ynartistic · 3 days
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A Princess for a day
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sulphurousvisions · 2 years
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Notre-Dame de Sabart Ariège, France
Photosi 200 (Ferrania) expired around 2004
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unshulf · 9 months
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Here’s my take on Deltarune’s later chapters.
So I actually postponed this post for a while because I wanted to have the dialogue sprites ready for it, but I never really got around finishing them.
Because of that, I will only post the overworld sprites.
Now all of this is technically subject to change as I had some new ideas as of recently, but I will write down the current concepts either way.
Chapter 3’s main bosses are Michael “Pink-Rook” Tenna (otherwise known as Peter) and Michael “Blue-Rook” Tenna (otherwise known as Baker). They have a brotherly rivalry sort of dynamic and I did base them a bit after the Left and Right Twix commercials in a way, as they tend to try to be different but end up doing essentially the same thing. Peter has a cliché French accent while Baker has a cliché German accent.  CH3’s secret boss is Mike An, who in the light world is the middle, half-circle piece of the TV’s antenna. He is the third brother (also the oldest one technically) who will go into retirement very soon after receiving a phone call from a mysterious someone during one of his radio shows. He would appear more in the story than Spamton does.
Chapter 4’s main boss is Bowoman, who is best described as a fraud, as there is no Bowman/Bow Woman chess piece. In a family dynamic she would be best described as the strange, distant cousin. Her lightworld counterpart is the tall sink within Sans and Papyrus’ house, as this chapter takes place there.  CH4’s secret boss is Times New Roman (or shortly referred to as Roman), who in the lightworld would be an old newspaper featuring an article of the disappearance of a specific someone. He takes on the role of secret boss similarly as Jevil, by not making direct contact with the Lightners unless they go to his place specifically.
Chapter 5’s main boss is John “Bishop” Baptiste. While he poses no threat, his patience does break when the Lightners disturb the peace of his church. His Lightworld counterpart is the bowl filled with the “sick” fruit juice.  CH5’s secret boss is Sabarter, the other Bishop, whose ways have been corrupted by one of the Knights. Her Lightworld counterpart is a broken Church Chalice. Similarly to Mike, she appears frequently throughout the story.
Chapter 6’s main boss is The Knight, whose lightworld counterpart is Gerson’s Hammer, while CH6’s secret boss is the other Knight, being Gaster. I will say as much that Gaster will only appear if the previous secret bosses have been defeated, though otherwise, not much to say about the Knights or the chapter as I haven’t conceptualized it that much. Same goes for Chapter 7, where I didn’t go further than the main boss being the Vessel, who represents the Pawn chesspiece.
Anyhow, I will see if I can put some work into this later on.
Currently, due to school and my focus being put onto original projects, my posts will continue to be really inconsistent, so, I want to apologize beforehand.
See ya.
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444names · 1 year
french and breton (from tes) names
Aconaree Adelywyr Adest Adin Agne Aleaud Alie Aliffon Allet Allevrick Alosall Alosene Alou Alyeugil Ambarose Amedrin Amer Amesparine Amroste Amun Ancaper Anieuric Annel Anstoise Arcena Argennory Arnarmard Ascas Aste Audely Aunlont Aurcron Avel Axill Azaste Badippelis Barbart Barce Bard Barranette Bart Beaudre Becane Bedac Belamaz Belebou Belin Bellannau Bene Berna Biernie Blamarix Blort Boarold Boiriand Boisavia Boismithe Bouneau Bour Bousonte Brack Bradinwick Bray Brearnes Breda Bres Brichaw Briconissa Brie Brientay Brillane Broline Brozine Brufonobis Brya Bryna Buchricés Buciere Bujoy Bunce Buquetteen Burd Burstran Caigne Cainsmat Cald Cale Calon Camorge Caprel Carcie Carcouist Card Carion Casir Cassole Cata Caud Ceaur Ceinat Cerrya Cestyr Chainot Chalcyn Chanes Chard Chardory Charia Chelle Cheomédoul Cheone Cherbri Cholerle Choux Chre Ciatiner Cline Cois Colie Colucktoy Coppell Coudre Coulphibin Cousie Crene Curste Dane Daneau Danic Danienord Darodiane Dastan Dayd Dele Dellyn Delont Delyz Dene Derne Dert Develle Devineau Disette Dord Duay Duce Dukey Dulille Dume Dumen Dund Dupette Duppin Duvie Dyctiot Edacquine Elal Eling Ellanda Eneault Enne Enton Esmier Ette Euimorin Eurené Faboutry Fabyn Fany Faugaer Faver Felle Ferre Fevo Fiet Flord Fone Formean Fran Fraurin Fregues Frentyr Fric Frickwin Fusalna Gabervann Gabreciend Galacet Galent Gansines Garcilouve Gayn Geinge Genoeuric Geodysse Gerne Giernée Gille Gillent Glanne Gonon Gras Gren Gria Grozier Guebeault Guellucks Guistyne Guybedger Gwynd Gwynne Gwywygeon Harichagne Harthanete Helling Henne Heoriant Herodingue Hiontier Homarjo Humon Huraoue Iffrune Igenierel Ilabis Illain Inser Jacine Jacquine Jand Jane Jaque Jave Jeadele Jearene Jeau Jeauste Jehamenn Jerau Jergenom Johne Joise Jolamian Joliene Jolioncelo Jort Jult Junyne Juss Kine Kinielay Klis Labelog Lacelikey Lacounist Ladidard Ladinash Ladmont Laformata Lafous Laillord Land Lane Lanna Lannodie Laraxel Larceanie Lard Larine Larlin Lastierto Laubise Lave Leaux Lecort Ledwic Lentatie Lepedondre Lerne Lesna Lette Liviant Llastiell Lord Lougaelle Loult Lyctardes Lyctorinte Lyerdin Lyne Lynnette Lyot Lyzenart Léginghane Mabarrarra Madelleaud Madette Maeren Maine Manditto Mane Mant Marboissit Marce Marcille Mard Mardattey Mardec Marnarret Marpintis Mart Marterrin Mastart Mattene Maulk Menn Mere Mette Mictaineau Mingoge Mird Mite Mitt Monain Mone Mont Morette Morey Mort Mortrane Moryn Moundia Moury Mout Muille Muree Méladige Naer Narc Nard Nehord Nord Noretrie Nutree Oguet Olielabin Onest Orenie Orielle Ormint Orthe Ossonir Osyand Panpierber Pastyn Patnolène Pellette Pene Phawkfine Picondea Pielyan Pile Pine Poislynne Ponstepiel Porelip Pregerse Prichrie Pris Ragna Ranoît Rarram Reausau Rencine Retine Reuguilorc Rondyr Ronge Rorevigona Rosinte Rossacham Rostamord Rozeperoy Rumel Sabarte Schaël Seux Sias Simortie Sonna Sonnyr Styn Syne Taille Tarto Thender Thteau Thugon Tillet Tonestyn Toppernie Toupla Treau Trey Tric Trilhon Trin Trods Tros Truraveaud Vaic Valeau Valhant Valin Vannak Varpeaul Vart Venne Veuf Viged Vilant Villes Villey Villielle Vinchau Vineranie Vinetione Visilan Vryault Vyction Vyctyra Wicoumir Wikille Wilolon Woone Xane Yeomitte Ysson Yste Zanentan Zennique Élick Éléo Élés
same thing but longer and with higher order
Abshin Accarre Adamron Adenalda Admanten Agracien Agryrix Alabbe Alandre Alanin Alenecal Alenehl Alexillence Allian Allier Allucetus Alombart Alyeury Amacroft Amastain Amberjacmund Andarcotte Andrag Angerbernes Anglite Anguenie Annalso Antenwick Antier Archarelle Arcienne Arcire Arenais Ariquet Aristinermo Arnisson Artheodyric Ashrin Aubien Aubuteau Aymelierryan Aymonis Barais Baranginield Batheon Batistyre Bauvine Beguepel Belgault Bellard Bellene Bellive Bellon Berier Berneaux Besabertois Bijeande Bondywyr Borebarrette Bouardelet Boucausse Bougerossier Bouteill Bouvien Braniell Brelle Breynise Briane Brickforey Buckinne Bujoubay Buredite Burgabot Caille Cajuney Candyn Carbert Carbogasquie Carien Carolance Carolone Catolda Cavaryon Cellic Cesirrivien Chanine Chanteau Chantheille Chantoisette Charly Charric Charth Charthélémy Chimbio Christyr Cidarroque Cimongton Codery Colais Combault Comenu Contecot Coteau Courbyrry Cournativial Cournis Coursuline Covieves Crevimy Damabric Darboeur Dauphilelane Davigues Debushnelle Delacour Delande Delard Delatt Delayne Delent Delodile Deloine Delvier Deriel Derrieleau Deshawkinne Desier Desjarberin Despacke Despremel Desrocard Devillin Doraine Doraneuverre Doraria Dorond Douard Dubernis Dubrette Dufferaud Dugastier Duguerranier Duharion Dumonne Dunyce Dyrichier Earticion‎ Edwardier Edwynabell Edwyvarien Eirand Elynak Emareline Emargoir Endras Enrismukes Escenck Esmanualloty Evelois Everre Fabert Fabrie Falike Fallona Fancien Fauvie Fictor Filbauvier Finier Flammistain Flanoyet Florya Frashsly Fredel Frillon Fristin Gabakarnon Gabrigue Gaerfortel Gastrein Gastyr Gausseur Gazara Gemargette Georgenie Gepageon Gerbeau Gereleston Gerolby Gerville Ghislasalle Giguent Gilgoude Gladyval Glaume Gogues Gontecorrent Gossadue Gossee Gosson Goulanis Gourcie Grandie Granis Granque Gronie Guille Gurlette Guylin Hardiellie Hasking Hastepher Hawkhoussing Hearlin Heartenwind Hellegalice Hellier Henette Houtouchevis Hughtervele Jacqureneau Jakbenjacque Janville Jenriel Jereux Jespendreaul Jolice Joline Jolinette Jourielline Julantin Jumourdin Jupine Kalhut Kalianne Kathier Kinghou Kleina Korique Labarbont Labarde Labordeau Labradine Labrier Labyth Lachelle Ladier Lafavron Laferre Lafleux Lafolle Lafortent Lahaise Lajeune Lamoutillet Landelhomme Laniel Lanoit Lantin Lanvillet Laremy Laumilo Lauriol Lausannal Laview Leberge Ledoret Lefebuke Lefeveren Legrivois Lejeanneausa Lemarque Lemence Lemund Leorne Lesard Limothéonore Lisonne Loguet Lucasse Lucetta Lucius Lucred Lulacot Lusseau Lyderougier Lysselence Mabien Macastanche Madamargeine Magasselinne Magasters Magneau Malant Mandralle Marcausa Marchier Marchoquette Mariel Maritte Marler Marlette Marlot Marradie Marscray Maserrienche Mastyr Matheodyn Mathey Mattheodric Matthing Mavincalde Maxellette Melfoush Menande Mentaineau Mersly Micksmith Mivien Modhal Moncis Moniquet Montbrier Mordeaux Mordif Morgard Morgestine Morginett Nahlianesse Nastabyth Norbeil Norelles Norman Oceaucette Octauzeilara Odison Omissa Ongeron Orinet Ortelle Ourgot Ozetto Paramel Parfais Parquise Parric Pascion Pavence Payett Pecien Peppont Persmith Phylvine Picher Pichés Picoeur Piensergene Pimpery Plassa Poiroislin Portelle Potvince Pouzons Powennayneau Praximiran Prideault Provenn Pugeau Pyppoline Rabermieu Racque Rahaydel Raimée Raisarvele Ralistona Rambel Raouel Raport Reasorin Relanester Rencqurette Renwickton Riopelore Risant Robarreenste Robinested Rochurias Rodaiselite Rodrine Rodyric Rolyrrya Romastefante Rosalizée Rouance Rouhain Roulanie Roxannal Rulescabet Ruquenicien Ryvalenne Salabiss Saloïc Sancielle Sauvry Segreenilain Sergill Sevellet Siland Simarcadot Simissa Simontain Skerbeau Sourgynays Spelle Sperice Stefanten Temerio Thaletit Thanges Theillara Therrene Tibien Tileaulin Tremert Tristaily Truxier Tussette Urquier Vadnailhot Valent Valexandron Vanaël Vanciens Vannabelay Vannabert Vanten Varace Vavaise Veriassansel Volivette Voriner Yeomsmine Yngwin Yvyroussette
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thoughtfulchildpuppy · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pablo Picasso Portrait of Jaime Sabartes On Canvas.
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iseilio-blog · 1 year
Picasso Master of the New Idea
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1891年,Don Jose 接受了在 La Coruna 的素描教授職位,地點在
西班牙 的北部。這個家的孩子,除了 Picasso(Pablo) 之外,還有
兩個小女孩, Concepcion 和 Lola。Coruna 的氣候陰暗 。大西洋
寒冷,有時又起霧和雨,遮蔽了所有的光線。Don Jose 知道他不喜歡
這個城市,更糟的是不久之後,Concepcion 過世了。
然而對  Pablo 來說卻是恰恰相反,因為在對街就是一所藝術學校。
的,這位有理解的紳士在黑板上寫了一些數字要 Pablo 抄在紙上,
這對 Pablo 來說很容易而且寫得比老師的好。
8歲 時的作品,木板油畫( 再讀一次,沒看錯。)
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The young girl with barefoot 1985, at age 14. “ Poor girls in our area always went around barefoot, and this onehad feet covered with chilblains, ”-Picasso said. The treatment here is realistic and traditional, but one can already sense the maturity of an artist who knows how to convey the gravity of an expression, the sadness in a pose.
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1895年初春,他們一家去 Malaga 度假;Don Jose 帶他的兒子去
Prado 看畫。在這裡 Pablo 第一次接觸到了西班牙大師 Diego
Velazquez (1599-1660) 、Franceco de Zurbaran (1598-1664)、
Franceco de Goya (1746-1828) 的作品。
1895-6,Don Jose 一家又旅行到了北邊,不過這次是到 Barcelona,
在這裡 Don Jose 接受了 La Lonja 的素描教職。Barcelona 是
Catalonia 的首府,這裡不但有著豐富的西班牙文化,而且完全開放著
來自歐洲的影響。在 Barcelona與 Fance 之間,有著數十年藝術與
文明的交流。Pablo 一來就喜歡上了這裡,也在這裡開始了他的
1897年,Don Jose 一家回到了 Malaga,這時 PABLO 已經 16歲,
La Lonja 是個古老的藝術學校,教學古板,不停的臨摹希臘、羅馬的
肖像,這時 Pablo 剛滿 14歲,理論上太年輕,不過由於父親的堅持
Manuel Pallares,兩人常常在一起聊天,討論彼此的作品。之後,
很酷的,他認識了他最好的朋友,一個年輕的詩人 Jaime Sabartes。
對 Pablo 來說,貧窮與創作 幾乎是不可分的。如同他的朋友, Jaime
Sabartes 所說 :「他相信,藝術 是悲傷與受難的產物。悲傷讓他
的觀點來看。」 --
1908年,畫家 Georges Braque 在一個年度展帶來了六幅小的
簡單的幾何型態,評審之一的 馬諦斯 觀察到他所形容的
“ les petits cubies”、小方塊。
Braque 與 Picasso 成了好友,彼此切磋、鼓勵,在兩人在接下來
的歲月,成了領導 「 Cubist movement 」的靈魂人物。 --
Picasso 於 1909回到了 Horta de San Juan,但是他的眼界已經
不同了。他不再滿足於以往的 “copying”風景,他不眷念什麼,
但是留下了 “structure”。他盡可能的讓自己自由,去達成他的
目標。Picasso 看的 “form” 充滿閃耀 ;切割的水晶或鑽石。
塞尚 說 :「 必需把自然看成 管狀、球狀、錐型」 --
Famous Picasso paintings: 7 essential works by the Spanish master - CNN Style
【吳華專欄】Picasso的17歲情人 (harpersbazaar.com) ---- picasso’s places - Bing images
Picasso was a wondere , but a sedentary one . He loved to travel , but he also loved houses . Here are Picasso’s home bases ,or , if you prefer , his point of departure . ---- Picasso periode bleue - Bing images
Picasso seems to have seen everything in blue , as if he had placed a colored filter between himself and the world . He chosed himself and the world .He chose blue deliberately : It expresses a feeling that is precise 、particular . Blue is the color of night , of the ocean , and of the sky . It is a deep , cold color that symbolizes pessimism and misery  - as oppose toyellow or red , color that express life , sun and warmth .
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1901 - 4 cavases are among the best  -  known and often , ghe most – loved of picasso’ work . no doubt this is because the figures reoresented appear to conform to reality ; they most closely approach what one sees . The subjects of this canvases are easily recognizable .
Although they are Picasso’s personel interpretations of images or emotions rather than faithful reproductions of reality .
Picasso rose period - 搜尋 (bing.com)
In 1905 Picasso’s life took a turn for the better . Every evening he went to the Medrano Circus , whose acrobats and charlatans  fascinated him . He began to used them ss models . He was interested more in their daily life rather than their performances . The harlequin with his checkerboard costume becme one of Picasso’s favorite themes .
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Shattered Faces
Cubist painters were concerned not only with an object’s
suprficial appreance but with everything that was known
about it . By displaying simultaneously all aspects of the
object , superimposing all views .
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Guernica 1937
The very symble of revolt , the cry of indignation before
The horrors of fascism .
格爾尼卡 (繪畫) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (wikipedia.org)
Guernica 1937
The very symble of revolt , the cry of indignation before
The horrors of fascism .
格爾尼卡 (繪畫) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (wikipedia.org)
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Portrait of Dora Maar
Pablo Picasso | Dora Maar in an Armchair | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (metmuseum.org)
毕加索情人之外的朵拉·玛尔,一位超现实主义摄影师与她的时代_DoraMaar (sohu.com)
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畢卡索《亞維農的少女》靈感其實來自馬諦斯? - Readmoo閱讀最前線
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parisannedthomas · 2 years
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Picasso’s first creative uplift was provoked by a long-lasting depression: February 1901 in Madrid Picasso learned that his close friend Carlos Casagemas had died. It constituted the ground for the Blue period. Picasso later recalled: “I started painting in blue when I learned of Casagemas's death”.
However, at his first Paris exhibition for Vollard in June 1901, there was no blue in his paintings: 64 bright and sensual works with a noticeable influence of the Impressionists. The Blue period was gradually coming into its own: the objects were sharply-contoured, the artist no longer strived to make three-dimensional images and, eventually, abandoned the tradition of perspective drawing. His palette became less diverse, the accents of blue more visible. The Portrait de Jaime Sabartes, which was created in 1901, marked the beginning of the Blue Period. When Sabartes saw the finished work he was “astonished to realize what inspired his friend to create this painting”, - “it is the specter of my solitude seen from the outside”. Picasso used colours such as Grey-blue and light -blue-green deep cold colors, colors of sorrow and low spirits are constantly in those works. Picasso called blue as the Colour of all colours. The frequent topics those pictures are exhausted mothers and their children, vagabonds, beggars and blinds.
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sabart · 2 years
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Late Christmas gift for my partner 🎄/ Sketch vs final (not fully rendered) / Procreate
ig @/_fenharel
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ynartistic · 1 year
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sketchy sketches outfits
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uneasyallyofthebody · 3 years
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sankta zoya of the storm 💙
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fawnvelveteen · 3 years
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Picasso’s Blue Period:
Portrait of Jaime Sabartes (The bock), (1901), Man in blue (1902), Portrait of Jaime Sabartes (1901), Ascet (1903),  Self-Portrait (1901), Portrait of a tailor Soler (1903),  The Absinthe Drinker (Portrait of Angel Fernandez de Soto) (1903), Portrait of Jaime Sabartes (1904), Breakfast of a Blind Man (1903).
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garadinervi · 3 years
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Jorge Luis Borges, (1975), Het boek van zand, Translation by Mariolein Sabarte Belacortu, De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 1977
(on the way of Peter Foolen)
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lunatyksab · 7 years
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So I just watched "Battle for Mewni"... those episodes gave me goosebumps wow. But when I saw Star's transformation I was shocked because it reminded me so much of a drawing I did a year ago... here it is... I actually predicted the long horns and the 3 pairs of arms holy shit XD (except I expected her to go full evil at some point but who knows what awaits us next with Eclipsa's return...)
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museoartcoholico · 4 years
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Le Bock (La cerveza, retrato de Jaime Sabartes) Pablo Picasso 1901/02 El poeta español Sabartes comento: “Esta pintura, es el espectro de mi soledad visto desde el exterior…”. Me resulta conmovedor conocer los hechos que rodearon esta obra, y pese a no que no es una pintura del Picasso que hizo historia con su movimiento cubista, tiene un valor muy especial. En 1899, Picasso conoce a Sabartes en Els Quatre Gats (un bar cabaret de Barcelona donde sucedían tertulias, cenas y reuniones e arte). Allí, entre vino y cerveza, el pintor y el poeta forjaron una amistad que perduró por muchos años, una amistad caracterizada por la admiración mutua de sus habilidades.
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potatosamm · 5 years
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“You go too fast for me, Crowley”
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