicescommunity @darley1101 @drakewalkerrosenberg @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @goirishsunshine @gardeningourmet @katurrade @livingthroughchoices @likethetailofacomet @mrs-nazario @mind-reader1 @ooo-barff-ooo @silviasutton1989 @speedyoperarascalparty @zaffrenotes @missevabean @mrsdrakewalkerblog @cora-nova @missameliep @tanelle83 @endlessly-searching-for-you @jlouise88 @drakenazario @annekebbphotography @tabithacarlisle @furiousherringoperatortoad @notoriouscs @classylady1234 @wickedgypsymoon @carabeth @choices-fangirl @indiana-jr @indiacater
Please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. For those of you that are busy writing, or don’t have time - you know where to find my Masterlist xx
16 Applewood Manor
After the Regatta, the Court was scheduled to visit Applewood, where Charlotte had spent many happy summers as a child along with Drake and Savannah and Olivia, with various other noble children visiting. Maxwell had joined in her carefree summers along with occasional visits from Tariq, but after the debacle with the trifle at her birthday party Neville had not been allowed to visit – and she was glad of that.
Constantine had kept to his promise and sent her papers to sign at night as they decamped to Rashad’s Manor in Domvalier. First of the suitors to visit her to assist was that same odious Neville. He had made it plain that he favoured spending on various noble ventures and baulked at supporting funding on Cordonia’s orphanage and women’s refuge. She had expected nothing less and was relieved to have a good reason to reject his help and report to Constantine on his unbalanced support of Cordonia’s citizens. She had little time to spend for private socialising, having to attend a charity event and award prizes and trophies for the boat and yacht races of the previous day. There was also a formal dinner just before she had to see to the papers with Neville, so that night she fell into bed and slept soundly. The following day was spent packing and travelling to Applewood. Still Constantine insisted that she work though official documents and this time Maxwell Beaumont was sent in to assist.
She was feeling tired when Maxwell bounced into the study in the King’s suite at Applewood. He leant over her at the desk and gave her a peck on the cheek.
‘Hey Prinny, I bought supplies’ he announced, producing a bottle of champagne from behind his back ‘Bastien was supposed to frisk me, but he let this through. Sorry I don’t have any glasses’ Charlotte smiled at him and downed the glass of water on the desk.
‘I’ll use this, and you can drink from the bottle’ she said ‘It’s a good job we don’t have any weapons in here, your usual method of opening the bottle might make a mess of the papers.’
‘Good point’ he said, ‘Just how do you open a bottle without a sabre or an axe?’
‘Hand it over’ she said, putting the glass down. She twisted off the metal cage and took hold of the cork, twisting the bottle so the cork came out with a soft pop. Although they were close to Constantine’s bedchamber, they were not immediately next door like on the yacht, so had a little more privacy – but the sound of a champagne cork would have alerted him to their indulgence. She poured herself a generous glass and handed the bottle to Maxwell.
‘So have you heard any any gossip, Maxxy?’ she asked, ‘anything useful about members of the Council?’
‘Well, Lord Percy has had a spat with his latest conquest – did you know he was having an affair with Lady Caroline?’ Charlotte’s eyes widened
‘But she’s ten years younger than him!’ she retorted, and Max pursed his lips
‘I know, he always goes for younger women. His wife is more interested in breeding Siamese cats and doesn’t suspect a thing’
‘That might give me leverage if I need his vote in Council later on’ she said thoughtfully and sighed as she looked at the papers. She picked out a file and opened it.
‘Here’s the arrangements for the Coronation ball. Apparently, the florist has had to pull out due to a family bereavement’ Max took it from her
‘Oh, we have someone who’s very good, does the arrangements for the Beaumont Bash – she’s not busy this year’
‘Isn’t she working for you?’ asked Charlotte, reaching for the bottle. Maxwell looked sheepish
‘We’ve – had to go for someone cheaper this year. Confidentially, finances are a bit tight for us’
‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that’ said Charlotte ‘I’m sure we could give you a little stipend in return for your recommendation, or ask her to do your event for a discount’ Maxwell’s face lit up
‘Oh, could you? That would be great. Bertrand’s been so stressed about it all’
‘No problem Maxxy, if you know a caterer for the tea party too that would be good, it seems a lot of small businesses are feeling the pinch this year, there’s been a lot of cancellations’
‘You know how we like to throw a good party, I’ve got lots of contacts’ he replied. Charlotte rifled through the papers.
‘There’s a few other things you could look over then’ she mused ‘can I pass these files on to you?’
‘Sure thing Prinny’ Maxwell grinned and poured more champagne for her. They remained silent for a little, reading and passing papers back and forth.
‘You know you should be calling me Queenie’ she said ruefully ‘I’ve barely had time to myself the last few days. It’s so nice of you to bring along that bottle, I didn’t dare touch a drop earlier in case I made a mistake with the delegates from Portavierra.’
Maxwell patted his jacket
‘Oh, I forgot – Drake gave me these – he said they’re your favourite’ and he pulled out a box of chocolate truffles ‘sorry, they’re a bit warm’ Charlotte smiled and took them from him.
‘That’s very thoughtful of him’ and she started to open it. Maxwell put out his hand
‘No - he said to open it when you’re alone’ She put it down on the desk, frowning.
‘That’s a little bold of him, he promised to take a back seat’ the young duke looked sad
‘I just think he wanted you to know he’s rooting for you’ he said quietly ‘we all are, we know how hard things are for you, me and him, and Olivia – and Brad’ Tears came to Charlotte’s eyes and she wiped at them with the back of her hand.
‘That – that’s very sweet of you Maxxy. I really appreciate it. I’d give anything to have an evening just to hang out with you all like old times.’
‘Do you remember that time Olivia told Savannah if she kissed a frog it would turn into a Prince?’ he grinned. Charlotte laughed.
‘Drake stopped her just in time, and he was so cross with Olivia he tried to hack off her ponytail with his penknife’
‘Drake’s Dad arrived just in time to stop it getting worse – he had to pull the two of them apart’ Maxwell chortled. Charlotte got up from her chair to throw her arms around him in a hug.
‘Thank you Maxxy, you were just what I needed to cheer me up. I wish I could have you with me every night while I go over these dratted documents’ Maxwell held her tight, patting her back and rocking side to side. After a while they broke the embrace and she sat back down again.
‘So who’s your companion tomorrow night?’ He asked, and she made a face
‘Tariq, I think. I can’t think how he’ll be any use at all unless it’s to organise a fashion show or fancy wine tasting. Father may let me off the day of the Apple fair, it will be going on very late with the Lord of Misrule this year.  I bet he didn’t think you’d be useful, but I’ll put in a good word for you, tell him you’ve been great’
‘Thanks Lottie. Can I do anything else? The bottle’s empty now’ Charlotte reached out and patted his hand.
‘You’ve been a huge help Maxxy, I still have to sign a stack of stuff, so you can go if you want’ The young Duke took her hands in his and gave them a squeeze.
‘Any time Lottie, just send me a message and I’ll be with you in a trice. You know me, speedy by name…’ He backed out of the office blowing her a kiss.
‘Thanks – hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow at the Apple fair?’
‘You will. Sleep tight Lottie’
 Later, Charlotte stumbled into her bedroom and fell onto the bed, eyelids heavy. She realised she had tucked the box of chocolates from Drake into a pocket and the box was digging into her hip. Wearily she sat up and opened the box, inhaling the aroma of the chocolate. A slip of paper fell out onto the bed, and she picked it up. It bore only three words.
Remember the smores.
She smiled fondly and went to the window. She could see embers at the fire pit, fancying that she saw a shadow pass in front of it and was transported back into her teen years.
‘Do you like smores, Charlie?’ Drake had led her out to the fire pit a year after his father and her mother had died. She still missed her, but the pain was fading. They sat alone in the dusk as the light faded.
‘What are they?’ she asked
‘oh, they’re delicious – marshmallow, and crackers and chocolate. Dad – Dad used to make them when we went camping’ His voice had faltered when he mentioned his father. ‘you’d like them – would you like to try some?’
‘I’ve never been camping. Isn’t it cold sleeping outside?’ Drake smiled, the firelight reflecting in his eyes.
‘Not if you have a good sleeping bag. It’s cosy’ he said. He gave her a stick and showed her how to toast the marshmallow. He put a few squares of chocolate onto a cracker and put it under the marshmallow, added more chocolate on the top with another cracker and slipped the stick out.
Oh – it’s sticky’ she exclaimed, as the chocolate and melting sticky marshmallow oozed out onto her fingers. She watched Drake open his mouth wide and bite it in half, and she tried to follow suit, but it was too big. She bit into it and the sticky sweet mess oozed out onto her fingers and lips. It was crunchy and chocolatey and soft and sweet. ‘Oh this tastes like heaven!’ she exclaimed, her mouth not empty yet. She rolled her eyes as the soft gooey centre coated her tongue and melted, and the tastes and textures assaulted her senses. She sucked her fingers as clean as she could in between messy mouthfuls, and Drake gave her another marshmallow to toast.
‘Careful, not too close or it’ll burn’ he said, and took her hand to move the stick away. She felt a little jolt of electricity and jumped. He looked at her oddly, and sheepishly took his hand back ‘you want it even, so keep turning it’ After a second one she declared she couldn’t eat any more.
‘I wish father would let me go camping’ she said, ‘He’d probably say it’s too dangerous’ Drake shrugged
‘You don’t have to go far. Perhaps he’d let you camp in the grounds, if Bastien supervised it’
‘Oh that would be amazing’ she said ‘I wish – what’s the matter?’ Drake was looking at her intently
‘Oh – er, you have some chocolate just above your lip’ he observed. Her hand flew up to her face.
‘Oh – where?’ she cried ‘Here?’
‘No, just to the left – ah – let me…’ he moved closer and reached out his hand to brush his thumb over her top lip ‘Here’ he said. They were close, so close, she could smell the smores on his breath, and he didn’t move away again, gazing at her, his eyes flicking over her face. She realised she was holding her breath, and wondering what his lips tasted like, wondered if he might lick the chocolate from her lip.
‘Is – is it gone? She whispered
‘not quite’ he said, moving imperceptibly closer as if in a trance.
‘Walker! Princess? Where are you?’ She jumped back guiltily, and Drake stepped away swiftly at the sound of Bastien’s voice from the footpath by the palace. Drake collected himself, giving her an apologetic glance.
‘Here, Bas’ he shouted, ‘by the fire pit’ He wiped his hands on his trousers, and Charlotte licked her top lip and then wiped it with her handkerchief, her fingers still sticky. Bastein appeared, his dark eyes catching the firelight, and he gave Charlotte a searching look.
‘Are you alright, Princess?’ he asked ‘It’s very dark, you should go inside’ as she answered him her voice wavered a little
‘I’m – I’m fine thankyou Bastien. Drake was showing me how to make smores’ Bastien smiled.
‘That’s very generous of him. I’m rather partial to them myself’
‘I’ve still got some things left – can I make you one Bas?’ Drake said eagerly, the awkwardness of the moment disappearing.
‘No, its late Walker, you need to come in now’ He started to lead the two teenagers back to the palace. Drake hopped behind him like a faithful dog
‘Do you think the King would let Charlotte camp in the grounds if you were around to watch, Bas? She’s never been camping’ he asked.
‘I don’t know’ said Bastien ‘I’ll ask – or perhaps the Princess should say something’
‘If he knew you’d be there he might say yes’ Drake insisted
‘Perhaps. Now go and see Savannah, she wants to talk to you before she goes to bed’
Charlotte smiled at the memory, wondering if Bastien had seen it all and stepped in before they got in too deep at that tender age.  She drew the curtains, taking one last look at the embers of the fire outside, but it was too dark to see if anyone was out there.  She popped a chocolate into her mouth and stripped naked before crawling into bed. It was good to fall asleep with positive thoughts occupying her mind. Outside, Drake had seen her draw the curtains, and made his way back into the manor.
Brad woke in Olivia’s bed, her arm thrown over his chest, her breath warm on his neck.  He carefully untangled himself and got out of bed. He rubbed his neck, wincing at a bruise just below his collarbone. He caught sight of himself in the mirror and smirked at the bite mark on his shoulder. Olivia was as feisty in bed as she was out of it.
He sighed. He was going to have to tell Charlotte what was going on, it wasn’t fair otherwise, no matter how liberal Cordonia was. He just didn’t have it in him to be romancing (or bedding) two women at once, exciting though the thought might be. It wasn’t as if there was any real spark between them. He had had enough relationships to know when it was just physical and when there was an emotional attachment, or the possibility of one.
He feared Charlotte had been so starved of love and affection after the death of her mother that she didn’t know the difference herself.  Drake had obviously tried to fill that void, and to a greater extent for his sister too, and it had escalated to a more intimate relationship with Charlotte. The thought of a teenage boy trying to take over the role of mother both to his little sister and to a girl his own age filled him with pity. In turn, Bastien had filled in the role of father to the Walkers, providing a steady foundation for Drake. He didn’t think Constantine was half the paternal role model as the King’s Guardsman and he knew little of the role of the deceased Regina. Perhaps she had redressed the balance a little - Charlotte had never talked of her and he resolved to ask Olivia later.
For now, everyone would be preparing for the Apple fair. That normally called for the appointment of the Apple Queen, which would go ahead, but this year there would also be a Lord of Misrule picked from the suitors. It dated back to a pagan fertility ritual which was rarely invoked, but Constantine had declared it appropriate this year. Traditionally the Lord of Misrule turned everything upside down and reversed the roles of rulers and peasants. Most of the candidates were noble this year, but whatever rules they invoked would be in force until midnight. Because security was an issue each suitor had written their chosen rules and submitted them to Bastien for approval and he had not divulged the contents to anyone, not even the King.
For Charlotte, the day was a busy one, with preparations for the Apple fair which kept her busy, as at her father’s insistence she was closely involved in its organisation and had no spare time as there were also appointments with delegates and diplomats from Monaco there to discuss a trade agreement. The evening brought further duties with more paperwork and with Tariq to ‘help’ her. As she had guessed he was worse than useless – his mind would not settle on anything beyond clothes and fine wines, and he sat watching her pore over documents, drinking champagne and talking endlessly about his wine cellar. Charlotte was so tired afterwards that she failed to notice the firepit outside was again lit, and a shadowy figure stood there until she closed her curtains.
After breakfast the Court assembled out on the lawn where various marquees had been erected, and tents selling various delicacies and goods. The Lord of Misrule had already been chosen by secret ballot at the Regatta, the votes had been counted and kept in strict confidence save for the ballot counters and Bastien, and a few others who helped with planning. The King was to announce the winner, and the elected Lord would choose the Apple Queen from a group of local schoolchildren. Charlotte would still have a minor role as the Lady of Misrule.
Everyone assembled to hear the results, nobles and ordinary citizens mingling in a huge crowd. The suitors stood ready on the dais for the announcement, along with Constantine and Charlotte, Bastien and a number of aides. Anton stood next to Milo, then came Maxwell, Neville, Tariq, Rashad, Drake and finally Brad. The King appeared with an envelope and stepped up to the microphone. He cleared his throat.
‘Citizens of Cordonia, we are gathered today to celebrate Apple day, to bless the coming season and to hope for a good crop and the prosperity of all. This year, as you know, from the suitors for my daughter’s hand in marriage will be chosen as Lord of Misrule, who will rule in my stead for the remainder of the day, effective until midnight.’ He paused to look along the line of contenders ‘Each candidate has already submitted his rules for approval of the Royal Guard, to ensure maximum safety for all concerned. Minor alterations of these rules will be permitted, subject to approval of the Royal Guard. The winner will also choose this year’s Apple Queen from Cordonia Preparatory School, and my daughter, Queen in Waiting Charlotte will accompany the Lord of Misrule in his duties.’ The King looked down on the envelope he held and started to open it. Drake turned to Rashad and shook hands with him, mouthing ‘good luck’ and turned to do the same for Brad, causing a ripple of handshakes and back patting among the others.
‘Good luck to the contestants and may we all benefit from this day and learn from the experience, highborn and lowborn’ He took the piece of paper out and read it to himself, his lips moving before looking up and making his announcement…
Who is the Lord of Misrule? The people (some of the readers) have spoken! Stay tuned...
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