#quotidian convos
quotidian-oblivion · 9 months
It's funny how easy it is to push Dick away as a happy-go-lucky sunshine and rainbows and unicorns man when he's really the angriest member of the whole Batfam.
Like, it took Jason 15 years and a reasonable cause.
Dickie was ready to murder a bitch at 8.
This boy arrived at the manor with nothing but a simple suitcase, a toy elephant, sass, and 500 pounds of spiteful anger.
And the only thing that's changed now is the suitcase.
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pevensiechase · 4 months
Angsty tag poetry about childhood nostalgia and stuffed animals (feat. the batboys)
@foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego, @quotidian-oblivion
Tags are mine, taken from this post.
Quo asked me to put the poetry in a post, so here you go!
tag poetry about tim drake
#but they were always the same size
#it was you who were smaller
#you who outgrew them and now you recall them bigger
#but they’re not
#they never were
#they just seemed bigger to you because your tiny hand fit around theirs
#and now theirs lay limp in the center of your palm
#not quite as soft as they used to be
#wear and tear showing their age
#they aged with you but aged faster
#because you only just now realize
#that they used to be bigger
tag poetry about dick grayson
#the stuffed animal that sits on your bed
#what you used to see as so big
#what you used to clutch at night for protection
#what reminded you of your childhood
#a simpler and happier time
#you can’t bring yourself to get rid of it
#so you keep it in the corner of your bed between the wall and the mattress
#they understand
#they know you’ve outgrown them
#but you hold on
#you hold onto them because of the memories they hold
#you wish you could go back to a time when all you cared about was your stuffed animal
#when they still held the magical powers of protection
#and holding them at night was your only responsibility
#maybe you’ll bring it out once again
#to squeeze the magic out of them
tag poetry about jason todd
#you glare at the stuffed animal that you can’t bring yourself to get rid of
#you’re not your old self anymore
#why do you still have them?
#a relic of the past
#that’s only a painful reminder of what you used to be
#but you hold on#because something inside you longs for them
#you remember the day you first got them
#to chase the monsters away
#make the shadows retreat
#but now you are the monster that lurks in the shadows
#at least you think you are
#so what does that make their purpose?
#will they chase you away now?
#your one comfort who you held so tightly
#that you forgot about until you remembered
#can they even forgive you?
#can they forgive you for forsaking them?
#what are they to you now?
#what are you?
#you’re the one that parents tell their children about that makes them hug their stuffed animals so tightly
#but youre only a child#who still has a stuffed animal
#and you weren’t cut out for this life that was cruelly ripped from you
#you didn’t sign up for this
tag poetry about damian wayne
#you do not see the point of this ‘stuffed animal’
#one that is only a simple imitation of the real thing
#one made for children
#and yet
#they puzzle you
#you suppose it is cute
#you suppose you would have liked one if you had received one when you were younger
#but only when you were a baby
#for you are far too grown to have any use for one now
#but maybe you do not outgrow them
#maybe you can still grow with them
#and make up for lost time
#maybe you missed out on a crucial part of childhood
#you cannot get it back
#is there a point in trying?
#you do not think so
#but this stuffed animal urges you to consider otherwise
#it is not childish
#it is not something to be embarrassed of
#it is something to be cherished
#as the real thing
#perhaps more special because it is a gift
#maybe you grew up too fast
#but they are still here
#they stare at you from their lifeless glass bead eyes invoking sympathy but how can they?
#maybe you do not have to grow up so fast
#not anymore
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sardonic-sprite · 8 months
Babs, training Tim: What's life without making fun of Dick Grayson? Boring.
Tim, fanboy supreme: but, but, but...
Babs, Dick’s ex/gf who has seen *all* his bullshit: trust me
@quotidian-oblivion happy?
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cygnusdoesthings · 8 months
@mispeltnostalgia apparently @quotidian-oblivion hasnt listened to a lot of musicals so heres a post to start us off. we can take turns cooercing her into that
in the heights
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I dare you.
1. Stand up straight.
2. Look the clerk in their eyes.
3. Smile.
4. Ask “how are you?”.
5. Listen.
6. Say “thank you” and mean it.
Change the world one transaction at a time. You have more power than you ever imagined.
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mispeltnostalgia · 1 year
✨Out of context lines shitpost Pt. 4✨
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Quo: i want to write the torture scene before i start placement. If i see the children i won't physically be able to do it
@quotidian-oblivion and I have come forth with yet more random shit we say as the Bat Fam and friends. Except this week I, Nogolsta, get the honor of posting it. Yippee
The batfam but as things we said in public and in class:
Cass: I am attracted to sparkly emojis. I’m sparkly-emoji-sexual. ✨ ~
Damian, to Jon: Look, Median is the middle number like medium
Damian: For mode, take the first two letters ‘M’ and ‘O’ and it stands for Most Occurring
Damian: And mean is average because mean people are below average 😎 ~
Kon: How much sleep did you get last night?
Tim, victoriously: Five!
Bart: *gasp* SAME!
*excitedly hi-fives* ~
Jason: children are weirdly unproportionate.
Tim: agreed.
Dick, passing by: what’s weirdly unproportionate?
Jason and Tim simultaneously: Children.
Dick: Good to know. ~
Duke: I finished my essay last night
Tim: Good job! I cried last night.
Duke: Me too!
*hi-fives* ~
Jason: If I had a nickel for everytime I accidentally drank nail polish remover, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. ~
Jason: I have a barista course. 
Jason: *slurps water loudly* ~
Young!Dick: I need to hydrate *looks at wet bench*
Bruce: No. 
Young!Dick: *inches towards bench*
Bruce: Don't. 
Young!Dick: *starts reaching towards bench*
Bruce: Don't you dare *pulls Dick out of there*
Bruce: It's like looking after a toddler. ~
Young!Jason:oh a water fountain. I must hydrate
Dick: I wouldn't drink from that. I've seen people pee on it
Young!Jason: *immediately shoves head in*
Dick: nO! ~
Tim: *slurps water loudly from the water fountain*
Jason: what
Tim: *gets scared and starts choking*
Quotidian does not know how to drink water
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shit-posting-stuff · 5 months
Tumblr media
Bulbul (2020)
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themundanemudperson · 7 months
Allg! Thanks!
Where do you post your writing? Is it on ao3?
Hehe that's the thing
I don't really post it? Cuz of this, like, need for it to be perfect, and I haven't really finished any of my works, so I just let them sit in my docs
I mostly write original works (as in I've actually started original works, and have the first chapters of a couple of things written). But I've drafted SO MANY fics that I'll probably never write. Sigh
But tysm for asking!! :)
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quotidian-oblivion · 2 months
May I just say... Colin Morgan's background stage business is impeccable. There are so many actors who just stand there watching or aimlessly shuffle around, but I've noticed that when Colin Morgan is in-character, he is in-character.
I haven't watched him in anything other than Merlin, but when he's not the focus of the camera, he's still doing things just as Merlin does. Like, trying not to laugh during the feast when Elena was visiting and displaying poor table manners, actually looking deep in-thought and mouthing the name 'Alice' when Gaius was talking to him about her, glaring at Gwen from the bedpost when she was enchanted and was monologuing about who could have possibly poisoned Arthur, polishing or doing a chore or keeping his head down when Uther's talking to Arthur but still watching them with a keen eye-
and so many more instances! His background stage business is just amazing.
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pevensiechase · 11 days
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Ooooooo, Quo! I love this question. It took me awhile to figure out my answer because most story ideas I at least write down an outline for, but I found one that I hadn't started.
Batfam Hockey AU
I got the idea from this hockey AU titled "icing those hurts" from another fandom I'm in, and I thought it would be really fitting for the Batfam to be put in a hockey au.
I don't really have a plan for it, and I'll I wrote down when I came up with the idea was a section in my doc titled "Batboys Hockey AU," so that's not very helpful.
I think Jason's death in this AU will be that he was (somehow) badly injured and was out for a couple seasons
Thanks for the ask, Quo!
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sardonic-sprite · 1 month
*cracks knuckles* Been a while since I did this
Here in My Arms - FLUFF! TOUCH STARVATION! Need i explain more?
Your Words In My Head - this fic was subconsciously at the back of my mind when I was writing the first chapter of mmb. Protective batfamily!
Throw Away My Faith - You know how much I've already screamed about this
zugzwang - You already know.
We Two Ghosts - the s o f t
Oh, Christmas Tree! - FLUFF AND CRACK AND FAMILYYYYYYYY. I already mentioned i love when you write bonding
Of Sleep, and Feelings, and Pie at 3 AM - ^ :D
Repletion - You know this too.
priceless - HELLO THE PRETENSE???? SO GOOD???
bane - I'm sure you've heard everyone's screams about this. Excellent plot and excellent dialogue and characters speculation as well
rafter of satin, roof of stone - jncfhbhwde IMMACULATE dialogue
if you know, you know - you've heard my comments on this
Anyways yeah. Love your writing. Keep it up!
"This" being making me blush beet red? 😂
HIMA - I mean you can if you want to lol. Touch-starved Timmy is a nice safe trope for an early-in-career fic
YWIMH - ahhhhhh that is a high honor
TAMF - hehehehehe timber
Ru - MY BOIS! one of my favorite Tims tbh
DYK? - lmao you mean "pick a plotline-- Oh feels ok ow plot doesn't matter anymore make this stop ouching"
Z - do I tho?
WTG ‐ awwwwww underdog fic gets love ty
OCT! - that's nice and silly and cute. Pairs well with a small chocolate bar or gingerbread cookie
OSFAPA3AM - that's a whole password right there tbh, anyway, another CLASSIC Timmy who would never actually survive everything he canonically does
Re - yes that one I do know
P - hahaha yeah vengeance for Mr chalk fr. Corny as adult Jason getting kidnapped and nearly killed by a fucking 2ND GRADE TEACHER is
B -
Tumblr media
TTIDFY... - Tim is so sassy he can't possibly survive istg this boy
IYKYK - *cries in unit conversions*
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chirxlity · 7 months
it's soooo funny to tease a bottom
like my gf was telling me about a wordplay with -ing termination mixed with a typo (strokinghg) i didn't know about and the convo went like this
gf: it was a typo but it also works as a wordplay stroke stroking ing nghh nghh~ strokinghhg~ see? me: god u r so bottom gf: fu
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ineffable-opinions · 6 months
If It Is You (2023)
Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo (2023)
Final review: sweet, the anguish only makes it sweeter. Rating: 8/10
Summary: A highschooler (Amane) moves in with his grandmother after having his heartbroken by his first-love/crush who took his confession as badly as he could. His exploration of sexuality took into the arms of an older friend-with-benefit. In the new town he meets a gentle classmate (Ryuji) whose sincerity who have him thinking: if it is with you [I can fall in love].
The story revolves around their life – the high school experience, busy summertime and a love confession that sneaked out of Amane's heart. HE.
Pairing: mujaki, tsukushi seme X sasoi uke
What I liked:
Ryuji drinking tea and chatting with grandma while waiting for Amane to wake up. And leaving after making sure Amane is ok. 
Early on in the story, we are made to feel Amane’s broken heart. The friend-with-benefit was definitely not the right person for Amane. This one gesture from Ryuji won him my approval. He proved perfect for Ryuji. If it is with him then I can rest assured.
2. Amane teasing Ryuji.
That was Amane’s way of testing Ryuji’s reaction to his androphilia. I love how that was a reflection of Amane’s failed attempt to connect with his first crush. Ryuji’s confusion and surprise are overshadowed by his tenderness in treating Amane.
It reminded me of the scene from His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta (2019) where Nagisa tells Shun a love story to introduce his androphilia.
Not only that scene but also the location of Ryuji’s restaurant kept reminding me of His (2019).
3. Ryuji preventing girls from his class from stealing Amane from him by invoking their promise to watch fireworks together.
4. The cliff-hanger at the end of episode 4. Resolution at episode 5.
I was scared that Ryuji would forget about their date with how busy he looked. I was super happy to see his POV – throughout his summer vacation, while he was very busy, his thoughts revolved around Amane. Just like Amane kept thinking about him. Better yet, flowers, food, and other quotidian stuff reminded Ryuji of Amane. And that convo he had with his mother. Him realizing that it is love!
5. Ryuji taking Amane to the temple grounds so they can talk. Them turning up late to school.
6. Amane going all the way to Ryuji’s restaurant to take a look and returning right after. Amane not telling Ryuji about it later. That was so good!
7. Amane drinking tea in one cup and rushing out. Grandma’s smile.
8. Watermelon
It made me realize that the series was like that, tough on the outside, sweet & soft on the inside. Juicy and perfect for the heat.
9. Amane missing Ryuji while in a karaoke bar, surrounded by friends.
Reminded me of the Yunmeng extra from danmei novel Mo Dao Zu Shi where Wei Wuxian missing Lan Wangji while surrounded by friends.
10. The festival crowd.
11. BL quirk – how seme Ryuji’s name is.
12. Direction was neat. Actors were good.
13. Traditional shudo-type pairing: Amane is ideal Wakashu.
Especially the part where he realizes his friend-with-benefit was not actually kind. Ryuji is shown to be worthy of Amane.
Shigatsu no Tokyo wa... (2023) had a scene where Kazuma stops Ren from having friends-with-benefit situation with older guy. There is no one stopping Amane here. Ryuji is also not an average highschooler, having to take on restaurant duty.
What I didn’t like:
Post-firework extended date.
It was not bad. I didn’t care for it. I feel happy for them. It felt personal and a shorter montage would have been enough. This is probably because of Indian movie influence where date/dance montage are employed to depict romance efficiently. But then they had to add filler to make the episode full.
2. Camerawork in firework scene was a little off. What’s with that angle of looking at nose. The coloring didn’t help it either.
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mispeltnostalgia · 8 months
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hairtusk · 9 months
currently dating a guy and he doesn’t like answering questions like how are you or how was your day. i know it’s typical but it’s just a convo starter you know? to ease into things…do u have any tips to start it differently 😭
Hi anon - firstly, I personally think it's a big red flag if someone is getting annoyed at simply being asked how their day was, or is refusing to answer the question. Sure, it's a common opener, but in my opinion it's a question that shows care and interest in a person's daily life.
You say 'dating' - how deep into this relationship are you? Are you just casually seeing each other, are you exclusive, is he your boyfriend? Because if you're committed to each other, I think this can be worked on with an honest conversation together, sitting down and working out why he doesn't like telling you about his day. However, if you're casual or non-exclusive - I hate to say it, but it sounds like a lack of interest on his end. If he was invested, he'd be excited to talk about his day and ask you about yours, or he'd be initiating conversations more often. If he isn't yours, I'd say it's time to dip and find someone who wants to share the quotidian with you, because that's the real foundation of a healthy relationship - the daily, the ordinary, the domestic.
However, if you're still insistent on trying a different opener or conversation starter - maybe tell him something that happened in your day that reminded you of him, or one of his / your shared interests? Opening with a nice anecdote may put less pressure on him than a question, and might lead to more interesting conversations.
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vardasvapors · 7 years
gurguliare replied to your post:                    gurguliare  replied to your  post :            ...                
   no absolutely, it isn’t at all! i didn’t mean like “this is something that’s missing structurally,” it’s just stuff i’m wistful about on the nerd level    
djgfhdgjdfkbjghffjh I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE THIS CONVO IS GOING but you made me realize only NOW that it might in fact be something that IS missing structurally, if it was a signal for something else. like actually tbh i think all the stuff about “all this was lost! all the foundations of this world turns to waste”, while it IS genuinely affecting in the silm would be more affecting if we got all excitedly close-up and absorbed in the nerdery of the making of those things on the pretext of [insert plot excuse here], like the sador bit you referenced...like things as the markers of living....
gurguliare replied to your post:                  gurguliare replied to your post:                 ...                
   on second thought though i’m making an unfair comparison here because he goes into greater quotidian detail in the lays and stuff, which is the closest equivalent form to his sources    
it’s too bad he didn’t go for more blank verse... ... . .. . ... .... >_> or maybe not. weird constraints foster significant phrases and repetition of them, etc, whatever
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