#// V: MAIN
@apurekindness continued from x
He hadn't intended to blurt out the first thing that came to mind when he opened his mouth upon Kiara's approach, but he was so dumbstruck by the sight of her attired in something besides a labcoat that the cup he'd been carrying around the party for show may as well have lowered his impulses for real. Mingling with the doctors there to celebrate, Ben found the ruse easier than the explanation that he was cloned from a non-drinker, given the proclivity for partying that the others had, but he wasn't faking a thing when he paid her the compliment.
He was just about to elaborate on his words—mostly to assure the good doctor that he hadn't meant it in any creepily detached, Frankensteinian way—when she moved in to lay a kiss on him. Still thrown by the presence of Kiara's décolletage, he misinterpreted the gesture and found her lips with his own. His hand slid up her back to brace her as she balanced on her toes, not wanting to tip her over in returning the kiss, which he did instinctually from the instant they touched.
He'd only sequestered himself in a far corner to get away from the bad karaoke rendition of "Livin' on a Prayer" that the partygoers were being treated to, but the privacy worked in their favor. The kiss lingered, with Ben's heart thumping in his chest so loudly as he savored the way Kiara tasted that it nearly drowned out the off-key warbling.
"I think they're about to do presents now..." he muttered when the music died down, breaking his focus and bringing him back to the reality of where they were. He reluctantly released the hold he had on her, and gave her an embarrassed smile, unused to such a warm reception to his motormouth. Speaking before thinking in Ben's case typically resulted in having pumpkin bombs angrily hurled at his head. "After that... Maybe I could buy you a drink?" he offered, trying to gauge where they stood.
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ofengineers · 7 months
Anabella mildly frowned while she pondered over her own thoughts and gently tapped her fingers on the armrest of her chair. Only after a couple of seconds did she look up to meet Midadol's gaze. " The Phoenix blessing makes us warmer to the touch; sometimes more and sometimes less. I have heard this is the case with Shiva as well. " Her head canted to the side, and suddenly the woman averted her gaze. " Does this apply to your father as well? " Did it tingle her to touch him? The absurdity of the thought, that had been on her mind for a while now, brought a faint shimmer to her cheeks. " Forget about it, Midadol. Forget that I said anything, " Anabella muttered then and waved with her hand as if she wanted to shoo away her own words. How embarrassing.
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Mid raises a curious eyebrow at Anabella's words. If there's one question she hasn't seen coming, it is surely this one. Mid herself has never really wondered about that. Well, she has noticed that Joshua's body is always quite warm, but she never realized it may have something to do with him being the Phoenix. As usual, she doesn't care that he's a Dominant. It's him that she loves. She doesn't forget he's the Phoenix. She can't. She just doesn't think much about it.
As for Cid... Well, she hugs her father quite often, but she was never... tingled by him when it happens. She would have noticed... right ? But why is Anabella asking such a question ? Have she thought of getting close to Mid's father ?
Mid blinks a few times and approaches Anabella, a curious smile on her lips. "Maybe... Maybe his body his warm because of all these... bolts and lightnings inside him ? I never noticed... I mean... I hug him a lot, but..." But with clothes. Not in a way she would notice much. She finishes the sentence inside her mind and shakes her head. Is Anabella blushing now ? Oh. This is weird. Mid could never see her father as attractive because he's her father. But she knows he's popular. She knows it very well.
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She raises an eyebrow. "No, no, Lady Anabella. I... I guess it's a... valid question." She then clears her throat, not sure of what to say next. "Was it... was it a purely hypothetical question, or are you really... curious ?" She really shouldn't have asked, but she can't help herself.
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prcttyinpcnk · 9 days
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"Pride month is upon us! Remember, no cops at pride! Or they will face my blade!"
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oncomingx · 4 months
@sclfmastery continued from here :)
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"We'd both be dead," the Doctor agrees. Little boys prepared to do the worst to protect each other, even if it meant killing another child and hiding the body. Even if it meant one selling the other out to Death to become her champion.
The Master would have been killed, but probably so would have the Doctor, abandoned in that barn as a child, neglected and uncared for.
Two little boys who would have died if not for the other, locking eyes and saying we are the same, and finding solace in the familiarity.
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"I didn't have a 'fanclub' when we met," he says, big brown doe eyes searching the other’s face for anything besides anger. "Only you."
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inthisfire-ifindrain · 2 months
@mamavalcalaw @omicrontheicequeen liked for a starter
Fiona was rummaging though a large crate when she heard a noise behind her, something big sounded like it was approaching, making her stop moving and act as still as a statue.
She wasn't sure weather or not to call out, maybe it was a sales man and their bhramin, but it sounded bigger. slowly she slid out of the crate and turned around her eyes getting wide as she sees the deathclaw her eyes looking from the large tail all the way up to her horns.
"Oh fuck." she said as she slid down the side of the crate her knees at her chest, this wasn't something she prepared for as part of her was about ready to accept the end in this moment.
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masteryoftheseas · 8 months
Lose you too. She certainly hoped - for his sake - he was implying their children leaving home to live independently. Unfortunately she knew better than that and jealousy immediately started to tug at the edges of her being. This revelation had taken quite its toll. Emotions she didn’t know were still in her resurfaced. Styx didn’t like the vulnerability of it all. She didn’t like to be witnessed in such a state. Her initial instinct was to flee and hide. Rage it out. But somehow she could not shake it this time. Perhaps because it was too important and too much of a dagger to the heart. “Let me guess: you were unsuccessful at Olympus so you came back.” she sneered, yet it wasn’t as coldly as was expected of the goddess. Envy, grief, sadness, pain — it all gathered in the back of her throat, weakening her usual confidence. Styx shifted in position and turned sideways, he back towards him. Dark curls rolled over her back as she did so, curling into the sheets of their bed; wishing to vanish before having to face the conclusion of their marriage.
It was true Pallas went to Olympus but only for a short while. He visited with his children, informed them of the strain he put on their mother. They had had fights before but never this explosive. Explosive to the point that the titan wasn't sure if he would stay married to his wife. They always found a way back to each other but perhaps this time was different.
Although she was buried deep inside Zeus's body, she was ever present and still haunted Pallas's marriage. Crept into the bits of vulnerability Styx tried to keep closed. But just one slip cracked it wide open. How could the wound close? Was it too late? Styx held their marriage in her hands. She always did. It was her decision if they got married and when it would be. And he let her control it. And this time wouldn't be different. He owed her that much.
"I was there but only for our children. I came back for you." Pallas answered her as he watched her face away from him. He wondered how long she stayed in their bed. Did she even move when he fled? Chaos he despised seeing her in such a horrible state.
"How can I stay on Olympus when it's overflowing with annoying gods and goddesses? Everyone is watching your every move, judging you. Walls and privacy mean nothing. Here...no one watches us. This is your realm. No one dares take a step unless they are foolish enough to face your wrath." He continued as he stepped a little closer to their bed.
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ycungmagick · 2 months
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"And what would a pirate captain like you want from someone like me?"
Ophelia sighs. Just her luck. She can never truly have a normal day, can she? Then again with stuff like this happening, it seems like this is her normal. Either way, hopefully she doesn't piss this guy off and get into more trouble.
@ashenwinds liked for a starter
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thefastestaround · 5 months
"If it makes you feel better, no one looks better in blue than I do."
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A slight smirk at Beast and a tilt of his head, "I can even pull off multiple shades of blue. Don't think I can say the same of you."
Pietro had left off the moral box not exactly on purpose. It was a touchy subject when it came to other mutants and what they thought of the speedster.
Pietro also had far more important things to do than watch the space dramas that Hank and everyone else seemed to be enamored with. Gambit was one of the worst when it came to trying to get him to change his ways.
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lilmcttens · 1 month
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👻⊱ Amity is struggling with the fact Mother's Day is coming and her forced visit with her mum is coming up. Though she would rather call her 'Odalia.' Her family needed to get through a few hearings before Alador could have sole custody of her and her older siblings. This was Spider-Horse shit! Amity knew better than Anyone else in her family their mother was toxic for all of them but she was still forced to be in the same proximity as her once every few years. She wished every time she was 18 already!
"This is Snorse-shit, this is Snorse-shit, This is Snorse-shit."
Amity couldn't wrap her brain around how this was necessary.
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stacysghost · 5 months
@inhcritance liked for a starter!
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"So, how long are you going to pretend that you can sustain yourself on science alone?" Gwen looks at him over her clipboard, a bag of takeout in her other hand. "C'mon, Harry, you've gotta eat."
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Ben was finding it easier to lie to Kiara. Aside from needing to keep his dual identity a secret, he also wanted to obfuscate his personal reasons for being so fascinated with the reputation she had as a healer. The more they chatted on medical techniques, the more he could pass it off as professional curiosity rather than his own obsession with arresting or even reversing cellular decay. Which was not to say that he didn't genuinely enjoy the time he'd spent getting to know her and not just the impressive results of her work, only that her demeanor made it feel less like he was pretending when passing himself off as solely the scientist and not his own test subject as well.
"Busy morning?" he asked as he set a to-go cup of hot tea down in front of Kiara, something he'd picked up for her along with his own much-needed coffee.
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ofengineers · 10 months
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Well, Mid understands that Joshua wants to be useful, but the way he fought Odin on the Enterprise scared her very much. Not just for her ship, but for everyone aboard, including Joshua himself. The King of Waloed is a scary man, and Odin is even worst. She has decided to visit Joshua at the infirmary, making sure he's now doing better.
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When she sees he's awake, she offers him a smile. "Well, you were very brave against that huge asshole, you know ?" she assures, letting a brief chuckle escape her mouth. "Seriously, thank you for protecting everyone. Now, rest, though. You'll fight again once you're doing better."
@flickeringphoenix ❤'d for a starter!
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pcrfumebcttles · 16 days
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"Well well well, and look who it is~!"
Allison giggles, looking at him with that signature Conway smile. Well wasn't he a sight for sore eyes.
"And what brings you here, handsome~?"
@unbreakable-ribbons liked for a starter!!
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oncomingx · 3 months
🫂 (hehoo)
@sclfmastery // send 🫂 to hug my muse!
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How many times will the Doctor be the one offering the Master a hug, and how many times will the Master take it? Almost never, and for the Master to initiate is even more rare, so the Doctor takes them where he can.
He's so, so incredibly starved for touch in this regeneration -- since the Moment, really, not that he remembers why. But he does remember the loneliness he felt afterwards, especially after every companion leaves and more especially after the Valiant.
So when the Master comes in for a hug, the Doctor - Theta - hugs back, tight, and silent, and letting Koschei take what he needs. Tucks his face into his lover's neck and breathes him in.
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miss-polly · 1 year
@beautiful-mischief ;
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She'd been listening to Loki talk for ages now, going on about something that felt almost completely beyond her. She was grasping bits and pieces, but, more than anything, she was watching him. The way he gesticulated, the way he smiled. Make no mistake, Polly had found Loki attractive from the first moment she met him, but there was something so undeniably beautiful about how he looked when he was talking about something that excited him so much. At first, Polly thought she wouldn't mind listening to him talk for the rest of her life.
And then she thought, I love him.
Warmth bloomed in her chest, spreading across her face, as the realization sunk in. This wasn't just an infatuation, or adoration for a friend. This was something deep. Undeniably heavy and light all at once. The corners of her mouth curved upwards, and she'd spoken it aloud before she knew what was happening -- interrupting him, no less.
"I love you."
Simple words, easily said -- far more easily than she ever thought they would be.
"I -- I really love you, Loki. So very much."
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“So bad news about the ice cream I promised you.The place I wanted to get it from mysteriously burnt down, but I think I found a good enough replacement.” Java held up a half gallon tub of it. “It’s chocolate with a bit of cinnamon. But I’ll be honest, Zizzi, I need your help too. But we can have this first.”
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