#:')))) bc. epitome of tsun behavior yk
futurefind · 5 months
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sqx handing this over with big sparkly eyes and barely contained 'is this budding fun new friendship!' energy ♡
Bingo Time, Baby!! // @deiscension
Sasume quickly avoids her gaze, feeling a blush creep up underneath her close. She can't bear to look at the... what, excitement? Hope? On the other's face.
Honestly— what the hell? What about her being good for them?
"...Can the puppy eyes," she huffs, as if she's not resisting the urge to pat Shi Qingxuan on the head over it. Besides, she scowls— "You should be worried less about if you can be my friend and if I can be yours. Mercs aren't exactly keen on much that doesn't get them coin."
And then, before she's offered more gifts— "And no, paying me to be your watch dog wouldn't do it, either."
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