#family dynamics
goldenheart-supremacy · 10 months
@mvjerbs thought you should see this
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
Out of context reimagined parts from my new #HHStargazersAU!
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⚠️ TW: Nerdy word vomit about my coloring choices ahead:
My take on human Chaggie & Radioapple's color scheme! Yes. I headcanon the Magnes as beautiful blondes with just as beautiful brown eyes. Because there's no WAY warm red & yellows translate to cool baby blues! If anything, Vaggie's eyes would be the lighter shade. (At least in my AU.) Because her canon eyes are white and I think the dark skin contrast nicely with blue. As for Alastor's green... Look. Give me a chance! I swear I can later explain it through lore!
As for their clothes, I just chose hell's red for Charline, heavenly hues for Vaggie, earthy colors for Alastor to balance the green (with some white rather than black to show his employment under the Magnes), and pastels for Lucius (though out of everyone in my story, he may undergo the most palette switches. Just saying).
Spoiler for my recent comic update: As you can see, Vaggie & Alastor's human disguises aren't perfect. Thus some parts of their hair remain unchanged. Vaggie's ineffable white bangs and Alastor's brown-passing too-vibrant red hair (which mind you, was a difficult balance to achieve. Specially to match the greens-) still ever so distinct. People think they dyed it, but I assure you, it's all natural~! Along with their near supernatural ability to charm. Lol. -Bubbly💙
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sagesreverie · 3 months
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tiredwriter888 · 1 year
So glad their dynamic was “emotionally repressed disaster lesbian, her chaotic golden retriever bi, and their divinium filled himbo” instead of the love triangle I thought it was gonna be.
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shyjusticewarrior · 21 days
Dick: You're so annoying!
Jason: Good!
Jason: ... Forgive me?
Dick: Hm? Yeah, I already did.
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angelsdean · 10 months
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the winchester sons + sports: It's about how sports --often baseball in particular-- represent normal. The first thing John says to Dean is if Sam is ready to toss a ball around. Then we see the sports-themed mobile above Sam's crib, specifically featuring baseball objects. John tries to entice Dean to talk and be "normal" again post-Mary with a baseball. Bobby forgoes hunting practice to just play catch with Dean and let him be a normal kid. Twelve year old dean considers joining the baseball team when they finally stick around somewhere for a longer stretch of time. But there are no trophies in John's storage locker from Dean's baseball games. We wonder if he ever joined the team at all. What Dean does find from when he was twelve is his first sawed-off. What represents dean's childhood? a gun. Dean kills someone for the first time when he is twelve. When Adam is twelve John starts visiting him and taking him to baseball games. When Sam is twelve he is on the soccer team. That same year, 1995, Dean is abandoned by John and experiences being a normal kid. He wins the state wrestling championship. Sonny proudly displays the award on his wall nearly two decades later.
[ 1x01, John's Journal, 3x03, 7x10, spn wiki, 4x19, 3x03 outline, 9x07 ]
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magnetothemagnificent · 9 months
A reminder for anyone (including myself) who might need it:
In order to break the cycle of dysfunctional immediate families, you need cooperation with your family. It's not on you alone.
If there's a toxic cycle of broken parent-child relationships, it's not your job to maintain a harmful relationship with your parent/s to "break the cycle".
If there's a toxic cycle of broken sibling relationships, it's not your job to maintain a harmful relationship with your sibling/s to "break the cycle".
You need more than one person to heal interfamilial estrangement and dysfunction. It's not on you alone. If your parent/s or sibling/s don't also put in an effort to break the cycle, it won't be broken.
Taking on the burden all on your own won't fix anything and will just lead to more hurt.
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damian wayne is an emotionally stunted child, that much is true. irrevocably so, even. and yeah, most of it is due to the leagues influence and training especially in his formative years, but also bruce wayne (or even dick grayson) is not an emotionally-responsible poster child.
in a way, his negative behaviors are reinforced through bruce and dick’s (and possibly alfred’s?) way of parenting him. (lack of deeper conversation, not setting healthy boundaries or expectations, not setting consequences or explaining why his actions were wrong, etc) and yeah he’s an assassin child, he’s not going to be the paradigm of mentally and socially stable, but they way they handle it is a disservice not only to him, but also to those who face the brunt of his actions.
that leads to one tim drake. he was robin when damian was brought into the family so naturally that’s where a large bit of his own insecurity of his place in the family (because he focuses on securing his spot in the family, rather than looking around and realizing he had one as soon as he was introduced to bruce wayne; again tho not his fault) is focused on. it’s a disservice to tim because he keeps getting the shitty end of the deal, while damian faces no real or meaningful consequences. on top of this, he receives no real apologies from either damian or the adults in their lives who are supposed to protect them.
(and yeah they’re teenaged vigilantes, there’s only so much danger the adults can protect them from but a better effort could be made easily.)
not only does this hurt the future social and familial relationships of damian but ALSO tim. it gives tim a reason to feel mistrust in not only his brothers but also the adults in his life. i see a lot of people defending damian (in relation to tim) by saying “he’s a kid, he was trained by the league of assassins, it’s not his fault, he’s just trying to find his place.” and to some extent they’re not wrong, but they’re also neglecting the fact that TIM is also just a kid. not only was he just a kid, but a emotionally (and physically) neglected kid. these behaviors could set him back emotionally as well.
it is important to remember that this isn’t necessarily damian’s fault. his actions? yes. should he take responsibility for them and own up to his mistakes? also yes. but i can also acknowledge that he’s a teenager— a young one at that. mistakes are going to be made, but it’s also the adults’ responsibility in his life to make him understand the weight of his actions and their consequences for others.
granted, these are fictional characters so take everything i say with a grain of salt, this is just stuff i’ve been thinking on when interacting with the fandom (specifically focused on the realm of fannon) anyways sorry for the essay
tldr: damian and tim are somehow both failed by the adults around them, even after leaving one shitty environment for a better one. it’s not their faults entirely, outside factors, especially in the forms of guardians, also play a role.
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d4isywhims · 5 months
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we keep this love in a photograph,
we made these memories for ourselves.
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gibsonsgirl · 2 years
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it’s something that can be so personal
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More of whatever Silco and Jinx had going on actually. Familial relationships that are fucked up and and manipulative but in which the people really do love each other deep down are way underused in fiction. Like we have plenty of romantic relationships like that but you don't often see this, they chose each other, and they're terrible for each other, but they really do care, sort of relationship in the context of family.
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Whump Prompt #1323
Anon asked:
Do you have any prompts for a usually funny and hides insecurity behind humour/a strong character being poisoned/drugged and being forced to be vulnerable around others? Usually they’d always have a joke or a bright idea on their tongue, but now they can’t really form coherent sentences right now as they’re delirious.
I have a few - great concept!
I can imagine that it's deeply unsettling for the caretakers to experience this at the very least. Because it's so out of character for them.
^ As a result of this, maybe the whumpee tries to escape medical/hide away to avoid subjecting the caretakers to this. Despite how upsetting the situation is, the caretakers are more overrun by worry than being put off by the whumpee.
I like the idea of the whumpee becoming frustrated, because their brain is working at a snails pace, they're struggling to be understood, they're uncomfortable and unwell, but it feels like everyone is crowding them. It gets a bit much for them.
"[whumpee]'s quiet." It's two words that have the other caretakers stop in their tracks. Quiet and [whumpee] do not go together.
Maybe in a fit of delirium, they reveal things about themselves/their past that they've kept to themselves all these years.
^ bonus points if it's their insecurities. The caretaker could say something along the lines of "...you're kind and funny...", to which the whumpee responds: "I have to be... if not you'll realise just how useless I am and you'll want me off the team."
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cowboylikevee · 19 days
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dean was holding sam so gently… he loves his little brother so much, im sick.
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ramjam-jamming · 1 year
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This is my favorite type of trio, just
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Peak chosen family. Peak dynamic. Just great overall 10/10.
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lukas-dusk · 23 days
Jack : The floor's lava!
Castiel : *helping Dean onto the table*
Gabriel : *kicks Sam off the sofa*
Charlie : There are two types of boyfriends.
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dykeydean · 4 months
real men don't flinch or bleed in public, oh, i think i'm a real man.
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