#for lack of a better tag
joycrispy · 9 months
"I'm a little bemused as to why Crowley should risk destruction for you..."
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As angelic methods of communication go, the bitchy raise of eyebrows is quite versatile. For example, Aziraphale's meant:
"Where the hell have you been? He's pined for me since Eden, and here's you sitting in our car --somehow unaware types were invented the moment he laid eyes on me --he burns his feet on church floors for me-- talking shit."
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mothertkachuker · 4 months
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archie-sunshine · 2 months
c-can we have more wireplay with jak... if ur not busy
always. forever. and always. I LOVE. drawing wireplay with these two.
so here's jak getting a little lesson about what powers what in his body <3
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“Why a temple? Why now?”
She is only a voice, barely a presence, but her notice shakes the mortal beneath her. The reply comes slowly, fearfully:
“Because you are needed. By me. By so many others.”
A goddess can smile even in the silent, sightless nothing. “I have learned to love the little altars, the songs, the stories. But you no longer celebrate your harvests. There is no need for a temple to beg my presence.”
“I am not here for the harvest,” the exhausted mortal speaks. Her voice is painfully familiar, like every human voice, but more so.
“Then why are you here? Why am I here?”
“Because I cannot find my child.”
The goddess opens her eyes. The mortal before her is shaking in her worn down shoes.
“Because you lost your daughter once. Because you did everything to get her back.”
Her gaze is endless, and the silence gaping. But when she replies there is less of divinity and more of hesitance in her voice.
“There are many versions of that story.”
The parent’s eyes are bloodshot, wide awake and stubborn. “But you find her in every single one.”
The goddess lifts her head and looks around. It is a poor excuse for a temple. There are no columns, no statues, no sheaf of wheat, no offerings. Just empty chairs, and coffee cups, marker stained maps, and missing posters lining the walls.
And in the midst of it all, a woman who looks almost too familiar.
A plastic clock ticks to one past one, and the goddess Demeter seats herself under the roof of her new temple, a ripple of blind perseverance and unflinching hope rushing into the night.
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legitimatesatanspawn · 6 months
You know, from an objective standpoint the Pokecenters from Black & White and Pokemon X & Y are the best in terms of in-setting user-friendliness even if I hate the design of XY's Center (too "modern").
There's plenty of seats for weary travelers and people waiting in the center for whatever reason. B&W has what look like a big ol' stack of pamphlets for tourists to look over. There's the Wondertrade and everything at the upper floor, the Pokemart is to the right.
With X&Y you have even more seating on both sides of the building. There's a whole wall of books that could be on anything or be a public library donation thing. Pokemart in the back with a full image display of their goods - presumably this is to show off whatever's on sale or a limited time item. In the back to the left is a dressing room which even setting aside the whole character customization is actually a really good thing in-universe as you have no idea who might've gotten hit by a stray attack or got caught up in an avalanche or something. An area where you can change clothes and maybe clean off a bit is a great idea!
Now we can assume all day long that there's a public access bathroom in any of the Pokecenters, especially in the ones that outright sell drinks beyond the marts (I'm looking at you Sun Moon and Sword Shield), but past XY it looks like they're just doing away with seating. Especially in the case of Scarlet Violet where it's a full on drive-in setup. I'm sure there's all kinds of reasons but I'd love to see more seating and character conveniences.
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mimbotomy · 3 months
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New chapter of the Children of Kephallonia, The Invasion of Paros, is now up! And the above sums things up better than anything else I could say 😂
More fic details below!
The Children of Kephallonia is an Assassin’s Creed Odyssey fic that starts at the beginning of the Korinth storyline, when Kassandra learns that Aspasia sent Phoibe to Monger ruled Korinth and decides she’s never letting her girl be put in danger like that again. And while bringing Phoibe on the Adrestia puts her in a whole new kind of danger, well... at least Kassandra can keep an eye on her.
Phoibe being the Atreus to Kassandra’s Kratos, as we deserved
a hopefully fun new interpretation of Kassandra and Ikaros’ bond
a less fun but arguably more accurate look at Kassandra and Myrrine’s relationship
Kassandra, Barnabas, and Herodotos taking turns with their shared braincell
Lots of references to Kassandra and Phoibe’s life on Kephallonia
Additional backstories for Deimos, Barnabas, Markos, etc.
Kassandra being an legitimate demigod (fuck the Isu) and a slight reinterpretation of the Cult’s MO to match
Lots of ships
fun little notes at the end of each chapter
And most importantly
Kassandra being the very best mom she can be to her beloved baby bird Phoibe
Rating: M
Warnings: Canon Typical Depictions of Violence, Mild Sexual Content, and the occasional vague reference to attempted or threatened sexual assault
Romantic Relationships: Kassandra/Brasidas, Kassandra/Daphnae, Kassandra/Alkibiades, Kassandra/Kyra/Thaletas, and Kassandra/Anais
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lizadale · 1 year
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p5x-theories · 2 months
A brief video of calling cards falling that plays before transitioning into the calling card one. The cards appear to say "IMPORTANT INFORMATION 4/12", with some Chinese text underneath, with the logo on the other side.
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This is mostly a tangent but I do think it's kind of interesting how two of the three examples here immediately cause ideas of cosmic horror to spring to my mind, despite the Holmes canon being a generally pretty grounded setting. The boat I can rationalize as just having sunk, but the idea of someone ducking through their front door for a second and disappearing forever or going mad with only a weird worm as evidence to the cause, while not especially gruesome fates, just gives me the chills.
I guess it comes down to that thesis that cosmic horror is ultimately horror that plays on our fear of unknowns.
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joycrispy · 3 months
If I am nothing else to any of you, let me be a living reminder that recovery is worth sticking it out for.
I can't even talk about how bad it got without having to add goddamn content warnings to my post. But now all that is just...over. It ended. And now I'm happy and at peace EVERY DAY, and working on things that felt literally impossible this time last year.
I promise you, it's going to be worth it! Keep going!! Keep going!!
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mygeekcorner · 2 months
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Saw some pretty moss on my way to work this week :3
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archie-sunshine · 4 months
Fellas is it sexual to leak saliva all over your scientist "friend's" hands?
its not sexual as long as you don't fantasize too much about it later!!!
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ladytemeraire · 9 months
My parents have been living separately for a bit now due to kitchen reno reasons (mom living with grandparents, dad staying at home bc he works stupid long hours anyway and this way his snoring and early get-up doesn't wake anyone up)
And like, it was nice to talk to him for several hours this evening, but hoo fucking boy do I have some feelings about my 60+ year old father saying he's "finally getting good at" laundry and dishes and similar chores
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orangetubor · 1 month
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A collection of 1930s Tam Toms
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tereox · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox & Original Clone Trooper Character(s) Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CT-5906 | Thread, Coruscant Guard Clone Troopers (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Early Clone Wars, Coruscant Guard (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers-centric (Star Wars), Sleep Deprivation, Trouble Sleeping, author had a headache writing and editing this, coherence is overrated, Hurt/Comfort, Coruscant Guard Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox Needs A Nap, coruscant guard troopers need sleep, Fox ensures they do, Corrie CMO Thread, (watch me forget about that tag next time I write about them), Nonbinary Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Trans Clone Troopers (Star Wars) 
Summary: Fresh off Kamino, the newly dubbed Coruscant Guards struggle with sleep. It takes a certain sleep-deprived Commander to find the source of the problem.
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mimbotomy · 7 months
I am high on weed and NyQuil and yet am still awake because a bad cough and a fever and for some reason decided it was a good idea to read the AC Odyssey Novelization! Here are some random things that stuck out that I think you should know:
Kassandra’s hears Nikolaos’ lessons in her head throughout the book.
She also loves Phoibe so much but tries so hard to pretend she doesn’t because her mother told her that love is weakness when she was a kid.
Kassandra finds Ikaros as a hatchling taking shelter among the bones at the bottom of Mount Taygetos.
It’s mostly from Kassandra’s POV but there’s some other brief POVs too. The Cult POVs seem to exist pretty much make sure that the reader knows they’re like super fucking evil and Stentor’s few POVs are mostly to bitch about Kassandra.
In one of his less bitchy POVs it’s revealed that a Spartan soldier in Megaris tried to grab Kassandra and kiss her and she either full on broke or just badly bruised his jaw
Building off that sorta, the only person Kassandra even kisses is Alkibiades at the symposium, and mostly to get information.
Nikolaos’ fate is left ambiguous for a long time.
Someone mocks Barnabas’ storytelling in line to see the Oracle and Herodotos later sets the guards on him to provide a distraction so Kassandra can sneak back and talk with the Oracle more.
The Cultists are way less protective of their identities in Delphi and way more obvious with their plans to get rid of Deimos. Also, Kassandra kills a lot of them on accident.
Aspasia keeps Kassandra from drinking poisoned wine, courtesy of Hermippos, at the symposium and helps her escape Athens
Chrysis is killed by her own biological son, the priest Dolpos who helped Myrrine, in revenge for both taking his tongue and killing countless children over the years.
Kassandra and Brasidas’ super badass warehouse fight doesn’t happen. Instead they are discovered by the Monger and taken captive and rescued by two heterae prisoners after the Monger burns Kassandra’s legs with an iron poker.
Phoibe dies playing hide and seek with Kassandra as they escort Perikles to see the Parthenon one last time and Kassandra first realizes something is wrong because she can’t hear Phoibe’s giggles anymore 😭
The first time Kassandra cries after that night on Taygetos is when Phoibe dies.
Aspasia only fully decides to leave the cult after Perikles’ death.
Pausanias’ super secret cult nickname is the Red Eyed Lion and he is uncovered because of a wine stained map or letter or something and a ring seal of a lion and some other super circumstantial evidence.
When they return to Sparta, Barnabas and the crew somehow temporarily sink the Adrestia in a cove to keep from being spotted by Spartan scouts.
The Kos and Arkadia storylines don’t happen at all and the Olympics happen after Kassandra and Myrrine already got their house.
At one point, Kassandra refers to her new family as Myrrine, Barnabas, Herotodos, and Brasidas, which made my shipper heart happy. Then in that same paragraph she refers to Herodotos and Brasidas as something like proud uncles, so we’re pretending that doesn’t exist
Kassandra is imprisoned in Athens for months and like in the game, is “rescued” by Barnabas and Sokrates. Barnabas still has his shovel but Sokrates has a broom instead of a pitchfork.
Also, there’s a small subplot about the woman Barnabas has a fling with on Naxos and her husband who Herodotos met that visited Thera. He’s being tortured by the Cult when Kassandra is imprisoned in Athens and is brutally murdered when he refuses to tell them anything.
Kleon was 100% planing to kill Deimos at Amphipolis.
Brasidas basically dies telling Kassandra how happy he is to see her what the fuck???
A lot of the confrontation on Taygetos is the same as the good ending of the game, where Deimos tells Kassandra that he’s done terrible things. But he also tells her that he can’t change no matter how much he wants to while preparing to throw a knife at Myrrine so she kills him.
Nikolaos and Stentor watch Alexios’ funeral at a distance until Kassandra and Myrrine invite them to join them for dinner.
Kassandra doesn’t fight the Minotaur and Co. but is just given the staff by Pythagoras, who talks to her after his death through the pyramid.
Aspasia’s fate is somewhat left ambiguous in the end because Kassandra’s focused too much on the vision from the pyramid.
Overall, it read a little bit like a weird fanfic! I saw glimpses of the characters we love from the game but since the author cut out such big pieces of the plot and every side quest - which makes sense since it was a very short book - we didn’t get to see too much of them either. Except for Kassandra, who is a lot more no nonsense than I imagine her as. There’s no flirting or and very little joking, but I really liked her resourcefulness and unique fighting style. And her love for Phoibe and her family that shines like a beacon throughout the entire book, from the very beginner where her mother tells her it is unspartan to love. Of course, our lovely Kassandra is a lover and a fighter and that does not change no matter what ❤️
Hope this list helps some of my fellow lovely wonderful odyssey fic writers I love you all so much you beautiful souls 😘😘😘
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