#prompt idea
Image this:
Danny is sixteen. He just found out he is to become King, with a capital K, when he becomes a mature ghost, which is at least 20 years after his death. So he’s got time. Everything’s fine. Except for the Observants pushing his education. Tutors shoving information down his throat like he’s cramming for finals. Princess Dora, Pandora, Frostbite, and even Clockwork checking on him frequently and making a schedule for him to come visit their territories for little learning sessions. Fright Knight has been following his every move. And let’s not forget the other random ghosts he’s never even met before coming to ask for favors or to complain or just give him their problems in general and expect him to fix it.
He can’t even let his frustrations out! All his regular rogues avoid him now! Even Vlad doesn’t want to get involved, but that could be because he’s still bitter about not getting the crown like he wanted.
Good thing he knows a king that has probably been through the same thing.
King Arthur of Atlantis. In other words, Aquaman.
Because Danny wasn’t technically king yet, crowned prince is probably the right title?, he couldn’t just call him up or send a letter asking to meet. So Danny decides to go give the man a visit himself.
Using process of elimination, he was able to find Atlantis after about two months of research and searching. He didn’t have a whole lot of free time, okay?
Turning invisible and flying through the water was a lot easier than he thought. Getting through the barrier was a piece of cake and the castle was obvious to find. What wasn’t obvious to find was the king himself. He wasn’t in the throne room, or his study, or the training grounds, or literally anywhere in the castle. He checked.
No. He finds the king playing some game with some kids in the underwater city.
It was surprising to find him there, especially after the etiquette lessons from Dora, but it gave Danny some hope that maybe he wouldn’t be miserable and burdened with paperwork and boring meetings when he becomes king.
Danny turns visible. They were still invested in the game but the guards noticed him. Spears were pointed at him in a second.
“Halt! State your business,” the guard demands.
The shout caused everyone in the area to stop and look, including the king.
Danny raises his hands in surrender.
“Uh, hi. Sorry to stop the game, I just wanted to talk- sorry, speak to King Arthur, if- if that’s okay? There wasn’t an address to mail to that I could find-“
“It’s okay,” the king interrupts. “Let’s go somewhere private to talk then. Do you have any weapons on you?”
Danny perks up at the opportunity to finally talk to him.
“Yes please! And no, no weapons, sir.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” the king replies with a smile. Danny smiles back widely.
“My king-“
The king holds up a hand to stop the guard’s worries.
When they finally arrive to the throne room of the palace King Arthur turns to Danny.
“Who are you?” He asks in a tone that was a bit more serious than it was before.
“Oh! Sorry. Hi. I’m Danny. Danny Phantom. It’s nice to meet you, King Arthur,” he answers quickly with a nervous smile.
The king nods, obviously thinking about something else as he watches Danny with guarded eyes.
“How can you breathe underwater if I may ask? I’m curious.”
“Well that’s easy, I’m not breathing.”
“You’re… not breathing,” the king repeats with skepticism.
“Yea,” Danny agrees freely. “I don’t have to breathe if I don’t want to. You know, because of the whole ghost thing.”
“Yea. Can turn invisible, walk through walls, fly- you know. Haven’t you ever seen a ghost before?”
Danny tries a bit of humor with a crooked smile, but it falls when he sees the contemplative expression on the king’s face.
“Wait, seriously? You’ve never seen a ghost?”
“I’m aware of a ghost named Deadman apart of Justice League Dark but he is invisible to everyone.”
“Really?! I didn’t know that! I need to go talk to him! Where can I find him?”
“Hold on there, guppy. Didn’t you want to talk about something?”
Danny is drawn back to the topic at hand.
“Right, okay, so I was recently told I was gonna be king in like twenty years, which is news to me, and now they are just throwing everything at me with all this information I don’t know what to do with and I’m getting complaints and requests and everyone is expecting so much from me when I’m literally sixteen years old! I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, whether I want to go to college or if I’ll even graduate high school, and they want me to solve territory disputes and create new laws and provide protection for those who want to go into the living plane. I just- I don’t know what I’m doing and the only king I could think of was you, so I guess I was wondering if you could, I don’t know, give me some advice or if I could shadow you for a bit to see what an actual king should do or act. I know it’s a lot to ask coming from someone you don’t even know, but I’m just a bit overwhelmed with everything and I don’t really know where to go from here and was hoping you would at least understand. My friends don’t get it and the other ghosts are kinda afraid of me now because of my title and they wouldn’t get it anyway…” he trails off awkwardly.
Arthur had never had this conversation before. He was honestly flattered and the kid looked genuine. Maybe he’d wait until one of the magic users okay-ed the young ‘ghost’ before revealing any information about himself.
He pulls out a device and throws it the kid. Danny dodges just to snatch it out of the air from reflex alone.
“That’s a communicator. I’ll send Deadman and Constantine your way and call when I get the okay. Where are you located?”
Danny’s toxic eyes were big and hopeful, shining brightly through the water.
“Thank you, sir! Amity Park, Illinois, the most haunted city in America!” He answers proudly.
The king just smiles.
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piratefishmama · 5 months
i just love the idea of Steddie in the mall okay?
Like, to outsiders, they're constantly snarking at each other, Eddie spends his lunch being an antagonistic little shit, all the puns in his repertoire are used to the max, and Steve peruses the shelves at Sam Goody and specifically asks Eddie where all the really preppy pop songs are, like forces him to walk the shop with him to show him exactly where they are cause "customer service, Munson, it's important that you treat every customer like a VIP"
They're assholes to each other at every available opportunity, but there's never any complaints put through to management.
Because they're hooking up in one of the back corridor cleaning closets at every available opportunity, it starting when they got locked in there when the power went out and for some stupid reason all the doors in the back corridors have key card readers, like, excessive amount of security considering anyone can wander the halls and Steve knows cause he's let the kids back there so many times,
so with the power out they were stuck.
an Eddie cracks a seven minutes in heaven with Harrington joke expecting Steve to comment about it feeling more like hell being in there with him, but instead Steve is smooth, he's naturally a flirt, he's poking fun in a disarming way, he's charming, and funny, and oh they're kissing.
they're kissing a lot.
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Teenage Dad Tim
An idea I am having right before my flight back home starts... I will expand on it more once I am home tho but for now hear me out please.
Teenage Dad Tim. We got Bruce, Dick and Jason taking in Danny but do we have Tim taking him in?
Like deaged Danny (reduced to a toddler because of his Ghost age) suddenly appearing before Tim with white hair and Lazarus green eyes, clearly a meta kid too in Tim's eyes. And Tim just goes... yep that's a toddler with pit madness, let me just forge some papers real quick and then I can investigate my new kid.
No B, you can't have him. Danny is mine now. See the papers. He is illegally mine now.
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ovegakart · 3 months
Tumblr media
what reason would link have to pretend to be ravio for
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any-mouse · 5 months
”Danny, we talked about this,” the girl’s voice came from the phone, patient and ever so slightly disappointed. “If you run away from home again you need to tell me or Sam about it first.”
“I didn’t run away from home, Jazz,” the boy yelped, offended. “I was Summoned!”
Tim wasn’t sure which part of that he wanted to address least.
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luvmmarner · 1 year
I would definitely make intense smut prompts later! For now I hope you enjoy these fluff angst prompts instead! Requests are always opened!
For others that want to use these prompts! You're free to do so! Just tag me no need to credit. I would love to read it and see what you came up with! -- FLUFF PROMPTS 
“Can you hug me”
“My teammates gets annoyed because I talk about you 24/7”
“Can we have a date night tonight?”
“Do you know you're pretty” 
“Why are you being a pain?” 
“Stop simping for me you simp” 
“Your blushing you idiot” 
“Are you kidding me? I love cuddles” 
“Your hair smells good.” 
“I just want to lay here all day” 
“Can you wash my hair for me?” 
“I really need you right now”
“I like you.. well no… I love you” 
“I love your smile” 
“You sent me inappropriate pictures. When I was out in public” 
“Why are you so clingy?” 
“Fine. We can stay home tonight” 
“Dance with me in the rain” 
“Let’s jump in the puddles!” 
“Can I sit on your lap?” 
“Kiss me please!” 
“Can you rub my arm in circles?” 
“I’m wearing your shirt if that’s fine!” 
“This still smells like you” (long distant or for breakups) 
“Your mom gave me pictures of you when you were a baby.” 
“Stop you’re making me blush in public” 
“Don’t… I’m ticklish —“ 
“I can’t sleep can I stay here”
“I had a nightmare…”
“I care about you”
“You mean everything to me”
“You make me feel like I’m at home every time”
“Can I give you a hug? You look like you need one”
“Stop denying it! You need sleep”
“You’re so adorable.”
“You make me so happy.”
“I need pads”
“I don’t ever want to lose you”
“I feel better now that you’re here with me”
“It’s like we are meant to be”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“I feel safe when I’m with you”
“I can’t reach the top shelf.. Can you help?”
“Here take my jacket.”
“I just started my period…”
 “I’m right here baby, it’s okay”
“I’m so in love with you.”
“I’m never leaving you.”
“You're mine forever.”
“Should we make it official?”
“Can you do my sunscreen?” 
“Why is your massages better than you scratching my back” 
“Please come in the water” 
“Stop it’s cold!” 
“I'm going to splash you!” 
“My sandcastle is better than yours” 
“I won!”
“Don’t throw me in the water!!!”
“I’m trying to tan”
“Stand in front of me you block the sun”
“Can you give me a piggyback”
“The sand is hot” 
“Come with me on the floatie!”
“Can you set up the umbrella?”
“it’s snowing!” 
“We are locked in…”
“Let’s look at the stars through the window”
“Can we bake gingerbread cookies”
“You got frosting on your face”
“It’s so cold..”
“I love hot coco.”
“Look! I caught a snowflake in my mouth!”
“You got snow in your hair!”
“My snowman is better!”
“Whoever gets to the bottom of the hill first wins!”
“It’s freezing, could you turn on the heat?”
“Snowball fight!!!”
“I got snow in my boots, now my feet are cold.”
“Dw! I’ll warm you up!”
“Let’s build a fort!”
“This is the perfect time to set up the Christmas tree!”
“Ooh! I love sledding!”
“Woo! That was sooo fun!”
“Here! I made this one just for you!”
“You have such good decorating skills!”
“It’s so hot!”
“Can I borrow your hat please?”
“May you buy me a slushie? I forgot my wallet”
“The mosquitoes are killing me”
“Here let me spray you”
“Let’s go on a hike!”
“The sun is so bright.”
“Did you forget the sunscreen.”
“Baby, can you get my backside please?”
“I want to go swimming.”
“Can we just stay inside!”
“This is the perfect spot to set up our campsite.”
“I got the marshmallows!”
“I’ll help you set up the tent. But.. I don’t know how.”
“I’m already tired.”
“Let's roast marshmallows!”
“I made a smore just for you!”
“We can share.”
“Come swimming with me!”
“The water is sooo warm.”
“I rented a boat. You know how to drive it right..?”
“Don’t worry, of course I got the beer.”
“I love summer parties.”
“No… I didn’t steal your towel… Ok fine I did”
“Put me down – Ok ok fine fine! You win.”
“Can we go on a road trip?”
“You pushed me into the water, you jerk!”
“I couldn’t help myself… All the ice-cream flavours looked so good!”
“I didn’t buy any more ice cream.. The receipts are lies!!!!”
“Can we stay longer!!”
“You promised me.”
“You lied. You said you would never leave me.”
“Don’t lie to me. I know everything”
“Please don’t do this.”
“I loved you.”
“Why don’t you trust me”
“This can’t be goodbye.”
“Please don’t walk out.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I don’t love you.”
“We were never meant to be.”
“I just wanted to be enough for you.”
“I don’t forgive you.”
“Stop saying sorry! It’s always ‘I’m sorry’. When you really aren’t”
“If you’re sorry, why did you leave me?”
“You thought I was dumb.”
“I know you’re lying.”
“Why did I fall in love with you.”
“I’m so stupid to think we had something.”
“You never cared about me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop being selfish.”
“I moved on.”
“You cheated on me.”
“This isn’t working…”
“No. We can’t… we are too toxic for each other.”
“Why me..”
“Us? There was never an ‘us’.”
“I’m done.”
“It’s better if we just stop seeing each other.”
“I can’t love you.”
“You broke my heart so carelessly. Now you want forgiveness?”
“You don’t deserve me.”
“Leave me alone.”
“Your always mad at me.”
“What do you want? Because I could care less.”
“I was such a fool.”
“You talked to her and then lied about it.”
“You told people that you were single…”
“I thought you loved me..”
“How could you…”
“That’s not going to happen. I already told you.”
“What's wrong with you seriously?”
“You lost me”
“Where’s your new gf/bf?”
“Shouldn’t you be with your new gf/bf”
“I thought things were going amazing”
“I thought wrong…”
“This is goodbye.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“I can’t live without you.’
“What did you expect me to say?”
“Our relationship is in the past. I’m sorry.”
“I like someone else.”
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“How did you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
“I think it’s best if we don’t meet again.”
“You didn’t love me, did you?”
“I hope you're happier.”
“At least you got what you wanted”
“I was miserable and I still loved you.”
“Stop pretending. You wanted me like this… You wanted me broken and you got what you wanted.”
“We can’t keep talking. This isn’t healthy.”
“It’s best if we stop talking… like forever.”
“You're not the same person I fell in love with.”
“You don’t own me.”
“You act like everything is fine when it’s not!”
“Can we not argue for once.”
“Not now. Not even in a million years. I would ever think to give you another chance.”
“I fell for your lies again, and now I’m not anymore.”
“I was nothing to you. I was only a toy for you to manipulate and I fell for it.”
“Why wouldn’t you admit to everything! This was all your fault.”
“I hate you.”
“I despise you.”
“You were my ride or die.”
“I don’t fall in love. I don’t want to be loved or love someone else.”
“If I leave you know you would never see me again.”
“I deserve better.”
“You were my first and would be my last.”
“Don’t – Don’t make me fall in love again.”
“You know we can’t..”
“I know this is random and we haven’t talked in awhile.. But can you stay with me one more night and just forget about everything.”
“It was indeed. The wrong place the wrong time”
“Good for you!”
“Why can’t you be happy for me for once?”
“We shouldn’t be together anymore. I’m supposed to hate you.”
“How could I be so oblivious..”
“Why did I even think I could be enough for you.”
“I needed to hold you once more.”
“I don’t understand.. Wha- what are you saying..”
“I don’t want to say something I’ll regret later.”
“Don’t bother to call me when you need something later.”
“I didn’t mean to. I was just mad..”
“Please forgive me.”
“Why are you suddenly coming back into my life after I just started to do good.”
“Do you not understand the words ‘I’m done’.”
“Haha! You think I love you? That’s pathetic.”
Here’s some storyline ideas. You can decide if you want it angst or fluff or whatever! I don’t mind if you take this ideas. You don’t need to credit just a tag, so I could read it! Would be great!
All the promises were already broken. 
Just one more night with no feelings, nothing. After that we forget.
Reader finds out their relationship was nothing, but a lie.
He wanted her back. She moved on. 
Even after breaking up. They still find ways back to each other.
He manipulated her and she fell for it.
They are toxic for each other. But always end up in bed with each other.
He wanted her back but she isn’t giving him another chance.
He left her and she still wanted him back.
They were never meant to be and they knew that. They just can’t let each other go.
She just wanted to be enough for him, but he didn’t care.
He cheated and she found out. Now he realized he can’t live without her.
He didn’t deserve her. But her love for him is stronger.
They thought they had something. But then decided it was best if they stopped seeing each other.
She always forgave him, but this time she didn’t.
How could you be in love with someone who is always mad at you. She knew it was best if she just left. But after everything they've been through it wasn’t going to be easy.
She couldn’t love him as much as she wanted to. It was forbidden to sleep with someone you worked for. But she couldn’t help but ignore the rule.
He was such a fool for letting her into his life. But maybe it was the best thing to happen to him.
They broke up, but they can’t live without each other.
Their relationship was fragments of the past, but deep down their love was still stronger than ever. What happens when they meet again?
She thought things were going amazing. Well she thought wrong.
He got what he wanted and he was happy. Meanwhile she was still broken and miserable.
Their relationship was amazing at the start. But over time the person that she fell in love with wasn’t the same.
After years of talking. They decided it was best if they stopped. Maybe it actually didn’t stop in the end.
He didn’t listen and thought everything was fine. She knew everything wasn’t fine and just wanted him to listen.
She despised him. He was arrogant and only cared about himself. That was until he gave her a ride home.
She didn’t want to fall in love with him again until his touch made her do the one thing she didn’t want to do ‘fall in love again’.
They stopped talking, but he called her wanting just one more night to forget about everything.
No denying they loved each other. But this was their third breakup. It was just best if she left for good.
He was her first love and would be her last. (either she could meet someone else or something!)
He didn't care about any girls and most importantly. He didn’t fall in love. That was until he saw her and his whole life changed.
She knew he was pretending and she wasn’t falling for it.
After years of dating they finally said the 3 words. ‘I love you’
Maybe being snowed in wasn’t so bad after all.
He didn’t seem to understand the words ‘I’m done.’ If they were done, why was she in his bed again.
After years of apologizing. Apology accepted.
After she said don’t ‘bother calling when you need something’. Turns out it was her in the end calling for something.
Maybe jealousy is something that can reunite the flame that was lost.
He was jealous and she didn’t care.
She didn’t trust him. Until one night when drinks got the best of her, and waking up on his couch realized how wrong she was.
She thought he didn’t love her. Until he showed her how much he did.
He didn’t understand that she was breaking up with him. She wanted so badly to say no. But her desires got the best of her.
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mkarchin713 · 6 months
DP x DC prompt 2
It didn’t matter how fast any of them ran the Black Flash was hot on their tails.
Being caught meant death, escaping meant life.
So they would run.
They would run and outpace death
None of them were ready to die yet
Danny was getting even more annoyed.
He had spent the last three hours listening to Clockwork passive aggressively complain about the Speedsters (Again!).
So he decided the only responsible thing he, as the Ghost King, could do was send Black Flash out to drag them all in and force them to listen to Clockworks complaining too.
They were the cause, they should suffer with him.
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saraswritingtipps · 8 days
„I love you but i Can’t“ Prompts
"I love you, but I can't ignore the fact that our dreams are pulling us in different directions."
"I love you, but I can't overlook the ways in which we bring out the worst in each other."
"I love you, but I can't ignore the red flags that keep popping up."
"I love you, but I can't keep pretending that everything is okay when it's not."
"I love you, but I can't ignore the growing distance between us."
"I love you, but I can't deny that our relationship has become toxic."
"I love you, but I can't keep pretending that I'm happy when I'm not."
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sas-soulwriter · 8 months
Writing Promts
"Every writer knows it, a writer's block sets in, and you feel completely paralyzed. Whenever I feel that, I google for some good prompts and try to make something out of them. Here are some easy ones I found.
Write about a vivid childhood memory. Describe the sights, sounds, and emotions you experienced.
Imagine you wake up one day with a superpower. What is it, and how do you use it?
Write a letter to your future self. What advice would you give, or what questions would you ask?
Describe your ideal day from start to finish. What would you do, where would you go, and who would you spend it with?
Create a short story that begins with the sentence: "It was a dark and stormy night…"
Write a conversation between two strangers who meet on a long train journey. What do they talk about?
Explore the life of a book on a library shelf. What does it witness, and how does it feel about being there?
Imagine a world where animals can talk. Write a dialogue between a human and their pet.
Write a poem about your favorite season and the feelings it evokes in you.
Choose a painting, photograph, or piece of artwork and write a story inspired by it.
Describe a place you've never been to but have always wanted to visit. What draws you to this place?
Write a story that starts with the line: "The door creaked open, revealing a room filled with secrets."
Write a monologue from the perspective of an elderly person reflecting on their life.
Create a dialogue between two characters who have very different worldviews. How do they clash or find common ground?
Write about a random object you see in your immediate surroundings, giving it a backstory and significance.
Imagine you are a detective investigating a mysterious disappearance. Describe your thought process and discoveries.
Write a letter of apology from a fictional character to another character for something they did in the past.
Write a humorous story about a misadventure during a family vacation.
Describe a moment when you felt truly inspired and motivated. What led to that feeling, and what did you do as a result?
Write a scene where a character receives a surprising and life-changing piece of news. How do they react?
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whydon-twego · 1 year
It is nothing new that brigands are encountered when returning from the hunt, nor is it new to be attacked by a witch in the middle of the woods, much less is it new that Merlin sacrifices himself for Arthur by throwing himself between Arthur and the witch. What is new is that this time the blow was aimed precisely at Merlin and no one expected it. "You are a liar, Emrys, a liar who has turned his back on us and you will suffer for it"
And the witch disappears.
Arthur is at her side immediately and the knights search for the witch's rags but there is nothing they can do, she has disappeared.
"Why did she have it in for you? And who the hell is Emrys?"
"I don't know. She must have confused me with someone else."
The lie comes easy to him, as always, without even having to think about it, but an incredible pain spreads in his chest and prevents him from breathing for several seconds.
"Merlin! Merlin, are you all right?"
"Yes" more agonizing pain "No! No, I'm not good!" the pain disappears.
Merlin breathes, thinks back to the woman's words and a blind fear takes hold of him.
Arthur looks at him.
"You're a turnip-head"
"I don't feel like joking right now, Merlin. Let us return to the castle at once and go to Gaius, we must understand what has happened to you."
Merlin cannot lie. And the curse, according to Gaius, can only get worse and cause more pain, even death. Apparently, only the truth can save Merlin, even if the truth can get him burnt at the stake.
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mmdefenderte · 2 months
(I was scrolling through random tumblr posts on Pinterest, like a heathen, when I got an idea for a story!)
Through no fault of his own, -Whether it's due to a willing (or forced) vacation, an on purpose wish, maybe some sort of artifact has come into his possession, etc- Danny has become... a beaver.
Summers about to start, thankfully, so he doesn't mind too much- in fact, this was the most interesting thing to happen in a while!
Who knows? For however long this lasted, it could even be fun! So, after figuring out how to let Jazz and his friends know what was going on, he heads off on his newest adventure!
First things first, though- before he can actually explore this new semi-aquatic way of life, he needs somewhere to stay. It's not like he can stay in a hotel during his explorations, now, can he? There's only one problem: no matter where he goes, in any city he goes to, theres always a bunch of strange looking weirdos that try to stop him, or somehow end up getting in his way!
(Little does danny know -let alone any of the heroes or villains- that he can change back if he wants to, but he'll only be able to do that after he finishes his dam.)
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flamingpudding · 3 months
That's our baby hero
Protective Amity Park Au but maybe not like you would think?
Danny's identity wasn't as hidden as Sam, Tucker, Jazz and him thought. His identity was an open secret, in fact his whole town knew that Danny was their hero Phantom, well everyone but his oblivious parents but they were a case of their own. The thing was his entire town knew about his oh so big secret identity and that he was the one trying to save them from ghosts 90% of the time as well as from his own parents crazy inventions at times.
Dash shoving him into lockers like a bully? Danny didn't look good and Dash tried in crude ways to give him reasons to skip classes to rest. It also later was a good move to hide him from snoopy government agents also known as the Guys in White or GIW for short. Really his bullying played perfectly into him finding creative ways to get Danny to skip classes for rest.
Valerie hunting him and other ghosts? Well she was hunting him in the very beginning, but then it became an attempt to make him stop fighting the ghosts on their behalf but in the end it turned into her trying her best to be the support to him that Sam and Tucker couldn't be in a fight. Let alone taking 'night shifts' from him so Danny could get at least a good nights rest every now and then.
Sam's parents the Mansons? Sure they didn't like him that much from the start anyway but most of their anger later stemmed from the danger their daughter was willingly get into to help their reckless teenhero that shouldn't be a hero at his age anyway. Let alone shoulder the responsible for their entire town at the age of 14.
Tuckers parents? They were glad any time Danny stayed over with their son, even attempting to subtitle convince the boys to have more sleepovers at their home. Surely being a hero with ghost powers and living in a house of ghost hunting parents wasn't easy on Danny. They were glad that they could give him some peace at their home. They willingly ignored it when Danny showed up late night in Tuckers room, getting patched up by their son.
The entire town apparently hating him with all these negative newspapers and comments? All fake in a desperate attempt to get the 14 years old teenager with a bad sleeping schedule and powers to stop risking his damned life, half-life. Surely if they appeared not thankful the kid would get the hint and stop playing hero. Like seriously he was a kid! Who's bright idea was it to let a kid fight these dangerous appearing ghosts?! Oh right the poor kids parents were incompetent when it came to ghost hunting and it wasn't like they could just up and do it without destroying the kids confidence. Plus the GIW were no help either.
Vlad becoming Mayor was not exactly their plan but they thought maybe they could use that as some help to convince Danny more that he didn't need to play hero for them just because he got powers now. That didn't turn out like they hoped and THAT plan was dismissed quickly. Especially when the GIW showed up. They learned their lesson sort of quickly after that, at least when it came to people from out of Amity did not mean well.
Lancer, at first when Danny first showed up as Phantom, had attempted to get into contact with the Justice League several times, so that Danny would actually get the professional help he needed and get some sleep at night as well as the time he needed for his schooling so that heroing wouldn't be the only career path he would be forced into. The additional point of getting the kid training too for his powers was also very tempting, there are only so many chemical breakers they could allow the him to break before they HAD to sort of ban him from touching them again.
But when the GIW appeared in their town they stopped trying to reach the Justice League. Suspecting that that was the answer they sent in regards to their SOS calls. Amity Parks protectiveness over their teenheroes that sacrificed to much skyrocketed. They started to sabotage the Agents subtitle. Always working within the limits of the orders and finding the loop holes.
"Oh but we did comply, not our fault that you guys tripped and let Phantom escape."
"Wupp, sorry I got that from the Fentons for self defence, but it looks like I need to work on my aim."
"I am so sorry, my car is stuck! See my tire is popped I can't get out of your vans way."
The fact that Amity Parks weather report was more a report on the ghosts, the Fenton parents and the GIW was all a tactic for them all to keep each other informed so they could execute any step to ensure their -by now- towns sweethearts safety. Even if they still tried to turn the poor kid away from being a hero with all the unnecessary mean comments and articles.
So when one day a hero from the Justice League showed up it was predictable that they all were suspicious of it. Even more so when that hero came with a bunch of teenage heroes. Apparently they were here to investigate a bunch of ignored calls one of the teenheroes found in their call logs. Some of the adults eyed Lancer who in turn was glaring at the heroes fessed up, he hadn't attempted to call them ever since they decided to sent the GIW into their town. Which apparently was more of a cover as these heroes showed an interest in the Fentons research of Ectoplasm pretty quickly.
Well now Batman and his flock of bats and birds were confronted with a very unhappy town that was apparently very protective of their hero and 'accidentally' continued to manage to block them from making contact with said teenhero. And who where these Guys in white suits that tried to suck it up to Batman? Better question why was the entire town suddenly hostile towards them when they started to look into the Fenton Family that had a connection to Lazarus Water?
Meanwhile Danny is confused by his towns newfound favouritism towards Batman and his entourage and how whenever he went to find out what was that about everyone seems to deflect. Even Sam, Tucker and Jazz were confused by what was going on!
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dolcepuccino · 11 days
all the charlos authors, may i have your attention please? i honestly write for my own pleasure and since english isn’t my first language, i never publish my writings. but here’s what i truly hope i could caught charlos’ authors and here’s the prompt:
charles is the only non wag (obvi bc he’s a guy), he’s the only male partner on the paddock and his bf is none other than carlos, he’s the f1 driver for ferrari. the f1 tv shoots his face and shows his name and also the carlos sainz’s partner is also there babyyy
carlos wins in monaco gp, despite the thrill and adrenaline he goes to the crowd of his team, charles is in the middle of them. but smitten as he is in real life, he’s always so soft to charles and call him baby (in the middle of the crowd, duh bro is a loverboy). charles is proud of him and congratulate him
and ya’ll remember the photo charles kissed charlotte at singapore gp? i imagine how charles is in charlotte’s place and carlos is in his place, yea ofc they shared a kiss after carlos just won and the photo surfaced all over internet they got criticized since they’re gays, charles gets anxious but eventually overcome with the whole situation
but whoops that’s just a dream. in this universe charles a piano teacher and carlos is an automobile manufactures ceo. charles wakes up feeling happy with the dream. carlos asks what was he dreaming about and listen to charles enthusiastically, charles melts at that as he told his dream excitedly to carlos (this one is optional)
but it’s up to ya’ll, i’m so stoked on charles and charlotte kissing pic at singapore gp and what if it’s charles and carlos instead 🥹 i’m literally praying an author would make fic out of this prompt bc it’s so sad to see charlos ao3 isn’t growing with a complete fics. just a one shot, you’ll make my day 🤍
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apparentlytheproblem · 3 months
Hii hope you are having a nice nice day! I saw this post of yours and fell soo in love https://www.tumblr.com/apparentlytheproblem/739333103408037888/e-n-e-m-i-e-s-t-o-l-o-v-e-r-s-t-r-o-p-e-p-r-o?source=share can you possibly please try something similar for exs to lovers? Thank you!
s e c o n d c h a n c e t r o p e - p r o m p t l i s t
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I'm so sorry it took this long but here you are, these are prompt lists which im so excited to do and share in the future and i hope my list only grows :)
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-ˏˋ. dialogue ˊˎ-
"After all this time, i still love you."
"And if my wishes came true, it would've been you."
"Don't give me a reason to leave."
"History repeats itself only because we didn't listen the first time."
"If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you."
"I just wanna be yours"
"I like you now, just the way you are."
"I Love You, and it's because I love you, that I can't help but be a little bit selfish." 
"I missed you. i really miss you and i need you back to me, back with me."
"I will never willingly leave you."
"I will save you." "You let me drown last time"
“I wanna make you mine so bad.” “then do it..”
"Love me. chose me. for once in your damned life, fight for me!"
"Loving you is ruining my life."
"Love is a choice. All i want is you to make the right one."
"Tulips, they're still your favourite right?"
“What the hell are you doing.”
"You are my mistake to make."
"You knew that i didn't have a choice."
“You've fallen in love with me once, you can again. Please."
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piratefishmama · 3 months
don't know about you but professional hugger Eddie and touch starved Steve absolutely reeks of some Robin Buckley meddling to me
Oh, she's Steves office workplace buddy and ABSOLUTELY got Eddie's details from her girlfriend Chrissy, Eddie's bestie.
The meddling would be STRONG in this lmal
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mkarchin713 · 6 months
DP Prompt 1
Everyone in the Zone knew Phantom was an odd fellow.
He always acted like he knew everyone, even when it was their first meeting.
He never stuck around long, sometimes centuries would pass without anyone seeing him.
He always seemed eager to fight, in fact he usually assumed other ghosts wanted to fight him.
So when he started bogarting a permanent portal 24/7 everyone was a bit confused, but at least now he was staying in one spot long enough to regularly visit him, now all the younger ghosts can visit him for training.
TLDR: thanks to time travel shenanigans all of Danny’s rogues think he’s much older than them and don’t realize he’s a baby ghost.
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