#no wait I can do better. he gets yelled at by bruce (aka new father figure) for eating a corn chip off the floor and just vanishes from…
shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
Danny is just a kid ya know? Like he is just a little guy. A baby really. 14? Tiny child! Look at him, he needs to be protected. Someone has to help this poor little dude. I mean he forgets to use his own powers to avoid attacks all the time.
Anyway cut to Batfam not knowing all of Dannys power set cause the lil dingus keeps forgetting he can do that stuff in the heat of battle.
Danny uses his invisibility all the time… to avoid being followed. But in a fight? Oopsies hes too busy thinking of funny one liners to realise he could do that.
Intangibility? Give the guy a break. I mean who calls themselves condiment king. Even he was stunned.
He so rarely actually uses his biggest advantage powers that the League doubt he actually has them. He, like any naive child, trusts them and reported fully on his power set. Instead of just asking him to demonstrate his powers they instead start watching him and try to find evidence of his powers.
At least they know duplication was true since they watched him make a copy of himself to go to the bathroom and not miss any of his fav tv show.
#danny phantom#dp x dc#dpxdc#im 100% here for danny using his powers for stupid shit and not the important battle stuff#this post wasn’t meant to be like this so I guess heres for you guys who read my stupid tags#I was gonna have the batfam adopt danny after a reveal and just not know all the crazy stuff he can do#they think they got him figured out then at the manner he does something like seep into the floor to get his forgotten school bag#or he turns invisible cause he got caught parnking and bruce is talking to him and steph but he just dips#no wait I can do better. he gets yelled at by bruce (aka new father figure) for eating a corn chip off the floor and just vanishes from…#… from getting surprised. meanwhile bruce is like!?!?!?!!?#just imagine them going crazy because they have no idea his powerset and they thought they did#his new siblings make a game of it#they get on missions and keep asking danny to do more and more impossible stuff just to see if he will reveal a new power#hey danny go scope out the area but make sure you arent seen ok#and hes like sure thing fam and goes invisible and intangible#doesn’t think to just take out the baddies and returns to them with a full floor plan and locatikn of all the baddies and drugs#like wtf#hey danny think you can do anything about that generator? and hes like sure thing fam and then freezes it#danny bro this guy is out of control! little help? and danny just walks up to the guy and overshadows him and handcuffs himself#brother daniel I dint think we can get in but theres a small hole here in the wall#would you be able to do anything about that? and instead of just walking thru the wall danny shifts his body and goes thru the hole#as if he had no bones and became liquid#the game gets intense and breaks bruce so he gives in first (yes he was playkng too) and just asks danny to show them his powers#he will say some shit like ‘ah hey chum think you can show us all your abilities? that was we can coordinate better in the field.’#dannys just like ‘yea daddio sure thing’ then proceeded to show off his entire move set minus wail until bruce showed him a chamber…#… that could ‘with stand’ his power (spoiler he destroyed that fucking toom lmao)#ok my spaghetti rings and meatballs have been done for a while and juliet is trying to eat them out the microwave so hopefully these tags#fed yall goobers#man I should have just made a second post lmao#stood in the kitchen too long typing and they got cold
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dork-empress · 3 years
Singing in the Dead of Night
Damian Wayne meets a new masked persona in Gotham, and everyone has to adjust to her.
AKA I have a lot of headcanons about Lucy Quinzel and I'm making it other people's problem.
I want it up front that I haven't read these comics, just a lot of wiki pages and tiktoks. If there's a fun thing in the comics you can tell me, but this is my own version of this universe and these characters.
This is going to be the main story, but I may do some offshoots. If you want to subscribe, chapters are also posted on my Ao3 (link in my description).
“You need to take things less seriously.”
Damian looked up, looked down, and then looked back just to be sure it was really his father who asked. It was hard to tell sometimes if your superhero father had been replaced or possessed or something. “Are you serious? YOU’RE telling me that?”
“That should enforce to you how dire the situation is.” Bruce said, leaning back in his chair. “You’re still a kid,”
“I’m 15,” Damian said, then thought about his varied adventures, “Technically…”
“My point exactly,” Bruce said, turning a page on his crime reports, “You should enjoy being a kid, for a while.”
“Oh, did you enjoy being 15?” Damian said, and maybe that was a low blow, but if Bruce wasn’t ready for him to call him out he...shouldn’t have made him upset. Hmm.
Bruce looked up and stared into his soul, and Damian worried he might have stepped in it a bit. He backed up a step in case. Bruce took a deep breath, looking at him. “My childhood was stolen from me, but I at least had one. As did all the other Robins. You’re not responsible for what happened to you,but I think you could use some time. I couldn’t offer you a childhood then, and I can hardly do that now, I know, but I can do what I can.”
“And what are you doing?” Damian asked, narrowing his eyes.
“You’re suspended from Robin duties.”
“WHAT?!” Damian exploded, getting in his face. “What are you talking about?!”
Bruce didn’t flinch, “Until the Wayne Manor Christmas Party,” Bruce said, “I’ve called Tim and he’s willing to cover for you until then.”
“He doesn’t NEED to cover me,” Damian snarled, “I’m right here! I’m not injured, or dead, or ANYTHING I just--WHY?”
“I told you,” Bruce said, “You need to find other...hobbies, or form connections or SOMEthing. Anything other than the lifestyle. You have two months, you’ll live.”
Damian curled his fists, shaking, but had no more arguments. “You’re the WORST!” He said, and went off to his rooms.
The room was left in stony silence for a moment. Alfred came in, changing out Bruce’s cup of tea. “You don’t actually expect that to work, do you?”
“Not really, no,” Bruce said, “But he’ll be out of my hair for a little bit.”
Alfred was very dignified and so did not snort. But it was close.
Damian went out at night, saying he was off with a friend. Best to keep things vague, but if Bruce pressed, he’d say he was with Jon, and could probably bully Jon into vouching for him.
He dressed all in black, jumping from the rooftops, looking for trouble. There was usually plenty of it in Gotham. He just had to avoid the Bat Signal hanging in the sky and he’d be fine.
He heard a crash and looked down. Jewelry store robbery. Perfect.
He jumped down to ground level and approached the broken in window, taking out his sword. “Anyone in here, it’s better to surrender now,”
Of course, because it was Gotham, he wasn’t met by a normal jewel thief. No, instead, what approached him was a small walking orange balloon animal dog.
Because of course it was.
With an act first, think later attitude, he stabbed at it. He regretted it instantly as it let out some sort of opaque gas, the effects of which he didn’t want to find out. He pulled his shirt up over his mouth in hopes of preventing himself breathing too much in.
“Oh wow,” a voice said behind him, “Are you Robin?”
Damian whipped around and scowled. The gas was obscuring whoever was there, but the silhouette seemed like something of a ballerina. Why couldn’t one criminal just be normal?
He jumped back, ready to attack, but she didn’t fight him. “I’m not Robin,” he said, “I’m…” he didn’t think of another name. Ugh, this was more complicated than it needed to be.
“Huh,” she said, heading over to the display case, “This city sure has a lot of teenage ninja fighters, doesn’t it? Is ninja appropriative? Hmm, will have to think on that.”
She picked up a diamond ring from the display case and headed for the door. “Put that down!” Damian yelled at her, lifting his sword up.
“What, are you going to kill me for one ring?” She said, holding it, “Kinda overkill, don’t you think, Blackbird?”
Damian put his sword up to her, blocking the exit. “I’m not going to kill you, I’m just going to stop you,” he said, determined, but then her words sank in. “Blackbird?”
“Well, I’ve got to call you something, isn’t that how these superhero fights all go?” She stepped forward out of the fog, a girl about his age with a white painted face, lips painted into a heart, and bright orange and pink eyeshadow. “I’m Commedia, the hero of funny, the dancing clown, the laughing knight, etc etc.” she said, “im still working on my name too.”
She did a fancy twirl, getting out of range of Damian’s sword, which he countered to block her from the entrance again. “Oh, you like to dance?” she said.
“Clown, huh?” he said, staring her down, “You work for the joker?”
She laughed, high pitched and sweet, “Very much no,” she said, twirling again through the store, “Though I understand the confusion. No, Joker is...well, a joke. He’s not even registered in the clown registry.”
“There’s a clown registry?” He swung his sword.
This time, it came to a stop, with a matching jingle. He frowned, and saw it was a tambourine that the woman had lifted and stopped the sword like a shield.
He stared at the girl, Commedia, in stunned silence. She smiled brightly at him. “Well, this has been fun. But I really ought to head out. Raincheck on that dance, Blackbird.”
With a spin and a jump, she made it past him and rushed out the door, throwing a pink flower behind. A gas filled up the room in her wake, obscuring the view. Damian unfortunately got a whiff before he could block his nose, but he knew a simple fog cloud scent when he smelled it.
Damian went back into the shadows before the police inevitably arrived. It did seem below his paygrade, fighting someone who only stole a single diamond ring. But it was even stranger for that fact. A strangely dressed clown woman engaging in very strange and specific crimes in Gotham screamed “beginning of a dangerous plot.”
He wanted to go in swinging as usual, then remembered that if his father heard anything about a young person with a sword threatening police, he might catch onto the fact Damian went out that night. So, he went with the subtle approach. Breaking into the jewelry store’s records.
He was glad he did. It turned out that ring in particular had a history. It had been bought, returned, bought again, and returned once more, all by the same man, a Matthew Crenshaw. A quick records search brought up that he was a simple caller at a center. Nothing special about him. But, he was tied to the ring, and that tied him to the girl, so that was his first stop.
He tracked down the apartment to find Matthew Crenshaw in the middle of a very strange day. Damien watched through the window as Matthew lay on the floor of his meager living room, looking up at Commedia herself. She held the ring out to him, offering. “Well come on, man! Take it!”
“I don’t…” he mumbled, “Who...who are you?!”
“Just call me your fairy godmother,” she said. “Come on, you said you wanted it! So take it!”
“That’s…” Matthew said, “That’s the ring that Jenny liked...that she…”
“That you said would make the perfect proposal!” She said, dancing around, “So? Here it is! Now you can propose for real!” she said, giving it to him.
He juggled it, nearly falling over. Commedia came rushing over, jumping through the window and onto the fire escape. “Alright, hands up,” Damian urged her.
She turned, smiling. “Why, Blackbird? We going on roller coaster?” She put her hands high in the air and swung around the fire escape ladder, “Weeeeee!”
Damian followed her, pointing his sword tip at her chest. “Stop,” he said, “What are you planning?”
“Well, I’m planning to go sneak up to that window up there so I can look in and see what Matty and Jenny have going on,” She said, “Wanna join--OH!”
Damian pressed his sword up to her neck. “Cut the games,” He said, “You’re up to something, I know it. So tell me.”
Commedia sighed, giving in. “Matthew doesn’t want to get married.”
“I...what?” Damian said, confused.
“Matthew Crenshaw, the guy up there,” Commedia said, “He’s a nice guy, and he cares for his girlfriend Jenny, sure. But she’s been pressuring him about getting married, even though he doesn’t really like the idea of getting married. He’s talked himself into saying that he needs the perfect ring, but when he bought it, he decided he couldn’t afford it, and gave it back. So, I got it for him.”
Damian’s scowl only deepened as she kept talking. “Who’s he to you?”
She tilted her head, confused. “He cold called me to try and offer me a deal on car insurance.”
Damian put down the sword. He just. She said it so sincerely. “Who ARE you?” He demanded, now out of confusion more than anger.
She smiled brightly once more. “Why, I’m Commedia! The hero clown, the dancing--”
“Yeah, you said all that before, but like,” He sighed, “Why?”
Commedia’s smile fell down to something simple and kind. She offered a hand to him.
Hesitant, curious, and just...confused, he took it.
She led him to the other window, where they saw Jenny walking through the door. She gasped and ran to Matthew. “Oh, Matt! Matt, yes! Yes, I do, I do, I never thought this day would come! Oh gosh, I gotta call my mom, I’ve got a few dresses all picked out. You’ll see, it’ll be a huge party with everyone we know and-”
“Jenny,” he said, “Jenny wait, I...you know I don’t...I’m not comfortable with crowds and...and I don’t--
“But it’s MY DAY!” Jenny wailed, “You wouldn’t take MY day from me, would you?”
“C’mon,” Commedia muttered.
“Please, Jen,” Matt continued, “Look it’s just...if, if we did get married, shouldn’t--wouldn’t it be my day too?”
“Oh come ON, Matt,” Jenny said, walking to the counter, “We both know I’m the one who knows what’s best for you. It’ll be good! You’ll finally get to shine, and if you don’t like it, you’ll have ME there to take the rest of the spotlight!”
Matt’s hands balled into fists, and his face set, “No.”
“What?” Jenny said, incredulous.
“I’ve had it! I’m tired of-of you telling me what I like and what I don’t!” his lip trembled as he stood up. “I knew I was hesitant, but I didn’t know why! Now I see it’s becasue I didn’t want you in the rest of my life!”
“Hey now,” Jenny said, “Matt, calm down--”
“Get out of my house!” Matt went to the open window Commedia left behind and tossed out the ring.
“Whoopsies,” Commedia said and dropped away. Damian, confused, dropped down after her.
She picked the ring up from the ground and held it out to Damian. “I trust you can get this back to the jewelry store.”
“So, all of that…” he said, “was to help a guy get out of a bad relationship? That you barely knew?”
“He sounded sad on the phone,” Commedia said, “Made me curious.”
Damian scoffed, staring at her. “Who ARE you?”
She chuckled. “My guess is you’ll find out sooner or later,” she said, “So I’ll pick later, for now. But I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, Blackbird.”
She took out another flower. This one shot off into the distance like a grappling hook, and pulled her twirling into the night.
Damian could have followed her, maybe. But, holding the ring in his hands, he didn’t see much need to.
Across town, Batman was called to a bank robbery in the middle of the night. Inside, however, he didn’t find the vault broken in, and nothing stolen, other than a number of complimentary lollipops. “You know there are easier ways to get my attention.”
“Aw, Come on Bats!” Harley said, swinging from the ceiling with one of the lollipops in her mouth, “Ain’t this a classic? Brings me back to the old days.”
“Oh, you’ve stopped doing crime then?” He said, leaning back and looking up at her, “News to me.”
Harley flipped down in front of him. “Batsy, you know I’m tryin’! I do good, is it a crime to have a little fun while I do it?”
“If you hurt people, yes.” Batman said.
Harley deflated. “I haven’t done that in a while now. I’m goin through some life changes.”
Batman hummed, staring down at her. “I’m guessing this is about the small clown that has been reported around town recently doing strange acts of minor crimes to help people?”
Harley brightened again, balancing on the teller counter. “She’s my new apprentice! A bit of a goody-two-shoes, but I’m doing my best to train her.” She did a handstand, “I came to ask for some advice at raising child soldiers, considering you have so much experience.”
Batman always scowled, but it seemed his scowl deepened on that. “I help some people come to terms with terrible things that have happened to them, and teach them to be a force of good in the world instead of falling to the world’s darkness.” He thought back on his children, “It doesn’t always work.”
Harley laughed, “No kidding,” she said. She sighed, thinking. “To be honest, Commedia is already pretty good. I can’t claim credit for that.” She rocked back and forth, feeling uneasy.
Batman approached, slow so as not to scare her. “Well, we both know she didn’t get it from her father.”
Her face was already white, but she blanched further. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, “She’s my niece, she ran from home so I’m taking care of her and-”
“Harley,” Batman stopped her rambling, “I’m a detective, remember?”
She frowned, shaking at him. “He doesn’t know,” she said, “No one knows, she...she’s never met him and I don’t want her to I--”
Batman held up his hands, stopping her again. “I know,” he said, “I understand, really. And I’ll help.”
She blinked up at him, smiling. “Really?”
Batman nodded. “I’ll help you protect her. As for advice....if you ever figure out a perfect way to raise masked vigilantes, let me know. I mostly just do the best I can, and make sure they can do a proper spin-kick if they need to.”
Harley snorted. “I’ll make a note of that.” She grabbed the box of free lollies on the counter, “I am going to be robbing these though, and you can’t stop me.”
She headed for the back entrance and away. “Harley,” Batman called her again, and she froze, “The year you were gone, when you disappeared and suddenly your sister had a child she wasn’t pregnant with. I want you to know, I noticed.”
Harley smiled, turning, “Thanks Bats-” When she turned, he was gone. “And people call me a drama queen.”
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aliynavenus · 3 years
DamiRae Fanfic: New Years Eve 
(Authors Notes: I’m late ik. Most likely won’t be that good. It was just an idea I had and ik I’m late with posting it but here it is. Don’t have high hopes. Really. My writing could be worse considering I haven’t wrote in over 4 months ahhhhh i’ll shut up so you can read and judge.)
She almost felt awkward with him being here. It’s not like it’s the first Damian has been in her room. Though this was different. They were friends, close friends in fact. Companions in which they understood each other including the bond that they shared ever since the first week they met, it may have been such a long time ago but they never felt the need to find some kind of reverse spell to erase it. 
They may not have want to admit it. But they like that link shared. It was a disclosure that made them feel less lonely in their life. 
“Are you sure it’s alright to go with you?” She yelled loud enough for him to hear her while he was getting dressed in her bathroom. 
“Of course, it’s New years eve. You shouldn’t be alone at the tower.” his words were muffled yet she heard him. 
Right. New Year’s Eve. She didn’t mind spending it alone, though Damian insisted her to come with him to his father’s annual new year’s eve charitable gala. When she denied, the next day Bruce mailed her an invitation, which surprised Damian just as much as she was. 
Taking by how long she was thinking, Damian cleared his throat echoing back with hesitation “If you’d like we could stay here and not attend I can make an excuse to my Father.” 
A small smile was tugging the corner of her mouth realizing how considerate he was of her. He knew her well. Knowing the dislike they both shared for over crowded meaningless parties or crowds. Although...
That wasn’t negotiable. Denying an invitation from Bruce Wayne--scratch that--The Batman was more terrifying then having to face her own damn father. “No th-that’s alright. It’ll be nice. I don’t mind going.” 
That wasn’t the problem. Being seated, looking at herself in her grey vanity mirror. She felt pathetic even thinking this but she felt insecure in going. She glanced down at her off the shoulder tight maroon dress--that was obviously Donna’s-- it barely filled up her small chest. Great, just to top off her one of many insecurities for tonight. The lavish dress that Raven had no idea could even exist in Donna’s messy closet. She felt weird. If that was even the word to describe it. 
Glancing at the side of her mirror she could see the small reflection of the of her bathroom door slightly open. A string of heat spread across her cheeks having a visual of Damian’s bare tan back covered in scars and bruises, some fading yet some were still fresh. His shoulders were broader, muscles taking up his biceps, he wasn’t too muscular like his father but he sure was getting there. 
 They may have not been together or anything like that. But she felt good when she was around him. Forgetting all the thoughts that reminded her of being a sinful demon’s daughter. He made her feel normal without even realizing it. 
“You seem lost in thought.” Damian’s voice knocks her out of her thoughts, as he comes out of her bathroom. Fully dressed in simple black trousers with an olive oxford, sleeves rolled up making him look too damn irresistible. In the years she’s known him he was always the best at hiding his emotions. Never showing any sign of what he was thinking, it made her feel powerless.
It was almost if he was ready to seek girls attention, though that was never his intention. It almost bugged her even more in fact. How can he look like a god himself, without trying. 
“Nope, I’m okay.” she clears her throat wanting the linger of her thoughts to disappear. She stares at his chest, noticing the small specks of Titus’s fur stuck onto it. Good thing she always had a spare lint roller in her vanity drawer. “You have some Titus’s fur on you.” 
Getting up from her seat, she walks over her to him. Damian was easily a head over her, she felt so small compared to him despite her being a year older than him. 
Damian’s jaw tightened as his eyes wandered around her body slowly. She didn’t want to look directly at him yet, in fact it made her knees become weak if his stare kept boring into her.  
 Rolling the roller on top of his chest, it wasn’t a lot but just enough to leave a clean slate. His signature scent of fresh wood and ginger corrupted her, leaving her want to be filled with his fragrance. Raven looked up at him, his eyes already staring down at her. He looked tense, almost like he was battling with his own inner thoughts that she couldn’t comprehend. His emeralds with specks of gold sprinkled onto his irises. His eyes it was like they were imprinting onto hers. 
“You look beautiful.” 
What? His soft voice, almost like a whisper that he didn’t want to be heard. She could have sworn that she could see a slight rush of pink onto his cheeks, to the tip of his ears. Yet he didn’t show any feature of his face of embarrassment, always hiding how to react. 
She wasn’t any good in that realm. Slowly looking down to bite down a smile that was creeping on her lips. “Thank you.” 
Warmth rushed up her skin, as she felt his fingers caress her forearm. His thumb running slowly back and forth as if he was taking in every part of flesh. She could practically feel his stare boring into her when she lifted her head up. Everything that was felt upon her felt gentle, his touch, his stare, everything. 
If she was being honest, she’d rather stay in this moment with him. She’d rather stay at the tower with him alone. She wanted to have him touch her more. She wanted this to herself. Was it a selfish wish? 
“Don’t leave my sight. I want you near me.” 
Damian’s voice was a low rumble.It was more a command than a request. The words coming out clear and rough against her. It made her body feel as if it was just electrocuted. It made her feel small, not knowing what quite to say. Raven waited for him to continue. But he never did. Instead he stayed quiet, avoiding her stare that she so desperately wanted to meet. 
She wanted to say something. Anything. But the words never left her lips. A silence stretched between them. 
Damian’s hand left her forearm already missing the touch of his hand. She saw his hands digging into his pockets, clearing his throat. “We should go, my father is most likely waiting.” 
All she was able to do was nod and walk to her grab her heels. 
At the gala 11:13 p.m (Been there for an hour) 
She wasn’t having fun. Now that she thinks of it, she should’ve accepted his idea in staying home instead. There wasn’t anyone she knew here, all of them either being business owners to reporters to simply models from heaven. 
Her insecurities were through the roof when she stepped foot in the Wayne Manor. The flashing gleaming chandelier lights, the polished floor of marble, the endless crowds of people faking smiles to each other while being handed drinks every 2 seconds. Women, even young girls dressed elegantly with beauty that was beyond compared.
Honestly did Bruce make everyone who was gorgeous attend the manor. Of course the men here were handsome too but none quite compared to Damian. 
Who might she add, has been charged by the many reporters and young--next heirs to be--women who threw themselves onto him when they first got there. 
Yeah. There was no way of getting near him with the herd of people surrounding him. 
Raven shifted towards the wine table, azar it was new years eve she might at least try to enjoy herself. Taking a glass of filled wine, she took it in sip by sip. It may be practically impossible for her to get drunk since her powers can easily be consumed over it, she did get the euphoric pleasure for a few minutes. 
Her feet ended up drifting her towards the small isolated balcony at the end of the hall. The wind was cold, but it felt fresh against her skin. 
“Don’t leave my sight. I want you near me.” 
She kept remembering over and over. They were simple words, but they struck her. His tone, his eyes, his short breaths, everything was so still. He processed her at that very moment, and she was ready to give in. She wanted to think the way she did, she wanted to consider maybe for one second think of the thought that maybe, just maybe he felt some sort of way towards her--
Though that wouldn't be accurate. Damian would never. Who was she kidding, truly. 
“You look like you need a friend.” Turning to hear the familiar voice.
“Roy?” She was taken aback. She hasn’t seen Roy aka Arsenal since he left the Titans a year ago, going solo even though he was only a year older than her.
Turning her body following his movement as he placed himself next to her leaning against the balcony.  “I didn’t expect to see you here.” 
He chuckled, revealing his dented dimple on the side of his cheek. His simple red oxford with grey trousers complimenting his darken red ginger hair. “I should be the one saying that. Didn’t think gala’s were your thing. You’re kind of outta your element don’t ya think.” 
Roy leveled the extra drink he had in his hand to her, eyeing her waiting for her to accept his drink. 
A relieving sigh, her breath dusting into the cold air. “Thank you.” She took a sip, “I am out of element, Bruce invited me to come along with Damian. You?” 
Roy shrugged, “Oliver’s here, half of this gala is for charity and since I’m most likely the next heir to his company he wanted me to come talk to a few business people about profits, marketing, you know.” 
Raven nodded, taking another sip of the smooth flavor that danced on her tongue. She knew nothing of that but she rather pretended she did. 
A silence stretched between them, “So you came with the snarky brat tonight, hmm. As a date?” 
Raven almost coughed up her saliva, “N-No of course not.” she gestured her head towards Damian who was talking to a pretty tall brunette with blue eyes like Donna. “She’ll probably be a better date then I will ever be for him.” 
“Oh?”  He sounded intrigued. “And why do you say that?” 
She couldn’t tell if the wine was kicking in, but she knew it wouldn’t last long considering her powers will only take it over. But right now she didn’t care. She turned her whole body to take the sight of Damian and the girl, “Because Roy, look at her--look at them.” She motioned towards them with the drink still in her hand, “They look like that perfect ideal couple that I see in every damn cover on Donna’s magazines. She belongs in this world. I don’t. Oh azar, I was never supposed to belong with anyone in the first place. But him, he may be snarky, stubborn, and so stupidly difficult but he belongs with good. He needs good. I’m still learning how to just be that right now.” 
Her whole voice felt raw and fragile in the back of the throat, the glass that was once full of wine now was gone. Roy sighed leaning his neck back, looking up at the sky. “You and him were always so gullible.” his words were so quiet, as if it wasn’t meant to be heard. “Damian doesn’t need good. What he needs is someone to understand that weird obnoxious mind of his. You really think these females will ever understand him, understand the Al-Gual part, the Wayne part, the Titan part, the jerkoff part especially. I don’t think so, Rae.” 
Raven sighed turning to face Roy. His tone, his facial features, his posture, everything seemed so easy to read off of him. He was being genuine, helpful, caring yet cautious of his words. “He really is something else.” 
“Yea, a real pain in the ass too.” Roy chugged down the last ounce of whatever strong alcohol he had. 
“I could say the same to you, Harper.” 
Raven bit her lip when she heard Damian’s voice. Oh Azar, what happened to him talking to that girl. 
Roy didn’t even look startled, keeping his stare directly at Damian. She almost forgot how much they never really could handle one another but only minerly had to tolerate each other during missions.
Damian's eyes were dark, his jaw ticked. No longer having that warm fake persona he put on for people. “Harper.” 
“Wayne.” Roy nonchalantly said putting his arms up. “I didn’t do anything to her.” 
“As you shouldn’t be.” The tension between their voices was like a ticking time bomb. “I’ll be taking her for now.” Damian's fingers intertwining with hers escorting her out of the balcony. 
Her mind felt hazy with the sudden pull of Damian. She gave a smile waving off to Roy who was trying to hide a slick smile at them. “Happy new year, Roy” 
“Happy new year’s Rae.” 
--- 11:46 --- 
Raven looked around where Damian was taking her, having no idea what hall they were in but was only grateful that no one was in near sight. “Where are we going?” Her mouth finally working, she suppose the wine was wearing off. 
“Alone.” was the only thing that managed to leave his lips. Yet it sounded like there was more to be said. His eyes never meeting hers like he was having his own war inside of him. 
He was angry. 
Finally pulling them into a room on one of the highest floors. He escorted her in, turning on the dim lights behind her. The room was simple, almost no decoration, a bed in the middle, along with some simple books scattered, swords hung on the wall. 
“Why am I here? It’s almost New Years shouldn’t we be downstairs.” pause. “Shouldn’t you be faking a personality for people right now.” 
Yup the alcohol was still in her. Or maybe it wasn’t just the alcohol anymore. 
She almost hated how annoyed her voice sounded.  Though part of her drunken speech to Roy did make her hate Damian right now. Him saying she should be near him tonight when really he was the one playing distant heir the whole night. 
Damian leaned back on the door crossing his arms, his jaw ticked again. His eyes were a shade darker, nothing sort of gentle behind them. “Why were you with him?” 
Damian completely ignored her questions. Raven gave a dry chuckle; it only made her want to bite back, “Who? Roy? At least he was keeping me good company, rather than you being tossed around by every stranger.” 
“You really don’t--” Damian stumbled, he was biting his tongue. He wanted the words to come out of him so she could easily see it. He was frustrated knowing well he wasn’t going to win against her. 
“You don’t get it Raven.” pause. “I wanted to be with you this entire night like I said.” He glanced away from her, “When I told you that, you didn’t respond. I felt foolish for saying what I said to you Raven. I thought maybe I managed to push you away, I hated myself after that. Even now I hate this. I hate not knowing whatever I feel when you’re around me. Whenever your aroma consumes me, I could practically fall to my knees for you Raven.” 
This couldn’t be.
Did he..? 
Damian scratched the back of his neck, gesturing his hands in the air, “And when I saw you with that imbecile. God I wanted to steal you away from him, I didn’t care.” 
Every step he took to her, was just a request she wanted to make to just fall before him. He gently brought his hands to cup her cheeks to look directly into his eyes. Nothing was fake, his eyes, his eyes. This was all him. Everything she’d never expect from him, “I told you to be near me tonight because you look so beautiful. I didn’t want anyone even taking the sight of you. Your too fuckin diserable even more me.” 
Like her….
Tracing her bottom lip with his thumb, she wanted this, wanted him. 
Bringing her fingers to wrap around his wrists, she lifted herself up to touch her lips with his. Damian’s lips were rough against hers but she liked it. 
-------- 11:53 ----- (Damian's Pov) 
Their lips crashing together was a different euphoric sensation he hasn’t felt. His fingers were tangled into her soft hair, running along the back of her neck. His tongue sliding across her lower lip, her taste, her stroke with her tongue mingling with his was just too damn good. He wanted to conquer every part that he could, admire her with his reach. 
Every touch that he made on her made him feel unworthy, a damn perfection she was that he felt unworthy of. 
Raven’s breaths were short, hot as she was having a few touches of fun of her own for him. Her fist clenching onto his shirt pulling him tighter while the other on his bicep, her touch was burning into him that he hoped would leave a mark on him. 
He took in no time to trace her body downward, admiring every dip and curve on the formatious tight dress she had. Leaving small pepper kissed onto her neck, and open shoulders
Raven winced, and it was a lavish melody he wanted to hear again. Licking, and biting every part of her open bare skin displayed on him. He wanted people to know she was his. Just as she should be, just how she should have been. “Damian” 
He shivered at the way his name sounded on her innocent voice. Coming back up to capture her lips he needed. He took this time to grab her thighs, lifting her up. Raven cupped the back of his neck and cheek to keep her well balanced not wanting to miss a single taste of him. His mouth dominating over hers so slowly, teasing her, biting her, over and over again.  
Walking towards the bed, he seated himself so now she was on top of him. Damian pulled away for a second, he was admiring her. Hell, he was taking in every part of her, her fists bunched into his shirt surely causing wrinkles he didn’t care for, her hair becoming slightly messy but still looking so utterly perfect, her elegant dress now being bunched up revealing her velvety thighs before him. Her lips were now pouted, bigger than her normal size. Damian leaned her chin towards him coming in gently to place small kisses on the small bruises on her lips that were faded from his bites. 
He was known to be rough yet she didn’t seem to mind at all for him. 
“You are too good for me, my beloved.” 
Damian could feel her goosebumps form on her arms, he tried hiding his smile from her. Raven only managed to shake her head, causing Damian to run a lingering touch on her back, “Tell me you’ll let me stay by your side, Raven” 
Raven let out a relieved laugh, her iris eyes lighting up with bliss. It was a sight he’d love to see over and over if he can. “Don’t leave it and I won’t leave yours.” 
Grabbing side of her cheek, fiddling with her hair. He wanted nothing more than to stay by her side for as long as she’ll let him. He cared--no--treasured her. 
All his life he understood everything, there was never a question or puzzle he couldn’t solve. Everything was simple for him.
But her. Raven. 
Damian was never able to understand, he felt sinful when he had thoughts about her, thoughts about them simply being together. He didn’t think she’d accept him then more than a teammate. He was fucked up. He never saw her as a weapon that was destined to be. 
She was pure to him. A soul to protect. To keep safe. 
Shouts and bottles of corks were muffled through the room hearing everyone chanting happy new years. He stared back at her running small circles on her back. “I promise, Happy New Year, my love.” 
Bringing his lips to collide again with hers. Raven chuckled, against him. “Happy New Year” 
Now the only thoughts left were wondering how in the hell were they going to manage to keep this a secret from the team and his father.
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Boys are raised to be men. Part 2 - Facts of life
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Series Masterlist - Bucky Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: Things are different outside the city. When Bucky moves out of the city to live closer to his father’s best friend, Steve, he meets a peculiar girl from a strange family. She’s loved by everyone in the village and like him, she’s missing a limb. And, to Bucky’s surprise, she’s determined to make him part of her life.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 3368
Author’s note: I am not disabled and I couldn’t ever imagine what it’s like. If you have anything to not about that aspect of the story, please send me a message so I can fix possible mistakes or misunderstandings in upcoming chapters. Also, let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates.
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The street the Parker/Stark family lives on is a lively one. Most people have known each other since birth with a few odd ones out. When Peter first came to their street at four years old he adored the small village. He liked the way the end of the street leads to a meadow, he liked the playground across the street, and he liked that his sister was there to show him everything. Though most get rebellious around their teen years, you liked showing your little brother around. You were always a peaceful girl and you enjoyed having someone to take care of. That’s also how your spring Saturday group came to be. When Peter started making friends, you took it upon yourself to supervise them at least once a week so they could play in the meadow. And when Tony came into the picture, you would drag him along. Your mother adored seeing the three of you together in the meadow as it seemed to put all of you at ease. You never stopped doing your spring Saturday group. Not even when you lost your mother. You found comfort in seeing the children play. You dragged Peter along in hopes it would cheer him up as well but it never did. He found other ways to mourn. The one thing that you did do together every single year, without fail, is watching the cow dance. Watching the cows come outside for the first time after winter and seeing them buck and gallop in joy is the most wonderful thing to see. It gives a hopeful feeling. After every winter comes spring.
‘Y/n! Two men are waiting outside! Hurry up,‘ Tony yells up the stairs. ‘Don’t yell! I’m almost done,‘ you yell back as you check yourself in the mirror. Your red lipstick looks decent enough, you have done it better but you have done it worse as well. Hair, well, it’s still a bird’s nest but at least it looks nicer than it normally does when you throw it up in a bun to keep it out of your face. Leg? Feels good, seems to be on right, and on full display under your navy wrap dress. You wanted to put on a pair of pants but opted for a dress to make sure Bucky wouldn’t feel like the odd one out. The door to your room flies open and Peter rushes in, jumping straight onto your bed. ‘So you’ve got two toy boys now?‘ ‘Bugger off Peter, I don’t have toy boys,‘ you snap back, hopping on your good leg as you try to put a sock on your metal leg. Not that you need it. It’s just the normality in it. ‘So whatcha think about James?‘ You roll your eyes and sit down on the bed with him to put a sock on your good leg. Hopping on your metal leg isn’t exactly the most comfortable. You ruffle a hand through his hair as you get back up. ‘Why are you interested? From what dad told me, you almost ran when you saw him.‘ Peter pushes your hand away and huffs, crossing his arms in front of his chest like a little child. ‘Don’t blame me. The man looks like a damn gangster with his missing arm and all that.‘ You laugh. ‘I’ve got a missing leg. Am I a gangster now?‘ ‘He rides a motorcycle.‘ ‘First of all, I doubt that. Secondly, so do Thor and Natasha.‘ ‘They’re intimidating too,‘ he yelps, slightly offended at the notion that his own sister is not taking him seriously. ‘Thor couldn’t even hurt a fly if he tried. Okay, I’m off,‘ you chuckle, ‘don’t miss me too much.‘ You walk out of your room with Peter running after you. You close the door behind him while he stomps his way down the stairs. ‘Pick up your feet Peter!‘ ‘Yes miss Potts!‘ You come downstairs after him and do a little twirl for your dad and Pepper who are seated in the living room. ‘What do you think?‘ ‘Oh, you look stunning dear,‘ Pepper awes at you. Tony seems a little less satisfied. He’s used to your normal jeans and shirt combo that you had started to wear more and more in the past few years. Somewhere in his mind, he knows it’s to hide the leg but when you suddenly show this much skin he can’t help but be worried. Though, getting with someone was never a problem for you. Not even in your old jeans and worn-out t-shirts. ‘Yeah, I don’t like it. I don’t want another man sneaking out of my house in the morning, go change,‘ he tells you, gesturing you to go back upstairs. Pepper hits him in the chest with a surprised look on her face. ‘Tony, how dare you? She looks beautiful and I think she’s old enough to decide those things for herself,‘ Pepper defends her. ‘Thank you, Pepper,‘ you smile. ‘No problem dear.‘ ‘Fine,‘ Tony sighs, ‘but just go with the guy instead of bringing him here.‘ You laugh and wave them goodbye. You put on your tennis shoes in the hallway and your winter jacket as the nights can still get quite chilly. ‘You got your phone and keys,‘ Tony yells after you. You do a quick pat-down of your jacket. ‘I do!‘ ‘Have fun!‘ ‘Thanks, dad!‘ You open the door and skip over to the two men waiting for you. They don’t notice you being too deep in their conversation until you step between them and hook your arms around each of theirs. ‘Gents, ready to go?‘ ‘Always,‘ Sam grins at you. ‘Whatever you say doll,‘ Bucky smiles. He looks a lot more at ease in your opinion. You knew he would like Sam.
Crocker’s Folly is an old bar. The kind of bar that you go to, to drown your sorrows in a glass of whiskey while the barmaid shoots you knowing glances. It had been a while since Bucky went to a bar like that. Mostly because the people are friendly and tend to ask too many questions. When he lost his arm he didn’t want to be asked questions, so he’d rather drown his sorrows at home than at a bar. Though this is a nice change of pace. With the nicer spring weather, it seems the bar has opened its outside seating again and a group of people has already pulled some tables together to sit close to a fireplace that would surely be turned on when the night gets colder. You let go of the men by your sides and runs over to the group, throwing yourself around the necks of the two redheads sitting side by side. They cheer as they see the three arrive. Bucky feels a bit out of place. Sam notices and puts a hand on his shoulder. ‘Everyone, this is James Barnes, he goes by Bucky. Don’t ask me why because I do not know,‘ Sam tells the group, ‘Bucky, that’s Wanda, Natasha, Vision, don’t ask, Thor, Pietro, and Loki.‘ ‘You’re seriously going to introduce me with that embarrassing nickname but not the others,‘ Vision asks Sam. ‘Victor isn’t any better.‘ Vision sighs and leans back in his chair. Bucky can’t help but be a little confused at the display. Yet, he doesn’t ask any questions as he is bracing for questions about this arm but they never come. Instead, Thor and Pietro go to work on putting another table with the two they already have to widen the circle while Loki grabs the new arrivals some chairs. ‘Is everyone ready for another round? On me,‘ you announce as you make her way to the door. The group cheers in agreement. You slip inside, leaving Sam and Bucky with the group. Bucky decides to take the middle chair, leaving the chair next to the girls empty as Sam takes a seat next to Loki. ‘When’d you move here,‘ Pietro asks the guy in a thick, Russian accent. ‘A few days ago,‘ Bucky answers, ‘had to get out of the city.‘ Pietro lifts his, almost empty, glass at Bucky as if to accept his answer. He throws the last sip back and puts his glass back on the table. ‘You live next to old man Steve, right,‘ Natasha asks him, leaning forward a little to get a good look at him. Bucky nods. She nods at his nodding and leans back again. “What a strange woman,“ Bucky thinks. But before he can much more of an opinion, you come back outside with a man behind you who’s holding a tray of beer. You help him pass the beer around before you take a seat next to Bucky. ‘To our growing group of degenerates,‘ Sam jokes. The group calls cheers and brings their glasses to their lips, all taking a big sip. After that, it takes the group less than a few seconds to start chatting around. You happily explain everything that needs context to Bucky as the night progresses. ‘Are ya’ll going to the cow dance Saturday,‘ Thor asks the group, ‘not you Y/n, I know you’re taking the kids to see it.‘ ‘The kids,‘ Bucky asks. “Does Y/n have kids?” ‘I take the children in the village out to play every Saturday afternoon,‘ you quickly explain to him. ‘And the cow dance?‘ ‘When the cows come into the fields for the first time after winter,‘ you smile, ‘it’s fun. You should come.‘ ‘There’s a party at the pub after,‘ Sam whispers to him, ‘that’s the only reason all of us go.‘ ‘That’s no true,‘ you yelp in a laugh, ‘you’re all just “too masculine“ to admit you enjoy watching cows frolic.‘ ‘Okay, fair point,‘ Sam admits, ‘but the drinking is fun too.‘ You sigh. ‘Fine, yes, the drinking is fun too.‘
The later the night gets, the more the group divides into smaller groups. Thor, Loki, and Pietro have gone to sit with a group of girls in a darker corner. Wanda, Vision, Natasha, and the bartender, aka Bruce, are sitting on a few couches together and being all cute and couple-y. Sam got lost somewhere. And Bucky and you are still seated next to the heather. Bucky notices how you shoot glances at Pietro who is very obviously flirting with another girl. ‘Are you two a thing?‘ ‘No, it’s just sex,‘ you tell him straight up, ‘but there’s a rumor that that girl has an STD. I don’t like to believe rumors but I am wary when it comes to my sex life.‘ Bucky almost spits out the sip he just took because of the blunt words leaving your mouth. You laugh. ‘Oh come on, you didn’t think I was that innocent.‘ ‘Honestly, I did think that,‘ Bucky tells you between coughs. You smile and take a big swig from your beer, finishing it. ‘You’d be surprised how many people aren’t who they seem,‘ you tell him and get up, ‘you want another one?‘ He nods and watches you go inside. Wow. Little miss “I take the children in the village out to play in the field every Saturday“ isn’t innocent at all. Who would’ve thought? While you’re gone, he takes a second to scan the area. Wanda and Vision are obviously a couple and so are Natasha and Bruce. Then there’s Loki who, according to Y/n, wouldn’t be able to keep a stable relationship if his life depended on it. Thor, who is in love with a farmer’s daughter who doesn’t want him at all. From what Y/n just said, Bucky thinks Pietro is just trying to fuck the whole town. And then there’s Sam. It’s obvious to Bucky that Sam sees Y/n as a sister but he doesn’t seem to have any interest in other women. In fact, he doesn’t seem interested in anyone. Maybe he’s got a girl at home, maybe he’s interested in Y/n, maybe he’s just not interested. Sam raises his hand to greet Bucky and walks over, leaving the conversation he was having with another group of people to come sit with him. ‘Did the little lady leave you,‘ he teases, taking her seat on the opposite side of the table. ‘Nah, she just went to get drinks.‘ Sam takes a peek through the glass doors to see the girl standing at the bar, chatting with the bartender that’s still on shift. ‘You know, I see the way you look at her,‘ Sam tells him, ‘and I get it.‘ ‘I’m sorry?‘ ‘You like her, right?‘ ‘Well, yeah, but not like that,‘ Bucky tells him, ‘I just feel a bit closer to her because of the-‘ ‘The arm, leg thing. I get it,‘ Sam nods, ‘just know that she won’t want to talk about it, but I don’t think you want to talk about it either.‘ The look in Sam’s eyes is brotherly and protective like he’d do anything to keep Y/n happy. Bucky nods, shrinking in his jacket again. ‘Sam, don’t bully him,‘ you call over as you see the two, ‘and you took my chair.‘ The seriousness disappears from Sam’s face as he looks at you. ‘Don’t worry princess, I’ll get you another one,‘ Sam says and clumsily reaches over to an empty chair that is juuuuuust in reach if he leans over far enough. You roll your eyes and put the beers on the table, walk around Sam to grab the chair yourself. ‘Oh, beer,‘ Sam grins and takes one of them. ‘Don’t you dare birdbrain,‘ you snap at him in a joking way as you sit down on your chair. He slowly lifts the glass to his lips. ‘I swear to God, I’m going to castrate you.‘ Bucky laughs quietly. ‘Steve’s going to keep you to that,‘ he tells you. ‘As he should,‘ you reply and manage to snatch your beer from Sam’s hand before he can take a sip, ‘get your own beer you leech.‘ Sam pretends to have been hurt, putting his hand to his heart and crying in pain. ‘On princess, such cruel words from such an innocent mouth,‘ he whines out. ‘Oh shut up, you know my mouth isn’t innocent,‘ you jab back, making Bucky choke on his beer once again. ‘Dammit,‘ he coughs, ‘why do you have to be like this?‘ ‘You haven’t even heard half of it,‘ Sam laughs, ‘you’ll be dead before she’s done if you’re going to react like that every time she says something raunchy.‘ ‘Shut up,‘ you laugh, knowing what’s coming. ‘Am I lying though? Am I?‘ You playfully hit his shoulder. ‘Bucky, ask her how she got Pietro in her bed.‘ ‘Wha- I don’t want to.‘ ‘I don’t want him to either,‘ you chime in, starting to lose control over your laughter as you think back to that night. Jeez, you weren’t okay. Sam turns to Bucky, holding up his hands to be ready to tell this story as big as he can. ‘She grabbed a bottle opener from the bar, put it on his table, and she-‘ ‘No, don’t,‘ you beg, starting to laugh loudly. Your stomach already hurts. ‘She asked him what that was,‘ Sam says and gestures over to Bucky to tell him to answer the question. ‘A bottle opener.‘ ‘Exactly,‘ Sam says, a chuckle through his words, ‘and then she asked him what he was.‘ He takes a second to calm himself down. ‘Don’t say it,‘ you beg him, ‘I was so, so drunk.‘ ‘You weren’t, you had one beer,‘ Sam argues and turns back to Bucky, ‘she told him he was a leg opener.‘ Bucky bursts out in laughter louder than he imagined he would while you pull your legs up to your chest, hiding your face behind your knees as you wrap your arms around them. But you’re not ashamed, you’re just wheezing. ‘Please say it’s a joke,‘ Bucky begs you through laughter-induced tears. ‘It isn’t,‘ you manage to tell him. ‘Oh please tell me this happened when you two were alone.‘ ‘Nope, she did it right when we all sat down,‘ Sam tells him, ‘the man barely had a drink.‘ ‘I was horny okay,‘ you yelp in defense, setting your feet back on the ground. ‘You’re always horny,‘ Pietro yells from his seat. ‘Shut up, this ain’t about you,‘ you yell back. He laughs. ‘Tell them how you made me climb down the drainpipe to get out before your dad woke up,‘ he yells back. Bucky can’t help but be surprised at how open people are with sexuality in a village this small. You don’t seem to care that he just screamed that for everyone to hear and, from the looks you two get, everyone already seems to know.
Around one in the morning, everyone says their goodbyes. Though you told him it wasn’t necessary, Bucky insisted on walking you home and so you’re walking down the street together. At first, it was the whole group but as you got further down the street, more and more people dropped off. Now it’s just Bucky and you. ‘Say, I’ve been meaning to ask,‘ Bucky suddenly says. Your heartbeat rises. What is he going to ask? About your leg? About your family? ‘Why is everyone so okay with being sexual here?‘ You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. He gives her a confused look but you don’t address it. ‘Well, we don’t have many choices in partners,‘ you explain, ‘and since we are all friends, no one really cares who does who. Of course, people who are together are off-limits, but like with me and Pietro we do have casual sex but I’m not his only partner and he’s not my only partner.‘ ‘You have multiple partners?‘ ‘Not at the moment,‘ you tell him, ‘I was kind of starting to look for someone to settle down with but I was kind of coming to the conclusion that the one for me isn’t here. This is me.‘ They stop in front of your house. ‘So what’s next for you?‘ You shrug. ‘I don’t know. I might go work in the city for a while, see what’s there for me,‘ you smile slightly but your smile tells a million words. You don’t want to leave but you also don’t want to be on your own her whole life. You’re nearing the second half of your twenties and you’re still living at home because you hate to be alone. ‘How about you? Are you single?‘ ‘I am,‘ Bucky tries to suppress a smile, ‘never quite been in a relationship either.‘ Either the alcohol or this man’s presence pushes you straight into a flirty mood. He is quite handsome. You grin at him, pushing his chest playfully. ‘I’m sure you’re quite the ladies’ man. You’ve got the looks for it.‘ ‘Well, I used to be,‘ he smiles nostalgically, absentmindedly trying to cross his arms while having just one arm. He seems to catch himself in the act and tries to make it look like he was going to scratch his shoulder but you already noticed. ‘I get what you mean,‘ you say with a smile that’s just as pained as his, ‘took me a while to act like me again as well, but at least I win every game of hopscotch. Got enough practice when I didn’t have my prosthetic.‘ ‘And what would I excel at?‘ You stare at him for a second, biting your lip as you think. ‘Do you want me to be PG?‘ ‘Just go for it.‘ ‘Well, you do everything with one hand, so I’d say you’d be pretty great at pleasuring a woman.‘ ‘Okay, never mind, that’s it, that’s my limit,‘ he laughs, starting to move to walk away. You just give him this devious smile, this smile that could mean nothing good. ‘Sure, I’ll be here when you want to test my theory,‘ you wink at him. ‘Let me take you for dinner first doll,‘ he teases back. ‘Now you’ve gone too far,‘ you chuckle, ‘I take free food very seriously.‘ He laughs at your response, finally starting to walk away. ‘Good night Y/n.‘ ‘Night!‘
Taglist:  @nickkie1129
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The Demon’s Bride (4)
Call out to @vitaliciouscreations for their “Drop of Paradise” story. I’m using the same name Tiān but they came up with it (to best of my knowledge). Another fun read. Anyone interested in me putting up a random maribat recomendation in this part?
On to the story
Beginning Previous Next Masterpost
Chapter 4
After dropping Mari in front of the hotel she was staying at, where the teacher definitely had not noticed she was missing he fumed, Damian returned to the Bat cave. His father, all three of his brothers, his sister, Alfred and the rest of the extended Bat Clan were waiting.
“You never turned your comm back on,” Bruce commented.
“I needed to speak with Mari before talking to you,” Damian said, passing his father and pulling up files on the Bat computer.
“We had noticed. It would have been nice to know you were alright after she took down Jason the way she did.”
“Hence the reason I left my tracker on instead of disabling it. You knew where I was.”
“Who is this mystery girl the boys are talking about?” Barbara, aka Oracle, asked.
Damian ignored the question while he filtered through the files of the Wayne conference attendees for the school group staying at Mari’s hotel and down to the students on the trip. He pulled up the school picture of Mari and the information they had on her.
“She is a friend from my childhood,” he finally said looking at the information. He saw that her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her parents on file were listed as Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. So they hadn’t changed it, he thought, disappointed in himself because he never looked.
Damian turned when no one said anything after his declaration. Leaning against the console he waited for their responses.
“Bull shit Demon Spawn. You’ve never mentioned friends other than Jon and the Titans before,” Jason said, “and even then it’s because they are not your friends.”
“I assure you she is,” Damian said.
“Then why is this the first time any of us have ever heard about her?” Dick asked.
“None of you have ever shown a particular interest in my childhood with the League of Assassins before now, so why would I have talked about her to you?” Damian answered with a question of his own.
“Because you bit off our heads every time we asked anything,” Tim argued.
Damian narrowed his eyes, “The last time anyone asked me anything about the League I was 11 years old, had just moved in with a bunch of strangers, and had witnessed my family and my whole life destroyed by a madman. Of course I fucking yelled at you. I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t cry, yell or rage about the unfairness of watching my family, my family,” he emphasized, “die because I was with strangers and emotions make you vulnerable and I could not afford any more vulnerabilities with the unknown situation I was in.”
The entire clan was silent during his tirade, and a bit ashamed at what he was revealing to them years afterwards.
“I’m sorry Damian. We should have realized that and asked you how you were handling the changes at the time,” Bruce was the first to apologize.
“So you weren’t just rabid from Mom’s Tender Loving Care?” Jason asked.
“Master Jason,” Alfred chided while the rest of the clan just gave Jason a Really? look.
“In the 10 years I lived with her I probably spent less than two in her actual company,” Damian said. “I don’t think I would have responded well at the time even if you had realized,” he acknowledged Bruce’s apology.
“Can you tell us about her?” Bruce asked.
“I can but there’s a lot to talk about to really understand everything. I’m meeting her tomorrow for her free day, we can come here for dinner. I can give you some of that background information now and she can answer any of the questions about herself that I can’t answer.”
“Alright. So tell us what we need to know.”
“Might I suggest we move this discussion out of the cave and to the parlor where we might be more comfortable while we talk,” Alfred interrupted.
“That sounds like a good idea Alfred,” Dick said.
They did as Alfred suggested and moved to the sitting room so they could sit comfortably while talking about Damian’s past. They were all aware that before he came to them at the age of 10 he had lived with his mother and grandfather and with the League of Assassins. He had been volatile and reckless even while he was taking up the mantle of Robin and began following the others into the vigilante lifestyle.
But apparently there was more to his actions as a kid than just being a snobbish brat raised to believe he was better than everyone else.
Damian sipped at his cup of Black tea while settling his mind around what he was going to discuss. He had spent the last 7 years trying not to think of the other half of his biological family and believing the rest were dead so that he hadn’t had any other reason to reflect on his youth in the League. But that had obviously been a mistake. If Mari survived did anyone else? Can I get my family back? He wondered to himself while the rest of the clan settled down with their drinks of choice.
Finally everyone was settled. Bruce was the one to set the ball rolling.
“So what should we know?”
“Before I start about what I know,” Damian began turning to Jason, “I need to know more about what you know of the League, Todd.”
Jason raised an eyebrow and looked at him stonily. If Damian was quiet about the League as a kid (lies, he really wasn’t because he was an Al Ghul dammit) then Todd was a monk who had taken a vow of silence (slightly less a lie, he didn’t talk about it but he did rant about what a bitch Talia was). None of the Bats knew much about his time with the League other than he met Talia before returning to Gotham to seek vengeance on the Joker.
“Like what, Demon Spawn?” Jason asked.
“Well, first, did you have a designation?”
“A what?”
“That’s a no then. Consider yourself lucky, or not, since you were one of mother’s various pet projects then.”
“Damian,” Dick warned as Damian still had a tendency to be very blunt, to the point of being abrasive, when talking about other’s trauma’s.
Damian frowned before nodding in acknowledgement of the warning and in apology for his tone.
“I suppose the first thing you should know is that the League of Assassins is only about two hundred years old, while Tiān the city from which it was established is thousand of years old. Grandfather found it years ago and started to recruit certain prized and influential citizens and families into following him. Eventually the majority of the city were members of his cult and doing his bidding. We can get more into why the League as its own city is important tomorrow.
“Now, since the League is a cult and it was born out of an independent city how has it maintained it’s membership for so long? And I assure you it wasn’t because grandfather shared the secret of the Lazarus Pits with anyone” he asked.
“They recruited new members,” Dick answered with a shrug.
Damian gave him his own Really? look. “Recruits only account for about 25% of the new trainees and they are usually older teens and young adults. The people that are disenfranchised from the society outside of the League. Individuals with knowledge of the world outside shaped by influences from outside and not by Ras Al Ghul,” Damian said. “I was one of 79 children born in my year group. I was not raised by Talia no matter how she spins it. Despite having a personal bodyguard, private tutors and a nursemaid because I was an Al Ghul heir, I was raised with the other children my age in the al’akadimia*.”
“Talia didn’t raise you?” Barbara asked.
“She oversaw my training, instruction and education which seems to be her impression of parenting, but no, she was not involved in the day to day of my life growing up. I got more of that with Father in the first few months than I did from her in the entirety of my time with her,” Damian answered.
The Bats were silent as they digested this new piece of information from their youngest.
“In the cave you mentioned losing your family. It sounded like it happened in Slade’s attack. If not Talia, who were you thinking of? The girl?” Tim asked.
*academy- Arabic via Google translate
So, this chapter f*cked with my head. I was just writing and playing with the story and had to come up with a reason for Damian being such a little shit as a kid. And I threw in the line about him losing his family and moving in with strangers when I had an oh shit moment of enlightenment.
In the Son of Batman, Damian witnessed his grandfathers death. His mother brought him to strangers and essentially dropped him on their doorstep. Then we get into the fact that most likely he was essentially abused growing up (how else do you get a kid that wont show emotions) but they were still his family and yeah...
I try throwing in a flippant reason but really it kinda sounds like a canon reason too.
I had never thought about why canon Damian was the way he was especially in that first movie and now my head hurts. I’m curious if anyone else has ever given that a thought or if you’re just now having that oh shit reaction?
Taglist: I’m so happy so many are enjoying it. I’m trying to get everyone but if I miss you I’m sorry but it’s not intentional. Also, I appreciate the comments but unless you ask I won’t tag you so if you’ve commented and not been tagged it’s cuz you didn’t ask or because I overlooked it trying to find everyone who’s asking to be tagged. And I’m going to ask that you message me since I’m having trouble finding all the asks in the comments. Thank you.
And thank you all!
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imagines-dreams · 5 years
Endgame Fix It - Fanfiction
aka I watched Endgame and I need to recover, so I rewrote it, for mental health... reasons....
Rating: PG-13 for you know... Endgame.... spoilers
Summary: Steve, Loki, Tony, Nebula
Word Count: 3131
When Captain Marvel slashed through the ship in less than ten seconds, the tide of the battle changed immediately. She held Thanos’s hand open, and he couldn’t snap his damned fingers again. Thanos may have hit her with the Power Stone, but Captain Marvel had seen worse. She got back up and got him in a headlock easily, and before he could shake her off again, Thor was back on his feet again, and he held back his gloved hand. Thanos reached to remove him or Captain Marvel or anyone, but Tony and Steve got back up and held back his other arm.
For a few seconds, Thanos was subdued, but what now? They couldn’t hold him forever. Sure, Captain Marvel was very powerful, and sure, Captain America held back his hand with his own for a while, and yeah Thor hit him hard and killed him once, and ok, Tony made the Titan bleed, but still, this was taking a toll on all of them, and they couldn’t hold him back much longer.
But it wasn’t them who decided what to do next.
It was Nebula, his daughter. Thanos smiled a little. “You’ve come back.”
Nebula tilted her head and smirked ever so slightly. “Nor for you.” She sauntered over to Thor and took the infinity stones in her marred hand.
Thor stared at her, but he said nothing.
Tony grunted. “Nebula, no.”
“No.” She carefully placed each stone on her opposite hand with such delicate care. “No, you used me as a weapon, so now” -the stones were all on her hand now and she smiled up at her father- “I’m a weapon.”
“Our plan,” Thanos begged, as his daughter’s mercy, “it’s inevitable. It’s-”
“No.” She spoke so softly compared to the Titan, but her words held more weight, and it silenced him. “No, for once, I get to decide what I do. And I decide that you lose.”
Tony screamed his head off, nearly letting go of Thanos’s hand. Steve faltered, but he stood strong, and Thor closed his eyes and thanked her in his mind. Carol watched and smiled at the strong woman in front of her. She deserved this, an honorable death and vengeance against her father.
The army faded to dust. One by one, they fell and disappeared, and Thanos, too, turned to dust, not sparing a glance at his daughter.
“Nebula!” Gamora leaned over her sister and pulled her into her lap.
Nebula turned her neck, so slowly, so mechanically, and said, “Hello, sister.”
Tony rushed to her side and observed the damage. Friday calculated and assessed and in less than a second, he smiled, “You can be fixed. You have time.” The damage her arm sustained from the stones was fixable and replaceable. The part of her face that was marred and burned was mostly mechanical, and the part that wasn’t… It was beyond him
“T’Challa” Tony yelled. “Where’s T’Challa? He can help.”
Dr. Strange created a portal, and T’Challa walked through with two other women. “What do you need?”
Tony clarified, “I’ve read about your tech. Vibranium-based medicine.”
The younger girl tilted her head and approached Nebula.
“Do you have any on you? Can you help her?”
T’Challa just smiled. “I can’t help you.” He looked to his sister. “But Shuri can.”
Shuri was already getting to work. Her mind filled with everything that needed to be done. “This is amazing. Organic life with mechanical implements, beyond prosthetic.” She gulped as realization set in as to what the woman had to go through to become what she was. “Could be smoother,” Shuri commented, “Less painful.” She reached out, but Gamora flinched and held her sister close to her.
Shuri just smiled. “I can help her. I promise. I’ve fixed people before.”
Gamora stared at all the new faces around her, still not sure what was going on and who these people were to her future self or to Nebula, but her sister convinced her. With one look and the word, “Sister,” Gamora understood. She let the girl look over Nebula.
Shuri smiled and took out a metal ball. She placed it on Nebula’s head, where the scarred, organic skin met scarred metal. The metal ball transformed into liquid when it touched her head and wrapped itself around the wounded area of her head. “You will need more medical attention. I can provide that back home.”
Nebula looked to her sister.
“She can come, too.”
“Me, too.” Tony raised his hand.
Shuri stared at him and his suit. Nanotech. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Tony shook his head. “You need an extra hand.”
Shuri beamed. “Exactly.”
T’Challa turned to Dr. Strange. “May we?”
“Of course.” Dr. Strange created a portal, and they went to Wakanda. Tony said asked his wife how Morgan was, and after hearing Happy was watching over her, he kissed her and told her that he’d see her soon. Then, just before Tony left, he requested, “Hey, Strange, can you make sure the kid gets home?”
Dr. Strange stared at the kid, who was currently right behind Tony, probably planning on sneaking into Wakanda.
Peter gasped. “Wait, but it’s Wakanda!”
“Yeah, I can bring him home.”
“No, buts, kid.” Tony put his hand on Peter’s shoulder and reminded him, “I’m sure your aunt would be happy to see you.”
Peter immediately nodded. “See you soon, sir.”
“Yeah, kid.” Then, he was gone.
Dr. Strange patted Peter’s back. “Come on, kid.”
Suddenly, a blue smoke puffed in front of them. Everyone still remaining got back into fighting positions. Peter got his mask back on. Captain America groaned and put up his fists. Captain Marvel just crossed her arms and waited.
“I’ve returned! Prepare to…” The man blinked a few times. “Did I miss it?” He stared at his wrist, a very much broken contraption on it. “This blasted thing. Curse that man in iron, he said it was-”
“Yes, what is it? I’m busy here.” The man tapped his wrist thing furiously.
Thor stared at him. Then, he picked up a rock and threw it at the man’s face.
The man caught it and scoffed. “Really, was that necessary?”
Thor lit up, not with lightning, but with pure joy. “Loki!” He jumped right onto his brother, and the two nearly fell because of him. “You’re back! I thought you’d died. Thanos-”
“Is an idiotic titan who needed stones to defeat people.” Loki rolled his eyes. “Honestly, you thought he could defeat me?”
Thor’s eyes narrowed. Then, he threw another rock at Loki, which he caught. “Honestly, Thor-”
“You faked your death again?” Thor screamed and threw another rock. Then another. And another.
“Stop that.” Loki dodged the first two, but the third hit his shoulder. “Stop it!”
The two brothers continued throwing rocks at each other, and everyone else just stared confused.
Bruce whispered, “Isn’t Loki, you know, evil?”
“Apparently not?” Steve said, unsure of himself. So far, however, the god of mischief wasn’t doing anything bad. Except for making duplicates of himself for Thor to hit and scream at.
Valkyrie dismounted her pegasus. “Evil, kinda. A pain in our ass, definitely.” She smiled at the two. “But, I’ll keep them in line for you guys.” And so, when Valkyrie and her pegasus walked over to the two brothers and started yelling at both of them, no one questioned it.
Steve smiled at himself as he picked up the hammer again. Seriously, he had a sliver of hope that he could, but he never thought it could be true. He’d have to return that first. Then the rest of the stones.
And after, maybe visit someone.
Someone he really wanted to see.
Her name changed though. Peggy Carter was now Peggy Carter-Sousa. She was married to Daniel Soussa, and both of them still actively worked for Peggy’s organization, SHIELD, which was with no doubt named after him.
They were at a restaurant when Steven finally found them, rings on their fingers, and the first emotion Steve felt was happiness. Happiness for her. Because he knew she moved on, that she would become an amazing wife, mother, and leader. But seeing it was different.
She smiled so brightly with Daniel. She was going to be ok.
Then, her eyes caught his, and before he could escape, Peggy Carter was in front of him, eyes wide and expression unsure. She gulped, and it only took her a few seconds before she narrowed her eyes and said with certainty, “You’re not my Steve.”
Steve felt like he should’ve cried, but he didn’t. He did miss her voice, though. The soldier nodded.
Peggy crossed her arms. “And what are you doing here?”
“Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. Even if I tried.” He smiled a little. “I’m happy for you.”
Peggy blushed and glanced back at the table inside where her husband was waiting patiently. She told him who was out here with her, and he knew it was better to stay out of it. The woman sighed. “And your family?”
Steve laughed a little. “They’re waiting for me.”
“Well,” Peggy smiled, “you shouldn’t be late.”
“You’re right.” Steve smiled even wider, because even though a part of him will love her, and a part of her will love him, they were different. They had different lives, and they shouldn’t waste it.
She kissed his cheek. “Go home.”
Steve sat next to Sam and sighed. “I think I’m done,” he said. “I’ve been a soldier all my life, and I don’t want to die a soldier.”
“So, what are you going to do, then?”
Steve smiled at Bucky, his oldest friend and maybe something more, and sighed. “Well, T’Challa offered me a place.”
Sam looked back at Bucky and smirked. “I see.”
Steve sighed. “I will always be there if you need me, but for now, I need some peace of my own.” And with that, Steve set his shield down and set it between them. “Try it on.”
Sam’s eyes widened. He had his title. Falcon and Captain America’s best friend. He stared at the shield, then at Steve, then at Bucky, and when nothing responded, he gingerly picked it up. It was a tad big on him.
“How does it feel?”
Sam tightened the strap on his arm. “Like it’s someone else’s.”
“It isn’t.”
He smiled at his friend, his role model, and said, “Thank you. I’ll try my best.”
Steve nodded. “And that’s why it’s yours.” He patted Sam on the back. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m retiring.”
Sam laughed.
Steve nodded at Bruce, then he turned to Bucky and smiled.
“You saw her?” Bucky asked.
Steve nodded.
Bucky stared off into the distance. “I kinda thought you’d stay there.”
“No, I couldn’t.” The retired captain nudged his friend. “Hey.” And when Bucky’s eyes met his, Steve said, like he had said so many time before. “I’m with you til the end of the line.”
Bucky just shook his head, and with tears in his eyes, he managed to say, “Punk.”
Tony opened the door and was met with a high-pitched scream. It wasn’t of his wife or his daughter. No, instead it was one of his other, well, kids.
Harley, now nearing twenty-one, screamed and as he tried to hide his hand from Tony, Tony easily saw the poorly hidden hand, which was covered in metal. Like his own Iron Man gauntlet.
His wife, who was across the table from Harley, smiled politely. “Well, I’ll leave the two of you to talk. I’ll go check on Morgan.” She kissed his cheek and left.
Harley smiled brightly, one of his hands still behind his back. “Hi, Mr. Stark.”
“Mhm.” Tony leaned over, trying to get a glimpse at what Harley had. “And that is?”
The boy held up both his hands, and sure enough, there was nothing on his hands. “See. Nothing to see here, Mr. Stark.”
Tony eyed Harley’s wrists. Two Stark Industries issued watches, one on each wrist. “Right.” Tony nodded and grabbed Harley’s right hand. It was the second to newest model, not the newest model that Tony had given him two years prior. And the condition was very worn down for a two-year-old watch. Too many scratches. That, and there were a few noticeable changes only its creator would recognize. An extra dent here, a bit too light.
Harley gulped.
“Show me,” Tony said, stepping away.
Harley scoffed. “Show you what.”
“Come on, kid. You really think you can lie to me?”
The boy sighed. “Don’t be mad,” he reminded his mentor. Then, Harley inhaled deeply and swiped a finger across his right wristwatch. A hologram appeared above it, and with a few touches and clicks and drags of metal across skin, Harley’s hand was encased in metal, and in his palm sat a repulsor.
Tony opened the front door and pointed at a nearby tree. “There.”
“Mr. Stark?”
The mechanic grabbed a pack of trail mix. While eating, he pointed at the tree again. “Go on.”
Harley blinked, but still, he aimed and fired. A bright blue beam shot out of his hand and struck the tree. It wasn’t perfectly centered, but it was close.
“Not bad.” Tony sighed. “But no.” He walked past Harley to his office.
“No?” Harley followed him. “Wha-”
“I mean, no, you’re not becoming Iron Man.” Tony approached his desk, and the tabletop came to life with holograms and files. “That’s why you came here, right?”
“I mean… kinda?” Harley sighed. “It’s not just that, Mr. Stark. I wasn’t there for anything. I wasn’t there when the Avengers split up or when Thanos first arrived. I was on the sidelines. I can’t do that if something bad happens again.”
“Have you thought it through?”
The boy tilted his head. “Thought what through?”
“Thought all of this through.” Tony spread his arms and files upon files of his own superhero career appeared. From the rumors before he announced Iron Man to clips of his more traumatizing moments to files of the deceased. Yinsen, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff and so much more.
Harley stared at those files and flipped through them. He stared at Natasha’s file. He missed her. He met her before, a few times, and she was remarkable. He bowed his head. “I have.”
Tony nodded. “What about them?” Tony swiped his arm, and files appeared in front of Harley. His mom and his sister.
Harley smiled. He pulled his sister’s file. “Rosa’s in college now, studying art, and Mom?” Harley picked up her file. “Mom’s fine on her own, and I know she still needs me, but…” He sighed. “Mr. Stark, I need to be out there. I can’t let other people fight my battles. Not when I’m qualified to do the same.”
Tony nodded. “Show me all of it.”
“All of what?”
“Your suit. I saw the two watches.”
Harley smiled. He excitedly swiped and tapped and clicked and dragged, and the metal transformed and covered his hands. It spread to his arms and his chest, to his head and to his legs, and the familiar whir of a suit almost made Tony smile.
Soon, Harley was protected by his own suit, silver and red accents. His mask flipped up and revealed a brilliant smile. “How does it look?”
Tony saw the tiny details. The color change and the different arc reactor. The way the metal hugged Harley in a way his first suit couldn’t. He knew Harley was smart, but, shit, he never realized how hard this kid worked.
“Looks pretty good, kid. Pretty good.”
Harley smiled and packed his suit back into his watches. “So, am I an Avenger now?”
Tony took his time to chew and swallow his trail mix. “No.”
“No, because” -Tony pressed a few buttons on the holograms and suddenly a building appeared between the two men- “you will train here first.” Tony pulled up some files and presented them in front of Harley. “Sam’s leading the training, with Wanda and Clint. We got some good names here. Peter, Shuri, Cassie, Lila.” Tony nodded. The four kid’s profiles were in front of him, and it looked good. Especially with Harley smiling with them.
“And you, Mr. Stark?”
Tony shrugged. “I’ve wanted to hang up the suit a long time ago, Harley. I thought I’d never be able to sit around just watch, but with the new Captain America and you guys taking care of the world.” He smiled up at the profiles. “I think I can at least take a little break.”
“So no interfering?”
“I never said that.” Tony returned all the files to the table and turned it off. “I’ll come in when I get worried. But for now,” he smiled fondly, “I’m going to take care of my girls. Before Tony could get more emotional, I mean the kid already saw him have a panic attack, Tony clicked his tongue. “Come on. I’ll drive.”
Harley grabbed his bag. “You know, Peter’s younger and he technically is an Avenger. So maybe-”
“Harley, I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“You mean guilt tripping?”
Harley groaned. “It was worth a shot.”
A week later, there was a funeral for Natasha and Vision. Everyone was there. Their family. They set off memorials in the river and watched as they floated away. They would forever be remembered. A few years later, Steve and Bucky adopted a little girl with red hair and brown eyes. They named her Natalie, in Natasha’s honor. Clint cried when he held her.
The Young Avengers train, picking up kids who were qualified and had good heads on their shoulders and a good heart. The new Captain America led them well. They made names for themselves. Spider-Man not only protected New York, he also was the most experienced in the multiverse. Shuri goes back to Wakanda every now and then, but focuses most of her energy advancing technology and on training to become better and stronger. Lila becomes an amazing archer just like her father and never misses a shot. Cassie comes in when she’s needed, finding more interest in engineering than superheroing, but she loves her team. Harley soon becomes their leader, helped by Peter, and his name… Well.
“Iron Lad!”
Harley tilted his head. “What was that, Morgan?”
The girl giggled and pointed at his arc reactor. “Iron Lad.”
“Not the name I was looking for.” Harley laughed, brushed her hair back, and kissed her forehead. “But, in your honor.” He put his hands on his hips and put on his mask. “Iron Lad.”
The girl squealed as her older brother attacks her with tickles and kisses, and when she’s tired, she whispered, “I love you.”
I may or may not edit this, cause there’s still a few things I want to “fix,” but give me suggestions, give me feedback, and I might just post a second version! aka this is also me asking for reblogs and comments because i’m super nervous about this fic so please please please
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im-tops-bottom · 5 years
In the middle of a jungle lone wolf and omega Tony Stark meets con artist and play boy Bucky Barnes.
The two start off hating each other as they navigate through the jungle. One looking for his pack and the other running from his.
After a day of arguing the two find an abandoned hut where they spend the night.
In the middle of the night they are attached by a Savage wolf baring the Hydra mark. It's bad timing as Tony goes into heat and gets injured. Bucky puts down the wolf and decides that he needs to protect the stupid omega from trying to fight when he's in heat. Tony angrily heads back into the hut and says that he's gonna sleep the heat away. Hes done it before and he'll do it again.
On the third day of Tonys heat and Bucky taking down unwanted wolves, the leader of Tony's pack, one Obidiah Stane along with some Henchmen try to take Tony. Turns out Obie had joined Hydra and was trying to make Tony not only the alphas omega but also a Hydra super soldier.
Tony who looks pale and sick crawls out of the hut and turns into his wolf form. He struggles to stay standing but refuses to give up.
Bucky growls at Tony before quickly transforming as well getting ready to protect the stupid omega. They are just about to start fighting when arrows come flying through and movement in the trees alerts everyone. Obidiah flees knowing it's a losing battle swearing he will get Tony back.
As soon as Bucky turns back to his human form he turns just in time to see Tony drop in his wolf form.
"shit! Clint a little help here"
Clint drops through the trees and raises a brow.
"I'll explain later. Can you carry him back?"
Clint sighs as he passes his arrows and bow over to Bucky.
"Steve isn't gonna like this"
"I know"
Clint turns into his wolf form and Bucky helps put an unconscious Tony onto Clint's back.
"but he's in heat and it'll be a bad idea for me. Just be grateful you're a beta because this guy is doing wonders to me"
As they make their way back to their pack Bucky explains what had happened and promises that next time he will listen to Bruce and make a crumb trail.
As soon as they arrive Bucky tenses and doesn't understand why as Steve raises a brow and walks over to them.
Bucky explains the situation and asks if Tony can stay there until his heat is over. Steve says no.
"but why?"
"because he belongs to another pack. Another pack who have joined Hydra. Not only that, he is an unmated omega in heat. We have several unmated alphas here Buck. Dont do that to him"
"oh come on. I trust everyone in our pack and i know you do to. Besides, I can guard him until he gets through it. We have beta's as well"
"uhhh Bucky?"
Bucky and Steve look over to a shakey Tony shivering on tje ground as he transformed back to his human form. He's curled against Clint and whining in pain. Steve is horrified.
"Jesus Bucky! When you said Tony, i didn't realize you meant Tony Stark. Wait! Did the alpha of his pack say his name?"
"uhhhhhhhh I think Tony said Obie or something like that"
"fuck. That means Howard is dead. Shit. Clint take Tony to Bruce. He'll help out. Bucky get everyone together, it's time for a group meeting."
Later on once Bruce has Tony settled down and asleep he heads out to the pack meeting. Bucky looks over and asks if Tony is alright. Bruce nods and watches Bucky, Clint and Steve relax.
Steve stands in front of everyone as the huddle around the campfire.
"before Hydra turned me into a super soldier I had met a friendly couple. Howard and Maria Stark. They helped me out with alot of things. After I got super serumed they had saved me and brought me into their pack. After a long while I left the pack and started looking for my own pack. I met you guys and then we brought back Bucky from Hydra."
Steve rubs his face and takes a couple of deep breaths.
"while I was away doing some recruiting I stumbled upon Howard again and met Tony. The packs second omega other than Maria Stark. I also got to meet Obidiah who is nothing but a manipulative asshole. He had started getting cosie with the Starks and tried to get them to join Hydra right from the moment he found out how smart Tony and Howard are. I'm guessing they must have said no and all this mess happened. I will have a chat with Tony as soon as he is better. In the meantime I want everyones senses heightened because Obie is a sneaky bugger and with Hydra on his side, that makes him dangerous. Don't let your guard down. Everyone is dismissed."
Steve heads over to Bucky, Bruce and Clint.
"only the 4 of us are allowed to be in the hut with Tony. Do not let anyone in. Bruce, Clint i know you beta's aren't really effected by omegas and alphas but if it does get too much then call me or Bucky. We will make sure at least one of us is here at all times."
Everyone nods and just as Bucky is about to say he'll take first shift, Clint gets in there first.
"Bucky get some sleep. I'll take first shift, if anything happens then I'll let one of yoy know. I can cuddle him, it'll probably make him feel slightly better"
Bucky once again feels tense like what happened with Steve earlier. He blames it on being tired agrees. Something in him calms down when he realizes that Tony's hut is right next to Bucky's.
The next day Tonys heat subsides and is surprised when he wakes up to find Steve standing in front of him.
"hey Tony"
While Steve helps wash Tony and change the sheets on the makeshift bed, Clint helps feed Tony while Bruce checks over him. Bucky sits in the corner and tells Tony what had happened since his heat came along. Tony smiles at him and thanks him as well aas everyone else in the room.
"Tony we need to talk"
At that moment a redhead walks into the hut.
"hey Steve I wa- Tony?"
"hey Nat, long time no see"
Nat rushes over to the bed and pulls Tony into a bonecrushing hug.
"oh god Tony. I heard about your father and when i couldn't find you I freaked"
"wait did you"
"yeah I got Rhodey, Pepper and the kid. They're safe"
"that's all that matters"
"wait what's going on? How do you two know each other?"
"I've known Tony for a while. Met him through the kid. Peter Parker was taken from Hydra until I saved him and a few others. Then I met Rhodey and Pepper. Then came along this annoying brat"
"hey I resent that"
"resent it all you want. Still doesn't change the fact that you are still a brat. Now tell me what happened and why Steve looks like he knows you"
Everyone explains everything together while Nat listens in. Afterwards Nat kicks everyone out so she can spend some time with Tony. Also because they needed to have a talk with the new people she rescued aka Tony's friends.
In the next couple of days everyone starts getting annoyed because tony and Bucky still aren't talking. Well Bucky is trying but Tony is still annoyed with him. Just to annoy Tony further, Bucky tells everyone that he'll be Tony's protector here on out. To say Tony was pissed was a bit of an understatement.
Weeks later word gets out that Hydra is making an army and they plan on taking Tony as well as everyone else that is proven useful along the way. They also found out about Steve's pack through a spy that no one realized wasn't actually apart of their pack. Everyone comes together as well as the newbies so they can rescent each other.
Later that night an argument between Tony and Bucky breaks out in the jungle as the two are sent out to grab some resources. They had to navigate their way out of the jungle and into a close by town to stock up. Lucky for them Clint and Nat go along as well. As soon as they get into town a storm hits and they have to get a motel room for the night. Nat gets two rooms. One for her and Clint and another for the two boneheads that havent stopped arguing since they left. Nat shoves the two into the room and closes the door before making her way to the room four rooms down.
Meanwhile Tony and Bucky's fight gets real heated and soon clothes are off and they're having angry sex. Multiple times. The last one is the one that surprises them both. Tony growls out "oh please. Fine yes you are. If you do have the balls to do anything then prove it"
As they reach their climax Bucky bites down on Tony's bond mark and in retaliation Tony bites his one back. Once they finally start to calm down they realize that not only did they bond but also Bucky knotted Tony. This starts a whole new round of arguments and soon they resume fucking each other's brains out in anger.
2 days later the storm clears and the 4 get to stocking up food. Clint groans how tony and Bucky are still arguing while nat just shrugs and says that at least they aren't arguing over something stupid o-
"wait come again. You two are what now? And did what now?"
Tony glares at Bucky while Bucky looks like he is 5 seconds from running away in order to save his life.
Steve steps foot outside his hut while his omega Sam is asleep to find Clint helping Bucky who looks like he is in pain while Nat is carrying a distressed Tony.
"well at least they brought the supplies"
He makes his way over and grabs the cart that Clint was pulling while taking Clint's place holding up Bucky.
"do I want to know?"
"oh god"
Natasha turns around and glares at Bucky while yelling out for the whole world to hear what exactly Bucky and Tony got up to while a blushing Tony whines for Nat to just shut up. Clint groans out a "not this again" as he walks over and clamps his hand over Nat's mouth. He glares at her saying "I'm not scared of you". After a bit she promises to stay calm so Clint removes his hand.
Steve let's out a heavy sigh as he leaves the cart outside the big hut used for storage and then taking Bucky over to medical so Bruce can look him over.
Meanwhile Nat takes Tony to his bed and cuddles him saying that she is keeping him in her sights until she calms down which will take a few days. Tony just sighs before cuddling up and falling asleep.
The next day Obie finds the pack with the help of the spy and storms it with a small army. People are killed and the village is burned to the ground.
They captured Tony, Bucky, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Pepper, Clint, Rhodey, Natasha, Peter, Happy and Coulson.
Obie is pissed because he can smell a new pack all over Tony and wants to murder Bucky as hr claimed his Omega. Tony was his dammit.
"isn't there a way to break a bond?"
"no sir. Not through death, not through brainwashing. This bond is like no other"
"how do you mean?"
"I saw that their bond marks light up a blue color"
"no. It can't be"
"yes. They're soulmates. Thought I would never see true mates ever but here they are. There's nothing we can do"
"fine. In that case torture and brainwash them all. Completely wipe their memories. If I can't have tony then no one will ever remember having him. Even though they are mated I'm sure I can still fuck the bond right out of him. I will fill him with my pups. Show them exactly who tony should have belonged to"
Everyone including Tony go through painful torture over the next few years. Then the wiping begins and soon they are brainwashed into working for Obidiah. Obie makes them watch as he fucks and knots Tony.
After weeks of doing this Obie begins to get annoyed that Tony hasn't gotten pregnant. After going to medical, it turns out that Obie will forever be shooting blanks. He rages and heads over to Bucky before beating the shit out of him.
Something happens as he does that. He looks on in shock as Bucky's bite mark turns blue and soon Bucky is fighting back. Bucky goes on a rampage and takes down half of Hydra until he stops at a room. He kicks the door down and the growling stops as he looks at a smaller man baring the same glowing mark stands up.
He growls out as he rushes over, grabs the smaller and fucks him like their lives depends on it. He scents and bites the smallers mark while growling out for him to do the same. He keeps going until all he can smell on the smaller is himself. He knots him on the smaller and lays on him, covering and protecting him.
A while later he carries his mate through the building looking for an exit. He sees a room full of cryochambers and a feeling inside him tells him that he needs to save these people. He takes one step before feeling a needle and then blacking out.
Bucky wakes up to a new room. His memories are back and mixed in with the memories of what happened in hydra. He sits up quickly and panics. He calms a bit as he feels a hand. He looks up in desperation
"Stevie wheres Tony?"
"calm down Bucky. He's here and he's safe. We were saved by a group of people called Shield. They created a machine and serum that helps restore memories in case hydra got a hold of people. You were the last to wake up"
"I need to see him"
"okay. But be warned, he's a bit hectic right now"
Flashbacks hit Bucky like a truck and he starts having a panic attack. Memories of what Obidiah did to Tony in front of everyone flashes right before him.
Steve tries to calm him but it's no use as Bucky stands up and rushes out. Bucky doesn't trust Tony without him by his side protecting him. He sniffs tony out and finds him shaking, crying and screaming. Bucky growls at everyone to leave before racing over and plastering himself against Tony. He cuddles and calms the irate omega down while keeping an eye on his surroundings. He knows Steve is outside thr door so he growls out a "I don't trust them Stevie. I must by Tony's side at all times or no one is allowed near him"
He somewhat calms down before cuddling Tony tighter and drifting off to much needed sleep. His heightened senses keep him on high alert and he is prepared to look after his mate no matter what the cost it. Tony is his and no one is allowed to take him away from him ever again
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nikky-the-writer · 7 years
Who’s the kid? (Bruce x Reader-daughter)
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A/N: This was requested a while ago. I’m sorry that it took me so long to writ this. After this request I’m going to post one for Donald and another part of my ongoing series in a few days.
Request: Reader is Banner’s daughter, she lives with her grandmother and nobody knows that she exists, except Tony who is like an uncle to her.           
Your palms were sweating as you were coming closer to the Avengers tower. Moving the none existing wrinkles on your shirt for the fifteenth time. As you opened the door you headed to the front desk. You tried not to look like you were in shock, trying to act normal. Approaching to the desk you pulled out the folded envelope from your pocket. The young woman smiled at you and politely asked you do you have an appointment.
˝I need to talk to Mr. Stark. Just tell him that Y/N is here. He will know.˝ ˝Alright dear, you can wait over there.˝ You sat on black letter chair and you played with the paper between your fingers. Loud footsteps grabbed your attention. Moving your eyes from the ground to the stairs, you saw Tony coming down. You ran to him and he lifted you off the ground. ˝What are you doing here, kiddo?˝ ˝I..I..It's not...good˝ You stuttered and he placed your feet back to the ground. ˝Kiddo, don't scare me like that. What happened?˝ You stayed silent knowing that you would cry if you start explaining to him, so you offered him the envelope which he quickly took and opened. ˝Y/N, this is a will.˝ He was shocked. He wished that there was a better reason for you to come see him, Tony was like an uncle to you. Your father left you when you were younger because  he was afraid of hurting you. ˝Does he know?˝ You just shake your head ‘no’. ˝Would you like me to talk to him?˝ You nodded and he pulled you in for another hug whispering: ˝I'm really sorry for your loss, kiddo.˝ You relaxed in his arms and he guided you into the elevator next to the stairs.
˝Who are you?˝ You turned your head to the source of the voice only to be met with redhead woman aka Black Widow. You knew who she was,  but you didn't really know what to say. ˝I...I'm with ....Tony.˝ You stated avoiding her green eyes. ˝Maybe, if you were ten years older. I would say alright, but you are a kid, so why would you be here?˝  Her eyes grow wider. ˝You are his kid!?˝ She comes closer to you to take a better look at you. ˝No!˝ You almost screamed. He was more a father to you than your real father, but you knew your father's reasons. It did hurt you that he didn't come back, but there's still time to try again. ˝I'm just visiting. ˝ You said hoping that she won't ask anything else. ˝Visiting? So, you are a family member, distant cousin or something?˝ ˝Yep, something like that.˝You smiled thinking that you got out of the woods. ˝I don't believe you.˝She sat next to you typing on here phone. After a while, she spoke again breaking the silence. ˝So, you are Bruce's daughter?˝ Your heart stopped for a moment. ˝He doesn't know you are here? Does he even know about you?˝ ˝Did Tony texted you that?˝She nodded and you exhaled loudly. ˝Of course he knows, he was there when I was born.˝ ˝He left you, didn't he?˝Her voice was softer than before. ˝We all make mistakes. I don't blame him. He was scared that he could hurt me.˝ ˝And your mother?˝ ˝She died after I was born. I lived with my grandma, but she past away four days ago.˝ ˝I'm so sorry for your loss.˝ ˝It's alright.˝ You smiled sadly not wanting her to feel bad. ˝Miss. Banner, Tony requested you in his lab.˝ You heard somebody's voice and you turned to look at Natasha. ˝It's FRIDAY, Tony's A.I.˝ ˝Oh. I thought it was called Jarvis.˝ ˝It's kinda a long story. Do you want me to walk you to the lab?˝ She was really nice, but you declined her offer asking only for instructions. You didn't want to be rude, but you weren't in the mood to talk about yourself to somebody you just met.
Your heart was beating fast, you haven't seen your father for years. Everything he did was to protect you, you knew that, but it still hurt that he never come back. You needed him in your life, you grow up without your parents so you mostly felt alone. Coming closer to the door of Tony's lab you could hear voices, but not only two voices, more than three. Stepping inside all eyes were focused on you, but you only had eyes for one person in that room. Bruce thought that you'll  hate him that you'll never forgive him and that's why he stayed frozen on the spot when you ran to him and hugged him. Your tears were soaking his shirt as he held you close to him. ˝I missed you.˝You whispered between the sobs not aware of all the other people that came in the lab being noisy as usual. ˝I'm so sorry, baby.˝ He didn't let you go, he couldn't, not again. ˝Dad, let me look at you.˝ He hesitantly loosens the grip around you. Seeing his face your smile grow wider. He looked different, but still the same. You traced his face with your fingers. He looked tired but happy. He placed his palms on the sides of your face. ˝God, look at you Y/N. You look just like her.˝ Your smile grew wider. ˝I wish. She was beautiful.˝ ˝Yes she was and so are you. I missed you so much.˝ There were tears in his eyes and his voice was shaking a little. He couldn't believe that you were there standing in front of him without hate towards him. You were both brought back from your little reunion when somebody cleared their thought. ˝Sorry for interrupting, but who's the kid?˝  Man with silver hair asked and you stayed quiet waiting for your dad to answer. ˝She is my daughter.˝ Bruce put his arm around your shoulder protectively. ˝Does she turns to a green monster as well?˝ Brown haired man asked with a grin on his face ˝Why would I turn into a green monster when I was already born when my dad made that experiment?˝ ˝Just ignore him, Clint's an ass.˝ Your dad said guiding you out from the lab. ˝Y/N/N!˝ You turned around hearing Tonys' voice. ˝Did you get my new prototype?˝ ˝Yeah, but I'm still trying to figure out what that thing is.˝ You said laughing as your father dragged you out. ˝I know you'll figure out soon.˝ ˝I hope so!˝ You yelled as your father already closed the door.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Tell me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Tag list:   @whatthehellisacastiel, @hardboiledegg21, @aboveaverage-fangirl, @mitra-k-w, @crownie-sr, @tremilyteapot, @barnesnoble13, @aya-fay, @raisaioana71, @infinitepurity, @melconnor2007, @psychicwitchphilosopher
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