serickswrites · 19 days
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, wounds, rescue, unclear character status, caretaker and whumpee
Caretaker had gone into a blind rage when they burst into the basement and seen Whumpee. Whumpee was slumped over, chains pulled tight on their wrists and throat, a pool of blood growing around them.
"C-C-Caret'errrrrrr," Whumpee rasped, weakly trying to lift their head.
The team, including medics, followed closely at Caretaker's heels. "Where is Whumper?" One had asked Caretaker.
But Caretaker didn't answer. They stared at the blood. Stared at the gaping hole in Whumpee's gut. Stared at the gurgling wound as the medics surged forward and surrounded Whumpee.
And their resolve broke. They turned on their heel and searched through the compound. Searched and searched until they found Whumper.
"It's you," Whumper sneered.
That was all it took for Caretaker to pounce on Whumper. They punched and kicked at Whumper, a wordless roar of anger ripping from their throat. Whumper fought back weakly, but they were quickly overwhelmed.
It was only when Whumper stopped moving beneath them that Caretaker stopped. Their fists were coated in blood and Whumper's face was a swollen ruin. Caretaker didn't care if Whumper was alive or dead. Or if they would live. "Rot in hell," they spat as they rose.
Caretaker could hear their name being called and their stomach dropped. Whumpee. They had run from Whumpee. They raced out into the hall and almost collided with one of the medics.
"Caretaker! Whumpee's asking for you. They.....you just better come."
Caretaker nodded, their mouth going dry at the medics words. "I'm coming, Whumpee. Hold on. Hold on," they muttered over and over as they made their way back to the basement.
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themerrywhumpofmay · 1 month
Merry Whump of May 2024 Prompts
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Event tags: #mwm2024 #themerrywhumpofmay #mwmday[X]
Thank you everyone for your patience in waiting for this post. We can't wait to see what you create this year! Have fun!
Image text under the cut-
The Merry Whump of May is an event run by @wormwriting and @painsandconfusion. There are 31 days of prompts to be completed each day of May. Feel free to do as much or as little as you’d like. 
Prompts can be filled in prose, poetry, art, or any other medium you resonate with. 
There will be participation and completionist medals in downloadable pdf format.
01 - Breathless “Get back in there” | Ring box | Cliff
02 - Scorching “Don’t you dare.” | Glasses | Storage Shed
03 - Lost “See what happens.” | Screwdriver | Club
04  - Forgettable “Who are you?” | Lamp | Alleyway
05 - Strained “Put that down.” | Electrical wires | Plane
06 - Suspicious “You thought you could get away with this?” | Barbed wire | Riverside
07 - Fallen “Forget about them.” | Piano | Edge of town
08 - Pitch black “I’m fine.” | White-hot blade | Passenger seat
09 - Frostbitten “You’re nothing” | Blanket | Parking lot
10 - Jaded  “Revenge is a dish best served.” | Mask | Rooftop
11 - Numb “Pretty little thing.” | Bracelet | Stairwell
12- Known “Let me hear you.” | Garrotte | Desert
13 - Restless “Tell me how it feels.” | Needle | Trail
14 - Punchable “I just want you.” | Rock | Closet
15 - Stone-cold “Let me hold you.” | Candle | Cellar
16 - Naive  “Say aaaaa-” | Whip | Library
17 - Hungry “Wait, are you afraid of me?” | Fork | Lake
18 - Conditioned “Why do you love them?” | Record player | Ballroom
19 - Distracted “Rot in hell.” | Soup | crate
20 - Alone “Don’t tell me you forgot about me.” | Lipstick | Training grounds
21 - Charismatic “Sit.” | Vial | Balcony
22 - Charred “It’s been too long.” | Straps | Rafters
23 - Overthrown “Close your eyes.” | Rock | Truck
24 - Shadowed “Break a leg!” | Plants | Cave
25 - Practical “I’ve always loved the rain.” | Bottle | Shop
26 - Resilient “Get in.” | Pocket | Marsh
27 - Mistrusted “You’re trembling.” | Dagger | Couch
28 - Loyal “Smile.” | Water | Workshop
29 - Reflective “Chin up.” | Trap | Office
30 - Tenacious “Did you have a bad dream?” | Paper clip | Doorway
31 - Broken “Last one.” | Key | Under the bed
Alternate Prompts
Street corner
“Lean on me.”
“I don’t have regrets.”
“Take me.”
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“Don’t you dare.”
Contains: prison/labour camp, threat (implied)
“Don’t you dare.” Another prisoner was snarling at him. “Don’t you dare fall.”
If he collapsed, as his swimming vision and trembling limbs suggested he would, he’d take the entire line with him—every single convict, linked in a long column by chains on their legs. And what then? He’d have the guards cracking their whips or clubs over his back, and if the other prisoners fell, they’d be out for blood. His.
He took another staggering step forward, watching land and sky bleed into one another at the horizon. Breathe. Stay away. Step. Step again.
“That’s right. Keep fucking moving.”
suggested reading order | MWM event masterlist
<<< previous | next >>>
All my writing is original. Feel welcome to interact/comment/reblog. Pls don’t steal or repost.
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painsandconfusion · 1 month
Merry Whump of May - Day 1
[“Get back in there” | Ring box | Cliff] (tw: claustrophobia, panic attack, phobia, death threat, failed escape attempt, punishment, self inflicted injury (panic), splinters under nails, manhandling)
[Merry Whump of May Masterpost] [Phobia Whumper Masterpost]
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Whumpee’s eyes were burning and blurring over as they gripped at Whumper’s fingers. “N-noonononno please no-”
“Shut up already and get back in there-” Whumper shoved them further into the crate. It had started off as a large shipping crate and now felt like an apple crate, bruising in at their shoulders and knees and ankles as they tried to twist and curl to stash themself tighter into the space. As it closed in on them. Sucked their breath and whisked it away to an unknown darkness that pervaded their mind and dripped cold through their white-hot flesh.
“PLEASE- Pelas e I w-won’t d o it again pl-ease-pplease-!”
Whumper shoved the lid on the box, latching it into place. “Try to pick that lock, you little pest.”
The air in the quickly-heating space stuck at their lungs and slammed in and out of their throat in choppy, uneven bursts. They gasped and shoved and clawed, only distantly aware of the bruises pressing at their bones and the shards of wood wriggling up under their nails. The panic was too thick. Too stifling. 
Forget the apple crate. This felt like a bread box now. A ring box, even. Impossibly small and crushing their bones under its infinitely shrinking horror. 
Pleas and screams kept exploding from them, sucking what little air they had into worthless desperation. “PL-EASE PL LEASE WH HUMPER PLLLEASE- LE T ME OUT O-OPEN TH- SSSTOP-STOP STOP-PLEASE-”
The boards over and around them creaked slightly as Whumper settled their weight onto the crate. Whumpee froze, dreading for a moment the thought of Whumper’s weight cracking through the box and crushing them only to realize that would mean the box was broken and they would be better able to wriggle out or at least get some fresh air inside. They pushed against the spot. 
Whumper mused as they sat there, “I could do anything right now, you know… Couldddddd…..toss you in a lake. Off a cliff. Bury you in the garden..”
Whumpee’s sobs started fresh, thrashing gaining new strength. Their heart twisted and stabbed. They couldn’t breathe- “Nn--onp plp-lease-ep-pleas-”
“We don’t have to do that, though, do we? Because you’re not gonna pick any more locks.”
“Y-ees-y– nn-n-omore-!” Just desperately agreeing to anything that had even the vaguest promise of getting out. Nothing else held their attention as darkness grew and their head weighed more on their aching shoulders.
“Good. I’ll leave you in here tonight to let you really think that over before we try again.”
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tagging isn't sparking joy today, i am so sorry-
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chaotic-orphan · 16 days
Merry Whump of May: day 21
Charismatic : “sit”// vial // balcony
Tw: forced swallowing of suspicious substance, handcuffs, small spaces
Completely unedited :) so read at your peril
Whumpee let out a groan as the car finally came to a stop. With their hands cuffed behind their back and their legs bunched up in the tight space, there was no way to stop themselves from hitting their head off a corner at the sudden stop. It only aggravated their headache from the beating Whumper’s goons had given them before they stuffed them in here.
Whumpee heard two car doors open and close followed by footsteps that got closer and closer to the boot. Whumpee knew this was inevitable, if you stuff someone in a boot and park the car, usually you’re going to have to remove them from the boot, but still… their heart pounded all the same.
It was Gavin who opened the boot and stared down at Whumpee with a wicked grin. “Enjoy the ride, Whumpee?”
“I’d enjoy it more if I didn’t have to see your face, ugly,” Whumpee replied, already moving to sit up in the boot which turned out to be more of an effort than they initially thought.
As soon as they sat up Gavin had a fist wrapped into Hero’s shirt and yanked them forward. Whumpee’s eyes went wide but they could do nothing to stop themselves as their body went with gravity and they fell face first onto the concrete. At the last minute Whumpee jutted their shoulder forward, taking the brunt of the impact there instead their face but it still hurt.
“You’re such a dick,” Whumpee spat, rolling onto their back and wanting to kick their legs at Gavin. They would have too, except for their legs being dead. Their blood fizzed as feeling slowly returned to them. Gavin let out a stupid laugh that grated on Whumpee’s ears, hurting more than the fall.
God… Whumpee really wanted Whumper to just kill the fucker already. Give Whumpee some peace, hire better goons.
“Oi,” the other goon called, voice drawl and monotone. “What’s the holdup?”
“They’re being difficult,” Gavin said in reply. Whumpee heard a sigh and then the other guy walked around the car to see Whumpee lying on the ground. Whumpee instantly scurried backwards as best they could on their cuffed hands and pins-and-needle-riddled legs that were just becoming awake.
Whumper’s other favourite goon, who Whumpee only knew as Dante, was far scarier than Gavin thought he was. He was lethal, efficient and humourless. His pale eyed stare pinned Whumpee in place once Whumpee’s back hit the wall. Whumpee watched as Dante reached behind his back and retrieved his gleaming pistol, drawing back the hammer and loading a round into the chamber with the simple flick of his thumb.
Dante inclined his head, voice montone as he said: “would you like to walk up to Whumper’s suite, Whumpee? Or crawl?”
Whumpee set their mouth into a resolute, thin line, trying to maintain any of their dignity that vanished when Dante was involved. “I think I’ll walk,” Whumpee replied, already pushing themselves up by leveraging their back against the wall.
Dante’s expression didn’t change. He didn’t holster his pistol, he just walked over to Whumpee and grabbed the crook of their elbow before pushing them towards the lift that led to the hotel above. Whumpee knew exactly where they were. Dante had brought them here multiple times before. The handcuffs and the boot treatment was new, but Whumpee didn’t have to think twice about why they were cuffed. Why Dante was being especially impatient…
Gavin followed them into the lift and pressed the button for the penthouse suite. This was when the nerves usually kicked in, but today Whumpee was more scared of Dante than Whumper. Whumper, they could sweet talk. Dante was like talking to a wall. An imposing, emotionless brick of a wall. The only advantage Whumpee had for assurances that Dante wouldn’t kill them was Whumper’s… fondness for Whumpee.
On good days, Whumpee liked to think on their relationship like more of a partnership. Where Whumpee and Whumper were equals. That’s the way it had always been, but lately… well, things have been tense to say the least.
They cast their eyes to the ascending numbers of the lift, watching every floor rise until they reached floor 63: Whumper’s home, the penthouse suite.
Dante punched in the six digit passcode to enter the penthouse, while Gavin nudged Whumpee with his shoulder. “You fucked up big this time Whumpee, I don’t think Whumper’s gonna be so forgiving.”
Whumpee scoffed, glancing back over their shoulder to Gavin. “Even if he kills me, it would be a blessing. At least I wouldn’t have to stand so close to you.”
“You just think you’re so smart, don’t ya?” Gavin cursed, shoving Whumpee forward. Whumpee didn’t brace for a push and so they stumbled forward, just at the perfect timing that the lift doors opened. Whumpee lost their balance but recovered slightly and only dropped to one knee.
“I don’t think I’m smart, Gavin,” Whumpee replied easily, getting one foot under them. They shot a smirk over their shoulder to the bull in a china shop and said: “I just know I’m smarter than you.”
Whumpee got their second foot under them and went to stand but froze when they felt Gavin’s meaty hand on the back of their neck.
“Why you little—”
Dante’s cool voice cut through Gavin’s no doubt colourful insults. “You’ve wasted enough time already.”
Gavin’s hand disappeared from Whumpee’s neck, instead Dante’s hand replaced it and yanked Whumpee up. Before Whumpee could protest, Dante shoved them forward, further into Whumper’s apartment, the threat clear. Keep walking or else.
“Okay, alright! I’m going,” Whumpee grumbled, rolling their shoulders, thankful their legs had stopped prickling and were now fully functioning. Whumpee walked into the kitchen and froze.
Sitting at the kitchen island with a steaming cup of coffee beside him sat Whumper. He smiled when he saw Whumpee and stood to greet him. A hand pressed between Whumpee’s shoulder blades shoved them further into the kitchen, barely catching themselves.
“Whumpee,” Whumper greeted, his voice soft and melodic like a warm tenor, pleasing on the ear. “I’m so happy to see you.”
Whumpee bit back their unhelpful reply and just beamed a smile at Whumper instead. They had to play this safe, otherwise they’d probably end up dead. Whumpee matched Whumper’s steps forward, shrugging as casually as they could with their hands cuffed behind their back.
“Yeah, well. Not everyday you get thrown into the boot of a car by two goons, is it?”
Whumper’s grin was sharper than a stanley blade as he extended a hand to Whumpee’s forehead where Gavin had slammed their head against the ground to stop them from fleeing.
“You’re bleeding,” Whumper said, tenderly touching the broken skin around the wound. Whumpee barely caught the greedy look in Whumper’s eyes before he pressed his thumb to Whumpee’s cut. Whumpee hissed and recoiled, but Whumper caught the back of Whumpee’s head with their other hand and kept them still. “Does it hurt?”
“Yes!” Whumpee hissed, trying to shoulder Whumper away from them.
The corner of Whumper’s lips twitched up. “Good,” he said, digging his thumb in harder before pulling away from Whumpee altogether. The pain was more of an annoying ache really, a loss of sensation but they wanted to relieve it somehow. They wanted to reach up and press a tender hand to it, but with their hands cuffed they couldn’t really do much of anything.
They watched as Whumper strolled over to retrieve his coffee off the island, then shot a pleasant smile back and Whumpee.
“Shall we enjoy the sunset on the balcony, Whumpee?” He asked, but he was walking before Whumpee could answer. Whumpee glanced back to Dante and Gavin before setting their jaw and reluctantly following Whumper out to the balcony.
“I’d enjoy the sunset if you took these cuffs off,” Whumpee told Whumper, voice sweet like honey. Whumper smiled at Whumpee as he sat in his favourite cushioned armchair and set his coffee on the glass table in front of him.
Whumper gestured for Whumpee to take their usual seat in front of Whumper’s, “please, sit.”
“You know what, Whumper? I’d love a coffee, if you’re feeling generous,” Whumpee said with a sigh and a cheeky smile as they settled into their own cushioned chair.
Whumper laughed. “Oh, Whumpee… I am feeling a lot of things towards you at the moment,” his brown eyes cutting into Whumpee’s. “Not one of them is generous.”
Whumpee reclined back into the chair, kissing their teeth and switched their gaze to the bustling city instead. The sunset was beautiful, casting the buildings with soft orange light as the sun sank low into the blue and pink sky. Whumpee wished they could enjoy it like they usually did. Instead they were here, sitting across from Whumper and trying their best to ignore the claw of fear that had gripped their chest.
“I thought we had an understanding, Whumpee,” Whumper began with his soothing tone and sugar coated words. “I thought we were partners.”
“Yeah,” Whumpee said with a scoff, turning to look at Whumper. “I thought so too. Then, next thing I know Dante’s at my door, beating the shit out of me to drag me here to you! My phone didn’t break by the way, it still works. Normal people call when they need something.”
Whumper’s eyes flashed with a drop of cruelty, a knowing smirk spreading across his face.
“Are you really trying to play coy with me, Whumpee?” Whumper asked with a laugh. “We both know you’re smarter than that.”
Whumpee sat forward in their chair and tried for a charming smile. “How about you take these cuffs off and we can have a lovely little chat, hmm? That’s what you want right? To smooth everything over.”
Whumper hummed, taking a sip of his coffee and glancing out across the city’s skyline. Whumpee huffed out a scoff and rolled their eyes, glancing back to the door to track where the other two arseholes were.
“Of course, Whumpee. We can have a civil conversation.”
Whumpee cocked an eyebrow, waiting for the and, if or but. Whumper in reply, took something out of his pocket and placed it on the table between them. Whumpee made a point of looking at it — it was like a scientist’s test tube but smaller with a cork in it, or a vial of some toxic substance. The liquid inside was a deep purple where the sun hit it, but otherwise it looked black. When Whumpee glanced back at Whumper he was smiling, looking very comfortable and pleased with himself.
The warning bells were already blaring in their mind, so Whumpee just remained silent. Even if they wanted to speak, they wouldn’t know what to say.
“I’ll take off your cuffs, as long as you drink this.”
“I can’t drink it unless you take the cuffs off,” Whumpee shot back, agitated.
“Nonsense,”Whumper waved away, grabbing his coffee from the table and nodding at someone behind Whumpee. “That’s what I pay Dante for.”
A hand crossed in front of Whumpee and they recoiled back, their heart racing. They jumped to their feet as Dante appeared in front of them, but a pair of hands on their shoulders dragged them back down to the chair and held them there.
There was a pop as the vial was uncorked.
“No, no, no! Wait!” Whumpee cried, struggling under Gavin’s hold as Dante stepped too between Whumpee’s legs that ruled out the use of their legs. “Whumper! What is that?!”
“Open up, Whumpee,” Dante said in the same monotone droll. “Don’t make me force you.”
Whumpee’s chest rose and fell too fast as they continued to struggle, turning their head away as Dante reached forward. A hand in Whumpee’s hair had them crying out as Dante wrenched their head backwards.
“Aagh! Get off of me!” Whumpee cried, twisting and turning, trying to stop Dante’s hand from getting closer or even better, spilling the fucking contents of the vial.
“Always so difficult,” Dante sighed, yanking Whumpee’s head back until they were staring at the sky. Whumpee grit their teeth to keep from crying out or opening their mouth. Dante leaned over Whumpee, pressing his forearm across Hero’s forehead, keeping them down and with his freehand he grabbed Whumpee’s nose and plugged it between his fingers.
Whumpee’s eyes widened, their struggles renewing as they realised what Dante was doing. Those pale, uncaring eyes stared down at Whumpee’s, waiting for them to open their mouth.
“You could have done it the easy way, you idiot,” Dante said, watching as Whumpee went purple from holding their breath. The struggling didn’t help with their lack of oxygen and Whumpee was afraid they’d burst or pass out and so —
Whumpee gasped and then the cool liquid was running down their throat. Whumpee coughed and sputtered, trying to spit it out. Before they could, Dante slammed his palm under Whumpee’s chin and dug his fingers into Whumpee’s cheek. Those pale eyes stared down soulless and bored.
“Swallow it, you child.”
Whumpee tried to twist their head free, but Dante didn’t let them. Dante slammed Whumpee’s head back again so they were staring at the sky.
“Oi,” Dante drawled. “Do I have to cut off your oxygen again or are ya gonna behave?”
Whumpee pulled every ounce of hatred from their body into the glare they shot at Dante, their nostrils flaring but they knew there was only one way that this ended.
Whumpee swallowed the now warm liquid. “Is it gone?”
“Mmph,” Whumpee tried to affirm.
Dante tilted his head. “Swallow again.”
Whumpee obeyed. Satisfied, Dante let go of Whumpee’s cheeks and stepped away. Whumpee let their head fall forward, rolling their neck to try and get rid of the creak. Dante stepped to the side of Whumpee’s chair and snapped their fingers onto their palm in a ‘come here’ gesture that Whumpee understood to mean give Dante his hands.
Whumpee leaned forward, coughing slightly. Dante grabbed Whumpee’s cuffed hands none too gently and Whumpee heard the satisfying click that signalled their freedom.
Whumpee coughed again as they brought their hands in front of them, glaring at Whumper as they rubbed their wrists.
“What—” Whumpee said, cutting themselves off with a cough. “What was that, Whumper?”
Whumper’s smile was cruel as he leaned forward in his seat, clasping his hands between his knees. Whumpee’s throat felt so dry and swallowing wasn’t doing anything to relieve the scratchiness.
“You remember Colt,” Whumper said.
Whumpee raised their brows. “Yeah? Vaguely?”
“He works in science, in a lab more specifically. Remember he made those power dampeners that the police love.”
“Yeah they’re not the only ones,” Whumpee spat pointedly. Their wrists weren’t the only things those stupid cuffs affected. It left Whumpee’s abilities disoriented afterward, something Whumper no doubt wanted Whumpee to experience. That off kilter, claustrophobic—
Something lurched in Whumpee’s chest, as if someone had just hit them from inside with a hammer. Whumpee’s hand went to their chest, fingers digging into their ribcage.
“Something wrong?” Whumper asked kindly.
“What—?” Whumpee breathed before another pang hit them and Whumpee jerked forward, taking in two long, panicked lungfuls of air. Whumpee got to their feet, needing to get away because something was wrong. Something was so so… wrong.
Their vision turned as if Whumpee was on a waltzers or something and they barely managed to brace themselves with their hands before they hit the balcony floor, heaving.
“AGH! Whum— whum—” Whumpee cried, screaming as their chest burned, spreading a current of pure pain from their heart around their body. Whumpee’s strength left them as their body convulsed and felt like it was burning. As if an army of fire ants were crawling under their skin, biting and cutting and burning.
Whumpee curled into a ball, grabbing their knees and digging their nails into their waist as their breath seemed to falter and stop and they were so hot, their mind blind with pain as stars burst behind their eyes and something was wrong!
Whumpee shivered, their clothes scratching and uncomfortable as they writhed in pain, loud whimpers and screams torn from their throat as the poison made its way through their veins. That’s all that little vial could be… poison. Whumper… whumper was going to kill them…
As if reading Whumpee’s thoughts Whumper stood, pressing their heel into Whumpee’s shoulder and kicking them onto their back. Whumpee’s glare was probably teary and ineffective, but they glared up all the same as their energy ebbed and flowed through their body, shivering and almost paralysed.
“Yeah, nerdy Colt. Little genius really,” Whumper said with a casual shrug, crouching so he could get closer to Whumpee. Whumpee tried to lift their arm and push him away, but they could barley lift it off the ground. “Well, I asked Colt if he could somehow manufacture an ingestibile version of the power dampeners.”
Whumpee’s eye’s widened in horror, mumbling out incoherent protests as their body spasmed beneath them.
“Oh hush, don’t worry. I don’t want your abilities gone, I just wanted to punish you for disobeying me, Whumpee,” Whumper said softly. His words anything but soothing. He reached out and brushed some of Whumpee’s sweat soaked hair from their forehead and smiled down at them almost tenderly. “The effects are temporary, Colt assured me, maybe two or three days—”
“You’re a bastard,” Whumpee spat, teeth chattering.
Whumper grinned.
“The effects are temporary, Whumpee, but I hope the message won’t be,” he said as he moved his hand to Whumpee’s throat and squeezed. Whumpee’s body only responded weakly, their arm brushing Whumper’s trying to dislodge it, but Whumper leaned so his breath fanned Whumpee’s cheek. “And if the message gets lost along the way, well, I had back-ups made in case you need a little reminder every now and then.”
Dark spots crowded the edges of Whumpee’s vision and for a moment they thought Whumper was going to choke them out.
Dante said something to the side and Whumper raised his brows, intrigued. Then as lazily as he cut off Whumpee’s oxygen he stood to his full height and grabbed his empty mug off the table. Whumpee gasped in air, turning on their side as they guzzled in sweet, fresh air into their lungs.
His smile was the same, usual charismatic one he wore when he was trying to imitate a human being. “Wonderful. Well Whumpee, get up. Duty calls. You can’t just lie around on my balcony all day. I’ll put on the kettle.”
Whumpee rolled onto their back and stared at the colour streaked sky, their body spent and their mind racing. All they wanted to do right now was sleep, or die, or kill Whumper and Dante— or all three.
As soon as they got their breath back, they’d do one of them. Maybe. Probably, for now they just stared at the sky.
“Whumpee!” Whumper called from inside. “If you don’t move in the next ten seconds I’ll get Dante to administer a second dose.”
Whumpee held up their middle finger through the window, not caring if Whumper even saw it. Reluctantly Whumpee sat up and got to their feet slowly, using the furniture to help them up.
They had made up their mind: they were going to kill Whumper…
after coffee.
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russet-writing · 1 month
03 Lost
“See what happens” | Screwdriver | Club
Content: Profanity, Drinking (in a club/bar setting), Some violence, Threats, Whumpee kind of having a position of power, Whumper not respecting that at all lol
“They’re startin’ their shit again, Whumpee.”
The Scotch he had been drinking got caught, choking him for all of two seconds before he managed to swallow it down. Out of the corner of Whumpee’s eye, he could see his bartender. She was hovering next to him, looking a whole lot more uneasy than usual, just mindlessly twisting a rag into a martini glass– Nervous energy. His eyes flicked to hers for a brief second and he knew exactly what was wrong just by the look on her face. They came back. Of course they would come back. No measly little warning could keep the Harpoons out of his hair…
“What do you mean they’re starting their… I– Didn’t I tell you that next time they come in you were supposed to fucking–” He cuts himself off and pinches the bridge of his nose, nostrils flaring. Reel it in, Whumpee. A deep breath.
“Didn’t I tell you,” A low murmur this time, “that the next time they tried to come in, you were supposed to turn them away?” When he opens his eyes again, he allows them to drift past the bartender, over to the bar and the crowd that had accumulated there. Sure enough, in the sea of faces and emblazoned leather jackets, his gaze catches on one staring right back at him: Whumper. Whumper, with those same fiery eyes and that same shit eating grin that widened as he lifted a mocking glass to him and downed it. Last time the bastard was here, he had broken about six of those glasses, the shards of which had ended up half-lodged in some poor drunk asshole’s scalp. Whumpee’s eye twitches.
“You don’t think I tried that?” The Bartender hisses with exasperation, following his gaze to the leader of the gang who… was now waving her over for yet another drink. Pompous prick. She bristles and whips her head to look at Whumpee, all tucked up frozen in his armchair. She turns back to Whumper. Back to him. And then, finally, she makes up her mind. With what has to be the most gall he had ever seen her display, she slams the martini down hard enough to nearly crack it and steps towards him, brandishing the damp rag.
“You are the owner of this club, you hear me? Be a man, get off your ass, and go get those psychos off my bar!” The last two words had spit flying at his face. A beat passed as he stared up at her. The bartender’s eyes slowly widened, coming to the realization she had just shouted at her boss, regretting it, and hoping to God it wouldn’t get her fired… but then, Whumpee lowered his gaze and slowly rose to his feet. His jaw was clenched, determination knitted between his brows.
Wordlessly, he makes his way over to the bar.
“Hey, pal…” Whumper called out in that sing-songy voice (the kind that makes you want to beat the everloving daylights out of him.) Whumpee knew he had probably heard that whole interaction judging by the knowing look in his eyes and his lax, confident posture. Whumpee didn’t care, not anymore. He was tired of this. “Long time no see. Starting to think you’ve been holding out on m–”
“You need to leave.”
It came out a lot hoarser than he would have liked, but they seemed to hear him just fine. For a small moment, it felt like the air shifted. The idle chatter around them seemed to falter before, ever so slowly, every head turned to the two of them. Whumpee swallowed, gaze flickering briefly over the watching eyes. Whumper never looked away. Whumpee takes a deep breath and meets Whumper’s gaze head on. 
“You need to leave.” It came out firmer that time. More like how the club owner should sound. But all that determination and feigned confidence simply crumbled the moment Whumper rose from his seat, movements fluid and agile like something ascending, something not human– it was nothing like the sweating and scarred men around him. No, Whumper was something entirely different. Something otherworldly. All that previous arrogance was gone, replaced now with something… terrifying. Whumpee almost misses the arrogance. When he rose to his full height, he only had about two inches on Whumpee, but God it felt like he was towering over him. Whumpee barely managed not to cringe backwards when the man leaned in and whispered,
“Or… what?”
A small part of him wanted to give in and say ‘Or nothing! Hah, what a funny prank– I definitely got you. Drinks are on the house tonight, fellas!’ but he could still feel his bartender’s eyes on him… Damn it, he had a reputation to look after. He wasn’t going to let some rag tag nobodies tell him how to run his club.
“Or I’ll have you arrested, Whumper.” He shoots back. “I’ve asked you not to come back here and I’m allowed by law to refuse you service.” 
He takes a small, menacing step forward. “Go ahead, call them, Whumpee. See what happens.”
Whumpee can’t help but flinch slightly at that, but he steels his resolve and shoves a hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone. “Fine then, fuck you, I will! Then maybe finally they’ll get you off the streets, you absolute mutt–”
There was a sudden flash of movement that Whumpee’s mind didn’t quite catch up to in time. He dropped his phone. Then, the pain hit him all at once, hot and searing like a knife all along the bridge of his nose. He cries out and cups his hands over it, feeling the warm slick of blood streaming between them and down into his sleeves. Fuck! Shit, did he just punch my fucking– He jerks backwards as he notices Whumpers vague outline reaching towards him through the water in his eyes. He stumbles dizzily against the counter, rolling over slightly until he’s practically bent over it. 
Whumpee doesn’t really know why he started reaching for something. Maybe some small part of his mind knew if he didn’t defend himself there was a real good chance the man would just kill him right here, right now, in his own club. Either way, he starts grappling blindly on the other side of the counter.
Just as he feels Whumper’s hand fist into his hair, rearing his head backwards, Whumpee’s hand locks around a handle, smooth and rubbery against his sweaty palm. He somehow manages to twist his body around in time before the other man can slam his face into the countertop, ignoring the burning sensation in his scalp. Better than having his nose broken anymore; He can still feel the blood running down his face… and neck. He blinks tears from his eyes and with a final burst of energy, he thrusts whatever was in his hand out blindly. It doesn’t make contact. Instead, he feels Whumper’s other hand lock around his wrist. A screwdriver. It was just a fucking screwdriver. Before he can even try to squirm out of the grip, he’s already being thrown backwards once more until he’s arched over the countertop, feeling it bruising into the small of his back.
“Wait!” He gasps out, scrambling frantically as Whumper wrenches the handle from his grip. “Wait– I’m sorry! I–”
The other man simply slammed his head against the counter one, two, three times until he started seeing stars and couldn’t get in enough air to scream. Distantly, he wondered why nobody else was trying to help him but deep down he knew why. Nobody would be able to fight off Whumper if they tried. He manages to work his eyes open once more, trying to ignore the low throbbing in his nose and now the back of his skull but then… he sees Whumper looming over him, screwdriver in hand, poised overhead, ready to come crashing down and pierce right through his fucking eye socket. He’s suddenly breathless.
“No, no, no– Stop! Please don’t–” His voice cuts off with a frantic cry and he feels that woosh of air and a sharp sound that must’ve been his world crashing around him… but the pain never came. It wasn’t delayed like before. It wasn’t there at all. Whumpee’s eyes slowly cracked open, breaths coming much too fast, and he met Whumper’s stony visage… those dark, intense eyes. Whumpee’s eyes shift to the side to the screwdriver, now lodged into the intricately carved cedar countertops… right next to his head. He gulps and doesn’t say a word.
The club is entirely silent now. The next words are whispered even quieter, but they come out crystal clear.
“Call me a mutt again.”
Whumpee’s eyes stay locked on the screwdriver, thoughts spiraling, mental images of that lodged in his skull and blood and agony and— There’s another sharp tug of his hair and his eyes shoot to Whumper’s once more. He’s closer now. A mere breath away.
“I said… call me a mutt again, Whumpee.”
It was hard to shake his head with that hand still gripping him by the hair, but he did anyway, managing only a small whimper that sounded vaguely like ‘I’m sorry’. A few moments pass of this neverending standoff. And just when Whumpee was half convinced it would never break and that those eyes would eventually leave two burning holes in his head, Whumper tilts his head.
And he smiles.
And he murmurs, low and charismatic like it had been when he first walked in, “Well… I’m glad we got that settled then. I would hate to not be able to support my favorite club.” His fingers loosened and slid from the tangled hair, giving him a condescending pat. “And my favorite club owner… Right?” Again at a loss for words, Whumpee just nods. Finally, mercifully, Whumper recedes and lets Whumpee crumple bonelessly to the floor.
For the next two weeks, the Harpoons stopped by and visited every night. Whumpee never said a word about it. Not a single peep.
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broodwolf221 · 1 month
2nd — Scorching “Don’t you dare”; glasses; storage shed ao3: Past and Present
cws: public humiliation/degradation; angry response to sex being turned down
832 words
A glass of wine thrown in his face, a casual deflection, an ordeal avoided.
Rage simmering just below the surface; memories bubbling to the fore, things he could not permit himself to relive. Nor could he push them away. Excuses made: he had to wash his face, had to clean himself up, tone gentle, a soft smile.
Closing the door with just a fraction too much force, biting his lip until it stung. Staring in the mirror, nose thick with the tang of wine. 
So long ago it should be a pale imitation of a memory, yet it surged back to new life within his chest, the searing heat of fury, of humiliation and degradation. It was not the first time he’d been treated in this way.
Arlathan’s court was dreadfully complex. Circuitous, difficult to navigate, any social failing preyed upon fiercely. A single fumble was like blood spilt among predators—wolves, he supposed wryly. 
He had misstepped, once. Had spoken out of turn and without grace. They turned on him in an instant, a violent glee in their eyes as they circled. Not all, but enough. In crooning voices they called him a dog, a beast, marveled aloud that he could even speak. When he had opened his mouth to apologize, girding himself with tact, one of them—he had not seen who—threw their wine in his face. Instead of an apology he had sputtered, taking a step back as he coughed, the wine tasting like sweet iron. Soon more was being poured on him, a new game. Drench the wolf.
He bore it silently, eyes open until the wine made them sting. When at last their cups were empty and they had made what jokes they wished, they left him alone. He had finally turned to leave when a hand settled on his sticky shoulder. “Don’t you dare,” she whispered in his ear, making him shiver when she licked across the arch of it. Tasting the wine on his skin.
“What do you want,” he asked flatly, her laughter bright and cloying.
“I could clean you off,” she offered by way of answer, her tongue flicking out again—but this time he stepped aside, turning to face the huntress. She smirked at him as she straightened, seemingly unfazed by his rejection.
“There is ample wine left.” She laughed again and he left, still hearing her laughter ringing in his ears even when it should have faded away. He left the court in his layered shame and ducked into a storage room, the one area that might be private enough. Furiously he stripped out of his fine garb, throwing the wet garments against the far wall with a thick splattering sound, the whole room reeking of the wine.
He grit his teeth when the door creaked open, the scent she wore cutting through the thick wine. She made a show of analyzing his body, bare aside from his smallclothes. “You shouldn’t turn me down,” she said softly as she closed the distance between them, dragging a nail down his bare chest. When she came to the hem of his smalls she paused, then lifted her finger to her lips and licked the wine off, holding his gaze the whole time. “I could make this night a pleasant memory for you. Would that not be better? Or do you want to recall the time that you were publicly humiliated in court?” She leaned in again, her breath ghosting across his ear. “Perhaps it pleases you? Perhaps the wolf desires to be put in its place. I could do that for you.” Even closer, until her lips were brushing his ear. “Just say yes.”
“No.” His voice was hard and unflinching, and as she pulled away she looked angry. A moment later and her expression had settled into an affected disinterest as she shrugged.
“Perhaps it is for the best,” she said in a cool voice. “There is not enough wine in all of Arlathan to drown your damnable pride.” She grabbed his jaw, her forefinger settling against the swell of his lower lip. She stared at him, then smiled as she shifted, her nail pressing into his lip until it split. He held her gaze evenly, burying the pain of it. And when she released him he did not flinch, nor look away as she licked his blood from her finger. “Don’t catch cold now, Solas. You wouldn’t want to disappoint my mother.”
With that she left him. And when he was certain she was gone he grabbed his sodden clothing and sat down, methodically tearing the outermost layer into shreds. He could not destroy anything else, nor was he willing to leave here in his nudity, but he needed to do something. So he sat there until the wine-stained cloth was spread out in strips and clumps, breathing hard. Then he donned the rest—still stained, but not quite as badly—and left, hoping to return to his room before the court let out for the night.
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snakewrites-and-ink · 23 days
Tags for browsing this blog
General/Organizational tags:
#concepts/thoughts - content that's not written out as a scene or story. May include prompts, ideas, statements about what trope is rotating in my brain, or other things.
#writing - My fiction writing; includes drabbles, scenes, chapters, etc.
#5 sentence fics - very brief drabbles about 5(+) sentences long. (Will often go to 6-7 sentences since usually at least one of those "sentences" is a fragment and/or already written for me by the prompt.)
#drabbles - drabbles longer than the five sentence fics but not part of a larger work
#chapter - A chapter in a longer work of fiction.
#series - anything that's part of a series/WIP of mine. or has to do with one (includes meta posts about that series)
#nameless drabble - uses placeholder names ("Whumper" and "Whumpee," "Hero" and "Villain," etc.)
#original character(s) - Involves one or more of my named/developed characters rather than generic nameless characters.
#housekeeping & info - "non-content" essentially. Posts (like this one!) needed for organization, or saying something to my followers, etc.
#whump - anything whump-related. Will be the vast majority of posts on this blog.
#not whump - content that's not (necessarily) whump. I'm not going to add this to housekeeping and info posts because that's already implied and this tag is meant for browsing of my work/content.
#interactive - CYOAs and other interactive content
#answered ask - my response to an ask (either on this blog, or carried over from my main)
#challenge/event - things created for writing challenges, whump events, etc.
Work/Event/Series-specific tags:
#technically not human - general tag for the Technically Not Human (working title) series
#oc nolan - tag for Nolan (main character of Technically Not Human)
#asher the it pet - general tag for the Asher the IT Pet series
#oc asher - tag for Asher (main character of Asher the IT Pet)
#oc mark - tag for Mark (Asher's Master)
#oc dan - tag for Dan (Asher's caretaker coworker)
#whumper turned caretaker cyoa - general tag for the Whumper-turned-Caretaker CYOA
#whumpuary2024 - drabbles written for the Whumpuary 2024 event
#whumpay 10 days 40 words - five sentence fics written for Whumpay 2024's 10 Days, 40 Words mini challenge
#mwm2024 - five sentence fics written for The Merry Whump of May 2024
Some additional tags (for specific tropes and sub-genres) I use: #pet whump, #living weapon whump, #heroes and villains, #brainwashing, #conditioned whumpee, more will probably be added in the future
I'll do my best to tag anything exceptionally triggering, but I won't often tag every other applicable content warning. I rely more on content warnings I include in the body of the post in my writing. I do not typically write content warnings in my concepts/thoughts posts because they're not as descriptive. Just want you to be aware of this.
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serickswrites · 23 days
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, forced to watch, hurt/comfort
Caretaker sighed as they sat in the dark, cold cellar. They sat stroking Whumpee's hair as Whumpee slept fitfully in their lap. They took care to make sure the chains on their shackles didn't clink with the movement. Whumpee desperately needed sleep and Caretaker would do what they could to make it happen.
The hours of watching Whumper torture Whumpee had been almost more than Caretaker could bear. Almost. But if Whumpee had to endure, they would endure. It was the least they could do. Though it was hard. Quite possibly the hardest thing they had ever done. But they would keep doing it until they could find a way to get Whumpee out of there. One way or another.
"Let me hold you, Whumpee," Caretaker had whispered to Whumpee as Whumper shoved them off the torture table. They had held their arms open to Whumpee as Whumpee crawled towards them, sobbing with each movement. "Shhhh, shhhh, I've got you. You're safe here, Whumpee, I've got you," Caretaker said as they wrapped their arms around Whumpee.
Whumpee sobbed wordlessly as Caretaker held them. Held them and rubbed soothing circles on their back. Held them and murmured comforting words in their ear. Held them because that was the only thing that could be done.
Once Whumpee fell asleep, Caretaker allowed the tears they had been holding back free. They sobbed as they sat there in the stone cold dark hoping that they could find a way out soon, for Whumpee's sake.
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serickswrites · 1 month
Get Back In There
Warnings: captivity, restraints, gag, muzzle, cage, cruel whumper
"Please," Whumpee begged as they struggled to get away from Whumper. "I promise I'll be good. Please, you don't have to do this."
"You did this to yourself, Whumpee," Whumper said coldly as they shoved Whumpee to the ground. "You did this, not me."
Whumpee's glasses had gone skittering across the floor. They blindly scuttled away from Whumper, hands always reaching for what they hoped would be their glasses. "I didn't know, I'll be better. I promise."
"I grow tired of your incessant mewling," Whumper growled as they grabbed Whumpee by the hair, yanking Whumpee up. Whumpee squealed with pain. "Just shut up already."
Whumper pulled something over Whumpee's face. Whumpee struggled as the straps pulled tight across the sides of their head, their mouth forced shut by whatever Whumper had pulled over their face.
"I've had dogs that are better behaved than you, Whumpee." Whumper said as they pulled out a screw driver. "Maybe this muzzle will teach you to behave."
Whumpee sobbed as they could feel Whumper tightening the muzzle on their head. They could hear them working to screw the straps on as tight as they would go. But Whumpee could no longer open their mouth to beg. They could barely fight back.
Whumper shoved Whumpee forward once more. "Get back in there," they said as they pointed at the cage they had been keeping Whumpee in for the last day. "Don't make me tell you twice."
Whumpee gazed up at Whumper, their face blurred and fuzzy. Whumpee couldn't go back in the cage. They couldn't do any of it. They just wanted to go home.
"Get!" Whumper grabbed Whumpee by the collar and shoved. "You won't like what I do to dogs who don't listen."
Whumpee scrambled forward. They couldn't face Whumper's anger. They didn't want the pain. And so they cowered in the corner of the cage as Whumper shut the door. "I'm going to let you sit and think about your actions. Maybe a few days in here will do you good."
And before Whumpee could whine in protest, Whumper flipped the lights off and left the room. Whumpee sobbed as they sat, alone in the dark, unable to open their mouth wide enough to scream.
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serickswrites · 17 days
Warnings: restraints, captivity, torture, forced to watch, water torture, waterboarding
"Sit," Whumper ordered Team Leader.
Team Leader's hands were bound tightly behind their back and they avoided glancing over at their team. They couldn't look at their faces. Couldn't bear to see the worry, the pain, and the fear. They had to be strong. For their team.
Team Leader sat on the chair carefully. They turned their gaze to Whumper, letting all the rage and hate they were feeling fill their eyes.
"Your team would follow you blindly anywhere, Team Leader. Such charisma," Whumper scoffed. "Let's see if they will follow your orders now."
Whumper smiled. "If they don't make a sound while I do this, I won't hurt them. Heck, I won't let you die. But if they speak? Well, we will play musical chairs."
"Fine." Team Leader wouldn't let Whumper hurt the others. They would take whatever Whumper did.
They finally looked up and over at their team. Smallest Teammate shook in their restraints, though the look on their face made Team Leader think that Smallest Teammate was so rage filled right now, it was a miracle the restraints were holding them back. Teammate One's eyes were filled with tears. And Teammate Two just stared blankly ahead.
"Don't speak. Don't shout. Whatever you do, just please, be quiet. Whumper won't hurt you. And I'll," they swallowed, "I'll be fine."
Whumper kicked Team Leader's chair over backwards. Team Leader hit the ground hard, but didn't cry out. If they didn't cry out, the team wouldn't know they were hurting.
Whumper dropped a filthy, damp towel on Team Leader's face. "This is going to be fun."
And before Team Leader could get a good breath in, Whumper blasted Team Leader's face with cold water from a hose. Team Leader sputtered and choked around the water.
They could hear Smallest Teammate's growls and Teammate One's cries of protest. But they couldn't muster the energy to try and get them to stop. They could only hope that Whumper would keep hurting them and not the rest of their team.
"I was going to let up. But now that Smallest Teammate's sweet dulcet sounds are in my ears, I'll keep going. That's way more fun!" Whumper's voice was barely audible as they increased the water pressure.
It was all Team Leader could do to keep breathing. To keep calm. They had to, though they felt as though they were drowning. Felt as though their world was ending. They had to stay strong for their team.
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serickswrites · 1 month
White Hot
Warnings: captivity, torture, knives, blood, fire, burns, restraints
"I-I-I won'ttttt," Whumpee panted. They could feel blood, sticky and hot, on their back from where Whumper had been slicing into them. The whipping post Whumper had tied them to kept their arms pulled tight over their head, leaving their back perfectly exposed.
"That's what they all say," Whumper crooned, "but eventually they all break."
"I....I....I won't," Whumpee said through gritted teeth. While the pain was sharp, it wasn't unbearable. Whumpee could hold out for a long time with this. They had to. They had to give Caretaker a chance to get the team to safety. Had to give everyone a chance to be ready for Whumper.
Whumper sighed. "Guess I'll have to prove you wrong." Whumpee heard them walk away, towards the fire in the grate. The room was unbearably hot. They didn't know how Whumper could stand it. "Everyone always breaks after this."
Whumpee ignored Whumper. They wouldn't break. They couldn't. They would hold out.
"I tried to be nice," Whumper said as they walked back to Whumpee. "I tried to be gentle. But you've given me no choice." And they pressed the white hot blade they had been holding over the fire to Whumpee's ribs.
Whumpee screamed as their felt their flesh burn and split. This was worse. So much worse. Their world was reduced to a narrow tunnel of vision as unconsciousness beckoned to them. "I tried to warn you," Whumper said softly as they pressed another, larger white hot blade to Whumpee's neck. "We'll see how long you last now."
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serickswrites · 1 month
Warnings: captivity, restraints, drugging, implied noncon
Whumpee was on the edge of unconsciousness. Whumper always kept them that way with whatever drug Whumper kept injecting. Every time Whumpee felt like they were regaining their faculties, Whumper cooed in their ear, kissed down their neck, and stabbed a needle into their arm.
"Oh darling, you are such a fighter," Whumper said one day as they stroked Whumpee's cheek. "I do so love that about you."
Whumpee wished they could fight back. Or they wished Whumper would just knock them out. They hated being awake for what Whumper did after the kissing. After the touching. They hated being awake and aware of every thrust of Whumper's body, every move Whumper made with them. They just wanted to disappear in those moments.
Tears leaked from the corner of Whumpee's eyes as Whumper kissed down their neck. They had been thinking about someone else's kisses. Someone else's touch. Caretaker. They loved when Caretaker kissed them, held the, and was with them. They couldn't help but think of Caretaker as Whumper touched them. If they had to be awake, maybe they could disappear somewhere in their mind. "C-Caretaker," they whispered as they screwed their eyes shut. They couldn't help themself.
"Oh darling," Whumper smiled down at Whumpee, "forget about them. They've certainly forgotten about you."
Whumpee screwed their eyes shut. "N-No." Caretaker would never forget them.
"It's only you and me now, darling. And I'm going to enjoy every moment of it." Whumper leaned down and whispered the last in Whumpee's ear, nipping at the shell of Whumpee's ear. "And maybe you will, too."
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serickswrites · 27 days
Pretty Little Thing
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, creepy/intimate whumper
"You're just a pretty little thing, aren't you?" Whumper cooed as they stared up at Whumpee. They had suspended Whumpee from the ceiling hours ago and had taken their time carving various shapes and words onto Whumpee's body.
Whumpee shivered when Whumper's warm hand touched their cold and clammy cheek. They listened to their blood drip onto the ground. "Pl-Pl-Please," they whispered.
"Oh pretty, you are just perfect." Whumper stroked down Whumpee's neck, fingers edging the various open wounds. "I do love how pretty you bleed."
Whumpee whimpered as Whumper's fingers found a particularly deep cut. "That's it pretty, keep making those sounds for me."
And though Whumpee would have loved nothing more than to keep their mouth shut, they couldn't help but whimper as Whumper explored more wounds, some less delicately than others.
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serickswrites · 13 days
Loved the Rain
Warnings: captivity, torture, blood, wounds, mcd, hurt/no comfort, caretaker and whumpee
"I always loved the rain," Caretaker murmured as they stroked Whumpee's hair. Through the thick stone walls of the dungeon, they could hear the pitter patter of the falling rain. "It always relaxed me so much. Just to sit and listen to the rain," they said as they continued to stroke Whumpee's filthy, matted hair.
"You loved the rain, too," they whispered as the tears they had been trying to hold back finally came. The tears tracked down their cheeks and dripped onto Whumpee's upturned face.
"You would really like this rain, love," Caretaker sobbed as wiped their tears, trying not to think about the blood that coated their hands.
They hadn't bothered to close Whumpee's eyes yet. They couldn't bear it. But they also couldn't bear to stare down into the lifeless eyes either. And so they stared out into the dingy, damp dungeon as they stroked Whumpee's hair.
Whumpee had bled out in their arms hours ago. Whumper had spent days torturing Whumpee only to end it suddenly by stabbing Whumpee in the chest and throwing them to Caretaker.
The sound of Whumpee's choking breaths fading as they struggled to breathe around the blood filling their mouth would forever echo in Caretaker's ears. The light fading in Whumpee's eyes would forever haunt Caretaker's dreams.
It was all more than Caretaker could bear. And so they sat, Whumpee sprawled across their lap, as they listened to the rain and stroked Whumpee's hair. "I used to love the rain."
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serickswrites · 22 days
Warnings: captivity, restraints, whipping, blood, unconsciousness, cruel whumper
Whumper cracked the whip close to Whumpee. They had careful control over the whip to ensure it wouldn't hit Whumpee until they were ready. Whumpee jumped with each crack.
"Pl-Pl-Please," Whumpee begged. "I'll....I'll do anything. Please."
Whumper smiled. They had Whumpee exactly where they wanted Whumpee. From the long lines of their back, pulled tight with the chains attached to the whipping post to the delightful sounds of their whimpers. Whumper couldn't be happier. "Anything?"
Whumpee nodded vigorously. "Anything. Please. Please. Don't hurt me."
"Say aaaaaa," Whumper said sweetly.
Whumpee paused. Whumper could see their shoulders begin to shake. "Say aaaaaaa for me, Whumpee," Whumper commanded again.
Whumpee swallowed audibly. "AaaaaAAAAAAAAA!" Whumpee's words turned to a shriek of pain as Whumper brought the whip down across Whumpee's back, the skin splitting quickly. Whumper brought the whip down once more, watching as blood flowed from the new wound as well.
Whumpee's shrieks and squeals of pain were continuous as Whumper brought the whip down over and over. It was only when Whumpee sagged in the chains, their head lolling forward did Whumper begin to slow their pace. It wasn't as much fun to whip an unconscious person, though Whumper did enjoy watching the blood flow down Whumpee's skin.
"Guess we will have to continue this later," they muttered as they gave one final flick of their wrist, cracking the whip across Whumpee's back once more. "We have all the time in the world."
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