frownyalfred · 1 day
Okay, I know Damian is a trained assassin, very scary, a competent Robin, etc, but he’s also always drawn as a very slim, small child. It’s got me thinking about weight classes and the actual viability of unbalanced combat.
If Bruce ever needed to get him to stop doing something, he could just pick him up by the scruff of the neck and let him dangle. Oh that wouldn’t work? Bruce is like 210-230 lbs, maybe more. He’s over six feet tall. He’s built like a brick shithouse.
It would be like picking up a really, really angry kitten. Bruce is entirely unphased by biting. He’s picked up Robins for going on ten+ years at this point. A kick to the gut? Has nothing on the car he got hit by last week in the Narrows.
As long as Damian doesn’t have his sword…yeah, he’s just a kid. A small kid with a HUGE dad who isn’t the least bit intimidated by physical violence.
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tariah23 · 2 days
Thinking about it now, (I forgot….) but were Sasuke and Naruto purposely placed on the same team for the sole purpose of using Sasuke as a tool to control the kyuubi right from the very beginning…? To further place surveillance over Naruto’s life so that they’d be able to keep him on a chain whenever he leaves the village for missions and so on. That’s so ugly…
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online2002 · 3 days
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AU where Aventurine doesn't end up in the clutches of the IPC after killing his master, but instead manages to flee across the cosmos and somehow ends up in Belobog's underworld. Svarog takes one look at this scared, traumatized child, immediately goes "I've only known Kakavasha for a day, but if anything happened to him, I would destroy this entire planet and then myself." and adopts him on the spot.
Just. Svarog, Aven, and Clara as found family. That's it.
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boxbusiness · 17 hours
Sorry for the absence.
I kinda hit a Art block and motivation stump. The new tablet didn’t help things. I’m struggling to get used to it. Maybe I’m being a baby, but it was upsetting to read comments about how the art looks fine, but it felt like pulling teeth to draw. I can’t get a comfortable grip anymore, it hurts my ears for some reason, I’m impatient trying to get used it. It’s a mess.
I needed to back off and do other stuff. Drawn other stuff but I haven’t posted here. But maybe later I’ll feel more comfortable to share.
I know I said I’d do commissions this month, but it’s a little too late for that. I’ll see if I can properly set them in June. So sorry again.
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Here’s a dawg
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forager-m · 1 day
the entirety of penacony is funnier if you imagine ratiorine are already married prior to the quest. but it also just has so much angst potential?
on one hand, their bickering and 'hatred' for each other would be funnier cus that's nust their love language and somehow sunday is falling for that shit.
on the other hand, watching his husband's suicidal ass plan unfold would hit 100x harder for ratio
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karda · 9 hours
that fanfic post made me think of an old debate me and my brother had,
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infamous-if · 10 hours
having some technical issues trying to upload the rest of the Q&As! will do that as soon as I fix it <3
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nerves-nebula · 1 day
being this angry in a trans way is reminding me of a story i was working on when i was younger about a nonbinary teen doing a ritual to get a new body and it turned out it didnt just give them a new body + life, it actually stole the body from someone else in their high school. and they had to work with the guy to give him his body back. cuz as much as they didnt wanna go back to their own life, they knew it would be insanely cruel to steal someone else's body for no good reason.
and they almost started to be, like, actual friends and stuff. but then they started to uncover some shitty things that guy did and right before they're about to switch back they're like... no, actually, you know what, you don't deserve a good life. you don't deserve a body you like or a family who will accept you no matter what.
and then i think the rest of the story is like those two going at each others throats about this whole body snatching situation. it was interesting i think and neither of the main characters were good people and i wish i'd thought about it more instead of dumping it cuz it was too hard to figure out.
the guy who got his body stolen was kind of a rapist, like not a serial rapist but like. a shitty teenager who didn't really understand consent and who used his social power to pressure people and held sexual photos over people's heads.
and the nonbinary teen was basically chock full of bitterness and hatred from abuse and neglect and was more than happy to have someone to take it out on. Even when they knew that what they were doing was morally indefensible because they personally didn't believe that anyone could do anything to deserve losing their bodily autonomy. but just because you know something is wrong doesn't mean you'll always do the right thing, yknow?
anyway point is. i wanna kill myself
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I’ve had Fearless by Taylor Swift stuck in my head for over a week now and I like that song but it’s just not going away.
It is a song about being in love early on in a relationship though. There’s a lot of legitimate criticism to be made of ol’ T-Swift but one of the weirder ones over the years is that she just writes breakup songs and nothing else.
Fearless the album has several breakup songs on it including arguably “Tell Me Why” which is an angry song about feeling stuck in an emotionally abusive relationship. But that’s not all of the album.
Maybe I ought to try and get “Tell Me Why” stuck in my head instead. That’s a damn good song.
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maryyyy8 · 2 days
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Reasons you should commission me: look at how fucking cool this shit looks. You can have this! Your own pretty picture like this! Wouldn't that be cool!
My commission info is HERE! Have a flick through that for a general price guide and TOS, and shoot me a DM if you're interested! :^)
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Brain juice into words but I wish the Tenno looked even creepier
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galactic-rhea · 1 day
I watched Tales of the Jedi and that one episode about Ahsoka training....Anakin training her differently and extra hard because he wants her to survive the war and in the end was that training what helped her survive order 66- I- I'M NOT OKAY 😭😭😭
And the last episode with Padmé's funeral and Ahsoka hidding...I'M NOT OKAY 😭😭
Oh yes, I also have newfound love about Dooku. I already liked him, but now I like him more because silly evil old man
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Aventio doing chores while the little kitties jump around, trying to help them
Aaah that mental image is so cute, I can tell Aven and Ratio would be marking pauses in their work often because the urge to pet them would be too great.
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funpuddle · 2 days
I want to get a job but people with jobs are either miserable or bored with life or boring with no time or energy to carve an identity for themselves. I need enough time for creative endeavors and love endeavors. Even a part time job will give you as close to full time hours as they can manage without full time benefits. Bitch. I want to work two or three days a week. But I need good money. For enrichment. Making enough money to actually find my own place doesn't even seem viable. Oh my god I hate money. Can we all (except for doctors and shit) stop showing up to work and stop paying our rent at once. Until something changes. I couldn't even get money help from parents if I needed it because they usually have zero dollars on their persons. We have to stop falling for the lie of "money"
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kitotherianposting · 3 days
having multiple kintypes is crazy because it's like. oh you're a silly little kitty. but also you have wings. but also you're the stars and space itself. but also you're a scientist who's rotting from acid exposure. but also you're everything at once.
but also you relate to the ocean. but also you're kind of like this one robot. but also you're sort of a squid kid.
but also you've chosen to be a squid celebrity. and you used to be a pokemon trainer.
(separated by kintypes, hearttypes, and linktypes)
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