#wanted to post smth house related
the calendar - panic at the disco
alt text under cut
[image ID: gregory house from house md sitting on some stairs outside. james wilson is on the left of the shot, facing house, so his face is not visible. house says "i'm dead, wilson. how do you want to spend your last five months?". then it cuts to a few clips of house and wilson riding away on their motorcycles together. it starts with them putting on helmets, then a shot of them driving off, and a wide shot of them driving. /end ID]
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tamayokny · 3 months
my dad asked me if i locked the bathroom door when i'm in there. he's a couple months late to the party but yes? sometimes people in thw household don't check before opening the door and i would like a couple moments of privacy ffs!!
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
hi i wanna ask if dove ever fought with seonghwa or hongjoong like full on disagreeing and just arguing? and what was it like ^____^ i really love ur Addams!Matz fic and seeing you post smth new related to it makes my day!
darling has tiny arguments with hongjoong on a semi-regular basis. despite her tendency to roll over and submit, she’s actually surprisingly hard headed and if hongjoong claims that she broke a rule that she doesn’t agree with, then she is going to give that man hell. the problem is, hongjoong is equally as stubborn and it sometimes ends up with the house being a full on war zone. snarky comments over a game of chess, silent glares over dinner; it’s just an all round hostile environment and seonghwa just tends to be on the sidelines watching it all go down.
“you can’t move your piece there,” hongjoong deadpans as he watches you do an illegal chess move. normally he’d just laugh it off and gently correct you, but he can’t find it in himself to do that when his blood is still boiling from that mornings conversation.
“well if you can make up rules, then so can i,” you fold your arms in defiance and hongjoong finds himself seething. if he were calmer, he’d drag you over his lap and teach you a lesson about being a brat, but just like you had your rules, they had theirs. no punishments out of anger was a pretty important one; they didn’t want to end up hurting you whilst getting their frustrations out. “and i say i want to put my castle there…”
it usually ends up with seonghwa having to step into the metaphorical firing line, because hell below, he and yeosang are sick and tired of it! the constant back and forth has driven the two of them to insanity and if he has to put a stop to it himself then he absolutely will. seonghwa isn’t a believer in anger, and so he will make them sit down and air out their grievances in a calm and collected manner. he’ll even implement a talking stick of absolutely necessary. as long as the two of them aren’t at odds by the time they slip themselves beneath the comforter or their bed, seonghwa will be happy.
for that very reason, darling and seonghwa almost never argue. if she doesn’t agree with seonghwa on anything, he will just nod and offer to talk it through with her when he’s less busy. sometimes she agrees and step down, but sometimes it’s clear that she’s looking for a fight and she tries to push it further. it’s infuriating because no matter how hard she tries, seonghwa just keeps his cool and answers her as if it’s any other conversation. he knows she only does it when she’s in a bad mood, so his first port of call is usually tackling whatever it is that’s getting you down.
“but i just don’t understand how it’s fair,” you snarl, your pacing coming to a stop right in front of where he sits on the chez. he doesn’t even look at you as you growl out your words, and it drives you mad. you stomp your foot in frustration, the loud noise irritating the man just ever-so-slightly. he lets out a deep sigh.
“i said we’ll talk about it later, lamb,” he hums with disinterest as he flicks over the page of his book. you’re fuming above him, chest rising and falling heavily as you glare at him. he lets his gaze flick up to your face, an unimpressed look resting on his features. “what? are you looking for an argument or something? you know i won’t give you one so why don’t you come and sit with me until you’ve calmed down.”
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kelseytheballerina · 10 months
how do you have a high maintenance routine while being married? I assume that being married means that you now have a heck ton of new responsibilities, I know that it’s not really just your life anymore, as you now have 2 lives in one. and not just focusing on yourself anymore, you have somebody else. I know I’ll get married in the near future but a part of me is afraid that i’ll lose what I have now or won’t be able to do what I want to do in the future, like pampering myself, making time for myself to do all those things you mentioned in your high maintenance routine while cooking for two, cleaning the house, running errands, doing my own work from home as well, and eventually with children as well. I want to get married but it seems overwhelming and scary that maybe I won’t be able to have this high maintenance lifestyle doing things I want to be doing because of how busy life will get as a married woman. AND being pregnant too.
No this is a very valid question. As it turns out, being married didn’t diminish my free time or ability to pamper myself at all. If anything, it’s given me more of it. I have plenty of time to myself since I don’t have to work, my husband is a doctor that works really long hours, neither of us are messy people and he doesn’t control my schedule but rather I decide it all. If I had to scrub our apartment from top to bottom every day bc he leaves stuff all over the place and makes a mess like a toddler in a daycare, I wouldn’t be with him. Nothing worse than a nasty man whose mama never taught him to put dishes in the sink and clothes in the hamper. He’s naturally quite neat and low maintenance so I’m not really spending a ton of time tending to him. All of the things I do are things I was going to do anyway. Dishes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, tidying up etc are standards for living I already set for myself whether I would be living alone or not. A few extra dishes from his serving is no problem. If he gets hair all over the bathroom floor he sweeps it up himself. Yes I have to run a few errands for him since he doesn’t always have the time (for example going to the post office is near impossible with his work schedule) but it’s not a frequent thing and I know he’d do it for me, no questions asked.
Not all marriages are the same and some partners may require more of your time and energy. Obviously my marriage is still young so I can’t speak on the long haul, but for now it’s very chill. The only “restraint” (and I use that word lightly) is more so related to timing. If he’s home at 6:30pm, then I need dinner ready by that time instead of me cooking all willy nilly at 8pm or smth. Outside of breakfast and dinner requiring me to keep a timing to match his work schedule, he has little bearing on my day to day endeavors.
He actually enjoys when I do fun things for myself and takes pride in being able to provide it. He likes when I send cute selfies from the nail salon or spa or cafes I’m at. If there’s times where I’m being more of a homebody and just staying indoors all day, he encourages me to go out and have fun, try a new place to eat, meet up with a friend, etc. Some men hate seeing women being pampered and being leisurely and some men absolutely love it and encourage it. If you’re a girl who spoils yourself even when single, get a man who appreciates that and wants to contribute to the spoiling, not snuff the flame or expects you to “sit down”. I’ve never understood that. You get a girl who always looks cute with her hair and makeup done, nice clothes, fun experiences and then expect her to stop bc she’s married now? You should’ve been with a plain Jane in the first place then!
When our baby is born, that will be more of a change than my marriage in and of itself since she’ll have a nap schedule, bath time, etc that will prevent me from always being able to get up and go on a whim or spend ample amounts of time at certain venues but that’s part of motherhood and the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with it. I’ll have to alter my schedule, pull back on the frequency I do certain things, and just wait for her to get a bit older. All moms can relate and it just comes with the territory but it doesn’t have to be a negative thing.
Basically it just comes down to making a schedule that works for you and prioritizing your self care and making the most of the hours allotted to you. Don’t lose yourself in your marriage. Your youth and fun doesn’t have to die just bc you’re wearing a ring.
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canonizzyhours · 6 months
smth really funny to me is it looks to me like izzy's season 2 plotline tried really hard to give everybody on every possible side of the issue something they wanted. the canyon asked lots of izzy screentime and for him to be portrayed as sympathetic & they got that. if you're a normie viewer who was neutral-to-negative on izzy in season 1 you either started liking him when he changed or if that didn't work for you then you got to feel relieved when he died. people who had a bigger problem with izzy in season 1 got to hear the show acknowledge that he really was just as awful as they always thought by having him apologize for the exact stuff they hated him for out loud in detail on his deathbed. us jar guys got to have the last word on izzy be "he was a fucking nightmare (affectionate)" which is like my personal thesis statement on him.
the only ppl who didn't get what they wanted were the ones who wanted the show to say izzy literally never did anything wrong or abusive & had nothing to apologize or redeem himself for & was always acting out of selfless love for ed, or the ones who wanted it to be about a trio of three lead characters who were all equally important and focus around stede-ed-izzy as a love triangle (even if izzy was the loser). but it was always completely fucking obvious to anyone with the basic media literacy god gave a rutabaga that nothing like any of that was ever going to happen. & even there the show got as close as it possibly could without turning into a completely different story. izzy got as much screentime as he could without being made a protagonist, the blackhands shippers got to hear ed and izzy both use the word love about each other, the steddyhands shippers got izzy buried outside ed and stede's house which as somebody pointed out is honestly the closest the show ever would have gotten to canon steddyhands subtext - he's important to both of them in spirit & he's watching over them in their life together.
i think this just goes to show you shouldn't try to please everybody, because the ppl who are angriest now are the ones who spent most of the season thinking they were getting everything they wanted & then figured out right at the end they weren't. the canyon would be less upset now if the show had just gone hard into the villain arc for izzy that post #24 suggested right from the start of the season.
related posts: #25, #24
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veysxrge · 8 months
OMG HI I saw u write for tkc I was wo define if you could write an Amos x Sett fic ir HCS or just some HCS for Amos if youre not comfy with the ship!
Thank you in advance!!!!
Amos Kane HCs (T.K.C)
I haven't read the books in a while so I don't feel uncomfortable with the ship I just feel like I wouldn't portray the characters correctly! Once I reread the series I'll definitely post smth on them, I've been planning on doing that for a while anyways!
I remember Amos more than Sett, so here are some hcs for him! (Also read some of his wiki so I'd get facts & names right)
I feel like he would definitely be a regular at the local library, so much to the point where the librarians know him by name and he knows them by name (if he likes them he brings them their favorite coffee/snack when he comes in)
He definitely knows how to cook, and when he cooks he cooks for an army. Amos definitely is in the kitchen during family gatherings.
I'd like to think he is the type of person who shows he cares through gifts. Since he's gotten close to Carter and Sadie again, whenever he goes on trips he brings them both back something he thinks they'd like.
He's definitely brought back Sadie a tiara when they first started getting close again because he remembers when she was younger she always wanted a tiara. (She didn't want it but Carter gave her a look and she put it on)
I feel like he visits the Brooklyn house a lot, whether it be to help out the kids or to just relive some fond memories from his past.
Even if he became the most powerful magician Amos would be pretty chill about it, never flaunting his status and showing up at random events where people wouldn't expect him to be.
I think he wouldn't listen to music much, but when he did it would be jazz or blues. I think he enjoys the music from it mostly, but if the lyrics are relatable he'll learn them within 2 listens of the song and sing along.
Amos would love to start gardening but unfortunately while he is great in the kitchen he is terrible in the garden. I feel like he would have had a plant in the Brooklyn house and he didn't know what he was doing wrong then Sadie came around and was like 'that plant is long gone dude' and he's just sigh and get rid of it.
He's definitely bi, I feel like he would've experimented a bit and was like 'Yeah, makes sense' and moved on.
I feel like he would be affiliated with Chiron from the Greek side of Rick Riordan's books, they may send like letters to each other to let them know if the world is ending in their side of things.
Since he knows there Olympus is located in Manhattan I feel like he would avoid Manhattan when he was doing things related to his gods out of respect for the Greek gods.
I love making hcs and I hope these made sense with my terrible memory! Again sorry I couldn't write a fic/hcs on the ship but after I finish rereading Michael Vey I'll look into rereading TKC and get started on that (I have a list and your req is on the top!! :D) - Vey
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cl0wnc4rzz · 10 months
oh PLEASE talk about your McCormick family hcs
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so just letting yk that i am... not sure how to format this 😭 and i do have a tendency to ramble so very sorry if this is messy 💔
starting off w kevin :^)
as teens, kevin and kenny pick up a lot of jobs together. these two have worked all over the place!! especially kevin, who's dropped out of high school so he could work more hours.
related to the hc above!! kenny has thought about dropping out just like his older brother but kev basically won't let him lol. wants to see his younger siblings succeed.
as soon as he's able to, kev plans to leave his parents' house and plans to take his siblings with him as well.
he often avoids just 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 home because his parents are complete assholes. it's smth that pisses kenny off immensely, even if he's guilty of the same thing sometimes. still, ken wishes he'd be there when things get rough rather than just leave him and their sister to deal with it
lord i have so many kenny hcs but i'll try to keep this exclusively mccormick family related
i kind stole this one from frazier uhm. if u see this frazier hi. but as soon as kev realizes ken is into stan he will not stop teasing him about it 😭 calls stan nicknames like "edward" or "L" when referring to him to kenny. ie: "hey ken when's gerard way comin over". kenny's genuinely amazed by the amount of nicknames he comes up with
HE 👏 IS 👏 KAREN'S 👏 BIGGEST 👏 FAN👏 ....he has a wall in his room dedicated to drawings, bracelets, or whatever karen's made for him!!
kenny's parka is a hand-me-down from kevin. in fact, a good chunk of his closet is hand-me-downs. the jacket itself is way to big on him so it lasts him quite a while but by the time he outgrows it that thing is on it's last thread lol
kenny has and always will be shorter than kevin. was genuinely shocked when karen ended up growing taller than him too, even if by a little LOL
kev taught him how to drive!! unfortunately they share a car and since kev is rarely home he rarely gets the chance to drive it... not that he minds much. stan, kyle, and cartman usually drive him around anyways
last but not least, karen :3
constantly babied by the other 2 even into her teen years. was fine as a little kid but eventually it kinda drives her insane, makes her feel like they don't take her seriously
about freshman year of high school she decides she wants to get raccoon stripes!! her and kenny sat around watching a couple tutorials before he helped her dye them
HER AND KENNY LOVE TO GOSSIP!! even tho they are in different grades and age groups, these 2 love sharing w each other what's happening w ppl the other prob doesn't even know 😭 kenny is out here hating on random 9th graders he doesn't even know LOL
because of their age gap, kevin often feels more like a father figure to karen than a brother, especially with how little their own father does for them
this post is already very long so i'm gonna stop there 😭 but hi yes i care a lot about the mccormicks
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firefly--bright · 11 months
all my daughters.
jean kirstein x gender neutral!reader (modern au)
summary : the crushing weight of everything and everyone changing is a bit too much. jean wants to bear the burdens with you.
warnings : hurt/comfort, mostly just therapy for my crumbling mental state, amateur symbolisms (?), established relationship, no use of y/n (im trying smth new) not proofread!!!!!
a/n : this is kinda like flaws but worse? idk I just needed to write something to comfort me and I'll be nothing if I don't use my writing to fix me <3 anyway! self projection as always but I love you if you relate to this and I'm always here to listen if you need someone to talk to. I'm also probably gonna take a hiatus after this fic but we'll see (I'm here to talk to regardless of that!) <3 i honestly don't expect this fic to get that much traction but anyway! enjoy!
taglist : @holding-ishu-and-a-book , @mrsnobodynobody
masterlist is linked in pinned post! ✿ requests for jean kirstein are open! ✿ enter my taglist ✿
inspired by these songs : all my daughters (demo) by dodie
ajib dastan hai yeh by Lata Mangeshkar
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you were used to contradictory sentences. double negatives that were only meant to confuse you, double positives that you thought meant anything but, adorned with a sarcastic smile and a roll of the eyes that left you needing to figure the meaning out yourself.
jean was a walking contradictory sentence. he was a walking double negative, one that you didn't know how to understand. he was blunt but sweet, cold and warm, never being in one spot with his feelings, always on his feet but not running away. somehow he stayed.
all your friends were moving on. every one - sasha was moving out with her boyfriend niccolo, a chef who she had become extremely close to over the past year and who treated her in the highest of regards. your other roomate, Mikasa, was also moving out, but not with her boyfriend, eren, as you had suspected but instead for a chase of starting a new flourishing business of selling handcrafted oxidised jewellery online. that and being closer to eren, she had explained to both you and sasha.
Marco wasnt moving, per say, but he was already applying for his masters in law to broaden his perspective, and there was a prospect of him going abroad for his soon to approach future. he was currently visiting his extended family. Connie, surprisingly, was the first of your friend group to actually get a job at a marketing firm, and even if it was sort of exhausting, people praised Connie's charms and puns that made people buy the products. he was also helping Mikasa with her business, alongside eren and armin.
jean, currently making dinner for the pair of you in your mostly empty apartment, was also interning for an architectural firm. well, he hadn't started yet, but he did get accepted with the interview he gave last month.
and you? even though you were currently looking for new roomates to occupy the now empty spaces in the apartment, you felt lost. sure, you had a plan, and had also applied for a handful of internships, but that didn't mean you knew what you were doing.
you were used to keeping things and people in boxes. it started ever since you were in middle school and had just heard about books like Harry Potter and divergent, books that had a clear distinction of which people belonged where. you'd define people with those distinctions so it was easy to figure them out; it was easier to think of someone in a faction or Hogwarts houses or godly parent instead of actually trying to figure them out with all their complexeties. eventually it graduated into astrological signs that were probably all bullshitted anyway, and into MBTI types. there was always an explanation for something, and if it wasn't given them you'd find it out for yourself as you always had. but you couldn't go by those simple classifications anymore. they were too narrow and too claustrophobic.
but you also hated too-wide expanses that came with simply existing. the expanse of your unknown lifespan, the limitlessness of unlimited time, the enormous amount of things you had yet to learn. it was easy to get lost in nothing. how did your friends and family and all the people around you ever manage to make a clear path for themselves with a multitude of stops and landmarks when you didn't even have the basic gravel and stone and concrete to get started on making a road for yourself? would you be yet another chapter that ended in a fullstop in their thick books that they'd flip away from? the change - the uncertain steps - were never something you looked forward to.
helping mikasa and sasha move out was a challenge, another full stop in their books, helping Connie by teaching him how to properly format professional emails was another landmark that he passed, seeing Marco off at the airport before he caught his flight was another certain step.
the wide tumultous blue of the sea that you were floating in and it's unnerving depth used to be somewhat manageable. you had been swimming with your friends for a long time until your fingertips got all shriveled up, but now it seemed as though they had all swam away from you and towards a shore they were looking forward to, but you werent. the horizon line was all you could see, and you dared not to open your eyes underwater to see how deep the water was.
you were happy for them, ofcourse you were. you loved them with all your heart, and sections of your essential heart were left only for them with their names carved into the ridges of your brain. but the change was too much, too empty, too wide, too limitless, too uncertain.
a knock on the wood of your bedroom door made you turn your swivel chair towards the noise, and jean stood there against the doorframe, leaning on it. "dinner's ready. didn't know which movie to watch, though." he said, and only half of his words are registered by your ears.
you nod, your lips quirking up only slightly. "I'll be there in a bit," you say, watching Jean's brows knit closer together. you loved the way his forehead crinkled in obvious worry and concentration, but you didn't have the tongue to speak out your admirations.
he tilts his head. ever the observant, he asks, "what's wrong?"
his tone is patient. his words demand acknowledgement.
you sigh a little, knowing you can't hide anything from him. you thanked that quality of his, even if it was a little inconvenient at times, because his unrelenting persistence was the reason you felt so loved today, the reason you and jean had gotten closer in the first place.
your shoulders slump, "i dont know how to explain it," you say, because it's true, but also because even if you could explain it, you wouldn't know where to begin. but you begin anyway, even though you know it would end with you trailing off. jean would understand anyway as he always had. "just.... everything's changing... and I, i dont know, i dont really like change, I guess." there's a pause and you refuse to look at his face which you're sure is observing yours carefully as he always does. "it's just...too much." you say, shrugging at the end. "it's too much and I don't know how to deal with this. like everyone's dealing with it better than I am and I don't even know if I've....if I've grown much, if at all. i dont know what I'm supposed to do. i dont know what my role is, like i just, i wish there was an author writing my life so I'd know what to do because I don't know how to...how to do everything myself. i-" you didn't know when the lump had formed in your throat, refusing to be swallowed down anymore after being ignored for months on end. "i dont know anything, jean, and it's scary." you say, and your eyes don't shed tears even if theyre stinging. you wish you could cry just to get it over with.
you were probably overreacting. everyone was doing so great with themselves, and at the end of the day, it wasn't a big deal. so what if everyone would move on with their lives? wasn't that what was supposed to happen? so what if your friends would probably forget you? shouldn't you be glad that you had them in the first place? wasn't it better to have felt alive for the first time than to not have felt it in the first place?
warm and sturdy arms wrapped around your unshaken frame, and you were pulled away from your rolling chair to sit down on your bed. the mattress dipped comfortably under you as it always had and jean smelt like he always did and you took comfort in the predictability. your sheets would smell the same today and tomorrow and the day after, your clothes would be in the same closet, your mirror would be in its same place in the bathroom and jeans arms would always hold you softly.
he held you for a couple minutes as you wallowed in your own sea. your legs were in his lap, leaning your weight on his arms. your eyes were closed, and you felt his warm hands rubbing circles in their place on your thigh and on your back.
you speak again, feeling the need to be understood even though you already were. "i just wish that... that I could freeze time whenever I have a good day." you say, and it's the final nail in your coffin and the final scoop of dirt on your grave. it's all you have to say, it's all jean needs to hear as he holds you a little tighter.
he hums in thought, no doubt thinking of a proper response. sometimes you wish you could take a peek inside his head, just to see, even for a useless moment, what he was thinking about. and more selfishly, if it was about you.
but that didn't matter because who was jean if he didn't speak his mind? his cheek rests on the top of your head and you can feel his warmth, and you wish you could let his warmth spread all over you, you wish that it would ignore the barrier of your skin and go straight to your organs and muscles because your warmth hadn't felt like it had been yours for a very long time and Jean's heat would be much more than welcome. but that was wishful thinking and you feel him kiss the top of your head instead, and you accept it.
"you know," he finally starts, and you can hear his heartbeat. "when we first met I had one of the moments you're talking about. the want to like.... somehow freeze the moment and just relive it forever." he says. you don't move, you don't dare remove your head from his shoulder afraid that if you did, he'd be another thing lost to the depths of your mind.
he continued. "what I'm saying is, i know what you're scared of. that your friends will forget you and move on without you. but... i dont think they will. i dont think anyone can. don't you think just like you have parts of them in you that they have parts of you in them? I've seen it. sasha started talking like you like a month after you guys moved in together. Mikasa likes buying flowers now. Marco texts like you. Connie has so many jokes that only you'd understand. and i-" he says, cutting himself short with a small breathy chuckles that makes your heart dangerously stutter, "i dont think that, god forbid, if we were to ever not be together, i dont think that i would ever be able to forget you. but that's probably because I'm in love with you and that's not changing for atleast this lifetime," another short laugh, "i dont think any of our friends, any of your past friends could ever forget that you existed. i mean, you'd always be there. youd always exist even if it is in the back of their minds.
"and you don't have to know everything. it's not a race. it's just...a nice walk, if anything. you don't have anyone or anything to catch up to. you can take your time, love, and i know it's hard convincing yourself of that, but you can. and if it's any consolation," he says, grabbing your hand that had formed into a loose fist on your knee, encasing your hand in his, "I'm...I'll be here. even if we aren't talking, which I'm pretty sure won't happen, but even if it does, I'm here. i will be." he says, squeezing your fist.
his words breathe comfort into your lungs that rested inside the prison your ribs had become. your chest felt a little lighter, the stubborn knots in your stomach were slowly undoing themselves and maybe his words didn't undo any damage nor did they paint over it but they did help heal.
you breathe in deeply, burrowing yourself even further in his shoulder, and he thankfully gets the message as he holds you tighter, like he's the only twine holding you together. you nod, and he kisses the crook where your shoulders meet your neck.
"thank you," you whisper, something that could get lost in his clothes but he catches it and shakes his head. you know what he's going to say before he even says it and you smile a little.
maybe jean was a contradiction to himself, a double negative, a not not persistence. and maybe you did feel lost, maybe time had swam away from the desperate deathgrip you had on it. but jean was there. he wasn't a fullstop or a chapter, he was more of a "okay, and," sentence, something that continued over with a comma, and he wasn't a guide that held your hand towards the shore, but he was more of an insistent presence that helped you not drown by holding your hand. he wasn't the shore itself, but he did provide the comfort of finding footing against the depths.
not a race, not a stand, just a walk. a walk with your hand in Jean's, a walk with uncertain but hopeful steps.
not a book, not a chapter, just scribbles of incoherent but excited writing in a diary.
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theamccafrey · 5 months
my old blog is @chiefcrusadetree
I just wanted to shift it to a primary blog.
Get me to 2k notes here
As of 10.2.24, 1.418k notes reached
Idk what to write here so imma just copy stuff from my moots
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I'm Meg
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
You can call me anything; gendered complements (and insults ) are fine
I've got adhd
I'm a minor
{I honestly dk how to introduce myself without giving away too much information}
I'm Indian, (if that holds any relevance)
My phone is always dying
If I have a conversation with you I'm always gonna worry about how weird I was
I don't really have a lot of friends here so my askbox is always open
I love tag games
I will kill anyone who is able to link my irl identity to this blog
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Book Fandoms:
Harry potter
Red White and Royal blue
Sherlock Holmes
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Fav artists:
Taylor Swift
The killers
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Series/ movies
Harry potter
Full house
Fuller house
Brooklyn 99
Modern family
The entire Ocean's series
Now you see me
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Adults (I get if you're reposting or commenting once in a while, but you know what I mean)
Bigots in general
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sheer queer: all queer content
killer queen: Queen (the band)
dumblydore: Harry potter related stuff
History Huh: Red white and royal blue stuff
megmcmeg: my shitposts
divider dump: reposting dividers i hope to use
Legends of Tumblr: really famous posts that I've only seen in screenshots
megmcmemes: funny shit
megmcbooks: book crap (reading list here)
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Masterlist or smth
My reading list is here here
Live reads (I read a book and post crap about it as im doin it)
Heartstopper Volume 1 (completed)
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also, mootlist: (newly updated)
@ezraisfallingapart @catinasink @ali-da-demon @eddiethebanished @a-chaotic-business @zombieleon @discoveredreality @i-like-swiss-cheese @nickbutnodick @dobry-slimak @thedvilsinthedetails @toulouseradiosilence
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ghostiiess · 5 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - you celebrating your birthday with them
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pov: this is what i think the boys would do to clelebrate your birthday
warnings: none that i can think of :)
type: wholesome
members: all of them in a big hc :)
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
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so.. i heard it was your birthday..?? 😏
well, if it is then happy birthday :)
and if not, then this is what i think the north star boys would do to celebrate and organize your special day!
(rest under the cut!!)
obviously, when the guys decided to organize you a birthday party, they wanted to have a proper plan
like in the movies where each characters has something to do lol
and i think that's what kane would do :)
i know it may sounds boring, but hey hear me out
kane is a perfectionnist
he is the best to do plans and stuff like that :)) so i'm sure he would be like "okay, seb you're doing that!" or like "ryan, you're going to distract y/n while we're organizing everything"
he would only create fun stuff such as activities
like the one where you have to place the tail of the donkey on the donkey (i forgot the name) without seeing anything
basically games to play before the big party happens :))
so i think it'll be perfect for him!!
ofc, like every good party, the place should be decorated!
and who wanted to do this job? ladies and gentleman, our favorite tallest boy.. sebastian moy
we know he's tall
he ate his vegetables when he was younger because this man is literally 6'4 🙄
since he's very tall, it'll be perfect to put stuff on high shelf or like put some posters or flag around the house to say "hey it's y/n's birthday!!" or smth like that
plus he didn't want to clean and organize the house
of course, it'll be boring if nobody was there.. so ofc someone needed to do the invitations!
and i think regie would do it!!
we know how good regie is for creating something with his hands or like do something related to art
like he's so creative
so like old times, he took pieces of papers and made invitations
he knew he could have just asked your friends by texts, but like isn't it more fun and cute to receive invitations by the post and to read "Y/N BIRTHDAY'S PARTY!!"
plus, it was a birthday surprise so..
and we know, regie..
he's the type of the guy to let his phone open, so no no no
he didnt want to take a risk
plus invitation cards are super cute
at least to me 😭
idk it's like nostalgic
of course, it'll be weird if you were going to be at your house while the boys was there to like organize your house, so that's why ryan would take you shopping!
i mean..
this boy had a job: keep you busy at target for like 3 hours so everything could be ready
and let's say it worked out pretty well!
weirdly, when ryan realized you were both done with shopping and there was only 1h left before letting you go back home, he decided to take the time to examine every controllers...
but hey, it was worth it because in the mean time, oliver did all the snacks on the table for the guest :)
he was super excited and although he's not the cook in nsb, this man can cook
he made all your favorites
he wanted your birthday to be something unforgetfull
darren, the cooker of nsb, did the cake
everybody in nsb (or at least know) can know basically a bit of everything, but to me, cooking cake screams darren
plus, we're talking about darren
he's a great cook!
he made your favorite flavored cake ;)
lastly, ofc we needed to have some music for your birthday..
we couldn't just celebrate a birthday with northstarboys without a single piece of music 🥳
so justin did the music playlists
he checked EVERY spotify (or any music app you have) playlist you had and searched in your "most played" song, just so he could put them in your spotify birthday playlist
like isn't he so cute??? :(
to me, justin is the one who have the most 'taste' in music
i mean, every boys in the groups have great music taste, but i think jp would be the one creating the playlist because he listen to basically every thing.
it could be rap, kpop, anime songs, hip-hop song, r&b.. he listen to basically everything, so this man know the goods songs
plus he feels like he would be the type to create music playlists for his closed ones
so that's it for your birthday hc!! hope you liked it <3
have an amazing birthday!
taglist (open! send an ask if you want to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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martini-time · 7 months
Ok, there's smth vague that still bothers me and i wanna share with you (maybe i read too much into it, i dunno).
Layla had a few vague posts with very weird timing that i cannot figure out. Probably you or beautiful anons can elaborate.
First one is this https://ibb.co/bW0HPqM (07.29.2015). It feels like a message to someone (to herself maybe?), or it's about insecurities? The timing is weird cause at that time noel was back on set (07.31 is the day they had cast reunion and noel was there sitting next to cam, cam deleted that pic, btw, for whatever reason, you never know with him). It's also the time when cam had an emotional breakdown and posted heartbreaking shit (many people i know firmly believed he just missed noel and once they met at cast reunion, he seemed a bit happier after that, but it was most likely cause of sadie and their constant on-and-off relationship).
Second one is https://ibb.co/xY2rPfY. A very optimistic one like something suddendly resolved like she wanted to\hoped for? The timing is also beautiful - right after noel filmed the dock scenes in chicago and came back home.
Third one is https://ibb.co/mqnK2zk. A month before the wedding. I have no idea whether it has any meaning or not but it sounds like it does, since layla is not the type of a person who would post some weird shit just for the sake of it (like cam often does).
Now, this one is the most interesting one https://ibb.co/zSxv9jm. She posted it twice: 1) in july 2016 (then week after steve howey hinted in his twitter that noel is coming back). A few days later she posted another weird post saying smth like "no matter what you're going through - beauty can be found anywhere" or smth (i don't have it, it's in her insta). What is funny, Noel posted a song not long before that, Sam Cookie – A change is gonna come. (the same song he posted when he had a fallout with Layla in 2018). What is even funnier, a week after that Cam also made a vague post about fear - https://ibb.co/m40tXWC. A day before that he made another vague post about darkness\lightness (i find some symbolism in it, assuming he means he is the darkness) - https://ibb.co/1TZsvCy. 2) in september 2017, they were already married, and nothing really happened at that time, so i wonder... trouble in paradise? but why...
Ok, so maybe it all means nothing, but it still rubs me the wrong way. I don't believe she posted it just cause. She definitely meant something and it was personal (not necessarily about Cam or Mosher, but definitely related to Noel\herself).
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You know, maybe sometimes we all read too much into it, but I don't think we'd all be here if we didn't see anything suspicious or strange or coincidental. I don't believe in coincidences. Maybe only sometimes. :)
I do not know if you wanted me to sort out each of her quotes and timelines. Someone may say that these are just quotes and we all like them. it's true, sometimes we like a quote from a movie because it sounds good and that's it, but Layla posted them to her page as separate posts, so she felt a certain way that she needed to add this or that thing to her page.
But it's not even about the quotes. Look, they've been together like since 2005 and they've never been super busy actors, but they only got married in 2017 right when Noel was filming and he went back to LA to get married, whereas they could have chosen any time any date of any year to do it calmly and possible to choose a nicer place than the backyard of your house, in which you haven't even unpacked your boxes, come on, Noel.
So I don't need to read too much into the quotes to know that this is some kind of shit lol
Or that time after the dock scene Noel didn't go to hang out with the cast, but went to Layla and she made sure to post that pic of Noel in their bed and say he's with her, suck it, red.
It's too much for a private person.
I don't know if that's what you wanted me to say.. But yes, I think these three definitely communicated through posts, stories, songs and tweets on sm.
And you wrote there about the trouble in paradise. Look, this is the first time they appear at an event as a married couple. Happy faces hahah, yeah
So yeah, I'm sure they've had troubles more than once.
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charkyzombicorn · 7 months
is Sun's Personality still going on?
also, one piece but with mechs for an idea if you want to do something new to do
I take input for any of my aus at any time (except rn because my inbox got unruly so it's down for a few days) but I tend to have phases where I post a lot abt one au before forgetting abt it for a while, so short answer: yes SP au is still a thing I just haven't been thinking of new content
That would be so cool-- okay
I haven't seen anything mech-related so I'm not really basing anything off a specific show BUT
Luffy's has a monkey-theme
I might roll this into a scifi au prompt actually
It's like 2319 or smth, human population is almost all living on ships because earth is essentially a mandated 'No-Poach Zone', been like that maybe 5 or 6 generations, and kinda like an exaggerated version of what happens to astronauts, humans bones are more spread out and thinner because there's less gravity. But scientists still needed to check on earth - make sure the scars left by humans aren't affecting the earth too too badly, make sure the planet will still be habitable if need-be. Their solution? MECHS. Large enough to properly depressurize the person inside, precise enough to sample a single pine needle from a tree, a modern scientist's solution to not getting their organs crushed like a tin can. Sadly, the army heard 'science equipment' and heard 'upgrade', and then tech companies heard 'profit' and suddenly anyone with enough money can buy a clunky old bot and explore one of the planets that the human race is starting to terraform, or one of the ones they couldn't. Of course, humans did what humans do. Now there's always a nut job who sold their house for a nice mech, police patrol in shiny metal muscle, underground mech fights kill at least 100 people a day, people use their mechs to get to other ships illegally, if you don't have a mech you're nobody.
Luffy was born in a small colony, a small ship branched off a much larger one, a few hundred people, almost never any strangers. Most of them spent their whole lives on the small branch. But Luffy wanted more. Garp offered it to him, when he visited in his shiny silver mech. Luffy didn't want that, either. Then his colony was invaded by pirates. Pirates were an epidemic, ever since mechs entered the market, but even more after a man named Gold Roger claimed he'd found a paradise planet with everything anyone could want. Shanks mentioned him, a few times. He also told Luffy about the galaxy waiting for him, and Luffy would have done anything to have Shanks take him with him. Tried to, but then some thugs with a mech they fixed themself tried to test it on him after he failed to punch their boss, and Shanks lost an arm getting him out of the blast. And he told Garp he wanted to be a pirate, so Garp dragged him to earth kicking and screaming, ignoring pressure change warnings even when Luffy's eyes started bleeding and his leg broke under his own weight. Garp could stand it, so Luffy had to.
Luffy was taken to a group of "earth poachers", people who hid so they wouldn't be forced into ships. People who were raised with 9.8 newtons of force on their backs that could breathe the air and stand up straight without any mechs at all. Garp introduced Luffy to a boy a bit older than him and said they were brothers. The boy did not seem pleased
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blizzardstarx · 2 months
“I ran into a fair maiden with a hair of deep green. Her smile and her voice, to me, were sent from up above. Something moved in my chest; you might even call it love. / But we know all good things must come to an end, it is my queen's orders, that girl must repent. I will grant your wishes, if that's all I live for, so then tell me, my sun, just what causes these rains to pour?”
The fic I wrote of my au, had Garrett be in the placement of Micheala(the whole "plum hair" I gave him, etc etc. visiting the kingdom of the Aftons) & Banica(Gluttony side/the main part for Garrett). And in Evillious Chronicles lore, Allen (I bet) got that "love at first sight" stuff.
The base for Cassidy in Yard Fire is Allen/Nemesis (Vanessa is small half of Rillian & very much more Nemesis).
So, yeah. Ik bit weird. But ages are 👍 (Cassidy is like round 15 or smth. Same with Garrett. Evillious Chronicles has Rillian be QUEEN at 14. So like. Yeah).
Tbh I kinda make memes inside of my head about this yk? "Cassidy's crush was his rebellious stage too"(e.i: going back to the fact that Garreth (his name in the au), basically disabled William?? He ate his hand,, just the fingers but yk. <- where his whole Banica era started👍💥). Cassidy was there for the meeting between William & Garreth, and just.
For most of his years, he's believed that his father can do no harm and nothing bad. Tho, yes he was suspicious about him. But he never asked, and never thought about it again. He's always forgotten (middle child along with CC). So he doesn't think his questions are important.
If he is ever remembered by his father, he's more like a servant then a son. Which he got used to. So seeing his father being accused and then fucking BITTEN, by like. Another boy his age, HIS AGE.
Garreth about to rule his family kingdom, but his wish that he wanted to fulfill was to destroy evil by all means(and I mean that: he is like. In his Banica era- so. Yeag 👍💥).
It's not rlly like..a love at first sight or a crush now that I'm thinking of it. It's more like. Admiration, and wanting to be like Garreth yk?
He does also like. Plan the execution when William gets well (Cassidy is mad about it. Hoped his father got sick. Never Happened. He Angy). But it doesn't really happen as intended??? Garreth gets lured into the kingdom again, and just gets. Slaughtered/stabbed like Ceaser.
And then when Mike gets word of it, it's already days later of the "execution" (William still calls that an execution) of his brother (-figure. Just thought I'd say, that in Yard Fire; Mike & Garrett are related but very much see each other as siblings.. Abby was 1 when this was happening). And Vanessa already ran away, with Cassidy also running away(he ran away the moment he just did what he did. Vanessa was already planning to leave and decided to do it at the same time Garreth died so that was suspicious to Mike).
One post I did say, was on how when Mike first meets Vanessa he tries to kill her..but yk. She lives another day; cuz Mike saw himself in her. A lonely girl, with no one else (or so they thought. Cassidy is trying to find Vanessa. But like. Kinda short story; he gets mistaken for a bear (by a delusional person) when he was so close to reaching the Schmidts & Simmons (Vanessa)'s house. But. Yeah- bro gets mistaken for a bear and then just fucking. Killed)
Ough sorry for talking about this au outta the blue- and having it be. Like. So long I just. 👍 Yard Fire <3 (if you haven't seen the drawings I can tag you in it! It's also basically the 'masterpost' of Yard Fire!)
And omg your Yard Fire AU is so interesting!!! I've seen a few drawings but feel free to tag me in them!!
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digitalagepulao · 8 months
I saw one of you post about you gow AU, Since Nezha has no other choice but to help Loki, so he can retrieve the artifact that Loki stole and give to Hel. What does he think of Kratos, Freya, Mimir and Atreus? And what is he's relathionship with the group? And what does he exactly do when Ragnarok happens?
honestly, he tries to stay as removed from the group as he can. he has orders to interfere as little as possible on his mission, so mostly he just hangs around at Loki's house, meditating or training. if he's approached he won't send people away but he almost never initiates interactions.
overall he has no "opinions" exactly, these are gods from a different land and they do things differently here, it's not up to him to judge how they conduct themselves. however watching them explains a lot of weird things that Loki did and conceived of, and it gives him some clarity about some hangups he had about the guy in the past. not that he's one for grudges much (save a few but ssshhh)
THAT SAID, Mimir seems an interesting fellow and he makes for good conversation. he seems interested in learning about him and his culture, and he appreciates the head's open mind. Freya is a loving mother, and he can definitely respect a warrior of her might; he sort of wishes his own mother had been as strong as her but alas. Atreus is a child trying to find his place in the world, and it's not smth Nezha can relate to; he's always known his destiny and what awaited him, and he never balked before it. he can't even relate to Atreus' conflict about his fate involving his father's death, but he can respect the boy's filial piety.
and Kratos... as a guy who also wanted (and still does) to kill his father, he really can't relate to his conflicted feelings about it. this seems to be the way of this land, so why flinch before it? these human feelings have no place in his world as they only bring problems, after all. but once he realizes that their fate is fluid and changeable, that puts his mind into conflict as well. he hopes he can finish his quest and get the hell out of there before he changes his own fate on accident and well... that's a can of worms he will NOT deal with at all :'))
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dammit-theclown · 7 days
can you link to stuff explaining vampyres/sanguinarians (or explain it yourself, if you want!)? i've followed you for a while and your recent activity has made me curious. idk where to find stuff tho 😭
from what ive seen, a lot of the subculture(s) seem like it would trigger smth bad in me (like delusions and stuff bc I have tendencies) but like... idk vampirism has been big to me since before i knew what they were. so id like to at least learn abt it.
Heyup! I don’t tend to experience delusions around this area specifically, but I totally get it. I’ll provide some of my favorite info troves but can’t guarantee they’ll be trigger-free, so I’ll also attempt to give a rundown.
“vampires are generally individuals who cannot adequately sustain their own physical, mental, or spiritual well-being without the taking of blood or vital life force energy from other sources; often human” from Vampire Community News (VCN)
The Real Vampire Community is usually focused around “feeding” or the need to feed. There are different types; “sanguinarian” refers to blood-drinkers, “psychic/psi vampire” refers to those who feed on energy or otherwise non-physical sources, and “hybrid” refers to anyone who’s a mix of these. Those who identify as vampires but don’t necessarily need to feed might fall under “vampirekin”, “vampire lifestyler”, etc, which all have their own communities. The Vampire Community (VC) might host their own events, such as balls, and have many orgs/hubs in various cities, but activity has decreased in the past decade or two. Though many well-known fang-makers/installers that you’ll see pop up at major goth events, festivals, etc. are a part of the community.
Here’s some links!
Also here’s a bonus general vampire interest site! Lots of weird and fun info which occasionally centers the community
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vizziefizzie · 1 year
Ethan Headcanons!!!
AKA: watch me dissect and yell about this 11-year-old in a needlessly long and unprofessional post because I'm deranged. (Yes, i do this to my favorite characters in my free time).
General stuff:
He/him pronouns (they/them is fine with friends... especially since he's still figuring out what sounds good to him)
Demipanromantic who feels strong aesthetic and physical attractions
(Fuck the mbti (unreliable and generalizing) so im using the big 5 (slay)) Sxx|A|i (highly social, average emotional stability and organization, HIGH agreeableness, mildly inquisitive.) (Also, side note, i usually hate categorizing people into specific personalities so please don't treat this like some holy text!!)
He does suffer from anxiety and stress over people, relationships, and everyone's wellbeing. He just wants everything and everyone to be okay!
He has ADHD
His dad died when he was young, but he doesn't know the details of his death
He has an older brother! But he's gone for college. Whenever he comes home, Ethan wants all the details!
His mom taught him how to make simple meals, so he knows how to cook and bake... but don't ask him what equipment he's using and don't ask for a grand meal (he will burn the house down)
He also has an uncle!!! Remember Ralph?? (I'm 99.9% sure that they're related based on the calls on the Pokégear.) He learned everything about fishing from him. Also, Ralph comes from his dad's side of the family.
Adventure and a love for the outdoors RUNS in that side of the family. And while Ethan's mom doesn't go out much, she very much enjoys hikes, and she met his dad on one!
Kris was there with him in his early childhood, but she and her family moved to goldenrod. The two were close despite Kris' quiet nature.
He trusts Lyra and Kris with his life!
He has a penpal! (Spoiler, it's Dawn!)
His friends always bring out his hyper side!! He's perfectly comfortable being himself around them.
Silver.... he just wishes he could see him more without feeling... out of place? (He can tell that Silver doesn't exactly want him around, especially while he's training)
Every day, he scrolls through his contacts and gives everyone a call just to say hi!
Lyra moved in shortly after Kris left, and she quickly became Ethan's friend. The two act like hyperactive twins if anything else, and they often get the "Are you two related?" question.
Their parents get along too!! They bond over missing their old partners... though, Lyra's father just divorced.
Which, Lyra and Ethan cope together too! However, Ethan isn't as open about it.
Mental health things:
Speaking of!!! Ethan really does NOT know how to communicate his problems or insecurities to people. He's either silent and internal about it or screaming at the top of his lungs and having an emotional meltdown.
He has too much oxytocin.... people who know about stress hormones know exactly what I'm talking about (in short, it's craving support and physical contact to help relieve stress responses).
He's DEFINITELY an extrovert (not bc he's loud. No. People genuinely motivate him and he loves to just talk)... but some of his "cheerfulness" and giggling comes from a well of anxiety. He will laugh at anything, not bc he genuinely finds it funny (if he's genuinely laughing, it's non-stop wheezing and snorting between outbursts).
He has a "everything is okay!" attitude... especially around strangers. Sometimes it's good! Other times.... yeah, it's toxic positivity!!
He doesn't want people to stress about what he's stressed about! (So, he's anxious about his anxiety)
But on a side note, his mental health is usually great! But there are times when he's just not.
He often turns to exploring, helping others, and comfort foods whenever he's stressed... this happened a lot at the end of his journey and when he was champion (which was NOT a great time. But i want to make smth for that later.)
This kid suffers compassion fatigue from time to time!!! Especially when he's helping multiple strangers!! His friends are usually good about not asking for a bunch of stuff from him
Remember the ADHD thing? Yeah, he stims.
Arm flaps, snapping (he has something good that he wants to say), wiggling, shifting (anxiously waiting (either positive or negative)), nail biting (he's concentrating), etc
He also has vocal ones like squeaking or speaking in a high (and quiet) voice like "woo!" or anything like that! He also loves to hum (not as much as Lyra though)
Also, he can't sit still in a chair... it's a short person with ADHD thing (im projecting SHHHH!!!) (Also we are the same height I HATE IT HERE (<- 7 years older than him))
[Patrick star voice] TOUCH
He uses tactile toys because he can't keep his hands to himself and he loves them!!
He loves to hug!!! Hugs!!!
Sometimes he can't shut up while other times he's uncharacteristically quiet.... it's usually because he's just observing other people or his head is in the clouds.
Maladaptive daydreaming goes BRRRRR!!!!
Side things:
He has a VERY messy room despite how prepared and organized he usually is for everything else. (Sometimes, his room is so cluttered, he needs Silver or Kris (the only organized people he knows) to help him get out and make it less of a hazard).
He loves sour and spicy things (sweet too.... but he needs that tart flavor with it)
He loves flowery scents but fruity ones overstimulate him
He hates grainy and stringy foods. He HATES oranges (but not the juice)
He is not a gamer. He SUCKS at them!! But, he's great with casual games like Animal Crossing (stress free!!)
On quiet days, he's usually sitting outside enjoying the breeze
He has suffered humiliation due to how gullible he is! But that was earlier on his journey, he's smarter now!
A lot of his team provides emotional support!!! More on that in a future post!
He can play the guitar!! Camp songs!! And calloused hands...
He sucks at reading!!! And he often needs to read aloud.
[UUhh I might add more!!!]
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