#& I don't mean that as in I'm angry Belle isn't wearing a powdered wig in BATB
neechees · 2 years
I kinda wonder what if Disney princess line were to add another Native American? I feel that the best bet is it should be a story based on an indigenous tale or myth, not on RL like Pocahontas.
I feel like it'd be better to stay away from Native myths & just make up a whole new character. White people already have a weird fixation on Indigenous spirituality & legends, so I imagine any story they decide to tell from Native myth, they will inevitably butcher it in some way, no matter how much information or accurate cultural/historical reference & advice there is at their disposal, & the attention it gets will bring shit like appropriative weirdos, racist fan arts, blatant disrespect of literal Native religions, etc, so I do NOT want to see Disney do that.
Even look at what Disney did with Moana. Despite the fact that there's a lot of generally accurate stuff (like some of the clothing, architecture, the boats, the story of Polynesians voyaging for a long time & then just stopping, & even a few bits of Maui's legends), & Moana herself isn't based on any real person, they STILL made it pan-oceanic (like the equivalent to pan-Indian, but we're talking about Pacific Islanders here) instead of just choosing one culture & decided to mix them together. You see influences from Tāgata Samoa, Māori, Kānaka Maoli, Mā’ohi, Tongans, Rapa Nui, & I think even Tuvalu people. Plus some of the horrific merchandise that came later, like selling a Maui costume that featured a bodysuit with his tattoos SKIN (& this is horrific especially because of the history of white colonizers killing and selling the bodies of tattooed polynesians, like specifically Māori men with tā moko, specifically so they could display them as "curiosities" & as trophies).
Moana comparatively is a pretty big improvement from Pocahontas, but even so, even like some 20 years later Disney still fucked up with their handling of her, & did so for the sake of money. They ARE coming out with Tigerlily & Peter Pan soon, but I'm not totally convinced. I know someone who's been the cultural consultant for the movie & even though he seems optimistic, based on what he's told me, & what I know about Disney, I'm. Hm not so optimistic.
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