blackfoxsposts · 15 days
Dani: There he is!
Jazz: Where the hell have you been?!!
Danny: Just, y’know out.
Dani: Ohh, out, oh God, I don’t know why we didn’t think to check there!
Tim: What were you doing?
Danny: I uh, went to a bar. And then I just uh, just walked around for a while.
Jazz: You walked around all night in the city by yourself?
Jason: *snaps his fingers* He hooked up! He hooked up with someone.
Danny: Look, I don’t have to answer your questions! Okay? I’m a big boy, I can do whatever I want!
Jason: He hooked up!! Tell us about her!
Sheph runs into the room: Danny, you left you scarf in... Hey, you guys.
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