#morph is nonbinary
starymoondoodles · 15 days
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i saw the og image and i just knew
reference: https://pin.it/HZRqXZMLj
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puddlesocks · 12 days
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stop being a creep, morph
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luckyshinyhunter · 6 days
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🟡⚪🟣⚫🏳️‍🌈⭐Loving the shapeshifter representation we be getting lately!🟡⚪🟣⚫⭐🏳️‍🌈
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genocidecomics · 17 days
No because now that it's confirmed that Morph LOVES Logan romantically??????
Guys I will NEVER shut up about this I am never getting over this
When the series started and I found out Morph was nonbinary, I felt such a warmth in my chest bc holy shit!!! There I am!!! Morph is there and they represent me?!! Like I was so excited!?
Then I kept joking about them and Logan clearly being together or in love, but I imagined it'd never happen. Especially not with a NB person and a manly man like Logan. Because that has queer implications!!!!!!!
And then Morph said it.
"She can't say it, but I can. I love you, Logan. Stay with me."
I screamed so loud I couldn't believe my eyes. But I still doubted. They might spin it into "they're just best friends who like being extremely queer"
But then I saw the tweets from DeMayo.
Guys it just makes me want to cry that it feels like this is my first time seeing a nonbinary character (especially an amab/masc leaning one) show romantic interest for another male character on screen
I see myself in Morph so bad, it made me feel so seen. Not to mention I'm so obsessed with Logan guys I swear they wrote this scene for me.
I love Morph so much, they mean the literal world to me, I am so happy to see a nonbinary character on screen and to see and hear other characters acknowledge their identity, using their pronouns, respecting them!?
I wish Morph had more screen time/scenes this season. I hope we get more of them in the second season.
Fanfic writers PLEASEEEEEEE come through I need you all firing on all gears I need to drown in this feeling.
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professeurm · 13 days
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Back again with Morph and Logan.
I love the ship even if it's one side. Tho im hopeful it'll become something cuz Morph gets Logan, and they share the same vibes where they're comfortable to be themselves with all the shit going on.
i know logan isn't the one to be in relationships cuz they all ended up... not pretty, but it'll be nice for him to get some love for a change. also morph cuz my man was just born for the sideline, and he needs some sugar too 😂
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rnp5324 · 22 days
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WE’RE DOING MORPHINE IN THIS ONE‼️🗣️🔥🔥 Omg I love their dynamic in ‘97 SO MUCH!!! One of my head canons is that Morph came out as enby to Logan first, who helped them to tell the other X-Men 🥰 That and the idea of Logan loudly correcting people. Real talk tho, Morph being enby is such a HUGE W for X-Men and I hope transphobes keep seething about it 💪 Made a post on my dA about it and snipping my two cents here!
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fruityfetus · 2 months
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Punching gender essentialism like...
There's a dire lack of Morph animated gifs from the new series! To be fair, they don't have that many scenes to themselves yet, so I just grabbed their intro from the opening theme.
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domi-ramon-17 · 19 days
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Based on this Twitter image
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padawanton · 3 months
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They did this for me
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nonbinary flag color picked straight from morph (it was meant to be)
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raevenswritingdesk · 17 days
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This ^^
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
It's really frustrating being trans sometimes with cis loved ones because other cis people will go, "oh but it's such a huge adjustment for them! They're grieving for your pre-transition self/they aren't used to the change yet/it's hard on them!"
It's just so frustrating that people forget that trans people's feelings on this matter, too. Cis people aren't the only ones who have adjustments to make. Frankly, as much as I sympathize with cis people in this position, I can't help but be really jaded about it because so often, cis people jump to the defense of other cis people and they will seemingly forget to or refuse to give the same grace to trans people.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#like at what point is it 'they aren't used to it yet!' and it morphs into 'that person is actively refusing to acknowledge you'#i'm at a point now where i have been out as trans for half my life. at what point is this willfully refusing to see *me*#it's just amazing that it doesn't matter what the trans person could do because it's their fault for bringing 'burden' onto cis people#i UNDERSTAND that it can be hard for family for instance to flip a switch with their trans loved one...#...but i can't help but notice that so often it's because they *refuse to try*#why is it that cis people can do almost anything to trans people but trans people must be perfectly understanding and perfectly...#...content with whatever cis people in our lives have to say about how hard it is on THEM...#...like that's insulting to me. imagine being so willfully incompassionate...#...i'm worried about if i'm safe in my own workplace or in my gym or in a medical setting...#...i feel like we need a sense of scale about who is most affected by transness in this scenario...#...because i would RATHER be grieving over somebody's transness than worrying if i'll be hatecrimed...#...there's a difference in the experience between a trans person and the cis people in that trans person's life learning to adjust to...#...that person's transness. which is why i don't think it's comparable to say that cis people have it just as hard in this case#transphobia#transphobia tw
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entity9silvergen · 2 months
I was so close to googling if Morph is queer in X-Men 97 but I told myself it was Disney so obviously he wasn't and I was just projecting. But turns out he is! Morph is he/him non-binary (like me!).
Also, a lot of the articles that came up in my follow up google searches painted Morph's voice actor in a bad light/took quotes out of context. Here are a couple articles that explain things well.
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makuyi13 · 4 days
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I am terrible at coloring to be honest but here’s another quick doodle I did yesterday morning because @minniethemoocherda inspired me to start envisioning Morph in a red dress.
Anyways imagine the dress like flares out big time every time they turn or spin.
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night-crawlin · 13 days
FUCK I keep thinking abt morph they have me in a CHOKEHOLD like can you imagine??? you're in hell. maybe. It's nineteen ninety six. late in the year. you dont think youre in hell anymore, but somethings Wrong. Somethings not right. Your body doesn't look like You anymore. you dont feel like You. did he take something out? was there some vital component youre missing? your skin is coming off. theres a ghost underneath. a thousand faces, none of them yours. what the fuck are you? what are you?
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hollow-keys · 16 days
One of the things I'm- well, not disappointed by it's to be expected- annoyed by is X-Men '97's portrayal of Morph as a queer character. Morph is an AMAB nonbinary person who likes men (AMAB being important here because liking men will be interpreted as gay regardless of how Morph sees their gender). We were explicitly told before the show aired that they're nonbinary, but the only proof we get of that in series is two blink and you'll miss it, easily ignored and brushed off scenes where Cyclops and Rogue respectively refer to Morph with they/them in two episodes.
And to be honest, it feels like baiting when we get nothing else. It's Loki all over again where the creators say "you're gonna get representation!!!" in interviews that only more dedicated fans will see but resign actual canonical confirmation to something easily missed.
The justification for this is, of course, that the show is set in 1997, of course they aren't more explicit because of the social circumstances! But nonbinary people existed back then and there were people who were aware they were nonbinary and made communities to talk with each other. There were activists who were openly genderqueer. There's even at least one case I know of of a nonbinary character being in 90's comics. Though not positive representation, in Ghost Rider 2099 #10 [pub. 1994], Ghost Rider refers to a side character with ze/hir pronouns.
And it's not like Morph doesn't know they're queer. They're out! Why else would Rogue and Cyclops refer to them as they openly and in public? And how? If they're not more explicitly queer because "It's the 90's" then what's with the period atypical acceptance from their teammates?
Even if they went with the "Morph doesn't know" route, people who don't know they're nonbinary or have the words to describe themselves still have trans experiences like dysphoria and a feeling of wrongness about their gender which can be explored even if your character is an egg (not a literal egg ☠️, a trans person who hasn't realised they're trans).
For example: Morph primarily goes by their codename to the point where their civilian name isn't even mentioned. There could have been a scene where someone called them their male civvie name and they get uncomfortable and say they prefer Morph, their gender neutral hero name. And when asked why, they could just be confused and defensive because they wouldn't have the words to describe dysphoria.
They could even set up a realisation arc with Morph experiencing dysphoria, but not knowing what it is or why they feel that way, and then meeting nonbinary people next season when the X-Men are time travelling and going "Oh. That's me."
But we get none of that! We don't get out and proud, no/low transphobia representation or subtle, historically accurate representation of a closeted trans person in an even less accepting time. We get the historical inaccuracy of option A and the understatedness of option B for the most minimal attempt at rep possible, which boils down to just two headscratchingly anachronistic uses of they/them pronouns. Truly the worst of both worlds.
And on their feelings for Logan, that wasn't said before the show aired afaik and was just part of the narrative, so it wasn't baiting, but it was relegated to subtext that could also be interpreted as non-queer. So much so that it had to be confirmed by the writer on twitter when it should have been clear cut in the show.
Why didn't we get more content about that? If they can fit an entire love triangle around Rogue, Remy and Magneto, why couldn't we get more about Morph's feelings for Logan? Why didn't we get them pining for a friend who'll probably never return their affection, them worrying over how he'd react if he found out? That kinda thing. There was an entire plot point where characters were faced with their fears, would that not have been a good opportunity for Morph to be faced with theirs over being realised as queer?
Honestly there were shows and comics actually made in the 90's that were bolder with queer rep. I don't know the behind the scenes situation or how much the showrunners had to fight for this, but regardless of who made the decisions, it's still cowardly and frankly not enough in 2024.
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