diabolichare · 4 months
Is this courtship?
Danny is going to Gotham for his scholarship.
Good news! There's another halfa in the city, and he seems to be a good guy. Bad news: the nearest path to his university is through that halfta's haunt. He could take the long way around, but the costs would be more than his budget can handle, and he'd like to avoid dealing with a pissed-off Red Hood.
Hopefully the offerings will be enough to sate his annoyance (and help maybe, god that man has the most malnourished core he's ever seen).
Jason is getting incredibly confused over the strange gift baskets that keep appearing on his patrol routes.
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psykerberserker · 8 years
tfw some of the spam in Elstag is actually triggering... tfw seeing it x times despite flagging them makes that feeling grow cringes
Timezones are weird tfw I dont even know Add’s birthday anymore I thought it was the 2nd then you realize everywhere else in the world is xhrs ahead of you bc yer behind everyone so
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRASHBAGS @mymastermine @dieabolic-esper
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diabolichare · 1 month
Familar Stranger
DP x DC au with a dash of dimensional travel where Danny, due to his ghostly nature, looks slightly different depending on how others perceive him. 
Warning: OP has no knowledge of space other than Google and is also a non-native English speaker; proceed with caution.
Same startup kits; Danny becomes the successor to the Infinity Realm (he's a baby by both ghost and human standards, so there's a temporary council for now). Anyway, he still has some power over the ghosts, so he asks them to lessen the amount of fighting to focus on schoolwork and "princely education." 
Now here's where my brainrot begins.
The Lazarus Pits, necromantic rituals, or portals of any kind that have "death" or "soul" in them tend to be connected to the Ghost Zone. However, the zone has its own defensive mechanism, so unless someone *Fentons* actively makes a gateway or has "experienced" death, it's nearly impossible to come upon the zone. A certain furry bridage in Gotham has unknowingly ticked all the checkboxes.
During a misson, one of the bats got caught in a magic situation and got transported to the Infinity Realms. They wandered around, dogding ghosts, slowly getting insane from all these damn corridors and living paintings, before they stumbled upon a seemingly random door (CW is involved; he's having a great time testing the poor bat).
Opening the door leads them to the universe. They closed the door, then opened it again. Yep, that's an entire universe complete with its own planetary systems and, oh, so pretty stars growing and dying in a blink of an eye. Another check around shows them that this is the only door so far in the endlessly long hallway. They look down (if there's even a down, for there's only infinity) and take an experimental step. The Milky Way lit up under their feet, with stars gathering around to form a twisting path to nowhere. 
For the next couple of hours, days, or minutes, they made their way through the galaxies. Just when they were about to spiral into a midlife crisis, they heard... humming? 
Did they finally lose it? They asked themselves before noticing a glowing figure sitting on an asteroid nearby.
The figure flinched, and life paused. The blackhole by their left stopped spinning, the stars weren't twinkling, and the figure turned their head. Now it's their blood that runs cold.
"You're not supposed to be here."
Lazarus-colored orbs stared back at them with a familiar face but an unfamiliar voice. Damian tilted his head, looking at them in confusion (there's something wrong, wrong, wrong-). They blinked because, what the hell, seeing something other than a scowl on the boy's face is WeirdTM. Suddenly, that's a teenaged Jason staring at them, much closer than he(?) was before.
At this point, they realized— eyes moving over the entire regalia and the glowing crown that just appeared—they're probably in deep sh*t.
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diabolichare · 3 months
Uno reverse summon
I have seen a lot of fics where someone summons Danny, but what if it's reversed?
Danny is caught by a cult or something in Amity Park (having multiple ghost hunters tends to drive the magical communities away), so by the time he got out of shock, they had already put him in a chalk circle. He doesn't know who or what they are trying to call, but the vibe was bad. As the circle under him glows, Danny panics, deciding whether he should turn ghost or not. He wishes really hard for someone to come help him.
The thing is, Danny was crowned a few days ago; his wish, powered by pure intentions and ectoplasm, called for someone who would be most suited for this situation.
Enter one Jason Todd, who was having a fine night, blinked and suddenly found himself in some basement with cultists and one clearly-a-sacrifice kid.
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psykerberserker · 9 years
kira-namitsu reblogged your post Dude, nothing is more fun then casual ... and added:
Good night sir/ma’am~~~ LOL
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psykerberserker · 9 years
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Our relationship in a nutshell
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