justcatposts · 14 hours
It's magic
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thatsbelievable · 1 day
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sutexii · 2 days
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💫 STARFALL 💫 prints // X
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aceofwhump · 2 days
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BBC Merlin 1x04 "The Poisoned Chalice"
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walkingcrowdesigns · 2 days
Do you love the color of the sky? ✨
Of course you do! The Arcane Skies Collection combines natural gemstone beads with freshwater pearls to bring the beauty of the sky to you! You don't even have to break your dashboard to do it!
Arcane Skies - Spirited Sunrise
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Arcane Skies - Sunny Days
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Arcane Skies - Rainstorm
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Arcane Skies - Northern Lights
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Arcane Skies - Sailor's Warning
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Arcane Skies - Sunset Over the Mage Tower
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Arcane Skies - Stars Above
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Arcane Skies - Eternal Night
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All bracelets in the Arcane Skies and Spellbound Collections are available in gold or silver colored stainless steel for $25+ tax. Free shipping within the U.S.!
Use code TUMBLR15 at checkout for 15% off your order!
I am the sole owner/employee of Walking Crow Designs, all pieces are handmade by me :) You can rest assured that your purchase supports a real person and not a corporation! If you have any questions or custom requests, email me at [email protected]
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helveticablanc · 14 hours
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From the Archives — 2021 05 25-06 01
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hope-husband-long · 15 hours
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corruptedcaps · 15 hours
Blast from the past
Some of my older stories have been banned permanently from Tumblr due to some NSFW images. So every once and awhile I will repost them with new SFW images (look for the #cc unbanned tag). This is one such story. Enjoy!
"Hey Shaun what is this stuff?" Chloe called out to her husband while sifting through the few remaining undamaged boxes from their flooded basement. She found one marked 'Shaun and Jordan'. Shaun hurried over but when he saw the box he seemed to go pale.
"Oh. That's stuff from my last relationship, way before I met you." He said slightly guilty as Chloe opened the box and started sifting through.
"Leather jackets? Switchblades? Cigarettes? Keys to a motorcycle? And what's this?" Chloe said pulling out a stack of pictures with the top one being one of a young rebellious couple making out next to a motorbike. Her leg was wrapped around him and his hands were all over her. Chloe realised that this was Shaun and Jordan. She was taken aback.
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"Wow Shaun I never knew you had a biker phase." She said half teasing half curious.
"As I said it was a long time ago, I'm not proud of that period of my life. I stole, fought, commited such heinous criminal acts. But that’s not me anymore." He said. Chloe moved onto the next picture which was of Jordan posing suggestively on a bike.
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"And what about her? What about Jordan?" Chloe asked.
"She... She died in a motorbike accident. After she died it was like I woke up to all the stupid shit I had been doing with my life. I packed up all our belongings into that box and forgot about it. It's not who I am anymore, don't worry. I should go into town and get some supplies to clean this all up, I'll be back in a bit." Shaun said kissing his wife goodbye.
Chloe, however, had flipped to another picture of just Shaun on a bike and she was fixated. He seemed so in charge, so manly, so tough in the past, it was kind of turning Chloe on. Sure she loved Shaun now but sometimes she wished there was a bit more fire to him.
Chloe flipped back to another picture of Jordan. She was stunning and had the tightest body Chloe had ever seen. Her eyes were so piercing that Chloe felt intimidated just looking at her. Chloe felt light headed as she heard a voice drift into her mind. "He could be that man again." It said.
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"But how? How can he get his fire back?" She said in a dreamlike daze.
"He needs his bad bitch girlfriend by his side. You need to become the new me, the new Jordan. I'll help you bring the bad boy Shaun out." Jordan seemed to say from the picture. In her daze it made perfect sense to Chloe.
"Yessss of course, he needs to remember who he was." She said in a trance.
"You want to be me, you've always wanted to be a bad ass bitch and now here's your chance. I'll warp your body and mind into Shaun's perfect little slut then he'll be yours forever and together you will be the baddest couple around. Doesn't that sound good?" Jordan purred.
"Mmmmm fuck yes, Chloe is such a pathetic loser. I want to be Jordan." Chloe moaned in pleasure as she felt her pussy get slick.
"Goooood. Now if that is to happen then you'll need to look the part. Don't worry, this will feel amazing." Jordan whispered as Chloe felt her tits expand out of her sweater. She moaned in pleasure as she groped her new breasts in pleasure.
"YESSSSS fuck yes I want more! Make them bigger!" Chloe demanded.
"Now you're acting like me." Jordan said cackling to herself as Chloe fell more under her corruption. Her tits swelled even bigger and Chloe ripped off her top to better appreciate her new weapons.
"If these don't light a fire under Shaun nothing will. I'm such a hot bitch now." Chloe said vainly touching herself all over.
"You're nearly there. Now pick out a tight outfit from the box to really become me." Jordan enticed her but Chloe was already a willing victim. She pulled out a form fitting leather corset and loved how it barely contained her new tits. The more she admired herself the more of Jordan slipped into her.
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"Mmmmm soon I'll have my alpha male back and then we'll show this town a thing or two about fear." She said cackling to herself. Chloe was almost completely taken over by Jordan but there was still an annoying little piece of goodness residing in her. Jordan knew just how to get rid of it and fully take over.
"That's it my little pet, now just one last step and we will be one. You'll be a true evil bitch like me, maybe even badder. Go to the garage, I have a gift waiting." Jordan said and Chloe felt a shiver of anticipation pass through her like it was Christmas. A smile curled up her lips as she entered the garage and saw waiting for her was a motorbike. Not just any bike though.
"Your bike." Chloe said running a hand across the sleek metal becoming more and more turned on as she did.
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"You mean your bike? Don't you want to be Jordan? Don't you want to be me?" Jordan whispered.
"More than anything." Chloe said her voice dripping with lust.
"Then climb on and start her up." Jordan said and Chloe stalked over obediently. She threw her leg over the powerful machine and instantly felt at home. She turned the key and started it up. The vibration from the engine made her wet as she straddled tight to the machine.
"Doesn't that feel good? Only thing that beats it is a good hard fucking. Now Rev it up. The more you do the more of me you let in." Jordan said seductively. Chloe revved it again and again each time getting closer and closer to orgasming. She moaned as she felt Jordan's soul begin to merge with her own with each Rev.
"Oh fuck FUCK! Yessss I feel like such an evil bitch. I feel like a hot bad ass slut! I feel like Jordan! NO! I AM JORDAN!" She screamed as their two personalities crashed into one another. At once Chloe had new memories flood her mind. She was Jordan now and it felt perfect. She ran her sharp nails down her transformed body in ecstasy.
"Shaun has been missing a real woman's touch and a real woman's pussy but once he gets a look at me he'll forget all about weak little Chloe." She said tieing her hair up into a mohawk. She loved how it looked. It made her look like a woman not to be messed with. Just then she heard a car pull up outside.
"Hmmmm speak of my devil. Time to get him playing on the dark side again." She said with a wicked smile. She heard him go into the basement with the supplies he just bought and she followed patiently after him. Her high heels clacked loudly on the metal stairs she descended causing Shaun to turn around.
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"Chloe? Is that you?" He said certain it was but began doubting himself the more he looked at her.
"Try again lover." She said in a breathy voice and tone he did not recognize her having before. It was like she acting like...
"Jordan? No this can't be real." He said backing away.
"What's the matter baby? You look like you've seen a ghost." She said smiling knowingly while approaching him
"What have you done with Chloe?" He said unable to take his eyes off her body while he continued to back away.
"Me and Chloe had a little talk and decided it was in everyone's best interest if you got a little of your fire back, a little of your passion. That's why I'm here baby, you need your evil muse." She said eyeing him sexily and hungrily.
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"No I want Chloe back, I'm not that man anymore I'm a better man. I'm a good man!" He said as she backed him into a corner.
"A good man maybe? But a better man? Not even close." She said and then pounced on him locking her lips on his. He fought at first against her soft warm lips but the more they continued the more he lost himself to her. He was transported back to when he was young and carefree, when he only gave a fuck about one person. After about a minute he was pushing her against the wall and moved from kissing her lips to her neck.
"Oh you fucking nasty slut I've missed you. And I've especially missed this tight little thing." He said as he stroked her pussy.
"There's my man." Jordan said while helping him take off his pants. She undid his belt and his pants careened to the floor.
"Mmmmm nice to see somethings haven't changed." She said licking her lips as she gazed at his huge member.
Original note count before ban: 285
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inbarfink · 1 day
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the-kingshound · 1 day
Does the magic consume the wielder like if they used it too much it would eat them alive and they would die where they stood or can the magic make the user blind with rage like they go to outopilot mode and don't see or hear anything around them unless something happens to stop them somehow.
Technically, any kind of magic takes something from its mage. Battle magic slowly ruins the body of the mage if overused, causing them chronic pain and making them disabled. Precognition (the one Saraah has) has a severe impact on the mage's quality of sleep, and if not properly restrained and managed it can cause delusions, dissociation and depression.
In general, all mages are more prone to madness than non mages. That can happen when they harness the full power of their magic, and while they still maintain themself, every thought becomes focused on one single intent or need. In Adrei's snippet, for example, it was going to Emyr. Nothing else mattered, and so she killed every person on her way regardless of who they were or if they were a threat or not.
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midnottart · 3 days
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May Sketch Poll Winner • Frigga teaching kid Loki seidr ✨
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flowergirlsimo · 3 days
As we explored each other's curves, our fingers tracing the lines of our faces, our lips tracing the contours of our necks, our love became a canvas of passion and desire. Every brushstroke of your touch ignited a flame within me, burning brighter with each passing moment.
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thevillain-s · 1 day
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HOODOO: “If freedom don’t ring, these “roots” gonna sing!!!!”
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aceofwhump · 2 days
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BBC Merlin 1x04 "The Poisoned Chalice"
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