waywardsou2 · 3 hours
For those of you who don't know, this is Sister.
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She is a transfemme Clone from 7th Sky Corps. She was named by her brothers who wanted to make sure that she felt recognized and heard among the thousands of her brothers. She was often Paired with General Kenobi, Padawan Skywalker and Commander Cody during battles.
She is a reminder that even though you may feel alone amongst thousands of people who may not be the same as you there will always be people out there who love and accept you for who you are.
If you are ever struggling, think of Sister. And let her be your guide.
Happy Pride and May the Force be with you!
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waywardsou2 · 5 hours
happy pride to everyone in the community!! happy pride to those who are out, those who are not, those who aren’t sure of their identity yet, those who don’t use labels, those who don’t feel seen, etc, etc. stay safe and don’t be ashamed to be yourself.
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waywardsou2 · 8 hours
hello! could you do 7, 10, and 11 from your 100 followers ask game??
Thank you for the ask!
7. Who is your favourite side character
It would have to be Phee, I love how she was introduced and then developed and I am so mad about how she was shunned in the end. I'm also a massive Tech/Phee shipper so how could I not.
A close second would be Cid, yes I know she's a bitch and I hate her guts. However I think she was an interesting plot device for the Batch because without her a lot of the major plot points would have never occured.
10. What is my favourite Hunter head canon?
I have the head canon that Hunter always sorta filled the Dad role for his brothers. Doesn't matter they are the same age and on a DNA level are the same person he just felt that he filled that role and he did whatever he could for his brothers. The Batcher were really close but it's Hunter that keeps them together. I like to think he cared for them really deeply (more than the Regs do eachother) he fought for them when the Reg bullied them (another hc) he hugged them when he knew they were struggling. He just genuinely put all the effort into looking after his brothers. Which is why he stepped into the fatherly role for Omega so easily.
11. What is my favourite Crosshair head canon?
I think Crosshair has a tick of sometimes or an anxiety stim. Think about his toothpicks. What the fuck is the point of just giving a random character for no reasons toothpicks?! It does make sense. So I think he has some sort of anxiety disorder (how could you not. I mean cmon) And ever since he was little he used to bite his nail when he nervous. The Kaminoans didn't like that he did that but he couldn't break the habit so he began collecting tooth picks from the mess hall to crew on instead.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!!!! I had lots of fun writing these!
If you want to use or even send me an ask from this game then please do
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waywardsou2 · 21 hours
I just need a goth trans bf who will hold me at my worst and run with me at my best. Who will love all my stupidity and my quirks and my dumbfuckery. Who will watch me make an absolute ass of myself and still love me anyway. Who will hold me whilst I fall asleep so I know that even in the dark I'll never be alone. Who I can care for a love as my other half. Who I can dance with in the dark and who I can go crazy with. I want someone who is willing to follow me to the ends of the earth just like I am willing to do for them.
I want someone who can love me, for me. Without expecting me to change, without hoping I'll be different, without expecting things I can't achieve.
I just want someone to love me, for me.
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waywardsou2 · 21 hours
I am transgender (ftm)
Gay and Panromantic.
Fuck homophobic dad's!!!
I have one too
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
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Bad Batch modern AU about a girl and her five cool dads
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
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Hunter made the mistake of trying to help Omega with her math homework. He should probably leave that to Tech. (I dont know about you, but my parents and I would always argue over homework) Don't worry about it though, they made up later that night.
Echo and Tech are out of the house for a couple weeks, each on their own trips. And without Echo, the house as truly gotten out of hand cleanliness wise.
And their big family has gotten even bigger! Now that Batcher has joined. I decided to make her a King Cane Corso.
Prints are available here
I used the wonderful sims house as reference made by @dragonild
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
Sketchbook 1: Officially complete
I won't be posting the last bits of art until the End of June simply because I'm going off of a two month time line and it's only just gone June.
For now you'll have to wait in suspense and in the mean time I will accumulate so much art!!!
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
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I love the group ones but they’re sooooo time consuming 😭
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
Shout out to all of my He/Hims
To my She/Hers
To my They/Thems
To my It/It's and my Ze/Zirs
To my AFABs to my AMABs
To my intersex siblings
To my trans brother, to my trans sisters and my siblings in between.
To my mentally ill queers, to my disabled queers, to my system queers, to my alter human queers.
To all of my kids in the closet, to the kids that have been kicked out, to the kids that never felt good enough, to the kids who wished they could be anyone else, to the kids who are bullied and to the kids who aren't here with us.
To all of my adults who are in the closet, who were kicked out as kids, to the adults that still don't feel good enough, to the adults who wished they could be anyone else, to the adults that are kicked out of jobs and bullied and to the adults who made it so far, but couldn't keep going.
To those who's lives and loves were taken from them and those who were oppressed for their identity.
To my bisexuals, to my pansexuals, to my aces and aros, to my confused as fuck queers and to everyone everywhere.
I love you and you are loved. You will always be loved, there will always be someone out there for you.
Never stop fighting, never stop living, never stop being you. But never stop being compassionate, never stop loving and never stop looking out for others inside and outside the community.
And thanks to the allies, for sticking up for your friends and loved ones.
Happy Pride, cheers to another year!
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
And so it begins…
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Main Prompt: Water Gun Fight
Alternative Prompt: “It’s not what you think.”
Reminder to tag your prompt fills so everyone can find them!
This week’s tags:
#summerofbadbatch2024 #week1 #water gun fight #it’s not what you think
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
If you send me one I'll send you one!
100 follower ask game
Send in the asks!!!
1. Who is your favourite Batcher?
2. If the Batchers came to life what would you do/say?
3. Which Batcher do I think needs a hug?
4. What would I change about a physical character design for each of batchers?
5. Which Batcher is my least favourite?
6. What is my favourite episode from each season?
7. Who is my favourite side character?
8. Which Batcher do I think I could beat in a fight?
9. Which Batcher would I kill if I had to?
10. What is my favourite Hunter head canon?
10. What is my favourite Hunter head canon?
11. What is my favourite Crosshair head canon?
12. What is my favourite Wrecker head canon?
13. What is my favourite Tech head canon?
14. What is my favourite Echo head canon?
15. What is my favourite Omega head canon?
16. What is my favourite crossover head canon?
17. If I had to give one of the Batchers a partner who would it be?
18. Which batcher do I think is most likely to kill a Jedi?
19. If I could trade lives with one of the Batchers which one would I switch with
20. (Not a question) Rant about one of the Batchers (your choice)
21. Which Batcher had the best armour design
23. Which Batcher had the best out of armour outfit
24. What is an angsty or whumpy head canon I have about one of the Batchers
25. What is a design flaw I think Hunter has
26. What is a design flaw I think Crosshair has
27. What is a design flaw I think Wrecker has
28. What is a design flaw I think Tech has
29. What is a design flaw I think Echo has
30. What is a design flaw I think Omega has
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
Mini Drawing Project Part 4 (a)
Tup, Dogma and Hardcase
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The next round of boys are here ( +Cody coz he was just too close)
I recently finished the clone wars and it feels like I'm doing the boys justice. Or trying to anyway
This little project is from this poll so if you would like you can vote for the next round of lads I decide to draw
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
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this was funnier in my head
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
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Rexi from current comm wip
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
Just finished watching The Clone Wars.
My heart is in a million little prices and I have tears staining my face.
I will never recover from that
Jesse, Thorn, Kix, Fives, Tup...fucking all of them. They are gone...
My boys...my brother's. They are just gone...
And Rex, I couldn't stand to watch him cry. What he said about not existing if it weren't for the war was true but it's so so sad. He still deserved to be a person.
They all do... I am so glad that the Bad Batch helped tie up a few lose ends in terms of the clone but God fucking damn it this hurts
I'm going to re-watch the Bad Batch now cause myself more pain 👍
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waywardsou2 · 1 day
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