#tbb wrecker
havoc-7 · 3 days
Omega: being a sniper must be so nice. Just sitting up high and keeping an eye on things through your scope? You have the chillest job on the battlefield.
Crosshair: *has flashbacks to this one battle where he watches through his scope as Hunter runs head-on into a firing squad of 200 droids with nothing but a knife, while Wrecker is purposely trying to set off every bomb he finds, while Tech takes off not only his leg armor but the rest of his armor too because it’s “getting in the way,” and he can’t even see Echo anymore but alarms just started going off in the Separatist base behind them*
Crosshair: …yep.
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meowmeowneon-arts · 3 days
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Meow meows 🐱*over 2 million
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blackseafoam · 1 day
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Just ordered 50 of these as sticker sheets!!! Will update when they’re in my Etsy shop :) link below
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batterysoup · 1 day
Bad batch as a conversations I've had.
Hunter: "Tech, I hope you don't bully anyone on your datapad. "
Crosshair: "He only bullies me that I know of. "
Hunter: "Well that's alright."
Tech: "I send him hate mail."
Wrecker to Hunter: "Can we make a wig for Batcher out of your hair?"
Crosshair :"id rather spread misinformation then find out what is true"
Echo: "Your never gonna get into lawyer school like this!"
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sonicrainbooms · 3 days
is it safe to confess i find wrecker's chip removal scene a little bit funny. even though its scary and tense (and a great scene) i cant help but be amused at rex and hunter accidentally and inadvertently making it worse just by talking. wrecker's fighting for his life against the chip, trying to stop it taking over his mind, and those two are LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO HIM basically reading off a list of trigger words. "jedi" "general" "padawan" rex even outright says "order 66" like captain what are you DOING
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Take this quick Modern!AU WIP as I write nothing but pain
Echo chuckled nervously. "You don't need to call us," He assured Hunter over the phone. "I have everything under control."
"You sure?" Hunter sounded worried. "I just– I feel awful taking the whole day out, even if it's for a good reason—"
There's a reasonably loud popping sound from the kitchen, several, varying degrees of "shit" screamed, and a strong smell of something burning.
Echo winced hard, but he doesn't dare look. He doesn't want to know yet.
"What was that?" Hunter asked suspiciously.
"Omega.. dropped her AZI down the stairs," A white lie. "Nothing big. She's picking him up now."
The voices in the kitchen are panicking, Omega'a voice is high and stressed- that burning smell had gotten worse.
"She sounds worried," Hunter groaned. "Maybe I should come check—"
"No!" Echo raised his voice. "Everything's alright, isn't it, guys?"
He knew they heard him. Why they didn't answer immediately, he doesn't know, and that scares him.
"Everything's great!" Wrecker called back, like a saint. "Nothing out of the ordinary here!"
"Nope!" Omega chirped, as well. The panic is palpable.
Echo sighed. "See?" He tried to assure anyway. "They're fine. And I'll keep them in line, till you get back." He promised.
Hunter let out a weary sigh, and agreed. "Thanks, 'Cho," He mumbled. "I need this."
"I know," Echo smiled. "Now go enjoy your day."
The line goes dead, and Echo waits all of seven seconds before storming into the kitchen in a furious blaze.
"What's going on in here?!" He asked. "I said 'act natural', not– oh. Oh what the fuck."
Echo stared open mouthed at the once burning oven, eyes finding the metal responsible for the loud popping sound, and then his eyes track the trail of a.. travelling fire. A fire Echo can no longer see.
The smoke is still being cleared by Omega, who now stood alone with a teatowl as she flapped the smoke towards the windows. "Hi, Echo!" She waved.
"Omega–" Echo gaped, staring at their burnt kitchen. "What happened?"
"Oh–" Omega looked sheepish now. "Uhm, I left the fork in the tray when Wrecker put it in the oven..." She sends him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Echo, I didn't know it'd blow up."
"That's– fine," He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Where are the other three?"
Did they seriously leave their little sister to pick up their mess? Wrecker and Crosshair, Echo understood but didn't condone- but Tech? He expected a bit more su—
"Oh," Again, Omega sheepishly pointed outside. "Tech caught on fire."
Echo can only stare, and stare, until he catches up with what's been said to him.
"He what?!"
Tech's currently rolling around on the grass while Wrecker and Crosshair work together to hose him down, btw. he's fine. Hunter's sanity might not survive the ordeal, however.
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I find this scene in "Replacements" to be SO informative of each of the characters' personalities.
Scene = Omega finds Crosshair's weapons kit, and the brothers react to his absence for the first time.
WRECKER: He is the first to openly acknowledge the absence and then straight up says he misses Crosshair. He also goes immediately to the more hopeful interpretation of Tech's comments - namely, that Crosshair might not actually be at fault for his actions.
ECHO: He is more survival oriented, more practical; actions speak loudest for him - "He shot you!" he reminds Wrecker. Seems slightly cynical but still open to the idea of the inhibitor chips having a significant level of influence over behavior.
TECH: As always, he is looking for the reason, the logical explanation behind Crosshair's actions - he's the one who posits the idea that Crosshair's being influenced by the inhibitor chip. However, he also hedges on completely absolving Crosshair from all responsibility for his actions - "Well..." he says when Wrecker asks if the chip means it's not Crosshair's fault.
HUNTER: He doesn't want to talk about it; there are other problems to fix first. However, he does admit later that he does feel guilty and blames himself for Crosshair being left behind, and it's likely that this guilt played a role in his avoiding the subject.
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b4adb4tcher · 1 day
TCW era Bad Batch Dynamics: Fighting
Hunter and Crosshair fight. They’re both avoidant as fuck and are only able to fight it out in the typical sibling way to get out their aggression however they don’t talk afterwards and act like everything is fine so the cycle of resentment FIGHT remission continues.
Wrecker and Crosshair fight in the same way that a rattlesnake that was discovered by a particularly playful large dog fight. The snake means it and is loud and defensive but only occasionally strikes while the dog is having the fucking time of its life and isn’t actually aware that something is wrong. Dog gets tired and leaves or the snake escapes but at the end of the night the snake is snuggled up to the dog for warmth triassic cuddle style.
Tech and Crosshair FIGHT. They’re twins, evenly matched, and have no chain of command dynamics so it is on sight or on slight. They have to be pulled apart like street cats and will sulk for HOURS afterwards. Unlike Hunter and Crosshair, they refuse to act like everything is okay until 1) they are forced into close proximity together (wrecker has locked them in a closet before) OR 2) an injury or close call in battle scares them into making up again.
Echo and Crosshair do not fight. They’re both equally bitchy and are extremely comfortable just using their words to hurt each other, however having similar temperaments it doesn’t get there that often. They have an unspoken understanding that the rest of their squad does not understand.
Echo and Wrecker do not fight. Wrecker would not dream of fighting his beloved grumpy older brother. When Echo scolds him Wrecker might whine and complain about it but he listens. Wrecker respects him too much.
Echo and Hunter fight with their words. As a recruit to their squad, Hunter doesn’t feel comfortable initiating violence in anger with Echo like he does with Crosshair and Echo would never fight a superior. Echo will, however, bitch and let Hunter know exactly why and how little he approves of his shitty decisions. Hunter is more than capable of dishing it back.
Echo and Tech fight. They are both extremely bitchy and like things done their way and are happy to escalate to violence. They work together more often than not so their squabbles are extremely common. They’re also the only ones allowed to fight on the ship because they’ll fix it anyways.
Wrecker and Hunter do not fight. They playfully barb each other which will occasionally end in a gentle punch or light shove, but Hunter has too much patience and Wrecker loves his big brother too much. They never even have long standing disputes.
Wrecker and Tech fight. Tech knows exactly the right things to say to get under Wrecker’s skin and Wrecker has absolutely no patience for Tech’s antics. Tech is also fearless and will purposefully rile Wrecker up in a way no one else is able to. They always are pulled apart by Hunter and Crosshair although Wrecker would never seriously hurt Tech because he knows his strength. They’re also the only pair that talks it out afterwards because Wrecker feels so guilty that he makes an effort to talk it out.
Tech and Hunter do not fight. Tech is chaotic and a bitch, however he admires his big brother too much to really fight with him and Hunter has ridiculous amounts of patience with Tech’s antics. Even when Hunter is a little snappy, Tech understands it’s the stress from the mission while Hunter knows Tech can’t help his quirks and accepts him.
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we were robbed in TCW S7.
I want to see Crosshair, Tech, Rex, and Echo's reactions to being yeeted by Wrecker.
Crosshair: This is normal, but that doesn't mean he has to like it.
Tech: Again, it's normal, and is chill.
Echo: This is probably the least weird thing that's happened to him all day.
Rex: Kind of freaking out, but hides it well.
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yunggoblin · 1 day
I’m at the gym right now and craving 5 Guys and I’m not talking about the restaurant. -👀
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ellies-enrichment · 2 days
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these boys are chronically 12 years old
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ladykagewaki · 3 days
The Baby Batch: Rescue CT 2224
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@zaya-mo @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @ladykatakuri @marierg @thecoffeelorian @salubriousbean
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dreamsandrosies · 14 hours
I just feel like Tech could have survived if Saw had just given the batch like . . . 5-15 minutes before he decided to blow things up.
Like. Dude. The building isn’t going anywhere. You’re still going to blow it up. Just let the people who are NOT with the empire escape safely before you decide to make it go boom.
That’s literally all you had to do.
Maybe I’m remembering wrong and there was a reason Saw wanted to blow the place up right away and couldn’t wait. Feel free to correct me if that’s the case, but I don’t think there was anything going on that made it impossible for Saw to wait.
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electrikworm · 3 days
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I don't even know what to say about this.
The outfit is based on that awful thing they put Ahsoka in in the comic Zygerrian arc.
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skellymom · 2 days
Hey Skelly
You're taking requests? Oh I'd love to ask for one.
Could you please do a one-shot involving a reader and Hunter after Omega gets seriously injured on a mission (Bad enough to wind up in a Bacta Pod) and the reader has to comfort and reassure Hunter that Omega will be OK?
tysm, GenericFicer Hugs
@genericficerblog NICE! Another ASK!!! Thank you!
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The Bad Batch Hunter x Reader One Shot
Per more information (not included on this particular message):
So the reader is a male battle medic. It's all platonic The reader was a medic on Kamino. He had taken care of Omega after particularly bad tests (She has the scars to prove it) and he's protective of Omega because of her past with the Kaminoans
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Star Wars canon violence, angst, swearing, explosion, physical injuries, coma, mention of human experimentation by the Kaminoans.
I was tasked to hang back with Omega and Tech on board the Marauder. Hunter EXPRESSLY ordered us to stay put. His thinking was to only bring the members necessary for the job: Hunter at the head of the group, Echo next to him and to share logistics on comm with Tech, Wrecker as the “heavy”, and Crosshair as lookout/cover fire. 
The job was technically low risk...but Hunter started having those “feelings” of his just before landing at our target.  
Omega protested when he told her to stay on the ship. She had been looking forward to going on a mission for awhile. Many a time she stayed behind on Pabu with Shep and Lyana. Since her rescue from Tantiss, Hunter was dead set against her going on any dangerous missions. 
Hunter’s words were “You’ll have plenty of time to fight with the Rebellion in the future. Won’t stay young forever.” 
She bristled at those words. Then forgave him immediately after. 
They LOVE each other so much! 
But ever the doting dad, Hunter relented this time. She had eventually wore him down. 
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Oh...getting ahead of myself...who am I? 
Hello. I’m Y/N. The Squad Formerly Known as Clone Force 99’s Medic/Backup Heavy/Or Whatever They Need Me For. I can patch up just about ANYTHING with the bare minimum of supplies. Sometimes my methods are unorthodox, per Tech’s opinion, but effective.  It’s saved our butts a few times. So, they let me come along on every mission. 
Plus, having known and taken care of Omega while on Kamino helped. 
And the fact that Crosshair took a liking to me immediately sealed the deal. We both speak fluent sarcasm. 
But...back to the mission... 
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“What’s taking SO LONG?” Omega fidgeted in her seat. 
“My guess it is due to Hunter detecting an anomaly, they are taking their time.”  
Tech and I were attempting to play a few rounds of Sebacc. I’m HORRIBLE at it. He thinks he can help me improve my game. I’m struggling currently. 
“Safety first. No need to rush into trouble...especially since we seem to find it easily enough.” I threw down my cards. 
Tech glanced at them and frowned.  
“I totally messed up that hand too, huh?” 
“Well, it’s not a strategy I would have used...” Tech trailed off. 
“You’re being too nice.” 
“Shall I explain in detail the best plan of action for this hand?” 
“Can’t stop you. Just infodump me anyways. Maybe I’ll retain SOMETHING this time.” I LOVE to tease Tech. It was difficult in the beginning. Most of it just went over his head. 
This time, he just grinned at my cheekiness and launched into it. 
Omega continued to fidget in her seat behind us. 
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“...and THAT is why you should have held onto those cards until the end.” Tech finally finished his tutorial. 
“I... THINK I got all that? My brain hurts now. How ‘bout I switch with Omega.” 
“That will be sufficient.” Tech looks up and glances behind me. 
Then his face froze. 
I quickly swung around to see Omega missing from her seat. 
“OMEGA???” I called through the ship.  
“Oh SHIT!” 
“INDEED!” Tech immediately radioed Hunter that Omega slipped out of the Marauder and is probably enroute to them. 
I grabbed my med pack and ran out of the Marauder before he could stop me. 
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Omega used to sneak away A LOT on our previous missions. Probably one of many reasons why he wanted to keep her back on Pabu until she matured a bit more. Of course, he feels guilty...the Kaminoan’s keeping her locked up in their home world. He didn’t want to clip her wings.  
“TOLD YOU to stay on the ship!” Hunter’s voice fills my ear comm. 
“I can’t just assume that Omega finds you somehow and is safe.” 
“Don’t need ANOTHER person in danger. Go back to the ship.” 
“Well...is Omega with you?” 
“She SHOULD have been by now...AND I’m NOT going back.” 
Hunter’s tired sigh. “Well, then... 
He never finished his sentence. 
A flash of intense light... 
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I awoke thirty feet away from where I was standing. On my back. 
My head hurts...all I can hear is high pitched whine in both ears. 
Sit up dazed and look around at EVERYTHING obliterated and on fire. 
Torn remains of whatever was left of the trees and outbuilding I was near... 
...two small legs sticking out from under smoldering wreckage. 
I lurch up to my feet and limp over. Grab the unidentifiable thing crushing Omega and try to pull it off her. 
It’s not budging. I frantically keep trying. There's NOTHING else in this world except me and this huge THING on top of her that I cannot seem to move. 
Sweating, my hands are raw, my eyes are wet, there is blood dripping down my face... 
Is it lacerated? Could it be my eardrums are ruptured? I don’t know.  
Push, pull, kick... 
Then the wreckage flew off her like it weighed nothing at all. 
Wrecker is next to me. He freed Omega and put a hand on my shoulder. Hunter grabs her up. Echo is trying to speak to me. 
But I can’t hear anything at all. Just that damned whining in my ears.  
I can lip read though... 
He’s telling me to get back to the ship. 
Echo runs ahead with Hunter.  
Crosshair grabs my arm, dragging me along. He looks extremely worried. 
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Whatever happened or if we even achieved our objective, I don’t know. 
Hunter sets Omega down on a bunk. He’s beside himself emotionally.  
I can feel the Marauder take off world.  
My hearing is still impaired, but the whining is less pronounced. 
I gently nudge Hunter aside and open my med kit. Pull out the bacta...but it won’t be enough... 
...she needs a tank. Her burns and lacerations are too numerous and severe. Still breathing and regular heartbeat, but unconscious.  
I am doing the best I can with what supplies are on hand. Putting her prognosis out of my head for the time being. 
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We make a pit stop at a Rebel Base on a hidden moon. One with an extensive medical facility.  
Echo radioed ahead. As soon as Tech lands, the staff enters the ship and whisks Omega away. Hunter and Wrecker run after them. Echo runs in another direction...I’m assuming to report his intel to the Rebels. 
I stand at the bottom of the gangplank and watch them leave.  
Tech stares at me strangely.  
I shrug...and a horrible twinge of pain erupts from my upper back. My face feels sore too. 
Crosshair mumbles something. 
“WHAT???” I must be screaming but can’t hear anything. 
He mouths “your back” and points.  
I try to reach behind me to feel it.  
Tech grabs my hand and nods “no”. 
They both immediately took me to medbay. 
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I’m treated for multiple facial lacerations, on top of first-degree burns. Missing some of my eyebrows. And, like I guessed bilaterial ruptured eardrums. 
Oh...and the kicker: A 12-inch piece of metal sticking out of my back. Had NO idea it was there.  
Adrenaline is a HELL of a hormone. 
Tech left to confer with Echo over intel and our next move. 
Crosshair stayed with me during the surgical removal of the metal. I demanded to be awake and requested a mirror to watch the whole procedure. 
The doctors were horrified but complied with my request. 
Crosshair held the mirror. He also asked to keep the metal once removed...to frame and hang up back on Pabu. 
“You're NOT like the other kids.” I quip. 
“Neither are you.” he winks. 
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They won’t let me walk out of medbay. It’s the sedatives and painkillers, of course. I wouldn’t let me walk, either.  
Crosshair pushes me in a hover chair. We head over to the bacta tanks to check on Omega. 
She’s stripped down to a medical binder and med panties. Tubes to feed, breath, and eliminate. Floating in the tank, the extent of her injuries is very apparent: Second degree burns, multiple lacerations, a broken arm, a few broken ribs, and a head injury. Her hair had been clippered off entirely for cleanliness and most of it was charred.  
Omega was also put in a medically induced coma to aide her recovery. 
Hunter, sitting in a chair, has his arms around the bacta tank. He’s basically hugging it with his forehead resting snugly against the glass. 
“I shouldn’t have let her go. Blame myself.” He mumbles. 
Wrecker puts a hand on his back for comfort. “She’ll be ok Hunter. They said we got her here in time.”   
Then he looks shocked when he sees my face. 
“OH MY MAKER! Where are your EYEBROWS?” 
Still can’t hear very well, but I can DEFINITELY lip-read Wrecker. 
“Look what medical pulled out of him!” Crosshair proudly dangles a clear plastic bag containing the metal shard. 
Wrecker is transfixed. 
Hunter is devastated. “I MISSED that??? Didn’t even register you were injured...looked right at you...” 
Like a man lost and questioning EVERYTHING. His focus had been solely on Omega. 
“Aw...they couldn’t kill me. Don’t think I’ll be attracting any ladies with my perpetually surprised look though.” Trying to lighten the mood. 
“You can’t hear ANYTHING, can you?” Crosshair looks me in the eye. 
“You’re so LOUD.”  
“You should talk, Wrecker.” Crosshair sneered. 
“That’s how I know!” Wrecker rolled his eyes at his brother. 
Hunter looked even more guilty, hanging his head. 
“Hey guys...” 
Wrecker and Crosshair stopped whinging at each other. 
“Can I have some time alone with Hunter?” 
They both nodded and wandered off to find Echo and Tech. 
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I nudge the chair over closer to Hunter and look at Omega through the glass. 
She’s so tiny in that big tank. So beat up and bruised. The lighting in the tank leaves NOTHING hidden. Even the old scars from her time on Kamino. The “experiments” according to the Kaminoans. Things they did to her before her brothers took her away.  
Things she never really spoke about with even Hunter. 
Things I only know about since working so closely at the facility on Kamino. A little girl who needed someone to comfort her. This was before her brothers were ever aware of her presence. 
“Her prognosis is very good, yes?” I broke the ice. 
“The docs say she’ll have to spend close to the next month in this tank.” Hunter’s voice cracked. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“I knew better! Why is it SO HARD for me to say no to her???” 
“Because you love her. You know she’s strong. You also know she’s still a child. If it makes you feel better, she snuck out ALL the time on Kamino. The Kaminoan’s would ask me to go look for her constantly.” 
“More of an argument to have left her on Pabu.” 
“You REALLY want to be at fault, huh?” 
“I’m responsible for...” 
I cut him off. 
“YOU CAN’T CONTROL EVERYTHING, HUNTER!” I winced. Moving too much with my exasperation. The sutures on my back were straining...and wet. 
Hunter stood up, glancing at my back. He could smell it. 
“Strike through?” I asked. 
“Yeah...just a little blood. You need to lie down and rest.” 
“That’s gonna be hard. Not supposed to lay on my back...and my face isn’t going to feel great against the pillow. How about I just stay sitting in this chair with you?” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. I know you don’t want to leave her alone while she’s in this tube.” 
"Thank you. Honestly...I should say that more often. Y/N...you've really saved our butts a lot of times...I'm grateful to have you in our squad...family." Hunter cracked a small smile.
"Of course! Man...you are MY PEOPLE!" I beamed back. They really are. I'd go to the ends of the universe for every one of them!!!
Hunter's smile was so warm and genuine. But it lasted very briefly. His face became pensive again.
He was silent for a while...thinking. 
“Technically she’s asleep? Is that what a coma is like?” Hunter asked. 
“Kind of. The doctors are monitoring ALL her vitals constantly. And if anything is off, they can immediately see to her needs. Besides, the coma is just for the next 24-48 hours due to her head injury.”  
“I see.” 
“She’ll come through this. You clones were made to withstand a LOT of physical trauma. Stuff that would kill a regular human.” I added. 
“It’s not necessarily the physical stuff I’m worried about.” Hunter motions to the faint old scars on Omega’s body. “When she does wake up...she told me she has fears about being in a tube like an experiment.” 
“Tell her she has nothing to fear.” 
Hunter looks at me strangely. 
“People in a coma can still hear. Talk to her, Hunter.” 
He nods. Then directs his voice to the speaker on the bacta tube. 
I sit back and relax in the chair, watching this man...a brother, a parental figure speak to his child. 
He’s doing the best he can with what he has. 
We are all doing the best we can... 
...hanging on with HOPE. 
It’s the only thing holding the galaxy together right now... 
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jillianfahey · 3 days
Crosshair *bursts into bad batch living room* "This is not a drill!"
Hunter *jumps to his feet* "What's not a drill?"
Crosshair "Lyni is pregnant." Cheers and congratulations break out, "Guys, I'm supposed to keep her as stress free as possible." Everyone was silent for a minute as Lyni and stress went hand in hand.
Hunter, "Okay, we'll figure something out."
Wrecker, "Like what? Lynis a ball a stress."
Tech, "In preparation for this possibility I have ten different plans for a relatively stress free pregnancy." His bros sat down to listen to the plans.
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