#//Who's the MOST in tune with her timelord lineage
unboundtravels · 7 months
‘ you’re just another set of bones to lay to rest . ’ ( for One )
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𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐬  𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 :  𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥  — [Accepting]
The comment irked her to some degree, though her poker face remained impenetrable. She looked toward Savage with a disinterested look, through narrow eyes. She saw how little she thought of him. Just some crazy crackpot, he was probably thinking. She could see it in his eyes, the way he measured her up to standards he had set via his own expectations for this planet. For this world. It was here that she began to realize that Vandal Savage had not been measured against her standards... for all of the worlds she had been too. She took a sharp inhale, sitting in the chair near his fireplace... in his home... in his study. In his trophy room. She had made the great Vandal Savage and all his mansion's staff, all the kingsmen and kingshorses... look like great big fools. She should be giddy at this sort of thing. She should be excited and giggly like she usually is.
Not bored...
and yet she was. She was bored of him. He imagined he was big. This man across from her imagined that he must be the center of the universe. This man must've imagined that in the great, long, unending list of conquerers— that his name would leave an impression. It was boring. Simply boring. All due to the fact that she had seen this act done before across several civilizations and times. She knew it by heart. This disgusting ideology that only one singular being can be ruler of all. That one man can be the god-king emperor. Her eyes narrowed, as she sat lounged, leaning back in the chair within his study. Her legs were crossed over one another, her elbow resting on the armrest and her fingers covering her mouth as she stared quietly, through narrow eyes.
She must remind him of his place. 
She moved to rest both of her arms against the armrest, fingers dancing on the edge before firmly tightening. Her legs uncrossed as she braced herself to stare firmly. She took in one exhale, turning her nose up just a bit at him. Finally, she stood, and slowly. Then it happened, inch by inch... moment by moment passed... the room growing heavier, until this sudden chill ran down... the fire in the study beginning to go out.
The two were in darkness. Pale moonlight streamed through the curtains, but it was total darkness. The Doctor rested her fingers softly against her lapel, before silently and slowly... one hand sunk down to her side. She had no weapons, and yet she was prepared to shoot down Vandal Savage. Her imposing nature, her chill. Vandal Savage was not in the room with The Doctor. No. He was in the room with someone who was eldritch in their nature. Someone very old and endless. A woman who had lived much longer than him, and had seen much more. Someone who had seen the turn of the universe, and had known from the very start her place in it all. Despite knowing her fate, this figure still warped destiny to her own desires, fighting it day and night... and winning. 
The slowly growing shadow behind her choked out the pale light from the edge of the curtain. A trick the figure had picked up over her long travels: the ability to use her mind like a scalpel... and right now, her cuts were precise and methodical. Her eyes and their piercing white glow seemed to be the only other light in the room when the chill darkness snuffed everything else out... aside from, again, a few streams of moonlight from behind the curtain. She took something from her coat pocket, resting it between her fingers and caressing her thumb over it, but never taking her eyes off of Savage... keeping his locked on her...
Until she spoke...
And her voice carried her words with a weight that perhaps even not the immortal self-proclaimed king could lift. 
"You are small." 
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