#/ 'first' love. sir where's the second and third lkfjdslgf
sailorvinusmoved · 4 years
“I want to know what your hobbies are.” - From Mama Haines :D
🌙 @vendettacanons. meme. still accepting!
“I want to know what your hobbies are.”
❝Lately, I've taken up watching birds at 5:30am. I can't tell you the names of each bird, I'm not that deep into the lore. But, I can tell you that the little white bird with black wings sing quiet songs composed of a rhythmic series of short trills, rasps, and buzzes mixed with clear, often descending notes.They scold and, like, stutter. And, some of them click their bills. I know stuff like that. I don't know the bird's name. Sometimes, I'll use my art degrees and coordinate really big, nice events at performing arts centers. I may act and model, now... But, like, art is my first love. I like to showcase talent that may get overlooked. Last month, I held a show for Singaporean contemporary artists.❞
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He popped the lid of his boba with a thick straw and took a sip; rose black tea was a good choice. Then, he took a closer look at Penelope's cup, wondering what she bought. Apparently, it was her first time in this restaurant. An adorable, lovely, Taiwanese owned joint with do-it-yourself bubble tea and plenty of choices for food. Savory, sweet, everything in between. It was nice. ❝I'll take classes, sometimes. Sculpting, flower arrangement, photography. Like, when my schedule allows. I like learning! Love cooking. I can't bake for shit, but I love making food from home. Collecting jazz records, studying moths. I love moths! Slugs, too. I like both of those. That's about it, these days... The busier I get, the less time I have. So, you know, like, I have a lot of throwaway interests. I'll pick up subjects for a week or two before I drop them. I know a lot about cryptocurrencies and beekeeping because of this. Now, Penelope, what about you?❞
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