#wasn't expecting alan scott in the top 11
wanderingmind867 · 2 months
I was bored so I decided to google DC Character Sorter. See if I really do have any biases, subconscious or conscious. And it appears I do. Here's my Top 11 and Bottom 11. One criticism: No Red Tornado. If Red Tornado were on this list, he would've been top 5.
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Numbers #1-4 are all characters I love. Jason Todd and Guy Gardner both have anger issues (I've extrapolated this from my limited experience with them in other media), and I relate to that. Tim Drake is also shy (again, extrapolating based on context clues) and that's relatable too. I've always liked Alfred. I don't know why Barbara Gordon and Commissioner Gordon are in the top 10, and I guess Alan Scott because I've always liked Golden Age DC? Idk, but it honestly feels pretty accurate.
Also, obligatory Screw Batman. He is my least favorite character on here for a reason, namely I would click any other character's name over him (even characters I didn't even know).
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