#poor odysseus
elianzis · 18 days
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animal therapy after underworld
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seasicksilver · 3 months
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bros being bros
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Circe: I can’t send you home but I know this dead prophet who might be able to help so you’re gonna have to take a little trip to the underworld :)
Odysseus “I miss my wife so much please let me go home” of Ithaca:
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Still reading the Odyssey. How have I never seen anyone bring up a headcanon that Odysseus becomes scared shitless of the ocean after finally coming home to Ithaca? I'm talking mental-breakdown inducing phobia.
The man has spent TEN YEARS lost at sea. Each time he reached land, Poseidon was here to try to drown him. His twelve ships with six hundred men sunk. And later on, when Alcinoos' men sailed him back to Ithaca, Poseidon sunk that ship too. It just never ends. Odysseus has seen hundreds of men, friends, die at sea, he's been whipped by waves, choked by salt, he faced Charybdis on his own, nearly drowned more times than he can count, all of this to finally reach home knowing his journey has drowned hundreds of innocent people.
I'm telling you he'd never heal from that shit. After he finally reclaims the throne of Ithaca, maybe Telemachus mentions that some of his father's old friends are still waiting for news of him, that Nestor has no idea he managed to go home and that Menelaus weeps whenever he thinks of him.
So Odysseus agrees to follow his son to Pylos and Sparta, having to sail across the sea once again, and although the trip goes smoothly it's a living nightmare for Odysseus. The moment the ship departs, he prays Poseidon with all his might, begging him to spare his son. He can't stop puking and crying, choking on his own erratic breath, hallucinating and going paranoid. For a few days Telemachus really thinks he's fallen ill. The trip back is just as terrible and Telemachus has no idea how to comfort his father or to make him understand that the seas are safe for him now, as well as for all the people who travel with him.
Yet another reason why Odysseus needs to spend the rest of his life in a Penelope/Diomedes sandwich hug, I rest my case.
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"Everything's changed since Polites" was a warcrime
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winters0689 · 15 days
Gotta feel bad for Epic The Musical Odysseus because he did NOT get warned about eating Helios’s cows and instead got a vague (if incredibly catchy sounding) prophecy song that made him spiral.
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dootznbootz · 4 months
Menelaus rambles a lot about not only Helen, but also Hermione. About how she used to say Olive like "Olifs". How she lost her first tooth running too fast and running into a low branch while out with Helen. How he'd sometimes wake up to Hermione leaning over him and poking his face to say, "Dad, can we go see the horses?" even though it was barely daylight. How she was much nicer waking Helen and how he thinks Hermione did that on purpose because she found "dad's face funny". How her favorite color was every color.
And Odysseus listens.
And he thinks about how his son only had a few teeth coming in when he left, teething on everything. How he could only say one syllable with his babbles. How his son needed balance to stand but Odysseus was so proud that Telemachus was very good at rolling over. How his son loved pulling at his and Penelope's hair.
How his son would be talking, walking, maybe even lost his first tooth by now. And he doesn't even know if he'll ever know his son's favorite color.
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sea-owl · 4 months
Who remembers my post where Colin got jealous of a man who came to call on Penelope? It was the post I introduced Marquess Odysseus Rose.
Here's the AO3 link for it because I can't find the tumblr one link
Well I just had a thought of what if we drop Felicity into this au too.
Felicity sees this lord coming to seduce her sister away, and she is about damn near has heart failure. Penelope laughs at something Odysseus says, and Felicity has to fight the urge to run out of the house and track down Colin. She won't because someone has to stay here and protect her sister. She does not trust their mama to not scheme and it would take a natural disaster or a gambling bet to pull their father away from his newspaper.
So Felicity instead does not give them space. She sits as close as she possibly can to Penelope without gaining the attention of their mama while Penelope and Odysseus discuss those new fairytale collectors who call themselves the Brothers Grimm.
Thank all that was holy that marquess did not stay long. But did he have to kiss her sister’s hand?! Felicity felt her hackels raise. No, this man WILL NOT break up her sister and Felicity's favorite brother-in-law or future beother in law, either it does not matter he is not breaking up Pen and Colin! As soon as she watched Marquess Rose drive off in his carriage, Felicity took off sprinting across the street.
The Bridgerton butler, Humboldt, open the door. "Miss Featherington, Miss Hyacinth isn't here at the moment but I can-"
"I'm here to see Colin!" Felicity blurted out, trying to catch her breath.
Humboldt stared at the ten year old girl for one moment then two.
"Please its important."
Just as she was afraid he was going to deny her the butler let her in and had her wait in one of the drawing rooms.
Felicity for herself pace. Colin needed to hurry up that marquess could be thinking up ways to ruin her sister at this very moment! Colin needs to go court Penelope more than he ever has before! Should they get flowers? Yes, flowers are always nice!
"Felicity what's wrong-"
"We must make haste to the florist!" Felicity declared, trying to push Colin out the door he just came in.
"We must get something beautiful! But no yellow!" Felicity pauses. "AND NO ROSES!" Can't have Penelope associating the flowers with that stupid marquess.
Colin turned around, grabbing hold of Felicity's shoulders he kneeled down so they were eye level. "Felicity what is going on? Why do we need to go to a florist?"
Felicity huffed. Could he not ask on their way to the florist? "Marquess Odysseus Rose," Felicity spat the name, "has called upon Penelope yet again! He will not leave us alone and he is trying to take my sister away! Mama has hinted marriage between him and Penelope and we can not allow that to happen!"
Colin froze before Felicity finished her sentence. "Marquess Rose was at your house today?"
"Yes!" Felicity cried frustrated. "We can not allow him to put court you for Penelope's hand! Now make haste to the florist!"
Colin stiffly stood. "Yes, let's. Perhaps we'll also stop at the bookstore and maybe get Penelope a new handkerchief as well."
"Oh yes!" Felicity agreed, taking Colin's offered arm like she would do with one of her sisters. "Something with a pretty lace border!"
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horse and the infant is so funny in hindsight to me. odysseus is straight up begging on his knees to not have to kill the infant, but zeus completely pushes him into a corner, including but not limited to outright saying that the gods will make his heritage known if they must.
then as soon as he does it becomes “wowww, look at this guy. dropped a baby from a wall. what a scumbag. (curses him) (curses him) (curses him)”
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pinkrangersarah · 2 months
circe: i know a great prophet--
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circe: thing is he's dead
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aaronofithaca05 · 2 months
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Is this Ithaca???????
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Going home (570 th time)
I'm lost in Spain (6 th time)
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What it's like reading about the Odyssey in a nutshell:
"Hah! looks like some karma coming towards Odysseus for his actions, the guy had it coming"
"Okay, I think that's enough"
"Yeah hahah okay but seriously please stop"
"That's enough consequences-"
"I think he's got the point-"
"This is starting to become overkill-"
"For god's sake leave the poor man alone!"
"Now that was just unnecessary!"
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rubynrut · 15 days
I just realize i never properly draw telemachus
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unsightlythinker · 3 months
You’re Odysseus, of course you have divinely-induced trauma and epithets.
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Monster's orchestration is the inverted minor version of Open Arms. Odysseus is undoing what Polites taught him. 🥲
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tenorhobbit · 21 days
The Odyssey: otherwise known as “Odysseus and His Opps” or “Odysseus and the very bad no good horrible boat trip” or if you will, “Poseidon gets Pretty Mad at Local King of Ithaca”
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