#wlw film
sapphicweisz · 5 months
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mediademon · 2 months
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Love Lies Bleeding (2024) dir. Rose Glass
Don't ever fall in love, okay?
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theloyalpin · 2 months
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Kristen Stewart & Katy O’Brian on Love Lies Bleeding for Them Magazine:
“What I love about this movie is that queerness isn’t the conflict. It’s the type of film that I, as a queer person, would want to watch — to not have drama around my sexuality and just admire these two absolutely whacky individuals.” - Katy O’Brian
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elainiisms · 1 year
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this is the funniest thing that has ever happened i think
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kajecoyle · 4 months
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The Dream Songs (2022) Directed by Cho Hyun-chul
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forsapphics · 5 months
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CAROL (2015) — dir. Todd Haynes
EILEEN (2023) — dir. William Oldroyd
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gay-art-vibes · 2 months
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Sapphic / WLW / Lesbian Film Lists!
In case it helps anyone I have a Letterboxd page where I review and also create lists of solely sapphic films. There’s lists by genre, tropes like enemies to lovers, vibes like angsty or happy, and what rep is in the film like sapphic trans characters or sapphic bipoc rep.
I also create lists for what movies are on each streaming service to help you find them (but I am based in the UK so this may vary)
My Letterboxd is in my bio or here:
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harrybyharry · 1 year
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Heavenly Creatures, dir. Peter Jackson, 1994
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mythtakens · 13 days
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Show Me Love aka Fucking Åmål (1998) dir. Lukas Moodysson
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lovedpoetical-ly · 1 month
recently saw a post abt the lack of black femme rep in media, so here’s a list of shows/movies i’ve watched with black femmes for anyone who has yet to find decent representation.
(* means i highly recommend)
1. The Bold Type, 5 seasons *
(Kat, bisexual)
2. How To Get Away With Murder, 6 seasons *
(annalise keating, bisexual)
(tegan price, lesbian, s4-s6)
3. Dive Club, 1 season
(camille, sexuality unknown)
4. Black Lightning, 4 seasons *
(anissa/thunder, lesbian)
5. The Fosters, 5 seasons *
(lena, lesbian)
6. First Kill, 1 season
(calliope, lesbian)
7. Get Even, 1 season
(amber, lesbian)
8. She’s Gotta Have It, 2 seasons *
(nola darling, pansexual)
(opal, lesbian)
1. The Perfection *
(lizzie, queer)
(gifs are in order of shows/movie on the list)
@cremegrll my mind blanked when i saw ur post so i could only remember one at the time, but i jus found much more.. hope you enjoy these recs!
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rotnread · 1 month
Don’t invite me to Sunday brunch unless this is what I’m eating
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sapphicweisz · 1 year
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mirandapriestlyswife · 2 months
Mirandy Apocalypse Fic- Chapter 1
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Hi everyone! Ive decided to make the first part of this released fic into a prologue and this will be the first official chapter. Hopefully I’ll be able to upload to AO3 soon. Enjoy! :)
read prologue here- https://www.tumblr.com/mirandapriestlyswife/747204446805704704/mirandy-fanfic-apocalypse-au-prologue
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Miranda fucking Priestly. The bitch lives. Well.. Kind of.. She didn’t look older per-say… More broken maybe. Her eyes looked hollow. As if they’d witnessed the worst that was to come. Her gorgeous white hair somehow remained almost perfectly styled. Did this woman have some kind of hair department she was keeping in a bunker to avoid infection??? Andy had just assumed that alike every other rich asshole, Miranda had purchased some underground bunker upstate. Yet here she stands. Staring directly into her soul.
“Andrea..?” Mirandas voice sent shivers down her spine. Andy gaped in disbelief that this woman was somehow still alive. Young, relatively healthy Lily had passed in a matter of hours. Yet 54 year old Miranda Priestly stood in front of her looking as healthy as ever. She noticed how Miranda was eyeing her up and down, probably trying to determine if she was a hallucination or not. Andy swallowed but it seemed her mouth had gone dry, “Miranda..? I-.. You’re alive.” It wasn’t exactly a question, more of an observation. Was she happy to see Miranda alive? Absolutely! If this was quite literally any other person alive Andy would’ve ran straight at them and given them the biggest bear hug she could muster. But this was no ordinary person, no, this was Miranda fucking Priestly.
Miranda pursed her lips slightly which made Andy wince. She should’ve been kinder with her greeting.. The older woman cleared her throat “I am? I hardly noticed.” She said with disinterest. How could anyone be disinterested to find out they are in fact not the last person on Earth?! Unless Miranda was actually still making every single Runway employee come in to work everyday. ‘Yes im aware there’s a global pandemic but is that really an excuse for our swimwear shoot to look so lackluster?’ Andy could practically imagine her saying. She attempted to swallow but was once again met with cottonmouth, “I- I- are you- are you real..?” She practically choked on her own words.
“Am I real?” Miranda scoffed. “Of course Im real. If anyone here is a hallucination its you.” Andy was almost offended by this woman’s lack of shock. Did Miranda really think so little of her? That she wasn’t even worthy of a proper acknowledgement of ‘Hey! It’s great to see Im not the only person here! It’s been months since I’ve had someone to talk to!’. She took a deep breath and then she felt the hot tears streaming down her cheeks. This was all too much. The death, the loneliness, but now she had someone, someone to make her less lonely, but of course that had to have been the one person that wanted nothing to do with her. She wailed. Having no shame of fully breaking down in front of her former boss.
Mirandas eyes displayed… Sympathy.. almost. She stared at the crying woman.. Before eventually walking closer to Andy. Close enough to touch, close enough to hug. But.. Hugging would be too much. For the both of them. Or at least that’s what Miranda had decided. Instead, she placed a firm hand on Andys shoulder. “…Im glad to see you.” The way Miranda says it so slowly, so firmly, it puts Andy at ease. She doesn’t stop crying, but the wailing ceases. She took a deep breath and rushed to Miranda, throwing her arms around the shorter woman. In any other circumstances, she wouldn’t have dared touch Miranda. But this was quite literally the end of the world.
Andy sobbed into Mirandas shoulder. Oh how wonderful it felt to hug someone. Someone that was alive. Someone that she knew. She knew once they’d both gotten over the shock of seeing someone breathing that Miranda would probably kill her for getting tear stains on whatever designer blazer she was sporting midst of the fucking apocalypse. Leave it to Miranda Priestly to still be fashionable as ever even when there’s quite literally no one else to see.
Eventually she felt Miranda put her arms around her already trembling body, causing more sobs to erupt from Andys mouth. She pulled away quickly and wiped her tears with shaking hands, only to put her hands back on Mirandas shoulders, for some assurance that she was in fact real.
“How are you- how are you alive? I- im so..” Confused? Happy? On the verge of a panic attack?? Miranda took a deep breath and with surprising gentleness, removed Andys hands from her shoulders. “I would like to ask you the same thing.” Even with her gentle touch, the older woman’s voice still contained some bite. Perhaps she was still upset over Paris? Couldn’t she put aside their petty differences and look at the real problem at hand? They were possibly the last two people left on Earth. “Are there.. any other survivors with you..?”
Miranda went dead silent. Andy wasn’t even sure if she could hear her breathing. She looked absolutely broken, she then scoffed, as if to hide her moment of vulnerability. “‘Survivors’ you say that as if we’re in some sort of fictitious zombie apocalypse.” She let out a deep sigh as the sorrow to her voice returned, “No.. There’s no survivors with me.”
Andy felt a pit in the bottom of her stomach. That must mean- oh God.. “Oh Miranda.. I’m so sorry..” That must mean the twins had passed. Miranda looked teary eyed, she gave Andy a curt nod and looked away, of fear of crying. “Yes well.. I’m sorry as well.” She sniffled and Andy practically saw Mirandas heart break. She sighed and gazed at Miranda sympathetically, she opened her mouth to say something when she was interrupted. “What are you doing at Elias-Clarke?” Andy was almost offended by the question, it was asked so accusatorially. What was she doing at Elia-Clarke? What are you doing at Elias-Clare?! “..Just looking for some familiarity. Something nostalgic to fill the day, you know.” Miranda looked at her from head to toe, just as she had her first day on the job. It made her feel small, even it was done out of habit. “‘Familiarity’? You haven’t worked here for 2 years.”
“3 years.” Andy corrected. It’s been 3 years since I- um.. since.. Paris.”
Miranda raised an eyebrow, “Well I have much more important matters at hand then remembering when my second assistant abruptly resigned in disgrace.” Andy cracked a small smile, “From what I remember you gave me a pretty damn good letter of recommendation.. I mean good coming from you.”
Miranda gave her an unamused look. “I called you my greatest disappointment, what about that to you screams ‘pretty damn good’?” Andys smile widened, oh how she missed this. Having a conversation is something she really took for granted. “Actually you said ‘biggest disappointment’.. And you also said that anyone would be a fool not to hire me..”
The other woman smiled almost fondly at the thought. Maybe she missed conversations too? She never pictured Miranda as an extrovert in her free time, but surely everyone craves some type of human interaction from time to time. “Yes, yes, do remind me of my generosity after you left me stranded at a show with no assistant.” Ohhh the bite was back. “Mira-“ She started, but was abruptly cut off when she heard the sound of a microwave going “ting”.
Andy froze. “…You have… You have power?!” She’d been living on expired chips and cans of beans for months!! And this woman was having fucking microwaved dinners?! A luxury in retrospect.
“Of course I have power?” Andy was in utter shock. How?? How did this woman have power?! “But- the power companies.. I-I- mean I’ve been living in the dark for months! Besides battery powered stuff and-“
“..Stuff..?” Miranda raised an eyebrow. “Well I have no idea why you would do something as barbaric as that.. Half the buildings in this city have some sort of generator.. Elias-Clarke’s has been running strong for a few weeks by now.”
“A few weeks?!” Andy scoffed
“Yes Andrea, thats what I said isn’t it?”
“Do you even know how long generators last?! It’s less than 3,000 hours! I mean-“
“Did I say it was running constantly?” Miranda scoffed and turned on her heels, walking towards the microwave that was positioned behind Emilys old desk. Since when did Runway even own a microwave? And since when did Miranda Priestly eat anything that even so much as touched a microwave? Andy watched in wonder.
“I turn the damned thing on for less than 30 minutes a day. I figure when it eventually stops working ill simply.. Move to another place of residence.” The way Miranda spoke with such ease, as if this all came naturally to her was a bit unsettling.
“‘Another place of residence’? You live here? Why would yo-“
“Honestly Andrea, do you think I would want to live in the house where my daughters died?”
Andy froze. The way those words flew out of Mirandas mouth with such hostility.. Underneath the that frigid mask, Miranda was in fact a grieving mother. It made Andy’s heart ache. She no longer felt as if she was staring at the untouchable queen of fashion anymore, but a human being. She watched Miranda pull out the steaming microwaved dinner, God it smelt delicious. She hadn’t had a hot meal since the power was cut in New York.
You know how in zombie apocalypse movies they usually have an estimate that all of New York City would be infected in around 24-48 hours? Well they weren’t too far off in all honesty. Once the infection had reached its peak, it was swift to take the lives of pretty much anyone that hadn’t caught it already. God knows Andys run into her fair share of corpses. Thats part of the reason she tried to not move around a lot, fear of running into the corpse of someone she knew.
“You relocate a lot?”
Miranda rolled her eyes as she peeled back the plastic of her microwaved meal. “I’ve moved around from time to time. I prefer to sleep in my office.”
“No, im clearly lying to entertain you.”
Andy cracked a smile, which Miranda caught and stiffened, almost as if she were flustered. The older woman cleared her throat as she focused her attention back on her microwaved meal, moving it onto some of the fine china she always kept in her office. Though this set looked newer than the one she used when Andy worked there.
“Well, I stay in my friend Lily’s old apartment.. Its about.. An hours walk from here? Not sure-“ She laughed awkwardly, “Ive kinda stopped keeping track of time..”
Miranda hummed.
“Lily? Is that a relative of some sort or-“
“My best friend.” Andy interrupted. Miranda looked shocked at the fact that Andy had the balls to interrupt her, which made her smile a bit brighter. Miranda shook it off and picked up her plate of hot microwaved mush, briskly walking to her main office.
Andy froze up for a moment, did this woman seriously walk away mid conversation?? I mean sure, she hadn’t talked to another person in months, but she still knew her manners! Her smile faltered and she followed Miranda, who was now sat at her desk, poking at the hot still partially frozen “steak” on her plate.
Miranda looked up, unsurprised that Andy was still there. Probably looking as disgusting as ever in her unwashed jeans and sweater that was over 5 years old.. Yet Miranda gazed at her fondly. Not in the way someone would gaze at a long lost friend or even a former coworker. No, she gazed at Andy as if she were some souvenir from some vacation from a better time. As if she were some cherished snow globe.
“Well..” Miranda began as she cut into her unappetizing meal. “If you’re truly an hour or so away from home, I recommend you be on your way.”
What?? Was Miranda seriously kicking her out?! I mean.. She didn’t expect she’d ask her to stay the night.. But downright kicking her out?! Andy let her frustration simmer in the back of her mind. Can’t allow herself to get in a fight with quite possibly the last person in all of New York left alive.
“…Right.” Andy sighed and straightened herself upright. “Well I’ll be on my way.” She turned to leave, making it as far as her old desk before Miranda called out.
“Oh, and Andrea?”
She stopped and turned around. Miranda cleared her throat. “Be back here tomorrow at 7 AM. Thats all.” She then turned around in her creaky office chair to gaze out at the empty city.
Andy was absolutely livid. Now she had a damn schedule to follow?! She took a deep breath.
“Yes, Miranda.” She said through gritted teeth, in which Miranda only made a small noise of approval at, which to Andys annoyance made her heart flutter.
She grumbled to herself her whole walk down what felt like a thousand flights of stairs. What a shitty situation. It’s the end of the goddamn world and the only company she has is a woman that shes sure hates her guts. But at least for the first time in months she had something to look forward to.. Which made Andy smile.
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Hope you enjoyed!! :)
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theloyalpin · 6 months
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​like they’re taking it sorry..
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filmheaven · 2 months
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Fried Green Tomatoes, 1991
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kajecoyle · 2 years
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You Can Live Forever (2022)
Directed by Mark Slutsky, Sarah Watts
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