#lena luthor
natalievoncatte · 20 hours
Kara is buzzed when it happens. Not drunk, buzzed. A little tipsy. Not lost in the sauce, more “in her cups”. It’s been a rough day of wordsmithing and crime fighting and game night has turned into an impromptu movie night because no one has enough energy to play anything. The Settles of Catan box is gathering dust next to the Pictionary stuff and the other random games that have accumulated at Lena’s apartment ever since they all realized that she has the best bachelorette pad for hosting these things.
Instead they’re watching Twister instead of playing Twister, laughing at how cheesy it is. The movie is almost over but the night is young and Kara is unwinding, so she asks Lena for a favor.
“Can you bring me some?” she says, spotting Lena pouring wine from a box that Kara brought over.
“Sure,” Lena says.
A moment later, Lena joins her.
This moment is inportant. Kara doesn’t know it yet but it’s one of the most important. One day she will rank it in importance with the day she first saved Lena and the first time she walked into Lena’s office and a number of other firsts.
Consider this: It is a warm May night and Lena has the windows open to let the breeze in. It’s maybe seventy in the penthouse and eventually it’ll get cooler. Right now, everyone is lazing about in knockaround clothes. Kara herself is in a pair of old threadbare sweats from the DEO that she kept even after the organization disbanded because they were so comfy, and the ribbed tank she had on under her outfit at work, baring her blocky and sun-tanned shoulders.
(This is because Lena once made a comment about her big meaty shoulders after they attended a spin class together. Kara never consciously said “I’m giving Lena two tickets to the gun show”, but she has her bis and tris on display around her whenever possible anyway. Kara had no reason to flex when she’s opening a bottle of wine -or a box with a screw cap- but she does it anyway. She doesn’t need to pick up Lena’s car… you get the idea.)
Lena, for her part, is dressed in mercilessly short shorts that bare her thick thighs, and she’s put on a sweatshirt. A gray sweatshirt that has the National City university logo on it, a school she did not attend, and is two sizes too big for her. She’s put her hair up in a sloppy ponytail and has taken out her contacts in favor of a pair of rather chunky-framed glasses. She looks like a dork.
A stunning, cute, adorable, huggable, kissable dork.
Lena brings with her two blue plastic tumblers of wine, and hands one to Kara.
The couch is packed. Alex and Nia flank Kara, and their respective partners fill out the sofa. Really, someone should have saved Lena a seat in her own house. She has one in mind, though. She sits right on Kara’s lap as she hands her the wine.
It could be any number of things that cause it. She’s tired, she spiked a few of her drinks with alien rum, it’s been a long and frustrating day and she’s just not thinking right. She doesn’t have her filters in. Words just spill out.
“Good girl,” Kara says, as Lena settles in place.
The reaction is subtle, but to a Kryptonian, obvious. Lena’s heart does a little pitter-patter and she tenses just slightly, just barely, so subtly that only Kara would notice. Her pupils widen and her breath catches sharply.
Alex, seated such that she’s behind Lena, snaps her gaze to them quickly.
Kara does the only thing she reasonably can do. She presses her legs gently to either side to make sure there’s enough room and lets Lena settle in with her. The couch is one of those huge custom jobs that cost more than Kara’s apartment and every stick of furniture in it, so there’s room for Lena to comfortable position herself and lean back into Kara, sipping a bit of wine.
Everyone is else is dead silent, the only sound coming from Lena’s massive TV and theater quality sound system (so there is in fact a lot of sound)
Lena is there and she’s warm and soft, the crown of her head in perfect range for a little sniff. With not much effort Kara could press her lips to Lena’s hairline and give her a little kiss.
She’d done that once. It was after a save, when Kara was holding Lena in her arms after catching a collapsing crane on her back, shrugging off a hundred tons of twisted metal to save her Lena. It was not long after Lena came back to her and things were still weird and fragile and Lex wanted her dead and Kara was so, so scared, so wracked with pain just from knowing what Lena meant to her. The only way she could stop herself from kissing Lena, proper kissing, was by pressing her lips somewhere safe and friendly and kinda a we’re friends kiss and not a I want to marry you please never leave me again kiss.
Lena drinks the wine so fast she gulps, and she’s either thirsty or trying to calm her nerves. There’s a palpable air in the room right now, a heavy tension that’s made them all suddenly stiff and uncomfortable. They pass the rest of the movie in silence.
“Who’s up for a double feature?” Kara says, not wanting to leave but not wanting to test the terms under which she might stay.
“Not me,” Alex says. “We’ve got to get home and pay Ruby for watching Esme. Besides, if we let you picky we’ll end up watching some damn cartoon.”
Nia wnd Brainy similarly demur, citing reasons of their own.
“Okay. I’ll stay and help clean up.”
“You don’t have to,” Lena says, tentatively.
“I don’t want to be a poor guest.”
The rest of the Superfriends pile out of the penthouse and into the night with mildly alarming speed, and Kara is suddenly alone with Lena. The vast penthouse doesn’t feel empty. Instead it feels close in, almost crowded.
Lena slips off of Kara’s lap and plops beside her, yawning. She sets down her empty wine cup and stretches, delightfully arching her back as she throws her arms back up over her head, fingers laced. Kara doesn’t need x-ray vision to see she’s bare beneath the sweatshirt. Her own heart does a little flutter.
She looks so soft, so cozy and inviting, but her legs are such a distraction that Kara can’t help but look at them, her gaze sweeping from ankle to hip with the intensity of an explorer who’s just crested a mountain and set eyes on a promised new land. That’s when Kara realizes that Lena saw her looking and is meeting her gaze firmly.
“Like what you see?”
Kara swallows hard. She can hear the drum of Lena’s own heart, almost feel the same quickening of her pulse as well as the slight waver in her voice.
Kara licks her lips.
“Should we clean up, or…”
“Should we? Or should it wait until morning?”
If Lena had been dropping hint before, she was laying down the gauntlet now. She looked at Kara with lidded eyes and a flushed, wine-silly grin.
Kara swallowed hard. A part of her, a very loud part, still insisted she misinterpreted all of this and Lena was just being friendly. What if she was just being friendly, what if-
“What would you rather do?” said Kara.
Lena shrugged. “I’m tired of thinking, Kara. People ask me what to do all damned day. I’d rather relax and just let someone else take charge for a while.”
The way she said it, especially take charge, was so heavy and drippy and velvety that Kara could get lost in it.
Fuck it.
Kara twisted and, carefully, very carefully, lifted Lena into her lap. Lena made sure to not sit but straddle, her warm thighs bracketing Kara’s as she settled her weight in Kara’s lap and fell against her chest.
Very, very tenderly, with supreme care, Kara pressed her hand to the back of Lena’s head, slipping her fingers into Lena’s hair, and guided her in. She savored every second. The ghost of breath on her lips, the sight of Lena’s blown pupils before she closed her eyes, the feeling of Lena’s fingers digging into her shoulders as their lips met. Lena kissed her softly at first, then more and more greedily, exploding from a gently pressing of lips into something undeniably needy and hot. When Lena moaned into her mouth, Kara’s nerves lit up like a Christmas tree and she instincts grabbed Lena’s hips and and grinds herself up against her.
“Lena,” Kara whispered, “is that my sweatshirt?”
“Yes. It is.”
“Take it off,” said Kara, and then a moment later, “good girl.”
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artbysmashley · 3 days
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some lena luthor fanart for a lovely patreon of mine, who requested this as a gift for a mutual friend :')
( cc: @casualkoalatea @random-hallucinations )
support my work on patreon and get ur own monthly sketches (limited slots!) tiers begin at $1.50 for general support !
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mistressvera · 2 days
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Katie McGrath | costume appreciation: 28/∞
costume design by Victoria J. Auth
DC  | costume appreciation: 9/∞
Lena Luthor - SUPERGIRL S4.E16 ∙ The House of L
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mycatismyeditor · 2 days
Day 328
Lena is down to one babysitter
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Art by the incredible @rustingcat
Latest chapter available here:
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I'm in the Bridgerton mood, can you tell?
From the "Can I have them in every universe?" series.
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obliviouskara · 2 days
so lcorp ceo lena luthor who just happens to be a vampire is currently dating kyrptonian alien journalist kara danvers who has really nice broad shoulders and very irresistible very enticing neck all muscles and that lena can’t seem to keep her eyes off her nice neck and it doesn’t help that the indestructible national city superhero is not only a willing host but is very eager & excited about the idea of getting neck bites from her vampire girlfriend so much so that one night after a heated make out session lena forgets all preamble - it probably has something to do with the noises kara was making and just goes for the kill and takes a bite of her girlfriend’s neck red sun lamps be damned however she’s quickly reminded as to why supergirl was labeled girl of steel which is why the next day lena luthor was spotted taking a sip of a suspicious red liquid with a straw out of her cute and obviously kara coded tumbler with a sticky note attached “Sorry! Love you! -K” written on it i mean sure, she’d have to wait a week or two for her now very shattered fangs to grow back but it was totally worth it if not for the very loud noises kara makes once she was able to finally press her new sharp pointy teeth under kyrptonian skin tasting what she can only describe as heavenly blood
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audience-rich · 18 hours
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store-less · 2 days
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waytooinvested · 8 hours
Lena: Uhhh... Kara, when did you get a giant back tattoo of a tiger? And WHY did you get a giant back tattoo of a tiger? Kara, looking sheepish: So you know that icebreaker they make you do for corporate bonding? Two truths and a lie? Lena: Yes... Kara: Well, I kind of forgot that me being Supergirl is meant to be a secret, and so my three things were that I plan my travel routes so that I'm never more than 1 mile away from the nearest pizza place, that sometimes when it's hot I like to use my freeze breath to make myself a roof top ice rink, and that I have a giant tiger tattoo. I was just trying to make my facts fun! But then everyone assumed the ice rink thing must be the lie and wanted to see my tattoo. It sort of spiraled from there, and, well... I named him Hugo. Lena: Kara: Lena: Kara: Lena: YOU'RE SUPERGIRL??? Kara: ...Oops.
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♕ No Matter What - Part 11 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: none
Previous Part | Next Part
Surprising Lena with breakfast was definitely a success. Her eyes lit up when she saw the bagels I got and we ate together at the kitchen island.
She told me about her work plans for the day, but I only listened half heartedly because I kept thinking about last night’s realization.
I think I’m falling in love with you. . .
That thought crosses my mind every time her soft eyes meet mine.
The reminder that’s she’s still my boss however is still present and I’m torn between acting on my feelings and staying professional. Well, partly professionally because we have crossed a line already by cuddling on the couch and sleeping in the same bed.
The rain is currently pelting down outside, the clouds dark and angry-looking, while Lena is typing away at her laptop at the kitchen island.
I’m on the couch, working on my own laptop, but I’m distracted. I keep glancing at Lena and the sharp line of her jaw as she works it, squinting at her screen.
Usually I’d go for a run to work off all this nervous energy, but the weather is too bad and I don’t want to leave Lena alone.
I shift on the couch, feeling restless and try to focus on the task at hand for over half an hour before it just gets too much.
I shut my laptop and place it on the coffee table, getting up and pacing.
I don’t get to do it for long though because Lena soon turns around with a raised eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
I stop and stare at her wide eyed. I knew she was still there, but I was too occupied with my own thoughts to even consider the possibility of her calling me out on my weird behavior.
“I— Uhm— I’m antsy,” I reply awkwardly before adding, “I usually go for a run when I’m felling like this, but. . . you know.” I gesture to my left where rain is streaming down the outside of the windows.
Lena’s eyebrows knit together and she suggests, “You could go to the gym.”
I shake my head and sigh. “No, I don’t want to leave you alone. I mean I could— You know what, never mind.”
“No, come on what is it? What were you going to say?” she questions and it makes my stomach flutter when I think of what I was going to say.
“I was just— I have a pull up bar for my doorframe and there is this one calisthenics workout I’ve been wanting to try, but I don’t want to disturb you while you’re working,” I admit, scratching my neck nervously.
Lena’s ears turn pink and she bites the inside of her cheek. “You mean you want to workout in the living room?” she asks and I nod.
“But, like I said, you’re busy and—“
“No! I-I mean, I don’t mind,” she corrects and now her cheeks are pink as well as she squares some papers in a folder on the island. “I can just put in some headphones.”
I gape at her, but quickly school my features not to show my surprise. “O-Okay.”
Lena smiles bashfully and turns back to her computer while I go to my bedroom to change into a pair of shorts and a black, long-sleeved compression shirt.
I don’t want to wear a regular shirt because I have this unexplainable fear that it will snag on the pull up bar and cause me to either fall or accidentally hang myself.
I grab my bluetooth headphones and connect them to my phone and take the pull up bar from behind the door to install it on the doorframe.
It’s up in a matter of seconds and when I glance in the direction of the kitchen I find Lena with her back turned in my direction, her headphones plugged into her laptop.
I turn on some music and get started with the workout.
In a matter of minutes, I’m panting and sweating and I wipe the sweat off my forehead as I take a short break, leaning against the doorframe.
The workout is harder than expected and is really kicking my ass, but it has managed to take my mind off Lena and my feelings for her which was the ultimate goal.
However, as I’m taking a break I notice how tense Lena is. She still has her back turned to me and her headphones are still in her ear, but her shoulders are rigid and her ears are a fiery red.
I frown and wonder what’s gotten under her skin, but quickly push those thoughts to the back of my mind as I feel recovered enough to continue the workout.
I do pull ups until my muscles are sore before doing some toes to bar. Then I drop to the floor and to push ups before collapsing with a groan. I do that four more times until I can barely move.
I take out my earphones and pause my music, dragging my hands down my sweaty face. I’m thirsty and in desperate need of a shower, so I make my way to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
Lena is still working but as I take a sip of water I hear a quiet gasp behind me. I turn and catch her eyes rake up and down my body. She’s shamelessly staring but when our eyes meet she quickly looks back at her laptop.
I smile to myself and take another sip of water. “I’m going to shower real quick. Is there anything you need from me right now?“
Lena gulps and keeps her eyes trained on the screen in front of her. “No, I’m alright. Thank you,” she croaks out.
I nod in acknowledgment even though she’s not looking at me and make my way to the bedroom. I grab a change of clothes, some sweatpants and a shirt, before going into the bathroom.
I shower, enjoying the way the hot water makes my muscles relax, and get dressed fairly quickly. My stomach rumbles and I check my phone for the time, realizing that it’s almost time for dinner.
When I return to the main living area, Lena’s no longer at the kitchen island. She’s standing on tip-toes in front of the open fridge.
“Whatcha doin’?” I ask, coming up behind her and looking in the fridge as well.
She looks over her shoulder and smiles nervously when she notices our proximity. “I was thinking we could cook something, but you really don’t have a lot to work with.”
I grimace and mumble, “Yeah, sorry about that,” as she closes the fridge again. “There’s a convenience store right around the corner though. If you want I can head out and get some stuff. What were you thinking of making?”
Lena turns around, trapping herself between me and the fridge. There’s barely any space left between us and when she looks up to meet my eyes I feel my heart racing in my chest.
Her pupils are blown and her lips part ever so slightly, letting out a puff of air that I feel on my chin. “I was thinking of cacio e pepe and some chocolate soufflé for desert.”
I swallow harshly, but not because of the food she just mentioned. “I— That sounds delicious. . .”
Lena hums and her eyes flicker between my own before darting to my lips. I’m frozen to the spot, almost suffocating on the tension between us as she slowly places her hands on my chest. “Mhmm. . . We’ll need eggs, Parmesan cheese, dark chocolate, flour and sugar.”
“I should probably write that down,” I joke quietly without actually making a move to do grab a pen and paper.
Lena huffs in mild amusement, but her eyes stay focused on my own. She lets her hands travel from my chest, over my shoulder and onto my biceps, squeezing softly. “Can I ask you something?”
Mouth dry, I find myself nodding dumbly. My skin tingles where she’s touching me and I can feel the warmth of her hand through my shirt.
“Why don’t you kiss me?” she whispers.
My eyes widen and my jaw drops at her forwardness. “I—I don’t— I didn’t think you— Huh?”
She falters slightly and averts her eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I— Shit. Forget what I just said.”
“No!” I blurt out when she goes to slip away. My hands land on her waist and she gasps, her eyes darting back up. “It’s just— You’re my boss, Lena. I can’t—“
“Then you’re fired.”
My eyebrows shoot up and my grip on her waist tightens involuntarily. “I—What?”
Lena cups my neck and runs her thumbs over my jaw. She studies me intently for a reaction before repeating herself. “You’re fired. I don’t want you to be my bodyguard anymore. I like you and I want you to be just you, and I really want to kiss you.”
That last part comes out in a whisper and my heart feels like it’s about to explode in my chest. “But you can’t fire me. . .”
Oh my God, what is wrong with you, Y/N! Why would you say that?!
“I can resign though,” I amend quickly, mentally patting myself on the back when the coroners of Lena’s lips twitch upward.
“You’d do that?” she asks, insecurity flitting across her face.
I nod adamantly and pull her closer, one of my hands landing on her lower back while the other stays on her waist. We’re now chest to chest and I can feel every contour of her body against mine.
I lean down to make up for the height difference until my nose is barely brushing against hers. “I also really want to kiss you,” I confess in a whisper.
It makes Lena gasp and within the next second, she pulls me into a kiss by the back of my neck. My eyes fly shut and I sink into it as my heart flips in my chest.
Her lips are warm and soft and when she moves them against mine for the first time, I feel my knees weaken.
She pulls me closer, swiping her tongue over my bottom lip and I grant her access with a breathy moan. Her fingers thread through my damp hair at the back of my neck and I push her against the fridge, making her gasp.
My hands roam her back and waist and when I nip at her bottom lip, she digs her nails into my scalp.
It’s messy and we’re soon both panting against each other’s lips.
When the need for air however becomes too much, Lena places a hand on my chest and pushes me back gently.
Her breaths hit my lips and I want to lean back in, but I know I have to let her catch her breath first. She might be sporty, going to spin and yoga classes every now and then, but she doesn’t have the stamina a service in the army will grant you.
I rub my thumbs over her ribs and rest my forehead against hers, allowing myself to fully enjoy the closeness for the first time.
“That was. . .” Lena trails off and huffs a breath of laughter against my face.
I chuckle and finish her though. “Amazing.”
“Yeah,” she whispers and when she opens her eyes they’re glittering with happiness.
I brush the tip of my nose against hers which makes her laugh softly, a sound that is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
One of her hands slides onto my cheek and she traces the corner of my lips with her thumb. Her touch tickles and I turn my head to press a kiss to the pad of her thumb.
She watches with adoring eyes, smiling, and I can’t help but lean forward again to peck her lips a couple of times.
“So, what now?” I ask, but before Lena can answer, my stomach grumbles.
“Dinner?” she suggests playfully and I shake my head with a smile.
“No, I mean about us,” I say, moving back a bit without taking my hands off her waist.
Lena takes a deep breath and places her hands on my chest right as my stomach makes itself known again. “Let’s talk about it over dinner.”
I drop my chin to my chest with an embarrassed smile. “Okay. I’ll head to the convenience store then.“
Lena laughs and extricates herself from my embrace. “Yeah, you do that while I go take a shower. Then we can cook together once you’re back.”
I grab a pen and paper and jot down everything Lena said we will need.
Then I slip on my shoes and throw on a jacket. It’s still pouring outside, so I pull the hood over my head.
Just as I’m about to slip out though, Lena hurries out of the bedroom. “Oh good, you’re still here. Could you also get some pasta? There’s barely any left in your pantry.”
“Sure.” I pat down my pockets to make sure I have my wallet on me. That is when a thought strikes me. “Hey, Lena. Can I ask you something?”
Lena, having already made her way back to the bedroom, turns in the doorway and nods for me to go on.
“Why now?” I ask. “Why did you tell me about your feelings now? Why did you kiss me now?”
Lena’s ears turn bright red and she frowns, embarrassed. “No reason.”
“Riiight.” I smirk and rest a hand on my hip.
She huffs. “It’s just-“ she vaguely gestures at me “you know. . . All those pull ups and push ups—“
I laugh before she can finish her sentence and open the door wider. “Wow. Who would have thought? Lena Luthor is a secret horn-dog.”
“Hey!” she exclaims and I laugh even more. When I notice the mortified look on her face though, I smile reassuringly.
“I’m just kidding,” I say. “Now go shower, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”
Yay! They finally kissed. I hope you guys liked it. Spoiler alert: The next part will be somewhat angsty, so get ready for that I guess. . .
Tag list: @nerethos @orange15quote @nuianced-tck-enby @autorasexy @unexpected-character
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alienslikedmyfantasy · 21 hours
I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about this lately and with it being pride month it’s been on my mind more.
I love the Supercorp ship. It’s just, I don’t wanna go off on a rant on this post with everything. In short they balance so well and you can see the chemistry and the love between them.
With hearing about the series ending the way it did, I was bummed. I’ve been watching the show, I’ve not finished it yet, but it makes me very sad.
One night I just sat there and cried about it and I was unsure why, but I think I’ve found a way to put it into words.
There is so much representation with the side characters, and with Kara and Lena not being explicitly canon in the end, I felt that the show runners were saying: ‘it’s okay to be gay as long as you’re not the main character’
And honestly, that hurts me a lot.
But yeah, that’s my late night rant. Happy Pride!!
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sillyfroggremlin · 8 months
watching/rewatching a show when you already have an established favorite character is great because every time they come on screen it's like
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leighlew3 · 4 months
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I mean…
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jennywebbyart · 7 months
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A super and A Luthor. Destined to hate each other but fell in love.
(This is a redraw from a drawing I did back in 2020) 
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ao3topshipsbracket · 8 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Quarterfinals
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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evanezco · 2 months
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Supercorp bicep meme, sketchier than usual but it was fun
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