#meme lord ship
supershot73199 · 23 days
Ok so this is not connected to my Big Daddy au
But here is another short fic/prompt so feel free to continue this or do your own spin.
This will be DannyxSteph as I don't see much for them (I believe their ship name is meme lords)
Steph winced in pain as she shifted in the chair she had been tied too. She was desperate as she was trying to find a way to distract the Joker or escape with a broken leg and no gear. She wouldn't have been panicked as bad as she was if she had been the only one grabbed but they grabbed the kid she had been babysitting as well, a sweet little girl only four years old named Dawn who was currently crying in her lap where she was chained while the Joker was monologing at the camera.
Supposedly it was broadcasting live on every TV in Gotham. Steph really hoped that there was someone near Dawn's father to help him through this. Danny ,which is her father's name, was a single father Stephs age (which means that he would have had to been a teenage father with Dawn's age) and his little girl was his whole life which means this could not be easy on him.
Suddenly as Joker was mid sentence everyone froze because they could hear gunshots from outside as well as a loud diesel engine before suddenly a wall collapsed as a garbage truck slammed through the wall before screeching to a halt.
Steph at first thought that it was the rest of the bat's maybe borrowing the truck to get in faster and it seemed like Joker had the same thought.
"Well now I never expected this of you Bat's couldn't use the skyli- you aren't one of the bat's."
And he was right because stepping out of the truck-turned-battering-ram was Danny and he didn't even spare a second thought to the Joker as he set his eyes on Dawn and Steph and called out in a relieved tone of voice. "Dawn! Steph! You're ok thank the Ancients."
"Daddy!" Dawn had stopped crying at the sound of her father's voice the tension in her body fading away with that childlike certainty that her father would make everything better. However Joker not one to be ignored reached out and grabbed Danny's arm before speaking.
"Now the shows not over there Daddy but thank you for adding a new hos-"
"Fuck off bozo!" Danny didn't even slow using the same hand Joker grabbed he shoved him off sending the clown stumbling back a few steps as Danny finished crossing the room before quickly cutting the ropes with a pocket knife (and Steph was not blushing at the strength he had to have to cut the sturdy rope in one smooth movement no siree) with Dawn quickly leaping into her Dads arms as soon as the ropes fell away.
Steph turned to the Joker who seemed stunned hand on his chest where he was shoved seemingly shocked that someone had done that with no fear. Turning back to the father daughter pair she started quickly speaking in a low voice hopping not to break the trance the clown prince of crime was under.
"Quick you need to take Dawn and run my legs broken so you need to leave me here the Bat's will be here soon ill be fin-"
"He can't hurt you anymore." Danny's voice was calm and steady as he interrupted Steph. He looked her in the eye before looking pointedly at the had that he shoved the Joker with opening it to reveal something that made Steph gasp.
A human heart still beating though it stopped as she looked and the moment it did she heard a thud as the Joker fell to the floor limp as a puppet with its strings cut.
"Is that .." Steph couldn't even finish the question. But Danny still nodded before tossing it unceremoniously to the floor.
"Nobody threatens the people I care about and gets away with it. He forfeit his existence the moment he grabbed the two of you."
Steph felt like her own heart was about to fall out onto the floor the combination of the Joker a bogeyman who had terrorized Gotham almost as long as she had been alive just dead, dying without so much as a whimper much less a bang. Done in, not by any bat or caped crusader but a father who only wanted to save his daughter. As well as the implication that Danny cared for her too that he killed the nightmare of every kid in Gotham for her sake as much as his daughters.
Danny had separated from Dawn after placing one more kiss on her head and whispered comfort that Steph was to shocked to pay much attention to before quickly coming to check on her injury.
"Looks like a clean break so it should heal fast. I just hate that you got hurt protecting Dawn even if I'm more grateful than you can imagine that you tried to protect her."
Steph smiled "We've known each other for months now and I love that little girl as well. No way was I going to let someone touch her without a fight."
Danny looked up at her from his position next to her chair with a look that Steph couldn't describe before standing up.
"Here I'll carry you to one of the ambulances I hear coming this way."
As he bent to scoop her up Steph got his attention as she got ready to do something impulsive. As he turned his head toward her Steph grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss. Danny froze against her before returning it the pair only stopped when they heard a giggle.
"Daddy and Stephie are kissing! Does that mean Stephie is my Momma now?" Dawn's voice snapped the two out of it but before Danny could say anything Steph beat him to it.
"Maybe one day Daddy has to take me on a date first and we'll see where things go. Say a movie this Friday?"
Steph knew she was being bold but by God she was not letting this absolute dork start to spiral she knew from the amount of time they spent together as neighbors that Danny had a surprising low self esteem and would probably convince himself she only kissed him out of gratitude or something when in reality she has wanted to do this for months and just didn't know how to initiate.
"That sounds wonderful I'm sure miss Chen downstairs would be able to watch Dawn if I ask." Danny's blushing face only made Steph giggle as he responded. But as he lifted her she noticed the Jokers camera with the recording light still on and she knew she was going to get so much shit from the other bat's so she decided to share the embarrassment.
"Not so sure you'll have to ask seeing as everyone in Gotham just saw everything on their screens.
Danny who had just picked Steph up in a princess carry without hurting her leg froze before letting out a groan.
"Oh I'm never going to live this down."
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How did this medieval serf get Internet connection
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penelope-kat · 3 months
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Hello Wander Over Yonder fans how are we all?
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cosmothealien358 · 7 days
Part cinco
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thatcreepydoll · 4 months
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i said what i said
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marksartsypalace · 1 year
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And they were roommates❤️
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xjackjackx · 2 months
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surprised this ship isn't more popular tbh. Tell me Dark and Ballista don't give off the same "chaotic evil little shit" vibes. If they met they would be besties, utterly despise eachother, or both.
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 months
Why YOU Should Ship Katara x Iroh and NOT Zutara/Kataang
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I know, I know, just hear me out. We're all aware of how Katara aspires to be a maternal figure, given that she believes she is at fault for her mother's death. Sokka's line from "The Runaway":
Sokka: I'm gonna tell you something crazy. I never told anyone this before, but honestly, I'm not sure I can remember what my mother looked like. It really seems like my whole life, Katara has been the one looking out for me. She's always been the one that's there.
All good? Yay! But what does that have to do with Iroh? The narrative draws parallels between Zuko's relationship to Iroh and to Katara. Katara is Zuko's aunt.
In The Crossroads of Destiny, Zuko betrayed both Iroh and Katara. It's a painful betrayal and its weight is carried all the way to the ending of Book 3. When he reaches out to redeem his honor, he patiently waits inside/outside their respective tents. This is not only a parallel, but it proves that Zuko thinks of Katara similarly to Iroh. In other words, he thinks of her as his aunt.
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Now that the parallels are in place, A:TLA, as usual, does something brilliant. It brings back Zuko's faliure from season 2. In The Chase, Zuko failed to shield Iroh – his uncle – from Azula's lightning. In Sozin's Comet, Zuko finally managed to shield Katara – his aunt – from Azula's lightning. As Zuko's last act of redemption, he finally fixes his mistake.
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Through beautiful symbolism, the show gives us irrefutable evidence that Katara is Zuko's aunt. Therefore, she must be shipped with Iroh. Shipping her with anyone else is frankly appalling and ignores what the story was clearly signaling you. Case closed.
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twilight-deviant · 8 months
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They were cowards for making him change before the climax.
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mary-laib · 2 months
Fandom Vox and Alastor give off Lord Hater and Dominator vibes.
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Vox: So you don’t want to date me?
Alastor: *hysterical laughter* You think that I- With you-? That is too good. Well, I mean it’s sad for you, but-
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roger-d0dger · 2 months
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Based on this iconic image:
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black-sapphire57 · 3 months
Fëanor when he tries to take the Teleri ships:
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thrandilf · 1 year
Viren in S5 about to be like:
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fandoms-my-fandoms · 11 hours
Hello again Polinators and the rest of the Bridgerton community of tumblr.
Here is part five of incorrect bridgerton quotes that I have saved to my phone that I personally feel would be a crime to gatekeep from the bridgerton/polin communities. These are too funny not to share!!! (I STILL DONT REMEMBER WHO ORIGINALLY POSTED THESE IM SO SORRY).
Lemme know if y’all want part six. There’s still plenty of incorrect quotes to go around.
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Funny idea:
(Mephisto x MC)
MC teaming up with Mephisto to try to break up Lucifer and Diavolo who are together.
MC wanted Lucifer while Mephisto wanted Diavolo.
Lots of shenanigans and scheming such as interrupted dates, Lucifer's fancy suit transforming into a pickle costume, and accidental body swapping.
MC uses tricks and spells taught by Solomon while Mephisto gets information from Satan about Lucifer's weaknesses.
A horse accidentally bites Lucifer in the butt
Mephisto and MC start developing feelings for each other through causing trouble and shenanigans together.
They both eventually stop messing with Luci and Dia and get together. MC stops simping for Lucifer while Mephisto learns to stop seeking validation from Diavolo.
Accidental allies to friends to lovers
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accuratelotfquotes · 3 months
Ralph: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not gonna like it.
Piggy: Just rip the bandaid off.
Ralph: It’s Jack.
Piggy: Put the bandaid back on.
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