#; Don't Run from the Postman⁽ᴬˢᵏˢ⁾
emotionallyflawed · 6 years
❛ How are your injuries? ❜
@lalucedivongola​ || Concerned/Sentence Prompts
         The last thing that Jumin had ever expected was to land himself in a hospital. Everything he did was always perfectly calculated and planned out, so this served as more of an inconvenience and an annoyance than anything. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t worried about his current state or that he wasn’t in a good deal of pain, but his logical thinking was easily able to sway his mind into thinking about all of the possibilities leaving no room for any permanent expectations to enter his mind.
         So when the heir is reminded of his situation he lets out a huff. Even if he was slightly irritated by the situation he had to admit that he was grateful for the company that Elena provided and for the distraction. Wrapped up in bandages and told by his father that things would be handled until he was released had left far too much time on his hands. In all honesty he just wanted to go home. At least healing with Elizabeth 3rd by his side would be far more comfortable than staring at the peeling white paint on the walls.
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         “Every day my injuries should be healing, so I suppose you could say that they’re doing well.” Sure he was still sore, but so long as they were healing he tried his best to focus on that. Especially since staring at the bandages wrapped around his body served no other purpose than to make the time feel even more endless.
         With a slight grunt he readjusts himself in his bed by just a little bit so he can sit up better. “This is the least productive I have ever been in my entire life. Zen must have a secret to healing fast and I’d really like to make a study out of it so this doesn’t happen again.”
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tosurprisethem-blog · 6 years
❝ you look amazing in anything.❞ (yuuri)
@mckeitbeautiful​ || Fluff Starters/Prompts II
          Most days Viktor cared about the way he looked. He made sure his hair sat the way he liked it or the pair of shoes he wore matched the rest of his outfit. Sometimes he called it an ‘art that shouldn’t be rushed’ when getting ready for something important when he’d end up taking longer than he should. Despite this he wasn’t one to plan his outfits the day before and would wear whatever felt right, and at times it left him struggling for what to wear when he couldn’t decide.
          Several articles of clothing littered the end of the bed as he worked to change into his next outfit of choice: a pair of dark grey skinny jeans that hugged his legs perfectly along with a black button down that had its sleeves rolled up and the top three buttons undone. Reaching for a pair of gold aviator sunglasses he had then given himself another check in the mirror before turning to Yuuri with an expectant spin. He had already done this a few times in order to get an opinion from his fiancé and part of him wondered if Yuuri was getting bored, but for their date he had to look his best!
          At the comment he had received he was letting out light laughter as he walked over to tap the others nose with his index finger. “Yuuuurrrriiii! That’s not going to help me pick out an outfit!”
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          Turning back towards the mirror he checked himself out one more time with a grin. “But if I look good in anything maybe just underwear would suffice.” Now he was sending a wink Yuuri’s way before going over towards his shoes to pull them on. Once that was done he fixed his hair one more time before a heart shaped smiled adorned his face as he went to grab Yuuri’s hand.
          “But I’ll save that for later since I’m ready to go now.”
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resurrectedvalor · 7 years
💕 Zelda + Link : D
Anonymous or not, send 💕 + a ship name for a ship you’d like to see on this blog & my opinions of it || @lcylines
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The interactions between these two precious ones in canon I think that they have a very interesting relationship. It goes beyond them just merely accepting what their fate is and then overcoming it to become closer. So I think that they could truly have a very wonderful relationship that would just be filled with all of the things! It’d be great and I love the idea of it a lot! x3 Not to mention just even the friendship and such that we’ve talked about for them makes me believe that they’re really close so anything could be possible!
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maskedbytwilight · 7 years
-stares at-
Nervously sweats
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          Whatever you do don’t look him in the eye and maybe he’ll go away.
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Nemosyne looked quietly at the boy, narrowing her eyes as if she couldn't focus. | golden-childofnayru
          It took the merchant several moments to realize that he was being watched as a strange feeling itched at his back. Carefully turning emerald hues in the girls direction, a dark brow raised curiously as he caught her staring. What a lie it would’ve been if he denied the fact that he was clearly uncomfortable. He’s had people watch him before, but this? It was a little unnerving to put it gently.
          Still, Ravio had managed to pull on a cheerful smile as he always did. Tossing part of the scarf that had fallen out of place back over his shoulder, he knelt down just enough to be a bit more level with her as hands rested against his knees. Even Sheerow had taken his place upon Ravio’s shoulder as his owner cocked his head a few degrees to the left.
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          “Hey there! Did ya need something?”
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blurredsun-blog · 6 years
The bunny closes its eyes and falls asleep. Anon never returns. It's V's rabbit now and it LOVES him. It's scared and hides from everyone else but it LOVES V. I hope poor V is ready to rabbit-proof his house because he's now a rabbit dad whether he wanted to be or not!
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          V adores this bunny. It’s cute and he totally gives it all of the love and attention it will ever need (despite his self-doubts). He cuddles with it when taking naps, makes everything bunny-proof, buys it toys and places to hang around in, and just loves this small creature with his whole heart. He’s definitely loving rabbit-dad life. Now the bunny just needs a name.
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blurredsun-blog · 6 years
Do you believe in magic like Jumin does? Have you ever tried a spell or taken part in a ceremony? Has Jumin ever tried to talk you into doing something like that with him? Have you ever seen the yeti or any other cryptids during your travels?
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          “This is...a very loaded question. I can’t say I don’t believe as I think the world holds many mysteries just as the rest of the universe does. But I’m not as into that as Jumin. Of course I’ve heard him try to practice magic. Sometimes on me...I think he even tried something on Jaehee once? I’ve never actively participated in it, though. So the answer might be rather unfortunate to you but I have to say no...I haven’t seen anything of the sort while traveling. I hope that doesn’t disappoint you. I’m sorry if it does, but I do wonder if Jumin has seen something. You might want to ask him about that.”
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blurredsun-blog · 6 years
“Here can you hold this? Thanks!” Anon hands V a rabbit and runs off. The rabbit looks up at him and twitches his nose. What does V do?!
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          “Huh?!...Wait!” Staring down at the bunny he’s at a loss for quite a few seconds. Why would they hand him a bunny in the first place? Was it theirs? Did they find it? Either way he can’t deny it’s adorable. So he smiles as he holds the furry little creature close to his chest and begins to lightly stroke its head. He could stare at that cute, twitching bunny nose all day.
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blurredsun-blog · 6 years
Jihyun, what do you have planned for Christmas? What would you like for Christmas? Which member of the RFA would you most like to meet under the mistletoe? Who would you least like to meet?
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          “I don’t really have much planned for Christmas. Probably just a quiet evening by myself at home...Though the RFA might be having a small holiday fundraiser, but other than that I didn’t have anything else to do. And something I want for Christmas is for everyone to be safe and happy this holiday season. That’s the only thing I could ever wish for. As for the mistletoe...um...uh...” He lets out a nervous laugh as his cheeks flush red. “I---I’m not really sure about that one. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel forced to kiss me.”
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blurredsun-blog · 6 years
what are some of V's favourite drinks - alcoholic or non-alcoholic? does he have a favourite animal? how does he feel about having pets? does he see himself ever becoming a father?
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Favorite Drinks:
It’s been expressed that V’s favorite alcoholic drink is wine, but as for non-alcoholic I feel like he’d be into tea. The fruity teas are probably his favorite to feel refreshed, but sometimes he’ll make lavender or chamomile if he wants to relax. Other than that he’s not super picky about it as he drinks that (and water) the most!
Favorite Animal:
I feel like he’d love them but not be able to pin down a true favorite. He’d end up liking a lot of different wild life creatures and household animals. Like humming birds, arctic foxes, otters, etc. would just be things that he’d adore seeing and be in awe with every time. So it’s probably hard for him to nail it down to just one! He’d just be happy to see them and how cute they are (and would be even happier to capture a photo/paint a canvas with them somewhere on it if it feels right).
Having Pets:
V probably wouldn’t be against having a pet! I think he’d be more worried about giving it everything it needs. He’d hate to be unable to give whatever pet he gets all of the attention that it deserves. Regardless, at some point he’d probably end up thinking about it more once things start to relax so he could end up getting a dog to help him because of his health and then maybe a cat that could be friends with Elizabeth. So he’s open to it! It’s just not a top priority unless the time presents itself. (But imagine V with a puppy it’d be adorable!)
Becoming a Father:
He’d definitely love to be a father! Though he would have his fears about it as well. His father wasn’t exactly a good parenting example. So it would give him a lot of panic about whether he’d be a good father or not, but in the end he’d love to have a little family of his own. He’d never push the topic on his partner, or even himself, until both are ready, but he’d definitely hope to be a father some day!
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blurredsun-blog · 6 years
if you receive this you make somebody happy. go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get back even better. ♡✨
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Whhaaaaa?! You’re so sweet! I was honestly very surprised to see this appear in my inbox asdfghjkl Thank you for sending this!! I’m glad I make you happy! ♥
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