youngzombieexpert · 2 days
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patema-introverted · 2 years
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opencommunion · 6 months
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Kelly Latimore, Christ in the Rubble, 2023
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jimbenton · 6 months
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Felis Navidad
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aiweirdness · 6 months
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asked dalle3 "Please generate a simple Christmas nativity scene with each element clearly labeled in large capital letters for a child who is learning to read."
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tomicscomics · 5 months
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JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Jewish laws have a lot of stuff about impurities and uncleanliness.  After giving birth, for example, a mother becomes impure for a time (forty days after having a boy, or eighty for a girl).  During this time, the mother can't enter temples (dwelling places of God) or touch anything sacred. 2. In this cartoon, Joseph reads about the above impurity laws from a brochure.  At first, it seems like he's just informing his beloved wife of their religious duties, but in fact, he's only using it to build up an argument of why HE should be the one holding the new Baby Jesus.  After all, if Mary is legally impure, doesn't that mean she can't hold Jesus, since He's sacred?  Of course, by that logic, the manger could be considered a temple, since it's the current dwelling place of God-made-Man, but Joseph wisely avoids arguing this point.
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didoofcarthage · 1 year
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Prayer Nut with the Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi, attributed to the workshop of Adam Dircksz
Netherlandish, c. 1500-1530
boxwood, silver, and gold
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humandyke · 6 months
pls everyone look my gf MADE me a nativity set WITH HER HANDS OUT OF CERAMIC AND WOOD.
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she plans on making more. guess who the sheep is
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yeoldegodzilla · 6 months
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Medieval nativity scenes featuring Godzilla from illuminated manuscripts
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“How would that carpenter and his pregnant wife have circumnavigated the Kafka­esque network of Israeli settlements, roadblocks and closed military zones in the occupied West Bank? Would Mary have had to experience labor or childbirth at a checkpoint, as one in 10 pregnant Palestinian women did between 2000 and 2007?... ‘If Jesus were to come this year, Bethlehem would be closed,’ declared Father Ibrahim Shomali, a Catholic priest of the city’s Beit Jala parish, in December 2011. ‘Mary and Joseph would have needed Israeli permission – or to have been tourists.’"
- Medhi Hasan, 2014
Click here for this poem in shareable text form, plus more reflection, images, & information.
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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thewordfortheday · 6 months
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Luke 19:10“The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them.”
Jesus entered the world to save sinners. When we read the Gospel of Luke, we see Jesus reaching out to men and women, young and old, powerful and forgotten, demon possessed, and the sick. He came to save sinners and those who were lost. He came to save you and me.
Prayer: Holy and righteous God, thank You for Your great desire to bring salvation to all people—including me. Open my heart and move me to reach out to others who need to know Your grace. Even more, dear Father, stir me to seek the lost as passionately as Your Son did … and still does. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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tomicscomics · 5 months
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"If you cannot afford a lamb, one will be appointed to you."
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Joseph continues reading about Jewish law from his brochure (continued from last week's cartoon).  In Jewish tradition, the sacrifice for a newborn boy was typically one yearling lamb (for the sin offering) and one turtledove (for the burnt offering).  As Mary and Joseph discuss this, the Holy Spirit (a dove, but not for sacrifice) shows up to give a knowing glance at Baby Jesus.  You see, Jesus is called the "Lamb of God," and His mission is to be sacrificed for our sins, so it's ironic that His parents are required to sacrifice a lamb for HIM under Jewish law. 2. A few commenters last week were concerned about Mary and Joseph sleeping too close together in their blanket fort, as it challenges the perpetual virginity of Mary (a core Catholic belief).  I argue that Mary and Joseph are a poor married couple sleeping in a barn that's open to the cold and creatures of nature, so the chaste and honorable Joseph would probably stay near his Holy Family for their protection, instead of sleeping apart and leaving them vulnerable.  No scandal here! 3. A few commenters last week argued about the perpetual virginity of Mary (the belief that she remained a virgin after Jesus's birth; a belief held by the early Church even before the Bible was canonized).  I just wanted to say that I'm thrilled and honored that my comics appeal to people of all religions, including other Christian denominations.  It moves me every time I get a comment from someone who isn't Catholic but loves my work.  That said, I AM Catholic, so please understand that my comics follow the canon of Catholicism when I can help it.  No hard feelings.  Of course, you're all welcome to continue giving me suggestions and debating in the comments (good-naturedly, of course).  I've learned so much by listening and looking into your apologetics.
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many-sparrows · 6 months
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Nativity at Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, Palestine, for Advent 2023. Photos from Pastor Munther Isaac.
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philliplight · 1 year
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🎶O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem O come and behold Him, born the King of Angels O come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord🎶
Unto us a savior is born, tis Christ the Lord. Merry Christmas everyone ❤️
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futurebird · 5 months
Merry Christmas!
Peace on earth goodwill to all living things.
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