#garfield lynns
swaines-attempt · 1 year
okay i wasn't able to get the knight terrors preview for free comic day but i just found screenshots and look!!!!!
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casual bat & villain interactions!!!!!
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3lizab3t · 8 months
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some of the rogues from DC Heroes & Villains
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damian-navarro-art · 5 months
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Is there any love for Killer Moth , Drury Walker… in this place?
He’s my Tom King’s Kiteman
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batmanfruitloops · 6 months
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What's better than a DILF? A MILF, of course!
The moment Killer Moth rocks up on the rogue scene, Firefly lost their mind;
"He's a bug and he's hot? Perfect!" So Lynns happily started following Drury around in hopes of catching his attention.
Also if anyone is wondering yes, Lynns wings are different, I finally looked at a real firefly (like I should have done from the beginning). I'm so happy to be able to share a picture of these two together. Working on their ship name, I'm quite torn....
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froot-batty · 6 months
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@sarseemd I still love the name Lightning Bugs for them so I'm yoinking that !! It's canon now !! Friendship name !!
Garfield Lynns was born and raised in Gotham - more specifically, in one of the many run-down apartment complexes in the Narrows. They had no idea what happened to their parents, for as long as they could remember they'd been raised by their three older brothers. "Raised" was a pretty strong word, though. Their brothers were a gang of well-known arsonists, and often either completely neglected Gar, forced them to do tasks for them, or yell at/bully him.
Due to how Gar was raised, they developed a fascination with fire from a pretty young age. They were never allowed to participate in the arson (or anything that their brothers were working on; they saw them as a nuisance), so Gar would watch as they made firebombs or flamethrowers - or watch the destruction their work would cause on the news.
One day, when Gar was 16, they decided that they had absorbed enough knowledge that they thought they could improve on their brother's weapons (and hopefully gain their approval in the process). They actually didn't end up being terrible at designing the mechanism or the weapons themselves - the problem came when Gar was attempting to mix chemicals. Gar was not the best at chemistry at the time, and their inexperience would result in an unexpected reaction in a mixture, one that let off sparks that would eventually reach the numerous HIGHLY flammable things in the apartment.
The resulting fire would not only render most of the apartment complex unlivable, but it would completely decimate Gar's home. It also killed all three of their brothers, who didn't wake up in time to escape the fire.
Gar, however, would end up living - in critical condition, with most of their body covered in burns. However, instead of being traumatized by the event, it would actually trigger a full obsession with fire in Gar. In their eyes, the fire had gotten rid of something that had kept Gar under lock and key for their entire life; it made them feel powerful.
So, the moment Gar was able to, they fled from the hospital. This is when their first crime spree would happen - little more than just them with a lighter and some gas setting things ablaze, but it was still destructive enough that it caught the attention of Batman.
Bats would recognize this was the same kid from the apartment explosion, so in the hopes that they'd be rehabilitated before continuing down this path, he took them off to Arkham (Gar was 18 by this point). Bats didn't know that this would eventually make even more of a headache for himself.
Maisy Zapropoulos Maxie Zeus was first born in Crete, though her parents would move to Gotham after they were both offered jobs at WayneTech. Her parents were strict, no-nonsense people, and had high expectations for their daughter right off the bat. They were the type of people that thought children should never step out of line, and that with enough punishment and reprimanding, bad behavior would be corrected.
So, when Maxie started acting out as a young kid - getting into fights, destroying property, stealing - this was unacceptable to them. But instead of getting her any kind of help for her then undiagnosed conduct disorder, they thought that with enough of a firm hand, they could fix what was "wrong" with her.
This obviously only made her act out even worse. She would take out the anger and the pain of her living situation on anything and anyone around her. She would start being an excessively cruel bully to her peers in school, when she would even go to school. Half of the time she would skip to go and shoplift or spray paint on the side of buildings.
Her behavior would eventually get so out of control her school decided to expel her. At this point, she was only 15, and none of what her parents were trying to do to "fix" her was working. In their eyes, this was the final straw that cemented her as a disappointment. A lost cause.
So they packed up her things and took her to Arkham Asylum. They didn't particularly care if it would actually get her help; they just wanted to get her off their hands. They signed custody of her over to the director of Arkham, Hugo Strange, and abandoned her there.
Maxie only kept acting out in the Asylum. She was alone, angry, and had even more of her life controlled by other people - hurting people or destroying things was the only way she felt like she had any freedom at all. At the time, Arkham still had a lot of outdated medical practices. Their goal is not to help people, and it certainly isn't Hugo's goal.
Maxie would end up being sent routinely to get electroshock treatment. The word "treatment" was mostly a cover, though - Hugo was interested to see what high amounts of electricity would do to the human body and mind. She'd spend so much time in there that the room they did the electroshock would be given the nickname Maxie's Room - as she spent more time in there than her actual room.
You'd think that this constant bombardment of electricity (oftentimes far too high than what is considered safe for an already dangerous practice) would just completely fry her brain. But, to the surprise of Strange...it didn't.
Maybe the shocks had triggered something in her DNA; some kind of inhuman gene most people didn't have. But her body slowly gained the ability to store electricity within it, to be expelled at will through her limbs. At first, they had no idea how this worked, and it led to a lot of explosive accidents when Maxie ended up not being able to control her newfound powers (this is when Strange got that scar on his arm!). Eventually, they'd make her those gauntlets and the sandals she wears, which allow her to safely and precisely channel her electricity.
By the time Gar was sent to Arkham, Maxie had already gained her powers. When Gar arrived, she saw another person she could make fear her - or, at least, that's what she thought. She was genuinely caught off-guard when Gar was nothing but friendly to her. They thought she was ridiculously cool!
It was the first time in her life that someone had ever been nice to her. And, for Gar, they lept on any chance to have a real friend (they were already used to being put down constantly by their brothers, it made dealing with Maxie easier). Their path to becoming friends was not an easy one, but they were both desperately lonely kids who just needed someone that got them. And they got each other!
Gar would be the person to give her the name Maxie Zeus. Maxie came from Gar accidentally mishearing her first name at the time, which they thought was funny enough to keep using, and Zeus was a play on the fact she's Greek, has lightning powers, and her last name started with a Z. Maxie would eventually completely adopt this name, since she'd always hated the connection with her family that her old one had.
Ever since then, they're completely inseparable. They go to Arkham together, they escape Arkham together, they cause destruction across Gotham together. If you ever hear that they've broken out of Arkham, you'd best get on the bridge to head out of Gotham, because it's going to be covered in fire and lightning before too long.
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mayamarvil · 7 months
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When you have crime to commit at 1 AM and a group superhero convention costume at 8 AM
Catwoman #58
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hahchek · 24 days
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"Welcome to my inferno"
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punch-aholic · 8 months
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More Ariel Variants!
Continuation of this post
These were so much fun, I really got to play around with different aesthetics and palettes
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thatthirdtriplet · 2 months
Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne
Stephanie Brown Tim Drake Jason Todd Dick Grayson Damian Wayne Bruce Wayne Cassandra Cain Garfield Lynns
Additional Tags:
Bruce Wayne is So Done Batfamily Shenanigans (DCU) Attempt at Humour no beta we die like jason Todd good Sibling Dick Grayson Dick Grayson Being a Little Shit
“Seriously, Dick, we lost one bet and you’re having us do this?” Tim said, crossing his arms. It had been a while since his upper arms were exposed in uniform.
“This is buffoonery, Grayson, I am highly against it.” Damien agreed, eyeing all those in the Batcave with an unclear but displeased emotion.
“Aw, come on it'll be fun, besides when was the last time we pranked B with an idea as revolutionary as this?” Dick’s signature Grayson smile did nothing but amplify the irritation felt by the others.
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
Hi, congrats on 2k followers (YIPPEE) i'm once again requesting firefly, And i'd like to be seated in the back rows to see a science-fiction(smut/pwp) w a pretzel (roleplaying) >:)
hehe thank you bug!! i would expect nothing less and i am SO excited to finally indulge this loser in his roleplaying dreams 💚🩷 cw: roleplaying, suggestive puns, suggestive in general duh 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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ok so i definitely think firefly is into roleplaying
mostly because he's such a ham like this guy is so dorky and filled with endless puns
plus he used to work in the movies
it all adds up: he's basically a theatre kid hiding under some mechanical engineering costume
so roleplay would definitely be something he'd not ony be super keen on but also really good at
commitment to the bit, engaging dialogue, playing a part, being a little bit silly with it
those are all things he is very good at, they just come naturally to him
plus with roleplay he can live out any side of the scenario which works for him because i know that man is 100% a switch and will be equally comfortable in a dominant or submissive position regardless of which character he's playing
the only problem is that it might be difficult to get him to take it seriously, so if you're hoping for a sultry, super sexy experience he's likely not the partner you're going to want
his roleplay ideas go a bit further than pretending to be strangers or the classic power play dynamics, you're not going to get to be his nurse or his student or vice versa
and it's not going to be subtle either
no no, you're being handed a costume only to find it's a full fire fighter's suit, nothing revealing or sexy
and then when you return to the room, you'll find him naked, surrounded by candles, the danger of an actual fire looming
"is it hot in here? or is it just me? or is it the potential for a catastrophi fire emergency?"
"wouldn't you rather handle this hose?"
"we can let it burn all night, you've got more important things to focus on"
it's still hot, but it's also fun, and very goofy, which is completely perfect and absolutely expected from him
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like-rain-or-confetti · 7 months
Out the window.
(On my birthday, my gift to you lovelies is a scenario.)
Even Gotham's notorious super villains can tap dance on people's nerves and this isn't the time to be silent.
Scarecrow: You were trying to relax and appreciate some time to yourself where you had no obligations or responsibilities. However, an awful feeling was irritating you by the minute. Specifically the feeling you were being watched. You knew the source though as there, just a few feet away, was Jonathan staring into your very soul. Him being a sociopath and staring at you only made the feeling worse. You sighed and turned to look at him. "I am going to throw you out the bloody window." That was enough to make him break his stare and exhale before busying himself.
The Riddler: You couldn't pick up what he was talking about he talking so fast and not taking a breath. He spent a lot of time talking at you. Not to you. Depending on the day, it could be more annoying than ever. Like now. You slowly stared him down, your blinking becoming less and less frequent. Eventually, he noticed, slowing down as well."I am going to throw you out the bloody window." The Riddler replied without a hitch. "That wouldn't be recommended or productive, my dear." The Riddler replied smoothly.
Black Mask: Roman gets really detailed when it comes to killing. He's a sadist yes, but Roman will absolutely sit there and go into every little detail of his plan to torture. Of course, he decided to talk about that over dinner. He dug into his steak with no issues, a sharp knife in hand as he went into brutal detail of the satisfying noises he can hear whilst peeling someone's face off. "I am going to throw you out the bloody window." You deadpanned and he went still. After a moment he seemed to realise what you were referring to and he burst out laughing. "Putting you off your food, am I?" You clenched your jaw. "You know I was looking forward to this, Roman."
Two-Face: Both alters could speak freely aswell as have their monologues to each other in their heads. Although Harvey said it was easier to speak the conflicting thoughts out loud. The two alters weren't always so in sync and that often meant watching a man argue with himself with two different voices. Both getting faster and louder. The more annoyed he'd get the more dependent on the coin he is. With every flip, an alter got the chance to speak. Heads was Harvey and the scratched up tails side was Harv'. It could be annoying but it was actually more creepy and got more and more aggressive until they noticed you were staring. "I am going to throw you two out the bloody window." You dead panned. Harv' took that much more literally than Harvey.
Firefly: "Oh, look at you, you beautiful, sexy thing. You're just a force to be reckoned with, aren't ya? Don't worry, baby, I'll be real gentle." Firefly was talking to himself as he watched the lit candle, specifically the flame. He felt a pair of eyes on him. He looked over to see you watching him with definite judgement. "I am going to throw you out the bloody window." You deadpanned. "Aw don't worry about it, you can still be my number two?" Firefly offered. "I'll give you two a moment alone. Just don't touch my candle." You replied.
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dailykillermoth · 11 months
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gethrax · 5 months
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My firefly'a uniform/costume has been designed!!! Decided to give him a new helmet and give the older one to firebug lol
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batmanfruitloops · 8 months
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Did an oopsie and overslept after I got home from work, but I offer this warm-up based on a sketch I drew on my lunch.
Lynns is straight up vibing in the inferno that they created,
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acapelladitty · 4 months
Firefly/Killer Moth - Emergence
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Summary - Freshly escaped from Arkham, Drury meets up with an old friend for a new beginning. A lovely valentines gifts for the even lovelier @gethrax who deserves it! ❤️
Even now, hours after both men had started sinking back beers like they were going out of fashion, both Garfield and Drury were maintaining enough restraint to allow for the night to continue long after they were typically passed-out in drunken stupors.
Drury, his hands locked around the neck of the cheap, shitty beer which Garfield preferred, could feel the weariness in his bones as his fingers shook with the mild effort. His escape from Arkham had been a total mess; some damned Joker explosions allowing for those who were in transit between cells to slip away with just a little violence.
The guard he had left unconscious, Mills, wasn’t too bad of a guy. He didn’t have the same power trip as most of the guards and he was a bit more lenient with the blankets when it came to the colder Winter nights. Swigging from his beer, Drury privately hoped that he hadn’t been killed in the ensuing chaos.
Free of that shithole, his first instinct had been to find Garfield and crash with him until things were more settled. A familiar go-to plan which hadn’t failed him yet as he transitioned from his months behind bars. It was never too hard to find Garfield, he was a creature of habit and often haunted the same bars and shitty apartments in the same even more shitty parts of town.
Garfield Lynns.
Drury’s best friend - not that either man would ever vocalise such a thing. They had been very good friends for years now, both men coming up in Gotham at the same time and quickly finding out that real monsters, ones which both tactfully avoided where necessary, shared those same streets. Friends in the game were necessary and their camaraderie was good fortune and little more.
That said, Drury was a man comfortable in his own skin and with that comfort came an acknowledgement that his opinion of Garfield had long been muddied by an unspoken attraction which had planted itself in his mind long ago and never quite withered out.
Garfield was a strong man; his body thick and gnarled like an old tree and Drury had watched that strength in action many times during their time together as Garfield lifted things with an ease that made him envious. His skin was very rarely put on display but in those odd moments where he changed between clothing or was forced into the Arkham showers same as everyone else, Drury had observed him quietly. The scarring was expansive, almost all of Garfield’s skin being an angry shade of mottled red, but beneath the surface damage lay strong muscle and a broad chest that defied any imperfections.
“What’re you thinking about?” A gruff voice interrupted Drury’s thoughts and he startled.
“You look like you’re thinking hard.” Garfield repeated, leaning back on his chair as he adjusted the cuff of his long-sleeve t-shirt.
“Nothing.” Drudy denied quickly. “Just planning what comes next.”
“Well, me case es tu casa until you get sorted. Least I could do.”
“Thanks, Gar. I ‘preciate it.”
Reclining in his own seat, Drury took a moment to glance around the apartment. It was as bare as could be, sad in its own way as there were no personalised touches to indicate that anyone lived there. Casting his gaze over to Garfield, he paused to admire the tight navy blue t-shirt and the dark, comfy pants which wrapped around his thick thighs and calves.
“What do you have coming up?” Drury asked. “Anything planned?”
Tilting his neck until a satisfying pop echoed through the room, Garfield shrugged.
“Got Cobblepot on the horn, asking for some ‘help’ with a little project he has coming up. Says that there are some buildings in need of a kiss from the flames.”
“And he thought you were the man for the job?” Drury chuckled, sarcasm lacing his tone. “I suppose I could see it.”
Expecting a matching chuckle in response but receiving nothing, Drury cast his eyes over to Garfield but frowned as he took in the almost pained expression which graced his features.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Skin feels tight.” Garfield grumbled, rolling his shoulders in position.
“Haven’t been keeping up with it like I should.”
“What do you need?”
“I need to keep up with the cream shit the docs gave me or it gets tight and itchy as hell. Makes it hard to focus, y’know?”
Drury winced at the thought, imagining the discomfort.
“Where do you need to go to get them?” He asked. "I could pic-"
“I have ‘em, I just haven’t been keeping up with putting them on. It’s hard to reach my back without help and it’s not like I have a line of babes waiting their turn.”
“I could do it.”
The offer slips free before Drury can truly think about what he’s saying and an immediate burn alights in his face as he realises the implications of the words. His gaze slips to Garfield with an almost apologetic look as he desperately attempts to reject the phantom sensation of finally getting to run his fingers along the scarred skin.
“Sure.” Garfield says slowly, a strange look crossing his face as he indicates the top drawer of a nearby sideboard. “Just be careful not to drop it. Costs a fucking bomb.”
Drury moves quickly, his heart hammering as an almost surreal sensation sits in his chest. The pot of cream is heavily in his hand as he plucks in free of the rickety drawer and he stands before Garfield with an awkward gait, unsure what to do next.
“So, how do you want to-” Drury trails off, allowing Garfield to set the moment.
With only a slight hesitation as his eyes sweep across Drury, Garfield pulls his long-sleeved t-shirt overhead and drops it in a messy pile to the floor. He moves rapidly, shifting his body from the chair to the corner of the bed in such a way that he can perch over the edge and allow Drury to stand behind him and apply the cream.
“This’ll be fine.” Garfield says, his words low and almost slurred.
Wordlessly, Drury approaches his from behind, drinking in the sight with an almost breathless intensity. Gnarled and pocked, the reddened skin held a texture which made his fingers itch to touch it and his hand shook slightly as he opened the pot of cream. The cream itself was cool and surprisingly thin in consistency and he held a glob of it on his fingers as he carefully placed the pot down on the bed.
The room is painfully silent, as though the air itself knows that some unspoken barrier is about to be breached, and Drury takes a short inhale as he rubs the cream between his hands to warm it up before laying the flats of his palms on Garfield’s back.
The heat is the first thing which he notices. Garfield’s skin is unbelievably warm and it sparks a heat in his own body as he considers how it would feel pressed against his own. Shaking his head to dispel the thoughts, he focuses on the task at hand as he runs his hands along Garfield’s back with a methodical precision to ensure that no area is left untouched by the cream.
“Feels nice.”
Garfield’s words are quiet, so quiet that Drury could choose to ignore them if he wished.
But no.
“I’m trying to be gentle.” He replies, the words coming out in a breathless rush.
“Don’t need to be gentle,” Garfield counters, “and ‘specially not with me.”
Taking the words at face value as his mouth goes dry, his hand presses roughly into Garfield skin, following the natural curve of his shoulder blade and Drury swears he feels his heart stop as a slight groan slips free of Garfield’s lips at the sensation.
As things often do, everything seemed to happen in an instant.
One moment, Drury was still behind Garfield with his hands rolling across the scarred skin and in the time it took him to blink, he found his arm gripped by Garfield’s hands as he used his strength to pull Drury around to fall into his wide lap.
“Gar?!” Drury repeated, the name coming out a little higher than he would have liked.
However, any follow-up to the question was swiftly cut off by the feeling of Garfield’s lips on his own as Garfield pressed him for a gentle, almost questioning kiss. The taste of beer was strong in their mouths and Drury adjusted his body to something more comfortable as he kissed back with a force that surprised even himself.
Vague imagination and fantasy come to fruition, there was no way in hell that Drury was going to pass on the opportunity to finally taste the man who had haunted his thoughts for so many years.
It wasn’t a filthy kiss but it certainly wasn’t chaste either. There was a familiarity to it which made Drury’s heart leap in his chest as the chapped lips of Garfield held the strength and delicious texture which he associated with the other man.
Before too long, they broke apart and Drury met Garfield’s eyes as though seeing him properly for the first time that evening as Garfield opened his mouth.
“How long-”
“Too long.” Drury cut him off, having no interest in explaining his mild pining.
Reaching off to the side as his thick thighs flexed to hold Drury in place, Garfield picked up the remnants of his beer and inclined the neck of the bottle to Drury’s flushed face.
“Like a moth to the flame.”
Sinking the last of his drink, Garfield enjoyed the sting of the beer as it trickled across the scarred skin of his lower lip, the flesh there never quite healing due to its constant movement and overuse. He then dropped the empty bottle back to the floor as his arm returned to support the weight of Drury as he struggled to keep balance on his lap.
A defeated groan filled the air as Drury rubbed at his temple with the lower heel of his hand, tactfully avoiding getting the antiseptic cream over his face.
“Christ, Gar, don’t start with that shit.”
“Why not? Makes me laugh.” Garfield chuckled back, tilting his chest forward to press the wide expanse of his scarred skin against Drury’s t-shirt as he grunted in his ear. “It’s almost romantic in a way.”
“Mmm.” A hummed response as Drury once more went in for a soft kiss, greedily chasing this sudden development with a hidden smile as the reality proved to be much better than anything he had imagined.
A moth to the flame indeed.
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