#real talk
konboyblues · 2 days
timcassie grieffucking bc of kon’s death really highlighted how fucked up the core four’s dynamic got, and why they couldn’t be salvaged towards the end. how else do you prove how atrociously codependent and toxic they’d become to each other? they shouldn’t have even gotten that far into their personal grief, but they did bc they couldn’t be normal about anything, not after graduation day. kon shoulda healed from his shit out on the farm. cassie shoulda moved on. tim might have saved himself so much grief, but they couldn’t bc they became stuck to each other in the worst possible way. titans era yj is so bitter it doesn’t even leave room for hope. they went the worst possible direction for a bunch of traumatized, closeted fags, and tbh, flashpoint saved em. won’t even bring up bart bc he was being character assassinated. kfl was an honorable ending for a man who constantly got dishonored just for daring to exist as a mark waid creation. geoff, didio, you’re never seeing heaven
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sootchild · 3 days
draw a fat person i dare you
I was going to ignore this but.... OK so like fuck you?
I will admit to liking to drawing slimmer characters but I have my plus sized characters and drawing studies. I myself am like 240lbs and I'd like it if I could motivate myself to get down to like 180, so yeah I draw a more ideal body type for MYSELF. I draw my comfort zone for artwork.
If you want more plus sized character art there are so many great artists you could follow like @sergle , @hermitcraft-daily , or @haraatsume
Instead of harassing me. If you want me specifically to draw something then put your money where your mouth is and COMMISSION me or tip me on my Ko-fi and request stuff for me to sketch. Or even be polite and go, "I'd love to see more plus sized characters in your art." Instead of doing the equivalent of coming into my house and kicking over my coffee table in an attempt to shame me.
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notforeveryonesk666 · 14 days
Actually I wanna be someone’s comfort person. their go to. their favorite. the person they wanna grow with and heal with.
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southpauz · 28 days
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I shaped my cat into a supervillain
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free-my-mindd · 2 years
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Actions speak louder than words.
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tthelady · 4 months
"Genshin is better", "honkai is better", "star rail is better", "wuthering waves is better" could some of you all possibly shut the hell up. Would it kill you all to just simply enjoy stuff without turning into it some kind of dick measuring contest
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marge1974 · 3 months
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introverts be like
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artcollectorninja · 3 months
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months
Jews aren’t white or POC. We are invisible. Your politics just paint us the color you hate most.
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nionom-art · 9 months
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A few people have been asking about my Miraculous Coccinella AU, wondering if I was still working on it. The short answer is yes.
The long answer is under the cut:
So. I’ve been working on this au for a long time now. It was kind of my passion project I was keeping under wraps due to the fact that I had a lot of fun plot twists in mind and all that jazz- you can kinda see some of those plot ideas in my character concept designs above. I have full scripts and even a comic page done for this au- however- I don’t think I’ll be working a lot on this in the near future. I love the story and designs I’ve come up with, but I’ve honestly just been more interested in other fandoms and stories recently, including one about my current ocs (they have become my obsession recently).
I’ve really hated season 5 of Miraculous in all honesty (the handling of Chloe, Luka, and Gabriel is quite honestly atrocious), and I haven’t had as much interest in this au as season 5 progressed as a result. I’ve been quite frankly falling out of love with the show, making my motivation to work on this project not as high. This coupled with the fact that I’ve been rather burnt out lately has resulted in me posting less often.
I guess what I’m saying is that while I might post a few things here and there for Miraculous Coccinella (and miraculous in general) I don’t think it will be frequent or a full blown project or anything. That being said, feel free to ask me any questions regarding this au- it was my baby for a while and it still kinda holds a place in my heart. Maybe one day I’ll do something with it, but for now, I’m going to keep it on the down low. Thanks for reading if you got this far, haha.
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konboyblues · 2 days
you died. you always knew you were destined to die horrifically, and you did. your body was never meant to survive, your poor mother couldn’t keep you, the god that granted you your speed wants you back oh so desperately. you manage to live long enough to make friends and fall in love and become the flash you never wanted to be, and you die for it too, and come back and have to die one last time to make your sacrifice count. you do it for your friends and family. you do it to honor your grandfather.
but you can’t stay dead. the universe collapses in on itself, and now you’re lost, AGAIN. you didn’t ask for this. you just want your friends and family back, but you’re supposed to be DEAD, but how can you stay dead when kon el is still lost??? you’re supposed to be a part of the speed force, but you’re ripping through the multiverse instead. you’re remaking your old friend group, even tho they shouldn’t know who you are. you’re alive, but you’re dead, and yet the thing that tethers you to reality is a man who no longer BELONGS in reality. but without you, he can’t come home. and without him, you can’t stay.
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notforeveryonesk666 · 14 days
I can’t wait to find the love of my life and never talk to anyone else ever again
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southpauz · 3 months
AI ""artists"": We're the future! Give up!
Real artists:
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free-my-mindd · 1 year
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nerdby · 4 months
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