koschei-the-ginger · 7 hours
I think watching some random actor's entire filmography just because you fancy them is actually so important. It teaches you that even the most successful artists start somewhere. That they experience ups and downs and career ruts and often have to do very weird projects at some point just because their rent is due. And maybe you discover that you don't even like that guy all that much lol
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bigassnerrrd · 1 day
I spent my money for yall
Toradeen comic pt.1 and pt.2
the spelltine part of the pride comic under cut
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hazerun3 · 3 days
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"unidentifiable object found, should I proceed to destruction?"
yeah fuck you @onlyplatonicirl
idek what it is aside from what Ive been told on discord so it can be an if you know you know
I dont like the composition of the full thing but here it is if youre curious
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epilepticsaints · 2 days
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lingering-paperwork · 14 hours
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Drew outfits for the crew based off this post: [link]
( + notes )
I'm pretty proud of these ngl, I wanted to do the beloved meemaw as well but I have a lot of things to do in the next couple days and didn't wanna overwork myself too much.
Anyways,,, time for notes about the actual outfits!
Starting with Roary (the one on the left). He has a really thick cloak she carries around with her, mainly to throw over herself as camouflage. Possibly because they're usually the one going out to grab supplies (like sporepuffs and those firecracker plant things (I keep forgetting what they're called)). They also have fuck tons of bombs because he's a little chaotic fucker and I think she deserves it. also Stars enjoys wrapping up other peoples hands, so she wrapped hers up in boxing tape. (boxers tape? However you say it--bandages that boxers put on their hands to keep their fingers from breaking when they punch shit)
Now onto Stars (middle). Stars almost always wears her scavenger mask when she leaves her house, because of this I wanted to make her look a little bit like a scav, so I gave her a little backpack she can just slip spears into, like the scavs have. She also wrapped her hands and feet, because for some reason she just likes that part of ancient clothing. Also, most of her self drawn patterns are on full display, I like to think she's a little proud of her tattoos.
And then there's ferns (right). Ferns design was a little hard (especially because I did it a little sleep deprived). Anyways I changed his design again (God dammit) and got rid of the extra arms . Might keep them gone they are a bitch and a half to draw (the insect arms get to stay though). Anyways, he's got two fanny packs, one of them is likely filled with sewing materials and the other could be filled with Pearls or drawing tools I'm not sure. Either way he's got a cute lil poncho to keep himself covered and some shorts to give his legs more room to move.
I think out of all of these designs I like Stars the most.
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avaeeart · 2 days
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trolling-pip · 3 days
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grill chee 🤤
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serialbxwl · 24 hours
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james colouring practice
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ironwarriorsdawn · 2 days
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More oc posts!! 🧙‍♂️🪄✨️
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ratmonarch2 · 2 days
i present to you: tom scott core featuring the synths that are preinstalled on fl studio trial edition and some drums i like from the roland tr-707
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sundewhasaudhd · 2 days
I would just like to go on record to say that, people commenting on my Tumblr posts, especially original posts (like, not stuff I’ve reblogged) is by far my favorite way of people interacting with my posts. Like, it gets me so excited to hear people’s thoughts on my content, and it just feels a lot more personal than a like or a reblog. Don’t get wrong, I still like those things, I’d just appreciate it if more people who see my content comment under it :]
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hozaloza · 2 days
(This is me ranting about barely getting crane content while the fandom gets fed their sbg gang content</3 ignore this, it's kinda embarrassing)
At this point, I'm not mad about the episodes being delayed.
I'm mad that we barely get any crane content.
Like, thinking about it now, it kinda upsets me that some people are complaining about not getting new episodes, and yet I'm sitting here barely (none at all even) getting any content for the cranes. No fanfics, barely any fanart, and rarely any mentions on theories. None.
Like, I love this fandom and the gang content. It's always so cool to revisit my old fixation.
But, I'm so fucking fixated on the cranes that is hurts.
I have to look for scraps of anything involving them to satisfy my stupid brain.
I even have to resort to making stuff for my own, and that's just hard as with how I function (it's hard to finish something with no motivation....)
Sorry to rant, but I'm just tired of being fixated on something that isn't the main focus.
I'm really grateful for this Tumblr roleplay since I'm getting much needed content with them<3
Also grateful for my moots who had also given me some content with the cranes.
caw caw (Again, sorry to rant. )
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bigassnerrrd · 1 day
I just noticed this (cus my ass is more focused on the text than the drawings) but spelldon is wearing the rose Valentine let him take as a bracelet
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I'm also still giggling about this
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somerandomdudelmao · 3 months
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Let me show you one of my original concepts :>
Because. Why not haha👍
Characters refs Masterpost
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fern-writes-whump · 10 months
so obviously drinking blood from someone's neck is incredibly homoerotic, it's a classic for a reason
but someone drinking from your wrist? getting to look at them as they sink their teeth in your skin?? being able to watch as their eyes flutter close and they barely hold back their instincts to devour you whole??? Being just as enthralled by that sight as they are by your taste???? hello?????
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applestruda · 6 months
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"You Have Succeeded Your Task"
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