#<--- technically a prev tag but also applies to mine
rye-in-a-coat · 10 months
Hiii Rye, how does your tagging system work? I'm guessing it has something to do with Toki Pona but I'm curious
That's a great question, let's go through some of the tags I use in this blog.
Also. This will be a bit long.
The most well known and used is ofc, #ryeblog ,which is given to any post I reblog. It comes from "rye" and "reblog". Another interesting fact is that when I reblog many posts in a short time, I call it a "ryeblitz" (ryeblog + blitz [German for lightning).
For original text-based posts of mine, the tag is #handful of grains, which comes from the fact that I am Rye; but also because originally there was a tag called #sack of grain that never got used and was intended for large text-based original posts.
Images and videos get #pics and flicks, except if these are art. If the art was posted by the artist it gets #art of them and if it's someone else's art it gets #art of those.
#letters to rye will be the tag used in this post, as it is for the asks I answer.
#poll #tag game #ask game #quiz Self explanatory.
Prev tags get marked with #Previously on Tags: and then I mark my answer to those with a #My reaction to that information:
Quite self explanatory, if I'm reblogging some cute art from blorbo from my shows, tags would look like
#ryeblog #art of them #my shows
Must be understood that this system isn't 100% reliable. If I don't have a tag for a media because I have no knowledge of it or even interest; it won't get a tagged or have a tag.
Imagine this, a fanart featuring characters from the shows A, B, C and D. I only have tags for B and C. Only appliable media tags are #B and #C.
This is why you can find stuff like few Chainsaw Man fanart in my blog, but a tag for Chainsaw Man doesn't actually exist. When I reblog Out of Touch Thursday, I don't do it with a tag for the Lucky Star anime. Characters don't have tags in my system.
I can't give a full list of all of them, but here's the top 45 as of now:
#toh (The Owl House)
#sonic the hedgehog
#dhmis (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
#su (Steven Universe)
#tf2 (Team Fortress 2)
#lwa (Little Witch Academia)
#hatsune miku [Ok. It's ironic that this is a character. There's no tag for Vocaloid btw. Cuz of my lack of knowledge on the matter.]
#fnaf (Five Nights at Freddy)
#breaking bad
#cunk on earth [It applies to other media with Philomena Cunk like "Cunk on Britain"]
#neil cicierega [Technically a person. Applies to all his work. Forgot to mention, artists and bands also fit in this category.]
#tove jansson [Again. A person. This tag exists to not tag her with #moomin in non-Moomin issues.]
#talking heads [Again, a band.]
#jerma985 [A person.]
#undertale 2 [Yep. That's a game. A parody fan-game RPG of Undertale. This tag isn't for Deltarune. I found many people tagging Deltarune as Undertale 2.]
#animal crossing
#loz (Legend of Zelda)
#adventure time
#epithet erased
#lemon demon [Again, an artist; also not everything Neil Cicierega does is for Lemon Demon. This is why this tag is also a thing.]
#mcyt (Minecraft YouTuber)
#tally hall [A band.]
#doctor who
#ella minnow pea
#they might be giants [A band.]
#alexkansas [Applies to all his work. Currently MISTERMANTICORE]
#the past for the stuff about the past. The limit of how old has to be the thing to be tagged with this is 20 years.
#language is for everything linguistics, scripts, phonetics, anything of that matter and related. This tag isn't for swear swords, those bitches don't fucking get tagged.
#chemistry #geology #toki pona [An artistic constructed language by Sonja Lang] #handwriting #cursive #flags [Because vexillology was too long and I never knew if I was writing it right] #maps #biology #philately [#stamps is out of use] #reaction image ,etc.
These tags exists because I have decided to.
#pilin This Toki Pona word describes many concepts, like feelings, emotions, the heart in its both physical and emotional form. However, in this blog, this tag shall only be used for the heart (organ or not) and heart shapes and heart-shaped things.
#kili This word describes fruits and vegetables, all the edible parts of a plant. I also use this tag for stuff made with kili, like French fries, jam and jelly or milkshakes.
#mun This word doesn't just describe the Moon but also all night-sky objects and space objects. This tag replaced the now abandoned #astronomy as stuff like a blanket with sun and moon motifs or the fanart of a furry on the Moon aren't quite related with the science of space.
#kala This word describes fish and all the aquatic animals. Axolotls, whales, jellyfish and crabs may not be fish, but they sure are kala.
#pan As a Spanish speaker you probably have realised this word is for bread. That's right, it's for grains and all grain products. Stuff that is pan but not bread: tortilla, beer, peanut butter, crackers, communion wafers, tejuino. This tag isn't for pansexuality, Tumblr just colours it like that.
#pipi The word for insects and all the little bugs and crechurs, so it includes stuff like spiders and worms.
#waso The word for birds, flying animals and winged animals.
#soko The word for fungi. This tag replaced #mycology.
#akesi The word for reptiles. This tag isn't used for "non-cute animals" as the original meaning of the word expressed and was corrected in 2021.
#kijetesantakalu The word to describe procyonids and musteloids, like ferrets, racoons and tanukis. For the non-Toki Pona speakers. The reason why this word is long and very specific is because it's an April Fools joke that just got too popular.
#in front of them sensors I wears glasses, I like characters that wear them too. So this tag is for that. It also applies to stuff like sport/lab goggles, sunglasses and other eyewear.
#the florist's For flowers. The name is as in a flower shop, just like the butcher's or the chemist's.
#city made of light For photographs of, or art depicting urban light during the night. The night scared us, so we killed it; some beautiful examples of this massacre to our health are Times Square, the Las Vegas strip or Hong Kong neon capital of the East.
#KÖT For cats! The word "köt" isn't for cat in any language btw.
#i do the squeaking For ratas and mice. Tag name based on that one post with the mousegirl house wife.
I don't tag furries for some reasons: First is, what is a furry? Are Moomins furry? Are Sonic characters furries? Furries' opinion on what is furry and what is not a large broad spectrum of thoughts. Second is so people don't block furries from me. If you don't wanna see furries, go and try and see how many tags you need to block to see none, and you will still see some cuz not everyone tags. Also, furries don't get tagged any of the animal tags.
#boyfriendposting Those posts that are like "yeah, sorry that your boyfriend..."
#fake posts Those posts that are made to look like many and have some theme.
#fauxnetics People trying to spell pronunciation using non-standarized methods like the IPA, usually just causing more confusion. Example: "How do you pronounce Chara? Car-uh, Care-uh, Chair-uh or Char-uh?"
#illinois chess Games (doesn't have to be chess, but if chess, funky non-standard chess) [usually board games] with strange setting or rules, impossible to understand. Tag named after this thing from 20020.
#present as the past from the future Meme/joke posts describing modern/contemporany history or the current world as how we speak of the past. Example: "Cowboys were a sort of itinerant warrior class common in Meiji-era Texas."
#rainbow #emoji #ethanol [Alcohol found in drinking alcoholic beverages] #radiation #tbh creature #tea #picrew #9/11 #plush #tell-o-phone [Telephones] #tell-o-vision [Televisions] #jesus #gastronintestinal issues #isobutyl propionic acid [Ibuprofen] #rain #butane [Alkane of four carbon atoms, fuel in cigarette lighters] #loss ['Loss' by Tim Buckley for Ctrl+Alt+Del] #snow #blåhaj #R-Ë-PLANE [Airplanes and similar aircraft.] #ZUG [German for trains. Anything on rails.] #mpreg [Male pregnancy] #cool S [This one.] #aspirin ,etc, probably there are more.
I hope this ask has answered your doubts. There's probably more tags out there.
Now for an example.
Tag-relevant details: A Sparklecare Cometcare AU fan art piece made and posted by Edward featuring Barry Ill and Uni Sock Cornelius in a night picnic. Uni is wearing her rose-tinted goggles, holding a milkshake with a cherry on top, there's another one present next to Barry. Barry is holding a sandwich with visible lettuce and tomato, there's another one next to Uni. The picnic blanket has the colours of the rainbow. There are stars and hearts around them, the picnic case also had a heart detail. On the field there are white small flowers.
Tags: #ryeblog #art of them #sparklecare #in front of them sensors #kili #pan #rainbow #pilin #mun #the florist's
The tags after the Sparklecare one could be in any order.
And this is an ideal case. As I have stated, I'm not 100% reliable and this sytem isn't either. I sometimes miss some tags.
As a final detail. Comments about the post will go after all of these tags and will have proper sentence capitalization and punctuation. This is the hierarchy the tags go which I sometimes miss too.
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The Technical Overview Of Typical Magento SEO Issues
Magento is often regarded as a challenging e-commerce platform to achieve technical excellence with.
Despite its complex rewrite engine, codebase, and dynamic content and URLs, leading global brands such as Burger King, Coca-Cola, and Tom Dixon all use the platform.
Magento boasts a number of great achievements including increasing sales and user time on site, as well as streamlining order processes. From experience this is true. However, out of the box, Magento has a number of issues.
The majority of Magento’s known SEO issues are fairly simple to fix. However, a lot of them require assistance from developers.
Tom Dixon uses a Magento Enterprise implementation to sell products globally.
At the moment there is a lot of activity within the Magento community as webmasters are preparing to migrate away from Magento 1, which will no longer be supported after summer 2018.
I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a number of brands utilizing Magento, ranging from consumer electrical goods to luxury, designer jewelry, helping them optimize their website during and post the build stage.
This article will explain many of the common Magento SEO issues, as well as how to overcome them. Whether or not you’re using Magento Community or Enterprise versions, the complexity of the platform means you may well be affected by a number of these issues.
General Magento SEO Issues
In a mobile world where site speed is becoming more and more important, Magento is a slow platform and in some cases, this slow load speed and performance can negatively impact organic search performance.
This isn’t just because a slow website is bad for users, but a slow website also impacts crawlability of the website.
To speed up your Magento installation, here are some common fixes that can be applied prior to, and after setup:
Use a server with sufficient RAM and configure it correctly.
Disable Magento logs (default) and enable log cleaning in the back-end.
Utilize a content delivery network like Cloudflare, and if you have a high-traffic website it could be worthwhile to use their Argo product.
Compress front-end assets and images using a compression service. This won’t compromise on quality but by reducing the weight of assets to load it can make a big difference, especially on mobile devices.
There is a lot more to site speed than just the above points, and I’d definitely recommend that you work toward making your store load as quickly as possible on all devices.
Product SEO Issues
Simple and Configurable Products: Canonical Fixes
Like most e-commerce vendors, you will want to use simple products alongside configurable products.
Because a lot of products are configurable – for instance, a sweater may come in a number of different colors – a lot of Magento users will create the same sweater as a simple product to show the different variations of the sweater on the product listing page.
If you’re taking this approach, it’s also unlikely that you’re rewriting the content on each of these pages.
To resolve this duplication issue, but keep your product listing pages looking full, you need to use the canonical tag – linking back to the core configurable product – to indicate to Google that they are duplicate variants of the one item.
Product Title Tags and Headers
By default, Magento tends to create under-optimized title tags and misuses page header tags.
The Magento title tag is just the product name, which could both ambiguous and unhelpful.
My preference is to always manually assign a title tag. That way you can optimize it how you want it.
That being said, large e-commerce vendors may have hundreds or thousands of products and asking someone to write all those title tags won’t be an effective use of their time.
I’d recommend that for products you set a convention to include product variables, such as product type (sweater), color (navy), and gender and potentially even brand. Then for key products within the range manually optimize their title tags.
While header tag usage is only a minor consideration, for me it is one box that a lot of developers leave unticked when building a website or Magento template. I’ve seen product-listing pages with countless H1s, others with no header tags at all.
While there are more important things to fix and consider, to be 100 percent technically excellent this box needs to be ticked and the page’s header tags follow the correct hierarchy.
Product URLs
There is an option in your Magento settings to only use top-level product URLs, rather than including every category and subcategory hierarchy in the URL itself.  I’d suggest you do this.
If you’re using the hierarchical URLs, you may face a duplication issue as you will have multiple variations of the product on individual URLs. This isn’t an issue just faced by Magento, but by a number of e-commerce platforms (especially in WooCommerce).
This approach also helps reduce indexation bloat and allows for you to have a single version of a product that can be nested under different categories.
If you’re already utilizing category paths in your URL strings, make sure that you’re using canonicals to identify the main version of each product.
If you’re moving away from category paths to top-level product URLs, make sure that you update all internal links and have your developer write the necessary redirect rules and that they are implemented when the switchover happens.
Faceted Navigations & Parameter URLs
Faceted navigations are notorious for creating duplicate content issues and indexation bloat, regardless of platform. Magento is no different and the parameter URLs generated by the faceted navigation are often indexed.
The faceted navigation isn’t the only culprit when it comes to generating parameter URLs, a number of extensions also use them to create directories – something you need to review if you use Manadev.
Indexation bloat is an issue, as Google only crawls a portion of your website at a time, and you want it to focus on the core pages that provide user value (and have value to the business). If there are hundreds or thousands of URL parameters for it to contend with, you aren’t optimized for crawling.
So what can be done to resolve parameters appearing in Google’s index?
Handling Parameters In Google Search Console
A quick win to resolving indexation bloat being caused by the URL parameters is to amend how Google handles the URL within Google Search Console.
By declaring how the parameter changes the content for the user and by telling Google bot to not crawl (bottom tick box) any of the content, you can prevent the issue.
You could also block the parameter in the robots.txt file but this can cause issues with PPC and other programmatic campaigns, so I would check before doing so.
Nofollow Faceted Navigation Links
Another favorite implementation of mine is to nofollow the links behind the faceted navigation.
By adding a nofollow to these links, Google won’t crawl them. That being said, if they are linked to from the sitemap or from other areas of the website, the URLs can still be discovered and appear in Google’s index.
AJAX Navigation
This can be a nightmare solution to implement – especially if you don’t have an experienced Magento developer on call.
Using an AJAX navigation will allow users to alter the content on the category/product listing page without changing the URL. There are a number of other technical issues this can cause, such as creating excess JavaScript, impacting site speed.
Magento URL Rewrites
URL rewrites, and how Magento creates URLs, is an issue I see probably 90 percent of the time when working with new Magento clients.
A common issue is that Magento can produce category or product URLs that revert back to the original /catalog/ path, and duplicate the URLs produced based on the title of the page.
These URLs should be blocked (via Robots.txt) and should be monitored, especially when refreshing as some can revert back without reason and no 3xx redirect will be applied.
Number Appendages
Another common issue with Magento’s rewrites is the platform’s habit to add a number to the end of the URL.
This happens when the URL is already being used, and the rewrites are replacing the old URL without changing it. This can cause a number of duplicate URLs (all appended by a number) and can in some cases be a big issue if undetected and unresolved.
This can also be caused by updating products via a CSV. If this is the case, it’s a simple fix and all the developer has to do is removed the rewrites from the rewrite table.
Product listing pages (are correctly) broken up into pages, which is good for the user but can lead to duplicate blocks of text.
In 2011, Google introduced the rel=”next” and rel=”prev” tags to allow webmasters to indicate paginated pages.
To go one step further, I’d also introduce a robots=”noindex,follow” tag to the paginated pages.
It’s important to remember that every Magento implementation is different. Custom templates may bring about new SEO challenges that can only be identified on a case by case basis.
A technical SEO should be included at the earliest stage of the site build process and remain involved throughout the development and post launch to make sure every aspect of the Magento site is optimized.
Screenshots by author. Taken July 2017.
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