#i want to go home
abbeyofcyn · 1 year
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funneylizzie · 2 years
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grungepen · 1 year
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More clone wars headcanons (it's just Ahsoka and Anakin)
No matter how only Ahsoka gets Anakin will always see her as that little 14 year old who strong-armed her way onto a battlefield 
Honestly he isn’t very aware of this but there are tiny moments when it becomes very clear 
There are moments when people ask how old his padawan is and he’ll go “Oh she’s” and he’ll take a moment for some mental calculations and say “she’s 18 kriff she’s 18” 
And he’ll kinda sit in silence with that fact for a couple of seconds 
There’s also moments when people will call him out for getting her age wrong 
Like he’ll go “Don’t bite off more than you can chew Soka you’re only 14 after all” 
Ahsoka will reminds him in two days she’s be turning 20 when Anakin argues that fact Obi-Wan reminds him that he’s 25 which would make her 20 in a couple of days Anakin just kinda stares at a wall 
Ahsoka tried to snap him out of it but Obi-Wan stopped her with a quite “let him grieve Ahsoka” 
No matter how old the two get they will always play pranks on each other if anything the intensity grows with them 
When Ahsoka when 14 she would save small handfuls of sand to put in Anakin’s shoes 
And he would have thought it was just left over from some mission if the sand didn’t keep appearing after he emptied it out 
That and he caught Ahsoka red-handed and chased her sneaky ass around the temple until they were both too tired to care 
When Ahsoka turned 20 she hid sand everywhere in his shoes and in his pockets, girl even got it in some of his mugs 
He knew it was her cause he knew her m.o but she won’t admit to it and she doesn’t stop to matter how much he begs 
The breaking point is when he finds his bed covered in sand which he deems going too far cause even tho Padme literally couldn’t care less 
He tracked her down and kept her in a headlock until she admitted defeat 
It wasn’t a chocking headlock mind you it’s just tight enough to keep her in place he just drags her around the whole base while he goes about his business 
Anakin’s prank was pretty simple he would slowly steal all her head wraps 
At first she didn’t notice anything she just thought Anakin stole one during training and put it somewhere 
But after a couple of days of not being able to find it she discovers another one went missing 
And the cycle continued like that for years 
It didn’t bother her but sometimes when she was going out with friends and couldn’t find her favorite ones you’d hear her scream “Ani where’s my leather head wrap?” 
And he’d act all innocent saying that he “has no idea what you’re talking about snips maybe you misplaced it again” 
And she’d groan and go look for a different one because she didn’t have enough time to interrogate him 
Anakin waits a couple of years to pull off his full prank which is convincing everyone he can to wear one of her head wraps and act like nothing is going on 
And he gets a good amount of people too including some of the clones and even the twins 
The only people who wholeheartedly reject being a part of the plan are Padme and Obi-Wan they discovered years ago that it isn’t wise to get involved in their prank war 
Honestly Ahsoka would have thought she lost her mind that day if she hadn’t found every single head wrap she lost hidden around her quarters 
It kind of becomes a running joke of how protective Anakin is of Ahsoka 
Some stories being blown out of proportion about how Skywalker single-handedly moved the ruble to grant her freedom form the tank 
Some say how he searched on the ground day and night when Ahsoka was captured by the hunters 
Criminals claim they barely made it out with their lives if they had Ahsoka in their custody 
They both find these stories hilarious but Obi-Wan and Padme know there is a lot of truth in those stories 
It doesn’t just stop with the enemy either this man has and will do intensive background checks on every single person Ahsoka meets 
And you best believe that potential love interests are kept under the closest watch possible 
Rex and his boys are happy to track down the person if they feel they’re acting a little sketchy 
Sometimes this ends with actual criminals being put away and sometimes this ends with Ahsoka scolding everyone who had anything to do with it 
Some people get 30+ apology letters and a promise that it will never happen again (most of those people can tell those letters were written with grit teeth and a little togruta standing close by)
Anakin does agree to tone down his protective streak and promises to never abuse his power like that again 
She didn’t make him stop giving the shovel talk to literally anyone within a three-mile radius of her (mostly cause she didn’t know he was doing it) so he considered that a win
I’m always reminded of how Anakin made it a game to count how many people their squads took out and I was wondering what other games they had 
How many times could they lie to the council without getting caught, how many times they crash a ship, and how many times they save each other's lives 
Like imagine Ahsoka tripping Anakin and before he can ask why the hell she did that a blast hits the floor and she just goes “That’s 40 for me” as she runs away 
Anakin yelled after her “yeah 40 to my 80 snips” 
Those numbers also serve as a reminder and reassurance that no matter how dangerous the situation gets they’ll never let that count stop
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libraryoflanie · 10 months
“I want to go home, I want to go home, but what I mean, what I'm grasping for, is not a place, it's a feeling.”
Julie Buntin, Marlena
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cerealforkart · 9 months
“Oh no! What if the daddies see me posting cringe on here!”
Couldn’t be me! The daddies confirmed don’t know I exist! I’m free to be as cringe as I like with no witnesses!
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runwayblues · 5 months
is it truly christmas if you’re not overstimulated, nonverbal and on the verge of tears
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
This is your daily reminder to say "Fuck that job"! I have NEVER had issues leaving a job until this one. The amount of gaslighting is unmatched. The amount of sweating over tiny details is unheard of. The amount of stress they're putting me under should be studied, honestly.
The way I want to say, "Fuck you", every time a random person I have NEVER talked to tells me congrats and good luck and we're gonna miss you. No tf you arent. You fuckers made my life hell for 2 years.
Your job dont care about you 👏🏽 so dont care about it 👏🏽 you are there to collect a check and fuckin dip 👏🏽
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 days
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“I'll meet you on a day that never ends. I'll greet you in a way that heaven meant…”
“I hope you don't break my heart of stone. I don't wanna scream out loud and wake up on my own…” (“Idler’s Dream” by Oasis)
Considering, that I don’t see any way out of the misery, which my life has become since this cruel and inexorable disease ME/CFS has robbed me from being myself, I’ve started to commission some of my beloved artists of Snapedom with a special project of mine. I explained to them, that I’m slowly fading away from my life as well as from other people’s lives. It started two years ago, when this sickness got me into her relentless grip, forcing me to let go of the life, I’ve known before. Losing more and more of my abilities and strengths with each passing day, I’m finding myself in an unstoppable spiral of torments.
Nowadays, I’m not capable of leaving my room and most of the times even my bed anymore. Day in, day out I’m surrounded by darkness, silence and solitude. Participating in social activities, in milestones of my children or even in longer conversations with friends isn’t possible for me anymore. My presence has lost its meaning and purpose.
Whereas my phone didn’t stand still in the beginning of my disease, when friends and colleagues were worried about me…it’s getting more silent now. People are starting to forget about me…and yes, I can absolutely understand them. It must be frustrating to send messages or attempt to call me without getting a proper reply. My former boss told me some weeks ago, that people are feeling speechless about my situation, so it’s easier for them to forget about me…letting me become a faint memory in the back of their heads. This is exactly, what I meant, when I said, that I’m fading away…and it’s okay. I can’t be mad about it. I understand.
It’s also happening here on tumblr…and yet, here are still some kind people, who seem to notice my silence. I was astonished to hear, that my friend @capysnapeart, whom I commissioned for this beautiful artwork of Severus and my highly self-inserted OC Jules, searched me in a sweet post on their blog, after not hearing from me for several days. I was even more dumbfounded, when I realised, that other lovely people of Snapedom had also noticed my absence from my online life. This was very unexpected, but - indeed - touching and heartwarming to me. Thank you for not forgetting about me.
The project, which I’ve commissioned @capysnapeart and some other artists for, should show the different stages of the life, I’m expecting to have after my final breath, which doesn’t seem to be so far away anymore. I’ve set myself a limit…a certain point of no return, at which I won’t be able to accept and endure my pain and my suffering anymore. Well…let’s just leave it like that.
In my imagination, I will be able to choose, how my afterlife will look like. I will be with Severus, the character, I’ve been clinging on for the past 21 years, already. I imagine, that we will meet at the age of 11 years and from then on, we will spend the rest of our lives together...growing old together. It may sound strange and pathetic, but this is all, that I'm wishing for. I want to come home to him...
I asked Capy to draw Severus and Jules as a middle-aged couple…sitting on a bench in front of their little cottage at the sea. I’d love to see them being happy together…finally living the life, they’ve always wanted to live…the life, they’ve deserved to have! They’re cuddling on this wooden bench…feeling like home in themselves.
Capy, my dear friend, I’m beyond grateful for your understanding of my wish for this mesmerising artwork. You’ve managed to capture the peace and the silence of this scenery so perfectly, that it made me shed countless tears of longing. A longing for this fantasy to become true one day, when I will let go of my existence, eventually. Thank you for your talent, your kindness and your acceptance of my ideas. Feel hugged! 🫂🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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cactusspatz · 4 months
Feedback Fest 2024
For Feedback Fest 2024, 10 recs for the 10th anniversary of International Fanworks Day!
I decided to rec stories that have become basically canon to me - the ones I feel compelled to seek out when I'm hit by a craving for an unofficial sequel, or unofficial prequel, or additional scene that completes things, or something that wraps up a dangling thread perfectly. Multiple fandoms, arranged from shortest to longest in length, because why not.
The People's Servants by @cesperanza Fandom: The West Wing | Rating: G | Ship: Josh/Donna It's Big Block of Cheese Day in the Santos White House.
Pulling the Thorn by @dsudis Fandom: Die Hard | Rating: T | Ship: Matt/John There's a huge scar down the sole of John's left foot.
A Thousand Miles by therienne Fandom: ATLA | Rating: G | Ship: none Zuko and Iroh start their journey.
Mr Wooster and the Restorative Preparation by innocentsmith Fandom: Jeeves & Wooster | Rating: G | Ship: Jeeves/Wooster Jeeves finds himself a new situation. Pre-series, save for the very end.
Ancel’s Annotated Pillow Talk by aldiara Fandom: Captive Prince | Rating: E | Ship: Ancel/Berenger “Tell me what you would have said, as a pet,” asked Berenger, “and then tell me the truth. We’ll split the difference.” (A coda to the "Pet" short story.)
The Way Is Shut by 42AngryCymraeg Fandom: World War Z | Rating: T | Ship: none The first expedition to North Korea has returned. The news is… bad.
No Second Coming by Aria Fandom: The Dark is Rising | Rating: G | Ship: Bran/Will "But there's only me," Will said in sudden panic. "I have no one --" He stopped abruptly. "I must correct mistakes."
Aral Vorkosigan's Dog by @philomytha Fandom: Vorkosigan Saga | Rating: T | Ship: none Illyan is assigned to watch Aral Vorkosigan during the Escobaran war. Soon he has to choose between his duty and his conscience, and the consequences rapidly get beyond him.
A Very Long Summer by Calathea Fandom: I Want To Go Home! | Rating: T | Ship: Rudy/Mike Mike and Rudy go back to Camp Algonkian Island… as counsellors!
Carpetbaggers by cofax Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia | Rating: G | Ship: none After the coronation festivities, the real work begins. (set during/post "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe")
Enjoy! If you have any favorites like these in any of my fandoms, I'd love to read them, so send me a link!
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nayruwu · 7 months
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lttl3babybug · 1 month
*repeatedly smashes my face against a brick wall*
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redribbonsandblood · 1 month
i hate this life i hate it here
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waci-illstr · 2 years
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bits-of-wit · 3 months
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