#thought bubble
mayaishiipeters · 6 months
how wonderful that we all exist at the same time. we are destined to blog together.
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andmineisyellow · 21 days
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One of my favorite parts of the carriage scene is the use of lighting. Colin starts bathed in warm tones, and Penelope in cool tones. He's about to express his feelings, but she's fully given up on him ever loving her. He's in Featherington Yellow, and she's in Bridgerton Blue. He's the sun, she's the moon.
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When Colin gets closer we start to see warm lighting cover half of her face.
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And then just as they're about to kiss it burns even brighter behind her.
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oursuperadventure · 7 months
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This is you! ❤️ Hey! We’re at Thought Bubble Comic Art Festival this weekend! Come say hi!
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kroovv · 7 months
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I’ll be at Thought Bubble this weekend DSTLRY hall table B12 selling my wares, hope to see you there👀✨
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niqaboy · 2 months
is there a term for when ur aroace but only sometimes. and also only being one when ur also the other. like ik abt aceflux and aroflux n stuff! but is there a word for like. Attraction Machine Broke Come Back Tomorrow
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Mini-sode 2 "cravings"
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
One of the bigger artists in a Fandom I'm in prides themselves in "exposing" proshippers (tagging them in their insta stories) and just recently they had "exposed" someone who funnily enough wasn't even hiding it. You know what they did next? Post a story with a cuphead screenshot saying "I love exposing problematic people". They used the term pro-shitter too. That alone told me everything I needed to know: they're too young/immature to be even discussing these topics that they probably are just using as an excuse to send their followers after people like attack dogs. They also said that they will "defend" their followers from "suggestive/nsfw/problematic content" honey it's not your job to defend anybody. Your word alone isn't going to make said content disappear and your followers aren't some poor endangered animals that need protection. It's on them to curate their own online space
💭thought bubble anon
""exposed" someone who funnily enough wasn't even hiding it."
The person in your story sounds like a bag of ass and also god, that one hits home. It's so surreal to have everyone talking about you being "outed" for something you never hid. It's like if Chicken Boo skits played out exactly the way they do, but he wasn't wearing any kind of a disguise at all.
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thelittleredwitch · 3 months
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i wanna preface this by saying i love fish and chips and im insane about it and oughhh if you are a Certified FnC Person this may hurt you but then again, your delusions may also shield you.
the Nat 20 kiss has only been interpreted as romantic so far (at least as far as I've seen) but I think we really need to consider how little Gillion knows about Oversea culture as a general rule. We see a lot in the early episodes (and even in some recent ones) that Gillion doesn't fully understand the way humans go about their relationships. He knows there's romance of course, but his knowledge of how they show affection seems to be pretty limited. At the point in the story when the crew was at the Isle of Ire, Gillion probably hadn't seen much of Oversea relationships, especially considering how most of the Riptide crew's time was spent sailing in isolation. All Gillion knew going into the sanctuary was that the door required an act of true love, not specifically the romantic kind. I think it's pretty clear that the co-captains loved each other a lot at that point in the story, at least platonically, and I think the Roll for Genuity really could have just been how genuinely they loved each other, in any way (up for interpretation obviously). Obviously Gillion has seen people kiss before, and most likely understood it as an act of affection, but not necessarily as romantic. Gillion very well could have kissed Chip with genuine love, simply thinking that it was a simple form of affection, like hugging. Chip obviously also loves Gill, but he wasn't the one who initiated the kiss (it's not clear whether he kissed back or not) so we can't be sure if Chip's love for Gill is platonic or romantic.
holy shit did that even make sense??? im so sorry yall it was just on my mind lol
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jabbage · 7 months
I'm at Thought Bubble!
You can find me in the middle of the Bubbleboy Hall!
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mayaishiipeters · 2 years
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andmineisyellow · 4 months
I'll be honest, my biggest takeaway from the sneak peek wasn't, "Yes Pen, read him for filth!" It was, "Oh Pen is totally shame spiralling out of control." Because yes, Penelope has every right to be upset with Colin and tell him why she is upset, but most of the emphasis in this scene is on just how much Penelope hates herself. She doesn't believe Colin when he compliments her dress (a direct parallel to scenes Pen has had with Marina and Edwina in the past), she calls herself a spinster even though she's only 19 (I'm willing to bet Portia refers to Penelope as a spinster at some point before this scene), she assumes Colin sees her as an embarrassment, and again she points out that even though she managed to change her wardrobe, she is still a laughingstock.
This whole scene does way more to demonstrate Penelope's insecurities than it does to paint Colin as someone who needs to grovel for forgiveness. If anything, Colin is handling the situation maturely. He openly communicates his feelings, he doesn't deny what he said, and it's clear he wants to work through the issue.
Penelope is so unhappy with herself that she's taking it out on him more than she should. It's easier to blame him for the one thing he said rather than force herself to look inward. But I think once Colin comes to her again with his plan to help her find a husband, this is going to shift. Penelope will be put in a position where she will have to reflect on those insecurities and Colin will be the one with her on that journey.
Which brings us back to Nicola talking about Penelope putting Colin on a pedestal. He might be off of that pedestal after what he said last season, but she still doesn't view him as a fully flawed human being yet. Once Penelope forgives Colin at the end of 3x01, it's going to open up her eyes and allow her to see Colin as a full human being and as her equal (not as her idol). This is how we get "You're my mess," and "You're the imperfect man of my heart."
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oursuperadventure · 7 months
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Hiya! We’re at Thought Bubble in Harrogate this weekend! Come find us at D22-23 in DSTLRY Hall, we’ve got a whole bunch of cool things! 😊
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beekeeperspicnic · 7 months
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Not Beekeeper's Picnic related but if any of you are at Thought Bubble comic convention in Harrogate next week, be sure to say hello to me!
I'll be looking something like this:
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And selling various things including my anthology The Dodo Knows!
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niqaboy · 3 months
the reality is that youre going to forget to pray sometimes. youre going to forget to make wudu. youre going to decide whatever else youre doing is more important sometimes. especially when you are a new revert, this stuff is hard. forming any habit is hard- a multi-step habit that you have to do 5 times a day is going to be difficult to implement if you arent used to it, and the fervor and excitement of reverting WILL wear off a little bit. please do not beat yourself up if you cant or dont pray. if its something you genuinely want to do, you need to start small! maybe practice waking up for fajr first, and just praying that one. or duhur if youre less of a morning person. and once youve got that down, add another! idk, my point is if you arent compassionate with yourself it is going to be even harder to form these habits. Allah subhana wa ta'ala wishes you ease. be nice to yourself dude, youre trying, and god knows that!
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theftshrubbery · 7 months
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femme knight prints now live :)
i had soooo much fun with this i love risograph printing so much
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