#hero x villain prompts
creweemmaeec11 · 1 month
Reverse Tropes
Soulmates - Your soulmate is destined to be your greatest rival in life.
Amnesia - Instead of losing memories, they start getting memories that aren't theirs.
Forced Marriage - Forced Divorce.
Captured Prince - They think they've captured the prince of the opposing kingdom, but they've actually just captured a normal, random civilian.
Chosen one Prophesy - There is a prophecy about *someone* saving the world, but it doesn't actually say who...
Born with Special Marks - It's actually a mark that tells a person what they *won't* be good at.
True Loves Kiss - True Hates Kiss, good luck convincing someone who truly hates you to kiss you.
Love at First Sight - Hate at First Sight.
Rags to Riches - Riches to Rags
Found Family - You need to find your actual, related family.
Misunderstood Villain - Misunderstood hero. They are trying to be evil, why does everyone like them!?
It Was All a Dream - They thought it was a dream, but it turned out to all be real.
Secret Identity - The secret Identity is the one everyone knows, somehow, everyone has forgotten your normal identity...
Villain Defeated by Friendship - Villain defeated by hatred.
Bad Boy & Good Girl - Good boy and bad girl.
Stalking/Obsessive Love - Avoiding the person they like to try and ignore their feelings.
Monster x Hunter - Hunter x Hunter, both thinking the other is a monster, or Monster x Monster, both thinking the other is a hunter.
Hero Gets Framed - The wrong villain gets framed.
Yandere - but it's two going after each other.
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avvail · 4 months
prompt #93
You’re pretty.
Pretty like blood, warm against flesh, pretty like blood contrasted against a velvety blanket of snow, enough to catch a wandering eye.
You’re pretty like a jewel; diamonds, emeralds, ruby’s, a treasury amongst green fingered thieves.
You’re so pretty. Pretty like a flower. Pretty like a hero. Pretty enough for your enemies to possess than kill. To tuck your disheveled hair behind your hair, so unkempt and unlike your usual clean appearance. So out of control and wild that they smear pretty blood across your pretty lips and kiss the stickiness away like it’s their lifeforce.
The way you tremble under their fingers, when you used to stand upon steely walls of valour and turn your nose up like a brave knight on quest.
What self-righteous quest are you driven by when you’re reduced to nothing, little hero?
Nothing more than a pretty picture of fear, all consuming, and so tempting. Triumph you cared so much about, slipping between those fingers of yours like the sun spills across the land; unstoppable.
Unlike you. Not anymore.
And it’s the prettiest thing a person has the luxury to witness.
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thekittyburger · 11 months
One of my favorite tropes has got to be a sick villain waking up on the hero's couch, initially calm with the knowledge they're comfortable and being looked after, until they try and move and find their hands cuffed above them
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imaginativeworks · 4 months
Writing Prompt
Hero: “D-d-date?!?!”
Villain: (letting out a light sigh) “Yes, my dear.”
Hero: “B-but I thought all these run-ins were so you could get me out of the way!”
Villain eyes lazily look over at hero with something affectionately warm as they slowly take hero’s chin in their hand to look at them and ask. “How could you ever possibly think that I could feel anything other that deep admiration, adoration and fondness for you, my dearest little hero?”
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cassidysinferno · 5 months
Prompt #8
cw referenced drugging & kidnapping??
The villain gave hero a truth serum and asked hero to tell their darkest secret, expecting a some sort of corrupt agency or a crime they did so the villain can use that to blackmail the hero.
Hero instead spilled the most horrifying, gut wrenching, traumatizing backstory known to man that they kept bottled up their whole entire life and villain just thinks. "oh.... you're kind of fucked up actually....you need to Seek Help how did you even get through those what the fuck."
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ashiristic · 6 months
Warning;: Mentions of blood
The hero and villain challenge each other on who'll last longer in a kiss. Chaos ensues.
It was just a kiss, the hero's final thought before the villain's lips met his. Soft and intoxicating like poisoned red wine. This kiss wasn't filled with passion and hunger but was a fight for dignity and pride.
The hero's eyes remained open, occasionally biting and chewing on the villain's lips, just as his nemesis did. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, searching for something to hold onto in this battle. The hero's fist harshly gripped the villain's hair, pulling it downward, drowning in his nemesis' low grunts.
He always told himself the villain was ethereal beyond recognition. A siren luring him to the sea, making him lose control like a sculptor molding him anew. But he'd never admit it.
They eventually fell onto the mattress, staining the white sheets with congealed blood from their previous battle. Before all of this began, the villain struggled, breathing heavily as his chest lifted up and down. He wished to see the villain's debauched state, but he couldn't lose. Not yet.
It seemed the villain had a different idea. He hissed, feeling the villain's nails dig deeper into his wrist, drawing blood. The hero attempted to pull away, but the villain chased him, biting his reddened lips severely.
"Fuck," the hero muttered under his breath, catching a smirk from the villain.
The villain parted away from the hero, a string of saliva connecting them. He wiped his lips with his white long-sleeves, lolling his head a little on his shoulder. His bangs fell in place to cover his eyes, yet his debauched lips still displayed that irritating smirk.
"Funny," the villain said, taking advantage of the hero's trance state, pushing him away. "Can you even win against me—"
"You're the one who pulled away," the hero suddenly said, huffing a breath, trying to steady his rapid pulse.
The villain paused for a second, blinking his eyes. After a long ponder, he suddenly blushed, a profound crimson color dancing on his cheeks. His grip loosened on the hero's wrist, but an odd smile crept on his face, followed by a chuckle. He was certainly amused. On what? Then, he raised both of his hands in defeat.
"Right, I did," the villain stood up, walking towards the small white lamp in the corner of the room. He grabbed a candy randomly placed on the table, twisting it between his fingers. "And I admit defeat."
Odd. One word to describe it. He knew the villain was a person who would never admit defeat and would try to find a loophole. But today, he didn't do that. The hero wrapped his hand on his wounded lips, trying to wrap his head around the villain's action. Maybe he looked like a monstrous, sexually frustrated guy after he pulled away from him. That must be it (it's not).
"All of a sudden?" the hero leaned against the headboard, running his hand through his sweaty hair. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't confused. So, he asked, "Why?"
The villain halted before the open window. He bathed in silence, turning his head a little to the hero. "Why? What stupid question is that?"
And he continued unbuttoning his shirt with no care regarding the well-being of the person behind him. The sun had already set, but the warm light engraved on the dawn remained, embroidering the villain's skin with gold. Mesmerizing and otherworldly. That is what he is.
"Can't I be curious?"
"You wouldn't like it. You would be embarrassed if I told you," the villain shrugged, shaking his head a little.
The hero rolled his eyes, darting his gaze on the bookshelves, crossing his arms. He sat still for a few minutes, but his impatience lingered as he tapped his fingers against the side of the wooden cabinet beside the bed. And don't add the drowning sense of not knowing what to say to the villain once he finally breaks the silence. He should think of one now, for emergencies.
"It is because I pity you," the villain suddenly said, and smirked, before placing the candy on his tongue, savoring the sweetness. "You are such a bad kisser."
The audacity.
"Ten out of ten. Bravo joke."
"Oh, thank you," he placed his finger on his lips, laughing to himself. It was red with a fine line of deep rose on the middle of his bottom lip.
The hero watched the villain caressing his own lips before he froze and stopped, slapping his cheeks a little. What was wrong with him? And the villain veered towards the hero, fixing the collar of his shirt.
The villain grinned, "I have to go now—"
"We should do this again," he interrupted, blankly staring at the villain as he spoke. "You liked it, didn't you?"
The hero would lie to himself if he said that he didn't love it. Plus he was willing to sacrifice a few of his dignity to admit it. But the villain only smiled, his eyes not revealing anything on what he was thinking. The hero's heart plummeted in his chest, its hope bursting out of his chest cavity as he covered it with a smile.
"If you say so,"
Then he left. And the hero never felt happier.
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amethysts-prompts · 1 year
Prompt #239
"You don't understand," Villain seethed, hand pushed tightly against their wound, "how hard I worked. I did..." They took several moments to pant and whimper through the pain. "I did everything I could, but you- you're the real monster here."
Hero was quiet.
"You don't"- they paused to groan. They kept bleeding, and it hurt. "You don't know me, Hero. You only see my actions; you don't- you don't consider their meanings."
Main writing blog: @amethystpath-writes
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atlaserine · 21 days
Villain stared at the hero trapped and tied in a chair in his lair.
"This is 1 A.M" Villain said, half awake and half annoyed that one of his henchman had awoken him from slumber just to report that someone has infiltrated his lair. That someone who's now sitting right in front if him with her mask taken off.
Hero looked down with a bit of embarrassment. She wasn't one to back out from a fight, nor was she one to ask for help, especially from the biggest threat in her profession. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Speak" Villain's voice snapping hero out from her mind as she looked up to him. His voice that has gotten down an octave made it clear that he wanted to finish this quickly, or maybe finish her quickly and get back to bed.
"I need your help" It came out of the Hero's mouth too fast. And before she could regret it while hoping Villain hadn't heard her, Villains eyebrow was already raised, studying Hero with a glint of curiosity and interest in his eyes, debating whether he should listen to her or just finish this off once and for all.
The hero? The city's greatest hero asking for her enemy's help? The one who's been a thorn on his side for years asking for his help? One of her enemy must've hit her in the head too hard, The Villain thinks.
Looking at Villains face made her bit her lower lip nervously, all the regret of coming here coming right at her like a train.
"Look, I know what you're thinking. B-but you're the only one who's ever seen me without my mask. Not Sidekick, not Superhero, not even the Agency-"
And it was true. Hero chose to kept her identity a secret, strictly, wanting to protect the people closest to her and also living a double life. One as a hero and one as a normal citizen...untill she met Villain. The only one who's able to locate everything about her, the only villain who's ever gotten her so close to death. But that's a story for another time.
Hero took a deep breath before she fixed her posture a bit in what little space she had between the ropes and the chair. She tilted her head up and stared back at Villain.
"...Someones following me, I mean the citizen me. And I don't know who they are, I don't know what their intention is, I tried to just ignore them but it has gotten to a point where I saw them standing beside my apartment building when I wanted to get back after my shift- a-and im afraid they'll connect the dots and find out that I'm Hero. S-so I...ran.."
Hero shrugged her shoulder as she heard herself speak, she felt truly pathetic for this. She was a hero, she shouldn't have..run. But the possibility of another person knowing her secret was too high. So, the hero continued,
"I... came here because I didn't know...where else to go. I- i'll do anything, I promise. Just help me get whoever this is out of my tail...without killing them and I know you have some sort of- high tech machine to do that. Surely, a...an evil genius like you could come up with something!"
Villains eyes widened as Hero said all that. Never in his life has he seen the all mighty, all righteous, all stubborn Hero so...so stupid. Yet it did humoured him a bit. And after what felt like hours of staring at each other, Villain smiled, chuckled even. Leaned down untill he was face to face with Hero, a smirk forming in his face
"God, you are desperate are you?"
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neongalaxiie · 6 months
"I do not have super strength."
"Oh, yeah?" The hero raised a brow. "Prove it."
The villain looked at his chains. Well, crap, here goes nothing. He pulled his wrists apart as gently as he could and gave his best fake-straining face. The hero was not convinced.
Crap. Now the hero was definitely not convinced. Or amused.
The villain grinned sheepishly. "That was not supposed to happen."
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creweemmaeec11 · 11 months
Why is asking permission for certain things, both romantic and platonic, one of the cutest, most heart-fluttering things ever?
"Can I hold your hand?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"Would you like me to carry your jacket?"
"Can I hug you?"
"Would it be alright if we cuddled?"
"Can I play with your hair?"
"Might I walk you home?"
"Can I tickle you?
"Is it okay if I kiss you goodbye?"
"Can I hold onto your arm while we walk?"
"Can I rest my head on your shoulder?"
"Is it okay if I call you (nickname)?"
"I'd really like to kiss you right now, if that's okay with you,"
"Would you let me take care of you?"
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epiclamer · 1 year
operation has taken over my brain in the most positive way possible i love them
Uhhhh pt.3 of course— im sorry this is so late—
Part 1 Part 2
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Operation Pt. 3
Hero’s surgery had been successful. Villains attempts to keep them rested and out of pain, had not. Well, more or less.
Ever since the villain had taken the hero back to their house for recovery, Hero had been a pain in their ass.
They would never rest, wouldn’t sleep, wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t drink, would refuse any type of pain killers as tears streamed down their face from the agony. Every chance they got they would drag themselves out of bed and attempt to run.
It didn’t matter how much talking or reassuring Villain did, nothing got through to their head. And understandably enough, it was driving them insane.
Now, the hero was tied by each limb to a corner of the bed with fabric restraints, that they still somehow managed to hurt themselves with. Giving the criminal even more wounds to take care of—as if they didn’t have enough already.
“Hero, please eat something. Drink something. Anything, just please.”
The crime-stopper didn’t move, they looked like a deer in headlights and the only telltale sign that they were still alive and not frozen was their hyperventilating. Villain watched their chest move out of time with their breath due to their broken ribs that were trying to heal ever since the surgery. But Hero wouldn’t give them a break.
In the back of their head, Villain was counting their BPM and every alarm bell was ringing ‘too fast, too fast, too fast—’. They dropped their head in defeat, the water bottle and bowl of applesauce in their hands hit the bedside as their arms fell and the hero flinched harshly, hitting their head against the headboard.
Some sort of overly kind instinct rushed Villain’s senses for a moment and they wanted to jump on top of the hero and tenderly care for their bumped head. But exhaustion was stronger, was heavier, and it weighed them down too much to care. If Hero didn’t want to eat or drink, Villain couldn’t force them. They’d just die here on the villain’s bed, of thirst or reopened wounds, it was a close call between the two.
Villain groaned; they were being ridiculous. Ridiculously stupid. They were caretaking. They couldn’t give up. The hero just needed an incentive…
“You’re scared that I’ll hurt you.” Hero’s silence was answer enough. “If you take this kindness, that I’ll use it against you to hurt you.”
No response but the hero seemed to sweat, shuffling backwards just a tad from the other.
The villain nodded, trying to dig up a plan in their dazed mind. They huffed a small laugh, “easy fix… i’ll just threaten your loved ones or something for if you don’t eat.”
It was a joke. A terrible excuse of a joke that held no mocking tone whatsoever. But it made the villain laugh.
They were starving, worked-to-the-bone and so, so, so, fed up. That the idea, the stupid idea sure to only traumatize the hero further, was actually hilarious.
Villain burst out in laughter, letting go of the water and food in their hands as it rested against the bed. They crossed their arms over their chest and threw their head back, cackling and wheezing so hard their legs began to shake. It took them quite a few long deep breaths until they could calm down, eyes occasionally falling on the horrified hero and they couldn’t help but laugh some more.
Then, in a moment of pure delinquent fun, they leaned forwards, crowding the hero against the bed and stuck our their hands. Wiggling their fingers and eyebrows in unison out at the other as they whispered, “eat, drink, take care of yourself or I’ll destroy everyone you love…”
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Hero didn’t take the statement as lightly as Villain did. Sitting as far up as they could in an instant before tears started rolling down their face and they turned into a blabbering wreck.
“P-Please— d-don’t hurt them—I swear, I-I’ll eat, I’ll drink, I-I’ll do anything, just please…”
In instinct, Villain would’ve scrabbled to fix the mess they had just created. But their common sense brain kicked in at the last second and they hesitated, frozen in spot, frozen in thought. Maybe… just maybe… this could work out…
Against their bonds, Hero looked crazed, yanking desperately at them as they cried and begged. Their first words since they had arrived. Villain almost felt proud.
Tentatively, as if they couldn’t believe the development just yet, Villain picked up and held out their water bottle. The cap was already unscrewed and as it reached Hero’s lips they only hesitated for a split second before gulping down the refreshment.
Villain could’ve sworn they saw a look of pleasure filled relief as they swallowed the last of the water, but it was gone and replaced with guilt sooner than they could blink. Then, before they could give the hero any extra time to reconsider, or for this all to be some too-good-to-be dream, Villain held out a spoonful of applesauce.
Hero looked two things, relaxed and fearful. Which were two emotions that generally didn’t go hand in hand. But the villain figured that their brain must have been fighting itself between one half that wanted to cave and the other that wanted to be defiant.
Eventually, they caved. And very slowly they parted their lips, allowing the villain to spoon feed them until the bowl was polished clean. Even if every swallow was slow and painful, they didn’t stop opening their mouth for more until it was all gone.
“Wow…” The villain stared down at the empty containers. “That’s all it took, huh?”
The hero’s lip quivered as they made eye contact. “Y-you won’t hurt them, r-right? I-if I’m g-good?”
At the last sentence a chill ran up the criminal’s spine, whoever had imprisoned their enemy prior had done some serious mental damage that they had yet to assess. Normal patients didn’t do that; but normal patients weren’t highly sought after heroes either.
They weighed their options and after a brief period of contemplation, Villain decided that the most crucial thing for the both of them would be some rest. So, carefully, the villain clicked off the bedside lamp. Taking their dishes towards the room door as they exited, looking back once as they stopped in the doorway.
“I’m not going to hurt anyone. Just get some rest and everything will be fine.”
Villain tried not to feel disappointed as they headed for the kitchen and then the couch. But to their heart it was worse than a stab wound, Hero actually believed that Villain was going to hurt the ones they loved.
All of their previous trust… The years they had spent building their relationship and bonding, was now out the window.
They flopped back onto the squeaky cushions and closed their eyes. In the morning everything would be okay. Hero finally ate something. That was step one.
Tomorrow—while they got the hero to sleep some more—they could begin their hunt for whichever sadistic fuck had destroyed their nemesis and Villain smiled slightly at the thought.
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ilovecherries2 · 7 months
"I didn't say it, you did." The villain said, giving a rare smile. Villain was enjoying the conversation. It got on Hero's nerves.
Hero responded in silence, in a blank look. Hero wasn't going to raise to Villain's bait. Hero took their phone out, opening the agency's app and pressing a button. "I've just reported you being here." Hero said in explanation.
"I asked to speak to you privately."
"You have, time's up."
"It's important. It's about something strange I've found."
"You can tell me back at the agency when you are locked up."
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imaginativeworks · 19 days
Writing Prompt (with a Hero and Villain)
“I just want someone who accepts me for who I am. Who sees me as human and doesn’t fault me for my shortcomings. Someone who doesn’t expect that I can carry the world when I can’t even care the moon.” They try to wipe their tears that trail down their face like waterfalls, to no avail in stopping them. Another momentous task that they feel they are unable to, at the expectation and behest of others. But The Villain leans down beside them and just holds them, just letting them be. The Hero is left stunned with a gasp because they realize to them, to The Villain they are enough.
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cassidysinferno · 6 months
prompt #2
sunshine hero who's so close to go insane. sunshine hero who has alot of pent up anger and threw all the anger out to the villain. and even the villain is shocked by this.
bonus points if the villain has some sort of trauma related to yelling so they cover their ears to at least muffle the hero's lashing and when the hero realizes this they tried to comfort the villain :)
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ashiristic · 6 months
The hero and the villain on a date.
After years of stabbing, or getting stabbed, the hero finally, for the first time, got a date. The hero stands in front of the coffee shop’s glass door, his face blank, while his earbud continues screaming the following words in his ear: “Don’t fuck up or die.”. Yesterday felt like a dream. It is not like the usual bantering, opening each other’s bloody guts, and essentially talking are already a dream for the hero. But thank god because he had other plans, and the villain asked the hero out. The great villain asked him out in real life. At first, he laughed like it was the silliest joke he ever heard in his entire life. But the villain never laughed. He stared at the hero with that poignant gaze of his and said:
“I am serious.”
So here he is, waiting for the villain while still listening to positive affirmation to not fuck up. After years of almost permanently wearing his hero suit, he is finally wearing a casual white western shirt and plain cargo jeans. The only proper clothes in the sea of black polo shirts and skinny jeans. He ignores the people glancing at him, whispering words, and the squealing of girls when he looks at them. 
He doesn’t understand their reactions anyway. Because who likes a person sweating profusely with an odd small smile, and hollowed eyes out of a horror movie?
His gaze falls on his black leathered shoes, playing with the small gravel rock, his hands inside his warm pockets. The street is rather peaceful, except for the squealing he heard earlier, but it's beautiful. The coffee shop’s door reflects the sunlight, a small light caressing his cheeks, and a shadow forms on the ground. It imitates everything he does, but his leg looks like a cross when he moves them. And he let a warm smile envelop his lips, a small laugh bubbling in his throat. 
“You are more beautiful than I imagined,” a breathy voice called. 
The hero stops. His shadow displays a dog with an open mouth, and looks at his side, a man that is appropriately shorter than him is bowing on his face level, with a mischievous smile. He shrieks back, in a manly way, of course, and straightens his posture. He didn’t hear the sound of breathing until that person spoke. Playing with shadows is going to be a turn-off for the hero now. He almost had a heart attack. The man is wearing a white bucket hat, a bootcut, and d polo shirt. Even his white blouse that is not buttoned is white. The only colors on his canvas-like aesthetic are the golden chains around his neck and the lone yellow chicken holding a red apple pinned on the corner of the bucket hat.  
Nothing like the villain. 
“Who are you?” the hero says bluntly. He has no time for another crazy person, for the love of god, he wants to look perfect when the villain arrives.
“Uhh-” the man points at himself, “We saw each other yesterday?”
“No,” the hero shrugs, looking away nonchalantly, “I don’t remember anyone with such an…”
The man gazes at him. He blinks his eyes a few times, processing perhaps. Maybe he got the wrong person. But he smirks instead, going back to a normal human posture. If he goes like that any longer, the hero might’ve considered that normal. 
“I knew you wouldn’t recognize me,” the man lolls his head, and walks towards the door of the cafe, opening it. He turns his head to the hero, putting his index finger on his lips, and winks,  “But I am going to be your date for today.”
“What date? Are you in Wonderland right now?”
“C’mon, hero. I even pinned you on the wall just to tell you we are going on a date!” 
“Villain..?” the hero raises his eyebrow, hiding his severely trembling hand behind him. The frustration in mistaking your crush is evidently the worst experience in a person’s life. Like comparing your lover to a worm. 
“Yeah?” the villain raises his eyebrow, laughing at himself.  
“God, you look rigid. Where did that sunshine personality go?”
“It was all for work.” the hero answers, his hand waving in a robotic motion. He could hear the sirens behind him, the warning for a nuclear bomb, the meteor shooting from the sky, and hitting him directly to the face. 
“Well, I guess we don’t know each other after all.” the villain said, his eyes closed. He opens the door, the smell of ground coffee hitting him on the face instead of a meteor. “What a joke, isn’t it?”
The bell rings and a waiter welcomes the two of them, guiding them at a small table for two with the view of the sea. Peaceful and quiet. And nobody got a gun or knife in their hands which is fantastic. The villain settles on the table, his chin on his palms, his other hand tapping on the table. He looks serene. Unlike his usual grim smile and dark aura when he is the ‘villain’ as if the abyss finally overtakes the sun at last. If a person tells him that this person before him is the villain who can ruthlessly beat the supervillain into blood pulps of meat, he would laugh and call the mental health support for them. Because it is ridiculous.  
It is quiet. Awkward is the proper word. Nobody utters a word, not even while they’re eating. They continue this until the villain drops his spoon on the floor, breaking the silence. The hero is about to pick it up, but the villain kicks it far away. He crosses his arms, leaning back against the chair as he grins. 
“I didn’t know you weren't much of a talker?”
“Excuse me?” the hero asked, shaking off his trance.
“Welcome back,” the villain greeted him with a gentle smile, his eyes briefly grazing the sea. The sun hung in the sky, close to snapping off its loose, creating the dramatic entrance for the moon.
“Do you understand why people often compare their love to a moon?” 
A peculiar question, inviting the hero to ponder. He grabs the small wine on the table, taking a sip.
The hero, eyebrow’s furrowed, ventured, “Isn’t the sun more fitting? It means you are the light, and that darkness could never consume you. Because you’ll be in another-”
“Ridiculous,” the villain laughs, gulping the milkshake he ordered,  “The sun and the sky try to outshine each other. It doesn’t make the sun shine brighter because it is already stupidly bright.” 
“But-” the villain stretches his arm, shushing the hero from speaking. And the hero stops. Why is the villain even telling him this?  The hero obliged, curious about the villain’s sudden verbosity. He speaks, asking the hero odd questions he has to ponder to answer. He stands silently, watching the villain grin like a small child as he adjusts himself in his seat, spreading his arms to explain.
“But the moon…” the villain pauses, his tone shifting into a contemplative register. “It is the only light that the darkness couldn’t consume. Look at the stars for example, some of them don't even show up anymore which is ironic, but does the darkness care? Hell no, it doesn’t.”
The villain gazes at the hero, “If I tell you that you’re like the moon, will you believe me?”
Silence envelops them. Nobody speaks. The people in the background hushed One with betrayed surprise while the other exuded enigma. The hero harbored a plethora of questions, yet his lips remained sealed. How could they not? Uncertainty lingered, and the villain, somewhat defeated, withdrew his hand and glanced at the sea.
“It doesn’t make sense.” the hero answers, surprising the villain. The moon is beautiful and enthralling and he couldn’t compare to that. Never in his lifetime. But the villain… the villain is like the fragment of Aphrodite, ethereal and gorgeous. A fine beauty in the sea of monkeys. 
The hero sits down on his chair and continues sipping his glass of wine. He observes the villain’s eyes twinkling before dying down, and looking down as if lost in thought. Good. It’s working. Then he added, “I’m glad you’re not hiding anything,”
“What? That is not—”
“Contemplative, yet calm. Truly a gem in a sea of sharp and useless rocks.”
“Say that to yourself, you act like this all of a sudden… and…” the villain’s hand goes limp on his side, disappointment striking those beautiful eyes of his. Good thing he got wine, or else he wouldn’t be so bold. He wouldn’t fuck this up. 
“Are you trying to be cool?” the hero asked, eyes wide shot.
“What?” the hero deadpans.
“But I like you already, why should you—”
“That is ridiculous,” the hero stands up, yelling those words. But the villain only tries to stifle out a giggle as the people look at him, weirdly. 
“Don’t deny that you’re the moon, hero.” the villain said, pushing his plate aside to lean against the table. He circles his straw on the edge of his glass of milkshake, eyes unmoving and direct to the hero. “Because I wouldn’t blink twice to kill anyone destroying your precious place, and that is the spotlight.”
The villain hides his grin behind a smile, tracing his lips with the use of his index finger. He continues scrutinizing the hero, cocking his head, and raises his index finger, signaling the waiter to get their bill.
As the sun gradually descends, the night slowly shifts, embracing the warm hues of the sky into nothingness. The waves of the sea widen, and it can now meet the parts of the sand it couldn’t reach. How peculiar. The evening consumes everything it touches, and the villain vanishes with the sun. 
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cassie-u · 1 year
“For an angel, aren’t you going to ‌hell, a lot?” the villain asked, his pristine and well-groomed white wings in contrast to the murk and withered place of the abyss. His gaze followed the hero’s movements, crossing his arms in amusement when the hero threw a stone in the pits of eternal damnation; the place where the damned souls reside. The hero’s halo flickered dangerously, his messy wings fluttering behind despite the heat of this world. “Aren’t you the one who brought me here?” he said, trying to hide his fury, yet the stone betrayed him as it cracked due to his powers. “I know,” the villain sneered. “But you like it.”
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