#kats levi fluff
Attention-Starved Levi Headcanons
i did write a oneshot on this topic a little while ago, but here's some headcanons as well ♡
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➼ the ultimate grump. like will do everything to avoid getting attention from you, as counter-intuitive as that might be. he might even push you to feel like he's mad at you and just doesn't communicate.
➼ will occasionally make passive-aggressive comments at you. casually throws "you're home early for once" or "when are you not running around" or a very dry "nice to see you for once in a lifetime"
➼ gets even MORE grumpy when you fail to pick up that he's upset, excusing himself early or brushing past you all irritated, basically stone-walling you
➼ when he does finally get to admitting it, it's very quiet and more along the lines of "can you just come to bed already?"
➼ once you're in bed with him, he basically clings onto you and refuses to let you go. his grip is tight on you, ensuring that you could not escape.
➼ if you comment as to why he's holding you so tightly, he'll quietly grumble into your ear "it took me all day just to get your fucking attention, so stay put"
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youre-ackermine · 1 year
HIIIIII <3 can you do 11. don't you dare
for levi :D appreciate you, hope you're having a good day!!! <3
Hey Kat 🌹
I had a good day & I enjoyed writing this little drabble for you!
Thank you so much for your request!
I hope you'll enjoy this 🫶
English is not my usual language
Drabble prompt 11 "Don't you dare"
Levi x gn!reader / fluff / protective!levi / canonverse / 450 words
The mess hall was buzzing with lively conversations.
After a hard day of training, running in the mud & trying not to lose grip on the swords hilts, hands becoming slippery as the rain poured down heavier & heavier, the warm comfort of a full bowl of aromatic stew was most welcome.
Most Scouts were exhausted & you were no exception. Freshly bathed, water was still dripping from your damp hair on your neat, comfy clothes. Your limbs were sore & your back hurt so much that you had had a hard time walking all the way from the bathroom.
Spoon & empty bowl in hand, you looked around the room for a free seat. But the whole canteen was so crowded that you finally gave up your search with a heavy, tired sigh.
As you turned to go back to your dorm, a gentle but firm grip around your wrist made you stop. A quick glance over your shoulder was enough to see that your Captain would not let you go away without an explanation.
"The fuck you're doing, soldier?" Levi asked in a deep voice, his eyebrows knitted in a worried frown. "You're supposed to eat something warm & sustaining to recover from today's training."
He released the pressure of his grip on your wrist only to slide his hand up your arm & gently squeeze it in an encouraging gesture, dragging you along to the nearest table.
"Move your stinky ass over!" he ordered, casting a cold glare at a new recruit, startling the hell out of him. 
The soldier's attempt to protest was quickly nipped in the bud by a harsh warning.
"Don't you dare!" Levi uttered in a hoarse voice, leaning towards the young man until their foreheads were almost touching.
The soldier averted his gaze, beads of cold sweat instantly running down his temple, his face turning pale with dread.
"Please Levi, stop it, this is embarrassing!" you muttered under your breath. "I don't need any special treatment after all."
"Stop saying this kind of shit right now! You're exhausted, you're starving, you need to sit down & eat a proper meal as much as this average guy!"
Levi firmly made you sit down & ladled some hot stew into the bowl before handing it over to you. His hand squeezing your shoulder as you finally grabbed your spoon, he leaned down to reach your ear.
"I know you're exhausted" he whispered. "Come to my office with two cups of tea when you're done, I'll help you get rid of the pain."
As he headed out of the mess hall towards his quarters, you couldn't hold back a soft smile at the idea of the Captain taking care of you all night long.
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
Considering the event is still open!
can I request K (Kiss) with Leviathan?
Of course!! You didn’t specify angst or fluff but I went the sweet direction with it because he deserves it, hope that’s okay!!💖
Prompt: K- Kiss
Pairing: Leviathan x Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
“Alright Henry! Tonight’s the night!” The third born eagerly announced to his goldfish, searching through his collection trying to find the perfect movie. “After all this time, I’m finally going to make my move!”
Leviathan could feel his cheeks heat up at the mere thought, this was something he had dreamed about ever since you forced your way into his life. He was very grateful that you had been so persistent in wanting to be his friend, it was nice to have someone to share his interests with, even if you didn’t understand what he was screaming about sometimes.
He was also grateful because your friendship had eventually blossomed into something more. About five months ago, out of pure accident, the Avatar of Envy had confessed his love for you. It took several hours to convince him it was not the end of the world and that you felt the same way.
Leviathan had been terrified of starting a relationship with you, afraid that he would fail miserably or that you would become bored with him quickly, you had been so comforting to him though.
You told him the two of you could take things as slow as needed, the last thing you wanted was for Levi to feel pressured into anything, knowing how bad his anxiety was with social situations.
And slow it had gone. You were together for five months now but still had not had your first kiss together, this didn’t surprise you since it took Leviathan two months to hold your hand without panicking, you knew it would happen whenever he was ready.
Your relationship was actually still a secret from the others somehow, that changed earlier tonight though when Leviathan went looking for help. He didn’t want this blowing out of proportion just yet but he was at a total loss on how to approach the situation.
Making sure the others were all occupied at the other end of the house, Levi approached Asmo’s door with severe caution, one slip of the tongue and Asmo would share your secret with the whole Devildom out of excitement.
Asmodeus was suspicious of his brother’s sudden need of help, almost entirely sure he was about to get caught in some feud between he and Mammon.
“Levi I really don’t have time for silly games! I have a beauty appointment in exactly twenty minutes and I can not miss it!” Asmo rushed around his room putting the finishing touches on his outfit while Leviathan stood awkwardly near the closed door.
“Look I don’t wanna be here either but… I um…I-I need help.”
Asmo stopped in his tracks, turning towards his brother.
“Oh hun,” the fifth born cooed “That’s obvious! But I just don’t have the time right now to start that project, after all Rome wasn’t built in a day!”
“What’s Rome?” Leviathan brushed past his brother’s insult, used to it by now.
“Not sure, I heard Solomon say it once referring to me!” He let out a small giggle before opening his closet door.
“Well it doesn’t matter! Look Asmo, I….I have a partner now and I… I need advice,” Levi’s voice became barely audible “on how to have our first kiss…”
“That’s it?” Asmodeus scoffed while still searching his closet “Just do what you did last time, I can give you pointers later but I really have to get going!”
“What do you mean ‘last time’?”
“You know! Just do it however you did with the last demon you kissed!”
“There, um… there isn’t a last demon…” Leviathan felt his face turn hot, he was well aware he was the last of the brothers to kiss someone but admitting it out loud made it more embarrassing.
There was a thick silence in the room as Levi’s words processed in Asmo’s mind, finally everything clicked.
“Oh? OH! Levi!! I’m so proud of you! Oh but, I really can’t help right now! Come back tonight and I’ll give you all the help I can!”
“Well that’s the problem, I kind of planned on doing it tonight during our date.” Levi rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, his face growing hotter at the thought of being alone with you again.
“Ugh, Levi why would you plan something like this without consulting me first?? Especially when you don’t know what you’re doing yet! I’m sorry but if you want the perfect first kiss you’ll just have to do it a different night, I’m not missing this appointment!! You know nothing is more important to me than my gorgeous skin!” Asmo pulled a crop top off the rack in his closet, examining it closely
Levi was desperate, he had planned this night for weeks, he was finally ready to kiss you and he was not about to let his narcissistic brother ruin it. He knew the Avatar of Lust had only a few weaknesses, so he did the one thing he knew would work.
“The date is with MC, we’ve been a couple for five months now.” Leviathan blurted out.
“Okay I’ll help,” Asmo dropped the shirt and slammed his closet shut, you were the only thing that could change his mind. “Lock the door and take a seat you’re going to be here for at least four hours.”
After a very extensive lesson from Asmodeus, Leviathan had finally returned to his room to prep for the date. He picked out a movie that he had seen probably two hundred times but one that you had never watched, part of Asmo’s advice.
“Put something on that won’t distract you but will distract them”
You arrived, excited to spend a night alone with your boyfriend but seemed a little more nervous than usual. Levi tried not to pay attention to that part, telling himself it was just his own nerves projecting.
The movie was halfway over now and yet Leviathan couldn’t tell you a single thing happening, he was too busy going over his earlier lesson with Asmo in his mind. In theory this seemed like the perfect plan but in reality Levi was a nervous wreck, who could blame him?
You were everything he had dreamed of, someone who put up with his constant obsessions, someone who enjoyed spending time with him, someone to love him for him.
So many times he imagined what it would be like to have your lips on his, so many times he tried to create the perfect scene in his head, now here you were. Sitting right next to him, eyes glued to the tv, the soft glow from the aquarium lighting your face, your shoulder barely touching his.
“It’s now or never.” Levi told himself, trying to find even the smallest sliver of courage. His heart has beating wildly in his chest, his hands felt sweaty, he knew for a fact his face was bright red but luckily it was too dark for you to notice.
“Just go for it, count to three and just do it!” Levi closed his eyes and tried to slow his breathing. He had it all planned out, he would turn to face you, gently turn your face with one hand and lean in for the kiss.
That’s all he had to do, just turn and look at you.
He just had to turn your face and kiss you. It would all be worth it.
Leviathan opened his eyes, he turned his head quickly to face you but his plan was quickly changed. As he turned his head, Leviathan’s face was cupped by both your hands and before he could react your lips collided with his.
The third born felt his entire body run hot, this wasn’t the plan but it was everything he had wished for. You pulled away and gave him a sheepish look.
“I overheard you talking with Asmodeus earlier.”
“O-oh?!” Levi was frozen, your hands still holding his face inches away from yours. Someone end his misery, did you really overhear his embarrassing discussion earlier??
“For the record, I think you’re a good kisser but if you’re still worried,” your lips curled into a devilish smile “we could always practice.”
Fully convinced he had returned to the Celestial Realm, Leviathan melted into the next kiss and the one after that, this night had turned out better than he or Asmodeus ever could have planned.
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m-jelly · 1 month
Maybe a story of jealous pilot levi x flight attendant reader, where one if the passengers starts to flirt with reader not knowing that reader is already married to levi. I wonder what Levi would do?
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@ladycheesington <3
Right in front of the Captain
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, being a couple, jealous Levi, protective Levi, married.
Levi gets pissed off when he sees a passenger getting too close to you when they are boarding the flight, then he gets worse during and at the end. So, Levi comes to your rescue.
@ladycheesington @darkstarlight82 @levisbrat25 @galactict3a @nyxiieluna
@li-anne @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity
@nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Watching you always filled his heart with so much love and joy. The way you moved and held yourself was so intoxicating to Levi. With a heart filled with adoration and deep love, he felt so proud to be married to a wonderful woman like you. You were always so kind and caring to everyone, but sometimes too kind and that started to show.
While Levi watched you for a bit as Erwin got a few things ready and spoke to his wife, Levi noticed a man pestering you, but because you were so nice you humoured this man. "Tch, scum."
Kat, Erwin's wife, joined Levi and looked down the aisle. "Oh, yeah that sort of thing happens all the time to us?"
Levi looked repulsed. "Really?"
"Yeah, guys seem to have it in their head we're all whores." She sighed and fixed Erwin's collar. "Plus, they want to join the mile-high club."
"She's already in it."
Erwin cleared his throat. "Levi."
Kat patted Erwin's chest. "So are we, darling."
He hugged his wife against him. "I'm sure your wife can handle this idiot."
Levi rubbed the back of his neck. "I trust her, but she can be too nice to people. I just don't want her to get hurt."
Erwin looked at his watch. "You'll have to catch up with her on our break. We've got to start moving."
Levi grumbled under his breath and waited until you waved at him and blew him a kiss. He blushed and blew you one back before joining Erwin. Erwin made the announcement because Levi never liked them. After flying smoothly for a while it was break time.
Levi left the cockpit and looked for you to see you were stuck with the man from before. So, Levi leaned against the wall and glared at the man who wouldn't stop talking. As soon as you turned for a moment he saw the guy was eyeing you like meat. Now Levi was pissed off more than before.
You slipped away from the man and hurried over to your husband. "Finally, hi."
Levi pulled you close. "That shitbird bothering you?"
"He's just friendly."
"Bullshit, he keeps fucking you with his eyes."
You pouted. "Are you mad at me?"
He stopped in a private part of the plane. He cupped your face and kissed you. "Darling wife, I could never be mad at you. I love you with everything in my heart and soul. I'm just worried about you. That guy was eyeing you up like meat." He showered your face with kisses. "You are more than that. You're my adorable cute Queen."
You giggled. "Thank you, my handsome King."
He brought you over to a spot to rest. "If he bothers you, you tell me, okay?"
You nodded. "Promise."
The two of you enjoyed lunch together before parting ways once more. It bothered Levi that you weren't coming to visit and bring drinks, it was only Kat. He knew that it had to be because this guy on the plane was being very demanding of you. He was thankful the flight wasn't too long.
When they landed he did his usual routine of standing near the exit. He glared at the man once again flirting and bothering you, but this time you looked uncomfortable. He waved at you and you waved at him with a scared look, you were asking for help now.
Levi strutted down the aisle, that thankfully was almost empty. "Everything okay here?"
The man smirked at Levi. "How do you do it, Captain?"
Levi's brow raised. "Do what?"
"Run this plane with these angels on the plane?" He winked at you. "What a stunning woman."
Levi held your hand and pulled you against him. "She's my wife."
The man stared at Levi. "Oh, so she's married to you."
"You knew she was married?"
He nodded. "Well, she is wearing a ring and she did say she was married, but marriages are easily broken."
Levi moved you behind him. "Listen here, shit stain, she's my wife. Mine. You touch her or go near her and I'll rip your balls off and shove them down your throat." He punched the man in the gut causing him to cough. "Asshole." He turned to you. "Come on, beautiful." He picked you up making you squeak. "You're mine."
You blushed. "I am."
"All mine."
You showered his face with kisses. "I'm Mrs Ackerman. I love you."
He chuckled. "I love you, always."
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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Dandelions | CanonAU One-Shot
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ friends to lovers, first date, love confessions, just pure unadulterated FLUFF
☾ A/N ➼ I'm gonna have to start a separate thing for my song fics I s2g. The amount of songs I have written down to write fics about is insane. Anyways, this is actually a little fic I wrote for @humanitys-strongest-bamf because she said she really wanted a flower date written for her. I kinda took that idea as well as the inspiration from Ruth B's song Dandelions (attached below) AND I forgot Kat had also sent me a prompt request awhile back so this also fulfills that lmao. I hope y'all enjoy!! I've listened to this song for days on repeat so I hope I have captured it well.
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☾ Word Count ➼ ~2k
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It had only taken a couple months for the pure titans to be disposed of, thanks to the efforts of the scouts. This eradication is the reason why you find yourself sneaking off for another lone ride before dusk falls. The hard part wasn’t getting your horse or permission to go outside the walls, it was trying to get out without too many questions from your fellow cadets. You didn’t know how to tell them this was your way of escaping from them and everything else that came crashing since the battle of Shiganshina.
“Oi oi oi! Where do you think you’re going?” A deep voice rings out behind you as you’re saddling up. You feel your heart jump with your body. You take a deep breath to steady yourself before turning around to face a stern Captain Levi.
“Just a little ride before dinner tonight, Levi. I already got the okay.” He eyes you wearily.
“By yourself?” He crosses his arms.
“Yes, by myself. It’s not like we have any threats out there anymore.” You roll your eyes, smile now fading, before turning back around to tighten straps.
“People can be just as dangerous.” He gripes back. You feel his eyes burning holes in your head.
“Sounds like someone is worried about me.”
“Of course, I’m worried. Who knows what trouble you’ll get yourself into.”
“You don’t trust me?”
“Tch, I trust you.” His words make you grin, but you quickly wipe it off your face before turning back around once you’re satisfied with your gear. You stare at him for a moment, his eyes meeting yours a second later.
“I’ll be back. I promise.” You say softly as you grip your reins tightly ready to lead your horse out of the stables.
“Just be careful.” He mutters, stepping aside to give you space to leave. His words make your heart jump again. Your eyes linger on each other as you walk past, a quick nod shared between the two of you as a goodbye.
On today's ride, you decide to aim for a bundle of trees sitting at the base of a small mountain to the west of the southern gate that you had noticed a while back. A couple hours pass before your destination comes into view. By your estimate, you had about an hour before being forced to head back lest you be surrounded by darkness.
You stare into the thick trees as you hand feed a treat to your tied off horse, an abrupt nip at your fingers alerting you to your now treat-less palm. A small laugh escapes your lips as you pat her nose reassuringly.
"I'll be back, okay? Don't go anywhere." You whisper up at her wide eyes. She bids you goodbye with another nip.
As you make your way through the overgrown shrubbery and gangly trees, you can't help but feel excitement for what might be on the other side. Looking up, you use a hand to half cover your eyes from the late afternoon sun filtering in between the leafy branches. Bird song weaves through the now thickening trees and into your ears. You softly whistle the song back as your fingers fumble with the latches on your waist. After a moment, the sketchbook you currently use as a guidebook is free from its confines. As always with every expedition you've ever been on, you are ready to document anything you see and hear.
It takes several more minutes before you finally stumble into a clearing. Whatever you had expected to find, it was leagues under from your current display. A meadow, far grander than anything you've ever seen, expands in an oval in front of you. Trees surround the whole area tall and strong, like knights in a line of defense. A small stream cuts through diagonally, telling stories with its gentle babble. You step deeper into it all with your eyes as wide as can be, soaking in this picture-perfect moment.
Looking down as you walk, your eyes become overwhelmed with the multitude of colors peppering your vision. Flowers of various sizes and lengths shift in the breeze as you walk by and something in you warms. Your eyes catch something that makes you stop abruptly.
“Oh wow.” You whisper as you slide down to your hands and knees so that you are eye level with a particular looking plant that didn’t very much look like a flower at all. The stem is brown, an odd color, you think, but it looked like a normal stem at least. The top however, where the petals would be, was soft and… furry? You reach out and lightly touch it. Much to your surprise, some of the fuzzy bits detach and fly off into the wind. A burst of laughter escapes from your chest and a memory stirs within you at the sight.
Armin had talked to you about these plants - dandelions. According to him, if you blow on the white bits to make them scatter and make a wish at the same time, it will come true. It was so silly, you think, but really what could it hurt? People wish on shooting stars all the time - this would be no different.
It takes you a moment, but you find a dandelion perfect for the wish you had in mind. You decide to plop yourself into the plush grass next to the creek, flower in hand. You feel a rush of heat sear your cheeks at not only what you were about to do but also what you were about to wish for. After making sure you were alone with a quick survey around, you sit forward and stare hard at the white fuzz. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
“I wish for Levi to be mine.” Then blow.
Levi calls your name from behind, snapping you out of your anxious thoughts for a moment. You pull back on your reins until Levi can fall into step with you. When you glance over, he arches an eyebrow at you with a silent question of, "Where are we going?" He must have noticed your change in course, now heading west instead of straight south. To be honest, you wouldn’t have even noticed that you had shifted directions if Levi hadn’t said anything. This ride has become second nature to you. After your initial discovery, the meadow quickly became your fortress of solitude and you found yourself coming back again and again without thinking about it.
After weeks of patiently waiting, an opportunity to team up with Levi to check out the port construction progression finally came. Whether that came from luck or your constant pestering to Commander Hange, you didn't know. Regardless, you were both nervous and excited to finally share your most prized secret with Levi no less. All you give him in return for his silent question is a simple, "Trust me." before squeezing your thighs together then galloping off, leaving your captain in the dust.
The sun bares straight down by the time you and Levi make it to your makeshift hitching post just outside your favored path. On the ground next to it sits a half bucket of water and you give yourself a mental reminder to fill it the next time you’re here. Levi doesn't say anything as he ties off his horse, mirroring your movements with deft fingers. Nor does he say anything as you pull off the basket you had tied onto your saddle so long ago hidden with goodies you packed the night before. He still doesn't say anything as he follows you on the beaten path you’ve made from your many visits. Levi's silence was normal, and yet…
"Aren't you going to ask where I'm taking you? I could be leading you to your death, you know." You glance back at Levi, eyes locking on each other. His expression might be unreadable to most, but to you there was a subtle bliss written all over his face. You shoot him a smile while you wait for his answer.
"You asked me to trust you. So I'm trusting you. Besides, you can't take me on your own. You got a death wish?" He grumbles back to you.
"Who said I was alone?" You quip as you twist back around to watch where you were going, swinging the basket in your hands as you walk. Levi scoffs behind you. A comfortable silence blankets the both of you yet again.
It takes a bit but finally the clearing comes into view and those anxious thoughts start clouding your mind again. What if he thinks this is a waste of time? What if he thinks you're ridiculous for this? What if he doesn't share the same feelings for you as you do for him? Levi calls your name again to get your attention. God, you loved how he said your name.
Your eyes focus just as you step through with Levi in tandem. There's a gentle wind today; it blows through the multi-colored meadow in a way that makes the flowers look like they're dancing. The breeze is even soft enough that your favored dandelions stay intact, not a single seed threatens to blow away.
"Is this where you’ve been escaping to?"
"You notice?" You glance his way nervously. As usual, he has no significant emotion on his face, but to say he was emotionless would be a lie. His eyes shift from the babbling creek to the colorful field and then onto your face, eyes soft. The way he looks at you, it makes a part of you feel so alive and free.
"Sometimes." His comment makes you look away, a flush of heat already nipping at your cheeks.
"I-uh, I wanna show you something." You set off deeper into the meadow without checking to see if he’s following.
A moment later, you come upon the spot you had surveyed a couple days in advance, perfect for what you had in mind. In a swift motion, you pull out a blanket from the basket hanging from your arm and splay it on the ground. Once settled, you plop yourself down on the cloth to keep it from flying away. When you look up, Levi’s staring at you incredulously.
“Is this a date?” he asks dryly.
“Do you want it to be?” You ask, patting the empty spot next to you as you do. He hesitantly sits down next to you, unsure of what to do with his body but eventually settles on sitting crisscross like you. He stares over at you, a little bit of shock cracking through his still features. “Levi, I’m kidding. It doesn’t have to be. I just wanted to show you my favorite spot.” You mutter over to him, rolling your eyes. You swallow down your nerves. Maybe he isn’t as interested in you as you had hoped. As you start to unpack the basket of the lunch rations you had stowed away, he speaks up softly.
“I wouldn’t mind. It being a date, I mean.” His voice stays monotone, but his words make you double-take at him. Levi is flushed pink, starting from his neck then ending at the tips of his ears. A wide grin breaks out on your face as you finally comprehend what he just said.
“Really? Because this would have been so embarrassing if you didn’t feel the same way. I mean, I would have had to run away and start a new life somewhere else. When I talked to Mikasa about this, she was all ‘love like this only happens once in a lifetime.’ and it made me think that you might actually be the love of mi-“ You’re cut off by Levi’s nimble fingers pulling your chin in his direction, his face a lot closer than you remembered it being. He whispers your name again.
“Shut up.” And then his lips are on yours, soft and tender. You don’t remember much after that, but you do know that whatever they said about wishing on dandelions had to be true. And you couldn’t wait to wish upon many more in the meadow now shared between you and Levi.
taglist: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @averysmolbear @youre-ackermine @notgoodforlife @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @Dkbktk420 (idk why it won't let me tag you properly) If you'd like to join my taglist, please go here! Your information will never be shared. <3
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jayteacups · 3 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
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Thank you Val @youre-ackermine and Kat @humanitys-strongest-bamf for sending these! (I’m only reccing 5 today, sorry to disappoint you Kat 😂) Here's my five favourite pieces of work! Tbh I haven't been writing as much lately so this list probably won't have anything new to anyone, but hey.
It's A Wrap! (Tumblr | AO3)
A one-shot featuring Actor Levi and Makeup Artist Reader, friends to lovers and mutual pining 👀
I've written multiple Actor AU pieces (I love reimagining the AOT characters as actors, 10/10 would recommend as a way to cope with the pain of canon 😂😭), but this is in its own separate universe and I'm planning on writing a couple more fics set in this specific universe!
I had so much fun writing it (I hope it showed haha), and that's why it's on this list as one of my favourites!
The Absence of Warmth (Tumblr | AO3)
Gen one-shot centred around the No Regrets trio (with Levifar crumbs because I love them)
I also had a lot of fun exploring the trio's dynamic here, I'd like to go more in depth again with these three someday
My most underrated fic for sure haha
My piece for Levi Week 2023 - Day 3 (Tumblr | AO3)
All the fluff and softness you could ever want. Will never stop writing sweet and soft fics for Levi because he deserves it 😌😌
This was partially based on a dream I had, actually, which makes this more personal, and therefore, one of my favourites.
Me remembering what I dream about is a very very rare occurrence, and rarely do those dreams include fictional characters, funnily enough 😂 so it was an extra special occasion when I woke up and actually remembered the dream I had of walking on a beach with a blushy Levi whilst the sun was setting and it was all sickeningly cutesy and romantic. I wrote it down, fully intending on writing it, and never got around to it, until I saw the prompt for Levi Week Day 3, and was like... hang on, this could work 👀
Gentle Touches (Tumblr | AO3)
Levi experiencing affection for the first time is a trope I can't get enough of, and it seems the two anons who sent me the request are the same hehehe
Fluff and softness, emotional hurt/comfort towards the end! Also this was a fic that made me realise how touch starved I myself am 🥲 I've been told that this made people quite emotional too, which is reassuring, as I was aiming for that! So yeah I'm quite proud of this one ☺️
At Ease (Tumblr | AO3)
Definitely one of my more creative premises! I genuinely don't remember how I came up with this though, but yes this role-reversal AU was very fun to write and I'm so pleased with the outcome :3
Some emotional hurt/comfort, pining, all round softness (are you beginning to see a trend here)
This was really fun to look back on my fics and pick out favourites! Will be sending asks to people tomorrow because I'm quite sleepy rn and will be heading off to bed now. Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!
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theepisceswriter · 10 months
(Aka Stallion's return event)
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OMGGGG, lovies I am SAUR excited to be back and share my creativity and world with you all and build off of the equally amazing ideas you have as supporters of my work. As an artist, having the inspiration and drive to write after not having ANY for so long means the world to me! So come help me spew out more content for yall!! And what better way to do it than a Beyonce themed event?
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MASTERLIST (TBA once requests start rolling in)
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♡ Underneath the readmore tag there is an assortment of characters, tropes/situations (both sfw and nsfw), and even reader specifics to choose from annnnddd even wildcard options for you if there's anything I left out!
♡ You’ll choose a Drink (character), Beyonce Song (situations/tropes), and your favorite Yonce (reader specific).
♡ The characters listed are not the only ones available, all characters from the fandoms I have listed on my page are available! The ones listed are just the ones I get requests for the most or ones I’ve been having brainrots for lately 
♡ You can send in all sorts of combinations and be as vague or descriptive as you want to be. You can list multiple characters, multiple situations, etc, etc.
♡ For example: "Can I have a Long Island Iced tea, Cuff It & Energy, with Femyonce?", "Can I request Zeke Jaeger with the fwb trope and nb!Reader?" and even, "Can I have One night stand trope with Gojo after he comes home after being locked away for so long?" Whatever you want baby I got you!
♡ Enjoy grandma's babies !!!
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Long Island: Reiner Braun
Margarita: Toji Fushiguro
Martini: Gojo Satoru
Old Fashion: Nanami Kento
Mimosa: Jotaro Kujo
Cosmopolitan: Dio Brando
Bloody Mary: Geto Suguru
Whiskey Sour: Jean Kirchstein
White Russain: Eren Jaeger
Daiquiri: Zeke Jaeger
Negroni: Gutts
Gin Fizz: Shigure Sohma
Manhattan: Levi Ackerman
Mojito: Erwin Smith
Lemon Drop: Shuu Tsukiyama
Sangria: Benimaru
Screwdriver: Leonard Burns
Mai Tai: Character of your choice!
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♡ CHOOSE A JAM TO BOOGIE TO! (Scenarios/Tropes)♡
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KITTY KAT: Sidechick-type beat
NO ANGEL: Troubled!Reader
JEALOUS: Jealousy
ALL NIGHT: Domestic themes (marriage, children, etc)
SORRY: Reconciling
ON THE RUN: Criminal!Reader x Criminal!Character
MINES: Any trope to lovers
BEST THING I NEVER HAD: AU (coffee shop, modern, organized crime, etc, etc)
HELLO: First date
BREAK MY SOUL: wildcard! A theme you think of that might not be listed
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COZY: Cockwarming
ALIEN SUPERSTAR: Monsterfucking
CUFF IT: Overstimulation
CHURCH GIRL: Religion kink
PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA: Aftercare (can be sfw)
VIRGOS GROOVE: Friends with benefits
MOVE: Dominatrix
THIIQUE: Body worship (can be sfw)
PURE/HONEY: Onlyfans!Reader
VIDEO PHONE: Phone sex
IF I WERE A BOY: Pegging
6-INCH: Sex worker!Reader
UPGRADE U: Sugar Daddy/Mommy
BLOW: Oral fixation
DANCE FOR YOU: Striptease
ENERGY: Mutual masturbation
ROCKET: wildcard! A theme you think of that might not be listed
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Femyonce: F!Reader
Thugga Bey: M!Reader
Themyonce: Nb!Reader
Diversce (I thought of this one real hard): POC!Reader (you specify)
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79 notes · View notes
ryukatters · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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A/N: Requested by an anonymous user. Writer’s block is real and I’m glad I was able to get this one out. Have fun, fellow Levi simps. 
Contents/warning: fluff, Modern AU with mentions of canon, mentions of death, something slightly suggestive 
Word Count: 2.8k
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Levi enjoys simplicity and domesticity, so anything within that realm is fair game for you two. Cooking, cleaning, sharing a meal together, cuddling, and running errands are all up his alley. 
Don’t worry, he’ll still take you out on nice dates. A ceramics class, dancing, concert, or whatever he finds interesting that he’ll think you’ll enjoy. He’ll also wine and dine you afterwards <3
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Levi is an extremely emotional person, Isayama said it himself (and now I’m saying it too!). So when he falls, he falls hard with no point of return. Levi is truly, madly, deeply in love with you.  
He adores every single bit of you— body, mind, and soul.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Will do his best to stay calm because it probably won’t help if he’s also visibly distressed
Will be very accommodating. He’ll get you everything you need— water, food, cuddles, words of affirmation. Really good on picking up on non-verbal cues so he’ll cater to you if you’re having trouble expressing what you want. He will dote on you for the remainder of the day even if you insist you’re okay. 
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
It may come as a surprise to many, but Levi is genuinely great with kids (think about how many 15 year olds he had to take care of LOL). A family is definitely in the picture for him, but only once you both are financially, mentally, and physically ready for one. He wants to raise children in the most optimal circumstances possible.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He’s fine with letting you take the reins and make the decisions, but he also makes sure to put in his two cents every once in a while. Being with Levi is easy. You don’t have the energy to make decisions? That’s fine, he’ll do it. He’ll make sure to choose something both of you will benefit from.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Levi’s more quiet than usual when you two fight. He doesn’t like going to bed angry, so he’ll start doing small things to get closer to you. He’ll help you cook dinner, do the laundry, or sit next to you on the couch while you’re watching a movie, wordlessly. 
*quietly slides you cut up fruit in hopes of you forgiving him*
For bigger fights, he usually waits for it to simmer down before even attempting to talk. He doesn’t want things to blow out of proportion because you two are still mad at each other. He’d want to forgive you right away and vice versa because he can’t stand not spending time with you. 
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Levi knows he can be difficult to deal with. He has trouble with opening up to others because he doesn’t want to burden them with his baggage. He thinks it’s pointless (it’s not)
He is extremely grateful for you, especially since you’re so patient with him.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
I think Levi prefers to keep things about his childhood and past self to himself. He drops bits and pieces every now and then, and little by little you start to understand more about Levi’s motivations and why he acts the way he does.
Once you start dating him, you pick up on his little mannerisms. Even if he doesn’t say anything, his eyes tell you everything. 
Eventually, he begins to trust both you and himself more with being more vulnerable. If there happens to be anything that’s weighing down on him, he’ll want to let you know. Granted, he might sit on it for a little bit, but Levi will come around eventually. Communication (and understanding) from both parties are going to become a very important foundation to this relationship. 
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Nearly everything comes naturally to Levi— be it academics, sports, cooking, games, whatever. Have him do it once, it’s like he’s been doing it for years. His innate talent in almost every single possible facet makes it seem as though he’s got everything down to a t. 
When you came into his life and managed to build yourself a little home in his heart, he realized that loving someone and being able to be comfortable with affection did not come to him as easily. For once in his life, Levi Ackerman had to work for something. He had a goal. And that goal was to be the best partner he could be for you. It’s a work in progress, but Levi doesn’t mind. He’ll start over and over again if it means you getting the love and appreciation you deserve. 
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Trust is a revolving theme in this relationship. He has faith in you and knows you would never do anything to betray his trust, especially when other people are involved. However, that doesn’t stop him from casually slipping his arm around your waist and giving a pointed glare to someone who doesn’t seem to know how to take a hint.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Sweet, gentle.
Levi is a Respectful King™ and didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by making a move on you without your consent (even though you’ve been dying for a crumb of mouth and tongue action since forEVER)
You literally had to grab him by the collar and beg him to kiss you
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It was definitely long overdue.
He wouldn’t confess unless he knew for sure you reciprocated.
Even when he was sure you liked him back, he still didn’t want to go through with it. I think it had to do with his deep rooted fear that he wouldn’t be able to give you what you needed (which totally wasn’t true, AT ALL). It probably took lots of convincing from Hange and Erwin.
You two were hanging out at his place, watching your favorite show and eating your favorite takeout, as per usual. Levi seemed unusually quiet that day. The conversation went a little bit like this:
“Hey, Levi?”
“You okay? You seem...out of it.”
*Cue Levi’s internal monologue on whether this is an appropriate time to tell his very attractive friend that he’s madly in love with them* 
“I’m fine,” he gritted out.
“Are you sure?” you asked worriedly, placing your palm to his forehead. “You’re not coming down with something, are you? You feel a bit warm.”
He turned away from you suddenly, catching you off guard as he mumbled something rather incoherent. 
More mumbling. The tips of his ears were red. Was he...was he blushing? 
“Still didn’t catch that.”
“I said I think I’m in love with you, idiot.”
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I think Levi would totally be down to get married. Though a proposal has always been in the back of his mind, it took lots of nudging from his friends for him to finally make the move.
The proposal wouldn’t be overly intricate, though it would be extremely sweet. I can see a nice picnic with a view of the city. He would propose with a gorgeous ring that combines both of your personalities.
I think Levi is a real homebody. He makes that extremely evident at the beginning of your relationship. So I honestly don’t think that marriage would change your relationship drastically other than I don’t know, filing your taxes together or some shit LMAO
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Darling, honey, love, angel. Very classic, very Levi. He also likes saying your name, he thinks it’s beautiful and fits you perfectly. 
As for him, he likes love, darling, babe (secretly) and just his name. There’s just something so personal, so magnetic, so utterly intimate about you saying it that just makes him want to listen to it forever. He also likes the way you moan his name while you two are f-
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He goes out of his way to make time for you. If you need him, he’ll drop whatever it is he’s doing and speed on over to you. If someone tries to make fun of Levi about how much he loves you, he’ll just shrug, as if to say “So what?” He only has a lifetime to love you, so why should he hide that fact? He’s not ashamed, and never will be. 
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I’d like to think that Levi keeps the PDA to a minimum. He doesn’t like seeing couples making out right in front of his salad so he doubts other people want to see you two snogging each other in the middle of a Wendy’s, either. That can wait until you two are alone. He is, however, comfortable with wrapping his arm around your waist or holding your hand in public. 
The two of you don’t need to say anything about your relationship. The way Levi’s eyes soften in adoration while looking at you is a dead give away. There’s just something about you that makes Levi (who’s normally so tense) relax a bit. People just know you two are together.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Really good with directions for some reason. He doesn’t even need to have the GPS on while he’s driving to a place neither of you have ever been. He’ll read over the directions on Google Maps before starting the car then you two are off. Even if there’s an unexpected detour, he still finds a way there. I don’t know how he does it.
Had to learn how to do this because A) he refuses to let Hange drive and B) Hange sucks at navigating and the two of them nearly ended up in a lake after Hange insisted that they knew a shortcut. Also consider C) Levi is just annoyingly good at everything and picks up on things fast 
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
I firmly believe that Levi is an acts of service kind of guy. He’ll pick you up your favorite food on the way home, change out the oil in your car so you don’t have to pay ridiculous prices at the dealership, or even build you some niche piece of furniture you’ve been eyeing on Pinterest for MONTHS. 
It shows just how much he pays attention to you.  Things that you don’t really think about, something mundane or say off-handedly, Levi remembers. And he’ll always make sure to show you that he retains every single piece of yourself that you’re willing to share. Almost as if you were a puzzle Levi was hellbent on completing.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He knows that you can do anything you set your mind to, which is one of the reasons why he fell in love with you in the first place.
When times are tough, or you just can’t help but succumb to that little voice in your head, Levi will be there for you. You can let your guard down, it’s okay. He’ll be strong for the both of you.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Levi appreciates routine. In a world that’s so busy, disorganized, and just overall confusing, he’s always tried to maintain some semblance of control over his daily life. That was until you pranced into his life. You literally rocked his world and threw everything out of orbit. He still loves you even if you did give him whiplash <3
He’s okay with trying new things as long as he has you by his side. 
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He can read you pretty well, but he likes to be an annoying little shit and make you spell everything out for him. “Communication is the foundation of a strong relationship” my ass
And yes. Extremely empathetic. Have you met Levi? Manz was out here gripping a dying soldier’s hand to comfort him when we were introduced to him. Levi knows you like the back of his hand. He’ll always try to see things from your perspective before saying anything. This helps with giving advice and/or preventing an unnecessary argument. 
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You’re pretty damn high up there. You became a constant in Levi’s life the second he realized just how much he cared about you. He’ll do as much as possible to make sure you two can keep a strong, healthy bond. 
It’s hard for Levi to let people into his life, much less let them get so close to him. He actively tries to keep everyone at arm’s length. He has a tendency to build a wall around him as a defense mechanism because he’s afraid of losing people. So when he decides to let someone in, they’re immediately going to be held near and dear to Levi’s heart. These relationships are very important to Levi, and they’re probably where he finds the strength and courage to keep moving forward.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
He always gets you a small gift on the day of the month y’all got together, so like a little monthsary sort of deal. Nothing too major, he doesn’t want to be like those couples that go all out every month. He feels like that defeats the purpose of anniversaries. It doesn’t occur to you why he buys you flowers or some little knick knack that you’ve been wanting on the same day of every month.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
You’re gonna have to take initiative most of the time. Not because he doesn’t like physical intimacy, but because he’s kind of shy and also does not want to make any moves without your consent. That being said, Levi’s best nights are the ones where he gets to fall asleep with you in his embrace and vice versa.
Further along in your relationship, he’ll just plop down next to you and pull you on top of him. When you try to complain, he’ll just tuck your head into his neck and mumble, “Shut up. I want to take a nap.”
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
When you go on a trip without him, Levi likes to keep himself busy. He’ll clean, work on some DIY project, hang out with Erwin and Hange, work out, whatever. The tiny voice in his head just doesn’t know how to shut up about you, whether you’ve eaten that day, what you’re up to, if you’re safe. He’ll be awaiting your random little texts throughout the day, and almost feels giddy when he sees your name pop up on FaceTime. Levi can pretend that he doesn’t miss you, scoff when you tease him about it, but he can’t hide the blush that threatens to rise up his face that confirms it.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes, absolutely. Levi is strong willed and fights for the things he believes in, and he believes in the bond that you two share. There are layers to this man, and he trusts you enough to let his guard down so you can pick him apart and build him back up again. And that is enough reason for him to keep fighting for the both of you. 
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Work belongs to @ryukatters. Please do not share on Tiktok or repost without my permission. 
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bakugohoex · 3 years
seeing another man flirt with their s/o
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pairings: armin arlert x gender neutral reader; eren yeager x gender neutral reader; jean kirschtein x gender neutral reader; levi ackerman x gender neutral reader; reiner braun x gender neutral reader
cw: fluff, jealousy, implicit nsfw, language
wc: 900+
a/n: i promise i’ll stop making these headcanons but they’re so fun and easy to do whilst im busy with school but i swear i will finish my 1k event and start my 2k event after exams finish which is after the end of march
summary: in which the boy get jealous after seeing another man try and flirt with you
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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armin arlert
Notices as soon as the guy has his eyes on you, notices how the man walks up to you with confidence.
He doesn’t even need to say anything to the man, he knows you can handle yourself.
He watches you easily dismiss the man after telling him about your boyfriend but in situations where the guy still refuses to leave, that’s when Armin comes in.
He will go all protective boyfriend and easily move close to your side.
You would on instinct lean into his side and just show how great your relationship was, Armin wouldn’t even say anything.
You’d both just stare at the guy as Armin’s hand travels to your side.
It would make him so uncomfortable, but Armin isn’t one to let down a fight, but he'll prevent one from occurring.
You both find it easier to get rid of people who try to flirt with you both by just making them uncomfortable with your presence. 
Can’t lie your whole group finds it a blessing sometimes as they get left alone by weirdos as well.
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eren yeager
He would definitely be the type to just watch and stare at the guy who is flirting with you, very calm and collected.
Acts cautiously and isn’t rash in his decisions, he trusts you of course he does.
But when he sees the guy getting a little too close to his girl that’s when he takes a swig of his drink, placing it down as he walks with malice to you both. 
“He making you uncomfortable, baby.” 
Simple words, something to show that you’re his, will grab your waist in a matter of seconds, probably grab your ass as well and make sure you know that he’s going to fuck you later on.
Definitely gets handsy with you, I feel like the guy who tried flirting with you would just be so awkward standing there as Eren moves his mouth to the crook of your neck, kissing and nibbling at your skin.
The guy and any other guy definitely leave you alone afterwards.
“No need to get jealous, baby.”
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jean kirschtein
Wouldn’t watch at all, would be the type to be on you the second a guy tried talking to you. 
“Come on princess, let’s go have some fun.”
Some line to get you moving but the guy who was trying to flirt with you would interrupt in seconds.
Hand on your wrist as Jean just looks and stares at the man, this is where the testosterone gets really high in the room.
Jean is definitely the type to show that you’re both together then start a confrontation.
Moving the man's hand away from your wrist and bringing your hands to your sides before giving you a long deep kiss.
Definitely the type to grab onto your ass as he does as you look right into the man's eyes as he kisses down your neck.
He wants them to be envious and will prove to every man that he has you, it might be a tad bit embarrassing to be put on a show like this.
But I know Jean would apologise in some way most likely through fucking you later on at night.
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levi ackerman
The man, the myth, the legend would just be another observer, he’d watch quietly, not make a move as he hears the shitty pick-up line.
He knows you can handle it but as soon as he sees the guy get a little too close to his s/o he can’t help but pounce into the action. 
“You ready to leave, tch! Who’s this brat?” 
He’d disregard the man after asking who he was, instead just grabbing your hand to get you out of the situation.
Levi would start a fight; I know he would but for the sake of not breaking the guys bones and getting arrested he’d rather just leave with you.
I swear the brats cannot handle Levi calling them a brat and Levi will end up in a fight, like he’s so composed but as soon as he sees the guy try and grab your ass.
Levi will pounce on the man and the man will either fight back or as soon as Levi gets a punch in, they’d leave themselves afraid of getting hurt even more.
He really does just want you to be safe but also he can sometimes hear you shouting for him to kick the guys teeth when he’s beating up some guy who tried to touch you. 
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reiner braun
He’s stupid I’m sorry like he’s smart but so stupid.
Doesn’t realise someone is flirting with you until Porco mentions how handsy the guy is getting with you.
That’s when Reiner finally gets into action, definitely the type to be a bit awkward when he walks up to you and the guy who has his hand on your shoulder.
“Who’s this, babe?”
He’d be calm about it though, wouldn’t push the guys hand away and instead just beckon for you to move closer to him so the guy doesn’t get suspicious of any jealousy that has arisen. 
Reiner would go all protective after you’re in his arms, his arm against your waist as you lean into his side.
The guy just stares as you aren’t able to speak after the very uncomfortable situation. 
“If that’s all, we’ll be going.”
He refuses to let the guy even speak, just wants you safe and secure and doesn’t want any trouble with the guy.
He isn’t one to pursue fights and I feel like he’d want your safety to be his main priority then a petty argument because he doesn’t need to fight a man for your love, when he already has it.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
if you guys want to be a part of a tag list, just fill out the form in my navigation or send an ask and i’ll add you xx
@samusimp​ @alaina-rose13​ @crispychannie​ @underratedmage​ @cathy8taffy​  @moonlightaangel​ @kat-sukis-hoe​ @effmigentlywithachainsaw​ @swankiifiied​ @maat-the-prescriptive​ @kuroos-world​ @levisfilm​ @katsuhera​ @answer-the-sirens​ @animexholic​ @wapbenders​ @the-shota-king-masayuki​ @bakugousmrs​ @crystal-lilac​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @fandomsinthegalaxies​ @crimsonbows-and-arrows​  @admin-in-residence​ @otterlockholmes​ @gabrann​ @zlatanakermann​ @c0urtn3y​ @bakuhoesworld​ @halloweeniebicth​ @jaegerswifey​ @ukigxmo​  @decayedz​ @ackeroki​ @peachysimp​ @deargalaxy​ @strawberryspices​ @n0baraa​ @shisoaya​ @suna-reversed​ @sageandberries-png​
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kvroomi · 3 years
chosen snack: chocolates
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<please specify your preferred chocolate!>
fluff: ♡  angst: ೫  crack: ✧  -->
headcannons | series | drabble | req | fic | timestamp
you’ve chosen: levi ackerman - lindt balls
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: eren jaeger - hershey kisses
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: armin arlert - cadbury milk chocolate
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: jean kirstein - reese’s pieces
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: connie springer - M&M’s
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: niccolo - toblerone
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: reiner braun - snickers
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: bertholdt hoover - mars bar
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: erwin smith - ferrero rochers
currently unavailable
you’ve chosen: moblit berner - kit kats
currently unavailable
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"I need you" | touch-starved!Levi
✧ notes ➼ mentions of sexual activity, fluff, needy!levi :3
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touch-starved!levi that had to go a week without you because you were gone for a conference. from the minute you were gone, he already knew that the next was going to be miserable. if he had work, he'd be able to keep busy and keep his mind off you. but if he was at home? every minute was agonizing beyond belief
touch-starved!levi that has his arms wrapped around a pillow before going to sleep in an attempt to soothe the anxiety of not having you around. of course, a pillow could never replace you, so he'd just chuck it across the room in frustration. even with you around, his sleep was spotty at best—but now he was unsure if you could get any for the next few days that you were gone
touch-starved!levi that can barely keep his hands off you after picking you up from the airport. he immediately pulls you in with one arm, letting your head rest against his shoulder before whispering a "welcome home" into your ear before planting a kiss on your forehead.
touch-starved!levi that immediately crashes his lips against yours as soon as you enter the house, barely even letting you put your stuff down before mumbling gentle but desperate "i need you's" into your ears, dragging you towards the bedroom.
touch-starved!levi that plants gentle, loving kisses up and down your body, as if he needed to remind himself that you were real. we always talk about the difference between having sex with levi and making love with levi. tonight's a making love type of night, to indicate just how much he missed he when you were gone and how grateful he is to finally have you back ♡
idk i answered this ask as a joke but it made me feel things so i wrote it #: @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @lovolee3 @svftackerman @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @idkks4m @moonmalice @elnyrae @roseofdarknessblog @anviacker @aam1na @luvjiro @noctemys @sixpennydame @sleepyfairyxojoin my taglist!
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Okay so, I'm listening to I think I'm in love again by kat dahlia and there this "I say "fuck you" While I'm thinking of you as my husband" And my brain just screamed IRONSTRANGE!! I M U S T read fluffy ironstrange fics!
So you got any fluffy fics for me? Cuz I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight without reading any floffy ironstrange fics
here are some ~fluffy fics for ya’
(there ended up being a lot, so they’re under the cut)
Peter Parker is a Little Shit
1,044 words
Peter wants to learn how to play the trumpet. Stephen, upon finding out Peter wishes to annoy the former Avengers with it, suggests he doesn't have to learn how to actually play.
Professors Stark and Strange
1,195 words
There's two kinds of professors, the brick wall and the over share. Dr. Strange is professor brick wall and Dr. Stark is professor overshare. How their students learned that they're married with two kids.
An Open Invitation to Dance
1,601 words
Tony has a ring in his pocket and a half-formed plan to get the love of his life to say yes to him
Maybe less than that of a plan
12% of a plan?
a vague idea
The Escapist
1,890 words
Stephen and Tony knew that moving Peter into his crib would be tough. But, they didn't expect this.
“Good kitty”
2,157 words
Sometimes it can be hard to make the first move - especially when your crush is also your hot new neighbor with an adorable cat.
Fortunately, Levi the kitty is there to give Tony and Stephen a little push.
Just a family
2,251 words
They loved each other long before. They will love each other forever. Its just a question of finding each other again!
a rebirth AU inspired by lucifersfavoritechild's tumblr
A Passage in Time
2,264 words
Tony takes Stephen on a nice beach vacation to get away from the cold winter. Other things happen. Like an engagement.
Peter Parker's Homecoming
2,346 words
Five-year old Peter Parker anxiously waits to go to his new home, where his adopted parents, Tony and Stephen Stark-Strange await his arrival.
Where Severus Snape is hot, not a stalker, and somehow gets the girl
2,387 words
And then, as if he wasn’t already the most embarrassing estranged biological dad ever, Tony stopped in his tracks, raised his sunglasses (because of course he would wear sunglasses inside a lecture hall in April), and gave Professor Strange the most blatant, sustained once-over in the history of fuckboyness. Then he put down his glasses, shot a winning smile at the teacher, and said, “Well, I’m Tony Stark, of course.”
Or: Peter Parker is sick and wants to cut his Neuroscience class. Tony just wants to help (and maybe date his son's hot teacher). Stephen Strange just wants to give his lecture in peace.
Burden of Proof
2,561 words
Based on a prompt/headcanon from my dear rinn aka Maevee
"I do have a tiny headcanon just of Christine meeting Tony and fangirling out a bit, like maybe while she's at work so she's struggling to be professional. Strange tells her he's dating Tony Stark and she doesn't believe him, so he brings her proof."
Are You Trying to Deduce Me?
2,619 words
When Tony throws a costume party, both he and Stephen end up coming as very different but very familiar versions of the same character.
Tony Stark's secret husband
2,870 words
It’s not like they wanted to keep the secret because they didn’t. They never spoke about going public with their wedding, and nobody but for tabloids ever asked either Stark or Stephen about their romantic lives so, again, Tony wouldn’t blame either himself or Stephen for keeping it between the two of them.
I Feel Loved
2,913 words
After months of waiting and yearning Stephen returns to Tony for a long-promised date. Things escalate quickly from that point on.
Pint-Sized Parker
3,636 words
Tony is called away from a meeting to deal with a now toddler-aged Peter Parker, who went snooping around in Stephen Strange's spells.
3,732 words
Tony hadn't gotten a good night's sleep since before Afghanistan. Even with Thanos gone and everyone back, he still can't shake the nightmares. At a party, Stephen Strange gives him hope for the future that they fought for.
basically just fluff.
I Hate (Love) You
3,990 words
Tony has a hard time spitting out the words I love you. Stephen doesn't mind.
Strange Strawberry Sorbet
6,023 words
After the realization came the denial, immediately followed by depression. So what if Stephen might kind of...maybe...sort of...be in like with Tony. Tony deserves better than a nobody, hobo sorcerer with blasted, shaking hands and the only thing going for him being magicky party tricks he's questionably good at.
Stephen will absolutely NOT ask Tony out on a date, let alone confess to the myriad of feelings he has for the man.
Then again, Peter Parker doesn't need permission to spin his webs like the puppetmaster he is and this time, this time he brought reinforcements.
Petulance (Among Other Things)
6,988 words
Tony’s stuck going to a conference—against his will, thank you very much—and Stephen’s not even coming with him. He’s all alone. Abandoned. Unloved. Melodramatic. Possibly. Just a tiny bit.
A conference. A storm. A warmth.
Five Times Tony Saw Stephen Naked and the One Time He Helped
7,117 words
Tony isn't entirely sure how he feels about the Sorcerer Supreme.
He is sure, however, that he's seen enough of him to make those feelings even more complicated.
The Two Lives of Stephen Strange
8,365 words
After losing the love of his life, Stephen Strange finds out he can visit him in his dreams.
tap dancing on a land mine
Tony discovers, much to his delight, that Stephen holds a special hatred for being called “babe”. Of course, that means Tony only goes out of his way to push this newly discovered button of Stephen’s like it’s his god-given purpose in life. Because that’s what true love’s all about, right?
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
hi, i love your work! can i request L with Leviathan fluff for the event? 💜
Eeeeeeeee🥺 My first Levi for this event!🥰 Can’t believe he was the last brother requested, love me some shy boy!!! You absolutely can have all the fluff for him.
Prompt: L - Late
Pairing: Levi x Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
“That’s totally cheating!!”
“It’s not cheating. Maybe you’re just bad at games!” You stuck your tongue out at the third born. You totally did cheat but it was fun to harass him, especially when he showed you no mercy at any game you played.
“Whatever,” he huffed. “You’ll probably fall asleep during the next round anyway so it doesn’t even matter!”
“Oh no! I told you I’m winning this bet! And this game apparently.” You teased him as the next round started.
You often found yourself in Leviathan’s room, be it to escape the noise of the others or just to spend time with your favorite otaku, usually the two of you ended up gaming until you inevitably got tired and left for your bed.
Levi always groaned when you told him it was the last round. “It was just getting good!” He would bargain with you, offering you an energy drink to help you stay awake longer, though it never worked.
A few nights ago you had been helping him with a side quest in one of his new games, you felt your eye lids getting heavy and knew it was time to head out, Levi must of been feeling bold that night because he actually teased you for once.
“I figured you would wimp out on me, that’s why I chose an easy quest.”
“Wimp out on you? Levi it’s ten o’clock and we hav— I have class tomorrow, I need sleep!” You chuckled as you stood up to exit.
“Pft, ten is amateur hours! I get it though, you normies can’t stay up as late as us true otaku’s!” He ignored the comment about class in the morning. “I bet you couldn’t even make it to midnight if you tried!”
You had no idea what had gotten into him, you expected this kind of teasing from someone like Mammon or Belphie but not the quiet little shut-in who could barely form a coherent sentence with you in public.
“Oh is that so?” It was your turn to be bold. You wanted to find out if he could back up that confidence. “Then I guess it’s a bet.”
“W-wait, what?” There it was. The classic Levi stutter and fumble. His controller dropped from his lap and his eyes widened, you couldn’t see it in the dark room but something told you his face was red as well.
“Friday night. I’ll come over like normal only this time I’m staying here until midnight! If I win, you have to admit that I’m not a normie and promise you won’t call me that anymore!” You held your head high feigning confidence. “What about you?”
“W-what about me?” You watched as he receded into his spot on the couch, you couldn’t help but giggle.
“What do you want if you win you nerd! This is a bet, if you win you get something or you make the loser do something! Duh.”
“I know that! I just, um…I haven’t decided yet!” He picked his controller up and pretended to inspect it for damage, hoping you wouldn’t notice how his voice cracked.
“That’s fine, you won’t win anyway so it doesn’t matter what you want.” You shrugged your shoulders and left his room still wondering why he had been so confident suddenly.
Now the two of you sat in your usual places on the couch, locked in a heated battle of Devil Kart, determined to beat each other in both the game and the bet.
It was already well into the night, you generally didn’t stay up this late, your body was already trying to fight off sleep.
“eleven-fifteen, only forty five minutes to go!” You told yourself, you opened your second energy drink of the night. The first one you had chugged before showing up hoping it would push you through the night, it did not.
“Tired already?” Levi asked, eyes still locked on the screen focusing on the race.
“Nope, just thirsty.” You were falling behind in game, you were trying to think of a way to distract the third born when you suddenly remembered something. “Did you ever decide what you get if you win?”
His character veered off track slightly, you found your weapon. From the corner of your eye you saw Levi stiffen and swallow hard before speaking.
“Maybe…but I’m not telling you.”
“What?? That’s not fair, I told you my end of the deal!” You took your eyes off the screen and looked over at him. “Why won’t you tell me?”
You heard the victory music play from the television, looking back you found that in your moment of upset you had stopped moving in the game allowing Levi to swoop in and claim first place.
“You’ll find out in a minute when I win.” He laughed before starting the next round. As the night went on you started to worry that he might be right, you had fifteen minutes left but you were so exhausted.
In spite of how heavy your eyes became, how the hum of Henry’s tank filter started to soothe you to sleep, you fought hard to stay awake. You focused completely on the game, hoping to lose track of time by doing so.
You had no idea what buttons you were pushing anymore, they became more of a distraction tool than a way to control your character, somehow by the power of button smashing you won the round.
“WHAT?! Okay that time you clearly cheated!!” The Avatar of Envy whipped his head to look at you, visibly upset with your victory.
You were beyond the point of exhaustion and had reached the level of tired where everything was hilarious to you, because of this you burst out laughing at your results.
“No, no! Earlier? I did cheat but this time, pfft, it was pure luck that I won the game!” You glanced at the time on your phone, it was three minutes passed midnight. “aaaaand I won the bet!”
Leviathan checked his own phone, in case you had changed the time on your phone to make it look later, but you were right it was midnight already.
“Alright, say it!” The third born looked at you a little confused.
“Say what?”
“Say ‘you’re not a normie and I promise to stop calling you one’.” You said, a smug look on your face, waiting for him to respond. He shifted in his seat a little before speaking.
“Alright, you’re not a normie….and I won’t call you one anymore…happy?” He picked at his controller, avoiding your gaze.
“Very!” You yawned and scooted closer to him. You knew you would never make it back to your room at this rate, the walk was so long and you had to go down stairs, that required energy you just didn’t have. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m taking a quick nap.”
Leviathan’s entire body went rigid as you leaned against him, your head resting softly on his shoulder, a high pitched squeak leaving his throat as he looked down to see you already cozy next to him. He called your name a few times but it was no use, you were out cold.
“Just act confident, nothing could go wrong.” He muttered softly to himself, not wanting to wake you. “Yeah well, you didn’t tell me what to do when they fall asleep on me!”
The origins of Leviathan’s previous change in personality had innocent intentions. He was so tired of not being able to tell you how he felt, he hated the way his brothers could talk to you without getting embarrassed, he loathed the ones who could hug you without turning red or getting a nosebleed. He just wanted to be close to you but he always felt like he didn’t deserve it.
He had gone to the one demon he knew he could trust to keep his secret while also giving advice. Asmodeus had squealed in delight when he found out his brother had feelings for a real live person instead of his weird body pillow. He had excitedly started telling Levi everything he knew about you and how to approach the situation.
Asmo must have been giggling a little too loud because before they knew it the overprotective tsundere demon had shown up to give his input. After the much expected “ya think ya have a shot with my human??” Mammon actually started giving him real advice.
Also much expected, the second and fifth born highly overestimated Leviathan’s ability to function around you, most of their advice required too much physical contact or speaking, other things involved being in public or completely alone.
In the end the two brothers agreed: “Just try to be a little more confident!” So he did.
He saw an opportunity when you had bailed on him during the side quest, he knew you needed rest and understood how important your sleep was to you, but he hated when his time with you was over. He took the chance to say something cocky like one of his brothers, he however did not expect you to play along.
How the hell did his brothers do this so easily with you? He nearly combusted after you left his room the night you made the bet, it took hours for his heart to spot beating like a drum. He managed to survive the night until you asked about his prize for winning.
He of course had an idea for what he wanted, but there was no way he could say it out loud. You’d laugh at him, tell him no, or worse you may think he was weird and never hang out with him again.
Luckily, you won the bet, now he never had to tell you that had he won he wanted you to stay with him all night. He didn’t care if you stayed awake or fell asleep, he just wanted you there with him. He wanted to have you with him all night because with you he felt less alone.
Levi was was always up late, always the last one to go to bed (if he actually did sleep for once) and always by himself. When you spent time with him, for a brief few hours, he felt better about being up all night. He might have lost the bet, but it still felt like a win for him.
Now more relaxed, Levi looked back down at your sleeping form, his face grew hot thinking about how cute you looked. He wanted this night to last forever, your late night gaming sessions were always his favorite part of the week, but nothing would ever top this moment.
You won the game out of pure luck, you won the bet with sheer willpower, but you won his heart without even trying.
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m-jelly · 3 months
Helloo! after reading your grandpa levi x grandma reader a scenario popped in my head. modern au where levi is aging like fine wine and had alittle eye issue where he needs reading glasses. later on he surprises reader where hes just sitting reading with his glasses on and reader gets really turned on. you can decide if things get heated or not. Thank you!!!
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New glasses
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, sheriff Levi, small town, married, dad Levi, fluff, romance, suggestive.
Levi comes back from an appointment and now has reading glasses to help his eyes.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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All four of your kids were being sent off to Erwin's house to have a sleepover with his kids. Your two eldest were teens and happy to love after their brother and sister. You handed bags over to them and gave them a bright smile. "Have a nice time, okay? Call your father or me if you need anything." You gave each of them kisses. "I love you all."
"Love you, Mum!" They all shouted in union.
Levi pulled up in his car and climbed out. "I made it back in time. You lot excited to go for the sleepover?"
He chuckled. "Be good for Uncle Erwin and Auntie Kat." He waved as they all held hands and walked off to Erwin's. He looked over at you. "Well, hello sexy. Wanna come home with me?"
You giggled. "Yes, please."
Levi scooped you up and carried you inside the house. He kicked the door closed and kissed you passionately. "I missed you."
"Missed you too, handsome."
He sat you on the sofa. "I need to change out of these and then we can play video games all afternoon and night."
You gasped. "So exciting! I'll get snacks and drinks." You moved around the kitchen and gathered what you needed before moving to the living room to see Levi was waiting. "I'm back."
Levi looked over at you with his new reading glasses on. "Wonderful."
You put everything on the coffee table, then stopped and stared at Levi. "What...you..."
Levi adjusted his glasses. "The appointment I said I was going to was to pick up my glasses. I got them tested two weeks ago." He smiled at you. "Do you like it?"
You felt a strong heat shoot through you as you took in your husband. Levi had always been sexy to you, but this was a whole new kind of sexy. Your heart was racing you were feeling so many emotions inside you.
He leaned closer to you. "Something on your mind?"
You whined a little. "You look...really sexy with those on."
He tilted his head. "Do I?"
You gripped his shirt and then shoved him down onto his back. "I just want to attack you. I want to ride you until you have nothing left to give me. I want you to spank me and call me a naughty girl. I want you to tie me up and tease me. I want you to tell me what to do." You flopped against him and hid your face. "I can't believe how much you wearing glasses has turned me on."
Levi felt flustered but excited. He spanked you with both his hands and gripped hard causing you to moan. "Naughty girl. Getting all needy and throwing yourself at me. I should punish you."
You sat up and rolled your hips against him. "Please."
"Maybe I should put you under arrest."
You felt like you were drooling. "Yes!"
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ryukatters · 3 years
A/N: This is extremely self indulgent. I am y/n. And I want to drop out of school so bad /hj. I’m running on a daily double shot of espresso. Also see this could have been a number of people (I’m looking at you Eren and Armin) but I want Levi rn
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x gn! Reader
Summary: No bc Levi??? Pulling you away from your schoolwork bc you’re so stressed?? Because he cares about you? He’s knows he’s not the best example of self-care but he knows that even the most hardworking people have a breaking point.
Content/warnings: University! AU but are we surprised, fluff, something slightly suggestive at the end. Also this is not proofread LOL
Minors are allowed to read this, but please do not follow me.
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“You’ve been here all day. Let’s get you home.”
“Levi? What are you still doing here? I thought your class ended an hour ago.”
“That it did,” he affirms, setting his satchel on the table with a sigh. The library is pretty packed, full of the students who frequent it and those who are hoping to cram during the peak of midterm season.
“You look like shit.”
“Gee, thanks babe. Ever the gentleman, I see,” you deadpan. You turn back to your laptop with a huff, determined to finish the last few minutes of your podcast.
He snorts. “When was the last time you got any sleep?”
You click pause on your lecture once again. It takes you a while to respond, the fatigue obviously beginning to catch up to you and fog your memory.
“I took a nap in the commuter lounge before my biopsych lecture,” you recount, idly taping your pen against the table. “The chairs are actually pretty comfortable. You should try it sometime.”
The raven quirks one eyebrow at you derisively, clearly unimpressed at your billet of choice.
“I meant a proper amount of sleep.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. While you appreciate how much your boyfriend cares about you (even if his way of showing it was insulting you), you really needed to finish studying.
Deciding to ignore his question, you turn back to your device, pointedly clicking your mousepad and diving back into your professor’s monotone voice drawling on about God knows what. You hope he gets the message to either stay there and be quiet or to get up and leave. He does neither. Instead, Levi takes the liberty of closing your laptop, and pulling your headphones off and placing them in their respective case. You lack the energy to even fight back. You know better than to yell at him, unless you want the floor’s attention to be on the two of you. You suppose glaring at him would suffice. For now.
“You’re one all nighter away from turning into a zombie,” and as if to prove a point, he cups both sides of your face, slightly calloused thumbs tracing the dark circles that have decided to fix themselves under your eyes. He frowns.
“You’re one to talk about getting sleep,” you snort, not making any effort to escape his touch. In fact, you welcome it. There is something so tender and gentle in it that if it were the past, you would find it hard to believe that it was from the man in front of you. Yet, you can see the hint of fondness and worry that dusts his features as he studies you.
“Yep,” you chirp.
“Let’s go home. I’ll make you dinner.”
The thought of protesting doesn’t even cross your mind as Levi packs the rest of your items into your backpack and he slings it over his shoulders. He grabs his own belongings before offering a hand out to you. You take it, smiling when he squeezes yours gently. He leads the both of you out the automatic doors and across the courtyard of your university. It’s dark now, your path illuminated by the lamp posts that decorate the pavilion.
“You’re the best, you know that?”
“Tch. Please, spare me,” he grumbles.
“You’ll make me my favorite meal, right?”
Silence. You know that’s a yes.
“Can I have dessert too?”
“Now you’re pushing it, brat. But sure, you can get dessert,” he promises, the corner of his lips quirking up. Levi pauses his stroll to bring his face close to yours. There’s a suspicious glint in his eyes for a fleeting moment, but before you can even question it, it’s gone.
“You can have dessert,” he reiterates, his breath tickling your lips. “As long as I get to have you afterwards.”
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Work belongs to @ryukatters. Please do not repost or share my works on Tiktok.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
sleeping beside his s/o
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pairing: armin arlert x gender neutral reader; eren yeager x gender neutral reader; erwin smith x gender neutral reader; jean kirschtein x gender neutral reader; levi ackerman x gender neutral reader; reiner braun x gender neutral reader
cw: tooth rotting fluff
word count: 1000+
a/n: quick headcanons because I won’t be posting long oneshots for a bit
summary: in which you have a sleeping position with your boyfriend
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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armin arlert
His arm stayed around your waist, your head on his shoulder as you snuggled up into his body. Your leg always seemed to find his waist as you slept on him most the time. He couldn’t lie but you being this close to him was always the best part of his sleep, the low hums of an unknown song to help you sleep with you close by him. The smell of your fresh shampoo engulphing his nose, the way that even if the bed had plenty of room you’d still find yourself clinging onto his side. Waking up beside you with a “good mornin’ darling” and skimmed kisses against your face, each time holding your face to have a look at what was hidden. On the rare occasions you wake up before he does you pretend to be asleep just to feel his kisses, he’ll know that you’re pretending each time  and will still give you your well-deserved kisses.
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eren yeager
His grip tightened against your waist as he kept a hold of your side, his head in the crook of your neck, smelling the perfume you had put on in the morning. It's his favourite smell, a mix of perfume, the environment you had been in. Unique to him a smell that he loved to nuzzle up into every night, something that he would never miss at all. You both love skin to skin contact, almost always finding your bare back against his bare chest, it was a sign of intimacy that he loved to feel. He always kisses your neck before you sleep, and on the occasions where you both cant sleep his fingers trail against your back. Drawings stars and scenes across your perfect back, he could envision it and that’s all that mattered. When you both finally wake up from long nights of having 3am talks, he will never not say “morning baby” before giving you a sloppy tired kiss anywhere near your mouth. He has on many occasions missed your mouth and left slobbery kisses on your chin and jaw before.
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erwin smith
A man who knows what he wants, and he wants you in his bed, lying against his body. He uses the same sleeping position as Armin, but his other hand is always across his chest and on your side. He doesn’t care if it makes him uncomfortable, the need to be touching you, touching what enchants his vision. Soft murmurs are a common occurrence whenever you both do sleep, he loves being able to play with your hair as you mumble out replies. He doesn’t care if you fall asleep before him, it's more time for him to relish in having you beside him. He loves how your face mushes onto his chest whenever he wakes up before you, your cheeks squished by the impact, drool dripping onto him. He loves it, it's something only he can see, would give you a kiss on the head as he stays knowing just how much he loved you.
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jean kirschtein
He hates admitting this to anybody and is glad that nobody has ever watched the two of you sleep at all. Your arms around him, his head cushioned on your chest as he lies on top of you, your legs almost wrapped around him. You both know Jean always sleeps easier in that position and you couldn’t lie yourself and say it wasn’t one of your favourite ones. The late-night conversations where you both were at peace; he’d tilt his head against your chest cuddling into your closer as you look down at him softly. The much bigger man became romanticised, becoming something that nobody else would see, his words of affirmation, “I love you…I love you more than anything else in this world.” It's on these nights of confessions of love between one another where you and Jean truly learn the most about each other. A few tears shed but you both had found a different method of intimacy that worked for you both, that proved just how much love you had for one another.
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levi ackerman
The way the back of your head rested against his chest, one hand around your waist as the other went straight to the book he was reading. You always eagerly asked for him to read to you, and this was your favourite position. He couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t a position that didn’t help him, your soft snores were always heard within twenty pages, slowly letting you sleep on him as he grabbed the work papers you had pushed to the side. He knew it was hard for him to sleep but if you sleeping on him was the only way for you both to gain some normality he would allow it to continue. Even though doing paperwork would always check up on you, you’d occasionally fidget as his chest was your pillow and snuggle into him as you wanted to feel his warmth. He might fall asleep himself sitting upright but he didn’t care, dozing off as his head fell to the side and you both would wake up with pains in more parts of your body. “Tch, this is what you get for being a brat…my brat though.”
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reiner braun
He was obsessed with the way you softly snored across his chest, the way your tiny finger wrapped in the material of his shirt. You had often spoken about how you could only sleep if it was on top of him, and that was one of the main causes to this arrangement that you both had made. He could be all protective and warm to you with his big arms encasing your smaller frame and you could still wrap your entire body around his waist and chest to give him your own love and affection. It worked better than the two of you had ever expected as it was a daily routine for you to end up snuggling into Reiner’s chest. You couldn’t help it; he was your big strong boyfriend and with the personality of a golden retriever how could you not love sleeping across his chest. He’s always the one to give you forehead kisses and say “I love you” when he thinks you're asleep which you definitely always hear. 
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