#konig call of duty
konigsblog · 3 days
Royalty, stepcest AU. 👑
: rape/non-con, stepcest, age difference (reader's age is unspecified while könig is aged mid-fifties.) MDNI 18+
Princess!Stepdaughter!Reader x King!Stepdad!König.
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King!Stepdad!König believes that he has complete and full ownership over his beloved daughter. He doesn't let other men get too close, I mean, he doesn't even allow you to stand outside during daylight. All day, you're locked inside your bedroom, protected by knights and your own overprotective father who's intentions are far from pure.
At first, you don't notice his stomach-churning behaviour, how his gaze turns sexual from friendly in a matter of seconds when you're wearing something even slightly revealing. He's the King, and although you're his Princess, you hold no power in comparison to him. When you're awoken in the middle of the night to König slamming into your cunt repetitively, the agonising and splitting stretch between your thighs, you're ordered to lay there and take it while he comforts you and wipes away your tears. The mixture of his caring, fatherly behaviour combined with his cruel, brutal rapey actions leave you dumbfounded, dizzy, and choking on your words and cries.
King!Stepdad!König who spoils you rotten. He'll buy you whatever you wish, but in return, he demands your throat. Some Knights even defend König and are complicit in his rape. They'll hold you down against the ground on your knees while König ruthlessly grinds down your throat until a bulge forms in your neck, while you're gagging and gurgling on his dick. You mistake that tight sensation in your stomach as disgust, when in reality, it's your body betraying your mind and reacting to König's acts.
All you can really do is look up at the guards for pity while König orders them out of the bedroom, to have complete privacy with his stepdaughter, to ruthlessly brutalise and mutilate your tight, sloppy cunt until your cheeks are raw and tear-stained. :(
Don't worry, he has no plans to arrange a marriage anyways. You'll serve König as a form of amusement and pleasure, won't you, Prinzessin?
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tacticalprincess · 3 days
sugar daddy!könig who pays for your nails because he likes the way your polished hands look struggling to wrap around his girth. something about the juxtaposition between how pristine they are in comparison to his meaty, veiny dick drives him insane. immediately comes inside you when you dig them into his broad back, knowing hes gonna feel the sting of it for days after. wears the marks on his back like a badge and doesn’t hesitate to make you redraw them when they start to disappear.
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dmitriene · 3 days
it might seem that könig treats you like his little pet, some adorable thing at his side that he can pat and squeeze all he wants all day long, and it's not that you are against it.
könig always treated you with utmost tenderness, soft strokes on the head, featherlight warm kisses against your forehead and lips, his calloused hands handling your body carefully, even when he slipped to grope at your supple flesh, smiling sheepishly at your little whines.
but you absolutely turn in his little, obedient pet once he stretch your tight pussy on his fat cock, sticking to him with small moans and whimpers leaving your soft lips, face nuzzled in his shoulder with your hands curled weakly around his neck.
könig holds you tightly on top of him, watching as your rounded ass jiggles slightly with each shallow roll of his hips, warming himself in your pulsing, sopping cunny, his lips pressing sloppy kisses against your neck and ear with purred praises — “mm, mein entzückendes kleines haustier, so soft and sweet for me„
you like his attention, könig's endless tenderness towards all of you, even if you have to spend most of your time only with him, stuffed full of his cock and potent cum.
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴.
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latenightdaydreams · 3 days
The Chair (fem)
Poll story!
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, mentions of cheating, p in v, oral, cucking, dirty talk
3.3k word count
After three years of marriage, you found out that your husband, Hugo, has been having an affair for the last two years. He completely broke your heart. Trust was something you struggled to build, and he just completely shattered yours. After only three months of therapy, Hugo comes to you with the idea of making things ‘even’ between the two of you; allowing you to cuck him.
Hugo only made you even angrier when he said this to you. You’ve never thought about having sex with another man before. For one, your self-esteem was so low now. You love Hugo, you’ll never see another man in the same way as you see Hugo- so you thought.
It’s Saturday; you’re dressed in a simple white dress that clung to your shape. Hugo was invited to his best friend’s brother’s homecoming and took you with him. He quickly left your side at the party to go mingle with his friends, making you feel rejected. You make your way to the kitchen where it’s quiet, leaning back against the counter and looking out the window.
König sees you by yourself, so he approaches you. The way your dress clings to you catches his eyes immediately. He walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge, grabbing two beers. With one hand stretched out handing you a beer, his mask hides his expression.
“Hallo, I don’t think we’ve been introduced.” His Austrian accent piques your interest.
“Oh, thank you.” You grab the beer. “I’m y/n.”
“Pleasure to meet you. I’m König.”
Your eyes go wide and you smile as you realize this is who everyone is waiting for. “Oh, everyone is outside waiting for you.”
“I know, I’m avoiding the crowd for as long as I can.” He chuckles as his eyes openly trail down your body. “Who are you here with?”
“Jakobs friends?”
“Who would have thought little Hugo could pull someone like you?”
A smile pulls across your lips as you let out a soft giggle. König stands at 6’10 while Hugo stands at 5’8. He chuckles with you as he steps closer to you. Just then, the sliding back doors open. It’s Hugo with Jakob.
“König!” Jakob excitedly rushes to his brother.
Hugo’s smile slowly fades away as he eyes you and König, seeing how close you two were just standing. You gazed up at him with bright eyes, the same as you used to look at Hugo with. His heart skins to his stomach.
König turns to see Hugo, his eyes dead as he glares at him. König wants his wife. Craved his wife. He’s going to have her.
A few weeks pass. König has added you on all social media. Today, while at the gym, he sent you a gym selfie. He’s shirtless and flexing. His body is riddled with scars, sculpted like a piece of art. König’s blonde hair covers part of his face, your eyes glued to the dark blonde hair that trails from his belly button down.
As you inspect the photo, you close your legs and press them together. Hugo see’s your movement and recognizes it as you being aroused. He smirks.
“What are you reading?” He stands and walks to you, assuming that you’re reading smut. As he gets closer, he sees you quickly close what looked like a man’s photo.
“Nothing.” You stand and walk away to the bedroom.
While there was a feeling nagging at him, he let it go. The sex life between the both of you is basically nonexistent since the affair came to light. He figured it was simply porn. The conversation that comes next, he wasn’t expecting.
You both sat at the dinner table, pushing your food around with your fork as you contemplated your next words. Hugo notices that you’re lost in thought. He clears his throat and sits up.
“Um, are you okay babe?”
“Hm? Yeah.” You place the fork down on your plate. “I want to talk.”
“Okay.” Hugo can feel his heart beginning to sink.
“Do you remember when you offered me the option to have sex with someone else? Cucking?”
Swallowing hard, Hugo nods with a look of dread on his face. Please don’t let it be König.
“I want to take you up on that offer.” You look up, making direct eye contact with him.
Hugo shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Do you know who?” He picks up his glass of water, taking a big gulp.
“Yeah, I do.”
Hugo leans back in his chair and rubs his hands over his face as he lets out a deep breath. “König?” He leans forward, arms coming down hard on the table. “What makes you think he would even like you?”
His insecurities begin to show through his words and body language. He holds himself like an injured boy. As if the simple mention of König killed his ego.
“He’s told me.” You look at him with a new found confidence.
“He told you? When?”
“We’ve been talking.”
“How?” Hugo’s eyes widened.
“Social media and texting.”
Hugo stands, combing his fingers through his hair. This can’t be happening. Not with König. “For how long?”
“Since the party.” You watch him pace back and forth.
“Have you seen him?” He stops and looks at you with pleading eyes.
“Only for lunch.” You admit.
“Only for lunch.” He repeats, shaking his head, dropping it to look at the floor.
“He said he’s free Friday night.”
Hugo slowly looks back up at you in disbelief.
Friday night, you have fresh sheets on your bed, a bottle of wine, three wine glasses, and a chair in front of the bed. You’re dressed in a short silk negligee, the deep blue color complimenting your skin tone perfectly.
Hugo looks at you. He never thought he’d be sharing you with someone. Then he thinks about the pain he causes you over the past two years. The doorbell ringing pulls him out of his thoughts. He walks forward towards the door and opens it to see König without his mask on. His face is covered in scars, but he’s still a handsome man. Hugo always felt inferior to König, being over a foot shorter than him.
“Hallo, Hugo.” König smiles and walks past him into your home.
König’s eyes fall on you, the way your little negligee hugs your body; it’s like you’re a gift for him to open.
“Hallo, Liebling.” He walks to you and hugs your body tightly. “You look magnificent.”
“Thank you.” There is a cheerful giggle in your voice. It sickens Hugo. Your small hand slips into König’s. “Follow me.”
Hugo watched you lead König upstairs towards your shared bedroom. He followed reluctantly. He knows you’re going up with or without him.
You enter the bedroom with König. As you go to open the wine bottle, König gently swoops in and takes the bottle from you.
“I’ve got this.” He opens the bottle for you, his muscles flexing under his tight black shirt as he does so.
König pours wine into each glass, a little extra into the third. He hands you one, then turns to Hugo and hands him the fuller one. A little smirk on his lips as he looks down on Hugo. “Here go, a little extra for you to relax.”
You take a large drink of your wine and place it on the bedside table. König’s eyes travel up your legs to your plump ass, the way it sways as you move. He places his glass down alongside yours. His large hands wrap around your waist and hold you in a firm grasp.
König leans his body down, his lips pressing into yours passionately. You quickly reciprocate, your lips parting slightly to lick his lips, causing König to chuckle, “Eager little one, aren’t you?” He grabs you by your thighs and lifts you in his arms.
“You may want to take a seat now.” König turns to Hugo as he holds you in his arms.
Hugo looks at you in König’s arms as he holds you. You look like Aphrodite in Ares's arms. He saunters to the seat in front of the bed and sits, wine in hand. There is nothing else to do but to watch you with him.
König gently lays you down on the bed, his lips clashing against yours as your tongue twirls around one another’s. Slowly his lips leave yours and trail down your neck, drawing small sighs of pleasure from your mouth. One hand comes up and squeezes your breast gently, his fingers coming around your nipple and lightly pinching. A small moan leaves your lips, followed by a nervous giggle.
He backs up to see you with a warm smile, leaning down to kiss your lips again. Hugo sat, watching the chemistry shared between the two of you, and it makes him feel sick. This is suppose to be a fuck, not…whatever this is.
König stands upright and undresses. He pulls his shirt off to expose the body you’ve only ever seen in photos, in person. Your eyes roam up and down his body. He is stunning. The black shirt he had on is tossed to the edge of the bed. His hands undo his belt buckle. You sit up to help him, your lips pressing against the warm skin of his chest.
A deep sigh leaves König’s lips as he combs his fingers through your hair, your gentle kisses sending a chill throughout his body. Once his pants are undone, he pulls his pants down, kicking them off to the side. His enormous erection is pressing up against the fabric of his boxer briefs, his cock so big his tip sticks out the waistband of his underwear.
Hugo’s eyes travel up and down König’s body. He feels his anxiety spike, taking a big drink of his wine. The way you touch him, it’s as if you’ve been thinking about this for a while. You’re enjoying his body. His eyes follow your hand, go to his cock and grasp it through his underwear. König’s hands on your jaw, holding your face to him as he kisses you passionately.
You grab König’s hands and move them, kissing down his chest again until your lips reach the bit of cock sticking out. Your tongue licks over the tip, scooping up a dab of pre-cum that has come to the surface. König looks down at you as you pull down his boxer briefs, your warm wet mouth slowly wrapping around his cock.
König lets out a loud groan as he gazes down at you. He looks over to Hugo with a smile before wrapping some of your hair around his head and guiding your mouth down the shaft of his cock. You eagerly accept his cock, taking in as much as you can as you suck.
Hugo shifts in his seat uncomfortably. Even if he turns away, it doesn’t help. The sound of his cock fucking your mouth consumes the room. You gaze over at Hugo shifting uncomfortably and it made you feel happy to see. Slowly pulling your head off his cock, eyes gazing up at him.
“Let’s take this off of you.” König whispers as he moves back slightly to pull your negligee off. You lift your hands above your head and to assist him. He steps back more to see your bare breasts and the small blue thong that covers your precious little cunt.
Hugo feels sick watching König look at your body. He looks at you the same way a dog would look at a piece of meat. He’s hungry for you like Hugo has never been.
“Look at this body…you look like a work of art, Liebling.” König grabs your body and pulls you back onto the bed more.
Your head rests on your pillow as König crawls over your body. His lips meet yours as one hand explores. One caresses your cheeks, the other plays with your nipples between his fingers before moving down more to your pussy, his fingers rubbing the thin fabric. He can feel how wet you are for him and it drives him wild.
His fingers hook into the fabric of your thong and pull it down slowly. Your creamy pussy comes into view as he sees the mess you made in your underwear. “Beautiful.” He whispers to himself. Without looking back, he tosses your thong behind him. It lands on Hugo’s lap, causing him to just look at it before looking back up at you.
Hugo watches as König spreads your legs with his knees, getting his body comfortable between your legs. König’s cock rubbing up and down along your folds, relishing the wet heat. The view Hugo has, he watches as he slips his cock into your pussy. Your legs instantly tensing around König’s body. A loud moan leaves your lips as he sees König’s balls press against your ass, burying himself deep inside of your cunt.
König pulls his hips back before slamming them down into you again, watching as you jerk forward and your eyes flutter. Your fingernails are digging into his forearms as you try to hold on to him.
“Please…” You whimper.
“Please?” König teases, licking from your chin to your lips.
“Fuck me…”
König looks to his side and grabs a pillow, tossing it on the side of the bed. Without withdrawing his cock, he lifts your body and turns you. “So, Hugo can get a better view of that beautiful face with I make you cum.”
Hugo has no reaction but to glare at König. In that moment his mind begins to flash back to all the moment’s he has ever spent with König. He never thought he would be in this situation with him.
König lifts one of your legs to be over his shoulder, the other he pushes off the bed. Your foot falling on Hugo’s lap. König pulls out slightly as there are streaks of your creamy arousal up and down his cock.
“Look at that, your wife has a beautiful pussy.” König makes eye contact with Hugo before looking down at you. He grasps your breast as he fucks you.  His hips roll into you desperate to bury himself deeply into you.
Hugo can’t help but to get an erection as he watches König stretch you beyond anything he could imagine. Your face contorted into a pleasurable high, you don’t even look in his direction; as if he wasn’t even there.
“Oh my god König…” You mewl, lifting your head to look at your vagina and watch him fuck you.
“Your pussy is fucking…heavenly.” König growls.
“I love your cock.”
Hugo feels his heart drop and a pang of jealousy flare deep within. Especially when König begins to taunt him. He pulls his cock out, grabbing your effortlessly as if you were a doll. He moves the pillow too, placing you over it, lifting your ass to him.
You are now face to face with Hugo, König begins bullying his cock back into you. He grabs your waist and holds you, watching your ass bounce off of his hips as he bucks forward into you. Intertwining a handful of your hair between his fingers, he pulls your head back and makes you look at Hugo.
“Say it again, Liebling.”
“Please…” You whimper pathetically needing him to fuck you harder.
“Nein, the other thing.”
“I love your cock, König.” You moan out as you look into Hugo’s eyes. You can see the discomfort and pain he feels; you can truly careless. “Please fuck me!”
“Such a good girl!” He slaps your ass, continuing to hold your head up as he fucks you harder.
Your mouth drops open as you forget words and just babble sounds of pleasure. Hugo watches as your eyes flutter back. Reaction’s he’s never gotten out of you before. “König please!”
“Look at your husband and beg.” He growls pulling your hair harder.
“Please make me cum! Please!”
“More. Beg for another man’s cock!”
“Please! I want to cum on your cock!”
You look Hugo right in the eyes as you tremble on König’s cock. “Fuck…”
König pulls his cock out quickly and drops to his stomach between your legs. His tongue presses flat against your folds and licks up, tasting your cunt finally. His tongue lapping at your clit, causing your legs to twitch with every pass.
“I don’t know how you don’t eat this pussy every day.” König makes the comment to Hugo. “Maybe I should come over and do it for you.”
You moan and run your fingers through his hair, looking down at his pink tongue parting your folds to drink you in. If you could have König over everyday for this, you really would.
“Too bad you ship out again soon.” Hugo says in a snarky tone, reminding you both of the temporary bliss.
“Watch it, I can bring a spouse to base with me.” König makes eye contact with you as his wet lips kiss your pussy’s fat mound, biting it gently. You caress his face; he moves up to kiss your lips. Your tongue pushes out to taste yourself along his hips. König lets out a small moan; trailing his hands up and down your body, grabbing your waist and kissing you lustfully.
For a moment, you both forgot Hugo was even there. König pulls away from the kiss, letting his hand trail down your body before grabbing you and sitting you on his lap. Your back is on his chest as he drapes your legs over his muscular long legs. He scoots the edge of the bed, uncomfortably close for Hugo’s liking.
Hugo adjusts himself in his pants as he watches König grab his cock and slowly thrust up, showing it into you. He watches as your lips spread and wrap tightly around him. König wraps his arms under each of your knees and pins his hands back behind your head, holding you in the Full Nelson position.
You’re folded in half as König uses you as a flesh light. Ramming his cock rapidly into your messy wet cunt. König’s muscular legs flex with every thrust.
“Whose cock is better?” König’s voice is a low growl as he speaks.
Eye’s locked with Hugos, “Your cock König.”
Hugo looks away, still forced to hear you repeat over and over that you love König’s cock better. König’s humongous 10-inch cock over Hugo’s average 5.5-inch cock. Of course you liked his better. The way you look like you’re in a different world with every thrust, he already knew.
König can’t hold back any longer. Your little cunt is the first he’s had in four years and he’s done his best to not cum too fast. The sounds of your beautiful moans, the feel of your lovely pussy…he can’t.
“Beg for my cum, Liebling.”
“Please cum in my tight pussy.”
Hugo sits at the edge of his seat, about to speak up. You both agreed to not let him cum in you. He’s not supposed to risk getting you pregnant. It’s bad enough he’s fucking you completely raw, which you said you wouldn’t let happen.
“Fuck, I’m cumming.” König pants.
Hugo watches König’s heavy balls tighten as they drain deep inside of his wife’s pussy. His cock throbs as soft moans leave his lips.
König lifts you up, letting his cock pop out of your pussy. His white cum drips out of your stretched hold. Hugo just sits and watches it drip out.
“Want to taste it?” You rub your clit teasing Hugo.
He just looks into your eyes with a serious look, a look of pain. “No.” His voice cracks slightly.
The next morning, you wake up with a pep in your step. Your skin is glowing and a wide smile is spread across your lips. As you pour yourself a cup of coffee Hugo sits at the kitchen table, watching you. He feels sick, but at least the ‘payback’ is over, he thinks.
You sit and sip your coffee, looking at your phone. König snaps you a photo of his hard cock with the text saying, “I dreamt of you all night.”
“I can’t wait to see you again.”
“When does Hugo leave for work?”
“Come over in an hour.”
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<<<<German Boys when their accent gets thicker because of how overstimulated/overwhelmed they are
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lycheedr3ams · 19 hours
I’m at the beach rn so I wanted to do a quick drabble with fem!reader x König at the beach. Light suggestive themes.
First of all, König does NOT like the beach. There’s too many people, it’s too loud, it’s hot, not to mention all the stares he gets for being tall, hot, and littered with tattoos and scars. Oh, he also wears one of those black surgical face masks to the beach.
König would never go to the beach on his own accord. You’d have to ask nicely beg him to go to the beach with you. He only agrees because he can’t have you prancing around in your cute little bikini with no big strong man to protect you from all the wandering eyes at the beach
König would pack so much water for you two. He can’t have you getting dehydrated! He would carry a whole cooler full of water bottles. You’d shove some snacks in there too, to feed your grumpy man and thank him for going to the beach with you
König has to be almost dragged to get in the water. He was never much of a water person; all his training is on land. He can’t watch for enemies if he’s playing mermaid with you, come on Schatz! He would absolutely NOT play mermaid, I’m sorry :( come on Schatz, grown men don’t play mermaid
After a while, König would get fed up with the water and go back to your spot. He would watch you the whole time though, making sure you’re not drowning or no one is getting too close. His eyes wouldn’t wander to any other woman but you
After an hour or so, König would demand you get out of the water for a water break. He’d make you drink a whole bottle before going back out to swim.
Oh also sunscreen. König gets really bashful when you have to apply sunscreen to him, but he has no trouble applying it on you. Hell, he has half a mind to paw at your breasts while he’s rubbing the sunscreen into those soft curves. You always bat your lashes innocently at him, and he grumbles and tries not to get a hard on. He also reapplies sunscreen to you every hour. You won’t get sunburn on his watch!
Going to the beach isn’t the most relaxing with König, though you know you’ll be well hydrated and cared for ❤️ and it’s all worth it to König when he gets to take you out to dinner afterwards in your cute post-beach makeup and sundress
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graphicpepsi · 15 hours
sandman (nsfw, mdni)
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"shh, be quiet, mein liebling,"
a thick gloved hand covers your mouth from behind, muffling the desperate moan you couldn't hold back.
strong hips snapped into you relentlessly, his other hand gripping the curve of your waist and pulling you deeper into him.
his cock felt like it was going to split you in two. his thick tip fucked against your spongy cervix, surely leaving bruises up your tight walls and along your ass. your pussy stretched to the brim around his thick veiny dick, and when he gave a light tug on your hair you saw stars.
this wasn't the first time your colonel had bent you over his desk to relieve some stress- angrily fucking into you until he was tired enough to pass out- but you definitely weren't used to it.
the way your pussy squelched around his dick, pulsing and squeezing around him made him go weak. strings of slick from your wet cunt slid down your inner thighs, coating the edge of his desk and the base of his cock.
your moans would've been more like screams if it wasn't for the hand on your mouth.
"you want Johnny to hear you? huh? you want the whole team knowing what a fucking slut you are?"
he leans over your back, biting hickeys into the base of your neck and jaw. you catch a glimpse of his smirk behind you at the sight of your face squished hard against his hard desk, mascara tears freely streaming down your pink cheeks.
you moan pathetically, and he can feel your walls tighten against him.
"you need to cum, schatz?"
his thick accent against your ear makes you go dizzy, pushing your ass up into him for more friction. his angry thrusts seem to get harder.
his thick, calloused fingers push into your mouth, and you bite down on them. "Colonel-"
it makes him crazy when you call him that.
he grunts a bit, chuckles, his voice dropping lower as he flicks your clit with his thumb.
"cum for me, schatz, cum for your colonel."
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sudzymactavish · 2 days
I don't know if you dislike people ranting to you, so delete if it annoys you. But why are so many straight women writing the most messed up type of fanfics you've ever seen and thinking it's okay😭. Like there's so many women on here who always write x reader fanfics as with female reader described like 90 pounds, 4 feet tall and extremely weak and easily manipulated, who's partnered with a huge muscular male character who is 3x her size. Reader is always extremely small and weak and innocent minded and almost childlike in the way that she's written. And the writers describe the male character as having "one hand big enough to wrap around your whole waist" and stuff like that and then make the male character that throws reader around and beats her and sexually abuses her and stuff like that. It's so gross.
And then there will be like 900 likes on the post and all these straight women saying how much they loved it and it was so sexy when the reader got abused and assaulted and asking the author to make more. Like wtf!! I must have blocked over 200 blogs by now that are all just like this. There's so many women writing incest and pedo stuff too. Yesterday I saw a Leon Kennedy x daughter reader nsfw and I was just thinking how gross it is and how just looking at this stuff kinda ruins my childhood characters because I loved those games and now they're making my favorites do the most messed up shit. I'm not saying that male readers don't do it, but like 95% of the time it's women that are ones glorifying r-pe and abuse like it's something sexy, when it's not. Just nasty. And stop writing y/n to be coded like a child and stop making her a small helpless baby that gets treated violently by the character and letting people read it like it's something sexy. It's not sexy to be r-ped. Just stop. Please.
Everytime I see a feminine reader getting 🍇ed it makes me sick. And the reading being like a skeleton? Ew...
So let's write something about fem!reader being BIGGER than the men. 141 + a few other charaters.
John Price
That man would be begging for you. Pet names like "queen" and "ma'am" are heard around the base and at home referring you you. He's in love with you, as you almost swallow him in each hug and cuddle. He loves it.
John "Soap" Mactavish
Even if you are bigger than him, he still protects you. A glare and an occasional cuss-out in Scottish to anybody who thinks they can steal his bonnie. And if someone dares to make fun of your size...? They'll have a scar to remember.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
He would make sure you're comfortable. Being a big woman could cause maybe your feet to hurt, or pain in your neck from trying to not bump your head on the ceilings. He'd always have some chocolate and a movie set up, just for the two of you.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
I don't think he'd really mind size. He loves when you pick him up though, even if he can't admit it. The way your hands wrap around him as he's embraced in your figure... oh yea, he's in love with his big girl.
Oh he'd be a menace. He'd say weird stuff like "she's a tree and I wanna climb her." But once he actually started getting feelings for you, all the weird comments stopped. Opening doors for you, doing paper work for you was suddenly happening all the time.
He'll admit, he was a bit threatened. He expected his new secretary (after he killed the other one) to be, well, small. So he could keep his power. He wanted to return you, or maybe just kill you, but when he actually met you? You were in charge after that.
He'd be surprised at first. Someone who's finally bigger than him would probably have him shocked. When he got used to you, he totally fell in love. Head over heels. He'd take you out to dinner, buy you jewelry. You loved his presents, but in his eyes you were his precious diamond.
Shoutout to all the big girls, WE LOVE YOU ‼️‼️❤️❤️
Also anon, would you like an emoji?
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motomamita · 10 hours
fugitive!konig × naive!farmer!reader
warnings: smut, +18, no condom, innocence kink, breeding kink, baby trapping, virginity loss, female reader, dub-con!!
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fugitive!konig who managed to escape the law, after committing several crimes, and now travels throughout the country hiding his identity.
On one of his many trips he ends up arriving at a small town, almost lost in time, where its few inhabitants live off their animal farms and orchards. Apparently no one had televisions, and the few radios only broadcast music that was overshadowed by static. This ensured that no one there would be able to recognize him and gave him the opportunity to stay and rest for a few hours.
Tired of walking and extremely hungry, Konig sat down in a small cafe to have a drink. The people around him looked at him strangely, not only because they didn't know him but also because of his intimidating appearance. His back was broad, he had long legs, and the muscles in his arms were noticeable even though he was wearing a wind jacket that covered him. However, no one seemed to be bothered by his presence, the people there loved tourists and Konig seemed completely like one.
When it was time to pay, he noticed that he had ordered and consumed more than he could afford. He was about to offer some of his "camping" knives in exchange for the money he was missing until a figure approached him.
"Don't worry if you don't have the money to pay." you spoke with a sweet voice and doing everything possible so that Konig would not feel embarrassed. "I sell the fruits to the owner of the place so I'm sure I can reach an agreement with him."
Konig was fascinated by you. Not only because of your timely friendliness but also your very natural and almost unique appearance that was very difficult to find in other places. You were wearing a jean gardener, some comfortable shoes and you were carrying a basket that minutes ago was full of fruits and vegetables from your garden. Konig looked down, somewhat shy and not knowing how to react to you, the truth is that during his escape he had not met many friendly people.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you for anything in return." You smiled when you saw that no words came out of his mouth. "Here we greatly appreciate tourists and travelers, after all they are the ones who keep this small town from turning into a ghost town."
You invited Konig to take refuge in your small house for as long as he needed before leaving again for another place. Konig accepted, surprised at your remarkable naivety in letting a complete stranger into your house and providing him with all the care.
When he arrived, you showed him where the shower was and what his room would be where he could rest. You left a clean change of clothes on his bed and selflessly went off to make dinner. Once he cleaned, Konig followed the delicious smell and came to the kitchen where you were on your back stirring a large pot of what seemed to be a stew. You were so focused that you didn't notice the presence of the big man behind you. he thought about how easy it would be to cut your neck with one of those long knives you had there. But the idea quickly disappeared when you turned around and a wide smile formed on your face when you saw him.
That stew was the best he had tasted in a long time, so much so that he served himself 3 plates, leaving you totally pleased. The next morning, Konig didn't really know exactly what to do. He could stay one more night and wake up in the middle of the night to raid your entire home, even leave after having a trip with you. He was hesitant, and that hesitation turned into doubt when you offered to cut his hair and trim his long beard, which he accepted.
That same afternoon Konig sat down to drink a lemonade made by you while he watched you harvest super large, red strawberries from a distance. He fixed his gaze on the way your pants hugged your butt in a tempting way and how you hummed a melody quietly that he couldn't make out. A tingling appeared in Konig's tummy and he suddenly noticed an erection growing inside his pants. You looked so pretty, so innocent. It was obvious from afar that you didn't kill a fly and that your care for him was sincere.
The days passed and Konig seemed to have no intention of leaving, that didn't bother you at all. Now he helped you with the heavy work on the farm, carrying large amounts of hay on his shoulder and feeding the animals. His favorite activity was watching you milk the cows, fantasizing about your hands and the way the milk dripped from them.
His approaches to you intensified, taking advantage of the slightest opportunity to touch you or rub against you. he soon discovered that you had no idea about any sexual activity, acting confused at his double meaning words and insinuations. You were the perfect muse to fulfill all his fantasies without anyone being able to stop him.
Your parents had died a long time ago, leaving you alone in charge of the big farm and all the obligations of the adult world. That led Konig to think that life on that farm couldn't be bad. He knew how to handle hard work well and you did everything you could to teach him and please him. The idea of ​​starting from scratch, with you there, totally convinced him.
You were a healthy, hard-working woman and you needed someone like konig with you. But Konig needed to have something that would force you to keep him there with you, forever and that would confirm the mutual love that you both had to give each other. That's when he found the solution: he had to get you pregnant.
That afternoon he made a point that you wouldn't leave the stable until you were full of his cum. He started by complimenting your dress and how pretty that color looked on you. Then the caresses that increased in intensity until he managed to let you be carried away by him and his carnal desire. Now he had you under him, with your skirt up and your underwear hanging from one of your feet. Out of desperation, Konig only lowered his pants to his heels, even with his work boots on. You were on a large pile of hay, sweating from the great summer heat and moaning loudly.
His thrusts were brutal, making their way inside you that you barely had time to understand everything that was happening. The pleasure was so much that you could barely think about anything other than Konig's gaze and the way his balls slapped your ass.
"Oh, baby. You're so so tight.. And wet, shit" Konig groaned, sighing loudly at the pleasure your pussy was giving him. "Tell me, how did a cute little thing like you stay a virgin for so long, huh?" You opened your mouth to answer but only moans came out. "Uh? Talk to me, sweetheart, talk to me.."
"I.. I don't know.." you managed to say, overstimulated by everything. Konig's rough shirt rubbed against your clit, giving both pleasure and pain. Konig was so big that he covered you with his entire body, leaving you with almost no place to breathe air other than his breath.
"Uh? Don't you know? These farm boys are idiots... They wouldn't know how to please a pretty thing like you..." Konig cut off his sentence to get even closer to you and kiss you, putting his tongue inside your mouth. You tried to keep up with him but that triggered the kiss to be even wetter and hotter for him.
"Konig.. Give me more, please!" He smiled as he heard the urgency in your broken voice. You looked so pretty like that, almost not understanding what was happening but still pleased and eager for him to give you even more.
He, ready to please you, grabbed your legs and raised them to your shoulder, adopting a new position. His thrusts continued, his fat cock forcing its way into your no longer so virgin pussy and the simple sound of your skin slapping together made your warm walls embrace him. Not really knowing what to do, you brought your hands to Konig's big, muscular shoulders, feeling a few scars on them.
"Oh, my pretty little thing.. I'm going to fill you inside and you're going to be the prettiest mom in this whole damn town.." You dug your nails into his shoulder and your gaze was filled with confusion. "You like it, huh? You're going to make me so happy, isn't that what you want?"
You hesitated for a few seconds, not sure what he meant but his cock rammed even deeper into you leaving you almost without any thought. Tears formed in your eyes from the pleasure and absolute adoration with which he looked at you.
"Come on, mommy.. Make me happy, carry my precious baby.."
In the same way that Konig had managed to get his way in prison, he had gotten his way with you. Now you both lived together as a couple on the farm, happy and with a baby on the way inside your fertile womb.
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writingfromasgard · 3 days
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Synopsis: Colonel König and you haven't spent time drinking in his office in a while. After a successful hostage recovery, he wants to celebrate.
ML - Request - CW: drinking, dubcon
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König swipes a hand toward your wrist, stumbling as he overreaches. You let out a drunken laugh, rounding the opposite of his desk to stay out of his range. The two of you had dug into his stash he kept in his office to unwind after a stressful week. You couldn't deny that you'd drank more than you intended, trying to keep up with your beloved Colonel.
Your foot catches the edge of the rug. Your arms are too slow to react and the air in your lungs gets knocked from them painfully. You wheeze for a moment, regaining the lost air. Your mind temporarily forgets what you were moving away from until a large hand grips your calf, flipping you on your back with ease.
König cages you on the floor, hands landing beside your head after his knees spread your legs for him. "We've got unfinished business."
Your chest is heaving as you try to regain your breath. Your gaze focuses on his piercing blue eyes, a goofy smile spreading across your lips. "We finished the bottle, Colonel. I can't drink anymore."
"I am not speaking of drinking more, Sonnenschein." He dips his head down, his makeshift balaclava brushing over your neck.
You shuddered, feeling his lips on your neck. Your head lulls to the side, giving him more room to work with. His teeth scrap over your skin while his cologne envelops you. Your head spins a little, hand moving under his balaclava to guide him by his neck. You let out a soft groan when he sucks on that sensitive spot on your neck, eyes fluttering.
"No more running." He rumbles in your ear, shifting his weight onto his left forearm. His right hand jerks your shirt out of your pants, palm sliding over your ribs.
"Let me have you." His touch sends goosebumps over your skin, charging the air with anticipation.
Your fingers slipped down to undo your buttons, allowing him to drag his mouth to your chest. His nips and licks grew more aggressive, littering your skin with throbbing marks. You reach for his jeans, hand running over the strained fabric. He groans, biting down hard to muffle the sound.
You quickly unbutton his pants, ungracefully shoving a hand inside to stroke him. He feels hot and heavy in your hand, his hips jutting into your grip. He pulls back, sitting on his heels, pulling his cock out of your reach.
His hands grip one leg, effortlessly tossing you onto your belly again. You feel like a doll as he poses you; it takes him only seconds to have you with your knees under you, ass in the air for him. König isn't gentle as he works down your pants, a slight stinging sensation as the fabric drags across your skin.
He shifts and you feel his calves on the outside of yours, forcing your legs together. He taps his heavy cock against your pussy, swiping it up and down to wedge it between your lips. You feel like melting when the head works itself inside of you, that first push of resistance gone.
"Your pussy has forgotten the shape of my cock? It must have for it to be this tight." König grunts, working his cock inside.
You push back against him, eager to take his thick cock deep. His approval is a growl that sends goosebumps down your spine. He shifts the angle of his hips and you scream his name. His cock is rubbing against your g-spot with each drag against your tight walls.
Your thighs are trembling, cunt clenching around him. You're babbling against the scratching carpet, urging him to go harder, rougher with you. König complies, his balls slapping against your thighs with eager thrusts. Muscles tighten around his invading cock as drool pools in your mouth.
Sweat beads on your forehead, breathing coming in jutting pants with each thrust. Your head feels light and dizzy until you feel like your head is about to crack open from pleasure. Your toes curl tightly in your boots, pleasure bursting in every nerve.
Your nails claw at the carpet as you clench around him. A primal scream leaves your throat raw. König's final thrusts are so hard they force your cheek against the carpet over and over until he's spilling himself deep inside you. Every stroke pushes his cum deeper while he grunts, each one causing you to squeeze around him again.
König slides his hand along your sides, leaning over you. He nuzzles the back of your neck, kissing your shoulder. "Sonnenschein, sag mir, dass ich alle die Dokumente richtig ausfüllen und eintragen muss.[*]"
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[*] = a little german humor, "Tell me I have to fill out and enter all the documents correctly."
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konigsblog · 3 days
Any chance of more chubby konig? Great writings btw (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
more of chubby-könig?! there will always be more thots™ for that cutie...
chubby-könig, my guilty pleasure :⁠-⁠( 🍰🍪🍓
König has an appetite, that's for sure. Occasionally, you'll find König out of bed in the wee hours of the morning, eyeing up some fresh honey or the strawberry tarts that you had brought home from the bakery. He can't help himself around strawberry flavoured desserts. You'll catch him scoffing one away, only for you to sneak upstairs, giggling at him behaviour and pretending to be asleep so he isn't embarrassed.
Chubby-König is also embarrassingly and ridiculously horny. Since retiring from the military, König had gained a couple of kilogrammes, perhaps even a stone, and his sex drive skyrocketed through the roof now that he's relaxed and at ease, not constantly worried about his physique and how it'll affect him on the field. Some days, he's ashamed and wears baggier t-shirts, pulling at the fabric to avoid the t-shirt outlining his insecurities. You notice this and pull his t-shirt off of him once you're home together, so you can rub his swollen cock over his boxers, perhaps even grind against his stomach.
Tummy grinding is a kink that König wasn't aware he even had. He had never thought about it before, but God, the slick and warm sensation of that pretty, adorable cunt rubbing against his chubby stomach was heavenly and distracting from his insecurities and anxieties. Beneath your soft gaze, König felt confident and comfortable, his hands lazily guiding you while you rock your hips back and forth.
Chubby-König isn't picky about body shapes. After all, he chose you for you, nothing else. König with a chubby reader would include König being a total pervert, unable to keep his filthy, grimey hands to himself. He's just as bad as you are for him. He'll grope your tits and will rub your stomach while cuddling together, thigh fucking you while drunk and high on weed. He gets the munchies while high, that's certain.
Chubby-König with a skinny reader would include König obsessing over how small you are in comparison to him. He constantly touches your waist, wrists and arms, in disbelief at your ability to take his cock so well despite being tiny. From time to time, he'll scrape more food onto your plate while shaming you for your smaller portions. He always cooks big portions for you, just so that you'll eat more. It's his love language, what can he say, Schatz?
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tacticalprincess · 3 days
bf!könig on tiktok very fucking confused how the app works but fighting people in readers comment section when they said "he's our boyfriend now" but no one knows it's him so it's just some random account throwing strays and reader laughs her ass off about it
just some blank account with 1 follower (you) getting lost in all the replies to the top comments… typing furiously with his eyebrows knitted together in frustration because it is that serious to him. he doesn’t understand any of the tiktok lingo so he’s asking you what “i know he talks you through it” and “somethings purring” means so he can shut it down accordingly.
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hikaruthewolf · 2 days
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You're so good at it! Check the part 2 on twi~ (you can find it in my info)
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latenightdaydreams · 2 days
Vamp! Reader and Human! Konig? :3 Riding him while drinking his blood hehe
König x Vamp!Reader (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, blood, p in v
1.4k word count
Since König retired from the military, he’s been seeking new thrills in life. Horangi told him about a ‘vampire’ club in the heart of Budapest. This piqued his interest; he took the almost three-hour drive one night and went looking for the hidden door to the underground club.
Dressed in black slacks and a black button-down shirt, his blonde hair slicked back and face shaved clean. König walks with a confident swagger as he sees a group of goth men walking down an alleyway. He follows behind at a safe distance. They arrive as a staircase that leads to a red door.
König approaches as the bouncer looks up at König, smiling at him, exposing fangs. König’s scarred face remains stoic.
“Have fun, handsome.”
König nods and enters the club. The music was loud and the lights low. He walks through the crowd of people to see a man sitting at a booth with two goth aesthetic women at his sides. His shirt was ripped open and their mouths were patched to his neck and chest. König lingered for a moment to realize what he was seeing. Small drops of blood drip from their lips as their hands explore the man’s body.
He turns and bumps right into you. You stare up at him and smile, flashing fangs as your eye’s onyx black. König studies you, trying to take in everything he can about you. There is something that is just calling him to you. His mouth drops open to speak, yet nothing comes out.
“You look like a lost puppy.” The sound of your voice is smooth and sensual.
“Your fangs look real…how do you do that?”
A soft giggle leaves your lips as you raise a hand to caress his arms. “They are real.” He reeks of sexual tension, lustful thoughts clouding his mind.
König laughs, his blue eyes trailing from your eyes down to your lips and cleavage. The tight black dress you’re wearing leaves little to the imagination. “So, you’re an actual vampire?”
“What? You don’t believe in vampires?” Your icy hands meet his.
“It’s just…hard to believe.” He looks at your small hand in his. Your skin is ice cold.
Another woman walks by with two marks on her neck, fresh blood trickling down as she’s led to the back by a taller male. “Are you all vampires?”
“Most, other than the donors that come.” You can smell how sweet König’s blood smells as you stay close to him.
“Humans that give blood to vampires willingly… isn’t that why you’re here?”
“I—” König gazes down at you. “Yes.”
“So, what’s your name?”
“König. You?”
“Y/N.” You grab his hand and walk in the direction the couple before was.
König lets you drag him, following you without hesitation, as if you’ve hypnotized him. You move past a red velvet curtain that leads to a long hallway of rooms. Moans and grunts can be heard from behind the doors. He can feel adrenaline rush through his body as you turn and open one of the doors.
Inside, the room looks like a motel room, a small couch and a queen size bed. He walks in and looks around. The lights in the room give a red hue to everything around. König hears the sound of the door's latch closing. He turns and looks at you, eyes trailing down your body.
“So, what do we do from here?” His voice is low, cracking as he feels an indescribable lust for you.
“I think you know…” you reach behind your back and begin to unzip your dress, “what we do next.” Your dress slowly peels away from your body.
König swallows hard as he sees your full breasts, supple body, and delicate curves. He can feel his pants tighten as his cock hardens. You walk to him, grasping his cock through his pants. A shuttered breath leaves his lips.
“Why don’t you get more comfortable?”
König nods, his hands begin to fumble with the buttons on his shirt, only unbuttoning it half way down before he begins to undo his pants for you. You push him back; he lands on the couch behind him. You’re surprisingly strong for how small you are. It arouses König.
His erect cock free, standing upright as his pants rest around his thighs. König reaches out to grab your hip with one hand, guiding you to him. You can hear the sound of his heart beating quickly, his blood flowing through his veins quickly.
You straddle his waist, your vagina lingering over his cock. His smell overwhelms your senses, you just want to bite down on him. A small moan leaves your lips as König leans forward and flicks his tongue over your nipple lightly, eager to please you and be pleased.
“You smell…so sweet König.” You grab some of his hair and pull his head back.
König looks up and sees your black eyes now tinted red, slowly lightening. He looks at you in amazement, always thinking the supernatural was false. Your pillowy lips press against his in a passionate kiss. He groans into your kiss as his hands pull you down to his cock.
The tip slips in, causing you to moan. Your cunt clenched around him, warm and soaked, ready to accept his cock. His hips thrusting up into you more, he feels as if he’s been overcome with lust. He can’t control himself. He has to have you.
König easily fell under your spell. Your eyes red from hunger. Hands resting on his chest as you bounce your body up and down on his fat dick. You can feel his pulse through your palm on him. It’s becoming too much to ignore.
His hands wrap firmly around your ass, guiding you through the motions. König’s eyes close and his head drops back, completely exposing his neck to you. There is no more holding back.
You lean forward slowly, listening to König’s moans. Your teeth come out, aching to sink into his flesh. Lips touching the left side of his neck, you sink your teeth into him. A loud groan leaves his mouth. König leans his head more to the right to allow you more room.
His blood fills your mouth, your eyes flutter back as the warm coppery taste of his blood consumes you completely. König’s fingers grip your ass tighter, thrusting up into you harder. The pain from the bite, your tiny whimpers into his skin…he feels a raw primal lust for you.
“Fuck, y/n…” König grits his teeth as his big arms wrap around your body and hold you close to him. The plopping sound of your ass slamming down on him.
Retracting your fangs from his neck, you pull away and lick the blood that continues to drip out. Your now warm lips kiss up to his jawline, leading to his lips. König can taste his own blood on your lips.
“More.” He begs, the feelings of you drinking him is almost enough to bring him to orgasm in itself. His cock slipping in and out of your velvety cunt, he’s found heaven on earth here with you.
You trail your kiss back down his neck, without warning you bite down again. A louder groan leaves König’s lips. Your hips begin to rock on his cock, his hands drop to his side and lets you drink from him and ride him.
König feels as if he’s entered a trance-like state. His cock experiencing the highest form of ecstasy, traveling through his body. You feel a rush of energy, your hips moving faster than humanly possible on him. He can feel his blood dripping down his body, your fangs deep inside of him.
“Y/n…I…” König can’t even speak as his hands grab the cushions of the couch tightly. A haze comes out his thoughts as he feels light headed. No more words, only moans leave König’s lips as his cock pulsates deep inside of you.
Your lips stay latched to his neck; his arms wrap around you as he cums. Reluctantly, you pull your head away from his neck. You desperately lick at the sweet drops that continue to pour out, dripping down his chest.
“You taste perfect, König.”
“You…” König can’t even speak after experiencing you. Can a human experience even compare after you?
A cold hand caresses the side of König’s face. His chest rising and falling quickly. He looks at you through half lidded eyes, completely enamored. “Can…can we do this again?” He almost begs.
“Absolutely.” Your hands cup the sides of his face. “You know where to find me.”
“I don’t think I can be without you…” König whispers as his eyes trail down to your blood-stained lips.
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ichliebedichnicht · 15 hours
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