#this is not goodbye this is still my house!!!
b14augrana · 2 days
Before you fly out for the Spain camp, you make the most of your ‘last day’ in Barcelona
Barça Femení x teen!reader
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pt. 5 masterlist
Warnings: ✖️
A/N: a bit of a longer update than usual, but here’s the fridolina content people have been waiting for 🐾 sorry about this being a bit boring, it ends up being like that when bebita isn’t playing a game and making crazy tackles, but it’s not too far away from happening 💝
“Ale, you liar! You said we were leaving today!” you grumbled, wheeling your suitcase back to your room. Your backpack landed with a thud on the ground beside the suitcase, and you trudged back to the woman in the living room. “Don’t twist my words. I just told you to pack so you’re prepared for when we do leave, since you like to leave things till the last minute.”
“We’ve still got to walk downtown with all the trophies, chiquita,” Alexia added.
“So then when are we leaving?” you asked, and she responded with, “Tomorrow night… maybe. Remember, you’ve got school today as well. You wouldn’t had time to pack anyways and I did you a favour.”
“Whatever, I get it. Can we go now? Where’s Irene?” you said, walking out of your bedroom with Alexia. You two entered the kitchen and saw Irene sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of cereal.
“Ireeni,” you exclaimed, basically jumping onto the couch. She clutched her almost-empty bowl and laughed, “I could’ve spilled my cereal, nenita.”
“There‘s barely anything in it,” you replied, rolling your eyes and shuffling closer to her.
You were really tired for some reason. The fatigue of the last few days was seemingly catching up to you, and all you wanted to do was crawl into bed and stay there. Alexia wouldn’t let you do that though. She wanted you to come and walk with the trophy you helped the team earn, but you thought she was just giving you way more credit than what was due at that point.
“Ale, I didn’t even do much to be carrying the trophy!” you argued, but she looked at you with an eyebrow raised and a small smile. “Don’t be silly, you’re too humble. You did everything.”
“(Y/N), Fridolina said she is going to pick you up from here and take you downtown for breakfast,” Irene said, looking up from her phone.
You nodded happily. Fridolina was one of your most favourite people in the world. You always looked forward to café dates with her in downtown Barcelona, and she knew you better than you knew herself. She was like a mother to you.
A knock rung through the house, and you almost slipped while sprinting to the door. You wrenched it open and revealed the tall Swede on the other side of the door, smiling down at you. “Frido!”
“Hi kärlek, how are you?” the woman asked, engulfing you in a hug. “I’m good. I’ll just grab my shoes and then we can go, vale?”
“Vale,” Fridolina laughed. As you ran to your room to grab a pair of sneakers, she spoke to Irene and Alexia for a little bit. “Okay, I’m ready,” you said, emerging from your bedroom.
Fridolina waved goodbye to Irene and Alexia. You turned around and said goodbye to them as well, and then you walked out of Irene’s apartment. You two took the elevator down to the complex parking lot, and while you were stepping out of the elevator, you spoke. “Where are we going today, Frido?”
“Our usual spot. I figured you might want one of their pastries to get you going,” she smiled, opening up the door to her car, “Oh, by the way, I’m taking you to school today. I just talked about it with Irene and Alexia.”
You sat in the passenger seat, stretching out your legs, “That’s cool. Can I stay at your house tonight? I’ve been at Irene’s all week,” you asked. Fridolina nodded as she started up her car and reversed out of the car park. “Do you have clothes?”
“Oh shit, that reminds me… I have to go tomorrow. My suitcase is at Irene’s!” you exclaimed with a groan.
“It’s okay, you can always sleep over another time. That doesn’t mean you can’t stay for a bit, I can drop you off to Irene’s if you want to hang around,” Fridolina suggested.
“Perfect. Gracías, Frido!”
The rest of the car ride consisted of small conversations and a bit of singing along to the radio until Fridolina found a parking spot on the side of the street. You hopped out of the car and skipped around to the other side, then you walked into the café with Frido.
“So, how are you feeling? Are your legs alright after all those tackles?” the Scandi asked as you two sat down at a table, “I always forget you’re only 16.”
“My legs are alright for the most part. I guess the win cancels out all the bruises and grazes,” you giggled in response.
Fridolina smiled at you and added, “I’m glad you’re feeling well. You really impressed us all last Saturday. You kept us in the game.”
Your cheeks flushed a pale pink and you looked down at the table, smiling shyly, “It was all Aitana. She gave us the momentum.”
You examined the menu and tried to decide what to order. Frido discussed it with you and when you two settled on your orders, you went to the cashier and bought the food.
You had ordered a couple of almond croissants, an Earl Grey tea, and a grilled cheese. Fridolina got a coffee with a Boston cream donut on the side. While going extremely slowly, you walked over to the table with your food in hand and Fridolina’s in the other. As you placed it down and got back in your seat, she spoke.
“So, are you excited for the Olympics?” she asked, stirring her coffee and taking a sip. You took a bite out of your grilled cheese and nodded, saying between a mouthful, “Really excited.”
It was your first ever Spain call-up. Most people were a bit surprised as they expected you to have experience playing with Spain’s youth teams, and you received invites to the teams, but since you started playing for Barcelona at such a young age, your agent told you to turn them down. Somehow he knew that you’d get a call-up to the senior team not long after, and he was right.
You confided in Mapi, asking her about what she thought was the best decision to make since she had withdrawn from the national team. Despite the new management and Mapi’s reassurance you still weren’t completely sure, but you pushed it aside for the opportunity to win Olympic gold.
“What if we verse each other, Frido?” you said, thinking about the possibility. The Swede placed her cup of coffee down and leaned back in her chair and responded, “Then you treat me like any other opponent.”
“But you’re Frido, not any other opponent,” you replied.
“To you I’m Frido, but to the rest of your team I’m the rival, and they’re trying to beat me. You aren’t playing for Barcelona at the Olympics, you’re playing for Spain,” she said with a smile, taking a little bite out of her donut. She offered you some, but you declined with a quiet ‘thank you’.
As you two ate your meals, your conversation switched from that of football to more general things up until you finished your food and decided to go home. You considered going back with Frido, but you didn’t want to get too tired and annoy Alexia the next morning, when you couldn’t wake up in time, so you didn’t say anything and let her take you home.
Frido walked you to Irene’s apartment and knocked on the door. When Irene opened the door, she was met with you standing beside the Scandi, smiling brightly with both your arms wrapped around one of Frido’s. “Nenita, you’re back,” Irene exclaimed.
“I hope she didn’t blow too much of your money, Fridolina,” Irene continued with a laugh, and Fridolina laughed as well, shaking her head. “Don’t worry, she’s learning the value of it.”
“Bye bye kärlek,” Frido said, wrapping you in a warm hug. You hugged her back tightly, saying goodbye and running inside while her and Irene said bye to each other. “Where’s Ale? I thought she was staying for the day,” you spoke, flopping onto the couch.
“The trophy walk, remember? She’s meeting Fridolina, Patri and Sandra at headquarters,” Irene explained.
“Why aren’t you with them?” you questioned, looking at her with a confused expression.
“Because we’re going together. Come on, get your ‘Movem El Món’ shirt and get in the car,” the Basque replied, shaking her car keys. You completely forgot about the trophy walk and you were kinda hoping Irene forgot about it as well so you wouldn’t have to go, but you trudged to your room and snatched up the shirt anyways.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your school either!” Irene yelled from the living room. That was another thing you wish she had forgotten but the one thing you know she’d never forget.
The trophy walk was pretty straightforward. Alexia thrusted the Champions League into your arms and made you parade down the street with the silverware, showing it off. You did enjoy it, but it wasn’t worth the ache in your shoulders.
Irene let you skip your classes, and she took you straight home. She could see the exhaustion in your eyes, and she didn’t want you to suffer the consequences of being tired and unable to wake up when Alexia came to pick you up the next morning.
You skipped dinner, instead beelining straight to your room. You felt like a zombie, but you liked that kind of tiredness — it made sleeping feel way better than usual. As soon as your head touched the pillow, you were sound asleep.
Irene even did your Hay Day login for you.
Alexia had been the one to ruin your sleep since Irene had opted to travel with Mariona and Sandra. She shook you gently and was very surprised when she didn’t have to bang pots and pans. “Nena, I made breakfast for you. Come out when you’re ready, vale?”
You nodded slowly and rolled over, pulling the duvet to your chin and sighing deeply. At that point you were fully awake, you just wanted to soak up the warmth of your sheets.
You sat up on your bed, rubbing your eyes. You looked directly at the poster of Vidić stuck on your wall, your eyes lingering on it for a moment longer than usual. You looked at the picture of him holding up the UCL, knowing you felt the same euphoria just a few days ago as you held the trophy for the same title, all because you managed to capture his essence and make it part of your play style. It was amazing what a notable inspiration could do for you.
You emerged out of your room and sat at the bench, resting your head in the palm of your hand as Alexia pushed a plate of strawberry-topped waffles towards you with a smoothie. “Our flight has been rescheduled. We have to be at the airport in a couple of hours, sí?”
You nodded once again, taking a bite of the waffles.
“By the way, both our matches are against Denmark,” she added, putting some waffles on a plate for herself. “What’re we versing Denmark for? I didn’t know they qualified for the Olympics,” you mumbled.
“They didn’t. It’s for the Euros,” Alexia laughed, pulling out a stool and sitting beside you. The Euros had totally slipped your mind.
“There’s so many tournaments going on, I can’t keep up!” you sighed, shaking your head.
“You’ve been playing too much Hay Day, it’s gotten to your head. Maybe give Bagheera Land a break until we come back to Barcelona,” the Spaniard joked with a gentle nudge to your side, and you smiled.
“Even though you’re playing for the national team and there’s a lot of important tournaments coming up…” Alexia started, pausing to chew her food. You looked at her curiously as you also chewed your food.
“…You’re allowed to make mistakes because you’re still young. All of us have been where you are right now, but none of us were as talented as you. Cree en ti misma, mi chica, y florecerás.”
You had made as many daring tackles as it took to lead your club to glory for the third time in a row and complete a historical quadruple. On top of that, you had partaken in defeating the club your team has never been able to beat in a final. Winning Olympic gold with a World Cup winning nation is nothing compared to that.
“Venga, let’s get our stuff together and call the taxi. The earlier we get there, the more time we have to wander the airport without rushing,” Alexia announced as you put the last bite of food into your mouth and sipped the remaining amount of your smoothie. She grabbed your plate and put it on top of hers, then walked over to the sink and quickly washed them.
You wheeled your suitcase out to the living room and put your other bags on top of it, waiting for Alexia to grab her backpack. When she swept it up from the couch, you pulled the handle of your suitcase up. “I’m ready!”
Alexia smiled at you and nodded towards the door, “Vamos, estrella.”
You couldn’t wait to get on the plane just so you could pull out your neck pillow and have the best nap of your life. You were constantly checking the time, counting down the minutes until the gate opened.
The original plan was for the whole national team to travel on one plane together, but somehow, all the Barça girls including yourself ended up on the team commercial plane. You preferred it, because you wanted to properly meet the team and not on a plane when all you want to do is sleep.
You settled into your seat and quickly grabbed your neck pillow. The airline gave you a complimentary regular pillow as well, which you hugged tight. By the time you opened your eyes and sat up with a yawn, looking out of the window with squinted eyes, you weren’t in Barcelona anymore.
You were approaching Denmark. As the plane descended and got closer to land, a mixture of nerves and excitement formed in your stomach.
The last time you felt so nervous, you won a Champions League title. You were scared but you did it anyways, and that’s what you’d have to do when meeting your teammates for the first time and then playing against Denmark with them.
Do it anyways.
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ln4madness · 1 day
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summary: y/n and lando visit a family friend of y/n’s who just so happens to be a boy
warnings: none
pairing: lando x fem!reader
You and Lando were sitting in your car. You were visiting the country you’re from and you decided to go visit as many people as you could.
You were sitting in your car with Lando, going to your family friends house. “So who are these people now?” Lando asked since you were visiting so many people he lost count of who everyone is. “They are our family friends, our moms were friends in college and now they’re one of our best friends.” You said as you pulled up to their house.
“Heyyyy! I missed you guys” You said as you got out of the car and gave f/m/n (friends moms name, idk how else to write it) a hug. “How are you y/n, tell us everything you’ve been doing in monaco!” she said. “Yeah i’ve been doing great, living with my boyfriend now, really missed home tho.” You said as Lando got out the car and stood next to you. “This is my boyfriend, Lando” You said. “Well aren’t you a handsome guy” f/m/n said as she hugged him. “Let’s go to the backyard terrace, everyone’s there” y/f/m said.
You went to the terrace and saw f/d/n (friends dads name). “Omg you’re so grown up since the last time i saw you.” He said as he hugged you. You let go of the hug and f/d/n turned to Lando to shake his hand. “This is Lando, my boyfriend.” You said as they shook each others hands. “F/d/n, nice to meet you.” f/d/n said.
You all were sitting down and eating when you realized that y/f (your friend) isn’t here. “Oh btw where is y/f?” You asked his parents. “Oh he’s gonna be here soon too, he had to work today.” f/m/n said.
You heard a car pull up to the house. “That must be f/n, go greet him, i’m sure he’s missed you as well.” F/m/n said to you. You got up to go meet your friend, and lando got up after you.
Way taller now, a mullet, a perm, your friend looked way different now than the last time you saw him. “Hey, it’s been a long time.” You said as you saw him get out of his car. “Yeah, hey, it’s so good to finally see you.” He said as he gave you a hug, which Lando didn’t really like, he would’ve preferred a handshake or a smile.
Hours later you were hanging out with f/n and Lando in the living room.
“You uhh wanna go on a drive? Like the old times?” F/n asked you. “Yeah, it’d be fun, god those were some times weren’t they?” You said.
As you got in the passenger seat of f/n’s car, leaving Lando to sit in the backseat, you noticed a bracelet hanging from the rearview mirror. “oh hey, you still have this here.” You said as you pointed to the bracelet. “Yeah, it’s been there forever” F/n said.
“Wanna go through the woods? Drift a little?” F/n asked you. “Obviously, that’s all we did back then, wasn’t it?” You replied as you smiled remembering the old times. “All you did huh?” Lando said as he looked at you and your friend.
“Yeah, every time i would come here we would go drive in the woods with this car. Can’t believe it’s still holding together” You said. “Well i’m planning on getting a new one soon, gonna be hard to say goodbye to this one” F/n said as he drove to the woods. “Awhhh, you’re getting rid of it? The memories in this car were amazing tho.” You said, which made Lando get even more jealous.
“What memories?” Lando asked, voice getting deeper and eyes getting narrower, you could tell he was getting jealous.
“This is the car in which i learned how to drive, Lando” You said as you turned back to look at him. “I thought you told me you learned how to drive with your sisters car.” Lando looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “Technically i did, but this is the car i learned all the basics in.”
You were flying through the woods with the car, drifting through certain corners, windows down, music blasting through the speakers.
“I know i drive cars super fast for a living, but this is fucking crazy.” Lando said as you flew through another corner.
“Yeah well f/n has quite a skill of doing this.” You said. “Yeah, been doing this since i was like 15” F/n said. “Oh I’ll never forget the first time we ever went for one of these drives, nearly broke the car.” You said.
You all were now back at F/n’s house. You, Lando, F/n and his parents and sister all sitting in the living room, catching up, sharing stories, having fun. Lando getting super jealous seeing you talk to f/n, the way you laughed and smiled every time f/n mentioned some of the things you used to do together, talking about all the fun you had on vacations you took together with your families as kids.
You could see and feel Lando get more jealous throughout the whole evening.
“Well i think it’s time for us to head home now.” You said. “Make sure to visit us more, can’t wait to see you again.” F/m/n said.
You and Lando were in your car now, driving back to your house. His hand on your thigh, holding on to it like he’s about to drop you off a cliff if he lets go.
“Lando what’s going on?” You asked him, knowing well what’s going on.
“Was there ever something going on between you and f/n?” Lando asked, getting straight to the point. “What do you mean?” You replied. “Oh come on, don’t act like you don’t know. You were talking with him, looking at him, like you are some kind of a married couple visiting your hometown.” Lando said. “There never was really anything between us Lando, except for a few times we’ve kissed” You said.
“YOU KISSED HIM?!” Lando was the tiniest bit away from yelling. “WHEN WE WERE KIDS LANDO, YEARS AND YEARS AGO.” You practically yelled at him. “I don’t like him, next time we visit this house i’m making sure he has to work even later.” Lando said.
You arrived home and immediately plopped down on the couch. “i’m so tired.” You said. “Go to sleep then, baby” Lando said. “No i don’t want to, not yet, come here.” You said. Lando went over to you and sat next to you, you leaned against his shoulder immediately and he put his arm around you.
“So you promise there was nothing ever going on between you two?” Lando asks. “Of course Lan, nothing was ever going on.” You said. “Okay okay, i love you baby.” Lando said as he kissed your forehead. “I love you too my jealous boy.” You said and giggled.
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Too Good To Say Goodbye pt7
Warnings: cursing
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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I wanted to cry in the middle of the Wingstop. I wanted to break the news on my own terms but thanks to whoever runs the ‘F1GossipRoom’ account on instagram, I couldn’t. They ruined one of the biggest moments of my and Lando’s life. I know I've done this twice before but I wanted to witness all of Lando's firsts with this baby and the surprise pregnancy announcement was off the table.
I knew I was being overdramatic but I couldn't help it when the one thing I wanted to do got ruined and all these pregnancy hormones going through the roof I wasn't thinking clear but there was one thing I was sure about. I was going to find the person behind this gossip account and I was going to make their life a living hell.
"Baby, it's okay. It sucks because I wanted to just randomly drop this in a cute instagram post but we can still do that. We can't let these random no-lifers ruin this moment for us." A small chuckle escaped my lips as Lando had placed the wingstop down on the table and embraced me in a tight hug.
"I know baby, I'm sorry" I started to sob into Lando's shoulder which only further upset him.
"No, no baby please don't cry. How 'bout this: we go home, eat our food and we can watch Tangled again. How 'bout that? That sound like a plan?" Lando tried to negotiate while rubbing his hand up and down my back.
"And the second Captain America movie again?" I said as I pulled back from the embrace and wiped a few tears away from my face with a small smile becoming present.
"Anything for you" Lando said as he placed a quick kiss to my temple.
It took us about 30 minutes to get home, Lando had to make a quick pitstop at our local Dairy Queen because the baby really wanted a Mint Oreo blizzard.
"Okay babe. This is STRICTLY dessert. You AND BABY," Lando started before poking my tummy "need to eat actual food first"
"I know that, but I don't know if Baby gets it yet because they want a teeny tiny bite." I gave Lando puppy dog eyes
"Does the baby want a bite or do YOU want a bite?" Lando smirked as he cocked a brow in my direction
"Potato pahtato" I shrugged whited caused Lando to let out a laugh
"Just ONE bite." An excited shriek left my mouth as I quickly grabbed my blizzard and took a huge spoonful before letting out a satisfied moan at the taste of the cold, minty, chocolaty goodness that exploded on my tongue.
“Okay babe, I need you to get home now so I can eat because this is too good!!” I almost took another spoonful but Lando took it out of my hand, put the lid back on and put it in the cup holder on the door to make sure that it was out of my reach.
“That was so unnecessarily rude Lando. You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” I said with a huff as I shifted my whole body to face the door with my arms crossed.
We’d gotten home about an hour ago and we were about halfway through Tangled (and our blizzards) when we heard a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it baby.” Lando said as he placed a quick kiss on my temple before getting up to answer the door
“Oh hey Logan, did you forget something?” I heard Lando say as I watched him side step to let Logan and Yelena in the house.
“I need to talk to Y/N, where is she?” Logan sounded a bit angry when he said that but Lando brushed it off. He probably thought it had something to do with Yelena and he thought it best to not push him further.
“She’s in the Living Room. We’re watching Tangled and eating.” Logan just handed Yelena over to Lando before brushing past him to get to me.
Lando held Yelena for about 5 seconds before he smelt a strange smell, lifting her up to smell her diaper before cringing at the smell radiating from it.
“Mmm girl, you stinky. Let’s give you a bath.” Lando cooed as he bounced her up and down before taking her up to our room to give her a bath.
While Lando was upstairs giving Yelena a bath my eyes stayed laser focused on Logan whom was still angrily walking over in my direction.
“Y/N, Really?!” Logan almost screamed as he finally reached me.
I just stared at him dumbfounded because who is he to barge into my house and start talking to me like this.
“I would really love some context here Logan.” I said as I placed my already melting blizzard on the coffee table.
“You’re pregnant?!” I should’ve sensed this coming given that it took months of convincing me that I wanted a baby for I even tried for one with Logan.
Being a mom wasn’t in my ‘To-Do Life Agenda’ but being with Logan and seeing how he was with his nieces, nephews and younger fans started to make me feel like maybe I wanted to be a mom.
“Logan, please. I was going to tell you before we told everyone else.” I tried to keep our voices hushed because I didn’t want Lando to hear how everyday of my life was after the loss of Theo when Logan and I was still together.
“No! That’s bullshit! It took me MONTHS of convincing you to get pregnant but you let HIM knock you up less than a year after having Yelena?! I should’ve known you were just a whore.” Logan murmured that last part and I wasn’t even sure if I heard him right.
“OKAY LOGAN! You’ve outstayed your welcome. Get out of my house now.” Lando’s voiced boomed as he was coming down the stairs with a clean, sleepy baby in his arms.
“What did you say to me?!” Logan challenged
“Get. The Fuck. Out. Of. My. House. Now. Before I call the cops.” Lando said sternly as he held the front door open once he reached the bottom of the steps ushering Logan through it.
“I’m not done with this conversation yet Y/N/N. We will-” was all we heard before Lando slammed the door shut cutting Logan off.
I wanted to cry, I felt so humiliated. Was I really a whore for being pregnant with Lando’s kid barely a year after having Logan’s? Maybe I was.
Lando quickly pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Let’s go to bed, we have our clinic tomorrow to make sure Lily picked up the gender reveal envelope so they can start planning the reveal and we can see if maybe Lily and Oscar can take Yelena too?” With a quick nod of my head Lando made his way to the nursery to put Yelena to sleep while I started to clean the mess up in the living room.
after about 10 minutes I entered our shared bedroom to see Lando scrolling for a movie to watch.
“Oh let’s watch-”
“Captain America: The Winter Soldier? It’s already waiting to be played” One thing about Lando is he knows what to do to make me feel special.
I got in the bed and cuddled close to Lando while also being cautious of my belly. I didn’t make it 10 minutes into the movie before I knocked out.
The next morning I made my way into the clinic while Lando and Yelena stayed in the car. I need to be the one to make sure that Lily did her gender reveal planner duties.
“Can I help you?” the nice young lady at the front desk asked
“Hi, yes. Could you tell me if the gender reveal envelope under the last name ‘Norris’ was picked up yesterday?” I asked politely
“Yes ma’am it was.” The lady said, her voice laced with nervousness “Was it not supposed to be picked up yesterday?”
“Oh it was! I just wanted to make sure!” A sigh of relief echoed through the air from the lady “Thank you!” I cooed as I walked away from the front desk and out the door into the car that was double parked waiting for me.
When I got in the car the look on Lando’s face asked if Lily picked up the envelope, to which I nodded my head before saying “Let me call Lily and ask if we can drop off Yelena while she’s planning.”
After a few rings Lily picked up the phone
“Hey Lily! I saw that you picked up the envelope yesterday. I was wondering if while you’re planning today if we could drop Yelena off, Logan came by yesterday and I have to deal with him” I said joyfully into the phone.
“Hey girl, sorry but I didn’t pick up the envelope yesterday. I had too many meeting to attend to, I was actually on my way to get it now” Lily replied back
A nervous look coated my face.
“If you didn’t pick it up. Who did?” my voice AND hands shaky
“Babe! Hang up the phone now and look at instagram! I’m gonna fucking kill him”
Lando’s face was 50 shades of red when I looked over. There was no way my worst fear was gonna come true. He’s not THAT disrespectful.
Unfortunately when I opened instagram it confirmed my worst nightmare.
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@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy
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juicyc0utur3 · 2 days
saiki k x mcbling fem reader hcs!
will be working on more fics soon(mello fic coming up) so stay tuned! plus sm of these hcs are more specific(bc i wrote them w my style in mind) but feel free to disregard any that don’t fit with you
warnings: none, js suggestive if you squint
i’m going feral for this man i hope you enjoy
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• being saiki’s girlfriend and picking him up from his house, taking him to school in your new car. you blast your favorite songs on the way there and he hates how much attention it gets, but he likes you so he deals with it. it’s annoying how many of them get stuck in his head.
• being saiki’s girlfriend and laughing your ass off when he first told you he was a psychic, because you just would never have guessed. but reassuring him that you still like him and think he’s cool with or without them.
• being saiki’s girlfriend and having him do your makeup sometimes. he’s not precise because he tries to control his strength, but the way you wear it, it doesn’t have to be. he likes looking at your face.
• being saiki’s girlfriend and once in a blue moon, doing his makeup when he’s in his female form, after you find out about his powers.
• being saiki’s girlfriend and becoming best friends with his mom, making sure to say hi to her whenever you’re over at his place and helping her out with chores every now and then. you compliment her a lot and she tears up everytime you do. she also tears up everytime kusuo so much as mentions you, she loves you that much.
• being saiki’s girlfriend and going out with him every once in a while to parties and age appropriate clubs, but only staying for a little bit because you don’t want him to get overwhelmed by the volume and the thoughts. he silently appreciates it. he also has no idea how to dance, which you lightheartedly tease him for.
• being saiki’s girlfriend and wearing shorter skirts sometimes when you come over, just to see if you get a reaction out of him. you don’t, at least not verbally. but he always thinks you look really pretty, even if he keeps it to himself.
• being saiki’s girlfriend and leaving glitter or lip gloss on him when you kiss him goodbye, which becomes a leading topic of discussion with his friends. they’re all jealous since you’re practically as pretty as teruhashi, but incredibly happy for him. “oh, hey, saiki, what’s that on your neck?” goddamnit, [y/n]..
• being saiki’s girlfriend and showing tiny acts of pda that he can tolerate, like linking fingers when you walk together in the halls or leaving a quick kiss on his cheek before you go somewhere
• being saiki’s girlfriend and having to deal with teruhashi and yumehara being on your back everyday, which he tries to stop to an extent with his powers. but to you it’s expected so you just work your way through conversations with them and hope he’s not being bothered by them.
• being saiki’s girlfriend >
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athenamikaelson · 20 hours
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 4
Word Count- 3.1k
Warnings- Swearing, spoilers obi.
My fingers graze the texture of my history textbook. My eyes read through each line. Before I know it I’m at the end of the page, and yet I can’t recall a single sentence I had just “read.” I let out a loud sigh and closed the book, placing it back in place on my desk. Ever since the day I got kidnapped this has been a problem. Without being on edge, I can’t focus on school work, the people around me, or myself. Every time I walk by someone I instantly tense up to the idea of them being something supernatural. I know that Elena has told me everyone in town that she knows is a part of that world but she can’t possibly know when a complete stranger is. 
Worrying about who is supernatural isn’t the only thing that’s been plaguing my thoughts, either. All night I was tossing and turning with the thought of Elijah. Damon and Elena knew as much as I did about how he was still alive. Elena had told me that a vampire could be killed with a wooden stake, and yet it had only affected Elijah temporarily. 
“He’s going to destroy you.”
Kathrine’s words ring in my ears. Stefan had told me not to believe a word she says, but given that these people don’t seem to know what the hell is going on either, I’ve let her words get to me. The look of fear in her eyes at the thought strikes me to my core every time I think back to it. If a vampire that is magically locked up is afraid of this Elijah guy, then I sure as hell will be too. 
I jump slightly in shock as I hear knocking on my door, I untense when I hear my mother’s voice on the other side though. 
“Y/N, you have a friend here to see you,” I stand up and open my door to talk to her but freeze when I see Damon standing behind her. His lips curve up into a smirk and moves his fingers up and down in a wave as he stares at me.
“Your friend Damon here is so kind to drop in to check on you. I had no idea you were feeling under the weather.” 
I glance at my mother and fight the urge to roll my eyes. Although we look so much alike I couldn’t be more different from her. Where I actually take the time to listen to people and try to understand people my mother seems to only care about what benefits her. I’m not surprised at all that she hasn’t noticed my change in attitude these past few days since she never seemed to care before. 
She clears her throat at the silence she gets from me, “Well, I’ll let you talk. I have to be going anyways,” She turns to Damon who fakes a smile at her, “I have a work trip this weekend.”
“Work on the weekends, well that’s no fun,” Damon responds with a flirtatious tone that makes me want to gag. My mother on the other hand turns red.
“No worries, I always find a way to liven things up,” She leans closer to him, “Even though it would be more fun with some company.”
“Mom, you should be going now,” I interrupt before I throw up on both of them. 
My mother nods and says her goodbyes to both of us, mostly Damon, and walks back down the hallway. I let out a sigh of relief but then tense up when I realized that Damon had just entered my room.
“What are you doing here,” I watch as he looks around my small room. After my mother and father’s divorce, my mother wasn’t left with very much money so we had to make do with what we could scrounge up. After moving and divorce costs we left with a tiny 3 bedroom 1 bath single story home here in Mystic Falls. It looks like a shoe box compared to the other houses in this town, but I don’t really care since I plan to move away from here the second I graduate. 
“I need a favor,” Damon says to me as he picks up the stuffed frog I have on my bed and tosses it around in his hands. 
“What kind of favor?”
Damon places the frog back on my bed, “Well, after your and Elena’s little suicide excursion yesterday we’ve magically locked her in her house, and I need you Pukerella to go babysit.” 
I send him a glare at the nickname, “If Elena’s locked in her house why do you need me to babysit her?”
Damon rolls his shoulders and walks towards the door, “I don’t need you to do anything. I want you to go to Elena’s and let me know if she plans on calling the big bad vampire to come sacrifice her.” 
“So you want me to be your spy?”
Damon thinks at the question for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, “Ya, pretty much.”
I shake my head, “I’m not going to spy on my only friend.”
Damon lets out an annoyed groan and pinches the bridge of his nose as if this is the most annoying conversation he’s had, “Fine then you won’t be my spy, you’ll be the babysitter I hired for Elena. There happy? Now come on I got other stuff to do today other than arguing with you, people to go kill and stuff like that you know?”
Damon grabs me by my upper arm and practically drags me out of my room and down the hallway toward the front door. He ignores my yells of anger as he opens the door to his car and pretty much pushes me in. I huff as he speeds over to his side and starts the car.
“Oh and by the way,” I slowly turn my head to glare at him as he starts talking, “You might want to get some vervain for yourself and your family. It was too easy getting your mother to invite me into your quaint home.” 
“We could watch Pretty Woman?” Elena asks Jeremy and I as we sit on the couch. Jeremy lets out a loud groan at the question making Elena laugh.
“Guess not,” She flips through some more channels before she lets out a sound of excitement, “Oh! Grease!” Elena goes to play the movie but Jeremy snatches the remote from her hand.
“No way, not happening. I have seen that movie far too many times because of you and Mom. I’m going to decide.”
It takes Jeremy another 10 minutes to scroll through the channels deciding on a movie. Every time he picks one Elena disagrees and they start arguing over it until they start searching again. This has pretty much been what we’ve been doing for the whole hour in which I’ve been at the Gilbert residence. After Damon kicked me out of his car and drove off I’ve just been listening to the Gilbert siblings argue. It’s not that bad though. Jenna, Jeremy and Elena’s aunt, supplied us with snacks a bunch of snacks before she had to leave for something she had to go do.
I turn to the TV to see what Jeremy picked and cringe as I see the beginning credits for “The Human Centipede.”
Elena’s sound of disgust mirrors mine as she stands up, “This is no use. Y/N do you just want to go up to my room?” 
I glance at the TV again momentarily and nod my head, “Defiantly.”
“You’ve got to read this book I just got,” Elena jumps up from her spot on the floor next to me and goes to her bookshelf, “The romance in it is so steamy and the main male character in it is so hot!” She stops and blushes at what she just said.
“Don’t tell Stefan,” She points at me.
I laugh as I bring my fingers to my lips and pretend to lock them, “You’re secret is safe with me.”
Elena and I had been making small talk until I had mentioned that I liked reading, which caught her attention. She had told me she does too and we began talking about our favorite books and genres. To which we found out we’re both fans of romance, jumpstarting an hour-long discussion. 
Elena sits back down next to me and hands me her book. I strum through the pages.
“I’ll make sure to read it and let you know what I think.”
She nods and looks away as if in thought, “I can’t believe we didn’t become friends earlier. Why is that?” 
Her question has me stirring uncomfortably, “Honestly I’m not that surprised. I’m not that noticeable.” 
This comment has Elena furrowing her eyebrows and shaking her head, “You’re joking right,” At my look of confusion she continues, “Of course I noticed you. I mean when you come to a small town like this it’s hard not to be noticed but what I mean is that I always thought you were cool.”
I can feel my cheeks warm up at her compliment and I glance down at my fingers to hide it.
“You thought I was cool?”
“Ya of course,” She responds instantly, “You’ve got great style and you’ve got this mysterious aura about you. I just never approached you because I thought you didn’t like me.” 
Her confession has me looking up and frowning, “Why would you think that?”
She shrugs her shoulders, “You just kind of sometimes look like you don’t want to be approached by anyone. I just assumed. I’m sorry.”
I shake my head at her apology, “Don’t apologize! And no, I never hated you I always thought you were the cool one. I just think I have that look on my face all the time.”
Elena laughs and smiles at me, “OK, good.”
We’re about to start talking about books again when we hear the front door open.
“Jenna must be home,” Elena says as she stands up and reaches her hand down for me to grab. I grab it and pull myself up and we walk downstairs. 
We turn the corner and we both give each other a look as we see Jenna on the ground rummaging through some boxes. 
“Hey. What are you doing,” Elena questions her Aunt.
“Oh perfect timing,” She grabs a cardboard box and hands it to Elena, and then gives another to me.
“Whoa. Oh. What is this stuff?”
“Your mom’s files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood,” Jenna grabs her box and stands up, “And by roped, I mean very excited to participate.”
I silently laugh as I try to balance the heavy box in my arms, the laughing stops though once Jenna closes the door and I lock eyes with the man who’s been haunting my every waking thought. 
“Hey, I’m Elijah.”
Elena and I stand there frozen as we watch Jenna interact with the vampire. 
“Elijah’s in town doing research on Mystic Falls,” She introduces us not knowing we’ve already had the displeasure of meeting. 
I freeze up and grip the box I’m holding tighter to my chest as Elijah walks closer to us. He quickly greets Elena, skating her hand before turning his full attention onto me. I’m visibly shaking right now and it only worsens as Elijah reaches his hands up and grabs the box from my hands. His fingers grazed mine for longer than needed. 
“Here let me take this,” He places the box back down and reaches his hand up to me in greeting. 
We both stand there looking at each other for what seems like forever as he waits for me to shake his hand.
“I don’t like being touched,” I blurt out. Elijah slowly lowers his hand and I might be mistaken but from the look on his face, he almost appeared saddened by that. 
Jenna joins us again telling Elijah that he can stay here and rummage through the boxes, to which he turns down. I try to find the wall behind Elena interesting to keep my line of sight away from the vampire, but I can still sense him staring at me. After another moment he tells Jenna he’s going to have someone pick up the boxes tomorrow and bids Jenna and Elena a farewell. I almost think he’s left us but when I look back over I find that Elijah has moved even closer and he gives me a warm smile and leans down.
“I hope to speak with you again soon, Miss Y/L/N.” My chest starts moving up and down rapidly, which he seems to have noticed, as I nod at his words. He doesn’t seem to get that I won’t be saying anything back to him because he stands there staring at my face. After what seems like a lifetime I watch as he moves by me towards the front door, but not before he lifts a finger and grazes the end of my sweater. 
I watch with bated breath as he shuts the door behind him. Elena doesn’t waste any time before dragging me up the stairs and banging on Jeremy’s door. As she goes to open the door I feel a hand grab my waist and pull me. My back hits something strong and I go to squeal but it comes out muffled as a hand moves over my mouth. I look up and freeze as I stare up at Elena to whom he motions to be quiet. I hear Jeremy open his door but I can’t focus on any of the words he’s saying as I watch Elijah’s face. I make note of the light stubble that runs across his jawline and the practically flawless skin he has. Lucky ass vampires. My staring must’ve caught his attention, as his dark brown eyes meet mine. Once again the corners of his lips turn upwards into a small smile as he watches me watch him. 
Jeremy walking by us catches my attention and Elijah drops the hand from my mouth, but not before leaning down, and what I could’ve sworn was sniffing my hair. Elena quickly grabs my hand and pulls me away from Elijah and for a second I almost feel annoyed at this. Clearly not as annoyed as Elijah though was lets out a snarl, making Elena go rigid. 
“What do you want?”
Elijah composes himself once, “I think it’s time we three at a little chat.”
“Forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm,” Elijah tells Elena as he walks around her room.
“Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me,” Elena questions him as she comes to sit down next to me on her bed. 
“Because I didn’t want you to be taken,” Elijah says confusing both Elena and I, “Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals but those who fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelganger exists there’ll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can’t have that.”
A cold feeling runs up and down my spine at the mention of Klaus. 
“Isn’t that exactly what you’re trying to do,” Elena questions him again. 
“Let’s just say that my goal is not to break the curse.”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion at the confession. Elijah looks at Elena and then brings his eyes towards me for a moment before turning back to Elena as she begins speaking. 
“So what is your goal?”
“Klaus’ obsessions have made in paranoid. He’s a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle.”
“Like you?”
“Not anymore.”
“An old ass paranoid vampire, how much better could this be,” I whisper out loud to myself sarcastically. I look up and see Elijah looking at me with a small smirk on his face as he must’ve heard my comment. 
“You don’t know where he is do you,” Elena questions but he doesn’t turn his gaze away from me, “So you’re trying to use me to draw him out.” 
Elijah lets out a sigh as he turns his attention back towards my friend, “Well, to do that I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed.”
He gives her a smile and I have to stop myself from smiling at it. 
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Well, if I wasn’t being truthful, all your family would be dead and I’d be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead… I’m here and I’m prepared to offer you a deal.”
And the smile was instantly gone. 
This grabs Elena’s attention, “What kind of a deal?”
Elijah stands up and starts walking around, “Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting. And then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw Klaus out together and I shall make certain that your friends remain unharmed.”
“And then what?”
“Then I kill him.”
“Just like that?”
Elijah smirks at her, “Just like that. I’m a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal, I keep a deal.”
“How are you going to be able to keep everybody safe?”
“You know, I notice you have a friend, Bonnie, is it? She seems to possess the gift of magic. I have friends with similar gifts.”
“You know witches.” Elena nods her head to which I fight the urge to say “duh” to. This guy is oldddd, of course, he knows witches. 
“Together we can protect everybody that matters to you.” 
I watch silently as Elijah walks over to Elena and reaches his hand out for her to shake, “So do we have a deal?”
“As long as you keep my friends safe,” Elena looks over to me, “Y/N is one of those friends.” 
Elijah looks over to me and smirks, “Trust me deal or no deal. No one will be laying a finger on Y/N. That I give you my word on.”
I fidget under his intense stare.  
“I need you to do one more thing for me.”
Elijah turns back to face Elena with an incredulous look, “We’re negotiating now?”
Elena tells Elijah she’ll accept his deal if he gets his witches to free Stefan from some vampire tomb he’s been trapped in. Why has no one told me this yet? Elijah reluctantly agrees and they shake hands, cementing their deal. With one last glance toward me, Elijah nods his head and speeds away. 
Elena and I both let out shaking breaths as we stared at each other. 
“Any chance you want to spend the night,” Elena asks me hopefully with a sheepish look.
I nod my head quickly, “My mom is out of town and my brother’s at a sleepover. There’s no way in hell I’m going back to that empty house tonight.” 
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sashaisready · 1 day
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 11 - Cover up the blank spots
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Angst, nobody really having a great time.
Me again! Thanks for the wonderful response to last chapter. Bucky is still an idiot I’m sorry to say…but he’s getting there.
As always thank-you for the lovely reblogs and comments, it makes my day reading them!
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As the door slammed loudly behind you, the group stood in silence looking at Bucky as he just stared back at the exit where you’d just been. The many sets of eyes on him seemed to snap him out of it, he snarled and turned to them.
“Well? We’re closed. Why are you all still here?”
The group blanched but glanced at each other. They seemed to be battling with obeying an order from their President but also wanting to speak up. Amber and the girls took that as their cue, grabbing their things and scattering out of the bar. Amber scowled at Bucky as she left, which he pointedly ignored.
Bucky continued to glare questioningly at the group before Steve finally cleared his throat and spoke, “I don’t think she did it, Buck”.
Steve crouched down and began to pick up the discarded notes you had flung at Bucky. He gathered them all into a pile and shuffled them against the bar to straighten them into a neat bundle.
“I don’t think she did either,” Nat spat as she pointed an accusatory, manicured finger at Bucky. “And that was really fucked up, reading her the riot act in front of everybody like that. At least confront her privately”.
There was a quiet murmur from the others, seemingly in agreement.
Bucky glowered at Nat, “Watch your tone, Romanoff” he warned. He didn’t like to pull rank but he didn’t like his authority being disrespected by members, either.
She held up her hands defensively, but her voice softened, “Okay – I’m sorry. I’m not trying to disrespect you here, but you always say we can speak freely, and that this isn’t a dictatorship. Right?”
He frowned but nodded reluctantly.
“Well…I don’t think she did it,” Nat continued. “I don’t think she’s so hard up for money that she needs to steal 170 bucks or whatever. I’ve seen her make that in tips on a big night! And even if she was stealing, she’s not dumb enough to take it all outta the register at once. And then leave it in her purse! She’s worked in bars for years, she knows receipts are checked against takings. She knows you count the cash every night and it would’ve immediately shown up”.
Bucky put one hand on his hip and ran the other through his hair. His tone was still firm, but he looked visibly stressed, “So, what, she just happens to be carrying around a wad of bills that are about the same amount that we’re missing?”
Steve sighed. “I agree with Nat, she looked genuinely shocked to be accused. And she’s not stupid. If she was gonna steal I think she’d skim small amounts off the top so we don’t notice. And this,” he held up the cash, “I think she was telling the truth about it being her grandma’s money, its kinda musty and old, like it’s been stored somewhere a while, it doesn’t feel or smell like the rest of the bills in the register. It tracks that she found it in her stashed in her nanna’s house or whatever”.
“Old lady money,” Peter nodded sagely.
The others all looked at him for a second.
Bucky rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Alright…everybody out, now, except Steve and Sam”.
They followed his lead and dispersed as they mumbled their goodbyes, the thundering roar of motorcycles ringing out as they peeled out of the parking lot just moments later. Bucky could feel their disapproving gazes on him as they left, the guilt swimming in his stomach as he started to think about what he’d done. 
“Fuck…” muttered Bucky. He frowned and rubbed his temples with his thumb and little finger.
“Why’d you check her bag in the first place, man?” Sam asked, “clearly you had suspicions about her if you went through her stuff”.
Bucky frowned, “I don’t know,” he admitted, “I wasn’t even thinking that the money was stolen…or that she would’ve stolen it…I just saw her purse in the office and…just sort of found myself picking it up without even really knowing why. And just as I was feeling like a total asshole and about to put it back, I saw the cash. And I saw red…I was so angry, so…hurt…that she could do something like that to me…to all of us when we’ve accepted her into the group…I didn’t really think I just-”
He winced, his head falling into his hands.
“Fuck”, was all he said.
“That was messed up,” Sam told him firmly.
“I know…fuck…I fucked up, bad”.
Steve clamped a hand onto his old friend’s back, giving him a reassuring pat. “Do you think part of the reason you had such a strong reaction is because you’re sleeping together, and when you thought she’d done that, it felt more personal?”
Bucky blanched, “wait, we’re not…”
“C’mon man, we’re not blind,” Sam chuckled.
Bucky looked guiltily between his two friends, immediately dropping the charade, “is it that obvious?”
Sam just grinned, “It wasn’t. But I saw you grab her ass earlier”.
Bucky groaned.
“You’re not that obvious. Mostly,” Steve explained matter-of-factly, “but I’ve seen the secret looks. The way you’re always touching her. The weird vibe the two of you have, with your little fights and what-not. There’s clear chemistry there. I don’t think the others have caught up yet, though”.
Bucky grimaced then rolled his eyes.
“You’re too damn good at your job…” he growled, but then softened as he considered Steve’s words.
“And yeah…I guess I felt…betrayed…when I thought she’d stolen. It was like she’d stolen from me. I just got so mad thinking about how she could be so sweet to my face but do that to me…but I shouldn’t have gone through her bag…I shouldn’t have yelled at her like that…in front of everyone…shouldn’t have been an asshole”.
Sam and Steve nodded in agreement.
He groaned, “fuck. What a fucking mess. What’s going on? I’m falling apart here…this isn’t like me at all”.
Steve and Sam shared a heavy look.
“You need to fix it,” Steve told him.
“I don’t know if I can…I really hurt her”.
“You need to try, at least. And you owe her a grovelling apology”, said Sam.
“Yeah. She’s a nice gal. And she’s also the best bartender we got,” Steve advised pragmatically as he pulled out his phone and began tapping away at it.
“And we need to figure out what happened to that money,” Sam added.
“Maybe we did fuck up the numbers somehow and we weren’t light? But I checked…so did Steve-,” Bucky pondered.
Steve suddenly started to wave his phone in the air.
“Mm. Well, just call me Poirot I guess…” he said without looking up from his screen.
Bucky and Sam exchanged a puzzled look before leaning over to see what Steve was looking at.
He was logged into the bar’s Instagram page, flicking through the stories that customers had tagged the bar in that night. Between the drunken selfies and silly filters, Steve stopped on a video of the bachelor party from earlier – the men singing tunelessly and belly laughing as they swayed in front of the bar, their knees buckling as they leaned against it.
“Drunk guys. So what? What am I looking at here?” Bucky muttered.
Steve held his finger on the screen as Sam and Bucky leaned closer. Behind the partygoers, clear as day, the cameraperson had inadvertently caught Tom the bartender quite literally with his hand in the register – quickly shovelling a wad of bills into his pocket before turning to pick up some discarded glasses. It was fast, but unmistakeable.
Bucky’s fists clenched at his sides.
“That sonofa…”
You had managed to drive home without crashing the car, which was no mean feat considering what a mess your head was currently in. But you were also weirdly numb, driving almost on autopilot as muscle memory got you back home.
You were humiliated. Embarrassed. Angry. Devastated. You felt too many things to count, your emotions so overwhelming that you’d short circuited. You couldn’t believe Bucky would do that to you, in front of everyone, that he thought so little of you that he assumed you were a thief – even digging through your private things without a moment’s hesitation.
At least, thank God, you hadn’t already shared your true feelings for him. How stupid you were! You were gearing yourself for your big movie moment while he’d written you off as a lying crook! You felt ashamed you’d allowed yourself to be so caught up in him, to let your body be enjoyed by a man who clearly had so little respect for you. You must’ve been an easy mark for him, the stupid temp bartender who was so easily bedded with a few nice words.
You trudged inside, methodically changing into your pyjamas and getting ready for bed. You kept replaying the MC’s pitying eyes in your head over and over, screwing up your face as you re-lived in the embarrassment in real time. You could see the rage on Bucky’s face, the face of the intimidating MC President, not the tender man who kissed your forehead when he thought you’d fallen asleep on the couch.
Tomorrow, you would allow yourself exactly one day to wallow: a day of take-out, crying and bad movies. And then that would be it. After tomorrow you’d get going again. You’d drop off Granny’s donation to the shelter (well…your donation now). You’d finish the DIY. Fix the damn fence. You’d call the realtor and get the house valued, get it on the market and start taking viewings. You’d start making plans for your next move, call up some old job leads, start looking at apartment listings in new cities. Or maybe you’d take a chunk of the money from the house sale and go on a fancy ass vacation like Granny would’ve wanted.
As you get into bed, you close your eyes and visualise a brief fantasy…
…boarding everything up and leaving early in the morning, zipping away in Sally to your next adventure as you look back wistfully at the house. Mere seconds later, Bucky turns up to your door, flowers in hand, when he’s learned the truth about the money. He falls to his knees as he realises you’re gone forever, he’s too late! Sobbing and wailing, crying out your name as it begins to pour with rain and-
Okay. Maybe a little dramatic. But it was your fantasy.
A loud knock at the door tears you from your thoughts. You frown, having a good idea who it might be…
“Sugar…open up, it’s me,” Bucky calls through your door, his tone sheepish and contrite. “Please…”
Part of you is tempted to stay in bed and let him stew, but you’re unable to contain how angry you feel, so you stomp down the stairs and swing open the front door.
He looks surprised, then relieved, that you actually answered. Standing on the doorstep in his kutte, he somehow appears drastically more tired and weary than he did just an hour ago, there’s an expression anguish on his face you’ve never seen before – and the beginnings of bags tease under his wide eyes.
No flowers though.
“Sugar…thank god…look, I’m so sorry, I fucked up, I really fucked up…”, he babbles as he reaches for you, “I know it wasn’t you. It was Tom. We’re dealing with him now. Oh Jesus, Sug, I messed up, I don’t know what I was thinking…I shouldn’t have touched your bag. I shouldn’t have yelled. I shouldn’t have accused you…”
Part of your resolve wobbles at his direct display of vulnerability. This is what you wanted, an apology, vindication, and humility.
But it’s all too fresh. And your pain is so raw.
 You step away from him, and he visibly wilts. You are unmoved.
“Save it,” you spit.
He pales but stays quiet.
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear any of it. Just like you didn’t want to hear it at the bar. You said everything you needed to back there. And of course it was Tom, only an idiot couldn’t see that,” you sneer angrily. “Now, get the fuck away from my property, or I’ll call the police”.
You go to slam the door, pausing at the last second as you meet his gaze.
“I just…I can’t believe you’d think that of me,” you tell him, your voice cracking slightly, “that you would think…that I’d do that to you”.
He tries to speak but the door slams in his face, and you’re grateful your tears wait until you get upstairs before they shed. You hear a small thud and his motorcycle roaring to life just a few moments later.
You sigh, picking up your phone. You scroll through to messages and bring up the one from Peter you received earlier.
As you compose a response, an envelope has been slid under your front door. It lays on the doormat at an angle. $175 sits inside, along with your final paycheck and tips. Scribbled on the front reads a single phrase.
I’m sorry.
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sakubabypowa734 · 10 hours
First of all, the graduation!
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Third year are graduated. Just like Tamaki wished during the war, they had a proper graduation ceremony. The ceremony took place in June instead of April, there is no sakura blossom to be left so Present Mic gave his all Dj-ing.
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Mirio speech in front the whole school.
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The trio of idiots. I love them goofying! I miss their smile... they were so "broken" because of this war.
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Deku tried to talk to Uraraka, pretty sure about the war and how she felt but she didn't let him speak and talked about his hairstyle, saying she hoped his hair will grow back faster... and then, she's gone.
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Tokoyami has a new hairstyle too.
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Bakugou was present at UA. Sero asked him if he could be there instead to staying at the hospital. Bakugou answered him that he could go out if he was calm and not make his heart rate anormally.
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And so, Aoyama told a big sad news... he was no longer a student of UA. He won't be in class, not 1-A but.2-A! He decided as a redemption to leave but still wanted to be a hero. He hoped that one day he could fight side by side with his old pals...
Look at this sad goodbye with Deku! Last piece of cheese...
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And the one who gonna take his place was Shinsou!!! Yeaaaah!!!!!
But I am still sad for Aoyama... he should be Mineta. Maybe he changed but he still this d**m perv'!
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Oh my!!!!! Tell me it is Tenko!!!!!!
Shigaraki disappeared and left Tenko??
Please!!! Let it be Tenko!!!! This black curly hair! This way to walk! A hand on his back! Look like he went to the house of the L.O.V or his old family house!
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And to ending, Todoroki returned, his old man was in a wheelchair, watching after something. Maybe it was Touya???
Next chapter:
- In 2 weeks...
- Maybe Dabi and Toga are not dead...
- Hope the epilogue won't be a 20 chapters long...
- Break for Midoriya Hisashi who is still nowhere to be found!
- Take a good rest Hori-sensei and take care of yourself
- Next chapter will be about Todoroki family!
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Ooh ooh you said requests right?
Ok sooo can you right purly going on a date and Curly goes to pick up Ponyboy and the gang makes fun of them but like not in a bad way like a funny way or whatever
Please and thank you
Curly looked himself over in the mirror once again. He'd never admit it, but damn was he nervous. He smoothed down his button up beneath his leather jacket, sprayed one more spray of cheap cologne, checked to make sure his curls still looked good, and took a deep breath. This had to go well, or else Pony would probably deny a second date, and Curly would have ruined his chance.
"are you borrowing my car?" Tim walked in.
"Can I?" Curly asked, the nerves evident in his tone of voice.
"Sure kid," Tim patted Curly's back, noticing the nerves. "it's gonna be great. Just go, have fun, and be yourself and shit," Tim tried to hype up Curly. "Plus, how could he resist that hair?" Tim looked in the mirror with Curly, locking eyes through the glass.
"Hey kid, relax. You got this," Tim added. "Just breath."
Curly did as told, taking a few deep breaths before finally stepping out of the bathroom, making his way for the door. "Bye Angel, bye Tim!" He said his goodbyes and he was off.
Tossing Tim's keys in his hands a few times before opening the door, Curly felt his nerves slowly slipping away. He regained his confidence as he drove out of the driveway, on his way to Ponyboy's house.
"Are you ready?" Soda stuck his head into the bathroom, flashing Pony one of his movie star smiles.
Pony slicked back his hair one more time with a comb, smoothed over the leather jacket he wore every time he went somewhere special ever since Dallas' death. he slipped Johnny's switchblade into his pocket just for emergencies as he finally responded to Soda. "I'm ready," He said as he stepped out of the bathroom.
"Lookin' sharp," Soda hyped up Pony boy.
Pony stepped out into the living room to see Two-bit, Steve, and Darry all watching TV. The second he noticed Pony's entrance, Darry stood up and walked over to Ponyboy.
"You tell that Shepard kid that if he tries anything, I'll skin him alive," Darry instructed sternly.
"Looks like you can tell him yourself!" Soda ran for the door when three short knocks broke through the sound of their talking. Pony tried to beat Soda to the door so Curly wouldn't have to deal with his brothers, but Darry held him back.
"Hey Curly, how ya been?" Soda asked with his usual charm, but Curly could tell something about the undertones of his voice were unsettling.
"take good care of him, got it?" Darry demanded to Curly.
"Yes sir," Curly said smoothly. "I won't even let a fly bite him," he teased.
"Let us know if Pony is a good kisser," Two-bit shouted from the couch, his eyes still fixated on Mickey Mouse.
Pony's cheeks flushed bright pink at Two-bit's statement, but Curly just smirked. "Will do," he responded, winking at Ponyboy.
"And here I was thinking Pony would be a ladies man like me," Sodapop said, but Pony could tell it was just brotherly teasing. "Just be glad you didn't end up like Darry," Soda whispered loudly on purpose.
"Trust me, I am," Pony loudly whispered back. Darry just glared at the two with piercing eyes.
"ready?" Curly stuck out his hand for Ponyboy to take.
"ready." Pony took his hand.
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yourwitchybrother · 2 days
Apollo and Loki tag-team
I know how the title sounds. Let me explain.
Last night, I was conducting a reading with Apollo on the topic of familiars and spirit guides. He was being very non-specific about everything, sort of dancing around things, and then he said, at some point, "ask Loki."
I have not worked with Loki for about a year. I assumed he had stepped out of my practice and left me after helping me reach all of our goals throughout our working relationship. Though, I never really got an explicit goodbye from him. But after a year of radio silence, I assumed the relationship was done. Apparently not?
I reached out to Loki afterward and welcomed him back into my life. I really have missed him this past year and seeing him pop back up is a very pleasant surprise! He and I chatted for a while about the same topic: Familiars. A spirit guide. And he had the following to say during an intuitive writing session.
I may have had a hand in the sending of a familiar :) For comfort and stability. Yes, I sent it. You need to give in to impulse. Forget everyones expectations of you. You have to be you. You have to. Not [partner] or [best friend]. You will find balance with him. Balance, unity, and harmony. Seek it with him. Your choice. ... .. Look to the future with him and you both shall see each other to success. I'd prefer a wold, but a fox is much more your speed. And please, ask his name before anything. Have a gay ol' time, young on, and happy pride. Enjoy your gift. You have certainly earned it.
I had to expunge some personal stuff and instruction but this is most of what was written and spoken to me. Now... I am not very well versed on spirit practice and familiars, so I've begun doing research. If anyone has any good sources - books, blogs, sites, anything reputable, please let me know!
Sometimes my divine team will do this. They'll send me things that I don't have much personal knowledge of to break me out of my comfort zone and send me on my way going, "You're ready!! You're just too comfortable right now!" And every single time it catches me off guard because they do it at the most unexpected moments.
Loki coming back was also incredibly unexpected! But looking back at it, with all the chaos that's been unfolding around me, it makes sense. I'm happy to welcome Loki back with open arms, I missed him a lot, and his presence is always an unexpected gift. And I suppose this means that my life is going to reach max chaos, especially as I get ready to move out and away from home for the first time. Hermes, Apollo, Bacchus, and Loki will make sure of that!
But I do still have times when things will be a little more relaxed. In the early hours of the morning, when the city streets are still and the street lights are on, everyone in the house is asleep, I get to sit in my room and confer with my team and check-in. It's the time when I'm most connected with them, and communication is most open. Hopefully, this time frame opens up when I'm in a more accepting location, but for now, this is the routine.
And in the near future, I suppose I should be keeping an eye out for fox-like spirits! Again, any and all resources are welcome and appreciated! Blessed be, and may the sun be your guide! A domani!
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ashipiko · 2 hours
The hilt of your sword weighs heavy in your hand.
It has always been, even after years of wielding it. In a way, that fact alone was comforting in itself. Almost like the gentle weight of a blanket, wrapped around your shoulders.
It was perfectly balanced, as if it was tailor made for your own two hands. Elaborate images of swirling suns burning ablaze was carved into its hilt, delicate little designs that gleamed in the morning’s sun. A fine sword with no equal… except its twin.
Another sword, created with the same chunk of metal. Twins, as they said, and their design reflects such. While yours represented the brightness of the great, golden sun, the other was decorated with imagery of hearts and roses. The burning of passion, its heart rivaling the sun’s.
And who else would wield such a sword but the heartthrob of the Heartsabyul Clan, Ace Trappola himself? He’s always seemed to follow his heart, rather than his head. Fulfilling every desire, every whim of his very own… even if that leads him face first into trouble sometimes.
Just last night, he was reprimanded for sneaking a bite or two of the Head of House’s tart. Ace’s scandalised face pops into your mind, his mouth all agape.
You couldn’t resist a laugh. As you chuckle, Ace stares at you quizzically, before a twinkle of mischief slipped into his eyes. As quick as a mouse, he rushes forward with all his fancy footwork. Making quick work of your defensive stance, disarming your sword with a flick of his wrist. Taken by surprise, you close your eyes for one second…
Only to be swept off your feet, Ace’s steady arm around your waist. He holds you tight, his breath heavy from the sudden burst of energy. Yet as tired as he was, he still managed a sly wink and a boyish grin.
You sigh theatrically, before giving him a playful slap on the arm.
“Goodness. It’s my birthday, Sir Trappola. Wouldn’t it be much more nicer if you showed some mercy to me today? Taking a lady unawares… how rude.”
Ace gasps, offended.
“Some mercy? You beat me hollow on a regular, Ashi dear!”
Hopping back up, you poke the very tip of his nose, laughing all the while.
“And. I’ll. Do. It. Again! You have to be kept humble somehow.”
Ace sighs, before he catches your wrist within his hand, gently coaxing it towards his lips. Pressing a soft, gentle kiss into the palm of your hand. Glancing at you sheepishly, he shoots you a smile. A gentle one, this time. A more tender one. The kind of smile one would give their lover, a soft, sappy sort of smile that just melts on your lips.
Ace holds your hand towards his cheek, nuzzling into the curve of your hand. Your cheeks grow warm at the sudden show of affection, as you were caught off guard. Ace takes this chance to whisper softly. Tender, heartfelt words meant for you, and you alone.
“And I hope you’ll be there to keep me humble for all my life, for I cannot see a life without you by my side.
Happy birthday, Ashi dear.”
Happy birthday ASHI!!!! A little early but YKNOW what the inspiration hit too hard so I simply must hit you harder, Y’know? I went with a fantasy sort of setting cause it fit Ashace so wellll!!!! Happy birthday again!!!!!!!
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“…Ceruru, you have like a super decked out mind, don’tcha?!” Ashi squeaked out, mind still warbling after hear the tale woven especially for her, “That’s a real… Nice imagination you got!”
The mage seemed quite satisfied with the girl’s reaction, face red despite her attempts to push it down, “I like, totally appreciate it! You have a total gift! But I’ve gotta— Um— Go, so… bye-bye! Thank you SO much!” Wishing Ceru a quick goodbye and thank you as they snickered to themselves, she ran over to the nearest restroom in attempts to calm herself down.
…Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t able to evade her favorite ginger’s eyes in time.
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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You know which scene I am basing this on. Also (kisses all the fanfic writers on the mouth) thank you for your service
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Edit: DISCLAIMER: Before you decide to watch Re-Animator, make sure to check for content warnings, there is a scene that a lot of people choose to skip!
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just leave me your stardust to remember you by 
[ ID: A digital illustration of Hunter from The Owl House. He is in his season three design, after the events in Thanks to Them. He is standing facing right, looking down at his hands that are out in front of him. He looks upset, and there are tears in his eyes. In his hands, a stream of green and yellow light orbs (similar to the ones flapjack turned into in Thanks to Them) float upwards, out of the drawing. End ID. ] 
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codes · 2 years
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floral-hex · 3 months
woke up at 4am feeling the weight of my life crushing me, so I’ve been sitting out in my car for the last couple of hours because I just need. to. be. somewhere else.
#tumblr ate something like this but I think I deserve to shout uselessly into the void#shits rough dawg#I know it’s rough for everyone. I feel shitty even talking about myself. still… compelled to vent… big butts#haven’t really been on here much since it hasn’t really scratched that itch lately & just makes me feel lonelier#it’s cold#saw the Jazzercise studio open across the street. 5am for Jazzercise? wow. early.#and then everyone left an hour and a half later. lights out. everybody gone. weird schedule. I am perplexed.#went down the road and got a soda and I’ve been sitting in my driveway contemplating for the last 2.5 hours#guy at the gas station tried to talk to me but I just half assed a smile and nod and left#even though I know I’d love to just… talk to someone. I suppose it has to be ‘on my terms’ whatever those are#I miss having a therapist. or even just when my little brothers would talk to me. when anyone would. blegh#my insurance is still a mess and I’m about to run out of one of my blood pressure meds this week#maybe I’ll have a stroke. scary to think about. I think about dying a lot but that potential feels too real. just… pop! and I’m done.#I’ll try today to finally push to straighten it out but everything feels daunting#woke up with so much anxiety. about my health. my hearing. no money. my life. had to get out of the house even if it’s just right outside#hate to say it but I need(want) thc. haven’t wanted to spend money on it but I could have really used it this morning#can’t be sad if you can’t feel anything (jokingly but also not. whichever is less sad sounding)#actually treated myself to Dune 2 last week and it was so so good. wish I could go again. but it’s drugs food or movie right now. so…#I know. dumb priority but BIG SCREEN. maybe it’ll hit theaters again for the next awards season hopefully. just a real nice loud experience#anyway… I should go inside. almost 7am. need to take my brothers to school then drive my mom to her daily appointments#I’ve felt so hollow and angry and sad for so long it feels like. I feels so weak and sad and I’m tired of it. I’m so tired.#I’ve been eating about 1 meal a day and sleeping a lot. this is the worst my body has ever been. I feel like I’m just waiting to die.#is this relatable?#just have to look past it. it is nothing. this body is nothing. just enjoy your soda.#gonna look at pictures of butts now#ok gotta go I love you goodbye forever#you can ignore this#text
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basofy · 1 year
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luz i doodled hours before the show ended !! i got emotional while drawing her !! gonna miss this show :)
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