#i want to though
im-1hater · 5 months
Toxic yuri for the win!! (I spent to long on this)
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chososdiscordkitten · 3 months
choso vampire
*gulps* I wish I could. I have to finish priest Nanami today and post it tomorrow
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bismuth-209 · 6 months
Trias Politica and Doctor Who
in the English speaking world, i believe trias politica is usually called separation of powers
The absolute basics of the theory of the trias politica is essentially: it's not good when 1 guy does everything, it should be different guys who hold the power to make laws, the power to enact laws and the judicial power (so like, to interpret laws?)
A large part of the 10th Doctor's arc was going from "THE LAWS OF TIME ARE MINE AND I DECIDE THEM" to, like, "they're not actually"
A large part of the 12th Doctor's arc was grappling with his Identity as a general, who fashions people into weapons and commands them, you can see this especially well in the interactions with Danny Pink, but it also starts being a theme during 11, and continues after Danny dies, in my opinion. But he too finds a way to leave it behind him, starts being a madman in a box (again)
And then 14 now. as these posts by @sarahwatchesthings and @rearranging-deck-chairs have described, the Doctor has always been like how he was during that scene where he put on the Judge's wig and cited intergalactic law
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First the Doctor is sort of explicitly a law-maker. Then that is deconstructed and refuted
Then he's rather explicitly a general, and a president too even (though the presidency is mostly silly), which i'm choosing to represent the executive power, and he slowly learns to let that go
and now, they've made his position as a judicial power explicit with a literal wig and brief mock court.
you see where i'm going with this
i'd appreciate other people's thoughts on this meta (preferably not just. "hm don't like this", but like. nuance), especially as it's been a while since i watched 10's era, like, i wasn't even really thinking about themes when i did, and a shorter but still long amount of time since i watched 12, and i barely watched 13 at all so i cannot judge how these themes show up in 13's era
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savesavva · 1 month
Whats your favourite art medium? To use with or to look at
ow didn't mean to answer so late,,,
That's a good question actually🧐 I wouldn't know two years ago maybe, but now I'm absolutely in love with soft pastel!! though I don't have many favorite artists, I like to use it because it gives me the freedom I can't feel with paints- I don't even know how to explain it, but when I use paints Im kinda afraid to mess up the painting with "wrong" colors, but when I use pastels I can use whatever colors I won't and it still would look great! So I guess I have some kind of special connection with it XD
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thevioletharmon · 2 months
This morning honestly …
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wishfulmuses · 4 days
I've also been thinking about changing the muse feature theme,,, Sonia and the idea to match with Winter calls for me BUT EFFORT.
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earl-grey-love · 4 months
I'm thinking about writing my s/is story out completely. Like a long term, multichapter story like a novel. Would any of you read that or no?
It would be set in the events of NB but my own version of it. It'd be friendly to those who don't know the games.
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thatmooncake · 5 months
I just wanna say I love your Moon so much. A few months ago you made this comic of Moon putting us in a hat, and there's this panel where he's all goofy as he's reaching with his leg- I have it saved on my phone and every time I look at it it makes me feel happier! So cute!
Awwww thanks so very much for saying so! <3 Cartoon body language and silly shenanigans are some of my fave things to draw!
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 6 months
i think you should be allowed to tear something apart with your teeth perhaps
I really should.
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circus-clownn · 4 months
i wish i would actually talk about my ocs
some i CANT and others I'm just like "I'll do stuff eventually that will talk about it"
anyways i made a playlist for two of my ocs (lesbians that i actually post about sometimes)
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jagar-tharns · 10 months
would you guys believe me if i said I've never seen repo the genetic opera
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niobiumao3 · 1 year
I'm trying to decide if these tweets (from Corbett and the Kiners) mean the upcoming episode will be stealthily traumatizing or set us up for a huge fall ala the ending of Gilliam's Brazil.
I guess we'll see. Oh, another option for a truly taumatic cliffhanger hit me, though!
Crosshair , Echo, and Rex get Omega out while the other 3, stuck and unable to join them, tell them to go (i.e. don't let Omega be captured, fly you fools), and cover their escape, ultimately being captured for <horrible things go here>.
Marinade in that one, y'all.
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nebuladreamz · 1 year
Have you been rated fear yet mebula
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Not yet
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just-otter-thoughts · 8 months
I'm gonna install Scruff
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So I just remembered hearing that spinda had a ton of forms for some reason, so I decided to look up just how many. The answer I got on Google was 4,294,967,296 different patterns not including shiny versions of those patterns! There are probably shiny spindas that have never been caught before! Who was sitting on the team of game freak and thought "Hmmm 🤔 I wonder how many different patterns of a Pokemon I'm allowed to make?" And then actually tried it! I'd be more understanding if they gave it like 60 forms as a joke but 4,294,967,296? Really?
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the-evil-pizza · 1 year
I am a fake Inoue fan and I've never watched changerion cause I KNOW it will change me on a molecular level
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