#oops typo!
sfsolstice · 2 months
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Emily Dickinson, from The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
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amazonjobs51 · 1 month
Amazon job Work from Home Part Time & Full Time Jobs
Dreaming of a job that lets you work with makeup? Look no further! Join our team as remote staff to package makeup items for Amazon. Great pay and the flexibility of remote work. This is job only for USA. ✅Here are all details
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delora-draws · 1 year
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remembered this post and thought of them
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l3viat8an · 2 months
Pervert best friend Satan with a super sweet (secretly a bit of a pervert too) reader do you see the vision 🙏
I see the vision nonnie 🤭
CW: pervy thoughts, teasing each other + scent kink (kinda) not super crazy tbh-
Satan’s your best friend so it’s only natural that he recommends books to you!!!- he loves reading new books together too! so he can get your opinion ofc!
It’s just a happy crazy coincidence that the new book he chose to read together just so happen to have sex scenes where the main characters actually resemble you and him-
If you’re reading together Satan loves to watch you while you read. He can’t get enough of your flustered face or the way you subtly squeeze your thighs together when you read the sex scenes. He gets off to the thought that you know what he’s into, all because of the books he recommends.
Satan constantly pulls you to sit in his lap, it’s fine because he’s your best friend! He does it mostly in the library at RAD sometimes you even get mistaken for an actual couple!!- which makes Satan heart skip a beat until he hears you laughing it off and saying you’re ‘just friends’. or he’ll pull you into his lap when you’re sitting in the HoL living room together, he enjoys the jealous glares from his brothers when they walk by-
And you’re such a good friend that you never mention his hard cock pressing up against your ass, and Satan pretends not to notice the way you wiggle around, ‘accidentally’ grinding down on him….because in turn you love hearing loving the soft moans and cut off whimpers Satan tries so hard to hide from you.
Satan who constantly let you borrow his favorite sweater when you’re cold! He’s just being a good friend and you never need to know about how he runs back to his room and puts it on while it still smells like you….stroking his cock and pretending you’re actually doing it~
Satan insists you guys spoon and you be the little spoon- whenever you sleep over in his room or he sleeps over in yours. He just wants to be close and you don’t mind, that’s what best friends do!!
Really he just wants your ass pressed up against him and his arm wrapped around you as tight as he can over your chest- He’ll try his best to contain himself while you’re awake, but as soon as he’s sure you’re sound asleep he’ll start slowly grinding against you biting his lip to stay quiet.
The heat of your ass against his cock through your thin pajama pants while he’s rutting against you, just feels so fuckin’ good-
It’s Satan’s favorite thing to do because of how often you sleep over in each others rooms, and more then once Satan finds himself cumming in his pants wayyy too quickly…like a pathetic virgin, all because he’s so desperate for you.
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everydaylouie · 1 year
Game Idea: VR Tug of War
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nykloss · 1 year
Ditching D&D Beyond or never got it in the first place? Here's some free/pwyw resources.
Dicecloud. This online app allows you to make and track character sheets for free! It does a lot of the calculations for you, just like dnd beyond would. Best overall replacement. (Thank you, @chryslerisdead)
PWYW Class Character Sheets by Emmet Byrne. These character sheets in my opinion, are easier to fill out and harder to mess up, with class-specific features built-in. You can easily edit them digitally, and there's even multiclass/homebrew options. Slap em on Google drive or something, share with your DM, lots of options.
Point-Buy Calculator. Easily automates character stat creation if you're using the Point-Buy system.
5e Level Up Tool. Select your class, select your level, get a digestible checklist of everything you need to do to level up. This one is SO GOOD and so slept on.
5e Spellbook. A quick way to reference your spells and build a Spellbook with a ton of filters.
Encounter Calculator. I know challenge rating isn't everything, but this is a good/fast way to see how balanced your encounters are, at a glance, at least in the eyes of the source books.
RPGbot. Lots of resources for DMs and players: encounter builders, dpr calculators, and lists of player options with sample builds and optimization suggestions, which may be helpful to folks new to the game.
Bonus: Online Tools (System Agnostic)
Here.fm. This is the alternative I use instead of roll20, because it's faster/easier. Drag and drop in maps and tokens in seconds, built-in library of stickers you can use for effects, draw right on the virtual tabletop, use temporary drawings to map out moves, built-in dice rollers, and options for proximity chat. I use it in combination with discord (just have players join your here room muted), but it could be used entirely on it's own, I imagine. Not built for ttrpgs, but works incredibly well for them.
Kenku.fm. A PWYW mini browser focused on mixing and sharing music to your dnd games through whatever app you use, with helpful discord support. This app also LEGALLY bypasses the issue that got all the YouTube discord bots shut down, so you can share YouTube audio worry-free.
Additional Resources (Aka, stuff I found out about after I originally posted this):
flapkan. Holy shit, this might be the BEST character sheet option on this list! Form-fillable pdfs with fully automated built-in prompts to auto fill features and spells, built-in Point-Buy and other automated calculations, and it generates a lot for you. Can be used digitally or you can print!
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harbingersglory · 5 months
hii could i req an soft dom arlecchino x sub/fem reader?? something w a really needy whiny reader n maybe like a mommy kink or thigh riding IDK tysm for ur time !
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{☆} characters arlecchino {☆} notes drabble, fem reader, sub reader {☆} warnings 18+ content
"Slowly, doll. We're not in a rush." Arlecchino reprimands lightly, squeezing your hips with just enough force to keep you unmoving on her thigh– she was still being gentle, but the subtle warning in her tone spoke to how easily she could push you against the desk and turn you into such a mess that you couldn't even remember your own name..just that you were hers.
But the barest hint of stimulation from her slacks pressed against your throbbing cunt had you twitching, barely able to form words. All you could think about was the scorching, twisting need building in your stomach, desperation for relief slowly climbing until you'd think she was doing this on purpose to drive you mad.
"Please– 'm a good girl, right? I've been good.." You choked out, only to be met with the rough, husky laugh echoing in your ear that made you feel dizzy with a rush of need, her nails gliding along the skin of your hips as she pressed you down even more firmly– you couldn't see her face but it was easy to imagine the crooked smile twisting her lips at the way you inhaled sharply and tried to buck against her thigh.
"Shh. I know, doll. I've got you, just relax." She murmured in that sickly sweet tone that always had your knees buckling, the raspiness of her voice sending shivers down your spine. It was almost impossible to relax with her so close, the notes of metal lingering on her skin despite how well she presents herself– but you trusted her, despite how you know you shouldn't.
"There we go. Good girl." Arlecchino's grip on your hips loosened just enough for you to move if you so wished, and oh did it take every ounce of restraint to not do just that..she hadn't said you were allowed to, and you weren't about to spoil her good mood by being a brat. Not tonight, anyway. "Do you want to cum, doll?"
The fervent nod you offer in place of words draws a laugh from her lips, one that is almost mocking, making your face flush in embarrassment– but the sudden tap against your hip makes your mind go blank to the point you forget it all together, focused only on the feeling of her thigh rubbing against your cunt as you bucked against her thigh, the fabric slick and wet against your inner thighs. You'd have half the heart to be embarrassed about that, too, if not for the sudden brush of her thumb against your aching, neglected clit. Just that small touch has you speeding up your movements, practically drooling as you whimpered like a dog in heat.
"That's more like it, doll. Such a pretty girl." Arlecchino hummed, her other hand trailing up your stomach, between the valley of your breasts and ghosting across your throat before settling on grabbing your jaw in a firm, yet almost tender touch as she tilted your head to the side just enough for her to pull you into a burning kiss. It left you lightheaded, grinding down against her thigh as she claimed your mouth as her own, her thumb still ghosting over your clit sporadically.
She'd spent so long teasing you, constantly touching you but never where you needed her, that you already felt like you were going to snap like a wire. She must've been in a really good mood, then, when she pulled away from the kiss with an almost predatory lick of her lips, yet she settled on pressing kisses to your skin rather then the usual sharp bite of her teeth as they sunk into the curve of your shoulder.
"Are you close? Go on. I want to see your face when you cum– you look the prettiest when you finally break apart, doll." Arlecchino mused idly– as if she wasn't talking to you while you continued to rub your aching cunt against her thigh, chasing your own release through shaky, strained breaths. Her thumb swiped over your lips, brushing strands of hair stuck to your skin from your face– at the same time as she swiped her thumb more firmly against your clit, creating a vicious contrast that had you both melting at the barest hint of almost softness from her and the touch of her hand between your legs, dragging you into an orgasm that leaves you trembling and, had she not shoved her fingers into your mouth, screaming, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.
"All done, little doll. Take it easy." She murmured, voice so quiet you almost didn't hear it, thumb swiping across your cheek to wipe away the stray tear, her hands pulling away to settle on your sides. "You did well– good girl. Let me take it from here."
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belethlegwen · 6 months
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mathildejr · 4 months
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going back to gouache after about 10 years of leaving it alone 👀 here's Mariam as a kid
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hejee · 10 months
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stop staring and help him 😭
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sharkgirldick · 9 months
I really like buff women. I also really like fat women.
I think it's sexy as hell when a buff woman picks up a fat woman like she's nothing. I also think it's sexy as hell when a fat woman tops a buff woman until they both cum so hard they collapse.
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sfsolstice · 2 months
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Anaïs Nin, in a letter to Henry Miller, d. March 9, 1932, from A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller, 1932-1953
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godmerlin · 2 months
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I'm just going down memory hill with looking at old photoshoots and this is the cutest one I think they ever did! Look at angel! She's stunning and sooo adorable smiling like that! Also her hair in this photoshoot just aces. Colin looking cute as always. Katie is gorg ans so smiley. Loooook at Bradley! I Just....ugh. it's so good. Chefs kisses all around. I love the whole photoshoot and should just go and post all the pics I have from it without the weird commentary. Hahaha perhaps another time. What a great cast truly award winning. I love them all so much. I already knew I was bisexual when the first episode aired but let me tell you, solidified it for me. 🤣
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korvessa · 9 months
Bojan’s obsession with the Käärijä-language.
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disastress-i-guess · 5 months
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Happy new year!... Again
Bonus Akechi because I forgot the baby I'm sorry
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Akechi's yapping under the cut.
The New Year is the time or day at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count increments by one. Many cultures celebrate the event in some manner.In the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used calendar system today, New Year occurs on January 1 (New Year's Day, preceded by New Year's Eve). This was also the first day of the year in the original Julian calendar and the Roman calendar (after 153 BC). Other cultures observe their traditional or religious New Year's Day according to their own customs, typically (though not invariably) because they use a lunar calendar or a lunisolar calendar. Chinese New Year, the Islamic New Year, Tamil New Year (Puthandu), and the Jewish New Year are among well-known examples. India, Nepal, and other countries also celebrate New Year on dates according to their own calendars that are movable in the Gregorian calendar.
An example of another new year is Chunyipai Losar, the traditional day of offering ( Dzongkha: buelwa phuewi nyim) in Bhutan. It is observed on the 1st day of the last month of the Butanese lunar calendar. This means it usually takes place in January or February in the western calendar.And this year falls on 12th of January. Some people claim that residents of Bhutan made their annual offering of grains to Zhapdrung Ngakwang Namgyel in Punakha on this day. The Trongsa Penlop is said to have led the representatives of eight eastern regions in their offerings, as the Paro Penlop coordinated the people of western Bhutan and the Darkar Ponlop oversaw the people of the south. In this regard, some people place a great significance on this New Year as a marker of Bhutan’s sovereignty and solidarity. However, some scholars contest that no clear evidence of such practice exists. In any case, many feel that before Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal’s unified Bhutan as a state, the local population in some of Bhutan’s valleys celebrated this day as a New Year. As a result, even the government instituted by Zhabdrung in the 17th century, then largely a monastic court, saw this time as an important part of the year. The retirement and appointment of high officials in the government and the monastic body took place mainly during this New Year celebration.This New Year is primarily observed in eastern Bhutan, where it also referred to as Sharchokpé Losar, or New Year of the eastern Bhutanese. However, the observance of this New Year is not limited to eastern Bhutan and today with easy communication facilities, migration of people and intermarriages between various regions of Bhutan, people all over Bhutan observe this New Year. Like other Bhutanese seasonal festivals marking a new season, the Chunyipai Losar falls around the Winter Solstice. It also falls after the agricultural work for one season is completed and before the new harvest cycle begins. Thus, it is a seasonal celebration which is aligned well with the agrarian populace.
At the end of the day this is all inane information that the artist is using to justify the fact that they are posting this drawing 12 days late and as a means to share their culture despite the fact that the artist themselves are very out of touch with thier culture and in fact forgot that it was chunyipi losar until they were reminded by thier family and did little to observe or celebrate the day outside of baking a cake with a concerningly large amount of butter.
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runomye · 5 months
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If kingsisle isn't gonna let me see my favorite boys again, I guess i gotta draw them myself
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